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Good evening and welcome to the City Council. Meeting today is July 23rd, 2024. Roll call counselor Chavez Lopez, Mayor present. 00:00:00
Councillor Deborah Dean. 00:00:13
Councillor Fleming. Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:16
Councillor Ogi, Councillor Partridge here, Councillor Romero, Councillor Salome, you do have a quorum. 00:00:19
Of the United States, of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and 00:00:34
justice for all. 00:00:39
Madam Mayor. 00:00:49
Yes, Councillor, I would like to on the consent agenda I would like to remove items Ms. and U. 00:00:51
And move that to the top of #6. 00:01:02
So make that the first three items and item 6 and adjust. 00:01:09
The letter items accordingly. 00:01:14
I need a motion to approve. 00:01:19
I just have some questions on it, Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. 00:01:22
The next item after the consent agenda is items removed from the consent agenda. If you want to move them to #4 item four, yeah, 00:01:27
we'll move them to #4 then. OK, let me make a motion. 00:01:32
Thank you all in favor, aye. 00:01:37
OK, Madam Mayor. 00:01:44
OK, so just a quick question on budget resolution #48 the rodeo arena Sports Complex. 00:01:48
There's an item on there. I just would like to know what that quality of life amount, what that quality of life is. 00:01:56
Mayor pro town council. So that's a grant. It's a quality of life grant. It's 923,000. We did spend some money out of that. So I 00:02:07
won't get the reimbursement till this fiscal year. So I had to budget that. So I had to move some money from general fund to cover 00:02:12
that expense, but we'll get the reimbursement this year. 00:02:18
Actually, I think we didn't. Did we approve the consent agenda? No. No, we did not. 00:02:24
I need a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:02:30
Second, all in favor? 00:02:34
All opposed. 00:02:38
On item and councillor the that grant is to wrap the facility, try to keep the wind out and hopefully also we'll have enough 00:02:40
funding to install a heating system. 00:02:46
OK, so I'll make a motion. We approve. Approve budget resolution #48. 00:02:55
All in favor, aye? 00:03:05
OK. And then, Madam? 00:03:09
Is that 105 budget resolution in House resolution #105? 00:03:12
The economic development, I don't know what item was out. 00:03:17
The 252. 00:03:26
Is. 00:03:30
Hang. 00:03:34
Yup. 00:03:41
That was the, So what I did is I just moved from economic development to contractual services because we have the contractual 00:03:44
services and I didn't budget enough. So I just moved it from one line item to another. So what's, what's the contract? 00:03:55
From the dot, he's the one that's. 00:04:09
This went through City Council, the contract went through City Council. So and then it's it's for also for Jason pianist. So those 00:04:13
two come out of economic development. 00:04:18
Helping us get money in sanity. He's a former assistant secretary of the Department of Transportation. Has got a lot of good 00:04:25
connections in South Bay. So I just am budgeting up in that contract right now. 00:04:32
I just moved it from development into that line item. So we still have my take and Jay as their lobbyists as well too. Yes, Sir. 00:04:39
And the flood control, right? He does flood control. 00:04:44
And then? 00:04:51
Did you have? 00:04:53
That was 33 login Simpson that we're we had three. 00:04:57
Justin Reese is kind of like our consultant. So we we use them a lot for our grants that we're working on. 00:05:03
Any answers? What do you help him with? What did he help us with? With him today? He helped us get some extra funding for Cuba 00:05:10
Road and for Bullock directly. Appropriation, direct appropriation from the dot. 00:05:16
And that that economic development money, is that from the Leader Fund? 00:05:22
It's Lita. Well, it's the GRT money that remember we raised the GRT and we, I moved that money and I moved to $100,000 a year in 00:05:27
there. And that's what we use it for economic development. And I know you guys were supposed to you have a committee or a kind of 00:05:34
sort of, so I know that's kind of the money that we use for economic development. 00:05:41
I'll make a motion. We pass budget resident in-house budget resolution #105. 00:05:52
Next is in house. 00:06:02
All in favor opposed. 00:06:06
And then I guess the in-house 107, Madam Mayor. 00:06:10
I guess the in-house budget resolution 107 can answer it because it dealt with my quality of life grand and I just was going to 00:06:18
ask what what it does. So in house resolutions, it's just they're like my budget items like if I go over I can move just line 00:06:24
items from one to another. And it's not required approved by the state. But I do like to show it to council just to show that I do 00:06:30
move line items around. And this year I moved a lot because there was a lot of activity this year. We had a lot going on this 00:06:36
year. 00:06:42
So I do have a lot of US regulations on that in house anyways. 00:06:48
I guess I was going to be used for. 00:06:58
Phone systems and other admin yeah. So if I go over so we had yeah I went over on a few things I didn't budget. 00:07:01
Like our phone systems, our liability insurance PRAA, couple of them were because we gave those reasons. So I did go over on those 00:07:12
line items and when I budgeted at the beginning of the year, I kind of estimate. So sometimes I don't estimate accurately on some 00:07:18
line items, but we did have a lot of activity. 00:07:24
This year, so and Madam Mayor and what you'll see this every July because it's closing out the final budget and getting the 00:07:31
question and the fund actually isn't in the red. It's just that line item. I just don't want to have line item in the negative. 00:07:40
When I report to the state the whole fund can't be in the red and usually if the funds in the red that's why I do an actual bar an 00:07:51
in house resolution. The fund isn't in the red, I'm just moving line items. 00:07:56
This might be a good time to mention that Ruby's department was awarded an award from the Mexican Municipal League for our audits. 00:08:01
On that note, I'll make a motion to pass in house resolution #107. 00:08:10
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. Thank you. 00:08:19
OK, public forum, we'd like to welcome Socorro County Manager Andy Lockridge. 00:08:27
Thank you for coming. You're welcome. Thank you all members of City Council. 00:08:36
Everybody else in the audience, my name is Andy Logic. Some of you know me. 00:08:42
Mr. Fleming may know me too well from all those days working CS when we still had the rooms back there at the old junior high. Mr. 00:08:48
Salome, good to see you again. Everybody else here, it's a pleasure. I just want to take this time to let you all know that in the 00:08:54
brief tenure that I've been here in the last three weeks, a lot has happened to be able to bring back cooperation between the city 00:09:01
and the county. 00:09:08
Not only are we working together, but we now have a new partnership with the new president over at New Mexico Tech. 00:09:16
As well as all of our work with the school district as well. In fact, I just wanted to bring to your attention now that tomorrow 00:09:22
morning, Kenny Gonzalez and I are going to be finalizing the deal to where we're going to be able to have four students from the 00:09:29
high school coming to our equipment shop and start working with the county. So that we can get these kids needed exposure to 00:09:37
what's out there as well as build up their resumes and let them know that there's more to life after high school and. 00:09:44
For that, whether it be college or whether or not the college, there's definitely roles for every student to play here, not only 00:09:52
in the city, but in the county of Socorro as well. Hopefully what we'll be able to do is articulate to everybody that just like 00:09:59
myself, we might leave, we might leave for 30 years, but Socorro is Socorro is in our hearts it we're always going to bleed 00:10:07
warrior blue. And so we just want to make sure that we keep that commitment growing, that we make sure. 00:10:14
That we keep the lines of communication growing strong. So it's been nice working with Mr. Monet that we've been able to do all 00:10:22
kinds of different lines of communication so far. That when it comes to how we're going to be sharing not only some of our funds, 00:10:29
but making sure that the ambulance service is up and running the way it needs to and we can work on getting you guys those funds 00:10:37
just a little bit quicker. And so it's those types of steps and everything that's coming on. 00:10:44
The wrestling program, I cannot tell you how nice it's been living over there in southeastern Colorado and seeing the wrestling 00:10:52
program going as strong as it is. And if we need to start doing some type of different grants between the city and the county to 00:10:59
create opportunities for our youth, I'm all for it. And so that's going to be one of those commitments that we have going on as 00:11:05
well. So with that being said. 00:11:11
If you all have any questions, always always feel free. My door is open. 00:11:18
And we're going to continue that line of communication. I don't want to take up too much of your time tonight because I know you 00:11:24
have a large agenda, luckily. 00:11:28
Our agenda got really short tonight, so I was able to get here a little bit quicker, but if there's anything you ever need, please 00:11:33
do not hesitate to ask. And we're going to make sure that we continue to get moving in the future. So with that, thank you, thank 00:11:38
you, thank you, good luck. Thank you. 00:11:44
Thank you and welcome. 00:11:49
OK. Anybody else? 00:11:52
Public forum. 00:11:55
Hello, my name is Mary Baca and I come before you one time a couple years back. 00:12:06
OK. 00:12:19
First off, I want to say thank you for putting the speed bump all the way across Fisher St. 00:12:21
Because people were swerving and I was almost getting hit on a couple of times because they didn't want to. So I remember posting 00:12:31
it on the soccer safety watch if you guys could put it all the way across, and I don't know who did, but thank you very much. 00:12:38
The second time I came before you guys, I. 00:12:47
Was in a panic. Umm I couldn't locate my. 00:12:52
5 1/2 year old granddaughter at the time. 00:12:58
And this was a few years back and I remember coming in front of you guys and asking you guys for your help. 00:13:03
To get her and moved to my daughter's house and. 00:13:11
Which did not workout very well, but. 00:13:17
