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Of course, to the Council committee, she's adjourned. 2024 roll call, please, Mayor Bhaskar. 00:00:03
Councillor Travis Lopez. 00:00:09
Counselor Dean. 00:00:12
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:14
Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:16
Answer Rogaine. 00:00:18
Councillor Partridge. Councillor Romero. 00:00:20
Councillor Salome. 00:00:25
We do have a quorum. Thanks for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:27
Approval of the consent agenda. 00:00:51
2nd seconded discussion. Everybody understand all that? All in favor. 00:00:58
And public forum, Steve, you got something for the public forum? Oh. 00:01:05
I thought you jump right up for that. Tell us about you, about the robots. He's a counselor. Ocampo the robot, according to Steve 00:01:12
Work. 00:01:16
I I saw one video and it was, I think from a drone, from a drone. That's amazing. I mean, I thought it was awesome like I thought 00:01:22
it was. I mean, so far. 00:01:28
OK. 00:01:34
Great. 00:01:36
Awesome. Thank you guys so much. And as we all know that our thoughts are with the people of Ruidoso and we have opened up some 00:01:40
areas here in the city. But from what I understand the highway coming W be difficult to get this way. But we are at the hotel 00:01:50
motel we still we already have people from Ruidoso and I don't know if Mike have you Michael, have you got anybody there yet? 00:02:00
But but he set up at Finley, We've got cots and I've authorized some money to be spent if we need to spend it. So we're we're 00:02:11
going to be doing that. 00:02:16
Ordinances. Now there's a there's a request and I guess there's a reason for it because the state is again taking money away from 00:02:22
us. 00:02:26
The Donald, do you want to just explain to them about updating the penalty assessment? Yes, Sir. The Office of the Courts removed 00:02:32
some of their penalties, which totaled $29.00 and is like, I don't know if it was a court automation fee. I think there's three or 00:02:38
four different ones in our ordinance. So what we did was we took that wording out of the ordinance. 00:02:44
Showing how the $29.00 is calculated and we put it into the penalty assessment. So now rather than most of them being $40 or 69. 00:02:51
So we would. 00:03:02
Have a penalty assessment increase in the ordinance of. 00:03:05
We've already done everything we need to do just to have the action done by the City Council. It's been advertised and it's been 00:03:09
posted on our website. 00:03:13
Hey, there's Marianne. So we need a motion. 00:03:18
I'll make a motion. 00:03:22
So moved in second seconded that we update our penalty assessment. Roll call please. 00:03:24
This is for updating the penalty assessment variance. 00:03:35
Huh. Updating. Updating the penalty assessment. 00:03:39
Because they took $29.00 away from us from the state now. So we have to update it to try to just keep our. 00:03:43
Yes. 00:03:51
Number Dean. 00:03:53
Yes, yes. 00:03:56
Yeah. And the reason I'm doing is since it's an ordinance, we got to do a real bug. That's why we're doing that. The ITRP is a 00:04:00
public hearing. You have in the front of you the one so far that Donald's put together. I guess we can go into public hearing if 00:04:08
if we would do that just to make sure that we comply. 00:04:16
With the ICIPS or motion to go into public hearing, make a motion that we go into public hearing. 00:04:24
Second moved and seconded all in favor. 00:04:31
Out there that has something to add to our ICIP. What you're seeing is number one is the Socorro Police Department substation #2 00:04:34
is finishing up the Community Center remodel #3 the Ameritech Bridge improvement. 4 is the Cuba Rd. drainage, 5 is the City of 00:04:42
park improvements, 6 of the street and Bullock Stormwater solution. Leave a picture clean up his next Rodeo recreation Genera 00:04:49
Skylark store line. 00:04:57
How to purchase for the Police Department and community Out Museum and Lopezville Rd. Reconstruction and drainage. 00:05:05
That's what's on the ICIP as their rank one through 13. 00:05:11
If anyone has anything to add, if not we'll go back into public session. And Mr. Mayor, Mr. Monet, they moved the due date for the 00:05:16
ICT up two months and that's why we have the resolution on this one because things go as we've talked about this will be our last 00:05:23
meeting before they're it's due on the 12th. 00:05:29
Should we go back into regular session? 00:05:42
Make a motion to go back into regular session, move the 2nd and on to aye. It's not an action item is it? The next item is so 00:05:44
we're pretty well set. I didn't realize you had another bunch on the other side of the page. But it goes to Hwy. 60. I called 00:05:53
about the highway 60 and they're telling me October. 00:06:02
Before they give us a final scoping of that highway, you know, I don't know if you remember that we had a public hearing on that 00:06:12
and Moses and Corbin is supposed to be designing it in Las Cruces. But I said, well, where are we on all this and this? So they 00:06:20
still haven't given us, they haven't given us a specific time. But they said in October we'll have a final presentation for the 00:06:27
Highway 60 project, which is a big, big project, big project. So that that's that's the thing. And. 00:06:35
There are certainly a lot of these that are on the ICAP that are already working. 00:06:43
That we're trying to get finished. So there's there's things that are happening right now. 00:06:47
OK, and I'm dot map of Terrell Ave. Mr. Mayor, the next item is the resolution to adopt the ICIP. Oh, I'm sorry, I understand 00:06:55
completely. Resolution #24-06-18 ICFP. So this, this will adopt the ICIP on both sides of this page. And we can always add more 00:07:03
or, or change the ranking, but we need to codify it with a resolution. 00:07:11
Mr. Mayor, just one more note on that. Councillor Romero had requested some upgrades and some modernization to the Veterans Park, 00:07:20
but the mayor and administration have agreed to work with them on doing that rather than putting it on the ICIP, and we will spend 00:07:27
more money at the Veterans Park. So I'd entertain a motion to accept the ICIP as it stands for now. I so move. 00:07:35
So moved and seconded discussion. 00:07:44
All in favor, we can go to the map project on Otero. We're going to, you know, we did a little piece of it just because it was so 00:07:46
worn out going through John Brooks. We did a piece of it that was about $26,000. But we're going to try to redo Otero all the way 00:07:53
to, to the railroad tracks at least or to Chef Grill. So this is the, and we've gotten money for it. We've got, and I hope it's 00:08:01
enough, but we need a, we need a resolution to accept the money. 00:08:08
24-06-18B. 00:08:17
I'll move to 2nd the discussion all in favor. 00:08:20
Thing goes for the courthouse streets we've done McCutcheon, we're also going to do streets around the courthouse. We want to get 00:08:25
that looking nice. So that's what this one is for 24-06-18C. 00:08:31
One second seconded discussion. 00:08:39
All in favor, aye. And the capital outlay signatory responsibility action, I don't know what that is, Donald, is that my 00:08:41
signature? Yes, Sir. We met about capital outlay two or three weeks ago and they suggested because we're expecting to get the 00:08:48
money and or at least the agreements in July and they said to get a resolution approved allowing you to sign those agreements as 00:08:54
soon as possible. That way the funding is not delayed. 00:09:01
OK. 00:09:12
Second discussion, all in favor. 00:09:19
So now we come to this ambulatory supplement payment program. Is Ruby. Is that the one where we have to talk about putting up 00:09:24
money? 00:09:28
I try to explain that last time is resolution 24-06-18 E and a lot of counties and cities will run ambulance systems are applying 00:09:34
for this money. Sandoval County, for example, which is kind of the lead one, they're going to be putting up something like 00:09:41
800,000. 00:09:47
Dollars to the state, not to accompany to the state and they're expecting something like 2.5 million or something like that 00:09:54
returned back to them plus the 800,000. The city of Socorro has an estimate of about 218,000 to recruit maybe 550,000. So this 00:10:02
resolution doesn't we're not going to be sending the money until January or so I think is. But today we want to try to get the 00:10:10
council on board so that. 00:10:18
We let the state know that we as a city along with Sandoval, Carlsbad, Artesia. 00:10:26
Las Cruces. 00:10:35
Are going to be applying for this money, they all run ambulance systems and this money has been set aside for rural and ambulance 00:10:37
systems that get reimbursed by Medicaid and they only get reimbursed about 30 to 40%. We're trying to make up the other 50 or 60% 00:10:45
and that and that will help us and the men are not here, but the chief vodka with that. But we think it's a good program that we 00:10:54
think we can recoup the money and it's not it's not like going money to some place in Nigeria. 00:11:02
Venom invest money his money, which may be the same going to sound effect, but anyway this money is going to be going to Santa Fe 00:11:11
to the. 00:11:15
Which department is it? Ruby. 00:11:21
