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Microphone, here we go. 00:00:00
City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 Roll call please. 00:00:03
Mayor Basker here. 00:00:09
Councillor Travis Lopez here. 00:00:11
Councillor Dean. 00:00:13
Councillor Fleming here, Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:15
Councillor Ogana. 00:00:20
Councillor Partridge here. 00:00:22
Councillor Romero. 00:00:25
Councillor Salomy. 00:00:28
Here by phone. 00:00:30
We do have a quorum. 00:00:32
Is everybody here? 00:00:38
Oh, my pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:42
Nation indivisible with liberty and trust. 00:00:53
Councillor Saloni, did you? 00:00:59
Sure. Did I give you that? OK. Thank you. 00:01:02
All righty, Consent agenda. 00:01:09
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Fleming. 00:01:14
Of the percentage agenda as presented. 00:01:17
Move the seconded discussion and a discussion all in favor. 00:01:20
On a public forum. 00:01:25
Anybody got anything? 00:01:28
Exciting to say. 00:01:30
Nope. Ready then. 00:01:33
H Bank system for City of Sakura Youth Center bid award. Who's going to do that? 00:01:35
Hello. 00:01:41
Yes, we had. We went out forbid. 00:01:44
And bids were opened March 1st and we had four bids. 00:01:47
Western mechanical. 00:01:51
MGSEZI construction and how to meals, plumbing. 00:01:53
And the lowest bid was 75 thousand 4/07/07. 00:01:59
And I recommend that we'd go to Western Mechanical. 00:02:03
This is this, You know, the youth center. This is a heating and cooling, heating and cooling. Miss Chavez Lopez. 00:02:12
That's really a little bit. They're not going to come back and ask for a change order or anything, are they? No, ma'am. 00:02:18
You don't let him. 00:02:31
That's why I pull on everybody's getting a raise. These guys watch our money. 00:02:35
So anyway, anybody. 00:02:40
Anybody interested in? 00:02:42
I mean, we have approved the bid. 00:02:45
Move to second hand with a caveat that make sure that that bid is adequate for what they are bidding on. 00:02:47
All in favor. 00:02:55
I love you. 00:02:57
OK, Resolution #24-03-19 participation in the 2024 State Road Fund. 00:02:59
Mr. Monet. Mr. Mayor, thanks to your hard work up in Santa Fe, we were awarded some additional funds from the New Mexico 00:03:07
Department of Transportation to keep working on Manzanera St. We'll be applying the end of next. Actually, it's the beginning of 00:03:13
the cycle. It's called the PF, a project feasibility form to apply for even more funding. 00:03:20
Because we were over 400,000 short in the original. 00:03:27
Scope of work, so we couldn't. 00:03:32
Build as big of a project as we wanted to. 00:03:35
But again, thanks to you and your hard work in Santa Fe, we have at least 125,000 more of additional funds and they require a 00:03:37
resolution. 00:03:41
And I gotta say, it's also our our lobbyist and. 00:03:46
People asking me, you know, we did spend a little bit of money on lobbyists, but. 00:03:50
It really this is the biggest amount of money we've ever gotten on anything. 00:03:55
So anyway the and Donald, Donald's very nice to say it was me but these guys Donald's always doing all the paperwork and getting 00:03:59
it right so so that we we get that money because you know what happened was. 00:04:05
We got a lot of money from Mountaineers, but it wouldn't go past 6th St. 00:04:12
That's that's how much things have changed. 00:04:17
As to the bidding. 00:04:20
So we could get that participation. 00:04:23
A 2nd. 00:04:28
Moved and seconded discussion. 00:04:32
All in favor, aye. 00:04:34
New business. 00:04:38
Just to let you know, we met with the EPA today. 00:04:40
They're moving ahead with the. 00:04:44
Superfund site cleanup. 00:04:46
The city has been asked. 00:04:49
They call it Access. 00:04:52
But basically they want to use our. 00:04:54
Land that is at the corner of Newberry. 00:04:57
And. 00:05:01
Lopezville. 00:05:04
That corner there, they're going to put the facility. 00:05:06
To pump the water, probably for 15 to 20 years. 00:05:09
Into the. 00:05:15
Borrow pit in the pond that's out there. 00:05:19
They are pretty well on track to get that done. 00:05:23
They're also on track to clean up the old Eagle Pitcher building that has asbestos in it. 00:05:28
But they may fall short as to the funding for that. They will probably clean up all the dirt. 00:05:34
Around that area. 00:05:41
And as you know, we have $700,000 for a spec building that we can build out there and so we may have that. 00:05:43
Released to us by the end of the year or summer or next year. 00:05:50
But we have four years to spend it. 00:05:55
And they are. 00:05:57
Donald, were they sure that they were going to be able to demolish, I mean? 00:06:00
Clean that building out so we could demolish it, but they didn't have enough funds to finish SLAB. 00:06:05
That's a good question. From what I heard today, they. 00:06:13
