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Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:01
Councillor Ogin. 00:00:03
Councillor Partridge here. 00:00:05
Councillor Romero here. 00:00:08
Councillor Salomi. 00:00:10
We do have a. 00:00:12
In honor of President Trump will all rise into the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:13
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:19
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:25
I invited Bezos and. 00:00:32
Musk and those they won't come. They won't come to our meeting. 00:00:35
This They were at the White House, I guess. 00:00:38
OK, Mr. Romero. 00:00:42
We approve the consent agenda as presented. Discussion. 00:00:46
All in favor, aye? 00:00:52
All right with this. 00:00:55
Move straight ahead to public forum. 00:00:58
We've got. 00:01:01
An honorable representative from the Co-op. 00:01:03
Come on up. 00:01:07
He's making the round, so you're very impressed and. 00:01:09
Happy to have a new. 00:01:13
Co-op manager come up to the dais and tell us about yourself and. 00:01:14
How much you're going to help the city of Socorro? 00:01:19
All right. Well, thank you all for inviting me, first of all. 00:01:22
Very excited to be here. The welcoming since day one has just been overwhelming. 00:01:26
The second day. 00:01:31
On the job, I met with the mayor and his team. 00:01:33
And there had legitimate questions that should have been asked or should have been answered. 00:01:36
So this week Thursday I'm meeting with tri-state and then I'll be following up. 00:01:40
Probably next week when I have more information, but things are looking pretty promising. I have to tell you, I was. 00:01:44
Very happy to meet you, we had a great discussion. 00:01:50
And you know you can answer them one way or the other. That's great. 00:01:53
Thank you for trying to answer them. 00:01:57
The first question I had from you. 00:02:00
Was how much was your electric Co-op in Wilcox? 00:02:02
Sulphur Springs electric charging. 00:02:05
The last. 00:02:08
Guy that heads your job. 00:02:09
I don't know, I just. 00:02:12
You answered it right away. 00:02:13
You know, so I'm impressed. I really. 00:02:16
I hope we continue our relationship. 00:02:19
And have it grown and we can kind of cancel all the conflicts we've had. But tell us about yourself. And well, I was born and 00:02:21
raised in Wilcox, Arizona so I'll always call us a non politically correct name. We're weirdos because small town is what we enjoy 00:02:26
and what we love. 00:02:31
So when I looked around here, I don't see these big glamorous buildings you see. 00:02:37
People that know each other, families, homesteading and just small town rural America that we just, you know, you gotta love these 00:02:41
areas. 00:02:46
Wilcox is half the size of Socorro. 00:02:52
But the welcoming of God. 00:02:56
I didn't even want to go back to Wilcox this past weekend, but I had to get a Social Security card because from the community we 00:02:58
just did a Toys for Tots. 00:03:02
With Chief Garcia and two hours and 40 minutes we had the trucks so filled up with toys. 00:03:07
We had to leave because we didn't have other vehicles to bring because they were out. Toys would have been falling over. 00:03:12
And then we were able to deliver those, but. 00:03:18
Anyways, I was born and raised in Wilcox. I spent 30 years. 00:03:20
At the electric cooperative there in about 20-4 years. 00:03:24
Ten months in Marine Corps, both reserve and active duty deployed in support of combat operations. Three times Iraq. 00:03:28
Djibouti, Africa security operations and then. 00:03:36
The most recent deployment was in Afghanistan 2011 to 2012 for the war in Afghanistan. 00:03:39
So I'm totally, totally small town. 00:03:46
And it's just been overwhelming talking to the community. 00:03:48
Meeting with the BLM. 00:03:52
Got a meeting scheduled with the. 00:03:54
New Mexico tech president. 00:03:57
I believe next week tri-state to talk about the bring your own resources which. 00:03:59
Again, that should have been answered. That's not. 00:04:03
That difficult to answer. It's just going to get, you know, get to work on it. 00:04:06
As far as the relationship. 00:04:10
Our seven cooperative principle is concerned for the community and as being a trusted partner. 00:04:12
With entities like the City of the Coral, the mayor and anybody else who needs our assistance. 00:04:18
So that's what you're going to deliver, so. 00:04:24
I know the mayor said I didn't make any promises, but I do promise. 00:04:26
A relationship dialogue and anything we can assist with, we're going to start with yes. 00:04:30
So please don't hesitate to call us because we want to be involved. 00:04:35
So we're looking very well, very much forward. 00:04:38
But I see it's a core electric cooperative that is 34 highly committed. 00:04:41
Team members there. 00:04:46
They love their job and they want to be great. 00:04:48
I'll just tell you they didn't have the best environment. So that is my job to bring that environment and. 00:04:50
I'm not gonna take no for an answer. You must be happy when you come to work as a core electric call. That happiness should extend 00:04:56
to the community and when you want to be happy. 00:05:01
And respect. 00:05:06
Just love the small communities, it makes it very easy to do. 00:05:08
Does anybody have any questions that I can answer? 00:05:12
Let's go again. 00:05:15
Why do you choose Sakura? 00:05:18
So I wanted. 00:05:20
There was 2 choices that I wanted. 00:05:21
And that was either New Mexico or Texas. 00:05:23
There was two cooperatives that came open and I interviewed for both of them and both boards. 00:05:26
Reverting a pianist and wanted me to wait. 00:05:30
I wanted to keep kind of close to Wilcox and I wanted more of a challenge. 00:05:33
I was the vice president of Technical services. 00:05:37
And. 00:05:40
For my nature, for what I like, I like to be busy. I like challenges. 00:05:42
Especially when it comes to leadership and serving employees. 00:05:46
And then that return is great service to the community. 00:05:50
So my last 10 to 13 years of my career goal which? 00:05:54
Having deployed and made it back while I lost friends was the epitome of the climax of my life and careers. I thought, I'm done. 00:05:58
But I said well. 00:06:06
This is too easy now. 00:06:08
Who worked? We created great leaders, did a great turnover at the old Co-op. 00:06:10
I wanted to find a community. 00:06:14
That I could give the last 10 to 13 years of serving them with all the experience I had and then working with the tight knit team. 00:06:17
So that's why I selected super and have questions. You're like, hey. 00:06:23
I don't know if it's you're too ugly or too flashy to stay here and support. You're worried about me leaving, I said. Listen. 00:06:28
I'm going nowhere. 00:06:33
You know, there's the board does have a say on it. 00:06:35
They can tell me, hey, you're out of here or in one year I'm going to approach the employees and ask them. 00:06:38
Did we accomplish what we said we would in one year? 00:06:43
And if they say yes we did, then I'm going to say if not, that's that's the only two reasons I would resign. 00:06:47
Welcome. That's why I chose the call. 00:06:52
Just the community, First of all, thank you for your service. 00:06:55
What I just want to know what your. 00:07:01
Philosophy is on. 00:07:04
Industrial rates. 00:07:06
Or attracting maybe some manufacturing companies to come into Socorro? What are your thoughts on on doing something like that? 00:07:07
Think we got? 00:07:16
Kind of caught up in that we have a lot of service industry here in Socorro. 00:07:17
And we know that those service industries can pass the electric rate to their customer. 00:07:21
But we are looking for a sustainable manufacturing small little business to start. We had one at Solero. They were doing pretty 00:07:27
good. 00:07:32
That one kind of went sideways, but what's your what's your thoughts on that so. 00:07:36
The way that cooperatives are set up, all our tariffs, our rates are filed with the PRC, so it's approved by them. 00:07:41
So once that's followed on there, it's hard to change those things. It's not impossible. 00:07:48
So I believe in. 00:07:53
Economic development on given whatever the coop can assist in, whether it's deposits, whether it's looking at certain models 00:07:55
aligned or underground free. 00:07:59
Because if you think about it. 00:08:05
Although it looks like you're losing money, that's. 00:08:07
One, you're offsetting some of their initial cost, but also that's going to be members. 00:08:10
That are hiring people. 00:08:15
They're going to employ, you know, industrial, you're employing more than one person, so that's great for the economy. 00:08:18
The PRC and the race we have filed does require us to look at it and if you violate it, you could be in violation of. 00:08:23
What you actually found, however. 00:08:30
You don't stay locked to those things. You look and you assess what's going on and if you can make those adjustments to support 00:08:32
economic growth and you do it. 00:08:36
It's just the ideas and to know, hey, what's coming in. 00:08:40
For example. 00:08:43
There's been a change in the administration, so it looks favorable for natural gas and different things like that. 00:08:45
You can invest a lot of money or say you you. 00:08:51
Make some exceptions. 00:08:54
And it costs a lot of money. And then things change if the administration change in four years, where now they dial it back. 00:08:56
The coop loses a lot of money when I say Co-op its members. 00:09:03
So everybody in here most likely lives on Co-op lines. So it's a member. 00:09:06
Your accounting on the board and us to make those good financial decisions. 00:09:10
It's no different than a board or something you're doing for the city. 00:09:15
But we don't want to. I always try to start with yes. 00:09:18
Take it back and look at it with your tariffs and there's something we need to file and change then. 00:09:21
You know, we'll take those steps. 00:09:26
But instead of just saying no or just completely. 00:09:28
Isolate yourself or. 00:09:30
Given the appearance that you're not business friendly or economic growth friendly, that's just not the way to be. 00:09:32
Does that answer your questions? Yes, Mr. Salome, Mr. Gonzalez. 00:09:38
If you look. 00:09:42
At the settlement that PRC did. 00:09:44
I don't know if you looked at last week, the $948,000 yes, no and we don't agree, we don't want. 00:09:48
Unless it comes out of your pocket, we don't want the, we don't want the users to pay for it. But the but the specifics of that. 00:09:55
Of that suit. 00:10:04
But the PRC said, and correct me if I'm wrong, polo or don't. 00:10:06
They said you need to develop economic rates. 00:10:10
I don't know if you read it, I read the whole thing, but it said you were supposed to. 00:10:13
Develop economic rates. So what Mr. Salome is saying, and you said you look into it says you have to do that. Yeah, the PRC is the 00:10:17
regulators and they said. 00:10:22
The other thing they said is do you need to give US-led lighting rates? So there are some. Those are the two specific things I 00:10:26
know they said. 00:10:30
And that's the suit that they took, the Supreme Court. 00:10:33
That that said, PRC had no right to tell her what to do. 00:10:36
Supreme Court said no, that's not true. 00:10:40
Here PRC sets the rules. 00:10:43
And they on top of that, they find them over 900. 00:10:46
Maybe a million to whatever is going to be. 00:10:50
For not listening to what the PRC said. 00:10:53
But in that suit, that does say. 00:10:56
That the club needs to develop economic rates and so I hope you look at that and and. 00:10:59
Maybe try to develop those. I mean, not that we've got somebody knocking on the door trying to come in and start a manufacturing, 00:11:05
but. 00:11:07
But that's one of the things. The LED lighting is another thing, and I have to tell you have been very helpful. 00:11:10
And I have to thank Mr. Anaya, the Chairman and I, who actually. 00:11:16
Started that ball rolling by asking for a meeting when I appreciate that. 00:11:19
I just want to say that that's in the ruling. 00:11:24
Yeah, I'm currently waiting for the actual hearing, but I received 2 updated documents. 00:11:26
I read both of them, but tell your lawyers that is gratis from now on. Don't have them make don't have them charge you. 00:11:31
Because they've done a terrible job, by the way. 00:11:37
Just to accomplish, first of all, welcome and thank you for your service. How much experience do you have with renewable energy 00:11:41
and. 00:11:45