Human Services is the Human Services department. 00:11:23
Mr. Salami and will they know that we, we're supporting the Magdalena Ambulance Service? They do, they do that's in our region. 00:11:28
And but this is a, this what they will do is they will audit all our claims to Medicaid. 00:11:36
So once they process all our claims to Medicaid, they will see that we're only getting reimbursed at 30 to 40% and that company 00:11:45
then will apply for the difference to this fund at the Fed level. 00:11:53
That your tax dollars are sitting there in Washington DC and those people then and they feel that this is a done deal basically. 00:12:03
And, and so it's, it's not as, it's not as if we have to prove to them that we have a region. We just have to show them all our 00:12:09
billing. 00:12:15
And, and non payments of Medicaid and things like that. And that's what qualifies this because we're below that threshold 00:12:22
reimbursement is because we get reimbursed through Medicaid and anybody who and you know, a lot of towns don't run their 00:12:28
ambulances, it's all private AMR or something like that. 00:12:34
But certain towns do and certain counties do. And so they gave us an opportunity when Chief Buckle went to this meeting of EMS in 00:12:40
Ruidoso, they brought this up. And so we thought, well, we'll jump in, but we were kind of scared to do it. However, since 00:12:48
Sandoval County and all these other major cities, Carlsbad, Artesia, Las Cruces are doing it, we thought it'd be safe enough to do 00:12:55
that. We would do this, but it doesn't have to do with the region you're you're serving. It just has to do with the billing. 00:13:03
That you've been doing for Medicaid that you're not getting reimbursement to what insurance companies are, what you should be paid 00:13:11
because which our tariff is set, our tariff that we charge for ambulances is set by PRC. So that that's that's where we're at on 00:13:17
this. 00:13:23
So if I get a motion to accept this and we will then go on the check is not being written right now and we will come back to 00:13:31
council once we give you the, once they give us the estimate because they've got they've got to look at our billing to decide how 00:13:36
much money we have to put up. 00:13:41
And still you notice, I mean, first I heard of it, I said, you know, it's like the scam when they call you and say, well, if you 00:13:48
put 10,000 into this bank account, you'll get $70,000 back. So I was a little afraid. But once we saw who's doing it and how 00:13:53
they're doing it, I'm pretty comfortable that it's safe. 00:13:59
I'll move to accept resolution. Resolution #24-06-18 E. 00:14:06
Moved and seconded discussion all in favor. We have you know Mr. Castaneto passed away several months ago, perhaps over a year 00:14:14
even. This is this this is the land that the city owns right across from the hospital and. 00:14:22
Damon and Pat Cascanetto want to renew the lease. 00:14:32
And he's in the, he's in the mechanic business and and I just told him that we would not, we would not expect to have any vehicles 00:14:37
being pulled over there being stored or worked on. 00:14:45
So the lease is very specific as to and then the lease also that they had was $100 a month. 00:14:54
And so we wanted to make sure we brought the lease up to where it is for all the other places that are being leased. So which is 00:15:01
like not a whole bunch, but is it 300 or something? Yes, Sir. It's, I believe it's $345.00 a month. Yeah. And, and, and that's all 00:15:09
for the appraised property of the property out there is about 18 to 20,000 an acre. And that's just a, that's the way we we do it. 00:15:16
They may be interested in purchasing it, but they know for a fact that, and I want to put that in the minutes that we're not. 00:15:24
We don't tolerate them making it into a junkyard and the one junkyard that we do have is being cleaned up right now. You know, the 00:15:32
one that you that belongs to Mike Dehart and his parents family. And he's he's done very well. He's kept cleaning it up. And we 00:15:39
don't expect to have something like that coming out where, where they have their trailer. So that's something that I don't know if 00:15:45
we wrote that in the leash, but yes, Sir, they're required to get the original lease was for the home and for the body shops. So 00:15:51
that's still in there. 00:15:58
Lease term, we wanted council to be aware of that. 00:16:36
And if they exercise that option, we will go through all the advertising requirements we need to and get an updated appraisal and. 00:16:39
Everything we've done, we support the, we support the lease agreement. That's what it's five years, not 99. 00:16:47
I second, second accept the lease agreement with the Cascados discussion all in favor. 00:16:58
Just FYI, our lawyers informed us the other day that the the case that the Court Electric Co-op took to the Supreme Court. 00:17:06
After the PRC had already made a ruling in 2018 something like that, that the electric Co-op rates that they were asking for were 00:17:20
not acceptable to the PRC hearing officer. 00:17:28
The soccer Electric club then decided to. 00:17:36
Take it to the Supreme Court to hear their side of the story, saying that the PRC was wrong and not allowing them to have this 00:17:41
happen. 00:17:45
They lost. 00:17:51
The electrical op lost the case of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court basically, and I think I forwarded you the Supreme Court 00:17:53
ruling and all the reasoning, but basically the reasoning was that they felt the PRC was the was the organization that actually is 00:18:00
the one that's supposed to make the rulings. And the Supreme Court did not want to take that away from them. Of course, the Co-op 00:18:08
and the other co-ops decided that, well, we'll go to the legislature and ask the PRC not to be our rulers. 00:18:15
We want, we don't want to have them as our rulers just so the coops would be opted out of that. Well, I don't know where that's 00:18:24
going. 00:18:26
The other thing that happened was they were being fined. 00:18:29
$1000 a day almost I think. 00:18:34
That calculation and the final filing for them to answer that question about the fine is June 23rd, 2024. According to our our 00:18:37
lawyers that is totaled to $830,000 plus. 00:18:46
The city is not in favor of that. Fine, by the way. 00:18:57
Because frankly, we'll be the ones ending up being if there's on top of all the bills that the Co-op in their indiscretion, has 00:19:01
piled up with their legal business. 00:19:07
The the users will be end up end up paying for the the fine. So we're not I'm not in favor of it. I don't know if the council 00:19:16
wants us to make a statement to the to the contrary, but I mean, I just assume not have to end up costing us money because they'll 00:19:23
have to get it out of somewhere and they're not going to get it out of the trustees who made the mistake of going to the Supreme 00:19:30
Court and who actually were fine personally. And I don't know if that changed. I don't have downloaded a change. 00:19:37
It changed where they were fine personally. 00:19:45
They took it, the Pierce, he took that back. But finding the coop is not going to help the citizens. So we're not in favor of 00:19:49
that, however. 00:19:53
If you listen to, I'll give you a citation to listen to Mr. Herrera on an NPR program. 00:19:59
At Aunmi. Think it's Kunmi. Don't know how this guy ended up. He didn't call me about it. He called Mr. Herrera about it. 00:20:09
And his words are the coop now might have to raise the race two or three times more than they were asking for now that they lost 00:20:16
the case. So there that his comment was that he estimates that the rates might have to be raised two or three times more than what 00:20:24
the rate increases they were asking for when they lost this case. 00:20:32
Mr. Partridge. So just to clarify, Mr. Mayor, $1000 a day being assessed to the Co-op by the Supreme Court, by the PRC, when the 00:20:41
PRC said cease and desist do not increase these rates? 00:20:49
Appears in the Coop said. 00:21:00
Thank you. I don't want to use that word, but we're going to the Supreme Court. 00:21:03
PRC said you're gonna be fined for not obeying our order to that amount and now that they lost the case, they'll be assessed. It's 00:21:09
accumulated to 835,000 or so. And like I said, I am, I don't encourage the PRC to. 00:21:17
Try to get that money from the core. 00:21:28
Because the bottom line is we're going to end up having to pay for it. And I would rather, I mean, they've lost the case. It's 00:21:30
done. 00:21:34
The people that are the users certainly did get saddled by their incompetent legal because they even though they're incompetent, 00:21:39
they still send their bills that the club has to pay. And I can't get that information. Although I did get a little information 00:21:47
the other day from the meeting that they had $108,000 worth of legal fees. 00:21:54
That they had generated and I don't know what for from a different law firm. I don't know if it's from the lawsuit that the 00:22:02
employees brought against the coop or the union did or it was because of this lawsuit, but. 00:22:08
Lawyers are not free, and so the money that they spent fighting this case and taking it to the Supreme Court thinking that they're 00:22:15