Then she went to an aunt's house and didn't workout very well. Then my stepson. 00:13:20
Called me at work one day and told me to go to Las Cruces and help me get my granddaughter moved to his house because she was 00:13:29
crying. 00:13:35
And stuff. And he wanted her, but his wife didn't want her. 00:13:41
So, umm. 00:13:46
Things didn't workout. 00:13:49
Well, again. 00:13:51
For the last three years. 00:13:54
OK, I'm gonna. My emotions have been. 00:13:57
Up and down. 00:14:01
For the last three years because I have to been going to my parents house, taking care of my mom, my dad and my son. 00:14:04
With the help of my siblings as well, but me has the majority. 00:14:12
Was because I'm the one that is responsible for giving them their medication, whatever. 00:14:19
So I'm kind of up in the air with my emotions, so I'm going to try to fumble it a little bit here and. 00:14:27
Try not to get too emotional, but try to get straight to the point. But. 00:14:35
OK. 00:14:41
No, my granddaughter is now 15 1/2. She's living with another foster family and she's doing OK. I. 00:14:44
But now, today I present in front of you. My father passed away in January. 00:14:55
I've been the whole them. 00:15:04
And the main person to give my mother and my son their medication. 00:15:08
And being responsible for the majority of the stuff that I'm in control of everything how you say, power of attorney, OK. 00:15:14
So. 00:15:24
When my dad passed away in January, I got blamed for a lot of stuff. 00:15:26
That I wasn't aware of. 00:15:31
From my son's wife, my stepson's wife. 00:15:34
She had told my granddaughter, my 15 year old granddaughter lies about me, the mother, my granddaughter's mother, lies about me 00:15:43
and this was all supposedly said at my dad's burial when we were all at the cemetery. 00:15:51
Umm, I vaguely remember who was at my dad's funeral. 00:16:00
I just remember looking behind me to see if my husband was there. 00:16:06
And my eldest stepson was there. 00:16:12
Because I knew that my granddaughter and my other grandchildren were with their parents. 00:16:18
So I didn't wasn't concerned with my grandchildren at the time. 00:16:26
But I kind of entered this out to Mr. Salome that day when I saw Mr. Romero as well. 00:16:33
Couple months back. 00:16:42
But today? 00:16:44
I'm trying to. 00:16:48
Yeah, my stepson's wife obstacle YFD program because she. 00:16:51
Basically used my granddaughter to get into the system so she wouldn't have to go out into the world and look for a job. 00:16:59
So this is where I was at when I got vaguely interrupted. 00:17:09
By one of your city police officers. 00:17:17
OK. 00:17:21
I never have a moment's rest. It's like. 00:17:25
Something always happens within the day. I can never accomplish something. A man start a new task because like I said, I was 00:17:30
trying to get my stepson's wife off the CYFD program and then I got assaulted by one of your city police officers. 00:17:39
And I did file Oversight Commission complaint form with. 00:17:50
Mr. Panetta. 00:17:57
OK, umm. 00:18:01
The last time I filed one of these. 00:18:03
I think it was about 20 some years ago. 00:18:08
Against the Richard Lopez and it didn't workout very well. 00:18:12
OK. 00:18:16
So I'm not sure. 00:18:18
How to go about this? 00:18:22
So if you get together with Donald, he knows the process, he can help you with the process. As far as the police oversight 00:18:25
Commission, right? Yes, ma'am. The the complaints with our attorney that overseas the police oversight Commission, We're waiting 00:18:30
to hear back from her so we can schedule the meeting. 00:18:36
I was told not to tell you very much about the case, but. 00:18:44
You know. 00:18:49
I was just kind of. 00:18:51
I even when we were in the courtroom and I did ask the judge. 00:18:53
When you're eating because there was somebody in front of Maine. 00:19:01
And officer was coming. 00:19:08
North. I was going South. He turned his lights on. 00:19:11
And then when he turned around, he turned them off. 00:19:16
But here's the thing, when we got to the stop light, his lights were still not on and he was running my license plate. 00:19:21
He was, you know. 00:19:32
So I said fine, OK, he's running my plate. 00:19:36
And then when we took off, he pulled me over, so I pulled over. 00:19:40
This is for the hearing, I think. I think this would be better offset at the Oversight Commission than here. 00:19:44
Because we only give like 5 minutes. So it's better that when you present your case, you do present it to the police oversight 00:19:54
Commission. Okay. The thing is that I was told is that. 00:20:00
This officer is the. 00:20:10
Well, he was arguing with my husband two weeks prior to he pulled me over. 00:20:14
Because he did run my husband's license plate on his car. 00:20:21
So, so now they're telling, I heard, I'm hearing a lot of stories about this officer, right? But there's nothing that we can do 00:20:26
because it's just public forum. So I think if you follow through with the police oversight commissioner, it's in your best 00:20:33
interest. OK, thank you. Thank you. 00:20:41
Anyone else for public funds? 00:20:50
Good evening all. My name is Dennis Vicente. I live at 605 Colton Drive. You guys hear me? All right then. I have. I've had this 00:21:01
issue for about, I guess 12 years now about my. 00:21:09
Garage, you know, getting flooded saturated with water, you know so and what the colors that I can see is two or three different 00:21:19
factors I guess one is the pipe that goes underneath communal real. 00:21:28
Is not big enough to supplies all the areas. Probably my calculation I see maybe 40 to 50 acres. 00:21:39
Property to the West and I'm sure everybody's familiar with the area. And anyway, I don't think that pipe is big enough to drain 00:21:50
all that water that's coming down and with all the new housing that's going in and the new driveways and more pavement that's 00:21:59
causing more and more water to come down that area. 00:22:08
But and so. 00:22:17
I've had about five times that water went into my garage. 00:22:20
And Sunday night with the rain we had, I'm not sure how much rain we got, but we the water literally almost went into my garage 00:22:28
again. And two years ago, there was water that almost went in my living room. It was within an inch of coming into my living room. 00:22:39
So. 00:22:50
I'm just here to say, you know one option. 00:22:52
The main option is to me would be to replace that pipe. I know it's costly and whatnot. I work for doing this type of work for 35 00:22:58
years. So I know what the costs are cost on those things. So then that would be the main solution. But another thing is. 00:23:09
You know, keeping the vegetation clean in that Slough where the water collects the little dam and trying to keep that so that the 00:23:20
water flows freely all the way to the pipe. And, you know, I've had this issue. I've gone to my insurance company. Well, it's not 00:23:29
a dwelling. That's what I get. 00:23:37
On there so. 00:23:46
I I'd like to just bring it up and see if we can, you know, have this rectified. Mr. O'Malley, has the city ever? 00:23:48
Heard of this happening before at the same area. Yes, Sir. I met with Mr. Vincent they two years ago and he said his house almost 00:24:04
flooded and then the next day I took Lloyd over to look at it. I can't remember exactly what Lloyd told me, but we'll I'll let him 00:24:12
know again tomorrow if we can look into that. The location it's on Coulson and El Camino. Real. Yeah, that's the exact address. 00:24:20
I live at 605605 which is 2 houses off of El Camino Real. 00:24:29
Another problem with that area is as you're approaching El Camino, the roads at an upgrade so access the dam and pushes the water 00:24:35
back. 00:24:39
OK. 00:24:44
Thank you, Sir. OK, you're welcome. 00:24:47
Anyone else for public forum? 00:24:50
If not, we'll move on. 00:24:56
Make a motion to approve the RFP award RFP 062424 to Magdalena. 00:24:59
Or for the Magdalena Mons trail plant. 00:25:08
All in favor, all opposed. Motion passes discussion, Paul. 00:25:12
Well, that am I going to mountain trail there there was three people that that did on that project and. 00:25:23
And a committee recommended Applied Trails Research, so that's that's who we recommended giving the bid to. 00:25:31
Madam Mayor, if you'll remember, Mr. Rob Selena approached us a while back. We're actually working on a second grant with Mr. 00:25:41
Sonia, but this is to design A trail plan from the top of Baldy all the way to Fox Canyon. 00:25:48
Thank you. 00:25:57
Maybe, um. 00:26:00
The municipal league delegate, voting delegate and alternative alternate. 00:26:04
I make a We need a motion to approve. Are we going to approve, Michael? 00:26:15
Madam Mayor, so the municipal, you sent this out a couple weeks ago, the. 00:26:24
Convention is, I believe the first week in August in Clovis, the 15th, okay. And they want to make sure that our delegate and the 00:26:31
alternate are both present to vote. And I believe in January Council Guine was voted as our representative to the Municipal 00:26:37
League. So if someone wants to make a motion, if he's going to be attending to, to be our voting delegate and then anybody else 00:26:44
that might be attending if they'll be the alternate. 00:26:50
August the 15th. 00:26:58
And we need to send all this by the 9th. 00:27:00
And it's in Clovis. 00:27:06
Anybody. 00:27:10
Motion to approve. We need that. We need an alternate too. We need an alternate. Somebody wants to go hang out. I think I can make 00:27:12
some changes, so I'll volunteer to be the ultimate. 00:27:17
2nd. 00:27:27
The discussion. 00:27:28
All in favor, aye? 00:27:32
All opposed motion passes. I'll make a motion where you pass resolution #001A with our final budget 2nd. 00:27:34
Discussion. 00:27:47
All in favor. 00:27:50
Madam Mayor, I will make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23A, the DFA fourth quarter report. 00:27:54
No second. 00:28:06
Discussion. 00:28:07
All in favor, aye? 00:28:11
Yes, Sir, I would like to make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23B. The South Central Council of Governments, 24-25. 00:28:20
Participation second. 00:28:27
Christmas. Yeah, we need members. Last year's members were Marianne, and the ultimate was Michael. 00:28:36
The court years ago. 00:28:44
And we could keep it the same. 00:28:48
Are we in discussion? Yes. 00:28:50
So this isn't the contract, right with South Central Council of Government? 00:28:54
It's the contract and the voting members. 00:28:59
Did the contract amount is still the same? 00:29:04
And Madam Mayor, I believe also in January, Councillor Dean was elected to represent us at the Council of Governments and I, I 00:29:08