And what are your thoughts on that? We set records in Arizona for renewables that I happen to be the department I have. 00:11:49
Which was we took over. 00:11:57
We had a one MW solar on the South end of our service and then a month one MW on the North End. 00:11:59
And then we just. 00:12:08
Installed a 20 MW solar and then a twenty MW battery with a brand new substation. 00:12:09
So we're very familiar with. 00:12:15
Renewable. So we take the all, all and above approach of renewables. 00:12:16
Or you have to be careful is. 00:12:21
They don't fast ramp. 00:12:23
So for example, the battery stores, it looked just tremendous. 00:12:24
The technology is not 100% yet. 00:12:28
For solar you got to have sun. 00:12:31
And when that sun disappears, you have to have the type of Elmar 6000 units or something equivalent to that that can ramp up 00:12:33
quickly so you don't lose power. 00:12:38
You gotta be careful rendering people vulnerable when you're. 00:12:44
You know, you're maybe going too aggressive on renewables. We know they work. We know they need the sun or wind in that case, so. 00:12:48
You got to put the perfect studies into them. 00:12:57
You've got to use the team and it is possible for renewals, renewables. 00:12:59
And Mr. Let me add something to that. 00:13:04
You know Chris Martinez. 00:13:08
Remember Chris? 00:13:09
Columbus, you know, Chris is. 00:13:12
From here, his dad used to work for the city. He works for Columbus. Yeah, but he's a he's a manager. No, I'm going to get to 00:13:16
that. I'm just trying to remind people who he is. 00:13:21
And did it work for the? 00:13:26
Here, I'm not sure you remember John Martinez is his brother who does security cameras. 00:13:28
But Chris is the manager at Columbus Electric. 00:13:35
Columbus Electric. 00:13:38
Doesn't supply Deming, it supplies its supplies. 00:13:39
The pecan orchards and and the and the farming and when he mentioned. 00:13:43
Bring you on. 00:13:50
There was a. There was a. 00:13:51
A program. 00:13:53
And it's actually sunsetted, I think, so to speak, I have to use that it's sunsetted. 00:13:57
That you could bring your own. 00:14:02
Solar. 00:14:04
Up to 40%. 00:14:06
To your electric grid. 00:14:09
So I was talking to Chris about this and what the Columbus Electric did at the time when we actually mentioned it to the on the 00:14:11
previous manager. 00:14:15
That perhaps they should look into electric is that he bought 2%. 00:14:19
Of solar electricity. 00:14:23
Not that they've built their own solar array. 00:14:25
But in Tucson, I thought, maybe it's around Tucson, there's a grid. 00:14:28
That put together 250 megawatts of solar. 00:14:32
And so he bought 2% of that. 00:14:36
Through Columbus Electric. 00:14:38
So that they would supply and what you have to do is you have to bid on how much you'll pick them for the solar. 00:14:40
And it was a bidding process. 00:14:46
I can't remember the amount that he paid. 00:14:48
But that then got integrated. 00:14:51
Into the electric that he buys and I guess he buys from tri-state also. 00:14:53
But there was a window. 00:14:58
That this. 00:14:59
Passed up and we talked about this to him. 00:15:01
And the word is bring your own. 00:15:03
Which means you can bring your own. You can either build a solar plant yourself. 00:15:06
Or you can buy into a solar. 00:15:09
That just put it in the grid. Everything goes around in the same grid. 00:15:12
But he actually bought 2% of them. 00:15:16
And so that then it got integrated with the rates of tri-state. 00:15:18
And we had been trying and trying and trying to talk to the. 00:15:23
The court and the. 00:15:26
You know, I'm really glad we're talking and you know, his Co-op is like a was it 400 million? 00:15:28
Yes, the coop that it came from is a $400 million golf. 00:15:33
And he was the vice president of technology. 00:15:37
So, you know, I think he comes from a. 00:15:40
I think and I hope that he comes from a. 00:15:42
A place where we are looking into innovation. 00:15:45
Yeah, we actually partnered with schools. This was. 00:15:49
At that time I was a journal and technician wiring. 00:15:52
The major services for the solar. 00:15:56
At the parking lots and multiple schools in southeastern Arizona. 00:15:59
There's a social economic justice tool that you bring up, Socorro. 00:16:03
And you can see all the metrics where we meet. 00:16:07
All these different. 00:16:10
And I was surprised to come here and not see any of that. 00:16:12
Because that's free money. I mean, you got to get to work and do it, but. 00:16:15
It's doable. Other other places are doing it and. 00:16:18
That's one thing that was disappointed that I didn't see that here, that partnership opportunity. 00:16:22
So. 00:16:27
That's what we're going to meet about on Thursday, so I'm hoping I'm keeping my fingers crossed it. 00:16:30
It's not too late because this morning. 00:16:34
I haven't validated myself but I heard they were dialing back. 00:16:36
Some of the. 00:16:40
Money for. 00:16:42
You know, renewable. 00:16:44
And I think it. 00:16:46
Well, the the you know, on a smaller scale for sure, not businesses or coops purchasing renewable energy. 00:16:49
You know you if you look around town. We live in a desert and. 00:16:54
This is one of the few towns you look around in residential you don't see as many solar panels up on roofs that you see in other 00:16:58
towns that are within 30 to 45 minutes from here. 00:17:03
And um. 00:17:08
You know, I've, I've dealt with them quite a bit and I've talked to. 00:17:09
And I'm in the business of, you know, dealing with homeowners all the time. And when you do your math, and I'm one that did my 00:17:13
math, but you know, we just, we decided to try to do what we could do to put solar on our home. 00:17:19
And golly like the amount that we get paid per kilowatt. I don't even, I don't want to quote it, but I did the math a couple years 00:17:26
back. 00:17:30
And if it was in it, if it was in Los Lunas or Albuquerque or anywhere S, the amount of credit were actually being paid per kWh, 00:17:34
whatever that is. 00:17:38
It's like a. It's like. 00:17:43
It's like you're penalizing yourself for doing it here. I mean, really? And then to have different rules for commercial buildings 00:17:45
where there's commercial property owners that want to have solar on their buildings. 00:17:51
But uh. 00:17:56
They don't even get a buyback or there's just certain things that I brought up questions and we've just never gotten answers other 00:17:57
than no. That's how everybody does it and it's absolutely not. 00:18:02
How everybody does it and I've got homeowners that want it now in town and there's there's contractors that have shown up in 00:18:08
Sephora. They want to open up businesses. 00:18:12
That want to do this and then they find out. 00:18:16
They're not going to lie to the customer when they do their evaluation and they get their bill and they say. 00:18:19
Yeah. I mean, it's not going to benefit you. 00:18:25
Like long term, it'll take you 50 years having these these panels up here to break even. 00:18:28
Whereas if you move 30 miles up north. 00:18:33
And then for the business owners, you never break even. 00:18:36
You're just, you're just doing a favor for the. 00:18:39
For the Co-op and those are a lot of the complaints I had were around renewable energies and I think it was really exciting to 00:18:41
find out that maybe this is something we can do as a municipality. 00:18:45
Even if we don't. 00:18:50
Engage in the business of so of a. 00:18:52
Electricity if we were to create some sort of like solar pad or something to put in the grid. 00:18:55
And I know we're still waiting on some of those numbers, but. 00:18:59
Man, it will be a breath of fresh air to see the Coop us work together the numbers you're talking about. 00:19:03
And this is just a. 00:19:08
Round figure Maybe Paula knows better, but they started out at six to seven cents a kilowatt. 00:19:09
Reimbursement, they kept dropping it, dropping it dropping. I think it's less than half a cent now. 00:19:14
That they would, you know, pay so. 00:19:19
That's that's what happened is that although there's some people like I think are. 00:19:21
Ex representative. She has a. 00:19:26
Solar on her positive outcomes building and she zeroes out. 00:19:28
So that which is great. So she's not getting any money, but she zeros out on her electric bill. 00:19:32
But then she still is paying for the panels that were up there. 00:19:37
I think what's council accomplished saying is that. 00:19:41
That dialogue. 00:19:44
Was just brushed off. 00:19:45
It just never happened. And so that's we're just giving you that. Thank you for being here. We definitely want to hear. I mean, 00:19:47
I've been through. 00:19:50
A number of situations from when it was heavily subsidized. 00:19:54
And then people put solar. 00:19:58
And they were told things like, hey, instead of renting your electricity, why don't you own it? And then they were blown away when 00:20:00
it came time to maintenance on them and. 00:20:04
That electric. 00:20:09
Or that solar supplier had, you know, taken off on them. 00:20:11
Or when they installed their equipment, their inverter burned down, their warranties weren't, so we would get these calls. 00:20:14
Recreated at the old coop where you can punch in the data and they'll give you an idea. 00:20:20
For what your return is because remember when solar when it comes on. 00:20:24
You don't store it, it doesn't store, so it goes back and you'll use at your house as well. 00:20:28
So the coop doesn't always get everything that it looks like, that's why you have the. 00:20:33
Delivered and received. 00:20:38
You know so and the other thing is that. 00:20:40
Soldier has got to still go on the line, so there is a maintenance. We're using the same lines to return that power on. 00:20:42
So calls figure that out and go, wait a minute, we're not charging the maintenance the same maintenance that we pay. 00:20:49
That cost of service that it costs to get from the GNT. 00:20:54
To the sub transmission to the distribution substation. 00:20:57
Through the secondary service to either your home or your business. 00:21:01
So we pay that maintenance fee we discovered in Arizona. So people weren't paying that, so they wanted to go, wait a minute, we 00:21:05
can't be subsidizing. 00:21:09
So there's just some, there's a number of situations. The main thing is. 00:21:13
We'll definitely look at it. 00:21:17
Mr. Parkinson, just does that answer your? 00:21:18
Yes, yeah, that's, I mean just having an open dialogue about it. I mean, it works. It works. Why not try to figure out how we can 00:21:23
make it work for the benefit of the community and those who want it in the environment? I mean, in the environment, absolutely. 00:21:29
Thank you that good segue from Go to accomplish. 00:21:36
We talked earlier before the. 00:21:40
Before the meeting and it's just good to have somebody and all the great questions that they asked. I don't have a question. 00:21:42
Thanks for your service. I'm glad that we can have dialogue now and hopefully we can. 00:21:47
Find, get creative and. 00:21:53
Find ways to potentially bring rates down for customers, or at least. 00:21:55
Looking at and working within the community, I think a big complaint too. 00:21:59
That was that the Co-op really wasn't involved in the community. Just even simple things like putting up the Christmas lights or 00:22:03
helping out with things like that. That was always seemed like a customer was a norm, right. Yeah. I mean that's very poor to me 00:22:08
that the cough is not involved. I mean that's business as usual. That's it's just good to hear that you know that there's dialogue 00:22:14
you know you want your. 00:22:19
You want to be involved with things. I heard earlier that you're involved in your community, so. 00:22:25
Thanks for being here. We look forward to continued dialogue. Mr. Romero. I'm basically saying the same thing that the two 00:22:30
councillors before me were saying. It's like. 00:22:34
We think we're just happy. 00:22:39
For the open dialogue and. 00:22:41
Having you be here tonight and. 00:22:43
Presented the way you presented positiveness. 00:22:46
And I appreciate that. 00:22:50
I just want to say thank you for coming and thank you for your service. 00:22:53
And you and I talked a little bit about deposits and stuff like that. So thank you for having a. 00:22:57
An open door and stuff for us. Yeah, definitely. 00:23:03
Have you met all our directors? 00:23:07
No. Has everybody, has everybody met? Mr. Martinez? Mr. Luceros are. 00:23:09
Landfill and solid waste and this guy you need to meet because you're going to start a you're going to start a was it not 00:23:16
Taekwondo? What was it that you're going to? 00:23:20