going to win $1.25 million in increases has already cost them 835,000 plus the legal fees. 00:22:23
If they are deceased and desisted and said we're not going to do that because the PRC said it's not acceptable like P&M does and 00:22:33
other people do, they would have saved their users a lot more money and they would not have had to get it out of for a hide. But 00:22:40
like I said, the the city should go on. The administration goes on record that the Co-op shouldn't have to pay that fine. 00:22:48
Because like I said, it's gonna end up, you know, if, if the, if the environmental department finds the city for the landfill. 00:22:56
That's a simple thing. 00:23:39
Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that the other thing is that we're. 00:23:41
Have. 00:23:47
We're moving along with the we have applied and Polo, maybe you can explain what you did as a applicant to the IRS for an X amount 00:23:49
of money that the IRS will put in our Citibank account once we get our solar grants. What happens there? I believe it's up to four 00:23:57
4 million dollars, $4 million and. 00:24:05
We had to I had to put in a resume and then we. 00:24:14
We did a few other items that we just needed to send in. It was very soon that was, it was so simple and we submitted it with the 00:24:19
help of ICAST and and we should hear something in about two months in August, August or September. So we are, so we are getting 00:24:27
ready to continue on with that solar project and we haven't spent any money yet and we haven't borrowed any money yet, but we're 00:24:34
moving towards getting that battery storage. 00:24:42
And the solar for it's got initially for five megs because they only allow you to do 5 megs at a time, 5 megawatts. So that's 00:24:50
something that that we're still doing and we are still. 00:24:56
You know, I haven't met with a Co-op. I offered and I newspaper, newspaper interviewed me the other day and I said I'm open to a 00:25:05
compromise. I'm open to a compromise from the Coop. But I have not had anything anybody approached me on that. Now they have a a 00:25:12
lobbyist from Santa Fe. They've got the gentleman from tri-state. Then we've got I don't see, I see Mr. Capps there, but I don't 00:25:19
see Jared, but. 00:25:27
I have certainly suggested that if the club is interested in working with the city in a, in a fashion where we can have our solar 00:25:35
help them decrease their rates and tri-state would allow us to do that. I'd be, I'd be open to a compromise, at least talks, at 00:25:44
least talks to a compromise. And I, I haven't, I haven't heard anything yet about that, but that's where we're at. 00:25:53
I did. I did have a question from one of the constituents. She had called me this week asking if I knew if you did go out in the 00:26:05
open market, let's say with Guzman or whoever. 00:26:12
Are you locked into a rate for a certain period of time? Like when they when you offer this like whatever the rate is, usually 00:26:21
they give us a seven-year window. 00:26:25
And are you locked into it or do you have freedom to? No, we're locked into it when we get a supplier and we they give us a bid 00:26:30
and they're locked into that rate. And we're locked into that rate for seven, not for 48 years like the coop is for seven years. 00:26:37
It was Apollo was A7. 00:26:47
And is that exclusive as well like or is it just by percentage? Is it? 00:26:49
It's exclusive for electric power. It's not exclusive for alternate power. 00:26:56
That's what we have to work as to how much power are we going to buy from them and how much of it is going to be from us making 00:27:03
solar power? 00:27:07
That's where the decrease in the rates will be made because if we can get the solar power cheap. 00:27:12
If we can get a third and that was that, that the thing that Mr. Reyes put in last time, if we can get the solar power at 50% and 00:27:19
augment our electric power that we're buying will be even if we get, if we get a finance better than 50%, let's say at 60 or 70%, 00:27:27
we'll be making money. 00:27:34
For the power. 00:27:44
So that's Guzman had we and we're gonna make them agree with that is or whoever sells us the power that we wanna have, a open 00:27:46
amount of power that the city can generate on its own. 00:27:51
And the power that we buy from them and the new, the new technology is and if you'll see that from. 00:27:59
This company that built this $200 million solar, it's battery power is that you can store battery power from the solar when you 00:28:05
need it and put it in the system when you're not making solar power. The other thing you can do, you can buy. 00:28:13
Off, what do they call it off peak times? You can buy power off peak time and store it in those batteries and then sell it back at 00:28:23
peak times cheaper. You see what I mean? So that technology is just getting bigger and bigger, and we're talking about solar and 00:28:30
battery. 00:28:38
And you know, we had people from tri-state come and say, well, we're doing this and this we're going to be, we're going to be 00:28:47
solar and 50% in 2026 or what it was. We can be solar right now ourselves. We can be 50% thirty to 50% solar once we get all these 00:28:54
grants that we're putting in for. And like I said, if we can compromise and do something with a Co-op about that, that they'll buy 00:29:02
the solar power from us and try to decrease rates, I'd be open to some kind of discussion for that. 00:29:09
And Mr. Reyes ever follow up with any of the details we had asked him for, just on how he came to the numbers that he has 00:29:19
presented? 00:29:24
We will send. Don't we have it? He said. It was going to take him about two to three weeks, I think. OK. No, he will. He will. I 00:29:31
thought we already had it. We just didn't. We didn't, just didn't show it. That was the 1st. 00:29:38
But he was gonna. OK. I think we got the one that he presented. But what we had asked him for is how he derived the information. 00:29:45
Yes, Sir. Yeah. Yeah. No. Would you please remind him? 00:29:51
So that's, that's kind of where we're at on the electric right now and, and read more about it if you know, I mean, there's more 00:30:01
and more electric coming on grid and the prices are going down. It's just, you know, like a, like you said the other day, they're 00:30:08
they're actually actually paying people to take electricity off grid in California because there's so much solar. But anyway, so 00:30:14
that's. 00:30:20
That's that, yes. So this compromise with the Coop, did we contact the Coop or it's just something that you said in an in a 00:30:27
interview with the newspaper? 00:30:33
I just said it first. 00:30:40
I haven't contacted them. I figured Mr. Capps might take it back to her. I don't know. Maybe if you can't, I'm, I'm perfectly 00:30:42
willing to meet with him. And if we can do it about board and I, you know, I like to do it with sunshine. I don't want to tell you 00:30:48
all this back in the backroom in executive session. It is, although it is negotiations. I'd rather talk about it in public and, 00:30:54
and say what, you know, what we want to do. 00:30:59
But I figured that for me. 00:31:07
To call me earlier, Joseph, you know, it's, it's difficult for me to do that. And then maybe the tri-state needs to be in on it 00:31:10
too because they're going to have to make the decision. 00:31:14
As to whether the local club can buy, buy solar from the local local community, that's some of the things that I think are 00:31:18
evolving and maybe tri-state needs to look into stuff like that because that's what's going to happen in a lot of the coops. 00:31:25
And I'll tell you, let me tell you, all the courts are looking at this because of what we're doing. We've been doing it for 15 00:31:33
years. 00:31:37
Anyhow, new business. 00:31:42
We've got. 00:31:46
Come on, Dez, tell us about what's going to happen on July 3rd and 4th. That's new business. 00:31:48
Hey guys, so on July 3rd, no McCoy is coming. We'll have a couple food trucks there. The show starts at 7:00. If you haven't 00:31:58
spread the word about it, please tell your friends. You can find the tickets on our website on And then on July 00:32:05
4th, we'll have the traditional festivities. That whole day will be free. Darrell's doing a good job at getting plenty of vendors 00:32:12
for the whole day. 00:32:19
And then we'll have Water Slides. We'll have a full lineup of music. We have the Nathaniel Krantz band this year, which is is a 00:32:27
pretty popular band up north all around. He's played at the casinos and whatnot. And then we'll have Al Hurricane Junior and our 00:32:34
local bands. So I saw the Seat Belt and Tori Modillo and her band. 00:32:41
And I think that's pretty much it. Yeah, yeah. 00:32:49
It's the Neil McCoy just on his own website. There's no mention. There's no mention of us, of him coming here. Yeah, somebody 00:32:54
mentioned that to me today and he, I called his manager and he added it right away. 00:33:00
Yeah, I didn't know that we weren't on his tour schedule, but he's at work, Carlos added. Yeah, so. 00:33:07
We're good. 00:33:14
You gotta go. 00:33:16
Had a free ticket. 00:33:18
I would have been happy to pay for it. OK, that's what I want. 00:33:23
So how many we got? Thousand maybe. So we we need to sell 1500, but we're at 200 tickets right now. We're at 200. Yeah, yeah. I 00:33:27