They have the funding to take care of to remediate the building, then we're responsible for removing it right, for the mall, 00:06:17
right. So anything that's hazardous they have the the then they're going to clean that. 00:06:23
And and so and they're also going to drill three more wells. 00:06:30
To define the plume and they they. 00:06:34
Committed to having a public hearing about that. 00:06:38
One of the wells is going to go. 00:06:41
Actually by the. 00:06:44
Lopez will. 00:06:47
And and whether it takes that, where it takes that? 00:06:49
Acute left hand turn just before that in that area back towards the golf course. 00:06:53
And two more other wells too. 00:06:58
Continue to characterize where the plume is. 00:07:01
So that's going to get done and then they want to put the facility. 00:07:05
On that area where the Newberry and and Lopez will come. 00:07:09
At a 90, they're going to put in that city property, so they're going to plan to do that. 00:07:14
Hopefully by. 00:07:19
The West side of. 00:07:21
On the West side where it meets Newberry. 00:07:24
That city property? Yes, ma'am. 00:07:29
Pond is not city property and that's that's where the catches it belongs to a family. 00:07:32
They're getting it appraised. 00:07:40
We're finding a way to to. 00:07:43
Make that city property. 00:07:48
Or if they don't make it, it's already determined that they want to put the water in there. 00:07:50
But the way. 00:07:56
I think the owner wants to. 00:07:58
Salad so you don't have the responsibility anymore, but if we own it. 00:08:01
I'm trying to find what the lease is, what the EPA will pay us so I can amortize the amount of money we come up with to buy it. 00:08:06
Over 15 years. 00:08:15
So that we get it back over a period of time with interest, so, so. 00:08:17
The other, the other thing would be to try to go back to the state. Unfortunately the legislative session is over, but it really. 00:08:23
There's two things that will happen with that pawn. 00:08:30
One of them is being used to clean up the. 00:08:34
Contamination of the TCe or whatever that's called. 00:08:39
So it's a super fun sight. The other thing is. 00:08:43
The EPA has given us a consultant. 00:08:46
Who is going to give us a diagram of making that into a park? 00:08:50
And so for outdoor recreation. So I'm going to try to go to the governor's office. 00:08:56
To see if we can. 00:09:03
Get that pond for those two things, which is. 00:09:05
EPA and in the future having a recreation outdoor facility that could be used for day camping. 00:09:10
I envision it like I don't know if I kind of maybe I said that in my campaign, but Deming has a water park and Santa Rosa has a 00:09:18
water park. You know, you can put these. 00:09:23
Floating boats on it and kids, people can kayak on it, they can tent and then also have areas where they can camp over the 00:09:28
weekend, things like that, so. 00:09:34
They're they're committed today to give me a design for that. 00:09:40
So once we put both of those together, maybe we can get the money for it. 00:09:45
But the other alternative would be to use city funds. 00:09:49
Or borrow. 00:09:53
They'll be paid off by a lease that EPA makes. 00:09:54
For 15 years with us. The other thing is they want city water rights and we'll be able to give them that. Then they they have to, 00:09:58
they're going to put the water into the aquifer. 00:10:03
And get credit for that. But there's an X amount of evaporation that the state engineer wants to have water rights for, and that's 00:10:09
about 25 acre feet. 00:10:14
And so we have that and then we're going to be working with them to get give that to them. 00:10:19
So that was one big thing. 00:10:25
We are. We are still, as we said, we're working on the CDBG project at Cuba Rd. 00:10:29
We're trying to get it was $400,000 short. 00:10:34
We thought 800,000 would be enough, but it's a million two. 00:10:39
So we're asking hopefully by April we'll know what's going on with that. We have received the two natural gas. 00:10:42
Garbage Trucks but. 00:10:53
They drove all the way out from California. 00:10:57
We put them to use and they died. They went into, they went into limp mode. So then the other ones, we have three dump trucks 00:11:00
also. 00:11:04
So that's that we have those working I think. 00:11:09
The the two projects that are going on. 00:11:13
The junior high school. 00:11:16
And Marianne? 00:11:18
This building, we're working with the contractors to get the rock. There's a lot of rock out there. And so they're putting that 00:11:21
rock in our facility and we're going to be working with a vendor to be able to trade that rock. 00:11:28
For a base course. 00:11:36
So we're working on that. What else can I tell you? Um. 00:11:41
The road projects, I don't know if Donald kind of laid those out for you, but we've got lots of Rd. projects. It's just a matter 00:11:48