You met Mr. Padilla already? There you go. 00:23:25
And he, yeah. So he, he's, you know, he's a. 00:23:29
Fitness guy too. 00:23:32
As you can tell. 00:23:33
But you got Ruby Lopez, our finance. 00:23:35
Who's back there? 00:23:37
And Chris Carrillo, he's our enforcement. 00:23:40
Christopher Diaz. 00:23:44
Chelsea Grammar. No Chelsea. 00:23:47
Chelsea Jones, our librarian. The best library in the state. 00:23:50
Isaac Angel is our natural gas. 00:23:55
Steve Madden. Steve Madden. 00:23:58
Steve, Matthew. 00:24:02
Is our rodeo and the recreation out there? 00:24:04
At the. 00:24:08
Soccer field and working on a transformer with Lloyd on our new stables. 00:24:09
So let the. 00:24:15
You know and and. 00:24:16
Feel free. And you met Paul, he had your job, but I think he's getting a lot less than you're making people, I think. 00:24:18
And you met Donald. 00:24:26
Lena. 00:24:28
So that's, uh. 00:24:29
That's our crew. 00:24:31
And we've got another 130 employees. 00:24:32
And and you know, we always. 00:24:36
When Mr. and I was around, even. 00:24:39
Is that we always had a great relationship with the. 00:24:41
You know, whether it was Christmas lights or whether you needed a backhoe to dig out something and you guys didn't have the 00:24:44
equipment and. 00:24:47
With help and and you guys would help us. I mean that's the way it was. 00:24:50
And then you know the other thing they're talking about, Miss Charles Lopez said. 00:24:54
You know about about deposits? 00:24:58
Having to bring your. 00:25:01
Your warranty deed for the Silda. 00:25:03
House you know, and whether you own the house and when you're leasing it. 00:25:06
I mean, PNM, if you're an Albuquerque, just put it on the computer and you got the service. 00:25:10
Those are the things that were difficult. 00:25:15
That the public used to come and complain to us about. 00:25:17
Over and above the rates and stuff. It wasn't just the rates. 00:25:20
It was more subjective stuff. 00:25:23
You know, but with your outgoing personality, I know it'll be a big help. 00:25:26
Just to have. 00:25:29
You know people many times you're not going to get what they want, but at least they want to. 00:25:30
Feel that they got listened to. 00:25:34
I think that's the most important thing. Well, it's about relationships, in my opinion. You know, we're going to. 00:25:36
And if I'm there 10 to 13 years and maybe longer? 00:25:42
We have a say on how our relationship is going to be. 00:25:45
You know you can close your door and not want to talk to anybody in office but. 00:25:48
I don't believe in leadership from behind a desk. 00:25:52
And the community is important. 00:25:56
It's very foreign to hear the things that. 00:25:58
From the past, because it's something I don't subscribe to, you know, we are. 00:26:01
We want to be partners with everybody here and we believe in relationships and. 00:26:05
The 34 employees that are currently there, they feel the same way and they told me these stories of how it felt to be involved in 00:26:09
the community. 00:26:13
Most of them are born and raised here. 00:26:16
I didn't like to do these things about 28 those employees when the previous manager started. 00:26:19
No longer work there. I've seen a that's one of the first things I asked for when you're trying to give me fluff. I just say let 00:26:24
me see an HR will notice what's your turnover rate? Let me see the employment turnover rate. That's that's great that you're, you 00:26:28
know, attacking and. 00:26:33
We'll hopefully we can talk again after your Thursday meeting and. 00:26:38
And see what happened but. 00:26:41
You know, just from the administrative point of view. 00:26:43
We're still moving ahead with some financing as to what this is going to cost us. 00:26:47
And whether it's solar is still going to be around when Trump is there. 00:26:51
The other thing is. 00:26:54
We are also asking our lawyers, I want to say that in public. 00:26:56
To continue the process of. 00:27:00
Upholding the previous manager and the coop trustees accountable for what happened with a large fine that so we're still moving 00:27:03
ahead. 00:27:08
As far as the city is concerned on that. 00:27:14
Forefront shouldn't be any hard feelings, but we feel. 00:27:16
The way it was done was wrong and that needs to be documented. 00:27:21
Yeah, I got 2 recent documents that are. 00:27:24
I got him. 00:27:27
Was that last Thursday? 00:27:30
So so PRC is moving ahead. 00:27:33
And like I said, they wanted us to. 00:27:36
Our lawyers to go and. 00:27:38
I don't know what tech is doing, but our lawyer is going to continue. 00:27:40
The process because we haven't backed off on that. 00:27:43
But hopefully we have a bright future and that we're in. 00:27:45
Get along and City is not going to be in the electric business. So hopefully this will come to fruition, but. 00:27:48
We still have that pressure that we want to try to make the coop. 00:27:54
Feel that they or we feel that the coop is doing. 00:27:58
The community service that they should be doing and we got a lot of work to do over there, We're operating off 2011 rates. 00:28:02
And you know, we're hurting at the coop, but we're going to. 00:28:09
Stay focused now or down before. 00:28:12
What's that? 00:28:15
Yeah. We have not had a rate case since 2011, so you know. 00:28:16
Just got there too so. 00:28:22
You guys can get the $0.10? Yeah, they were encouraging about you know, they sent me that from but you know the. 00:28:23
Sorry to digress, but the bottom line is if the coop would be more efficient. 00:28:31
And not spend 1,000,000 bucks on legal affairs and spend their time on doing community stuff. 00:28:37
I mean, you can be saving money. 00:28:44
And that's my opinion, but. 00:28:47
I just don't think the coop has been run very efficiently. 00:28:49
But you know you got. 00:28:52
I mean, they can say the same thing about the city, but. 00:28:53
You know, at least we talk about it, but well, my assessment says the same thing and I'm looking forward to. 00:28:56
Not repeating what has been done. You started the great you started on. Thank you again. 00:29:01
Can talk to you about Richard Richard Lopez. 00:29:10
When he was there, when you'll hear little stories about him and. 00:29:13
And he was, he was a big part of. 00:29:18
Getting the connection was his position. 00:29:20
He was an engineer, he was a city councillor. 00:29:23
Haven't heard that name. They passed away. Oh no, he's passed away and that was tragic. But he was a big member of the community. 00:29:26
And always looked out for us and he was the engineer. 00:29:35
OK, Richard Lopez, I'll ask. 00:29:39
But yeah, yeah. 00:29:42
Oh oh. 00:29:44
But anyway, thank you again for coming back. Thank you anyone else. We took up a lot of the public. 00:29:48
Time, but that was well worth it. 00:29:56
Anybody else here that's behind the days? 00:29:58
Someone up if you're not on. 00:30:01
And he is your business, your business license again and you're still working at it. 00:30:04
You got any customers? Yes, I. 00:30:09
I've been doing a lot of door knocking. I had a few. 00:30:12
Driveways and a few bites on my express the car detailing that I'll. 00:30:16
That I'm providing, yeah, but. 00:30:21
My biggest hit is up and coming as soon as this license. If I get there OK, my biggest contract I'll be landing is Walmart. 00:30:23
And what is? 00:30:30
There will be Walmart Super Center. 00:30:32
And. 00:30:35
The I do the graveyard shift as right now because I gotta get ready for my shift after I'm done here. 00:30:36
Because of that I've been going back and forth with my HR about. 00:30:42
The the facilities trash compactor because in hot summer days working. 00:30:49
Over there in the overnight. 00:30:54
It reeks. It's pretty much kind of hazardous to be back there breathing that in. 00:30:56
And. 00:31:01
I've been struggling across pressure washing as a business. 00:31:02
And, and it's something that I enjoy doing because I did a lot of. 00:31:06
Yard work. I've worked for the city, I worked for Emer Tech, I've worked for Solaro Thai. I'm happy that that was brought up. 00:31:10
And I just been around multiple businesses around here. 00:31:17
So and. 00:31:21
Do that for Walmart. 00:31:23
Yes, I'm a plan to do it for Walmart and it's and being this Walmart is contracted through the law soon as Walmart so I will have 00:31:25
support and loss in this. 00:31:29
And I have. 00:31:34
Further had a discussion with AutoZone and they're up and coming to see if they won't take me on. 00:31:36
And if I do a good enough job with them, I'll be from Sapporo. 00:31:42
Student charge to do a microphone. We did that once, didn't we? For the whole city? 00:31:47
Where we pressure washed all the garbage cans and stuff. It's just a. 00:31:53
It depended on various like. 00:31:57
What materials was in the trash cans at the beans if? 00:32:00
Like if someone has the city dumped, like if they change their oil and they dumped in the blue bands or something. 00:32:03
It's going to take more consideration so for the environment wise. 00:32:10
For my chemical saturation for cyber. 00:32:13
Sodium hypochlorite or. 00:32:16
Of my other my degrees or something like that, because I got to take mine where agriculture stay. 00:32:18
Stretch it up. I'm not at the moment for the suction. 00:32:25
But right now I do a very heavy dilution process, so. 00:32:29
When I had to flow into the city's gutters. 00:32:34
It's very dilute, so it's not opposed any. 00:32:37
Any environmental like risk? 00:32:41
And my chemical columns that I mainly use is PITA approved because in agriculture because I also. 00:32:43
Express the detailing I expressed into the city might be interested in. 00:32:51
Working with them twice a year or so to do the whole. 00:32:56
City and the dumpsters and stuff, and that's one reason I was happy with Cheryl back there. 00:32:59
See their sanitation manager. 00:33:05
It's actually my brother and Rick is boss. 00:33:07
All right, Yeah. 00:33:10
Say he's OK or what? 00:33:12
To him about doing something for the city, if you want to try to get something, I'm happy to bring that forth to the city and 00:33:15
happy to come here again because I want to express. 00:33:19
Even the further of my ambition is to. 00:33:23
For the city, local parks. 00:33:26
Well we have very little sanitation and COVID and RSV and other as being a father RV is a heavy. 00:33:27
Issue for young infants and children. 00:33:34
So I have one of my mobile detail unit is up and going. I would like to request for permission. 00:33:36
To come to a drive on local parks and. 00:33:43
Either shut it down for a day, or there's Lloyd Martinez there. 00:33:46
He's the head of Let's see what you can do. 00:33:51
But I want to. 00:33:53
I know you're naming all these. 00:33:56
Pandemic type stuff. 00:33:58
Let's not rile the public up here. 00:34:01
If you want, let me let's do some cultures first and see what you can grow out of. 00:34:04
Slides and stuff. I mean, I'm not going to promise you anything on that one. 00:34:10
I think the garbage stuff you can really help us with. 00:34:14
But talk to Lloyd about our parks and our. 00:34:17
Our equipment up there and see if there is some. 00:34:20
Residue of any kind of contaminants of viruses and things. 00:34:22
But we can, we can maybe do some swabbing and check and see what we got before you say. 00:34:26
All this stuff is scrolling out there because. 00:34:31
Oxidation and air actually in the outdoors. 00:34:34
Helps basically to contaminate a lot of that. 00:34:37
And I actually understand that, but with also the ongoing. 00:34:41
Issue that I know with loose animals and. 00:34:44
With a lot of going on I've been noticing. 00:34:48
I came very prepared about this. I did nine months of research. So let's let's try a little, let's start small. 00:34:56
That we can grow the. 00:35:02
Business, but let's start small and see what Mike about your also would like to also talk to Mr. Salami because I want to also 00:35:04
extend it to the schools because. 00:35:08
Well, he's not in this reason. 00:35:13
Oh, is that one up? 00:35:15
It's been so many years since then. 00:35:17
Look back again. But anyway, thank you for your comments. If I could extend it to this evening. 00:35:22
W9 have you done AW 9 here with the office? Is that what he needs to be a vendor? 00:35:30
But you only get a WI when you make. 00:35:36
When you spend money with you, right? Or do we just give them one what we want them to do? We're going to pass at 1099. 00:35:39
OK, Mr. Mayor, Mr. 00:35:46
Don't get any more work with. I just wanna say good job. Work hard Jordan, keep you up. 00:35:52
George, George is on the business registration. So we're gonna, yeah, this is what I was looking for. I was gonna approve it 00:35:56
