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Something that the business owners would do because I agree, but I think that I mean, if we can find ways for property owners who | 00:00:00 | |
don't maintain their building, who does, who do have it to where it's, it's, it increases or it attracts crime. It attracts the | 00:00:06 | |
stuff in neighboring areas, the houses behind Smiths, for example. Or what if it catches fire in it and it and, and it and the | 00:00:12 | |
houses are damaged? I mean, do we, I mean, if they don't have insurance, where do they go after that type of stuff too? I mean, I | 00:00:18 | |
agree with all. | 00:00:24 | |
Stuff. But I mean, I also agree with what Councillor Salome is saying too, is that how do we make it beneficial for everybody? | 00:00:30 | |
Nobody's gonna, I mean, not everybody's gonna be happy, I don't think. But at least I think there's some common ground we can get | 00:00:36 | |
to as long as we do have. Because it even says you sent this Jerry already. I mean, legal review and all this other stuff and take | 00:00:43 | |
it step by step because I think it is a step in the right direction to in a way revitalize, but at the same time. | 00:00:50 | |
Promote and give and allows us to recognize where are we we. | 00:00:57 | |
In the community, what can we use the council do to help support the items in this agenda and these business owners just like you | 00:01:03 | |
said too, and move from there. But I, I mean, I just like Councillor Partridge as well too. I think that, you know, we, there's | 00:01:09 | |
something we, we have to address it, I think, and we have to do something about it. What that is. | 00:01:15 | |
We got to figure that out. | 00:01:22 | |
You know, and this is, this may be a good idea, right? | 00:01:26 | |
Down the line once we try these things, this council has been sitting here for 10 years, 12 years trying to lower the electric | 00:01:32 | |
rates for businesses, right. One of the reasons we've been trying to do that is so we can revitalize the call. And I, I think | 00:01:38 | |
until we, we put those systems in place, use that GRT percentage that's meant for economic development used lower the electric | 00:01:45 | |
rates. | 00:01:52 | |
Work with the county. | 00:01:59 | |
Those types of things, when we put those in place and, and then maybe down the line, this is, this is a good idea. But I, I think | 00:02:02 | |
it, it's, it's, it's not the time for it now. I think we, the onus is on us and commissioners to. | 00:02:11 | |
Create an environment not through one ordinance, not through two ordinances, but with a system in place that allows. | 00:02:21 | |
For businesses to come to the coral and find. And that's not just a few words that that's a that's a whole culture of no, I get | 00:02:30 | |
it. No, I'm with you on that for sure. I'm just putting 1 foot forward. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's a good. | 00:02:38 | |
On this, on that note, so just to answer that question, is that this ordinance that we just made the motion for approval for | 00:02:49 | |
publication, that's the ordinance. | 00:02:54 | |
That would if we, if we pass that publication that this, the language that's in that ordinance is what's going to be published and | 00:03:00 | |
everything else, right. In that case, I want to make a motion to rescind my motion for approval publication until we can. | 00:03:08 | |
Let's go through these implementation steps one second. | 00:03:17 | |
All in favor, aye. OK, now I'd like to make a motion that we postpone the. | 00:03:21 | |
You postpone ordinance. | 00:03:31 | |
#24-12-17 One second. | 00:03:35 | |
All in favor. | 00:03:41 | |
I think everybody who knows me, I don't come around to complain. I'm not one to ***** about certain things of the city. I've been | 00:03:51 | |
in your guys similar situations in other in other regards. My concern was and what got me a little, you know my hair up is that | 00:03:58 | |
enlisted had been provided to the council listing certain. | 00:04:05 | |
Businesses. Well, I had requested the list to see who was on the list. I was informed that I was on the list, OK. And I said, | 00:04:13 | |
well, who else is on this list? Because I can go down California St. Spring Street and every other place and I can pretty much | 00:04:20 | |
tell you that building is vacant. That building is vacant. That's building is vacant. Now, I understand the purpose of | 00:04:28 | |
revitalization and what the city is trying to do to make sure that you don't have a bunch of junk out there, you know? | 00:04:35 | |
And I was always under the impression that I got called by the city constantly about my weeds, from Chesnick when he was saying to | 00:04:43 | |
Robert Serna to you name it, I got called and I would comply. I would come in, clean up the weeds, et cetera. I think there was | 00:04:51 | |
graffiti, somebody graffiti me at one time. I painted over it. I made sure that the graffiti was gone. OK. The only thing that I | 00:04:58 | |
have now is a broken window because I had homeless people under the under. | 00:05:06 | |
Tart under the canopy who built the fire and was camping out there and I went to them and I said look, I don't want to call the | 00:05:13 | |
police. I'm not trying to create problems. Just move. Well, they the young, she wasn't a young lady, but elderly lady got upset | 00:05:21 | |
and decided to take it out. OK, those things happen whenever you my feeling was is do I do I put boards across the windows. I'm | 00:05:28 | |