of getting the weather and together and get it, get it done. 00:11:53
The monument again, we got money for that. We're going to put it out there by the by the Convention Center. 00:12:00
So that's going the the the skin for that rodeo is coming along. 00:12:07
I think. 00:12:11
Dez and Cheyenne. 00:12:15
Finally got this thing signed with our. 00:12:16
Artist is that done deal? 00:12:19
So we're going to have a major artist on July 3rd. 00:12:24
We need to just advertise the heck out of it so we can rent the RV area. Donald, can we wait till the next meeting to discuss this 00:12:28
part of the contract He's playing in Santa Fe on the. 00:12:33
I didn't. I didn't say Garth Brooks. 00:12:42
I just said artist now. You already gave it away then? 00:12:49
I know the one going to say his name. 00:12:53
But anyway, just. 00:12:55
Now they don't listen to this show here. 00:12:57
Don't. Don't put that in the newspaper. Please, the reality show. 00:13:01
Anyway, so that's exciting. 00:13:07
This will be our first if we pull it off. 00:13:09
I'm hoping that we continue this activity maybe even for like the big wrestling tournament, you know, regional wrestling 00:13:11
tournament where you have all these people here and they have a show for them afterwards. You know, we're working on trying to get 00:13:18
the stage, we're trying Mr. Fleming is working on the on the sound because that's that's really, really important. 00:13:24
So we have an and for the Convention Center as well. We're bringing in housing authorities from the from all over the state to 00:13:32
come for training now in March and in April, but I'm hoping to get like SW Narrow which is 6 states. 00:13:40
To come in and do a whole week of training and stuff for and we'll have a lot coming in from. I think people are realizing we have 00:13:48
a facility that. 00:13:52
The neon sign is coming up. 00:13:58
The heck is going to. 00:14:02
And I think A1. 00:14:05
Concrete SMA is going to help us. So that's been it's all working well. We eventually, hopefully we're going to get Hwy. 60 fixed 00:14:08
up too. 00:14:12
The other thing we're bringing in is we're getting the surveyor, you know, I talked about this earlier, is trying to do a 00:14:16
subdivision out there. We're getting a surveyor who is going to get information for the realtor that we're going to need to make a 00:14:22
relationship with. And I think the council is going to have to approve that, but we'll bring that to you. 00:14:27
Yes, Sir. I'm meeting with him next week because as we mentioned before, a part of the land grant. 00:14:34
Back when we became a city, none of it had legal descriptions. And then the late 1800s and early 1900s. 00:14:40
People would come in and request to see the city deed it to them. They said, you know, we've been forming it for 20 years or 00:14:46
something. So then those legal descriptions were created, but everything else that was leftover doesn't have legal description. So 00:14:52
it's kind of hard to tell this guy exactly where we're thinking without him being here. 00:14:57
So we'll be out there next week. 00:15:03
So, so you know all that's all coming together and I think our. 00:15:07
They made anywhere from 40 to $50 million available for housing. 00:15:12
But it was all low income housing. 00:15:18
And we're talking about middle income teachers, nurses. 00:15:21
Doctors, you know, people who are. 00:15:26
You needing housing but they don't have it. 00:15:30
And that that's what we want to do here in the city is to try to get. 00:15:34
You know, I mean, you got money from your thing, but that was meant for, you know, a different group of people. But I think our 00:15:38
biggest problem in attracting people to Sakura is teachers or nurses or not. I mean, the housing is really very, very. 00:15:45
Horror and they do have grants like moving to work grants and stuff like that that we can apply for as well if we're going to work 00:15:53
with your office. Hopefully once we get once we get the land straightened out, is to then try to bring in developers who will then 00:16:00
work with you with incentives and stuff and and get this middle income housing thing going. 00:16:06
You know we need to, we need to put together and I think it's a beautiful place to do up there. If we can, you know we can we can 00:16:14
have walking paths and and recreation areas and people are running horses, they could use the stables over there. So there's a lot 00:16:20
of things to attract people to be up there. So that that's kind of what we're working on. 00:16:25
I know it's going to come up and I know maybe they've talked to the council there, but really said anything to me except for a 00:16:32
letter they sent me and I think they sent it to you also the electric Co-op. 00:16:37
Did not really in good faith answer the question that I asked? 00:16:43
And and I know they have the answers, they just didn't want to share it with us. 00:16:48