though. And just one thing I could also extend to the community for anybody. 00:36:02
Would like any mobile detailing or their homes, fences, businesses. 00:36:08
Or it might be I'm the one and the only. 00:36:13
Person in our county that was doing this business. 00:36:16
Competition wise. 00:36:21
The nearest person is in Las Cruces. 00:36:22
And up north of Rio Rancho and Albuquerque. 00:36:25
Is there certification for use of your chemicals? 00:36:29
Because since I'm using the basic computer approved off the shelf of Walmart party. 00:36:32
Party usage of chemical. 00:36:38
Nothing commercial grade. 00:36:40
There's no licenses or permits that is required to me. 00:36:41
Well, thank you. Thanks for calling. 00:36:45
I don't mean to underneath like I said, I got a my data or my overnight job with Walmart and the voting father. 00:36:49
So I gotta cut and go. Thank you. 00:36:56
Good man, good luck with your. 00:36:59
Responsibilities. 00:37:01
Of energy. What is that? What did I promise? 00:37:03
I think the public really liked the. 00:37:12
At one time that we went and cleaned up all the garbage cans. 00:37:15
With my. 00:37:19
Remember that, Mike? Yeah, I think they like that and even the dumpsters at the commercial is maybe give them a service like that. 00:37:23
I think that would be a good thing. 00:37:27
Yeah, Yeah. Enrique, see how he's doing over there. 00:37:34
So. 00:37:37
We did that in the summertime when all the flies. 00:37:41
I think the people like that. 00:37:44
Anyway, anybody else? 00:37:46
Nobody. 00:37:49
We are going to go to the ordinance for the. I don't know what CWSRF stands for, but. 00:37:51
Donald does. What does that stand for? 00:37:56
Clean Water State revolving funds, that's what it is. How much money are we talking about? It's an additional 750,500 thousand to 00:37:59
grants two 50s alone. 00:38:03
So we'd like to action on that. 00:38:08
Mr. Make a motion when you pass ordinance #24-12-17 Second. 00:38:11
So moved and seconded and Lloyd, that gets us to the end of Spring Street. 00:38:17
Up into the hill. 00:38:23
OK, so that that really? 00:38:25
That's the. 00:38:29
Last area does not have sores in our city. 00:38:30
We started this project maybe 15 years ago then. 00:38:33
Starting off. 00:38:37
Harold Drive. But this is the end of that. 00:38:38
Roll call please. 00:38:41
Councillor Chavis Lopez. 00:38:43
Concert game. 00:38:46
Councillor Ocampo, Yes. 00:38:48
Counsel again. Yes. Councillor Partridge. Yes. Councillor Romero. Yes. Councillor Salami, Yes. 00:38:50
Passes. 00:38:57
OK, now the LGRF terminate change. 00:38:59
We're asking This is the local government's road fund, Donald. 00:39:04
Yes Sir, initially we were awarded 200,000 I believe for the streets over by Tech. 00:39:08
Will you work with the contractor and got a quote and? 00:39:16
Was actually under what we were funded. 00:39:19
So as we. 00:39:22
Working around the courthouse. 00:39:24
Lloyd requested that we move this money to include some other streets over there. So that's what we're asking the dot to do is. 00:39:26
Mean the additional streets in this grant. 00:39:33
Make a motion to pass resolution #25-01-21A. 00:39:37
Second moved and seconded discussion. 00:39:42
All in favor, aye. Now we're going to adopt the City of Sakura Aging Services Program Policy Manual. 00:39:45
Why is that Linda not here? 00:39:52
Anyway, Lina. 00:39:54
Adding a code of conduct. 00:39:58
For the senior centers, we have issues with some of the seniors when they get a little riled up. We need to be able to. 00:40:01
Not allow them to attend for a while. 00:40:10
So all we're doing is adding a code of conduct. 00:40:12
Motion passed. Resolution #25-01-21B. 00:40:16
2nd so moved and seconded discussion for you guys left. 00:40:22
As a code of conduct. 00:40:26
We'll get that for the we'll get that for the City Council, too. 00:40:29
The man. 00:40:33
So we. 00:40:37
You know, with the senior programs going great, Vegeta is going great. 00:40:38
But we have occasionally. 00:40:42
Some disturbances from the employees. 00:40:44
Which is I guess when you have employees that happens. 00:40:47
And we want to, we want to make that, you know, especially when you're dealing with seniors. 00:40:51
So we're. 00:40:55
Want to make sure that we. 00:40:56
We have that in place. 00:40:57
All in favor. 00:40:59
I want to present the Council with a proposal. 00:41:02
To acquire the Hefner gravel pit on Lopezville Road. 00:41:06
Reason being and I won't disclose the amount, but it's. 00:41:09
Within the appraisal. 00:41:13
Of 137,000 or so I think. 00:41:15
That's the appraisal. 00:41:18
Two things. One of them, I've always wanted to develop a water park. 00:41:20
Ruidoso has it, Deming has 1 Santa. 00:41:26
Santa Rosa has a nice. 00:41:29
But #2 that came to mind was. 00:41:32
The Conservancy needs a overflow. 00:41:35
Area, uh. 00:41:39
For their ditches. 00:41:40
They say when they get flash floods. 00:41:42
They have so much water coming in from the arroyos. 00:41:45
Into the ditches. 00:41:48
That they need to. 00:41:49
Remove some of that water and that would be a perfect spot. Look, can you tell us a little bit about what they said? 00:41:51
Come on up. 00:41:57
Well, that all that water there comes to that. 00:42:04
To the ditch there, right above. 00:42:07
From middle school and. 00:42:09
They would help to relieve water that comes to Sakura and just backs up so when it gets to Sakura it comes into the ditches into 00:42:12
Socorro. 00:42:16
And then you have the outlet over there on Hope Farms Rd. crossing. The railroad tax is too small of an outlet. 00:42:19
So everything backs up into Socorro. 00:42:24
They're saying if we. 00:42:27
Require that the gravel pit and drop. 00:42:29
Some water there, it would help out with the flooding in the coral because and the median that we had with the Conservancy. 00:42:31
They want Sakura to have to be able to hold water for the 100 year flood. 00:42:38
And which we really can't, so this would be a big value for that. 00:42:43
Because. 00:42:47
They actually want us to pump water that plants, it's a coral to the river. 00:42:49
Because the Conservancy can't. Their facilities can't handle 100 year flood either. 00:42:53
So this would really help out. 00:42:59
And showing that we're gonna, we're helping out to stop some of that water, I mean, because otherwise. 00:43:00
I mean, where are we going to plant water and you know, in the last 1520 years? 00:43:07
We've developed a lot of ponds. 00:43:11
That we don't have the flooding like we used to. 00:43:13
But those ponds are emptied into irrigation ditches by active pump. 00:43:15
Now, if there's already water coming through those ditches, they're not going to let us pump that into that into those ditches. 00:43:20
So it's kind of a twofold thing is to have a. 00:43:25
Trying to develop a recreation area. 00:43:28
And also have something so that. So I'm putting that on as a discussion and. 00:43:31
If the Council would allow me to go ahead and try to go. 00:43:37
Negotiate the price with Mr. Hefner. 00:43:40
I would appreciate that. I mean there's any. 00:43:43
And we had the money. We've done fairly well with our gross receipts. 00:43:46
So I just think if we could go ahead and do that, I think it would be good. 00:43:50
No deal. What happened? 00:43:54
We're still talking about economic development money. I'm going to give you that. It's going to come out of reserves. 00:43:58
You know, and I'm not gonna. 00:44:06
Tell everybody about this but. 00:44:08
Keep it to yourself. We're about a million. We're about a million to over what our projections were. 00:44:09
A million, too. 00:44:15
This is 6 months. 00:44:17
Told Mr. Hello. 00:44:19
Slowly conservative will help. 00:44:22
They help with the channeling of the water and then the pumping station. 00:44:24
Right. Or how was it OK? 00:44:29
Gravity, OK, you know how the ditches so there's no compensation and you wouldn't pump it out, it stay there, but that would help 00:44:32
us to channel it. 00:44:36
We're not. I mean, they're going to develop a conduit and all that stuff like that together with them. They put a turn out. Of 00:44:41
course they would build a turn out. They could turn out and. 00:44:45
Put a gate to stop it and they were diverted in there and it would either be an open channel or it would be a covert to the 00:44:50
bottom. 00:44:53
But that plan, there was number there. It couldn't have enough water to fill that pond up. 00:44:57
Mr. Mr. Earlier Well wasn't there talks of that that that area being for the for the Eagle pitcher cleanup pump the water from 00:45:03
that. 00:45:07
That's, that's the secret #3 that's, that's we get our money back. 00:45:11
You know, since you brought it up. 00:45:18
We've been working with the environmental department for, God knows, 15 years on this project. 00:45:21
And they finally designed where they're going to pump all that water out of the ground into. 00:45:26
And that was a pond. 00:45:31
And so then we will workout. And what they offered was that if we owned a pond. 00:45:33
They would help us for gratis. 00:45:39
To develop a landscaping scheme. 00:45:41
And and maybe a camping ground type of thing. Not that they would do it, but they would develop the plans for it. 00:45:44
And that's what I would hope. And then we would have. 00:45:50
You know, kayaks or you know, I don't know if you've been out to Santa Rosa, but they have this fantastic how they have. 00:45:52
They have stuff really, a lot of water toys and. 00:45:57
People you know, it's a good recreation area. 00:46:00
Because they wanted to put into our city sewers and there's no way we can handle it at the plant, you know, for 20 years. There's 00:46:03
no way. 00:46:06
And then they didn't want to pay us for what it would be worth. 00:46:09
And then when they put into our water system, who wants water that? 00:46:12
That's contaminated and cleaned up and then put into our system. We don't want that either. That is, yes. 00:46:15
And we're working with them. 00:46:21
But that's whether they do that or, you know, I don't know what their timetables tell you, frankly. 00:46:22
But this other thing came up. 00:46:28
As far as because we are. 00:46:30
We are duty bound to the Conservancy. 00:46:33
About the overflow of water. 00:46:38
And when we did Bullock. 00:46:40
They asked us to hold bullets, water. 00:46:42
So then we run that on the street right now. 00:46:45
So you know that that's this is kind of a. 00:46:48
Trying to get a working relationship with a Conservancy. 00:46:52
On this, they do have a they have they have a terrible time when they got a flash flood. Sometimes they even wash out the ditches. 00:46:55
And so they want to take that pressure off. 00:47:02
Mr. Portage. 00:47:04
Similar to the the area by the scroll Gonzalez schools that holding on there. How's the city like protect itself or something like 00:47:06
that's going on? Just just out of curiosity from my end, like if if we pumped a bunch of water into there and we own that land. 00:47:13
God forbid something say that again, I'm not sure. 00:47:20
Like as far as if we're going to divert water into that area, and that's a privately owned area right now, somebody's liable for 00:47:23
that, that that drains into the ground. 00:47:27
You're talking about that. You're talking about the, the this, if there's like a large amount of water in there, do we? 00:47:32
At that point, we're going to assume the liability for that. 00:47:40
I don't think we can ever fill that that sure. Or I mean, even if it's a large amount and there's something though, because people 00:47:42
are using that, I'm not opposed to it. I think it's a good idea. And at the at the at the gravel, at the gravel pit. Yes, Sir. 00:47:48
I don't think you can almost throw that whole area that no, no, not overflow it, just if they're standing water in that area or 00:47:55
something having water now. 00:47:58
Water table but we don't own it. 00:48:02
No, no, no. But in the future we want to do is clean it up is put up a fountain. 00:48:04
And have that water cleaned up that way. Yeah, Yeah. No, no, you're right. It's not going to be standing. 00:48:09
It's not going to be standing that brackish water. First of all, if you want to look at the five year plan for this. 00:48:15
Won't be around for that. 00:48:21
Maybe so. Maybe I like, but that needs to be dredged. That whole grout, that whole pit needs to be dredged. Sorry, Marianne, You 00:48:23
could. I'm sorry. 00:48:27
No, but the five year plan would be initially dredged. 00:48:34
There needs to be a fountain to aerate the water. 00:48:38
And then we start working on like, yeah. 00:48:40