taking a risk. I know that, but I boarded up and make it look even worse. | 00:05:35 | |
Or am I trying to establish somebody to come in and say, hey, look, you can look into the window and see whether these square | 00:05:43 | |
footage is good enough for what you what you want. I understand about trying to clean it up, making sure your building is well | 00:05:50 | |
kept, et cetera. And my only concern at the time is, you know, due process requires that people should have the opportunity to | 00:05:58 | |
object to an ordinance, just not shrug down their throat. OK. And especially when you have a vested interest in it. | 00:06:05 | |
And the passage of it. So that was my concern. The other thing is, is let's list everybody. I mean, if there's going to be a list, | 00:06:13 | |
I mean, to me, I would have probably said, hey, I don't want to list. Let's just talk about the ordinance and what our purpose is. | 00:06:20 | |
But once you put a list, then it starts to look like you're targeting people, especially when you leave out certain people that | 00:06:26 | |
you know have buildings that are vacant and you start to. | 00:06:33 | |
Imagine or. | 00:06:41 | |
Conspiracy, I guess conspiracy theories come up and you start to wonder how come they weren't put in there. Is there a purpose? Is | 00:06:43 | |
there a reason? And I, I think that's my biggest concern. I don't have a problem with counselor of being a suggestion of let's | 00:06:49 | |
let's go through the process. I mean, let's have a meeting, let's have public hearings. Let's see what what the purpose is. I mean | 00:06:55 | |
there has to be a definition of what is vacant. I mean is vacant. So if I can go over there and I put a bunch of junk in there | 00:07:00 | |
I've seen buildings that. | 00:07:06 | |
Junk in there and and say, OK, I'm renting it to that person, but no no longer becomes vacant. I mean that's I can do that. Does | 00:07:12 | |
it solve the problem? Not really, but I guess you know, whatever. So as I what I'm here is because I felt that look, this thing is | 00:07:20 | |
getting shoved down my throat. I am a vested I have a vested interest in this thing and there's no process to have a hearing on | 00:07:27 | |
it. | 00:07:34 | |
Or public hearings, you know, to say this is what we're doing, this is the definition, this is the penalties, this is whatever and | 00:07:42 | |
have some input into it and, and define exactly what you guys are looking at, at the with the ordinance. So I mean, I think it's | 00:07:49 | |
really open and unfortunately I couldn't get a copy of the ordinance to read it to see what, you know, for my point of view, Hey, | 00:07:57 | |
what's my legal remedies here, you know, and see what what's going on so. | 00:08:04 | |
That's why I'm here. And like I said, I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus or anything else. I just felt that when you do | 00:08:12 | |
lists, I think that's kind of something that you don't want. You know, you just the purpose is, hey, I want an ordinance. Let's | 00:08:18 | |
put the ordinance together, but don't put a list because there's going to be people going to leave out and that's going to create | 00:08:24 | |
problems. No question about it. That's what I'm Thank you, Ron. Thank you. | 00:08:30 | |
Thank you for your time. Thank you. Thank you, Chris. Chris, thank you so for doing this. And The thing is, is that. | 00:08:37 | |
Taking a proactive action on it, on the on from this from his standpoint. And I think just starting with the stakeholder things | 00:08:45 | |
you can relate to people, business owners or people that have these buildings that maybe you haven't interacted with that you can | 00:08:50 | |
express the struggles that you deal with and all this other stuff on a daily basis. Not naming them specifically, but the stuff | 00:08:56 | |
that you go through so that that maybe they can offer some other things. And just like it says on here that you provided in the in | 00:09:01 | |
the white paper. | 00:09:06 | |
To gather feedback and fine tune the ordinance. | 00:09:12 | |
We can fine tune it, we can make it super good to where maybe we can be the ones on here to where when you have the the sample | 00:09:15 | |
cities that what they're doing that we can be the example for it if we do it right. | 00:09:21 | |
Thank you. Thanks Chris. What we asked you, I just tweaked it something. | 00:09:28 | |
So we have. | 00:09:35 | |
Another company. | 00:09:36 | |
Well, you have the beautiful, beautiful, I don't know if it's still active with the beautiful and stuff like that. And I haven't | 00:09:39 | |
heard from them since Mrs. Wells was said too emerged on other organizations that can offer input as well too, that get everybody | 00:09:46 | |
and maybe actually get something going. | 00:09:53 | |
You know, I know it's easy to come in and say, well, you know, you can't rent it, sell it. Well, I just want to let you know that | 00:10:02 | |
the property that I have has been in my family for 400 years and I'll be damned if I want to sell it period. Maybe my kids will, | 00:10:09 | |
probably will, no question about it. I mean, they don't care. They don't. So just wait till I'm dead. You can probably have it, | 00:10:17 | |
you know, whatever. But the point is, is like I said it, it almost. | 00:10:24 | |
Somebody that, you know, you're gonna start finding them and they're gonna finally say, hey, look, and of course, people who wanna | 00:10:32 | |
purchase it wanna cheap. I mean, hey, that's business. I don't blame them. I don't criticize them. But that's the process. So | 00:10:38 | |