don't remember who the alternate was. I think that we might have kept it with Gordy. 00:29:14
If you want to keep them the same, but that was just back in January, Yeah, we can. 00:29:22
Yeah. 00:29:29
And also this, the South Central, that's where Gwen Valentino is helping with the grants as well, right? 00:29:34
All right, come on. 00:29:44
All in favor. 00:29:49
MMM. 00:29:53
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. We passed resolution #24-07-23C, the LGRF Park Street, Church Street, and Center St. discussion 00:29:57
question. 00:30:04
Madam Mayor, sorry, so this about the completion. 00:30:11
While at work, Madam Mayor. Yes, we've Mccutchen in April. 00:30:16
And we actually, the council adopted the resolutions for these grants in June, but the state dot changed the resolution the way 00:30:22
they wanted it after we'd already adopted it. 00:30:27
That goes for the next resolution as well. 00:30:36
OK, all in favor, all opposed. Motion passes. Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-24D the map. Otero Ave. 00:30:40
Discussion. 00:30:54
Yes, Sir. So is this on the completion, Mr. Monet of the Otero, we did a little strip. This is actually just for design there. So 00:30:56
we need to be a 1.2 to $1.7 million project. But yes, that is to carry the payment forward, Eric. 00:31:04
Thank you. 00:31:15
That was looking at the next one. 00:31:17
OK, make a motion. 00:31:20
All in favor. 00:31:27
All opposed. 00:31:31
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. We pass resolution #24-07-23E, the condemning of 104 Pinon St. 00:31:33
Donald. Madam Mayor, this resolution and the following or the resolutions are following our condemnation process in the ordinance. 00:31:43
We need to make a motion first. 00:31:47
OK, discussion. 00:31:55
And Antigone is this those old apartments that were trucked in there years and years ago that and I'm not sure it was Pinion, but. 00:31:59
You've probably been dealing with for about two years. It's on their on the drive entry to the fire Academy on the left hand side. 00:32:11
Thank you. 00:32:15
I, I go through Kenyon St. It's a, it's a dirt Rd. isn't it? And it's kind of a little royal at this point. And so I. 00:32:25
By driving through there, I expected to see something that would justify the vote to move the condemnation forward, but. 00:32:36
I didn't see anything that. 00:32:47
That was any different was this. 00:32:49
Pinion goes all the way down to the fire Academy. This was West of. 00:32:52
The road that you turn off to get to the fire Academy right before you get to the sign, and then you go West up toward the 00:32:59
mountain. There's a couple of trailers there. There's a few tires in there. 00:33:04
But. 00:33:11
And then you can catch the other Rd. going back around. 00:33:13
Yeah. I, I didn't see anything and I'm wondering what, what would be the, what's the purpose of the condemnation? So what this 00:33:17
does, again, following our ordinance, this allows us to help them clean up their house, give them a bill and put a lien on their 00:33:23
house for the work that we do. We're not trying to take their property. We're just trying to put a lien on that for the help that 00:33:28
we're giving them. Yeah. 00:33:34
If it's West of the the road that enters the fire Academy. 00:33:41
And it's a dirt Rd. that's kind of a little Arroyo, and it catches the other Rd. that's up there about maybe 1/4 of a mile long. 00:33:48
There's two trailers. Guys were doing some things out there. But, you know, it's actually on estimate. Yeah. You come off of Aspen 00:33:55
and go West. Yeah. Yeah, Aspen, Exactly. And then go West. I didn't see anything that would justify me to say that the city should 00:34:02
condemn anything unless there's something there that I don't know. 00:34:09
That we don't know is there. 00:34:17
You know, what might be helpful to us is if we had a current photo of where the property is now and the history of what the 00:34:20
property owner has done or hasn't done to get us to this point. So Madam, Madam Mayor. 00:34:29
Mr. Monday, if I'm not mistaken though, this just starts the process, right? And then after there's still there's still more to be 00:34:40
done in order to just make some aware and then from we still have another. 00:34:45
Final vote to go with it, right? If we plan to condemn it, we will. This is again, just to put the lien on the property. Like I 00:34:50
said, we've been working with the property owner for about two years, moving old vehicles, hauling off old trees and weeds and 00:34:56
trash that the city's accomplished. Yes, Sir. But unfortunately, unfortunately, fortunately, Choncho was not here tonight because 00:35:02
he's a father again, so. 00:35:08
As of today, oh, is he yesterday? So are we looking for this? Are we looking for the property owner to reimburse the city for the 00:35:14
expenses that they've already incurred of taking out the cars and taking out the significant amount of money that's been spent on 00:35:22
that property? That's why it looks clean because the city cleaned it. And it's also keeps us out of some violating the anti 00:35:29
donation clause because if we do it for one person and don't charge them, we have to. 00:35:37
For everybody. 00:35:44
Do we have a total? 00:35:48
I don't know right off the top of my head. 00:35:51
I'm sure it's less than $5000, maybe 5000 at 9000, but I'm pretty sure it's less because we did the labor ourselves. So whatever 00:35:55
we get paid from the city, we asked them to reimburse us. Kind of similar to the Sands Motel. Yes, Sir, identical. And how's that 00:36:01
working out? We have the title, we have the deed. 00:36:07
All in favor. 00:36:16
Aye, opposed. 00:36:19
And passes. OK, Madam Mayor. 00:36:21
I'll make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23F. The condemning of one or 1100 Sean St. 00:36:26
That other green property because of the city cleaned it up. Yes, Sir. We don't pursue this then people then the residents will 00:36:38
have to clean up everybody's property at the expense of the city, which isn't something that probably. 00:36:45
You know, this is a vacant lot that was overrun with small trees, trees sold regularly and we paid a subcontractor to go in and 00:36:52
clean them all up. It was becoming a fire hazard. 00:36:59
We need a second, second, second. 00:37:09
And there's another problem property right next or two houses down from it that we're working with also. 00:37:16
Lena, OK, so I just want to let you know that Chris does attempt to contact these property owners and he does, they do get some 00:37:24
into court and we are at the point where there's no response. So now this is where we take it. We will either get the property 00:37:31
cleaned and now we're going to try to recoup our funds. But there has been, he has attempted to contact the owners. So there's 00:37:37
been a lot of documentation. 00:37:44
There's certified letters. 00:37:50
Yes. And then if they did get a court summons, the court will say whether they appear. They did not appear. 00:37:54
So yes, it is documented, Mr. Lamette. 00:38:00
Posted on the property and advertised it in the newspaper at least once. 00:38:05
Saying that that property is condemned and there's a lien on that property and X amount of dollars to be paid to the city. And 00:38:11
then and, and if the owner comes up with that, then they can buy. What if somebody else comes up with it says I want, I'd like 00:38:17
that property for $5000. But if they say I'll pay it, I don't think that's legal. I don't think that's legal. It has to be, it has 00:38:23
to be the owner. 00:38:29
Oh, OK, so the owner is the only one that can reimburse the city at this point in time. We don't, we don't care how we get 00:38:36
reimbursed, but who reimburses us? But in order for us to remove the lien, we do want our reimbursement. And once the liens in 00:38:42
place then the title goes is the cities the title does the title go to the city? We don't re title it, but if they ever sell it, 00:38:48
we'll be if they don't, there's not a mortgage on it will be first in line to get paid. 00:38:55
Thank you all in favor. 00:39:02
So can we, can I, can I just request that the feature when we do these if we can get in our packet just kind of yeah, just the 00:39:06
whole timeline of On this date the letter was sent and this and this and this is the affidavit in your packet. 00:39:13
Well, we got the, we got the contact where where they were being contacted On this date and this date and this date we haven't 00:39:21
seen, I didn't see anything for as far as like correspondence. 00:39:27
Letters, but it does have a timeline of them being. Maybe the total in the future would be helpful too just to understand what I 00:39:35
think. Photos. 00:39:40
You know, in public and they're not blind side, right? I mean, they shouldn't be. I mean if you're contacted, you know, but. 00:39:49
Thank you. Thank you all in favor opposed motion passes make the motion. We pass the special use permit for Hannah Cooper 2nd. 00:39:56
Question. 00:40:08
And I can talk to you if you want to talk, Hannah. 00:40:23
Special special use permit so I can have food trucks over on the corner of California and spring at the property there. 00:40:28
So you got a big parking lot All in favor, aye. Opposed. 00:40:36
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion pass. Resolution #24-07-23G. The Mexico Department Transportation landscaping, I-25 Exit 147 and 00:40:46
152nd. 00:40:52
Question, Donald. 00:41:00
Madam Mayor, that's the final capital outlay agreement from the state and as Councillor Green said, it's to landscape our exits. 00:41:03
Oh, OK. That was on our counselor. Dean's been asking for that for years. 00:41:13
Yeah, all in favor, aye. Opposed. 00:41:20
OK, author of Animal Control Officer Jason Padilla. 00:41:25
Jason's got his hands full. 00:41:37
Being an animal control officer for the City of Socorro. Being an animal control officer for the City of Support. 00:42:01
Do hereby formally swear that I accept the foregoing appointment. Do you buy here for me? For I accept the. 00:42:08
That I will support and enforce the ordinances of the City of Socorro, that I will enforce the city ordinances of school. And that 00:42:16
I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and impartially distract, partially discharge the duties of appointment, the duties 00:42:23
of appointment to the best of my ability, to the best of my ability. So help me God. 00:42:29
New business. 00:42:53
One thing I've got a numerous calls on on Cuba Rd. 00:42:55
I, I didn't have a chance to drive by after the rain, but Donald, were you guys were to go and look at that and the situation out 00:43:01