Yeah, should not be standing water anymore. Just to say when they we had the meetings and have you pumped into that thing for 20 00:48:43
years. 00:48:47
You pumped water 24/7 for 20 years. You would only raise it 2 feet. 00:48:51
Because it goes into the Aquaphor. 00:48:56
Raise it up two feet. Yeah, in 20 years. But. But you're right about the standing water and the brackishness. Yeah, it's just 00:48:59
nasty. 00:49:02
Because there's mattress, there's people, people come by and dumped all kinds of stuff in there. 00:49:07
Mr. Sloane, well, you got the right guy on the job because Lloyd used to get stuck at the gravel pits every week back in back in 00:49:11
London. 00:49:15
Plays real well. 00:49:19
With A6 iron or. 00:49:22
No. OK, but anyways there's no. 00:49:28
Nothing that the Council would. I'd like to, I mean, I'll bring it to you, but. 00:49:31
I just brought that up. 00:49:35
OK. Thank you. 00:49:37
Very good. And then? 00:49:39
We have what? 00:49:43
Committee reports We've met committees. Mr. Chavez Lopez. 00:49:45
On the animal shelter we're going to meet. 00:49:49
The January 27th at 11:00 at the Council Chambers. 00:49:52
And who are the two people that you want to appoint from the public? 00:49:58
I was sitting in the audience, no noise. 00:50:06
Well, I got a chance to have an appointment and has it re ended Viceli Viceli. 00:50:17
Ben Vaselli. 00:50:23
And. 00:50:26
Miss Tevis. So the county of the county, if the county, if the City Council, would approve those two. 00:50:27
As an addition of the public members of that committee. 00:50:34
Make a motion. 00:50:38
2nd. 00:50:40
And all in favor, aye. 00:50:42
The Planning and Zoning Committee. 00:50:44
We're actually meeting tomorrow. 00:50:46
They're actually meeting tomorrow. 00:50:47
Did you guys form another committee? 00:50:49
When you're gone next time. 00:50:55
Gone on the 4th but. 00:50:58
If you want to, we can I can forward you the article from the Santa Fe, NM. 00:51:01
About the animal shelter. 00:51:05
Is a fairly fair. It was fair. 00:51:07
And then I have some updates. 00:51:09
On the. 00:51:12
Shelter also. 00:51:13
I don't see Lupe out there, but. 00:51:15
There's some updates as far as. 00:51:17
Us working with Albuquerque to help us adopt. 00:51:19
Animals. 00:51:22
And then, then whatever the committee comes up with. 00:51:23
We will then look and see if we can't implement that. 00:51:27
Mr. Abbas and then on the Police Oversight Commission. 00:51:31
I have one. 00:51:35
One committee member that I'd like to appoint. 00:51:38
Peggy Lopez. And that's on the northeast quadrant. 00:51:41
And I still need. 00:51:45
One for the SE quadrant. 00:51:46
Northwest quadrant and the southwest quadrant. So if anybody is interested. 00:51:49
4-3 more. I need three more because they all expired. So, Mr. Mayor. 00:51:54
Is she talking? The Police Oversight Commission is already full. 00:52:00
They all expired. 00:52:05
Huh. They're all expired. 00:52:06
From what I saw. 00:52:09
The last appointment, Lopez and then we can look and see who the other three are that we need to be reappointed. 00:52:10
From when I thought of them, they resigned. No, they didn't resign. They were just. 00:52:17
If we're asking if they want to be reassured if the council agrees to appoint Peggy Lopez. 00:52:22
So moving to secondary appointment, Mr. Peggy Lopez from the North. 00:52:33
East Corner Hall of Fame, all right. 00:52:37
Police oversight committee is important because that's where. 00:52:41
It's a third party committee that looks at any kind of police. 00:52:43
Overreach. 00:52:48
And what else? 00:52:50
OK, I got all the department directors that wanted to come came. 00:52:52
So whether we give them a chance to say their piece, Steve, come on. 00:52:55
You haven't spoken for a long time. 00:52:59
Let us know what's going on if it's kind of dormant out there, but. 00:53:01
You know, how's the grass and all that good stuff. 00:53:04
The new state? How about the new the new stables that are coming up? 00:53:09
Yeah, the 30 new stables are coming along real nice. 00:53:13
That'll be a big help of these larger rodeos coming up. 00:53:17
In April. So when is that happening? 00:53:20
April, it will be April 16th and 17th. The high school will be back early. Wonderful. Mr. Partridge, we haven't been in there for 00:53:23
an event to see what the sense of society would have been like. Did you see a difference in there? Do you know? The same big 00:53:28
difference? Yeah. You know, we have some really windy days out there as you get closer towards the metal. Just really just calm. 00:53:33
Huge difference. Great. And we're getting a. 00:53:38
Price for the sound. 00:53:44
Which is going to get done. 00:53:46
That's that's the next step. 00:53:48
And we're not using them for the graduations again this year. 00:53:50
That's up to the high school in tech. I don't know what's going on. 00:53:53
It's on the senior week calendar that came out today that they are using the yeah, I didn't know if they were there anymore. 00:53:58
Lloyd is working on doing the. 00:54:05
RV Park. 00:54:08
Showers and. 00:54:15
Concession areas getting built also is getting done. 00:54:16
There will be done. 00:54:20
Anything else extra maintenance, A lot of painting inside and around the arena, doing a lot of extra. 00:54:22
And is your equipment? 00:54:27
Trying to stay warm today. 00:54:30
Of both tractors and Justice One. 00:54:32
All tractors are working great and I've been used currently, but they're both working great. 00:54:34
Sounds good, Chelsea, you got all kinds of stuff up here. 00:54:39
What's going on? 00:54:42
This for me and everybody else AT Shirt. 00:54:47
Oh my goodness, I only had a couple left so they sold out three. 00:54:49
But I brought you bags. Constellation price. 00:54:55
Yes, we've been really busy. We had our 100th year celebration. Unfortunately, like I said, we ran out of shirts, but. 00:54:59
Take a look, they're pretty neat. 00:55:05
So some updates are building. We're waiting on a quote to replace the encounter. It hasn't been. 00:55:08
Replaced since it was put in so it's pretty worn out. We check out a lot of books, which is a good thing. 00:55:13
The Friends of the Library is going to provide the funds for that project. 00:55:19
City administration's been working with me to secure funds to update the elevator. The equipment obsolete, so it's definitely 00:55:23
something we need to update. 00:55:27
We're looking at repairing some stucco damage and water leaks to the porches. 00:55:32
And received 2 quotes so far through Firebirds. Quote was 40,000 but they're only doing the stucco. 00:55:38
Robert Rinconis, who's a local contractor. He quoted 42,000. 00:55:45
But he'll also repair the porches that. 00:55:50
And then I'm waiting for my brothers. That was recommended by Marianne, I believe. 00:55:53
They're working with you. 00:55:57
Staff changes personnel. We have Nelda Silva, she's going to start as a library assistant through the WILD program. So that's a 00:55:59
program to help. 00:56:03
People train and come back into the workforce, so we're excited about that. 00:56:07
We have two openings in addition to that. We'll be interviewing tomorrow. 00:56:11
Circulation assistant and youth service assistant, We had 14 applicants, so. 00:56:15
We're excited about that. 00:56:19
Programming I've attached our calendar for the kids room. The Winter Reading program ends this month, the 31st of this month. 00:56:21
So get get into, finish those challenges. We have some kids really reading a lot of books, so they're getting prizes and they're 00:56:30
also getting prizes for finding a golden ticket in a book. 00:56:35
I also attached the adult calendar. I won't go through all of the programs, but we're still doing meditation yoga. 00:56:42
Literacy is going really well, I'm doing GD tests every week. 00:56:48
We have an ESL beginner and intermediate classes twice a week. 00:56:52
We also do ESL, GED and reading. 00:56:56
We're also working in the detention center twice a week. 00:57:00
And I do want to bring up that we lost an advocate to that program, Vanessa Garcia. 00:57:04
Was a huge supporter of the literacy program we've been in there. 00:57:09
About two years and so I do want to give condolences to her family. 00:57:13
She'll be greatly missed. 00:57:17
Love your library, Kendall. 00:57:20
Ask Cheyenne to call the hospital. 00:57:25
Because they wanted to use the Convention Center for services and reception. 00:57:27
Stefani Sartre. 00:57:31
Thanks for reminding me and I have a lot of volunteers who will be willing to donate to cover the cost of the rental. Like I said, 00:57:34
she from day one, she supported our outreach in there and we have people that are coming. 00:57:40
Out of detention and finishing their GD and she's part of that, so she's gonna be great news. 00:57:46
Tax help starting Wednesdays. 00:57:53
February 5th through April 9th. 00:57:56
Again, we do that every year, free tax preparation. We bring a lot of money back into the community and it's a free program. It's 00:57:57
a lot of fun. If you ever get a chance to come by the library on a Wednesday, it's busy. 00:58:02
Love your library campaign? In February, we're gonna accept admissions. 00:58:07
We do that every year and then I've also provided some. 00:58:11
Just financial information, we're getting some money back from the workforce 6728 from that program, GED testing, I get $10.00 for 00:58:16
every test I administer. So if it adds up. 00:58:22
What happened? 00:58:29
It's going really well. Yeah, we've. 00:58:37
Exceeded expectations for this fiscal year. 00:58:39
Within the first few months, so it's quite a need. 00:58:43
In the community. 00:58:46
Umm, who has a friend's, a library say anything to you about their new digs? They're very excited, yeah. 00:58:48
He don't think they're too excited. 00:58:57
Be more excited with Lloyd. 00:58:58
Really. Well, that work. I mean, they've done a nice job putting that together. No. Yeah, it looks really good. So thank you, 00:59:00
guys. They're they're happy. Yeah. It's gonna be it's gonna be a move. Actually, some of the Rice participants through the 00:59:06
detention center are gonna help move the books. So it's a good collaboration. 00:59:11
But yeah, they did. They were happy with it. 00:59:16
And then, yeah, we have some Joe Bond funds coming. Like I said, literacy, we were increased to 41,000, which is a huge increase. 00:59:20
So that was based off of the participation in the community so. 00:59:26
Any questions? 00:59:32
I just want to say, Chelsea, thank you for everything you do. You've done a tremendous. 00:59:34
Job in your position so I want to say thank you thank you it's a great community I mean it can be a better place to work so. 00:59:41
That's the kind of library. 00:59:48
Do you want to fill us in on anything except the drainage? 00:59:51
When they're going to break ground, what's going to happen in Montana? What's going to happen? 00:59:59
It's already started. 01:00:05
So I don't know you guys passed by there, they have all the. 01:00:06
Barricades up and. 01:00:10
For the most part, most of the businesses are fine. 01:00:12
And we had one little trouble with one, but I mean the fact is going good. Just been so cold so they can. 01:00:15
They can't pour any concrete so. 01:00:21
We're still doing work. We're going to redo some lighting there, some conduits for lighting in there. We locate some fire hydrants 01:00:23
and. 01:00:27
We took down all the trees at the coop and we're going to put up a. 01:00:31
I'm thinking 4 new ones. 01:00:34
Four or five, we're not going to put too many trees back. 01:00:36
And then we have, like the mayor said, the welcome center up there. We're going to, I need a few more quotes. We'll be starting 01:00:39
the bathrooms and the showers and. 01:00:43
That area there. So we'll have that done before by the spring, easy. 01:00:46
By the spring we have the studio park the lighting project. 01:00:50
All the all the tensions done, they're putting conduits, we'll have the lights up and working by. 01:00:54
The middle to the end of March. 01:00:59
So then before the first game, the high school game will have the lights should be will be running. 01:01:03
They're mobilizing this week for the sewer project, so they'll be. 01:01:10
Doing working on the sewer on Evergreen starting on Evergreen going West. 01:01:14
Next week, so they'll be the sewer projects going to start. 01:01:18
We haven't found nobody for the sewer plan yet. 01:01:22
So we had some bids in. There was almost two million, $2,000,000 more than we had. 01:01:25
So we're trying to get some more bids working with people trying to. 01:01:30
Get that project going. We move money over there over a million and a half and we still don't have enough. 01:01:34