again, you know, we try. I talk to people all the time. I've contacted franchises. They won't even come close to Socorro. The GRT | 00:10:45 | |
just isn't big enough. The population isn't big enough. They just won't come in. | 00:10:52 | |
And small business owners that you know to start up. | 00:11:00 | |
When you talk about insurance rates, property taxes, all of that stuff, they start to back off. And of course, they say rent it to | 00:11:03 | |
me for $100. Well, I got to pay property, you know, in the investment. So because it doesn't work that way. So I sympathize with | 00:11:10 | |
you. I mean, you have a big job, and you probably get a lot of people ****** *** at you, but I guess that comes with a territory, | 00:11:18 | |
you know, with everybody else. So. Yeah, Yeah. I mean, you know, Yeah, so I understand. So anyway. | 00:11:25 | |
That kind of sums it up from my perspective is the the previous county clerk and the mayor when when Eagle Pitcher was moving out | 00:11:32 | |
of town. | 00:11:36 | |
And they couldn't do it anymore. They, they, they closed up shop. And no matter what to him, said went to the director and said, | 00:11:40 | |
you know, what can the city do to help you stay in business and keep these people employed? | 00:11:46 | |
And the guy said, you know what, with workman's comp rates, there's nothing that the city could do for us that would keep us here. | 00:11:53 | |
Nothing can't do enough for us to keep us here. We're out of here. | 00:12:03 | |
That's the environment we work on. We work in our state. 75% of the jobs in this state are government jobs. OK means 25% of the | 00:12:08 | |
jobs are private jobs. | 00:12:13 | |
That means that the that the people who were running for office and run the show, well, they don't cater to the 25% because they | 00:12:18 | |
won't win the election that way. | 00:12:23 | |
That's my little 2 bits. | 00:12:29 | |
New business, New business. | 00:12:32 | |
I just have one thing. I had a nice season in the audience here. Mr. Carrico contacted me about. He lives in an area. | 00:12:38 | |
Where he was. | 00:12:46 | |
Once a witness, but it was a lot of gunshots the other day from what I understand and and he emailed me with the concerns on it | 00:12:49 | |
and emailed them back and responded that I mean it's it's been an issue before and and my chief has mentioned and we will talk to | 00:12:56 | |
the chief and maybe get with you to talk about the struggles that he has as far as repeat criminals and issues that happen when | 00:13:03 | |
they do arrest people and and make it the crimes continue to happen but. | 00:13:10 | |
Chief Garcia, this is Mr. Carico, if you guys want to chat. | 00:13:18 | |
I just wanted to bring that up to as far as the concern from the community with crime going on and possible solutions, if there's | 00:13:23 | |
any. | 00:13:27 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:32 | |
So. | 00:13:36 | |
Pretty scary. | 00:13:41 | |
Angel question. You know, last time when Officer Greener Chick, he's the assistant assistant Chief Green was here, we asked him a | 00:13:45 | |
question about. | 00:13:51 | |
About undocumented folks, he's had any issues? Have you had any issues with with undocumented folks? | 00:13:58 | |
We haven't. There was probably about a month ago that there was a van that was stopped with, I don't know, 30 or 35 undocumented | 00:14:07 | |
individuals by Tractor Supply, but we have not had that that type of problem here. Thank you, Angel. More of our locals, but yeah. | 00:14:17 | |
I just I mean, I was telling you how good of a job you guys do at the Police Department. So if you just want to kind of explain in | 00:14:28 | |
a nutshell, maybe the the struggles that you run into, and I don't know if I want to say staffing, but as far as. | 00:14:34 | |
What happens with these criminals when you do pick them up and you are doing what you're doing, what law enforcement does and what | 00:14:40 | |
happens after that? Definitely. I'll definitely get with him and do that. | 00:14:45 | |
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Thank you, guys. | 00:14:51 | |
Old business. | 00:14:56 | |
Executive session. | 00:14:58 | |
What's that? | 00:15:03 | |
Old business, yeah. | 00:15:07 | |
Yeah, if you're ready for it. | 00:15:10 | |
Last meeting we talked a lot about zoning in Socorro, and I think through discussions we're realizing that maybe we need to do a | 00:15:15 | |
little bit of work on that, you know? | 00:15:20 | |
Just to give one example, if you get a special permit, there was a lot of discussion that is supposed to come and renew it every | 00:15:27 | |
five years. You know, I don't believe anybody was ever notified that they were supposed to do that. I mean, who notifies them that | 00:15:33 | |
they need to come back and revisit their their special permit request? | 00:15:40 | |
And then I think we noticed the maps are very outdated that we that we use for our zoning ordinance. So those are the kinds of | 00:15:48 | |
things that I just thought that maybe we should think about addressing those. Do we want to have another community? | 00:15:55 | |
Talk about there's gone and we formed 3 new people. | 00:16:04 | |
Good thing there's no Internet. You can't watch it, Madam Mayor. So Councillor Dean and I talked about that just, you know, taking | 00:16:09 | |
that back in and familiarizing herself with the the code, zoning, the ordinances in the area, what role residential means, what's | 00:16:16 | |