there, if it was worse than before, I myself didn't drive out there either. But if we get another rain like that, I will. I 00:43:07
usually do because I take pictures to the next CDG application to include them. 00:43:14
But I didn't make it this time, so the. 00:43:21
I always thought that the whole curbing and everything that was being done already would make it, I mean wouldn't reduce it, but 00:43:25
would cleared out quicker and it actually does. But that rain was for so long and so steady, I don't I don't think you could do 00:43:31
it. But this is a little bit of a side note we reapplied for. 00:43:37
Additional funding to do the rest of Cuba Rd. So if there's any issues, maybe we can address them when we get the next grant. 00:43:45
We don't know at all right now at this point if it actually did drain faster than it had been before. The last time I checked it 00:43:53
took it about and this was probably last summer. I probably took 20 minutes for the drain at the longest because the ground was 00:43:59
still wet when I drove out there, but it there was no water on the road. 00:44:05
And we maintain that that ditch or whatever you call it. 00:44:13
A long mix St. and back street and stuff. Yes ma'am, that's ours. As well as what used to be Markling Road off of Cuba Rd. which 00:44:18
we turn into a whole new pond. 00:44:24
OK. But yes, it's our responsibility to maintain them all throughout the city. 00:44:30
All business and still no business, Madam Mayor, I'm going to reach out at a constituent, reach out about prior to all this rain 00:44:37
and there's an area right behind Cottonwood School. 00:44:43
There's like a little bit the little valley in the road there and it's supposed to be run off and it looks like the concrete 00:44:50
trucks are washing out concrete there. 00:44:55
And it's blocking water and it's pulling there's going back out. It's creating a pool in the road. So and it's get with the basket 00:45:01
when he was in town. I I forgot to. So I just like to mention to the council maybe can get ahold of he got some Lloyds department 00:45:09
potentially. Yes, I did get a complaint on that also on and Lloyd went out there and and they were going to clean that. 00:45:16
Maybe make contact with whoever was doing. I think there's some yeah. I don't, I I never found out from Lloyd who was actually 00:45:24
dumping the concrete, but. 00:45:28
It was a lot of contracts in council. 00:45:32
Blame anybody, but thank you. Any other new business? No, I just wanted to say how nice things went for the wrestling event. I 00:45:36
guess it was really nice. 00:45:41
Yeah, sure. That was does our 5th, 5th annual tournament. It's rodeo theme that's all themed around the city of Socorro. The logo 00:45:51
was done for us years ago with a wrestling mat underneath the city truck Campos Socorro logos. And if you'll notice when we use 00:45:57
it, it has like, I don't know if anybody notices it, but it's a wrestling mat. It's actually underneath that starting lines and 00:46:04
they got great big banners up there and table covers and all. 00:46:11
Are geared towards. 00:46:18
And they're geared towards the rodeo theme there belt buckles. We can weigh belt buckles and cowboy hats and. 00:46:22
Pins and Cowboys roping animals if you get a pin in a match and that's a pretty unique tournament. We had a nice turn out. We had 00:46:29
over 800 wrestlers between the two days. 00:46:34
The Steve and Darrell and the staff up there were great. They're phenomenal. They they helped with everything. Anything we asked 00:46:42
them to do, it's late. It's a weird tournament because really hot this time of year. So we do it late. We start like away in at 00:46:48
4:30 in the afternoon, which is typically at 7:00 in the morning. 00:46:54
Start at 4:30 and we start wrestling at 7. Sun starts to go down and it was raining like crazy up there, but the the facility held 00:47:00
up the winds. The hardest game for us up there. It's not really the rain. The rain was. It was nice, people liked it, a lot of 00:47:06
compliments, no complaints. I'm looking forward to the new sound system up there because that was a little a little spotty, but we 00:47:11
worked with it. 00:47:16
Overall, I think we've seen a lot of influx of a lot of people in town and upcoming score for us and RV park was busy. 00:47:22
I don't know exactly the numbers are imagine Steven. No, but it was good that the Mississippi was great. They were busy, really 00:47:29
busy on the second night. So thank you to them too. They showed up. They did a great job taking care of the kids there. So that's 00:47:35
a great event. Thanks for the council. That was the first time you'll see on the voucher and we asked for some lodgers tax. We had 00:47:42
never asked for that before to try to help really bolster the. 00:47:48
We spent quite a bit of money on awards to really bolster the awards that we met with the mayor so we can really keep the soccer 00:47:54
logo and everything on it and. 00:47:59
Oh, man, in my third match, I wrestled a kid from, I think, I think one of them said New Jersey or something. A kid from New 00:48:33
Jersey came down, whole family came down South. I think the bigger it gets, Florida, quite a bit wrestling people are. They're not 00:48:39
saying no. They'll come and they'll go anywhere. If there's a good tournament, good competition, they'll go. Yeah, sorry. One 00:48:46
more. This is a question when, when is the rest of the medal going to be going up there? 00:48:52
At the arena, at the arena, they're working on it right now. 00:49:00
Working on it as we're speaking online at night, but but they started about two weeks ago and then they stopped for three weeks 00:49:04
ago and they stopped for the 4th of July this and they should be going again. I'll drive out there tomorrow too. They're welding 00:49:10
purlings on the West side of it right now, so they should help with the wind quite a bit. Yeah, I think so. I don't know. We'll 00:49:16
see. It'll be interesting. We're hoping that it does. 00:49:22
But what we're worried about is Mr. Fleming kidney test. Mr. Fleming can attest this is that it's going to force the wind to the 00:49:29
now the smaller open part of the arena and as he said, creative vortex. It could, but. 00:49:35
If it does, well, make another adjustment. 00:49:43
I have first was I was like all in for the completing of the arena completely in. But when you sit in the stands and you look up 00:49:47
there, the site that you get to see is really pretty. So it's unique. It's very different for, you know, we sit in gyms all day 00:49:53
long, buildings all day long. So it's unique. I'm not saying that's the only thing that goes on a thing, but for just for my event 00:49:58
from our perspective, it's really cool. I mean, even when we battle a little bit of wind, we made some adjustments. We got first 00:50:04
tape and we put it on the mat. 00:50:10
Because we've had where the maps flip up because the wind gets under, we don't have that at all this year. We completely Turkey 00:50:16
rain. And so it's good, you know, hopefully it does cut down on it, but if you maybe could do a winter event if there's heaters. 00:50:22
We didn't want to block that view, that's why we didn't do the east side. 00:50:29
Makes sense? 00:50:35
Or business. 00:50:36
Executive session. 00:50:39
OK. 00:50:42
Mayor's report Personal changes. I need a motion. 00:50:45
OK. 00:50:52
Christian attorney of Fire FMT from a 58 to a 62 Donald Warland fire recruit salary adjustment. A50 to a 52 Justin Pacheco fire 00:50:55
recruit. Sorry I just sent A50 to a 52. Ashland Aguilar fire recruit salary adjustment. 00:51:07
8:50 to a 52 Randall Montoya, gas crewman, A completed probation, 837 to 839. 00:51:20
James Beasley, St. Crewman, completed probation, temporary 835. Jason Romero, police officer, transfer from facility, security 00:51:27
Officer A 62, A 44, Antonio Gonzalez, Police, facility security officer, promotion to a police officer, a 44 to a 59, and Jacob 00:51:36
Riley, fire resignation. 00:51:44
Make a motion. We approve the personnel changes as presented. 00:51:55
I have a question. 00:51:58
On the. 00:52:02
The facility security officer going to police officer. So we're now looking for another facility security officer for that's going 00:52:04
to. 00:52:09
Jason Romero is moving to the security officer. He is a police. He's currently a police officer. He'll be the security and then 00:52:17
Antonio will go from. 00:52:21
OK. 00:52:30
Business resignations. 00:52:37
CB Power LLC 88 Team of several Clarence Cal Gorales. 00:52:41
Residential and commercial electrical contractor, New Mexico Gold LLC, 110 Willow St. Ernesto Manufacturing AJ Provisional 00:52:47
Contracting, out of Town of Agita Anna Gutierrez Roofing, US LBM Operating Company, 501 Otero Ave. Denise Ocho. I don't want to 00:52:56
see them. 00:53:04
Albert, Julie. 00:53:13
Retail lumber and building material supply. 00:53:15
Beauty Boutique Romeo, New Mexico. Alicia Romero clothing and accessories. 00:53:19
Avon LLC, 700 Franklin St. Maximilian Pedigree Contract Food Service. 00:53:25
Prohibition, 37101 W Mountains, Charles Bay Capitol The second retail cannabis dispensary Denny's Fireworks, 401 Spring St. 00:53:36
Patrick Miller Fireworks Lupita Fashion, 614 Honeysuckle Ave. Guadalupe Flores. 00:53:46
Or the New Mexico landscaping company AO3 Lyles Ericsson Sandoval Sale of landscaping and art. Art and materials. The Coal Trail 00:53:58
Running Series, LLC 629 Nicholas Greece Vidal sports event organizer. 00:54:07
That's a lot of businesses. 00:54:18
All in favor, aye? 00:54:21
OK, the next City Council meeting will be Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 PM. 00:54:29
And I need an adjournment motion to adjourn. 00:54:35
OK. Thank you. Thank you. Good job, Chair, for putting up with me. 00:54:40
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Name Document type
Resolution No. 24-07-23g - NMDOT - Landscaping I-25 Exits 147 & 150 General Document
Resolution No. 24-07-23f - Condemning 1100 Sean St General Document
Resolution No. 24-07-23e - Condemning 104 Pinon St General Document
Resolution No. 24-07-23d - MAP - Otero Avenue General Document
Resolution No 24-07-23c - LGRF - Park St Church St and Center St General Document
Resolution No. 24-07-23b - South Central Council of Governments 24-25 Participation General Document
Resolution No. 24-07-23a - DFA 4th Quarter Report General Document
Resolution No. 001A - Final Budget General Document
In-House Budget Resolution No. 107 General Document
In-House Budget Resolution No. 106 General Document
In-House Budget Resolution No. 105 General Document
Budget Resolution No. 53 - USDA Wastewater Facility General Document