have billboards up. I have social media ads going. We're in the newspaper, we're on the radio. So, well, you know, it's an 00:33:35
experiment. I mean, it's an experiment then, you know. 00:33:42
The production cost, but that's too hell about it. But yeah, yeah, yeah, we have to get the big stage. We have to get people to 00:33:52
run sound and. 00:33:56
Lights men had just nickel and dime you to death, Yeah. 00:34:01
I mean, every little thing is is adding this, that, but you know, I mean, it's, it's a start. 00:34:06
But well, we'll see. I mean, it's, it's an experiment and if it goes well, if it doesn't, you know, we tried and it's something 00:34:17
that hopefully the public and then if, if they want a different type of a artist, we can do that. But maybe it'll be wrapped next 00:34:23
time. 00:34:29
Maybe Jay-Z will come down here and do that. 00:34:36
Yeah, it's our first time dealing with the talent tech writer, and those are pretty extensive, all the way down to what they want 00:34:38
in their dressing room before and after the show and all that. So if we do this next year, it'll be a lot easier for us. Where's 00:34:44
the dressing rooms? In the bathroom. It'll be at the Convention Center, actually. Yeah, We're taking suggestions. Can I have 00:34:49
suggestions for Lopez? 00:34:54
I mean, I think it's cool. 00:35:03
I mean, I, I like that. I like the guy. I mean, I think it's great. Yeah. No, it'll grow. I mean, if you just keep doing it, it'll 00:35:08
grow. It's like a wrestling event. Start with a couple 100 people and then a couple thousand people. If they get to know that we 00:35:15
have a venue that people can come to. And, and we're getting more and more use out of the Convention Center and, and Steve was 00:35:21
getting more use out of rodeo, the soccer. AYSO. We're meeting with AYSO on Thursday to see because Mr. County who who's the 00:35:28
regional governor. 00:35:34
Really into getting soccer going so. 00:35:41
We're trying to get that again, you're doing football out there and it was one of the sorry to interrupt you, but I just want to 00:35:44
say thanks to the city and especially Steven, the crew out there for messing with that little robot painter saved so much time. I 00:35:50
mean, you're talking like 8 hours out there like measuring it's it's a pain. So thank you guys for for doing that. Really 00:35:57
appreciate it. We have it's Thursday. Anybody in town that's interested in coming out and watching? We had 25 teams that were 00:36:03
coming to our. 00:36:10
Little 7 on 7 and lineman challenge. 00:36:17
From all over the state. Last year we had five Division One athletes coming. This year there's there's six. So pretty sweet deal. 00:36:19
We actually had four of them that have called and cancelled due to the fire. So they won't be able to get here. I mean a rough 00:36:27
deal. So so we'll have at least 20 teams. 00:36:34
You turn the sprinklers on, that's going to be hot. Yeah. We supply as much water as we can and then we have. And then, I mean, 00:36:42
they're really good. 00:36:46
They come in with buses and they bring more than enough water and it's it's a pretty good deal. So if you want to watch some good 00:36:50
football, you can come out there between 98. I would say 10:00 AM and and 4:00 PM. 00:36:56
Thursday, yeah. 00:37:04
We'll have plenty of kids out there. We'll have a wrestling camp to marriage, working out with Michael and he's Finley James will 00:37:08
do a free camp for. 00:37:12
The kids of Socorro, whoever wants to come out and just try it and we'll do it and then we'll sanction it through AAU. So let's 00:37:18
cover it and there's insurance and that the cities make sure that they're that it's a we'll, we'll run it as a camp and it'll 00:37:24
cover over the umbrella of anybody that's within the facility to make sure that they're taken care of and anybody will be free. 00:37:29
They can come in and learn how to wrestle for three days, July 9th, 10th and 11th at family. So that'll make something new. We've 00:37:35
never done that before. 00:37:41
We've got lots of camps going on. Mike is Michael, there's some other ones going on. 00:38:57
Southwell camp and then and your baseball is going great guns. I'm in Studio Park is full, the the pool is full. We've got lots of 00:39:03
stuff. We got about 130 kids employed for summer employment. 00:39:08
All the paint on the pool that looks really nice, a lot of people compliment it. They've done a great job, but there's lots of 00:39:17
activities there. People can't stay there and activities. 00:39:22
Golf camp There's a volleyball camp at the high school. 00:39:29
I think, yeah, we just got done with one and they I think they're doing another one at 10 the same time as July 9th. Yeah, but 00:39:32
it's an up at the high school film a lot of stuff there and then school starts in August 1st week. 00:39:39
That's a whole month we've lost. I remember after Labor Days when I saw people were starting school. Wow. OK. And are they still 00:39:47
going to have a four day school as as of right now? Right. Yes. OK. Yeah, Yeah. As of right now. I mean, there's there's some 00:39:54
issues. Yeah. The governor's order. 00:40:00
And you noted, and Speaking of school, the junior high is coming up. 00:40:09
And the sticks on Mary Ann's project to come up, you'll see the tremendous. So there's lots of they should be done. I got an 00:40:13
update today and they should be done by November, December. 00:40:19
Fabulous. So that's again, I'm still I don't know how they going to who to drop off and pick up at the junior high, but we'll see 00:40:27
how that works. I saw that they're building a little roundabout there, but. 00:40:34
I don't know, it's gonna be big enough, but anyway. 00:40:41
Openness business, so business, anybody got old business going on? 00:40:45
Nope. OK then. Oh, Chris, you got your business. 00:40:51
Now you're not going to the schools anymore, right? 00:40:58
Tell me about the people that you've arrested. 00:41:02
Well, so I'm sorry sighted. I've had a few people that we've taken to court and striking with the judge to kind of keep them 00:41:05
accountable. Keep on that look past few months I've had. 00:41:11
Pretty busy few months. We had a few trailers removed from the wagon wheel, one of their own. Yeah, we had like 3 removed and then 00:41:19
one off of the western over here working on a house on South California St. trying to get that cleaned up. We had another 00:41:27
abandoned house in South California St. demolished too and that's all without. 00:41:34
Without the city doing it. I mean, it's just the owners doing it, but. 00:41:46
It's not easy, not easy. 00:42:24
All right. Thank you, Chris. 00:42:27
OK. 00:42:29
Any other old business executive session we shall go into. 00:42:31
I gotta get the personnel matters. 00:42:38
And OK, there we go. 00:42:42
OK, this is the job description, action item and Donald. 00:42:45
That's the director position at the Senior Center. We're updating it and putting it in line with other directors. 00:42:53
So for Linda Modest, we're going to. 00:43:01
Bring it along with the city. So that's where we're at on that if you allow us to OK that. 00:43:04
Moved and seconded that we allow the job description for the Senior Center. All in favor, of course. Now changes. We've got Jason 00:43:13
Padilla, new hunter, animal control, John Brennan, police officer, promotion to corporal, Dylan Koslin, promotion to corporal. 00:43:20
William Brennan, promotion to Corporal Jorge Gallegos production. New hire Michael Padilla completed his resignation and Albert 00:43:27
Olgae, junior resigned. Chief, you have an introduction. 00:43:35
Great. 00:43:48
Well, we welcome all our new police officers. Thank you, thank you for coming. Thank you City Council. But you know, our new 00:43:52
police, city police officers are a big help and I think are you totally staffed now or you got. 00:43:58
Oh yeah. 00:44:09
He's going to have new surgery. 00:44:16
OK. So thank you again, Dylan for coming and give up the good work. 00:44:21
And that's the changes. 00:44:27
Anybody you got to approve them, make more stupid. 00:44:30
Move the second all in favor, and then we only have one. This is and this is a good one. 00:44:37
I thought it said Casa. I said Casa, but it's not Passover. 00:44:48
And I'll see they're from out of town and they're port party and septic service. 00:44:56
Come on, we have proof, OK? Anybody want that in town? 00:45:02
Well, I tell you when I talk to Pasa, that's like a victory for me. But. 00:45:09
But hey everybody, any seconds? 00:45:16
All in favor, all right, we're doing once a month for now, so the next one in July, the 23rd. 00:45:21
No. Are we having a lunch meeting? 00:45:31
Now we passed on that. 00:45:34
You can come though you want. 00:45:36
No, no, we passed on. 00:45:39
Mary Ann's probably gonna have begun. So they saw yours. 00:45:42
I'll have lunch. 00:45:48
On the city. 00:45:51
And perhaps the public would want to look at and I think it's she had a long meeting with with me about what's going on and what 00:46:30
we're doing. But it's. 00:46:35
We're very lucky, you know, a city has to have a hospital, a landfill, airport, schools. We got a university Interstate for 00:46:41
transportation. Can't ask for much more than that in a small community. 00:46:47
Thank you. 00:46:55
There you go. 00:46:58
Yeah. 00:47:00