So the other thing, and you're going to be getting some information from our financial people. 00:16:53
That. 00:16:58
The corporate, the coop is going to be. 00:17:00
Beneficiary. 00:17:03
Of an extra 2 to $3 billion. 00:17:04
The tri-state is going to borrow. 00:17:08
To stay afloat because they're losing. They're losing. 00:17:10
They're losing. 00:17:15
Users by the droves. And so what's happening is that they're going to have to borrow money to stay afloat, and that money that 00:17:18
they borrow will be hooked on to Sakura electric co-ops bill. 00:17:25
And I can give you more information and the polar we're trying to get that put together with Ed Ras the information that we've 00:17:33
gotten and this is this is again it's it's. 00:17:38
It's real numbers that we're going to tell you. 00:17:44
And I would like to tell that to the Co-op trustees to start really seriously thinking about what the next five years is going to 00:17:47
bring to the electrical rates. 00:17:51
Yeah, they'll be losing about 7:00. 00:17:57
They'll be losing at least 7 some. 00:17:59
Yeah, So, and of course the big ones, they're losing the big ones in Denver. And the other one is what's it called power. 00:18:02
Books that I can't remember the name of that, but but the bottom line is. 00:18:09
In order for tri-state to continue working. 00:18:13
And losing all these users. 00:18:18
That's that those. 00:18:21
Are going to be part of the Coops responsibility. 00:18:23
Because that's a that's a contract that I made and and. 00:18:28
Just to give you some numbers, it's going to be this coop will be responsible for 1% of that loan. 00:18:32
And I think we're getting that letter ready for you so you can hopefully by the next meeting you'll have it. 00:18:38
I think. 00:18:45
Look who's wrong. 00:18:48
Who's willing to lend somebody that kind of money if they're losing that kind of business? 00:18:50
I'm just curious. 00:18:57
You're absolutely right. I think you know, before it was tri-state. 00:19:00
It was what? 00:19:05
It wasn't Touchstone, but they were part of touchstone energy. So what happened is. 00:19:08
What happens is they get swallowed up by a bigger company. 00:19:13
And so the company that and again I'm maybe speaking out of turn, but their their companies stay in Utah. 00:19:17
That want to swallow these energy producers and so. 00:19:25
That's, you know that that's that's where the money's coming from. It's from a company that wants to. 00:19:32
Take advantage of the situation and be the. 00:19:39
White Knights, what they call white knight in the in the acquisition business is that's what's in my opinion that's what's going 00:19:42
to happen and those those loans are going to come home to roost with all the different co-ops that are still in the business. And 00:19:47
then rumor, rumor has it that they're going to come to the club and ask them to extend that. 00:19:53
Their their contract with tri-state at least another 10 years. So 2050 or 202065, yeah, because they will have to do that to have 00:19:59
to make the loan and I hope and I hope that the Coop put some sunshine on it. I don't see Mr. Williams here today but I hope, I 00:20:06
hope the Coop with some sunshine on this and and. 00:20:13
We have some information now. They did. They did share with us what they pay in gross receipts. 00:20:22
And all you have to do is do some math and work it backwards. 00:20:28
If you work it backwards that the X amount of money that they pay in gross receipts. 00:20:33
You can work it backwards to see how much the billing in the city. 00:20:40
And surprising how much it is and that those CRS or gross receipts. 00:20:45
They don't include the city, the schools. 00:20:52
Anybody who pays our tech. 00:20:56
That they don't pick gross receipts and so if you take that 1.25 million. 00:20:59
And you work it backwards. 00:21:04
Comes to about 15,000,000. 00:21:06
That's that's just the Billings if you work at, if you work it out so. 00:21:08
The possibility and I you know, so and then I asked him about where they spent the $44,000,000 and they weren't. They weren't able 00:21:14
to tell me that. If you ask me where we spent the 20 million for sewers, I can tell you I spent on Herald, we spent it on 00:21:20
chaparral. We spent it on all these areas because when we go to borrow money from USDA. 00:21:27
We have to put together a packet that says exactly where we're going to spend the money. 00:21:34
And I know they have it. 00:21:39
That's when I wanted to see what they did for Sakura. I don't. I don't see that. 00:21:40
The other thing. 00:21:45
The the the 44 million that they're in debt for. 00:21:47
Where's the city of Sakura is paying for a lot of it, and so we would need to know where they, where they did the improvements, or 00:21:52
if they did any. 00:21:56
Would it be safe to say what you're alluding to as? 00:22:02