Budget Resolution No. 52 - USDA Wastewater Facility General Document
Budget Resolution No. 51 - Special Utility Replacement General Document
Budget Resolution No. 50 - Fire Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 49 - Municipal Street Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 48 - Rodeo Arena Sports Complex General Document
Budget Resolution No. 47 - Lodgers Tax Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 46 - Lodger Tax Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 45 - Correctional Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 44 - Road Improvement General Document
Budget Resolution No. 43 - CDBG General Document
Budget Resolution No. 42 - Municipal Street Fund General Document
Budget Resolution No. 41 - Senior Center General Document
Budget Resolution No. 40 - Recreation General Document
Budget Resolution No. 39 - Fire Department General Document
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Good evening and welcome to the City Council. Meeting today is July 23rd, 2024. Roll call counselor Chavez Lopez, Mayor present. 00:00:00
Councillor Deborah Dean. 00:00:13
Councillor Fleming. Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:16
Councillor Ogi, Councillor Partridge here, Councillor Romero, Councillor Salome, you do have a quorum. 00:00:19
Of the United States, of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and 00:00:34
justice for all. 00:00:39
Madam Mayor. 00:00:49
Yes, Councillor, I would like to on the consent agenda I would like to remove items Ms. and U. 00:00:51
And move that to the top of #6. 00:01:02
So make that the first three items and item 6 and adjust. 00:01:09
The letter items accordingly. 00:01:14
I need a motion to approve. 00:01:19
I just have some questions on it, Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. 00:01:22
The next item after the consent agenda is items removed from the consent agenda. If you want to move them to #4 item four, yeah, 00:01:27
we'll move them to #4 then. OK, let me make a motion. 00:01:32
Thank you all in favor, aye. 00:01:37
OK, Madam Mayor. 00:01:44
OK, so just a quick question on budget resolution #48 the rodeo arena Sports Complex. 00:01:48
There's an item on there. I just would like to know what that quality of life amount, what that quality of life is. 00:01:56
Mayor pro town council. So that's a grant. It's a quality of life grant. It's 923,000. We did spend some money out of that. So I 00:02:07
won't get the reimbursement till this fiscal year. So I had to budget that. So I had to move some money from general fund to cover 00:02:12
that expense, but we'll get the reimbursement this year. 00:02:18
Actually, I think we didn't. Did we approve the consent agenda? No. No, we did not. 00:02:24
I need a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:02:30
Second, all in favor? 00:02:34
All opposed. 00:02:38
On item and councillor the that grant is to wrap the facility, try to keep the wind out and hopefully also we'll have enough 00:02:40
funding to install a heating system. 00:02:46
OK, so I'll make a motion. We approve. Approve budget resolution #48. 00:02:55
All in favor, aye? 00:03:05
OK. And then, Madam? 00:03:09
Is that 105 budget resolution in House resolution #105? 00:03:12
The economic development, I don't know what item was out. 00:03:17
The 252. 00:03:26
Is. 00:03:30
Hang. 00:03:34
Yup. 00:03:41
That was the, So what I did is I just moved from economic development to contractual services because we have the contractual 00:03:44
services and I didn't budget enough. So I just moved it from one line item to another. So what's, what's the contract? 00:03:55
From the dot, he's the one that's. 00:04:09
This went through City Council, the contract went through City Council. So and then it's it's for also for Jason pianist. So those 00:04:13
two come out of economic development. 00:04:18
Helping us get money in sanity. He's a former assistant secretary of the Department of Transportation. Has got a lot of good 00:04:25
connections in South Bay. So I just am budgeting up in that contract right now. 00:04:32
I just moved it from development into that line item. So we still have my take and Jay as their lobbyists as well too. Yes, Sir. 00:04:39
And the flood control, right? He does flood control. 00:04:44
And then? 00:04:51
Did you have? 00:04:53
That was 33 login Simpson that we're we had three. 00:04:57
Justin Reese is kind of like our consultant. So we we use them a lot for our grants that we're working on. 00:05:03
Any answers? What do you help him with? What did he help us with? With him today? He helped us get some extra funding for Cuba 00:05:10
Road and for Bullock directly. Appropriation, direct appropriation from the dot. 00:05:16
And that that economic development money, is that from the Leader Fund? 00:05:22
It's Lita. Well, it's the GRT money that remember we raised the GRT and we, I moved that money and I moved to $100,000 a year in 00:05:27
there. And that's what we use it for economic development. And I know you guys were supposed to you have a committee or a kind of 00:05:34
sort of, so I know that's kind of the money that we use for economic development. 00:05:41
I'll make a motion. We pass budget resident in-house budget resolution #105. 00:05:52
Next is in house. 00:06:02
All in favor opposed. 00:06:06
And then I guess the in-house 107, Madam Mayor. 00:06:10
I guess the in-house budget resolution 107 can answer it because it dealt with my quality of life grand and I just was going to 00:06:18
ask what what it does. So in house resolutions, it's just they're like my budget items like if I go over I can move just line 00:06:24
items from one to another. And it's not required approved by the state. But I do like to show it to council just to show that I do 00:06:30
move line items around. And this year I moved a lot because there was a lot of activity this year. We had a lot going on this 00:06:36
year. 00:06:42
So I do have a lot of US regulations on that in house anyways. 00:06:48
I guess I was going to be used for. 00:06:58
Phone systems and other admin yeah. So if I go over so we had yeah I went over on a few things I didn't budget. 00:07:01
Like our phone systems, our liability insurance PRAA, couple of them were because we gave those reasons. So I did go over on those 00:07:12
line items and when I budgeted at the beginning of the year, I kind of estimate. So sometimes I don't estimate accurately on some 00:07:18
line items, but we did have a lot of activity. 00:07:24
This year, so and Madam Mayor and what you'll see this every July because it's closing out the final budget and getting the 00:07:31
question and the fund actually isn't in the red. It's just that line item. I just don't want to have line item in the negative. 00:07:40
When I report to the state the whole fund can't be in the red and usually if the funds in the red that's why I do an actual bar an 00:07:51
in house resolution. The fund isn't in the red, I'm just moving line items. 00:07:56
This might be a good time to mention that Ruby's department was awarded an award from the Mexican Municipal League for our audits. 00:08:01
On that note, I'll make a motion to pass in house resolution #107. 00:08:10
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. Thank you. 00:08:19
OK, public forum, we'd like to welcome Socorro County Manager Andy Lockridge. 00:08:27
Thank you for coming. You're welcome. Thank you all members of City Council. 00:08:36
Everybody else in the audience, my name is Andy Logic. Some of you know me. 00:08:42
Mr. Fleming may know me too well from all those days working CS when we still had the rooms back there at the old junior high. Mr. 00:08:48
Salome, good to see you again. Everybody else here, it's a pleasure. I just want to take this time to let you all know that in the 00:08:54
brief tenure that I've been here in the last three weeks, a lot has happened to be able to bring back cooperation between the city 00:09:01
and the county. 00:09:08
Not only are we working together, but we now have a new partnership with the new president over at New Mexico Tech. 00:09:16
As well as all of our work with the school district as well. In fact, I just wanted to bring to your attention now that tomorrow 00:09:22
morning, Kenny Gonzalez and I are going to be finalizing the deal to where we're going to be able to have four students from the 00:09:29
high school coming to our equipment shop and start working with the county. So that we can get these kids needed exposure to 00:09:37
what's out there as well as build up their resumes and let them know that there's more to life after high school and. 00:09:44
For that, whether it be college or whether or not the college, there's definitely roles for every student to play here, not only 00:09:52
in the city, but in the county of Socorro as well. Hopefully what we'll be able to do is articulate to everybody that just like 00:09:59
myself, we might leave, we might leave for 30 years, but Socorro is Socorro is in our hearts it we're always going to bleed 00:10:07
warrior blue. And so we just want to make sure that we keep that commitment growing, that we make sure. 00:10:14
That we keep the lines of communication growing strong. So it's been nice working with Mr. Monet that we've been able to do all 00:10:22
kinds of different lines of communication so far. That when it comes to how we're going to be sharing not only some of our funds, 00:10:29
but making sure that the ambulance service is up and running the way it needs to and we can work on getting you guys those funds 00:10:37
just a little bit quicker. And so it's those types of steps and everything that's coming on. 00:10:44
The wrestling program, I cannot tell you how nice it's been living over there in southeastern Colorado and seeing the wrestling 00:10:52
program going as strong as it is. And if we need to start doing some type of different grants between the city and the county to 00:10:59
create opportunities for our youth, I'm all for it. And so that's going to be one of those commitments that we have going on as 00:11:05
well. So with that being said. 00:11:11
If you all have any questions, always always feel free. My door is open. 00:11:18
And we're going to continue that line of communication. I don't want to take up too much of your time tonight because I know you 00:11:24
have a large agenda, luckily. 00:11:28
Our agenda got really short tonight, so I was able to get here a little bit quicker, but if there's anything you ever need, please 00:11:33
do not hesitate to ask. And we're going to make sure that we continue to get moving in the future. So with that, thank you, thank 00:11:38
you, thank you, good luck. Thank you. 00:11:44
Thank you and welcome. 00:11:49
OK. Anybody else? 00:11:52