allowable in those areas. And we just said it'd be good for us to to be able to understand that better, take some time and maybe, | 00:16:23 | |
you know, to be able to disseminate that information on these issues, come up to the public. | 00:16:29 | |
So I would be, I'm not on any committees, I haven't wanted to be on anything just because I want to learn how to be a good | 00:16:37 | |
Councilman before I jump on a committee. Gladly do that with her if she decided to do that. And maybe not a committee, but maybe | 00:16:43 | |
the council can have like a 2 day workshop or a one day workshop where we can come in and discuss all of that and have like a | 00:16:49 | |
working, working day. | 00:16:55 | |
Maybe along with the zoning Commission as well, too. Exactly. | 00:17:03 | |
That would be helpful. | 00:17:07 | |
I will get with Christy tomorrow, but in my experience over the last nine years, we need to rewrite the personnel manual. We need | 00:17:08 | |
to rewrite zoning. There's another one that just slipped my mind, but we have some antiquated absolutely stuff. I mean, it still | 00:17:15 | |
works, but it could could use some updating. | 00:17:21 | |
Just because the verb is for, you know, just the lingo, the verb is understanding. It is helpful to you just to, you know, get, | 00:17:28 | |
get an idea of what we're looking at there when those issues do come up. | 00:17:34 | |
Would it be worthwhile to hire a consultant to do some of this work for us? When I was first hired, I went through and put flags | 00:17:40 | |
on everything I would change in the personnel manual and there's probably 1500 flags on it. But did they have they started | 00:17:48 | |
retyping it? Because if they'll just put it into Word for me, I can go in and edit it myself. Yeah, when you start that. | 00:17:56 | |
We did the utility one. | 00:18:10 | |
Mm-hmm. | 00:18:14 | |
Yes. | 00:18:21 | |
It actually the whole personality. Of course we have to do so we don't have an appearing and everything when we do make decisions, | 00:18:22 | |
but there's a lot of things. | 00:18:26 | |
Madam Mayor, just for Mr. Monex information, the State is changing and map and state statute with regards to the new 911 system, | 00:18:34 | |
so we have to revise it. | 00:18:40 | |
Going to need a week of working days. | 00:18:48 | |
We need a professional manual writer. | 00:18:51 | |
OK, executive session None. | 00:18:55 | |
Personal changes. | 00:19:00 | |
We have John Armijo. | 00:19:02 | |
Animal Shelter Officer New hire That's good 42 Darryl Ross, Tourism and Administrative Assistant, Additional duties from AC39 to | 00:19:05 | |
AC41. Madam Mayor, make a motion. We approve the personnel changes as presented. Second, all in favor. All right. | 00:19:15 | |
Business registration We have JB Professional Automotive 500 N 6th St. Johnny Venezuela Auto repair flawless finish permanent | 00:19:29 | |
makeup by Eliza 316 California St. Eliza Torres permanent makeup tattoo Sierra cleaners 115 Faulkner Haven law dry cleaners. | 00:19:41 | |
Badger Day riding out of town, Albuquerque. Jamie Taylor. | 00:19:54 | |
Hydrose something. | 00:20:00 | |
On the mobile notary and processing service out of town. 547 Harold Drive there in Chavis. Notary and process fee. | 00:20:03 | |
Aber E and TLL CC 19198 New Ave. Grisil Polymeris Employment Agency slash services Madam Mayor. | 00:20:14 | |
Make a motion. We approve the business registrations. Second discussion. | 00:20:28 | |
All in favor, aye. Madam Mayor, just Councillor Green, on your motion to postpone, did you say till December 17th? I didn't give a | 00:20:36 | |
date. I just said postpone. Can we revisit that? Because in our rule of procedure, we have to give it a specific date to what's | 00:20:43 | |
going to be reconsidered. Or you can, I don't even say give it out like say in 2025. | 00:20:50 | |
There has to be a date on that one. There's supposed to be. If you table it, it's supposed to come back up during the same | 00:20:59 | |
meeting, and if you postpone it, you're supposed to put us an actual date. | 00:21:03 | |
Yeah, well then. | 00:21:12 | |
I would do it back in March. I don't know how we would go back and redo a motion on that though, to be a friend emotion or make a | 00:21:15 | |
friend emotion to. | 00:21:20 | |
Amend the term of my original. | 00:21:27 | |
Motion of Postponing ordinance #24-12-17 to read. | 00:21:31 | |
And addressed in 2025. | 00:21:41 | |
The year 2025. Thank you. | 00:21:46 | |
And I have one. Sorry. Go ahead. | 00:21:51 | |
Discussion. | 00:21:56 | |
I don't know, 2025 is the whole year. It takes us that long to get all this out there, at least address it in 2025 at some point. | 00:21:58 | |
I mean, if it's either way, if we said it, yeah. I mean, we can always bring that up at any time. Now we can, yeah. | 00:22:07 | |
All in favor, aye. And one announcement. The District 1 Highway Commissioners will be at the Convention Center Thursday morning at | 00:22:17 | |
8:30. If any of you can make it, just stop by to say hello or something. | 00:22:23 | |
No, I don't. I think this is just their annual meeting, their annual district meeting. | 00:22:30 | |
And then there's also the duty of Albert Wall. That's the dot employees. It's, it's just them though. And then the Commission will | 00:22:39 | |
be at Jackson Ranch. | 00:22:45 | |
OK, Thursday. What time? 8:30 Thank you. OK, next City Council meeting is December 30 at six and I need a motion to adjourn. | 00:22:54 | |
Thank you, Madam Mayor. | 00:23:11 |