That the coop. 00:22:04
You would hope that they would look outside of tri-state like you've been asking them to. Is that what? 00:22:09
You're alluding to the Simpson exactly, and knowing this information? 00:22:14
That you that's being said, you would hope that they would look for other options. 00:22:19
Yeah. And and the buyout? 00:22:24
They haven't even explored that and in my opinion and that I'm getting this from our consultants is going to be about 12:15 00:22:28
million. 00:22:32
And because for Kit Carson, which is about. 00:22:37
Twice as big was 36 million. 00:22:40
And so this buyout can be. 00:22:43
Actually managed. 00:22:46
By the change in the rates, like Kit Carson did. But so you know, and the other thing is I just the city, oh, rabbi, where we're 00:22:48
going to get this money to do this, you know. 00:22:53
We have just to try to fix part of our source. 00:22:59
Borrowed $20 million. 00:23:03
We're going to borrow another 8 to 10 million to do the rest of Evergreen and Pinon. So we're you know, we're in the business of 00:23:06
borrowing money and and getting user rates and and getting getting it paid. So it's not as if. 00:23:13
Borrowing $20 million to do a new electrical grid is anything. 00:23:21
Beyond our abilities because we have, we have borrowed money. 00:23:26
And we have used it for utilities. 00:23:30
And we and and you know you have to satisfy the people who loan money to you as to how you're going to pay it back and I think 00:23:32
we're going to do that. 00:23:36
So I mean that's that's. 00:23:41
Mr. Anaya, who is the chairman, sent a letter back to me and I think you guys all got a copy of that, but those those answers were 00:23:44
partial. 00:23:48
And then his comment was well. 00:23:53
We'll share with you what the four year plan is. Just attach it to the letter so I can see it. 00:23:56
You know, that would be simple. And again, I would still like to see where they spent that money, the 44. And you know that that's 00:24:02
just simple to me because when you go to borrow money, you have to designate where you spend, where you're going to spend it. 00:24:07
That's the only way to loan you the money. 00:24:12
And those documents never made it to us. 00:24:18
So why? 00:24:22
Whole business. 00:24:23
Executive session. 00:24:29
The personnel changes. 00:24:34
I got it here, you know, you see that these are. 00:24:37
All administrative people that are getting these increases. 00:24:41
I am afraid that I, you know, is that I don't want to lose any of our. 00:24:44
Brain trust. If you want to. If you want to. 00:24:48
Coin us praise Donald has done a great job and I think we and you know I. 00:24:51
We have had some great continuity in our city administration and we have had people that really work very, very hard and this is 00:24:57
what we're this is what I proposed is these, these increases for Donald. 00:25:04
Polo. Ruby Lloyd. 00:25:12
Cheyenne and Christy. 00:25:16
On this is all administrative. 00:25:19
The ones that are that are not, as Jacob Gonzalez to the dispatchers, a new hire and Caitlin Garza dispatches the new hire. So I 00:25:22
would hope you would endorse the. 00:25:27
Increases for them because I really think. 00:25:34
We're we're continuing to keep. 00:25:37
Keep the city financially sound and really. 00:25:40
Trying to replace anybody on this list would be impossible. 00:25:44
We're also working with our utility crew to make sure that. 00:25:50
They're getting their salaries increased enough so we keep them and not have them. You know, people that are going out to the 00:25:54
range to work with the contractors, the Bureau of Reclamation has also taken our people, the conservancies have taken our people, 00:26:00
and they're those we have to be as long as we're. 00:26:06
Solvent I think we just have to be compared to be competitive. 00:26:13
I don't want Donald to apply for the county manager job. 00:26:19
So that's what we're trying to do that so. 00:26:26
I would hope that you guys would endorse that. 00:26:29
Come here, Mr. Farming, pushing to approve personnel changes as presented. 00:26:33
Moved a second a discussion. I'm open for discussion on this side. Is it a, is it straight across the board there or? 00:26:42
It was straight across the board already, but this is really specifically for administrative staff. 00:26:50
It's then I and and and I. 00:26:55
I justified in that. 00:26:59
We're trying to keep our continuity of our administration and the work they're doing and I believe, believe me, I'm very critical 00:27:02
about them doing something and they're not doing something and and they kind of put up with that. But I mean I expect them to 00:27:07
perform as to what, you know what is being done. 00:27:13
And I don't have a problem with approving, I just want to make sure that the other employees get. 00:27:19
A good raise as well. 00:27:26
My my my. 00:27:28