They were at 2.8 million and still not enough. 01:01:39
So I'm still working on that. The plan kind of is in bad shape. 01:01:42
So I mean that project has to get moving forward. 01:01:46
And what else do we have? What is going on in Finley? How do you don't Finley still we're we had some help from the county. We're 01:01:50
working on all the grading. So we're going what's going to happen, if any, is we're going to finish the whole outside. 01:01:55
So we're going to finish the whole, we're going to finish the parking lot, we're going to finish the playground, we're going to 01:02:01
stuck with the building, put the storefront doors in, put the curb and gutter. 01:02:05
Sidewalks, we're going to get all that done. 01:02:09
And then we get more money, then we're going to work on the inside, but we're going to get that outside finished and then Donald 01:02:11
will look for money to. 01:02:14
Get the Park St. paved from. 01:02:17
McCutcheon to Spring Street. 01:02:20
So we're going to move on that and then since, uh. 01:02:23
Albuquerque asphalt the town. I want to get a price for the sidewalks in Sherman Gutter while they're here. 01:02:26
So that project's moving along and we're going to start the storm drain. 01:02:31
This week probably start the storm won't because we got to do some work at the flood control. 01:02:35
So the guys that are working there and. 01:02:39
We got to do some work at the bridge. 01:02:42
They're coming in by an Eagle pitcher. 01:02:44
So and then when we get a chance, we'll get into the. 01:02:46
The flood control, the street department, we need to clean that foot flood control again. 01:02:49
So I mean, we got a lot of stuff to get done this winter before the weeds start, so. 01:02:53
Well, since we got a new police chief. 01:02:57
What's going on at the Police Department? 01:03:01
No, I mean Lloyd, tell us what you did with the architects and stuff. You guys are using the new. 01:03:03
Yeah, also. 01:03:09
We're going to close in, I think they wanted to close in one of the offices there, right. So we all that we have one meeting and 01:03:11
I'm scheduling another one. So they have a basic plan of what they want. 01:03:16
What Angel wants there, and they have. They're gonna close in that Sally port. I don't know what it is, but. 01:03:21
It's like where they you know what that is? 01:03:26
Just yeah, to accept prison. 01:03:30
But then did they also want to? 01:03:36
Office that was, that was. 01:03:38
What was they were going to? Did you talk to them about getting a Carpenter or a Rinconus or somebody to close it in so you have 01:03:41
some? 01:03:44
Security there now. You'll be closed in Sally. You'll drive your car in there. That's not the Sally port I'm talking about. 01:03:48
Oh yeah. 01:03:58
Yeah. Well, that's I think that's what we're. 01:04:01
So the judge typing, we're gonna have another meeting and the judge is gonna be there in Angel. 01:04:05
Did your wrestling move out of there now? 01:04:09
We got a couple things left. You guys use that at all for physical activity? 01:04:12
Oh, good. OK. 01:04:18
That's what's happening. No, I just wanted to. 01:04:20
Did we decide on a meeting for Finley? 01:04:24
I gotta get Dave has some dates and so I'll get that out tomorrow. 01:04:28
So if you talk to our delegation. 01:04:32
Those are our priorities. 01:04:34
Police station. 01:04:38
And Finley. 01:04:39
To finish filming. 01:04:41
But I asked. 01:04:42
Since you're the drive by there and it looks so bad. 01:04:44
I asked him to spend the money. 01:04:47
Making it look nice. Put it in the park. Put in the park. 01:04:49
Parking, landscaping, and then we can work on the inside. 01:04:52
So that that that's. 01:04:56
The reason why? I just wanted to bring that up. 01:04:57
And we're trying to fix the street so library and all that area is all fixed up. 01:05:00
Because if we wait, it's going to, you know, it's better to get that street done and just. 01:05:04
We've done some work here in this habit. All nice. 01:05:08
Thank you. 01:05:12
Mike Lucero. 01:05:13
You're coming up next. 01:05:16
Council report from the landfill is. 01:05:25
As is as usual. 01:05:29
How many times are you getting in? Do you know we're getting close to 100 tons of. 01:05:32
100 tons of you. 01:05:37
And they're recycling as everybody wants to know about recycling. What's the, what's the story? What are you accepting? 01:05:40
Except cardboard used oil. 01:05:47
Appliances. Tires. 01:05:51
Please and do you pick up any? 01:05:53
Look up cardboard on Tuesdays and Thursdays from some of the businesses for the public know we are doing that. 01:05:57
We are doing it, yes. 01:06:03
Can we talk about what we're doing with the old? 01:06:04
Motel. Is that for recycling? 01:06:09
That was a, that was a It is for recycling, but right now they're using as a staging for men's and arms, however. 01:06:14
They they had a grant. 01:06:25
What is it $5000? 01:06:27
And I thought. 01:06:29
For $5000, they're going to get these nice recycling bins. I mean, I'm talking. 01:06:31
Big recycling for paper and cardboard and. 01:06:36
And aluminum. 01:06:40
And they get this little bitty miniature. 01:06:41
Recycling canisters for $5000. 01:06:43
I couldn't believe it. 01:06:49
You know, I don't even see I barely do things. 01:06:51
It's embarrassing about. 01:06:56
Bear something. I mean, I wanted to what I wanted to do. 01:07:00
Was to have a drop off where you could drive in. Just drive out. 01:07:04
And the other thing we talked about was food trucks. 01:07:08
But I thought we were going to get this grant for $5000. We're going to get these. 01:07:12
Big itty bitty miniature. 01:07:17
I mean, it is embarrassing. 01:07:21
So, but that's what it's, that's what's going on there, but in that nook. 01:07:23
I wanted to build a recycling drop off. 01:07:26
But take that and put some dollhouse. I mean, it's like. 01:07:30
It's big of us being here. Maybe she is really embarrassed. 01:07:37
But but maybe they're going to be 50,000, I don't know because that was $5000 worth. 01:07:40
But that that's what wanted to do is there is to build that. 01:07:45
And uh. 01:07:48
But right now they're using a staging for the. 01:07:50
For the street project. 01:07:53
But I would I would like for you to talk to that gentleman to. 01:07:57
To see if we can't at least get twice a year. 01:08:00
If he's got a service, but I think you got to be able to suck that water out. You can't just dump it on the road. I don't think 01:08:03
you can dump it on the road. That's why it didn't work for us because. 01:08:07
When you clean something like that, you got to suck it out and put it in another. 01:08:12
You can't just at the wastewater plant, Yeah, so. 01:08:16
Well, no, but I mean. 01:08:20
Don't put in the storm sewer. 01:08:22
Hello, Mr. 01:08:25
All right, tell us about your new equipment and see if anybody's working out. And then I heard tech was going to charge their 01:08:27
employees. 01:08:30
For the gym facility so. 01:08:34
We're offering them our facilities, $10 a month they offered them. 01:08:37
A lady called me and she said she was pretty upset the thing will start charging so we got like 5 new faces that showed up today. 01:08:42
Umm, city employees have been quite a bit. Fire departments been going, yes. 01:08:50
Julio's been going on his break to go workout, so it's been going. Who does? 01:08:57
Julio Miguel. 01:09:02
From the landfill you've been going to workout too. 01:09:04
So it's been going good, basketball's been going smooth, no issues. 01:09:07
Around 2:10 or 2:12. 01:09:12
And then just met with Dana for the Arts Party on February 8th. 01:09:15
So that'll be going on too. 01:09:21
Good. And then for coming to season? 01:09:24
Are you going to do baseball? 01:09:28
Yeah, I'm shooting to start that in May, beginning of May, just that we were not in the summer heat in June, in July, so. 01:09:30
Superman, April and given those two months and if we have to go into July, we're all into July. 01:09:37
What is better? 01:09:45
Chris, come on up. 01:09:51
He you know, he also is a resource officer at the junior high. 01:09:53
And I guess there's a little bit of commotion over there. 01:09:58
What's? What's going on? 01:10:02
What is it exactly that you do at Seracino? 01:10:04
So usually I'll go and. 01:10:06
I'll take some work from here and work there, but. 01:10:09
Usually I'll go take some work from from here and do some work over there, but for the most part just kind of keep an eye on the 01:10:13
kids and make sure there's no. 01:10:17
Fights, or even we've had a couple. 01:10:22
Agitated parents come in and I. 01:10:25
Was kind of like, well, you know, chill out. 01:10:27
Who do you work with? The principal? 01:10:31
Usually the principal or the vice principal, I let him know, you know, that you guys have me there and let me know if they need 01:10:34
anything. And for the most part they're, they're really grateful for it too. So they tell me every day that they appreciate it. 01:10:40
But yeah. 01:10:46
Whoever is a. 01:10:48
Got some power there. I mean, whatever teachers, whatever, even students, they need something, you know, usually I'll I'll hop out 01:10:50
too, so. 01:10:54
I enjoy it. 01:10:58
Lately, just for code enforcement been working on. 01:11:00
Some of these burnt houses that keep. 01:11:04
Going up. 01:11:07
So that's kind of been my. 01:11:08
The one on Blue Canyon and Prata. 01:11:12
That one, yeah. 01:11:15
Talking to the owner and we're going to. 01:11:17
Hopefully we can. 01:11:20
Otherwise you're gonna have to bring it to council to condemn it. Yeah. Otherwise we'd have to put a lien on it and clean it up 01:11:21
ourselves. And. 01:11:25
Yeah, talking with the mayor, you know, we our community is not the most. 01:11:30
They don't have a lot of money, so. 01:11:38
Whenever the mayor lets me help out. 01:11:39
You know, everyone really appreciates that as well too. 01:11:42
Do a gratis, but we got to clean that up. We've got to do something with that, right, Right. Yeah, I got about three of them right 01:11:45
now that I'm working on so. 01:11:48
Yes, Christina, someone in our committee too. We met the other day and we had some pretty good ideas that we were bouncing off 01:11:54
each other and. 01:11:57
Working together to see if we can get an ordinance to. 01:12:01
Keep these businesses, you know their upkeep. 01:12:06
You know, keep maintained so we don't. 01:12:08
Who's out, you know, or someone else? If someone wants to come and buy a property or whatever, it's not a pain to get up and 01:12:11
running again and. 01:12:14
That just. 01:12:18
Keep in contact with some some of these people that own businesses outside of Socorro too so. 01:12:20
That was really good. 01:12:26
Yeah, we did. Me and Chris is doing a lot of work we appreciate. 01:12:28
Give us some examples or some ordinances. 01:12:33
Let's see that keep Feel free Daniels on the on the committee. 01:12:36
And my Lord is on the commandment so. 01:12:40
Feel free to jump in. 01:12:43
Our discussion, kind of. 01:12:45
We go back from. 01:12:47
Ordinance on gravitated structures. 01:12:50
To an economic development. 01:12:54
So we really were trying to. 01:12:56
Corral the idea of what the purpose of the committee was for. 01:13:00
We we know that. 01:13:06
These buildings need something. We know that the buildings. 01:13:08
Were a vibrant business at one point in time. 01:13:13
And from that point in time to the to the next. 01:13:17
Step. Well, there's no, there's no business there anymore. And then they slowly be slowly deteriorating. 01:13:21
And so we. 01:13:28
And the way I thought of it, and please feel free to jump in, was that, you know, our attempt to work with the electric Co-op to 01:13:30
provide rates that were. 01:13:35
Friendly for businesses. 01:13:40
Would help to alleviate that and so that. 01:13:42
The coop, The electric utility. 01:13:46
Was going to be in my view of. 01:13:51
Big part of the economic development. 01:13:53
Plan So we're trying to grasp on what we what we want to do We have 3 examples here. One of them focuses on. 01:13:57
On. 01:14:06
Those those people and those businesses that own these buildings that don't live in Socorro. 01:14:07
And so we want to know. 01:14:14
The. 01:14:17
You know, the legality behind focusing on, you know, if you're you're sending, give us a little example, say, for example, The 01:14:18
Smiths building. Yeah, that's a tough one. Just to get ahold of one person to tell them, hey, you know, that we deserve your feet 01:14:25
or whatever. It's kind of, we're going through a bunch of different people to try and get it cleaned up. 01:14:31
So. 01:14:38