Public forum. 00:11:55
Hello, my name is Mary Baca and I come before you one time a couple years back. 00:12:06
OK. 00:12:19
First off, I want to say thank you for putting the speed bump all the way across Fisher St. 00:12:21
Because people were swerving and I was almost getting hit on a couple of times because they didn't want to. So I remember posting 00:12:31
it on the soccer safety watch if you guys could put it all the way across, and I don't know who did, but thank you very much. 00:12:38
The second time I came before you guys, I. 00:12:47
Was in a panic. Umm I couldn't locate my. 00:12:52
5 1/2 year old granddaughter at the time. 00:12:58
And this was a few years back and I remember coming in front of you guys and asking you guys for your help. 00:13:03
To get her and moved to my daughter's house and. 00:13:11
Which did not workout very well, but. 00:13:17
Then she went to an aunt's house and didn't workout very well. Then my stepson. 00:13:20
Called me at work one day and told me to go to Las Cruces and help me get my granddaughter moved to his house because she was 00:13:29
crying. 00:13:35
And stuff. And he wanted her, but his wife didn't want her. 00:13:41
So, umm. 00:13:46
Things didn't workout. 00:13:49
Well, again. 00:13:51
For the last three years. 00:13:54
OK, I'm gonna. My emotions have been. 00:13:57
Up and down. 00:14:01
For the last three years because I have to been going to my parents house, taking care of my mom, my dad and my son. 00:14:04
With the help of my siblings as well, but me has the majority. 00:14:12
Was because I'm the one that is responsible for giving them their medication, whatever. 00:14:19
So I'm kind of up in the air with my emotions, so I'm going to try to fumble it a little bit here and. 00:14:27
Try not to get too emotional, but try to get straight to the point. But. 00:14:35
OK. 00:14:41
No, my granddaughter is now 15 1/2. She's living with another foster family and she's doing OK. I. 00:14:44
But now, today I present in front of you. My father passed away in January. 00:14:55
I've been the whole them. 00:15:04
And the main person to give my mother and my son their medication. 00:15:08
And being responsible for the majority of the stuff that I'm in control of everything how you say, power of attorney, OK. 00:15:14
So. 00:15:24
When my dad passed away in January, I got blamed for a lot of stuff. 00:15:26
That I wasn't aware of. 00:15:31
From my son's wife, my stepson's wife. 00:15:34
She had told my granddaughter, my 15 year old granddaughter lies about me, the mother, my granddaughter's mother, lies about me 00:15:43
and this was all supposedly said at my dad's burial when we were all at the cemetery. 00:15:51
Umm, I vaguely remember who was at my dad's funeral. 00:16:00
I just remember looking behind me to see if my husband was there. 00:16:06
And my eldest stepson was there. 00:16:12
Because I knew that my granddaughter and my other grandchildren were with their parents. 00:16:18
So I didn't wasn't concerned with my grandchildren at the time. 00:16:26
But I kind of entered this out to Mr. Salome that day when I saw Mr. Romero as well. 00:16:33
Couple months back. 00:16:42
But today? 00:16:44
I'm trying to. 00:16:48
Yeah, my stepson's wife obstacle YFD program because she. 00:16:51
Basically used my granddaughter to get into the system so she wouldn't have to go out into the world and look for a job. 00:16:59
So this is where I was at when I got vaguely interrupted. 00:17:09
By one of your city police officers. 00:17:17
OK. 00:17:21
I never have a moment's rest. It's like. 00:17:25
Something always happens within the day. I can never accomplish something. A man start a new task because like I said, I was 00:17:30
trying to get my stepson's wife off the CYFD program and then I got assaulted by one of your city police officers. 00:17:39
And I did file Oversight Commission complaint form with. 00:17:50
Mr. Panetta. 00:17:57
OK, umm. 00:18:01
The last time I filed one of these. 00:18:03
I think it was about 20 some years ago. 00:18:08
Against the Richard Lopez and it didn't workout very well. 00:18:12
OK. 00:18:16
So I'm not sure. 00:18:18
How to go about this? 00:18:22
So if you get together with Donald, he knows the process, he can help you with the process. As far as the police oversight 00:18:25
Commission, right? Yes, ma'am. The the complaints with our attorney that overseas the police oversight Commission, We're waiting 00:18:30
to hear back from her so we can schedule the meeting. 00:18:36
I was told not to tell you very much about the case, but. 00:18:44
You know. 00:18:49
I was just kind of. 00:18:51
I even when we were in the courtroom and I did ask the judge. 00:18:53
When you're eating because there was somebody in front of Maine. 00:19:01
And officer was coming. 00:19:08
North. I was going South. He turned his lights on. 00:19:11
And then when he turned around, he turned them off. 00:19:16
But here's the thing, when we got to the stop light, his lights were still not on and he was running my license plate. 00:19:21
He was, you know. 00:19:32
So I said fine, OK, he's running my plate. 00:19:36
And then when we took off, he pulled me over, so I pulled over. 00:19:40
This is for the hearing, I think. I think this would be better offset at the Oversight Commission than here. 00:19:44
Because we only give like 5 minutes. So it's better that when you present your case, you do present it to the police oversight 00:19:54
Commission. Okay. The thing is that I was told is that. 00:20:00
This officer is the. 00:20:10
Well, he was arguing with my husband two weeks prior to he pulled me over. 00:20:14
Because he did run my husband's license plate on his car. 00:20:21
So, so now they're telling, I heard, I'm hearing a lot of stories about this officer, right? But there's nothing that we can do 00:20:26
because it's just public forum. So I think if you follow through with the police oversight commissioner, it's in your best 00:20:33
interest. OK, thank you. Thank you. 00:20:41
Anyone else for public funds? 00:20:50
Good evening all. My name is Dennis Vicente. I live at 605 Colton Drive. You guys hear me? All right then. I have. I've had this 00:21:01
issue for about, I guess 12 years now about my. 00:21:09
Garage, you know, getting flooded saturated with water, you know so and what the colors that I can see is two or three different 00:21:19
factors I guess one is the pipe that goes underneath communal real. 00:21:28
Is not big enough to supplies all the areas. Probably my calculation I see maybe 40 to 50 acres. 00:21:39
Property to the West and I'm sure everybody's familiar with the area. And anyway, I don't think that pipe is big enough to drain 00:21:50
all that water that's coming down and with all the new housing that's going in and the new driveways and more pavement that's 00:21:59
causing more and more water to come down that area. 00:22:08
But and so. 00:22:17
I've had about five times that water went into my garage. 00:22:20
And Sunday night with the rain we had, I'm not sure how much rain we got, but we the water literally almost went into my garage 00:22:28
again. And two years ago, there was water that almost went in my living room. It was within an inch of coming into my living room. 00:22:39
So. 00:22:50
I'm just here to say, you know one option. 00:22:52
The main option is to me would be to replace that pipe. I know it's costly and whatnot. I work for doing this type of work for 35 00:22:58
years. So I know what the costs are cost on those things. So then that would be the main solution. But another thing is. 00:23:09
You know, keeping the vegetation clean in that Slough where the water collects the little dam and trying to keep that so that the 00:23:20
water flows freely all the way to the pipe. And, you know, I've had this issue. I've gone to my insurance company. Well, it's not 00:23:29
a dwelling. That's what I get. 00:23:37
On there so. 00:23:46
I I'd like to just bring it up and see if we can, you know, have this rectified. Mr. O'Malley, has the city ever? 00:23:48
Heard of this happening before at the same area. Yes, Sir. I met with Mr. Vincent they two years ago and he said his house almost 00:24:04
flooded and then the next day I took Lloyd over to look at it. I can't remember exactly what Lloyd told me, but we'll I'll let him 00:24:12
know again tomorrow if we can look into that. The location it's on Coulson and El Camino. Real. Yeah, that's the exact address. 00:24:20
I live at 605605 which is 2 houses off of El Camino Real. 00:24:29
Another problem with that area is as you're approaching El Camino, the roads at an upgrade so access the dam and pushes the water 00:24:35
back. 00:24:39
OK. 00:24:44
Thank you, Sir. OK, you're welcome. 00:24:47
Anyone else for public forum? 00:24:50
If not, we'll move on. 00:24:56
Make a motion to approve the RFP award RFP 062424 to Magdalena. 00:24:59
Or for the Magdalena Mons trail plant. 00:25:08
All in favor, all opposed. Motion passes discussion, Paul. 00:25:12
Well, that am I going to mountain trail there there was three people that that did on that project and. 00:25:23
And a committee recommended Applied Trails Research, so that's that's who we recommended giving the bid to. 00:25:31
Madam Mayor, if you'll remember, Mr. Rob Selena approached us a while back. We're actually working on a second grant with Mr. 00:25:41
Sonia, but this is to design A trail plan from the top of Baldy all the way to Fox Canyon. 00:25:48
Thank you. 00:25:57
Maybe, um. 00:26:00
The municipal league delegate, voting delegate and alternative alternate. 00:26:04
I make a We need a motion to approve. Are we going to approve, Michael? 00:26:15
Madam Mayor, so the municipal, you sent this out a couple weeks ago, the. 00:26:24
Convention is, I believe the first week in August in Clovis, the 15th, okay. And they want to make sure that our delegate and the 00:26:31
alternate are both present to vote. And I believe in January Council Guine was voted as our representative to the Municipal 00:26:37
League. So if someone wants to make a motion, if he's going to be attending to, to be our voting delegate and then anybody else 00:26:44
that might be attending if they'll be the alternate. 00:26:50
August the 15th. 00:26:58
And we need to send all this by the 9th. 00:27:00
And it's in Clovis. 00:27:06
Anybody. 00:27:10
Motion to approve. We need that. We need an alternate too. We need an alternate. Somebody wants to go hang out. I think I can make 00:27:12
some changes, so I'll volunteer to be the ultimate. 00:27:17
2nd. 00:27:27
The discussion. 00:27:28
All in favor, aye? 00:27:32
All opposed motion passes. I'll make a motion where you pass resolution #001A with our final budget 2nd. 00:27:34
Discussion. 00:27:47
All in favor. 00:27:50