Future for July new fiscal year is that everybody is making a minimum of $20.00 an hour. 00:27:32
That's that's what I'm shooting for. 00:27:39
The lowest employee. 00:27:41
Salary. It should be at $20.00 an hour. I think right now it's in about 15 or 16. 00:27:44
But but but I would like to see that. 00:27:49
At 20 and I think we continue to stay solvent, we haven't raised groceries taxed, we're continuing to get money from outside. 00:27:52
Grants and so I think. 00:28:02
That's where we're headed. 00:28:03
Is that we keep them. I agree with you and I think. 00:28:05
You know, a lot of it has to do with if we continue to function. 00:28:11
And that we're not dysfunctional. 00:28:15
And I think the people in the lower echelons are going to see this and say, what the hell, well, you know, part of the way that 00:28:17
they're. 00:28:22
Salaries raising is partly due to the people here that are keeping it. 00:28:26
You know, keeping a track on all the money because I seen all the other regular employees, like they're everywhere helping with 00:28:31
everybody. They help. They they team tag and stuff. That was my only concern too, is just that if it was. 00:28:38
If there was some look to make sure that the the people at the ground level 2 are being compensated as well. That's good to hear 00:28:44
that in July. Your hope is to. 00:28:49
Employees, if they take on additional job duties or get an additional certification. Those raises are immediate as well, Sir, 00:29:07
aren't they? 00:29:11
Certain pictures are automatic. 00:29:17
That they're getting increases but but but the bottom line is is that. 00:29:19
Everybody will be coming up and we did and I think Ruby didn't we do an increase of. 00:29:25
Was already done across the board and in July we will look at. 00:29:32
We'll try to bring all the people up from the bottom and we'll look across the board again and I think and we've been pretty 00:29:41
solvent, I mean, you know, and I think those raises can come again in July. 00:29:46
And I may hold these people's raises. 00:29:53
Not getting them. 00:29:56
In July. So we'll have to we'll have to see how we do that and it should be it'll be done in the budget Committee and you know 00:29:58
then we have and I I always talk about it in public. I don't want to do this behind anybody's back because we need we need to 00:30:04
discuss it in public. Yeah. Not supported and I'd like to see that too. That's great. Yeah. 00:30:10
OK. All in favor. 00:30:18
Thank you. Thank you. And I'm sure these guys thank you for their your confidence in them. The the next one business registration 00:30:21
is wake up with makeup. This is Deja Molina permanent cosmetic tattooing. Is that like eyebrows and things? 00:30:29
On 1261 frontage Rd. Northwest. 00:30:40
I second it all in favor. 00:30:47
All right. Thank you and. 00:30:51
You know, I'm just, I'm hoping if we get the electrical grid, it really will spill out for everybody as far as. 00:30:54
Benefits, do we have any numbers yet from the they're working on it, they're working on it, They they we did get a number as to 00:31:03
the cost of the equipment and all that, but then we have to get the rate number and that's what we look like for the consumer, 00:31:08
right. Yeah they know they got to see that but but again. 00:31:14
Hi, well. 00:31:21
I want to say well what the Public Library is having an eclipse. 00:31:24
Harding and near and dear to my heart and Chelsea always, Chelsea always comes through with my native. 00:31:28
Celebration of what we call holy. This is where everybody gets to. 00:31:37
Revelin some. 00:31:43
Color that you get powder and stuff like that thrown on you. There's different colors it's got holy and this is going to be on 00:31:45
March 25th. That'll be. 00:31:50
That's today is the 19th, so it's a week from yesterday. 00:31:55
At 3:35. 00:32:00
And traditional Indian snacks and throw authentic holy powders. 00:32:02
And you can get henna tattoos that are temporary. 00:32:08
Not permanent makeup. 00:32:12
OK. Next meeting. 00:32:16
Is coming up on the 2nd of April. 00:32:18
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Microphone, here we go. 00:00:00
City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 Roll call please. 00:00:03
Mayor Basker here. 00:00:09
Councillor Travis Lopez here. 00:00:11
Councillor Dean. 00:00:13
Councillor Fleming here, Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:15
Councillor Ogana. 00:00:20
Councillor Partridge here. 00:00:22
Councillor Romero. 00:00:25
Councillor Salomy. 00:00:28
Here by phone. 00:00:30
We do have a quorum. 00:00:32
Is everybody here? 00:00:38
Oh, my pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:42
Nation indivisible with liberty and trust. 00:00:53
Councillor Saloni, did you? 00:00:59
Sure. Did I give you that? OK. Thank you. 00:01:02
All righty, Consent agenda. 00:01:09
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Fleming. 00:01:14