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Something that the business owners would do because I agree, but I think that I mean, if we can find ways for property owners who | 00:00:00 | |
don't maintain their building, who does, who do have it to where it's, it's, it increases or it attracts crime. It attracts the | 00:00:06 | |
stuff in neighboring areas, the houses behind Smiths, for example. Or what if it catches fire in it and it and, and it and the | 00:00:12 | |
houses are damaged? I mean, do we, I mean, if they don't have insurance, where do they go after that type of stuff too? I mean, I | 00:00:18 | |
agree with all. | 00:00:24 | |
Stuff. But I mean, I also agree with what Councillor Salome is saying too, is that how do we make it beneficial for everybody? | 00:00:30 | |
Nobody's gonna, I mean, not everybody's gonna be happy, I don't think. But at least I think there's some common ground we can get | 00:00:36 | |
to as long as we do have. Because it even says you sent this Jerry already. I mean, legal review and all this other stuff and take | 00:00:43 | |
it step by step because I think it is a step in the right direction to in a way revitalize, but at the same time. | 00:00:50 | |
Promote and give and allows us to recognize where are we we. | 00:00:57 | |
In the community, what can we use the council do to help support the items in this agenda and these business owners just like you | 00:01:03 | |
said too, and move from there. But I, I mean, I just like Councillor Partridge as well too. I think that, you know, we, there's | 00:01:09 | |
something we, we have to address it, I think, and we have to do something about it. What that is. | 00:01:15 | |
We got to figure that out. | 00:01:22 | |
You know, and this is, this may be a good idea, right? | 00:01:26 | |
Down the line once we try these things, this council has been sitting here for 10 years, 12 years trying to lower the electric | 00:01:32 | |
rates for businesses, right. One of the reasons we've been trying to do that is so we can revitalize the call. And I, I think | 00:01:38 | |
until we, we put those systems in place, use that GRT percentage that's meant for economic development used lower the electric | 00:01:45 | |
rates. | 00:01:52 | |
Work with the county. | 00:01:59 | |
Those types of things, when we put those in place and, and then maybe down the line, this is, this is a good idea. But I, I think | 00:02:02 | |
it, it's, it's, it's not the time for it now. I think we, the onus is on us and commissioners to. | 00:02:11 | |
Create an environment not through one ordinance, not through two ordinances, but with a system in place that allows. | 00:02:21 | |
For businesses to come to the coral and find. And that's not just a few words that that's a that's a whole culture of no, I get | 00:02:30 | |
it. No, I'm with you on that for sure. I'm just putting 1 foot forward. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's a good. | 00:02:38 | |
On this, on that note, so just to answer that question, is that this ordinance that we just made the motion for approval for | 00:02:49 | |
publication, that's the ordinance. | 00:02:54 | |
That would if we, if we pass that publication that this, the language that's in that ordinance is what's going to be published and | 00:03:00 | |
everything else, right. In that case, I want to make a motion to rescind my motion for approval publication until we can. | 00:03:08 | |
Let's go through these implementation steps one second. | 00:03:17 | |
All in favor, aye. OK, now I'd like to make a motion that we postpone the. | 00:03:21 | |
You postpone ordinance. | 00:03:31 | |
#24-12-17 One second. | 00:03:35 | |
All in favor. | 00:03:41 | |
I think everybody who knows me, I don't come around to complain. I'm not one to ***** about certain things of the city. I've been | 00:03:51 | |
in your guys similar situations in other in other regards. My concern was and what got me a little, you know my hair up is that | 00:03:58 | |
enlisted had been provided to the council listing certain. | 00:04:05 | |
Businesses. Well, I had requested the list to see who was on the list. I was informed that I was on the list, OK. And I said, | 00:04:13 | |
well, who else is on this list? Because I can go down California St. Spring Street and every other place and I can pretty much | 00:04:20 | |
tell you that building is vacant. That building is vacant. That's building is vacant. Now, I understand the purpose of | 00:04:28 | |
revitalization and what the city is trying to do to make sure that you don't have a bunch of junk out there, you know? | 00:04:35 | |
And I was always under the impression that I got called by the city constantly about my weeds, from Chesnick when he was saying to | 00:04:43 | |
Robert Serna to you name it, I got called and I would comply. I would come in, clean up the weeds, et cetera. I think there was | 00:04:51 | |
graffiti, somebody graffiti me at one time. I painted over it. I made sure that the graffiti was gone. OK. The only thing that I | 00:04:58 | |
have now is a broken window because I had homeless people under the under. | 00:05:06 | |
Tart under the canopy who built the fire and was camping out there and I went to them and I said look, I don't want to call the | 00:05:13 | |
police. I'm not trying to create problems. Just move. Well, they the young, she wasn't a young lady, but elderly lady got upset | 00:05:21 | |
and decided to take it out. OK, those things happen whenever you my feeling was is do I do I put boards across the windows. I'm | 00:05:28 | |