Madam Mayor, I will make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23A, the DFA fourth quarter report. 00:27:54
No second. 00:28:06
Discussion. 00:28:07
All in favor, aye? 00:28:11
Yes, Sir, I would like to make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23B. The South Central Council of Governments, 24-25. 00:28:20
Participation second. 00:28:27
Christmas. Yeah, we need members. Last year's members were Marianne, and the ultimate was Michael. 00:28:36
The court years ago. 00:28:44
And we could keep it the same. 00:28:48
Are we in discussion? Yes. 00:28:50
So this isn't the contract, right with South Central Council of Government? 00:28:54
It's the contract and the voting members. 00:28:59
Did the contract amount is still the same? 00:29:04
And Madam Mayor, I believe also in January, Councillor Dean was elected to represent us at the Council of Governments and I, I 00:29:08
don't remember who the alternate was. I think that we might have kept it with Gordy. 00:29:14
If you want to keep them the same, but that was just back in January, Yeah, we can. 00:29:22
Yeah. 00:29:29
And also this, the South Central, that's where Gwen Valentino is helping with the grants as well, right? 00:29:34
All right, come on. 00:29:44
All in favor. 00:29:49
MMM. 00:29:53
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. We passed resolution #24-07-23C, the LGRF Park Street, Church Street, and Center St. discussion 00:29:57
question. 00:30:04
Madam Mayor, sorry, so this about the completion. 00:30:11
While at work, Madam Mayor. Yes, we've Mccutchen in April. 00:30:16
And we actually, the council adopted the resolutions for these grants in June, but the state dot changed the resolution the way 00:30:22
they wanted it after we'd already adopted it. 00:30:27
That goes for the next resolution as well. 00:30:36
OK, all in favor, all opposed. Motion passes. Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-24D the map. Otero Ave. 00:30:40
Discussion. 00:30:54
Yes, Sir. So is this on the completion, Mr. Monet of the Otero, we did a little strip. This is actually just for design there. So 00:30:56
we need to be a 1.2 to $1.7 million project. But yes, that is to carry the payment forward, Eric. 00:31:04
Thank you. 00:31:15
That was looking at the next one. 00:31:17
OK, make a motion. 00:31:20
All in favor. 00:31:27
All opposed. 00:31:31
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion. We pass resolution #24-07-23E, the condemning of 104 Pinon St. 00:31:33
Donald. Madam Mayor, this resolution and the following or the resolutions are following our condemnation process in the ordinance. 00:31:43
We need to make a motion first. 00:31:47
OK, discussion. 00:31:55
And Antigone is this those old apartments that were trucked in there years and years ago that and I'm not sure it was Pinion, but. 00:31:59
You've probably been dealing with for about two years. It's on their on the drive entry to the fire Academy on the left hand side. 00:32:11
Thank you. 00:32:15
I, I go through Kenyon St. It's a, it's a dirt Rd. isn't it? And it's kind of a little royal at this point. And so I. 00:32:25
By driving through there, I expected to see something that would justify the vote to move the condemnation forward, but. 00:32:36
I didn't see anything that. 00:32:47
That was any different was this. 00:32:49
Pinion goes all the way down to the fire Academy. This was West of. 00:32:52
The road that you turn off to get to the fire Academy right before you get to the sign, and then you go West up toward the 00:32:59
mountain. There's a couple of trailers there. There's a few tires in there. 00:33:04
But. 00:33:11
And then you can catch the other Rd. going back around. 00:33:13
Yeah. I, I didn't see anything and I'm wondering what, what would be the, what's the purpose of the condemnation? So what this 00:33:17
does, again, following our ordinance, this allows us to help them clean up their house, give them a bill and put a lien on their 00:33:23
house for the work that we do. We're not trying to take their property. We're just trying to put a lien on that for the help that 00:33:28
we're giving them. Yeah. 00:33:34
If it's West of the the road that enters the fire Academy. 00:33:41
And it's a dirt Rd. that's kind of a little Arroyo, and it catches the other Rd. that's up there about maybe 1/4 of a mile long. 00:33:48
There's two trailers. Guys were doing some things out there. But, you know, it's actually on estimate. Yeah. You come off of Aspen 00:33:55
and go West. Yeah. Yeah, Aspen, Exactly. And then go West. I didn't see anything that would justify me to say that the city should 00:34:02
condemn anything unless there's something there that I don't know. 00:34:09
That we don't know is there. 00:34:17
You know, what might be helpful to us is if we had a current photo of where the property is now and the history of what the 00:34:20
property owner has done or hasn't done to get us to this point. So Madam, Madam Mayor. 00:34:29
Mr. Monday, if I'm not mistaken though, this just starts the process, right? And then after there's still there's still more to be 00:34:40
done in order to just make some aware and then from we still have another. 00:34:45
Final vote to go with it, right? If we plan to condemn it, we will. This is again, just to put the lien on the property. Like I 00:34:50
said, we've been working with the property owner for about two years, moving old vehicles, hauling off old trees and weeds and 00:34:56
trash that the city's accomplished. Yes, Sir. But unfortunately, unfortunately, fortunately, Choncho was not here tonight because 00:35:02
he's a father again, so. 00:35:08
As of today, oh, is he yesterday? So are we looking for this? Are we looking for the property owner to reimburse the city for the 00:35:14
expenses that they've already incurred of taking out the cars and taking out the significant amount of money that's been spent on 00:35:22
that property? That's why it looks clean because the city cleaned it. And it's also keeps us out of some violating the anti 00:35:29
donation clause because if we do it for one person and don't charge them, we have to. 00:35:37
For everybody. 00:35:44
Do we have a total? 00:35:48
I don't know right off the top of my head. 00:35:51
I'm sure it's less than $5000, maybe 5000 at 9000, but I'm pretty sure it's less because we did the labor ourselves. So whatever 00:35:55
we get paid from the city, we asked them to reimburse us. Kind of similar to the Sands Motel. Yes, Sir, identical. And how's that 00:36:01
working out? We have the title, we have the deed. 00:36:07
All in favor. 00:36:16
Aye, opposed. 00:36:19
And passes. OK, Madam Mayor. 00:36:21
I'll make a motion to pass resolution #24-07-23F. The condemning of one or 1100 Sean St. 00:36:26
That other green property because of the city cleaned it up. Yes, Sir. We don't pursue this then people then the residents will 00:36:38
have to clean up everybody's property at the expense of the city, which isn't something that probably. 00:36:45
You know, this is a vacant lot that was overrun with small trees, trees sold regularly and we paid a subcontractor to go in and 00:36:52
clean them all up. It was becoming a fire hazard. 00:36:59
We need a second, second, second. 00:37:09
And there's another problem property right next or two houses down from it that we're working with also. 00:37:16
Lena, OK, so I just want to let you know that Chris does attempt to contact these property owners and he does, they do get some 00:37:24
into court and we are at the point where there's no response. So now this is where we take it. We will either get the property 00:37:31
cleaned and now we're going to try to recoup our funds. But there has been, he has attempted to contact the owners. So there's 00:37:37
been a lot of documentation. 00:37:44
There's certified letters. 00:37:50
Yes. And then if they did get a court summons, the court will say whether they appear. They did not appear. 00:37:54
So yes, it is documented, Mr. Lamette. 00:38:00
Posted on the property and advertised it in the newspaper at least once. 00:38:05
Saying that that property is condemned and there's a lien on that property and X amount of dollars to be paid to the city. And 00:38:11
then and, and if the owner comes up with that, then they can buy. What if somebody else comes up with it says I want, I'd like 00:38:17
that property for $5000. But if they say I'll pay it, I don't think that's legal. I don't think that's legal. It has to be, it has 00:38:23
to be the owner. 00:38:29
Oh, OK, so the owner is the only one that can reimburse the city at this point in time. We don't, we don't care how we get 00:38:36
reimbursed, but who reimburses us? But in order for us to remove the lien, we do want our reimbursement. And once the liens in 00:38:42
place then the title goes is the cities the title does the title go to the city? We don't re title it, but if they ever sell it, 00:38:48
we'll be if they don't, there's not a mortgage on it will be first in line to get paid. 00:38:55
Thank you all in favor. 00:39:02
So can we, can I, can I just request that the feature when we do these if we can get in our packet just kind of yeah, just the 00:39:06
whole timeline of On this date the letter was sent and this and this and this is the affidavit in your packet. 00:39:13
Well, we got the, we got the contact where where they were being contacted On this date and this date and this date we haven't 00:39:21
seen, I didn't see anything for as far as like correspondence. 00:39:27
Letters, but it does have a timeline of them being. Maybe the total in the future would be helpful too just to understand what I 00:39:35
think. Photos. 00:39:40
You know, in public and they're not blind side, right? I mean, they shouldn't be. I mean if you're contacted, you know, but. 00:39:49
Thank you. Thank you all in favor opposed motion passes make the motion. We pass the special use permit for Hannah Cooper 2nd. 00:39:56
Question. 00:40:08
And I can talk to you if you want to talk, Hannah. 00:40:23
Special special use permit so I can have food trucks over on the corner of California and spring at the property there. 00:40:28
So you got a big parking lot All in favor, aye. Opposed. 00:40:36
Madam Mayor, I'll make a motion pass. Resolution #24-07-23G. The Mexico Department Transportation landscaping, I-25 Exit 147 and 00:40:46
152nd. 00:40:52
Question, Donald. 00:41:00
Madam Mayor, that's the final capital outlay agreement from the state and as Councillor Green said, it's to landscape our exits. 00:41:03
Oh, OK. That was on our counselor. Dean's been asking for that for years. 00:41:13
Yeah, all in favor, aye. Opposed. 00:41:20
OK, author of Animal Control Officer Jason Padilla. 00:41:25
Jason's got his hands full. 00:41:37