Of the percentage agenda as presented. 00:01:17
Move the seconded discussion and a discussion all in favor. 00:01:20
On a public forum. 00:01:25
Anybody got anything? 00:01:28
Exciting to say. 00:01:30
Nope. Ready then. 00:01:33
H Bank system for City of Sakura Youth Center bid award. Who's going to do that? 00:01:35
Hello. 00:01:41
Yes, we had. We went out forbid. 00:01:44
And bids were opened March 1st and we had four bids. 00:01:47
Western mechanical. 00:01:51
MGSEZI construction and how to meals, plumbing. 00:01:53
And the lowest bid was 75 thousand 4/07/07. 00:01:59
And I recommend that we'd go to Western Mechanical. 00:02:03
This is this, You know, the youth center. This is a heating and cooling, heating and cooling. Miss Chavez Lopez. 00:02:12
That's really a little bit. They're not going to come back and ask for a change order or anything, are they? No, ma'am. 00:02:18
You don't let him. 00:02:31
That's why I pull on everybody's getting a raise. These guys watch our money. 00:02:35
So anyway, anybody. 00:02:40
Anybody interested in? 00:02:42
I mean, we have approved the bid. 00:02:45
Move to second hand with a caveat that make sure that that bid is adequate for what they are bidding on. 00:02:47
All in favor. 00:02:55
I love you. 00:02:57
OK, Resolution #24-03-19 participation in the 2024 State Road Fund. 00:02:59
Mr. Monet. Mr. Mayor, thanks to your hard work up in Santa Fe, we were awarded some additional funds from the New Mexico 00:03:07
Department of Transportation to keep working on Manzanera St. We'll be applying the end of next. Actually, it's the beginning of 00:03:13
the cycle. It's called the PF, a project feasibility form to apply for even more funding. 00:03:20
Because we were over 400,000 short in the original. 00:03:27
Scope of work, so we couldn't. 00:03:32
Build as big of a project as we wanted to. 00:03:35
But again, thanks to you and your hard work in Santa Fe, we have at least 125,000 more of additional funds and they require a 00:03:37
resolution. 00:03:41
And I gotta say, it's also our our lobbyist and. 00:03:46
People asking me, you know, we did spend a little bit of money on lobbyists, but. 00:03:50
It really this is the biggest amount of money we've ever gotten on anything. 00:03:55
So anyway the and Donald, Donald's very nice to say it was me but these guys Donald's always doing all the paperwork and getting 00:03:59
it right so so that we we get that money because you know what happened was. 00:04:05
We got a lot of money from Mountaineers, but it wouldn't go past 6th St. 00:04:12
That's that's how much things have changed. 00:04:17
As to the bidding. 00:04:20
So we could get that participation. 00:04:23
A 2nd. 00:04:28
Moved and seconded discussion. 00:04:32
All in favor, aye. 00:04:34
New business. 00:04:38
Just to let you know, we met with the EPA today. 00:04:40
They're moving ahead with the. 00:04:44
Superfund site cleanup. 00:04:46
The city has been asked. 00:04:49
They call it Access. 00:04:52
But basically they want to use our. 00:04:54
Land that is at the corner of Newberry. 00:04:57
And. 00:05:01
Lopezville. 00:05:04
That corner there, they're going to put the facility. 00:05:06
To pump the water, probably for 15 to 20 years. 00:05:09
Into the. 00:05:15
Borrow pit in the pond that's out there. 00:05:19
They are pretty well on track to get that done. 00:05:23
They're also on track to clean up the old Eagle Pitcher building that has asbestos in it. 00:05:28
But they may fall short as to the funding for that. They will probably clean up all the dirt. 00:05:34
Around that area. 00:05:41
And as you know, we have $700,000 for a spec building that we can build out there and so we may have that. 00:05:43
Released to us by the end of the year or summer or next year. 00:05:50
But we have four years to spend it. 00:05:55
And they are. 00:05:57
Donald, were they sure that they were going to be able to demolish, I mean? 00:06:00
Clean that building out so we could demolish it, but they didn't have enough funds to finish SLAB. 00:06:05
That's a good question. From what I heard today, they. 00:06:13
They have the funding to take care of to remediate the building, then we're responsible for removing it right, for the mall, 00:06:17
right. So anything that's hazardous they have the the then they're going to clean that. 00:06:23
And and so and they're also going to drill three more wells. 00:06:30
To define the plume and they they. 00:06:34
Committed to having a public hearing about that. 00:06:38
One of the wells is going to go. 00:06:41
Actually by the. 00:06:44
Lopez will. 00:06:47
And and whether it takes that, where it takes that? 00:06:49
Acute left hand turn just before that in that area back towards the golf course. 00:06:53
And two more other wells too. 00:06:58
Continue to characterize where the plume is. 00:07:01
So that's going to get done and then they want to put the facility. 00:07:05