taking a risk. I know that, but I boarded up and make it look even worse. | 00:05:35 | |
Or am I trying to establish somebody to come in and say, hey, look, you can look into the window and see whether these square | 00:05:43 | |
footage is good enough for what you what you want. I understand about trying to clean it up, making sure your building is well | 00:05:50 | |
kept, et cetera. And my only concern at the time is, you know, due process requires that people should have the opportunity to | 00:05:58 | |
object to an ordinance, just not shrug down their throat. OK. And especially when you have a vested interest in it. | 00:06:05 | |
And the passage of it. So that was my concern. The other thing is, is let's list everybody. I mean, if there's going to be a list, | 00:06:13 | |
I mean, to me, I would have probably said, hey, I don't want to list. Let's just talk about the ordinance and what our purpose is. | 00:06:20 | |
But once you put a list, then it starts to look like you're targeting people, especially when you leave out certain people that | 00:06:26 | |
you know have buildings that are vacant and you start to. | 00:06:33 | |
Imagine or. | 00:06:41 | |
Conspiracy, I guess conspiracy theories come up and you start to wonder how come they weren't put in there. Is there a purpose? Is | 00:06:43 | |
there a reason? And I, I think that's my biggest concern. I don't have a problem with counselor of being a suggestion of let's | 00:06:49 | |
let's go through the process. I mean, let's have a meeting, let's have public hearings. Let's see what what the purpose is. I mean | 00:06:55 | |
there has to be a definition of what is vacant. I mean is vacant. So if I can go over there and I put a bunch of junk in there | 00:07:00 | |
I've seen buildings that. | 00:07:06 | |
Junk in there and and say, OK, I'm renting it to that person, but no no longer becomes vacant. I mean that's I can do that. Does | 00:07:12 | |
it solve the problem? Not really, but I guess you know, whatever. So as I what I'm here is because I felt that look, this thing is | 00:07:20 | |
getting shoved down my throat. I am a vested I have a vested interest in this thing and there's no process to have a hearing on | 00:07:27 | |
it. | 00:07:34 | |
Or public hearings, you know, to say this is what we're doing, this is the definition, this is the penalties, this is whatever and | 00:07:42 | |
have some input into it and, and define exactly what you guys are looking at, at the with the ordinance. So I mean, I think it's | 00:07:49 | |
really open and unfortunately I couldn't get a copy of the ordinance to read it to see what, you know, for my point of view, Hey, | 00:07:57 | |
what's my legal remedies here, you know, and see what what's going on so. | 00:08:04 | |
That's why I'm here. And like I said, I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus or anything else. I just felt that when you do | 00:08:12 | |
lists, I think that's kind of something that you don't want. You know, you just the purpose is, hey, I want an ordinance. Let's | 00:08:18 | |
put the ordinance together, but don't put a list because there's going to be people going to leave out and that's going to create | 00:08:24 | |
problems. No question about it. That's what I'm Thank you, Ron. Thank you. | 00:08:30 | |
Thank you for your time. Thank you. Thank you, Chris. Chris, thank you so for doing this. And The thing is, is that. | 00:08:37 | |
Taking a proactive action on it, on the on from this from his standpoint. And I think just starting with the stakeholder things | 00:08:45 | |
you can relate to people, business owners or people that have these buildings that maybe you haven't interacted with that you can | 00:08:50 | |
express the struggles that you deal with and all this other stuff on a daily basis. Not naming them specifically, but the stuff | 00:08:56 | |
that you go through so that that maybe they can offer some other things. And just like it says on here that you provided in the in | 00:09:01 | |
the white paper. | 00:09:06 | |
To gather feedback and fine tune the ordinance. | 00:09:12 | |
We can fine tune it, we can make it super good to where maybe we can be the ones on here to where when you have the the sample | 00:09:15 | |
cities that what they're doing that we can be the example for it if we do it right. | 00:09:21 | |
Thank you. Thanks Chris. What we asked you, I just tweaked it something. | 00:09:28 | |
So we have. | 00:09:35 | |
Another company. | 00:09:36 | |
Well, you have the beautiful, beautiful, I don't know if it's still active with the beautiful and stuff like that. And I haven't | 00:09:39 | |
heard from them since Mrs. Wells was said too emerged on other organizations that can offer input as well too, that get everybody | 00:09:46 | |
and maybe actually get something going. | 00:09:53 | |
You know, I know it's easy to come in and say, well, you know, you can't rent it, sell it. Well, I just want to let you know that | 00:10:02 | |
the property that I have has been in my family for 400 years and I'll be damned if I want to sell it period. Maybe my kids will, | 00:10:09 | |
probably will, no question about it. I mean, they don't care. They don't. So just wait till I'm dead. You can probably have it, | 00:10:17 | |
you know, whatever. But the point is, is like I said it, it almost. | 00:10:24 | |
Somebody that, you know, you're gonna start finding them and they're gonna finally say, hey, look, and of course, people who wanna | 00:10:32 | |
purchase it wanna cheap. I mean, hey, that's business. I don't blame them. I don't criticize them. But that's the process. So | 00:10:38 | |