Yeah, right now I couldn't even tell you where I would send a letter to have it cleaned up. I can tell you that we already know. 01:14:39
I don't know who that is. Yeah, the Duke Rodriguez. Duke. 01:14:50
Yeah, that's not true. 01:14:54
We have those that information, don't we? Don't. Yes, Sir. We've spoken to him on the phone. Oh, OK. Well, I mean, you know, 01:14:55
you're an example. You got that building you got. 01:14:59
No, you got the rental and they know that the rental building is a nice building where they're just sitting there empty. 01:15:04
And but you know. 01:15:10
The the. 01:15:13
They're, they're young, I think people, especially people from out of town. 01:15:15
You need to make an effort to try to rent those buildings for productive use. 01:15:19
And that's, you know, and that's. 01:15:24
Something that but. 01:15:28
If you do put it in the ordinance, there has to be some teeth in it as to what, and I think Albuquerque has something they did. 01:15:29
Yeah. 01:15:35
On Central, yeah, right now it's from Central and I can't. Maybe Donald might. 01:15:37
The other street, someone. 01:15:42
Yeah, it it's not. What direction are they headed for increasing their taxes, increasing their. 01:15:46
Well, what signs are they talking about? You haven't seen the fines? Um. 01:15:51
I just know that there's something in place for those buildings to. 01:15:56
Keep, like the owners, their feet to the fire, just to keep them. 01:16:00
Yeah. 01:16:07
We mentioned this before, I mentioned it before a couple of meetings ago. 01:16:08
Was that what can the city do? 01:16:12
To support. 01:16:15
Putting businesses back into those buildings. 01:16:17
Or for example, a person calls and says, hey, I might want to start this up. Or we can so little have somebody solicit. 01:16:20
Business to come to Socorro. 01:16:30
And and connect. 01:16:33
Potential businesses with buildings. 01:16:36
Supporting the. 01:16:39
Getting them up to code. 01:16:42
Just information that would kind of. 01:16:45
To facilitate them to come in. So like right now if somebody was looking to do something here in Socorro and they called, what I 01:16:49
would do is if I was going somewhere else and looking for something I like the area, I would call the city and. 01:16:56
And, and I would hear their story. What are the water rates? What are the electric rates? What's kind of a regulations and rules? 01:17:03
Do you have, you know, we have a landfill, We have, we have an airport, we have New Mexico tech, We have a whole bunch of things 01:17:09
working for this community. 01:17:14
And we and if we had somebody that could. 01:17:20
Could kind of focus on and maybe maybe that's Chris, you know, he could. 01:17:25
Have a tool. 01:17:31
That would allow him to incentivize somebody to come in to go to the to the tasty freeze and but you know, we pay. 01:17:33
MRGDA Money. 01:17:42
That's an equal. That's what I was under the impression that was the economic development arm. 01:17:45
For this region. 01:17:49
And they would be the ones that would send. 01:17:52
Some people that want to do business in the city. 01:17:55
I think, you know, we bring that up all the time, but I don't think we've cast them with doing that. We just give them money. But 01:17:59
I I think. 01:18:03
Well, I think I thought once we had her here last year. 01:18:07
I was that's, you know, that's my opinion of economic development is they already have a arm. 01:18:11
Why develop another one? And we can, we can certainly send them a letter saying that that's. 01:18:17
But we expected them for that money. 01:18:22
You know, and I think finding and the way it was brought. 01:18:26
Are we an ordinance that's going to find? 01:18:31
Because they're not in business, I mean. 01:18:34
When COVID hit, it put a lot of businesses out and people aren't coming back to those businesses. 01:18:37
And so I'm thinking that, you know, it's kind of government. 01:18:43
Obligation to to bring businesses back into their community and I think we. 01:18:48
I think we SH. 01:18:54
With with merged, I think that's a good way to do it however it, but I think we need to have some funds that would support. 01:18:55
Chris or support that person in soliciting businesses back because. 01:19:03
I think, I think it would pay off. I mean, I want to put that on Chris, but we do have Economic Development Fund. Miss Dean 01:19:09
pointed it out. 01:19:12
That we would have money. 01:19:16
And uh. 01:19:18
Well, if we needed to put money, also incorporate some beautification project like you know. 01:19:19
Providing them with. 01:19:26
Film for the windows so they don't look dilapidated. 01:19:28
So we can help make that work on that. I remember Mr. Dean wanted us to get an economic development person. 01:19:32
We can advertise for one and we do have money to pay for that salary and we did approve a job description. We got 1 so. 01:19:39
I like that. 01:19:48
You know, when our committee sat down talking, we're like, man, we've got. 01:19:51
We really want to beef it up like we don't. I mean it. 01:19:54
The negativity of like trying to, we talked to Chris about it just like the ordinances and having to be the bad guy. 01:19:57
Doing this and doing that and. 01:20:03
You know, that should be an arm of this for sure, but but we really feel like some concerted effort. Let's get. 01:20:05
You got the job description, we can just advertise it. 01:20:13
You know, I'm not sure what the salary range is going to be, but we'll just advertise and make sure that. 01:20:17
But then we'll have to take the funds away from MRDA just because. 01:20:21
That's not. 01:20:25
That's not the direction that we're going to go then. 01:20:26
Unless we'll do it, Mr. Mayor. Speaking on behalf of Mersdah, I guess. 01:20:29
I don't think the impression is that it's necessary. 01:20:35
Strictly economic development and recruitment. I think it's more of a promotional. 01:20:39
Umm, entity or organization that helps promote the area? That would be a. 01:20:45
Almost like a Chamber of Commerce in a way. 01:20:50
But not essentially the city's economic brand Economic Association. 01:20:52
They better they better change their name. 01:21:00
To well, no, I'm just saying that. 01:21:03
That if they had well. 01:21:07
Yeah, but let's just we'll try and look for economic development first. 01:21:09
Do that I know Las Lunas pattern, You know Las Lunas is a different setup. 01:21:13
There we are. I'll tell you about The Smiths building. It's a gentleman who owns it. 01:21:17
He was going to put in a marijuana. 01:21:22
Cultivation, but. 01:21:23
The marijuana boom. 01:21:25
Got so deluded. 01:21:27
That then is, stop investing in it. 01:21:29
You know, it just got too many of these little mom and pops everywhere. 01:21:33
And so he and that's, that was his comment when we talked to him. 01:21:36
And he's a big, I mean, he's a big entrepreneur with Ultra. 01:21:40
But that's that's the reason he quit. 01:21:44
Then I heard Harbor Freight might come in with. What's H hardware gonna say about that? 01:21:46
You know, I mean, there's, there's a lot of conflicts about this kind of stuff. 01:21:50
People say, well, we don't need another grocery store. 01:21:55
I've been here 50 years, we've only always had two. 01:21:57
It was either Smith's. 01:22:01
Or John Brooks or what they call the stop and Shop or whatever. 01:22:02
But now we've got a Walmart and John book, so. 01:22:06
The question is, is there enough? 01:22:09
Commerce. 01:22:11
To be able to support. 01:22:13
That kind of stuff that Las Lunas has, but we don't. They have 120,000 people. We have 20,000 people. 01:22:15
That's, I think, the reality of business. 01:22:22
Getting good rates? 01:22:25
Good natural gas, water and sewer. We can help them with red tape and that's what we did with the others, the gas station. 01:22:26
They put in a lot of money to develop them. 01:22:34
That's what we did, Rancher. 01:22:36
Grant's your supply. What do you call it? Tractor Supply. 01:22:38
That's what we did with Tractor Supply. 01:22:41
And well, she tried Solero. 01:22:43
But Tractor Supply and. 01:22:46
And this new gas station? That's 2. 01:22:48
Big companies that actually came into town. 01:22:51
So, and I think controversial does a good job in trying to. 01:22:54
Get get companies to come in on their own. 01:22:58
Hasn't had much success with the drugstore but. 01:23:02
Drugs. All the drugstores are having a problem right now. 01:23:05
I mean, the CVS and Walgreens are under big pressure. 01:23:08
As far as expanding, they're actually closing. 01:23:12
So, but you got your business, you got your business. I mean it's your job cut off for you. It's not easy. 01:23:15
Maybe we need help with an economic development person and. 01:23:21
We can think of a salary range and we've got the economic Development Fund. I put some money back into it. 01:23:25
Well, that's, you know, let's try to get somebody that will do it. 01:23:32
But then in specific direction as to what they're going to do. 01:23:36
That's going to be the biggest thing. 01:23:39
Thanks, Chris. Thanks for starting the conversation. 01:23:42
Christine, what do you got? Anything. 01:23:49
No. 01:23:52
There is no insurance rates going up. 01:23:55
What about our liability and all that? What about, I know you had a little to do with OSHA, but what's going on with OSHA? Number 01:23:58
one, I want to tell everybody, although people knew that we were being fine, the city is not going to pay a monetary fine. 01:24:04
It is 0 and we will come to terms with OJA and God development. 01:24:11
And arbitration to to satisfy what their. 01:24:15
The complaints? 01:24:19
So Lenas work on Donald, Jerry, Armijo, Christy, we're all working on that. 01:24:20
So what about your? 01:24:25
Workman's comp and safety committee and all that stuff. Are we doing anything with that? 01:24:27
Uh, chances doing. He's doing safety. 01:24:32
Seeing the safety. 01:24:35
You got your hands full. 01:24:38
Yeah. 01:24:40
I'm just wrapping up quarterly, end of year and then W twos will be ready tomorrow. Who's your contact for health insurance? 01:24:42
Help. No. 01:24:50
Arissa, I believe they tell you, do they tell you what's upcoming? Are we going to get increases? 01:24:53
They haven't reached out like Tory Bloomquist, I think is his name. He's the one who's reached out the last two times. 01:24:59
Don't be surprised. 01:25:08
That's what's going to happen. Yeah, I think that what did they say when we went to a meeting in Santa Fe, they were switching 01:25:10
from because they did switch from GSD to. 01:25:16
Like HP ****. Yeah, health support My my question is whether the legislature, they were going to supposed to bail out the health 01:25:23
authority, but $280 million. 01:25:29
I don't know if they ever did that. 01:25:35
Yeah, I don't and so. 01:25:36
But just check with them to see what. 01:25:39
Are they going to give it? Are they going to surprise us or they're going to go in July? Are they going to go on a regular basis? 01:25:41
Right. I'll ask them and see if there's anything in the works. 01:25:46
Isaac. 01:25:52
I just asked you about the guys. I mean, it got cold. 01:25:55
It was like 7° five degrees. 01:25:59
Three on my truck this morning. 01:26:02
30° yeah, but no, it did good. We're coming at £500. It dropped down to about 3. 01:26:04
20 flags somewhere around in there. 01:26:11
And do you guys like, have you been lighting any pilots or do you need to, do you have any calls for that this year 'cause usually 01:26:13
you do. I mean, yeah, before, before they found those. 01:26:18
Pigs that were stuck in their wine. 01:26:24
Now that pressure statement is pretty good, yeah. 01:26:28
I haven't been too bad, but like I said. 01:26:31
We're just trying to get all those lines in place before they pave. They don't park. 01:26:35
Church and center. 01:26:39
And then I guess I'll. 01:26:42
Look forward to doing. 01:26:44
The South and department from the front of the. 01:26:45
Library. 01:26:48
Are you putting any new services? 01:26:51
Ever since I haven't gotten any. 01:26:54
But no, just trying to know. 01:26:57
Replace domains. 01:27:00
They're all mostly inch and 1/4. 01:27:01
To them. So I'll put it in that forest. So it's kind of helping everybody else too. 01:27:03
You're not dropping question. 01:27:09
Mr. Poland. 01:27:11
I know we advertised on my card. 01:27:13
Something with their services and things they could ever get that going through here. 01:27:17
I don't know. A while back they had presented. 01:27:22
That they needed to. 01:27:25
Like pay for their parts and that we're just way under in that department. Did that ever go through? 01:27:27
We already got it. Yeah, OK. No, just like the. 01:27:34
They gave us the great donations and foster connection and stuff that was way low and. 01:27:38