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Of course, to the Council committee, she's adjourned. 2024 roll call, please, Mayor Bhaskar. 00:00:03
Councillor Travis Lopez. 00:00:09
Counselor Dean. 00:00:12
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:14
Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:16
Answer Rogaine. 00:00:18
Councillor Partridge. Councillor Romero. 00:00:20
Councillor Salome. 00:00:25
We do have a quorum. Thanks for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:27
Approval of the consent agenda. 00:00:51
2nd seconded discussion. Everybody understand all that? All in favor. 00:00:58
And public forum, Steve, you got something for the public forum? Oh. 00:01:05
I thought you jump right up for that. Tell us about you, about the robots. He's a counselor. Ocampo the robot, according to Steve 00:01:12
Work. 00:01:16
I I saw one video and it was, I think from a drone, from a drone. That's amazing. I mean, I thought it was awesome like I thought 00:01:22
it was. I mean, so far. 00:01:28
OK. 00:01:34
Great. 00:01:36
Awesome. Thank you guys so much. And as we all know that our thoughts are with the people of Ruidoso and we have opened up some 00:01:40
areas here in the city. But from what I understand the highway coming W be difficult to get this way. But we are at the hotel 00:01:50
motel we still we already have people from Ruidoso and I don't know if Mike have you Michael, have you got anybody there yet? 00:02:00
But but he set up at Finley, We've got cots and I've authorized some money to be spent if we need to spend it. So we're we're 00:02:11
going to be doing that. 00:02:16
Ordinances. Now there's a there's a request and I guess there's a reason for it because the state is again taking money away from 00:02:22
us. 00:02:26
The Donald, do you want to just explain to them about updating the penalty assessment? Yes, Sir. The Office of the Courts removed 00:02:32
some of their penalties, which totaled $29.00 and is like, I don't know if it was a court automation fee. I think there's three or 00:02:38
four different ones in our ordinance. So what we did was we took that wording out of the ordinance. 00:02:44
Showing how the $29.00 is calculated and we put it into the penalty assessment. So now rather than most of them being $40 or 69. 00:02:51
So we would. 00:03:02
Have a penalty assessment increase in the ordinance of. 00:03:05
We've already done everything we need to do just to have the action done by the City Council. It's been advertised and it's been 00:03:09
posted on our website. 00:03:13
Hey, there's Marianne. So we need a motion. 00:03:18
I'll make a motion. 00:03:22
So moved in second seconded that we update our penalty assessment. Roll call please. 00:03:24
This is for updating the penalty assessment variance. 00:03:35
Huh. Updating. Updating the penalty assessment. 00:03:39
Because they took $29.00 away from us from the state now. So we have to update it to try to just keep our. 00:03:43
Yes. 00:03:51
Number Dean. 00:03:53
Yes, yes. 00:03:56
Yeah. And the reason I'm doing is since it's an ordinance, we got to do a real bug. That's why we're doing that. The ITRP is a 00:04:00
public hearing. You have in the front of you the one so far that Donald's put together. I guess we can go into public hearing if 00:04:08
if we would do that just to make sure that we comply. 00:04:16
With the ICIPS or motion to go into public hearing, make a motion that we go into public hearing. 00:04:24
Second moved and seconded all in favor. 00:04:31
Out there that has something to add to our ICIP. What you're seeing is number one is the Socorro Police Department substation #2 00:04:34
is finishing up the Community Center remodel #3 the Ameritech Bridge improvement. 4 is the Cuba Rd. drainage, 5 is the City of 00:04:42
park improvements, 6 of the street and Bullock Stormwater solution. Leave a picture clean up his next Rodeo recreation Genera 00:04:49
Skylark store line. 00:04:57
How to purchase for the Police Department and community Out Museum and Lopezville Rd. Reconstruction and drainage. 00:05:05
That's what's on the ICIP as their rank one through 13. 00:05:11
If anyone has anything to add, if not we'll go back into public session. And Mr. Mayor, Mr. Monet, they moved the due date for the 00:05:16
ICT up two months and that's why we have the resolution on this one because things go as we've talked about this will be our last 00:05:23
meeting before they're it's due on the 12th. 00:05:29
Should we go back into regular session? 00:05:42
Make a motion to go back into regular session, move the 2nd and on to aye. It's not an action item is it? The next item is so 00:05:44
we're pretty well set. I didn't realize you had another bunch on the other side of the page. But it goes to Hwy. 60. I called 00:05:53
about the highway 60 and they're telling me October. 00:06:02
Before they give us a final scoping of that highway, you know, I don't know if you remember that we had a public hearing on that 00:06:12
and Moses and Corbin is supposed to be designing it in Las Cruces. But I said, well, where are we on all this and this? So they 00:06:20
still haven't given us, they haven't given us a specific time. But they said in October we'll have a final presentation for the 00:06:27
Highway 60 project, which is a big, big project, big project. So that that's that's the thing. And. 00:06:35
There are certainly a lot of these that are on the ICAP that are already working. 00:06:43
That we're trying to get finished. So there's there's things that are happening right now. 00:06:47
OK, and I'm dot map of Terrell Ave. Mr. Mayor, the next item is the resolution to adopt the ICIP. Oh, I'm sorry, I understand 00:06:55
completely. Resolution #24-06-18 ICFP. So this, this will adopt the ICIP on both sides of this page. And we can always add more 00:07:03
or, or change the ranking, but we need to codify it with a resolution. 00:07:11
Mr. Mayor, just one more note on that. Councillor Romero had requested some upgrades and some modernization to the Veterans Park, 00:07:20
but the mayor and administration have agreed to work with them on doing that rather than putting it on the ICIP, and we will spend 00:07:27
more money at the Veterans Park. So I'd entertain a motion to accept the ICIP as it stands for now. I so move. 00:07:35
So moved and seconded discussion. 00:07:44
All in favor, we can go to the map project on Otero. We're going to, you know, we did a little piece of it just because it was so 00:07:46
worn out going through John Brooks. We did a piece of it that was about $26,000. But we're going to try to redo Otero all the way 00:07:53
to, to the railroad tracks at least or to Chef Grill. So this is the, and we've gotten money for it. We've got, and I hope it's 00:08:01
enough, but we need a, we need a resolution to accept the money. 00:08:08
24-06-18B. 00:08:17
I'll move to 2nd the discussion all in favor. 00:08:20
Thing goes for the courthouse streets we've done McCutcheon, we're also going to do streets around the courthouse. We want to get 00:08:25
that looking nice. So that's what this one is for 24-06-18C. 00:08:31
One second seconded discussion. 00:08:39
All in favor, aye. And the capital outlay signatory responsibility action, I don't know what that is, Donald, is that my 00:08:41
signature? Yes, Sir. We met about capital outlay two or three weeks ago and they suggested because we're expecting to get the 00:08:48
money and or at least the agreements in July and they said to get a resolution approved allowing you to sign those agreements as 00:08:54
soon as possible. That way the funding is not delayed. 00:09:01
OK. 00:09:12
Second discussion, all in favor. 00:09:19
So now we come to this ambulatory supplement payment program. Is Ruby. Is that the one where we have to talk about putting up 00:09:24
money? 00:09:28
I try to explain that last time is resolution 24-06-18 E and a lot of counties and cities will run ambulance systems are applying 00:09:34
for this money. Sandoval County, for example, which is kind of the lead one, they're going to be putting up something like 00:09:41
800,000. 00:09:47
Dollars to the state, not to accompany to the state and they're expecting something like 2.5 million or something like that 00:09:54
returned back to them plus the 800,000. The city of Socorro has an estimate of about 218,000 to recruit maybe 550,000. So this 00:10:02
resolution doesn't we're not going to be sending the money until January or so I think is. But today we want to try to get the 00:10:10
council on board so that. 00:10:18
We let the state know that we as a city along with Sandoval, Carlsbad, Artesia. 00:10:26
Las Cruces. 00:10:35
Are going to be applying for this money, they all run ambulance systems and this money has been set aside for rural and ambulance 00:10:37
systems that get reimbursed by Medicaid and they only get reimbursed about 30 to 40%. We're trying to make up the other 50 or 60% 00:10:45
and that and that will help us and the men are not here, but the chief vodka with that. But we think it's a good program that we 00:10:54
think we can recoup the money and it's not it's not like going money to some place in Nigeria. 00:11:02
Venom invest money his money, which may be the same going to sound effect, but anyway this money is going to be going to Santa Fe 00:11:11
to the. 00:11:15
Which department is it? Ruby. 00:11:21
Human Services is the Human Services department. 00:11:23