again, you know, we try. I talk to people all the time. I've contacted franchises. They won't even come close to Socorro. The GRT | 00:10:45 | |
just isn't big enough. The population isn't big enough. They just won't come in. | 00:10:52 | |
And small business owners that you know to start up. | 00:11:00 | |
When you talk about insurance rates, property taxes, all of that stuff, they start to back off. And of course, they say rent it to | 00:11:03 | |
me for $100. Well, I got to pay property, you know, in the investment. So because it doesn't work that way. So I sympathize with | 00:11:10 | |
you. I mean, you have a big job, and you probably get a lot of people ****** *** at you, but I guess that comes with a territory, | 00:11:18 | |
you know, with everybody else. So. Yeah, Yeah. I mean, you know, Yeah, so I understand. So anyway. | 00:11:25 | |
That kind of sums it up from my perspective is the the previous county clerk and the mayor when when Eagle Pitcher was moving out | 00:11:32 | |
of town. | 00:11:36 | |
And they couldn't do it anymore. They, they, they closed up shop. And no matter what to him, said went to the director and said, | 00:11:40 | |
you know, what can the city do to help you stay in business and keep these people employed? | 00:11:46 | |
And the guy said, you know what, with workman's comp rates, there's nothing that the city could do for us that would keep us here. | 00:11:53 | |
Nothing can't do enough for us to keep us here. We're out of here. | 00:12:03 | |
That's the environment we work on. We work in our state. 75% of the jobs in this state are government jobs. OK means 25% of the | 00:12:08 | |
jobs are private jobs. | 00:12:13 | |
That means that the that the people who were running for office and run the show, well, they don't cater to the 25% because they | 00:12:18 | |
won't win the election that way. | 00:12:23 | |
That's my little 2 bits. | 00:12:29 | |
New business, New business. | 00:12:32 | |
I just have one thing. I had a nice season in the audience here. Mr. Carrico contacted me about. He lives in an area. | 00:12:38 | |
Where he was. | 00:12:46 | |
Once a witness, but it was a lot of gunshots the other day from what I understand and and he emailed me with the concerns on it | 00:12:49 | |
and emailed them back and responded that I mean it's it's been an issue before and and my chief has mentioned and we will talk to | 00:12:56 | |
the chief and maybe get with you to talk about the struggles that he has as far as repeat criminals and issues that happen when | 00:13:03 | |
they do arrest people and and make it the crimes continue to happen but. | 00:13:10 | |
Chief Garcia, this is Mr. Carico, if you guys want to chat. | 00:13:18 | |
I just wanted to bring that up to as far as the concern from the community with crime going on and possible solutions, if there's | 00:13:23 | |
any. | 00:13:27 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:32 | |
So. | 00:13:36 | |
Pretty scary. | 00:13:41 | |
Angel question. You know, last time when Officer Greener Chick, he's the assistant assistant Chief Green was here, we asked him a | 00:13:45 | |
question about. | 00:13:51 | |
About undocumented folks, he's had any issues? Have you had any issues with with undocumented folks? | 00:13:58 | |
We haven't. There was probably about a month ago that there was a van that was stopped with, I don't know, 30 or 35 undocumented | 00:14:07 | |
individuals by Tractor Supply, but we have not had that that type of problem here. Thank you, Angel. More of our locals, but yeah. | 00:14:17 | |
I just I mean, I was telling you how good of a job you guys do at the Police Department. So if you just want to kind of explain in | 00:14:28 | |
a nutshell, maybe the the struggles that you run into, and I don't know if I want to say staffing, but as far as. | 00:14:34 | |
What happens with these criminals when you do pick them up and you are doing what you're doing, what law enforcement does and what | 00:14:40 | |
happens after that? Definitely. I'll definitely get with him and do that. | 00:14:45 | |
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Thank you, guys. | 00:14:51 | |
Old business. | 00:14:56 | |
Executive session. | 00:14:58 | |
What's that? | 00:15:03 | |
Old business, yeah. | 00:15:07 | |
Yeah, if you're ready for it. | 00:15:10 | |
Last meeting we talked a lot about zoning in Socorro, and I think through discussions we're realizing that maybe we need to do a | 00:15:15 | |
little bit of work on that, you know? | 00:15:20 | |
Just to give one example, if you get a special permit, there was a lot of discussion that is supposed to come and renew it every | 00:15:27 | |
five years. You know, I don't believe anybody was ever notified that they were supposed to do that. I mean, who notifies them that | 00:15:33 | |
they need to come back and revisit their their special permit request? | 00:15:40 | |
And then I think we noticed the maps are very outdated that we that we use for our zoning ordinance. So those are the kinds of | 00:15:48 | |
things that I just thought that maybe we should think about addressing those. Do we want to have another community? | 00:15:55 | |
Talk about there's gone and we formed 3 new people. | 00:16:04 | |
Good thing there's no Internet. You can't watch it, Madam Mayor. So Councillor Dean and I talked about that just, you know, taking | 00:16:09 | |
that back in and familiarizing herself with the the code, zoning, the ordinances in the area, what role residential means, what's | 00:16:16 | |