And the lawyer also told us we were not in a good spot there. Yeah, yeah. And what we did there pretty much just adjusted them to 01:27:42
where they're pretty much just paying for the parts, correct. Yeah. But before we were under the way. 01:27:49
I know it at least pays for itself. Yeah, at least. 01:27:56
Can you explain to me about this $9000? 01:27:59
That they were talking about that e-mail you got. Can you explain to the council what that's about? 01:28:03
I'm not too sure how that RNG works, like if we would have to. 01:28:07
Do anything on our part of the system, any upgrades, stuff like that. Like I don't even know how they'll get it in. 01:28:13
If they had gold to where we get it from there and. 01:28:19
From El Paso and Berlin and coming down. 01:28:22
I don't know if they have. 01:28:24
Their own separate lines that come in or they would have to. 01:28:26
So we never signed anything. No, no. I mean, I asked him for a meeting, but I guess he's not going to be back into that guy. I 01:28:29
don't know, though. 01:28:33
So I kind of told that already, but he's still kind of persistent. 01:28:37
But OK. 01:28:43
One last shot. 01:28:48
Mayor Council. So we're through our second quarter. So we started our third quarter. We still are working on collections with. 01:28:54
Turn offs we are. 01:29:02
Referring people to late than Midwest cap. 01:29:03
For assistance, but we are working with them and telling them come in, we'll do a plan with you, you know, to make a payment. 01:29:06
We do have new rates going in. 01:29:12
February 1st, which is you're asking Joel about the. 01:29:15
Umm part. So it is going to depending on. 01:29:19
What the parts cost, you know when it's going to go out to the customers. 01:29:22
This month is the coldest month of the year, so March bill would be the highest bill. 01:29:26
But the new rates do go in. 01:29:32
Now, um. 01:29:34
Mike got a new garbage truck, a commercial garbage truck, and it is running, so I think he has no backups now. 01:29:36
Yeah, so and I know these ones are very, it's not a rather. 01:29:42
Yeah. Oh, it's not. 01:29:46
And, umm. 01:29:48
We did hedge gas. 01:29:49
This year we tried it last year, so we did hedge it and we did compare. 01:29:51
The cost of. 01:29:55
The shell and it is lower and the rates are lower than last year. 01:29:57
What's that? What's the price of gas now? 01:30:02
We had **** at 384. 01:30:05
Whether we will be hesitant? 01:30:07
384 last year. 01:30:09
What is it at 37? 01:30:13
No, it is working out. We are comparing, we will look. 01:30:17
Next month, like I said, it's the coldest. 01:30:20
Under the year we are working on grants, I did apply for the New Mexico Match grant. I applied for six and I got one which was 01:30:23
38,000 for the transportation ban. 01:30:28
And Carlos is ordering that. But everything so behind. 01:30:32
So hopefully we get it by June 30th. 01:30:37
And we do still have the ambulances that we're still waiting for and hopefully we get those in July. 01:30:39
So working on those. 01:30:45
And that's about it. I do have. 01:30:48
I did change some positions around a little so we do have some training and accounts payable and in collections. 01:30:50
I just wanted to tell mayor and council thank you for the rate increases, you know, for across the board. You know, that was 01:30:58
really helpful and thanks for the committee for. 01:31:01
Meeting and going over everything with me and the rate increase. Don't you have any questions? You know, we went through a whole. 01:31:05
You know, we had, we had everything. 01:31:11
So if you need anything, Marcy did a great job on that, no? 01:31:13
Anything. Oh, and then I use Living through the Library. It's audiobooks if anybody's ever interested. I love it. You tell Chelsea 01:31:19
to order you a book and she ordered it. She's great. 01:31:23
But that's about it for me. 01:31:28
Real books, Yeah. Audiobooks. You know, if you're traveling. 01:31:30
If you're walking, it's great. 01:31:35
Which book do you like? 01:31:37
I'm reading right now. I'm listening to the Nightingale. 01:31:39
It's about the Holocaust. It's it's Christian Hannah. 01:31:43
Well, good. I'm glad you're a book reader listener. 01:31:49
Great. Thanks. Thanks to the directors for everybody. 01:31:52
Yeah, never got a chance to speak and we lengthen the meetings, but this time? 01:31:55
It was worth it to get all the. 01:31:59
Information from. 01:32:01
Everybody. 01:32:02
OK. Any new business? 01:32:04
Any old business, Miss Chavez? I just have an update on our the Housing Authority's apartments. 01:32:07
They are almost done. 01:32:14
We will start training on wait list and start taking applications hopefully. 01:32:16
The last of April. Oh, congratulations, we should be. 01:32:22
Furnished opening refresh. 01:32:28
They're not furnished. 01:32:30
Can I get him finished? 01:32:32
Awesome, what a fantastic job you did. 01:32:33
And just really great. 01:32:36
No, thank you everybody. 01:32:38
You know you guys, what are we going to do with our Rd. Lloyd? 01:32:40
We're in the process of coming up with something. Did you get those extra money? Yes, we did. We got $1,000,000 from. 01:32:46
Van Lohan, wonderful as you do so. Fantastic job. Great. 01:32:53
All right, anything. You. You. 01:32:59
No old old, let's go again. Just real quick. I know I didn't have the exact answer because I can't remember, but I know that the 01:33:01
Cuba Rd. project was through CBBG. 01:33:05
We've been working on that for a while. 01:33:10
And I kind of got an earful from some of the. 01:33:13
Residents out there. 01:33:15
As far as completion and then there was some work done over the ditch and some stuff that and I can't remember. I know there was 01:33:17
something that we were gonna it's done. We've got the money. 01:33:22
We don't have the money yet. We don't. Last week I sent in some documents they wanted changed because we were awarded supplemental 01:33:27
funding for that one. 01:33:30
Because we ran out of money. 01:33:35
And I sent it to him last week and I'm waiting for them to return it and then we're ready to go, but then they award us the 800. 01:33:36
Well, supplemental money, it's 1.067 the state shared, then it's 565, and then that's the 125 that you got yourself. 01:33:44
Yeah, we have the money to finish it. Yes, yeah, I know it's good. It's just trying to get contrary like Monsignor was supposed to 01:33:54
start. 01:33:59
Last year. 01:34:05
So we're just getting it done now. 01:34:07
We've got the money to finish it. Yes. So we do now. But they wanted all of the agreements in one document. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but 01:34:08
I mean, that's paperwork. Yes, Sir. Yeah. I knew there was some part, I just couldn't remember exactly where we were at. But it's 01:34:13
a done deal as far as. 01:34:18
You just have to get the paperwork done and then we'll. 01:34:23
Then we already put it out to Bitter is Albuquerque. 01:34:26
Yeah. 01:34:34
So tell us. I mean, I just like the same thing we told the story, people. 01:34:40
We're trying to put together money to finish the project. 01:34:44
Because everything's coming up 30% more than it normally does. I don't know what's going on with electrical, but every, all the 01:34:46
contracts are put out. 01:34:50
Are 30% more than what we have money for? 01:34:54
So that's the big problem. 01:34:57
So we're trying to accumulate that money and Donald did a. 01:34:59
Good job in getting the supplemental money. 01:35:01
So we're just trying to get that. 01:35:03
Mr. Puerto, on another topic, I had a. 01:35:06
That girl come up to me about the. 01:35:09
Issue of selling food there at Smith's and then. 01:35:11
She said, well, that a police officer. 01:35:15
Told her that they can sell there and I told her well you got to have a. 01:35:18
You know a permit and you gotta ask permission and things like that is it? 01:35:22
Is that across the board that Smith is not one of our? No, it's not. They show up at 10:00. I don't know. Were you responsible for 01:35:25
one of those? 01:35:31
Food vendors by any chance at night showed up at. 01:35:36
9:00 or 10:00. 01:35:39
No, but yeah, but there. 01:35:44
They showed up. I'm every underworld men. 01:35:46
They showed up and they're cooking, had a little Christmas lights and everything. 01:35:49
But that lot is not approved for vendors. There's a wood on it. They cook dinner on there. 01:35:54
Now the only one that's approved. 01:36:00
Is the uh uh. 01:36:02
Umm, Baymont. 01:36:05
But the amount is improved. It's not approved for any vendors though. Nothing, right? OK, the owner has to come to us. 01:36:06
And get it, it's not a big deal. They can get it approved, but they got to approve it. 01:36:13
Hope you got a company. 01:36:17
But uh. 01:36:19
With the summary report something. 01:36:20
But but you know these guys, I usually call Chief and he sends his patrol over there. 01:36:26
Christie. 01:36:32
RadioShack. 01:36:41
Automotive. 01:36:44
Amex Automotive. 01:36:46
Yeah, MX Automotive, the old quick and easy. 01:36:48
We have to. 01:36:54
Got to get it approved through planning and zoning. I guess my it wasn't that the question because I did explain that it's just 01:36:58
that. 01:37:01
And she made it sound like it was selected, like some people were allowed there, some people weren't allowed there. So I'm just. 01:37:04
Speeding pic and I was telling mom selected everybody else is being oven nobody that the answer is nobody right? Nobody's another 01:37:10
property and then I'd love to sell theirs. They're not going to prove in their site. 01:37:17
OK, then you know in a way. 01:37:24
It gets to be a snowball effect sometimes. 01:37:27
You get one person and then somebody else shows up and then. 01:37:30
You know, we try to keep, at least try to keep ahead of it. 01:37:33
Tell me anymore. She's not a restaurant, you know. The other approved site is our own Plaza. 01:37:41
Yeah, but no. But I mean when. 01:37:46
You know, again, it's just, I just hate to have random people show up all over town. 01:37:49
You know, with their little. 01:37:54
Wagons and drinking money number one. I don't know if they put in gross receipts. 01:37:56
And #2 if they have. 01:38:00
If something happens on that lot. 01:38:02
That God is responsible for it. Who owns the law? 01:38:06
So yeah, so this. 01:38:10
It's random. It's me usually who turns them in. 01:38:13
If you want to know, but it's when I see him, I just call they call our friendly patrolman and. 01:38:17
They go talk to him. 01:38:23
So that's that's. 01:38:26
Who were they from town? Yeah, they're from town. I don't know the girls names. 01:38:28
Yeah, she's selling food. 01:38:33
Yes, selling food and then they said they ran off. But then they said that other people are allowed. And I said no. I just don't 01:38:35
think anybody's allowed that. Maybe they just missed it, is what I said. You know, maybe the ones I talked about like they were 01:38:39
from like Texas or some places. 01:38:43
Or Arizona. They just had a little. 01:38:47
They had the whole 10 yards. I mean, they were cooking up a. 01:38:49
Hibachi. I mean, it's like. 01:38:53
And then, you know, then you got vendors selling oranges. 01:38:56
Then you got vendors selling flags, and you got vendors selling. 01:39:00
Who knows what? 01:39:04
You know, so I think that's. 01:39:06
That's part of the we're trying to just keep. 01:39:07
Keep a little later on as well. 01:39:10
Okie, Dokie. 01:39:13
Anyway, well, we had a long meeting. There's no football games or basketball games or forget everything. 01:39:15
Anyway, personnel matter. 01:39:20
Oh, executive session, Miss Charles. 01:39:23
Anyway and. 01:39:27
We've got personnel changes, we've got relent. 01:39:28
V Learner. Oh, we got a new lady police officer. 01:39:32
She's right. Now she works at the. 01:39:37
The prison? The county jail. 01:39:41
She's a new hire and we have Caitlin Garza as a dispatch. Resignation Stephen Silva. 01:39:43
Senior Center is a resignation. 01:39:49
Anybody. 01:39:54
Mr. Mayor, I'll make a motion to accept the personnel changes. 01:39:56
Discussion. 01:40:00
Unfair then for businesses we got a models rustic custom cocina. 01:40:01
Marcia Amaro. 01:40:07
At 1560 Hope Farms. 01:40:10
And wait right And detailing and pressure washing. 01:40:13
Jordan, Jordan Robus, he is a, he's a go getter, so. 01:40:16
All in favor. 01:40:21
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. The next meeting is February 4th. 01:40:23
S but I guess she learning moderate. 01:40:28
I didn't bore you. Did I fight against anybody? 01:40:31
This time, here's Ruth. 01:40:35
Oh. 01:40:39
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