Mr. Salami and will they know that we, we're supporting the Magdalena Ambulance Service? They do, they do that's in our region. 00:11:28
And but this is a, this what they will do is they will audit all our claims to Medicaid. 00:11:36
So once they process all our claims to Medicaid, they will see that we're only getting reimbursed at 30 to 40% and that company 00:11:45
then will apply for the difference to this fund at the Fed level. 00:11:53
That your tax dollars are sitting there in Washington DC and those people then and they feel that this is a done deal basically. 00:12:03
And, and so it's, it's not as, it's not as if we have to prove to them that we have a region. We just have to show them all our 00:12:09
billing. 00:12:15
And, and non payments of Medicaid and things like that. And that's what qualifies this because we're below that threshold 00:12:22
reimbursement is because we get reimbursed through Medicaid and anybody who and you know, a lot of towns don't run their 00:12:28
ambulances, it's all private AMR or something like that. 00:12:34
But certain towns do and certain counties do. And so they gave us an opportunity when Chief Buckle went to this meeting of EMS in 00:12:40
Ruidoso, they brought this up. And so we thought, well, we'll jump in, but we were kind of scared to do it. However, since 00:12:48
Sandoval County and all these other major cities, Carlsbad, Artesia, Las Cruces are doing it, we thought it'd be safe enough to do 00:12:55
that. We would do this, but it doesn't have to do with the region you're you're serving. It just has to do with the billing. 00:13:03
That you've been doing for Medicaid that you're not getting reimbursement to what insurance companies are, what you should be paid 00:13:11
because which our tariff is set, our tariff that we charge for ambulances is set by PRC. So that that's that's where we're at on 00:13:17
this. 00:13:23
So if I get a motion to accept this and we will then go on the check is not being written right now and we will come back to 00:13:31
council once we give you the, once they give us the estimate because they've got they've got to look at our billing to decide how 00:13:36
much money we have to put up. 00:13:41
And still you notice, I mean, first I heard of it, I said, you know, it's like the scam when they call you and say, well, if you 00:13:48
put 10,000 into this bank account, you'll get $70,000 back. So I was a little afraid. But once we saw who's doing it and how 00:13:53
they're doing it, I'm pretty comfortable that it's safe. 00:13:59
I'll move to accept resolution. Resolution #24-06-18 E. 00:14:06
Moved and seconded discussion all in favor. We have you know Mr. Castaneto passed away several months ago, perhaps over a year 00:14:14
even. This is this this is the land that the city owns right across from the hospital and. 00:14:22
Damon and Pat Cascanetto want to renew the lease. 00:14:32
And he's in the, he's in the mechanic business and and I just told him that we would not, we would not expect to have any vehicles 00:14:37
being pulled over there being stored or worked on. 00:14:45
So the lease is very specific as to and then the lease also that they had was $100 a month. 00:14:54
And so we wanted to make sure we brought the lease up to where it is for all the other places that are being leased. So which is 00:15:01
like not a whole bunch, but is it 300 or something? Yes, Sir. It's, I believe it's $345.00 a month. Yeah. And, and, and that's all 00:15:09
for the appraised property of the property out there is about 18 to 20,000 an acre. And that's just a, that's the way we we do it. 00:15:16
They may be interested in purchasing it, but they know for a fact that, and I want to put that in the minutes that we're not. 00:15:24
We don't tolerate them making it into a junkyard and the one junkyard that we do have is being cleaned up right now. You know, the 00:15:32
one that you that belongs to Mike Dehart and his parents family. And he's he's done very well. He's kept cleaning it up. And we 00:15:39
don't expect to have something like that coming out where, where they have their trailer. So that's something that I don't know if 00:15:45
we wrote that in the leash, but yes, Sir, they're required to get the original lease was for the home and for the body shops. So 00:15:51
that's still in there. 00:15:58
Lease term, we wanted council to be aware of that. 00:16:36
And if they exercise that option, we will go through all the advertising requirements we need to and get an updated appraisal and. 00:16:39
Everything we've done, we support the, we support the lease agreement. That's what it's five years, not 99. 00:16:47
I second, second accept the lease agreement with the Cascados discussion all in favor. 00:16:58
Just FYI, our lawyers informed us the other day that the the case that the Court Electric Co-op took to the Supreme Court. 00:17:06
After the PRC had already made a ruling in 2018 something like that, that the electric Co-op rates that they were asking for were 00:17:20
not acceptable to the PRC hearing officer. 00:17:28
The soccer Electric club then decided to. 00:17:36
Take it to the Supreme Court to hear their side of the story, saying that the PRC was wrong and not allowing them to have this 00:17:41
happen. 00:17:45
They lost. 00:17:51
The electrical op lost the case of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court basically, and I think I forwarded you the Supreme Court 00:17:53
ruling and all the reasoning, but basically the reasoning was that they felt the PRC was the was the organization that actually is 00:18:00
the one that's supposed to make the rulings. And the Supreme Court did not want to take that away from them. Of course, the Co-op 00:18:08
and the other co-ops decided that, well, we'll go to the legislature and ask the PRC not to be our rulers. 00:18:15
We want, we don't want to have them as our rulers just so the coops would be opted out of that. Well, I don't know where that's 00:18:24
going. 00:18:26
The other thing that happened was they were being fined. 00:18:29
$1000 a day almost I think. 00:18:34
That calculation and the final filing for them to answer that question about the fine is June 23rd, 2024. According to our our 00:18:37
lawyers that is totaled to $830,000 plus. 00:18:46
The city is not in favor of that. Fine, by the way. 00:18:57
Because frankly, we'll be the ones ending up being if there's on top of all the bills that the Co-op in their indiscretion, has 00:19:01
piled up with their legal business. 00:19:07
The the users will be end up end up paying for the the fine. So we're not I'm not in favor of it. I don't know if the council 00:19:16
wants us to make a statement to the to the contrary, but I mean, I just assume not have to end up costing us money because they'll 00:19:23
have to get it out of somewhere and they're not going to get it out of the trustees who made the mistake of going to the Supreme 00:19:30
Court and who actually were fine personally. And I don't know if that changed. I don't have downloaded a change. 00:19:37
It changed where they were fine personally. 00:19:45
They took it, the Pierce, he took that back. But finding the coop is not going to help the citizens. So we're not in favor of 00:19:49
that, however. 00:19:53
If you listen to, I'll give you a citation to listen to Mr. Herrera on an NPR program. 00:19:59
At Aunmi. Think it's Kunmi. Don't know how this guy ended up. He didn't call me about it. He called Mr. Herrera about it. 00:20:09
And his words are the coop now might have to raise the race two or three times more than they were asking for now that they lost 00:20:16
the case. So there that his comment was that he estimates that the rates might have to be raised two or three times more than what 00:20:24
the rate increases they were asking for when they lost this case. 00:20:32
Mr. Partridge. So just to clarify, Mr. Mayor, $1000 a day being assessed to the Co-op by the Supreme Court, by the PRC, when the 00:20:41
PRC said cease and desist do not increase these rates? 00:20:49
Appears in the Coop said. 00:21:00
Thank you. I don't want to use that word, but we're going to the Supreme Court. 00:21:03
PRC said you're gonna be fined for not obeying our order to that amount and now that they lost the case, they'll be assessed. It's 00:21:09
accumulated to 835,000 or so. And like I said, I am, I don't encourage the PRC to. 00:21:17
Try to get that money from the core. 00:21:28
Because the bottom line is we're going to end up having to pay for it. And I would rather, I mean, they've lost the case. It's 00:21:30
done. 00:21:34
The people that are the users certainly did get saddled by their incompetent legal because they even though they're incompetent, 00:21:39
they still send their bills that the club has to pay. And I can't get that information. Although I did get a little information 00:21:47
the other day from the meeting that they had $108,000 worth of legal fees. 00:21:54
That they had generated and I don't know what for from a different law firm. I don't know if it's from the lawsuit that the 00:22:02
employees brought against the coop or the union did or it was because of this lawsuit, but. 00:22:08
Lawyers are not free, and so the money that they spent fighting this case and taking it to the Supreme Court thinking that they're 00:22:15
going to win $1.25 million in increases has already cost them 835,000 plus the legal fees. 00:22:23