allowable in those areas. And we just said it'd be good for us to to be able to understand that better, take some time and maybe, | 00:16:23 | |
you know, to be able to disseminate that information on these issues, come up to the public. | 00:16:29 | |
So I would be, I'm not on any committees, I haven't wanted to be on anything just because I want to learn how to be a good | 00:16:37 | |
Councilman before I jump on a committee. Gladly do that with her if she decided to do that. And maybe not a committee, but maybe | 00:16:43 | |
the council can have like a 2 day workshop or a one day workshop where we can come in and discuss all of that and have like a | 00:16:49 | |
working, working day. | 00:16:55 | |
Maybe along with the zoning Commission as well, too. Exactly. | 00:17:03 | |
That would be helpful. | 00:17:07 | |
I will get with Christy tomorrow, but in my experience over the last nine years, we need to rewrite the personnel manual. We need | 00:17:08 | |
to rewrite zoning. There's another one that just slipped my mind, but we have some antiquated absolutely stuff. I mean, it still | 00:17:15 | |
works, but it could could use some updating. | 00:17:21 | |
Just because the verb is for, you know, just the lingo, the verb is understanding. It is helpful to you just to, you know, get, | 00:17:28 | |
get an idea of what we're looking at there when those issues do come up. | 00:17:34 | |
Would it be worthwhile to hire a consultant to do some of this work for us? When I was first hired, I went through and put flags | 00:17:40 | |
on everything I would change in the personnel manual and there's probably 1500 flags on it. But did they have they started | 00:17:48 | |
retyping it? Because if they'll just put it into Word for me, I can go in and edit it myself. Yeah, when you start that. | 00:17:56 | |
We did the utility one. | 00:18:10 | |
Mm-hmm. | 00:18:14 | |
Yes. | 00:18:21 | |
It actually the whole personality. Of course we have to do so we don't have an appearing and everything when we do make decisions, | 00:18:22 | |
but there's a lot of things. | 00:18:26 | |
Madam Mayor, just for Mr. Monex information, the State is changing and map and state statute with regards to the new 911 system, | 00:18:34 | |
so we have to revise it. | 00:18:40 | |
Going to need a week of working days. | 00:18:48 | |
We need a professional manual writer. | 00:18:51 | |
OK, executive session None. | 00:18:55 | |
Personal changes. | 00:19:00 | |
We have John Armijo. | 00:19:02 | |
Animal Shelter Officer New hire That's good 42 Darryl Ross, Tourism and Administrative Assistant, Additional duties from AC39 to | 00:19:05 | |
AC41. Madam Mayor, make a motion. We approve the personnel changes as presented. Second, all in favor. All right. | 00:19:15 | |
Business registration We have JB Professional Automotive 500 N 6th St. Johnny Venezuela Auto repair flawless finish permanent | 00:19:29 | |
makeup by Eliza 316 California St. Eliza Torres permanent makeup tattoo Sierra cleaners 115 Faulkner Haven law dry cleaners. | 00:19:41 | |
Badger Day riding out of town, Albuquerque. Jamie Taylor. | 00:19:54 | |
Hydrose something. | 00:20:00 | |
On the mobile notary and processing service out of town. 547 Harold Drive there in Chavis. Notary and process fee. | 00:20:03 | |
Aber E and TLL CC 19198 New Ave. Grisil Polymeris Employment Agency slash services Madam Mayor. | 00:20:14 | |
Make a motion. We approve the business registrations. Second discussion. | 00:20:28 | |
All in favor, aye. Madam Mayor, just Councillor Green, on your motion to postpone, did you say till December 17th? I didn't give a | 00:20:36 | |
date. I just said postpone. Can we revisit that? Because in our rule of procedure, we have to give it a specific date to what's | 00:20:43 | |
going to be reconsidered. Or you can, I don't even say give it out like say in 2025. | 00:20:50 | |
There has to be a date on that one. There's supposed to be. If you table it, it's supposed to come back up during the same | 00:20:59 | |
meeting, and if you postpone it, you're supposed to put us an actual date. | 00:21:03 | |
Yeah, well then. | 00:21:12 | |
I would do it back in March. I don't know how we would go back and redo a motion on that though, to be a friend emotion or make a | 00:21:15 | |
friend emotion to. | 00:21:20 | |
Amend the term of my original. | 00:21:27 | |
Motion of Postponing ordinance #24-12-17 to read. | 00:21:31 | |
And addressed in 2025. | 00:21:41 | |
The year 2025. Thank you. | 00:21:46 | |
And I have one. Sorry. Go ahead. | 00:21:51 | |
Discussion. | 00:21:56 | |
I don't know, 2025 is the whole year. It takes us that long to get all this out there, at least address it in 2025 at some point. | 00:21:58 | |
I mean, if it's either way, if we said it, yeah. I mean, we can always bring that up at any time. Now we can, yeah. | 00:22:07 | |
All in favor, aye. And one announcement. The District 1 Highway Commissioners will be at the Convention Center Thursday morning at | 00:22:17 | |
8:30. If any of you can make it, just stop by to say hello or something. | 00:22:23 | |
No, I don't. I think this is just their annual meeting, their annual district meeting. | 00:22:30 | |
And then there's also the duty of Albert Wall. That's the dot employees. It's, it's just them though. And then the Commission will | 00:22:39 | |
be at Jackson Ranch. | 00:22:45 | |
OK, Thursday. What time? 8:30 Thank you. OK, next City Council meeting is December 30 at six and I need a motion to adjourn. | 00:22:54 | |
Thank you, Madam Mayor. | 00:23:11 |