Being an animal control officer for the City of Socorro. Being an animal control officer for the City of Support. 00:42:01
Do hereby formally swear that I accept the foregoing appointment. Do you buy here for me? For I accept the. 00:42:08
That I will support and enforce the ordinances of the City of Socorro, that I will enforce the city ordinances of school. And that 00:42:16
I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and impartially distract, partially discharge the duties of appointment, the duties 00:42:23
of appointment to the best of my ability, to the best of my ability. So help me God. 00:42:29
New business. 00:42:53
One thing I've got a numerous calls on on Cuba Rd. 00:42:55
I, I didn't have a chance to drive by after the rain, but Donald, were you guys were to go and look at that and the situation out 00:43:01
there, if it was worse than before, I myself didn't drive out there either. But if we get another rain like that, I will. I 00:43:07
usually do because I take pictures to the next CDG application to include them. 00:43:14
But I didn't make it this time, so the. 00:43:21
I always thought that the whole curbing and everything that was being done already would make it, I mean wouldn't reduce it, but 00:43:25
would cleared out quicker and it actually does. But that rain was for so long and so steady, I don't I don't think you could do 00:43:31
it. But this is a little bit of a side note we reapplied for. 00:43:37
Additional funding to do the rest of Cuba Rd. So if there's any issues, maybe we can address them when we get the next grant. 00:43:45
We don't know at all right now at this point if it actually did drain faster than it had been before. The last time I checked it 00:43:53
took it about and this was probably last summer. I probably took 20 minutes for the drain at the longest because the ground was 00:43:59
still wet when I drove out there, but it there was no water on the road. 00:44:05
And we maintain that that ditch or whatever you call it. 00:44:13
A long mix St. and back street and stuff. Yes ma'am, that's ours. As well as what used to be Markling Road off of Cuba Rd. which 00:44:18
we turn into a whole new pond. 00:44:24
OK. But yes, it's our responsibility to maintain them all throughout the city. 00:44:30
All business and still no business, Madam Mayor, I'm going to reach out at a constituent, reach out about prior to all this rain 00:44:37
and there's an area right behind Cottonwood School. 00:44:43
There's like a little bit the little valley in the road there and it's supposed to be run off and it looks like the concrete 00:44:50
trucks are washing out concrete there. 00:44:55
And it's blocking water and it's pulling there's going back out. It's creating a pool in the road. So and it's get with the basket 00:45:01
when he was in town. I I forgot to. So I just like to mention to the council maybe can get ahold of he got some Lloyds department 00:45:09
potentially. Yes, I did get a complaint on that also on and Lloyd went out there and and they were going to clean that. 00:45:16
Maybe make contact with whoever was doing. I think there's some yeah. I don't, I I never found out from Lloyd who was actually 00:45:24
dumping the concrete, but. 00:45:28
It was a lot of contracts in council. 00:45:32
Blame anybody, but thank you. Any other new business? No, I just wanted to say how nice things went for the wrestling event. I 00:45:36
guess it was really nice. 00:45:41
Yeah, sure. That was does our 5th, 5th annual tournament. It's rodeo theme that's all themed around the city of Socorro. The logo 00:45:51
was done for us years ago with a wrestling mat underneath the city truck Campos Socorro logos. And if you'll notice when we use 00:45:57
it, it has like, I don't know if anybody notices it, but it's a wrestling mat. It's actually underneath that starting lines and 00:46:04
they got great big banners up there and table covers and all. 00:46:11
Are geared towards. 00:46:18
And they're geared towards the rodeo theme there belt buckles. We can weigh belt buckles and cowboy hats and. 00:46:22
Pins and Cowboys roping animals if you get a pin in a match and that's a pretty unique tournament. We had a nice turn out. We had 00:46:29
over 800 wrestlers between the two days. 00:46:34
The Steve and Darrell and the staff up there were great. They're phenomenal. They they helped with everything. Anything we asked 00:46:42
them to do, it's late. It's a weird tournament because really hot this time of year. So we do it late. We start like away in at 00:46:48
4:30 in the afternoon, which is typically at 7:00 in the morning. 00:46:54
Start at 4:30 and we start wrestling at 7. Sun starts to go down and it was raining like crazy up there, but the the facility held 00:47:00
up the winds. The hardest game for us up there. It's not really the rain. The rain was. It was nice, people liked it, a lot of 00:47:06
compliments, no complaints. I'm looking forward to the new sound system up there because that was a little a little spotty, but we 00:47:11
worked with it. 00:47:16
Overall, I think we've seen a lot of influx of a lot of people in town and upcoming score for us and RV park was busy. 00:47:22
I don't know exactly the numbers are imagine Steven. No, but it was good that the Mississippi was great. They were busy, really 00:47:29
busy on the second night. So thank you to them too. They showed up. They did a great job taking care of the kids there. So that's 00:47:35
a great event. Thanks for the council. That was the first time you'll see on the voucher and we asked for some lodgers tax. We had 00:47:42
never asked for that before to try to help really bolster the. 00:47:48
We spent quite a bit of money on awards to really bolster the awards that we met with the mayor so we can really keep the soccer 00:47:54
logo and everything on it and. 00:47:59
Oh, man, in my third match, I wrestled a kid from, I think, I think one of them said New Jersey or something. A kid from New 00:48:33
Jersey came down, whole family came down South. I think the bigger it gets, Florida, quite a bit wrestling people are. They're not 00:48:39
saying no. They'll come and they'll go anywhere. If there's a good tournament, good competition, they'll go. Yeah, sorry. One 00:48:46
more. This is a question when, when is the rest of the medal going to be going up there? 00:48:52
At the arena, at the arena, they're working on it right now. 00:49:00
Working on it as we're speaking online at night, but but they started about two weeks ago and then they stopped for three weeks 00:49:04
ago and they stopped for the 4th of July this and they should be going again. I'll drive out there tomorrow too. They're welding 00:49:10
purlings on the West side of it right now, so they should help with the wind quite a bit. Yeah, I think so. I don't know. We'll 00:49:16
see. It'll be interesting. We're hoping that it does. 00:49:22
But what we're worried about is Mr. Fleming kidney test. Mr. Fleming can attest this is that it's going to force the wind to the 00:49:29
now the smaller open part of the arena and as he said, creative vortex. It could, but. 00:49:35
If it does, well, make another adjustment. 00:49:43
I have first was I was like all in for the completing of the arena completely in. But when you sit in the stands and you look up 00:49:47
there, the site that you get to see is really pretty. So it's unique. It's very different for, you know, we sit in gyms all day 00:49:53
long, buildings all day long. So it's unique. I'm not saying that's the only thing that goes on a thing, but for just for my event 00:49:58
from our perspective, it's really cool. I mean, even when we battle a little bit of wind, we made some adjustments. We got first 00:50:04
tape and we put it on the mat. 00:50:10
Because we've had where the maps flip up because the wind gets under, we don't have that at all this year. We completely Turkey 00:50:16
rain. And so it's good, you know, hopefully it does cut down on it, but if you maybe could do a winter event if there's heaters. 00:50:22
We didn't want to block that view, that's why we didn't do the east side. 00:50:29
Makes sense? 00:50:35
Or business. 00:50:36
Executive session. 00:50:39
OK. 00:50:42
Mayor's report Personal changes. I need a motion. 00:50:45
OK. 00:50:52
Christian attorney of Fire FMT from a 58 to a 62 Donald Warland fire recruit salary adjustment. A50 to a 52 Justin Pacheco fire 00:50:55
recruit. Sorry I just sent A50 to a 52. Ashland Aguilar fire recruit salary adjustment. 00:51:07
8:50 to a 52 Randall Montoya, gas crewman, A completed probation, 837 to 839. 00:51:20
James Beasley, St. Crewman, completed probation, temporary 835. Jason Romero, police officer, transfer from facility, security 00:51:27
Officer A 62, A 44, Antonio Gonzalez, Police, facility security officer, promotion to a police officer, a 44 to a 59, and Jacob 00:51:36
Riley, fire resignation. 00:51:44
Make a motion. We approve the personnel changes as presented. 00:51:55
I have a question. 00:51:58
On the. 00:52:02
The facility security officer going to police officer. So we're now looking for another facility security officer for that's going 00:52:04
to. 00:52:09
Jason Romero is moving to the security officer. He is a police. He's currently a police officer. He'll be the security and then 00:52:17
Antonio will go from. 00:52:21
OK. 00:52:30
Business resignations. 00:52:37
CB Power LLC 88 Team of several Clarence Cal Gorales. 00:52:41
Residential and commercial electrical contractor, New Mexico Gold LLC, 110 Willow St. Ernesto Manufacturing AJ Provisional 00:52:47
Contracting, out of Town of Agita Anna Gutierrez Roofing, US LBM Operating Company, 501 Otero Ave. Denise Ocho. I don't want to 00:52:56
see them. 00:53:04
Albert, Julie. 00:53:13
Retail lumber and building material supply. 00:53:15
Beauty Boutique Romeo, New Mexico. Alicia Romero clothing and accessories. 00:53:19
Avon LLC, 700 Franklin St. Maximilian Pedigree Contract Food Service. 00:53:25
Prohibition, 37101 W Mountains, Charles Bay Capitol The second retail cannabis dispensary Denny's Fireworks, 401 Spring St. 00:53:36
Patrick Miller Fireworks Lupita Fashion, 614 Honeysuckle Ave. Guadalupe Flores. 00:53:46
Or the New Mexico landscaping company AO3 Lyles Ericsson Sandoval Sale of landscaping and art. Art and materials. The Coal Trail 00:53:58
Running Series, LLC 629 Nicholas Greece Vidal sports event organizer. 00:54:07
That's a lot of businesses. 00:54:18
All in favor, aye? 00:54:21
OK, the next City Council meeting will be Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 PM. 00:54:29
And I need an adjournment motion to adjourn. 00:54:35
OK. Thank you. Thank you. Good job, Chair, for putting up with me. 00:54:40
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