If they are deceased and desisted and said we're not going to do that because the PRC said it's not acceptable like P&M does and 00:22:33
other people do, they would have saved their users a lot more money and they would not have had to get it out of for a hide. But 00:22:40
like I said, the the city should go on. The administration goes on record that the Co-op shouldn't have to pay that fine. 00:22:48
Because like I said, it's gonna end up, you know, if, if the, if the environmental department finds the city for the landfill. 00:22:56
That's a simple thing. 00:23:39
Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that the other thing is that we're. 00:23:41
Have. 00:23:47
We're moving along with the we have applied and Polo, maybe you can explain what you did as a applicant to the IRS for an X amount 00:23:49
of money that the IRS will put in our Citibank account once we get our solar grants. What happens there? I believe it's up to four 00:23:57
4 million dollars, $4 million and. 00:24:05
We had to I had to put in a resume and then we. 00:24:14
We did a few other items that we just needed to send in. It was very soon that was, it was so simple and we submitted it with the 00:24:19
help of ICAST and and we should hear something in about two months in August, August or September. So we are, so we are getting 00:24:27
ready to continue on with that solar project and we haven't spent any money yet and we haven't borrowed any money yet, but we're 00:24:34
moving towards getting that battery storage. 00:24:42
And the solar for it's got initially for five megs because they only allow you to do 5 megs at a time, 5 megawatts. So that's 00:24:50
something that that we're still doing and we are still. 00:24:56
You know, I haven't met with a Co-op. I offered and I newspaper, newspaper interviewed me the other day and I said I'm open to a 00:25:05
compromise. I'm open to a compromise from the Coop. But I have not had anything anybody approached me on that. Now they have a a 00:25:12
lobbyist from Santa Fe. They've got the gentleman from tri-state. Then we've got I don't see, I see Mr. Capps there, but I don't 00:25:19
see Jared, but. 00:25:27
I have certainly suggested that if the club is interested in working with the city in a, in a fashion where we can have our solar 00:25:35
help them decrease their rates and tri-state would allow us to do that. I'd be, I'd be open to a compromise, at least talks, at 00:25:44
least talks to a compromise. And I, I haven't, I haven't heard anything yet about that, but that's where we're at. 00:25:53
I did. I did have a question from one of the constituents. She had called me this week asking if I knew if you did go out in the 00:26:05
open market, let's say with Guzman or whoever. 00:26:12
Are you locked into a rate for a certain period of time? Like when they when you offer this like whatever the rate is, usually 00:26:21
they give us a seven-year window. 00:26:25
And are you locked into it or do you have freedom to? No, we're locked into it when we get a supplier and we they give us a bid 00:26:30
and they're locked into that rate. And we're locked into that rate for seven, not for 48 years like the coop is for seven years. 00:26:37
It was Apollo was A7. 00:26:47
And is that exclusive as well like or is it just by percentage? Is it? 00:26:49
It's exclusive for electric power. It's not exclusive for alternate power. 00:26:56
That's what we have to work as to how much power are we going to buy from them and how much of it is going to be from us making 00:27:03
solar power? 00:27:07
That's where the decrease in the rates will be made because if we can get the solar power cheap. 00:27:12
If we can get a third and that was that, that the thing that Mr. Reyes put in last time, if we can get the solar power at 50% and 00:27:19
augment our electric power that we're buying will be even if we get, if we get a finance better than 50%, let's say at 60 or 70%, 00:27:27
we'll be making money. 00:27:34
For the power. 00:27:44
So that's Guzman had we and we're gonna make them agree with that is or whoever sells us the power that we wanna have, a open 00:27:46
amount of power that the city can generate on its own. 00:27:51
And the power that we buy from them and the new, the new technology is and if you'll see that from. 00:27:59
This company that built this $200 million solar, it's battery power is that you can store battery power from the solar when you 00:28:05
need it and put it in the system when you're not making solar power. The other thing you can do, you can buy. 00:28:13
Off, what do they call it off peak times? You can buy power off peak time and store it in those batteries and then sell it back at 00:28:23
peak times cheaper. You see what I mean? So that technology is just getting bigger and bigger, and we're talking about solar and 00:28:30
battery. 00:28:38
And you know, we had people from tri-state come and say, well, we're doing this and this we're going to be, we're going to be 00:28:47
solar and 50% in 2026 or what it was. We can be solar right now ourselves. We can be 50% thirty to 50% solar once we get all these 00:28:54
grants that we're putting in for. And like I said, if we can compromise and do something with a Co-op about that, that they'll buy 00:29:02
the solar power from us and try to decrease rates, I'd be open to some kind of discussion for that. 00:29:09
And Mr. Reyes ever follow up with any of the details we had asked him for, just on how he came to the numbers that he has 00:29:19
presented? 00:29:24
We will send. Don't we have it? He said. It was going to take him about two to three weeks, I think. OK. No, he will. He will. I 00:29:31
thought we already had it. We just didn't. We didn't, just didn't show it. That was the 1st. 00:29:38
But he was gonna. OK. I think we got the one that he presented. But what we had asked him for is how he derived the information. 00:29:45
Yes, Sir. Yeah. Yeah. No. Would you please remind him? 00:29:51
So that's, that's kind of where we're at on the electric right now and, and read more about it if you know, I mean, there's more 00:30:01
and more electric coming on grid and the prices are going down. It's just, you know, like a, like you said the other day, they're 00:30:08
they're actually actually paying people to take electricity off grid in California because there's so much solar. But anyway, so 00:30:14
that's. 00:30:20
That's that, yes. So this compromise with the Coop, did we contact the Coop or it's just something that you said in an in a 00:30:27
interview with the newspaper? 00:30:33
I just said it first. 00:30:40
I haven't contacted them. I figured Mr. Capps might take it back to her. I don't know. Maybe if you can't, I'm, I'm perfectly 00:30:42
willing to meet with him. And if we can do it about board and I, you know, I like to do it with sunshine. I don't want to tell you 00:30:48
all this back in the backroom in executive session. It is, although it is negotiations. I'd rather talk about it in public and, 00:30:54
and say what, you know, what we want to do. 00:30:59
But I figured that for me. 00:31:07
To call me earlier, Joseph, you know, it's, it's difficult for me to do that. And then maybe the tri-state needs to be in on it 00:31:10
too because they're going to have to make the decision. 00:31:14
As to whether the local club can buy, buy solar from the local local community, that's some of the things that I think are 00:31:18
evolving and maybe tri-state needs to look into stuff like that because that's what's going to happen in a lot of the coops. 00:31:25
And I'll tell you, let me tell you, all the courts are looking at this because of what we're doing. We've been doing it for 15 00:31:33
years. 00:31:37
Anyhow, new business. 00:31:42
We've got. 00:31:46
Come on, Dez, tell us about what's going to happen on July 3rd and 4th. That's new business. 00:31:48
Hey guys, so on July 3rd, no McCoy is coming. We'll have a couple food trucks there. The show starts at 7:00. If you haven't 00:31:58
spread the word about it, please tell your friends. You can find the tickets on our website on And then on July 00:32:05
4th, we'll have the traditional festivities. That whole day will be free. Darrell's doing a good job at getting plenty of vendors 00:32:12
for the whole day. 00:32:19
And then we'll have Water Slides. We'll have a full lineup of music. We have the Nathaniel Krantz band this year, which is is a 00:32:27
pretty popular band up north all around. He's played at the casinos and whatnot. And then we'll have Al Hurricane Junior and our 00:32:34
local bands. So I saw the Seat Belt and Tori Modillo and her band. 00:32:41
And I think that's pretty much it. Yeah, yeah. 00:32:49
It's the Neil McCoy just on his own website. There's no mention. There's no mention of us, of him coming here. Yeah, somebody 00:32:54
mentioned that to me today and he, I called his manager and he added it right away. 00:33:00
Yeah, I didn't know that we weren't on his tour schedule, but he's at work, Carlos added. Yeah, so. 00:33:07
We're good. 00:33:14
You gotta go. 00:33:16
Had a free ticket. 00:33:18
I would have been happy to pay for it. OK, that's what I want. 00:33:23
So how many we got? Thousand maybe. So we we need to sell 1500, but we're at 200 tickets right now. We're at 200. Yeah, yeah. I 00:33:27
have billboards up. I have social media ads going. We're in the newspaper, we're on the radio. So, well, you know, it's an 00:33:35
experiment. I mean, it's an experiment then, you know. 00:33:42
The production cost, but that's too hell about it. But yeah, yeah, yeah, we have to get the big stage. We have to get people to 00:33:52
run sound and. 00:33:56
Lights men had just nickel and dime you to death, Yeah. 00:34:01
I mean, every little thing is is adding this, that, but you know, I mean, it's, it's a start. 00:34:06
But well, we'll see. I mean, it's, it's an experiment and if it goes well, if it doesn't, you know, we tried and it's something 00:34:17
that hopefully the public and then if, if they want a different type of a artist, we can do that. But maybe it'll be wrapped next 00:34:23
time. 00:34:29
Maybe Jay-Z will come down here and do that. 00:34:36
Yeah, it's our first time dealing with the talent tech writer, and those are pretty extensive, all the way down to what they want 00:34:38
in their dressing room before and after the show and all that. So if we do this next year, it'll be a lot easier for us. Where's 00:34:44
the dressing rooms? In the bathroom. It'll be at the Convention Center, actually. Yeah, We're taking suggestions. Can I have 00:34:49
suggestions for Lopez? 00:34:54
I mean, I think it's cool. 00:35:03
I mean, I, I like that. I like the guy. I mean, I think it's great. Yeah. No, it'll grow. I mean, if you just keep doing it, it'll 00:35:08
grow. It's like a wrestling event. Start with a couple 100 people and then a couple thousand people. If they get to know that we 00:35:15
have a venue that people can come to. And, and we're getting more and more use out of the Convention Center and, and Steve was 00:35:21
getting more use out of rodeo, the soccer. AYSO. We're meeting with AYSO on Thursday to see because Mr. County who who's the 00:35:28
regional governor. 00:35:34
Really into getting soccer going so. 00:35:41
We're trying to get that again, you're doing football out there and it was one of the sorry to interrupt you, but I just want to 00:35:44
say thanks to the city and especially Steven, the crew out there for messing with that little robot painter saved so much time. I 00:35:50
mean, you're talking like 8 hours out there like measuring it's it's a pain. So thank you guys for for doing that. Really 00:35:57
appreciate it. We have it's Thursday. Anybody in town that's interested in coming out and watching? We had 25 teams that were 00:36:03
coming to our. 00:36:10
Little 7 on 7 and lineman challenge. 00:36:17
From all over the state. Last year we had five Division One athletes coming. This year there's there's six. So pretty sweet deal. 00:36:19
We actually had four of them that have called and cancelled due to the fire. So they won't be able to get here. I mean a rough 00:36:27
deal. So so we'll have at least 20 teams. 00:36:34
You turn the sprinklers on, that's going to be hot. Yeah. We supply as much water as we can and then we have. And then, I mean, 00:36:42
they're really good. 00:36:46
They come in with buses and they bring more than enough water and it's it's a pretty good deal. So if you want to watch some good 00:36:50
football, you can come out there between 98. I would say 10:00 AM and and 4:00 PM. 00:36:56
Thursday, yeah. 00:37:04
We'll have plenty of kids out there. We'll have a wrestling camp to marriage, working out with Michael and he's Finley James will 00:37:08
do a free camp for. 00:37:12
The kids of Socorro, whoever wants to come out and just try it and we'll do it and then we'll sanction it through AAU. So let's 00:37:18
cover it and there's insurance and that the cities make sure that they're that it's a we'll, we'll run it as a camp and it'll 00:37:24
cover over the umbrella of anybody that's within the facility to make sure that they're taken care of and anybody will be free. 00:37:29
They can come in and learn how to wrestle for three days, July 9th, 10th and 11th at family. So that'll make something new. We've 00:37:35
never done that before. 00:37:41
We've got lots of camps going on. Mike is Michael, there's some other ones going on. 00:38:57
Southwell camp and then and your baseball is going great guns. I'm in Studio Park is full, the the pool is full. We've got lots of 00:39:03
stuff. We got about 130 kids employed for summer employment. 00:39:08
All the paint on the pool that looks really nice, a lot of people compliment it. They've done a great job, but there's lots of 00:39:17
activities there. People can't stay there and activities. 00:39:22
Golf camp There's a volleyball camp at the high school. 00:39:29
I think, yeah, we just got done with one and they I think they're doing another one at 10 the same time as July 9th. Yeah, but 00:39:32
it's an up at the high school film a lot of stuff there and then school starts in August 1st week. 00:39:39
That's a whole month we've lost. I remember after Labor Days when I saw people were starting school. Wow. OK. And are they still 00:39:47
going to have a four day school as as of right now? Right. Yes. OK. Yeah, Yeah. As of right now. I mean, there's there's some 00:39:54
issues. Yeah. The governor's order. 00:40:00
And you noted, and Speaking of school, the junior high is coming up. 00:40:09
And the sticks on Mary Ann's project to come up, you'll see the tremendous. So there's lots of they should be done. I got an 00:40:13
update today and they should be done by November, December. 00:40:19
Fabulous. So that's again, I'm still I don't know how they going to who to drop off and pick up at the junior high, but we'll see 00:40:27
how that works. I saw that they're building a little roundabout there, but. 00:40:34
I don't know, it's gonna be big enough, but anyway. 00:40:41
Openness business, so business, anybody got old business going on? 00:40:45
Nope. OK then. Oh, Chris, you got your business. 00:40:51
Now you're not going to the schools anymore, right? 00:40:58
Tell me about the people that you've arrested. 00:41:02
Well, so I'm sorry sighted. I've had a few people that we've taken to court and striking with the judge to kind of keep them 00:41:05
accountable. Keep on that look past few months I've had. 00:41:11
Pretty busy few months. We had a few trailers removed from the wagon wheel, one of their own. Yeah, we had like 3 removed and then 00:41:19
one off of the western over here working on a house on South California St. trying to get that cleaned up. We had another 00:41:27
abandoned house in South California St. demolished too and that's all without. 00:41:34
Without the city doing it. I mean, it's just the owners doing it, but. 00:41:46
It's not easy, not easy. 00:42:24
All right. Thank you, Chris. 00:42:27
OK. 00:42:29
Any other old business executive session we shall go into. 00:42:31
I gotta get the personnel matters. 00:42:38
And OK, there we go. 00:42:42
OK, this is the job description, action item and Donald. 00:42:45
That's the director position at the Senior Center. We're updating it and putting it in line with other directors. 00:42:53
So for Linda Modest, we're going to. 00:43:01
Bring it along with the city. So that's where we're at on that if you allow us to OK that. 00:43:04
Moved and seconded that we allow the job description for the Senior Center. All in favor, of course. Now changes. We've got Jason 00:43:13
Padilla, new hunter, animal control, John Brennan, police officer, promotion to corporal, Dylan Koslin, promotion to corporal. 00:43:20
William Brennan, promotion to Corporal Jorge Gallegos production. New hire Michael Padilla completed his resignation and Albert 00:43:27
Olgae, junior resigned. Chief, you have an introduction. 00:43:35
Great. 00:43:48
Well, we welcome all our new police officers. Thank you, thank you for coming. Thank you City Council. But you know, our new 00:43:52
police, city police officers are a big help and I think are you totally staffed now or you got. 00:43:58
Oh yeah. 00:44:09
He's going to have new surgery. 00:44:16
OK. So thank you again, Dylan for coming and give up the good work. 00:44:21
And that's the changes. 00:44:27
Anybody you got to approve them, make more stupid. 00:44:30
Move the second all in favor, and then we only have one. This is and this is a good one. 00:44:37
I thought it said Casa. I said Casa, but it's not Passover. 00:44:48
And I'll see they're from out of town and they're port party and septic service. 00:44:56
Come on, we have proof, OK? Anybody want that in town? 00:45:02
Well, I tell you when I talk to Pasa, that's like a victory for me. But. 00:45:09
But hey everybody, any seconds? 00:45:16
All in favor, all right, we're doing once a month for now, so the next one in July, the 23rd. 00:45:21
No. Are we having a lunch meeting? 00:45:31
Now we passed on that. 00:45:34
You can come though you want. 00:45:36
No, no, we passed on. 00:45:39
Mary Ann's probably gonna have begun. So they saw yours. 00:45:42
I'll have lunch. 00:45:48
On the city. 00:45:51
And perhaps the public would want to look at and I think it's she had a long meeting with with me about what's going on and what 00:46:30
we're doing. But it's. 00:46:35
We're very lucky, you know, a city has to have a hospital, a landfill, airport, schools. We got a university Interstate for 00:46:41
transportation. Can't ask for much more than that in a small community. 00:46:47
Thank you. 00:46:55
There you go. 00:46:58
Yeah. 00:47:00
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