On that area where the Newberry and and Lopez will come. 00:07:09
At a 90, they're going to put in that city property, so they're going to plan to do that. 00:07:14
Hopefully by. 00:07:19
The West side of. 00:07:21
On the West side where it meets Newberry. 00:07:24
That city property? Yes, ma'am. 00:07:29
Pond is not city property and that's that's where the catches it belongs to a family. 00:07:32
They're getting it appraised. 00:07:40
We're finding a way to to. 00:07:43
Make that city property. 00:07:48
Or if they don't make it, it's already determined that they want to put the water in there. 00:07:50
But the way. 00:07:56
I think the owner wants to. 00:07:58
Salad so you don't have the responsibility anymore, but if we own it. 00:08:01
I'm trying to find what the lease is, what the EPA will pay us so I can amortize the amount of money we come up with to buy it. 00:08:06
Over 15 years. 00:08:15
So that we get it back over a period of time with interest, so, so. 00:08:17
The other, the other thing would be to try to go back to the state. Unfortunately the legislative session is over, but it really. 00:08:23
There's two things that will happen with that pawn. 00:08:30
One of them is being used to clean up the. 00:08:34
Contamination of the TCe or whatever that's called. 00:08:39
So it's a super fun sight. The other thing is. 00:08:43
The EPA has given us a consultant. 00:08:46
Who is going to give us a diagram of making that into a park? 00:08:50
And so for outdoor recreation. So I'm going to try to go to the governor's office. 00:08:56
To see if we can. 00:09:03
Get that pond for those two things, which is. 00:09:05
EPA and in the future having a recreation outdoor facility that could be used for day camping. 00:09:10
I envision it like I don't know if I kind of maybe I said that in my campaign, but Deming has a water park and Santa Rosa has a 00:09:18
water park. You know, you can put these. 00:09:23
Floating boats on it and kids, people can kayak on it, they can tent and then also have areas where they can camp over the 00:09:28
weekend, things like that, so. 00:09:34
They're they're committed today to give me a design for that. 00:09:40
So once we put both of those together, maybe we can get the money for it. 00:09:45
But the other alternative would be to use city funds. 00:09:49
Or borrow. 00:09:53
They'll be paid off by a lease that EPA makes. 00:09:54
For 15 years with us. The other thing is they want city water rights and we'll be able to give them that. Then they they have to, 00:09:58
they're going to put the water into the aquifer. 00:10:03
And get credit for that. But there's an X amount of evaporation that the state engineer wants to have water rights for, and that's 00:10:09
about 25 acre feet. 00:10:14
And so we have that and then we're going to be working with them to get give that to them. 00:10:19
So that was one big thing. 00:10:25
We are. We are still, as we said, we're working on the CDBG project at Cuba Rd. 00:10:29
We're trying to get it was $400,000 short. 00:10:34
We thought 800,000 would be enough, but it's a million two. 00:10:39
So we're asking hopefully by April we'll know what's going on with that. We have received the two natural gas. 00:10:42
Garbage Trucks but. 00:10:53
They drove all the way out from California. 00:10:57
We put them to use and they died. They went into, they went into limp mode. So then the other ones, we have three dump trucks 00:11:00
also. 00:11:04
So that's that we have those working I think. 00:11:09
The the two projects that are going on. 00:11:13
The junior high school. 00:11:16
And Marianne? 00:11:18
This building, we're working with the contractors to get the rock. There's a lot of rock out there. And so they're putting that 00:11:21
rock in our facility and we're going to be working with a vendor to be able to trade that rock. 00:11:28
For a base course. 00:11:36
So we're working on that. What else can I tell you? Um. 00:11:41
The road projects, I don't know if Donald kind of laid those out for you, but we've got lots of Rd. projects. It's just a matter 00:11:48
of getting the weather and together and get it, get it done. 00:11:53
The monument again, we got money for that. We're going to put it out there by the by the Convention Center. 00:12:00
So that's going the the the skin for that rodeo is coming along. 00:12:07
I think. 00:12:11
Dez and Cheyenne. 00:12:15
Finally got this thing signed with our. 00:12:16
Artist is that done deal? 00:12:19
So we're going to have a major artist on July 3rd. 00:12:24
We need to just advertise the heck out of it so we can rent the RV area. Donald, can we wait till the next meeting to discuss this 00:12:28
part of the contract He's playing in Santa Fe on the. 00:12:33
I didn't. I didn't say Garth Brooks. 00:12:42
I just said artist now. You already gave it away then? 00:12:49
I know the one going to say his name. 00:12:53
But anyway, just. 00:12:55
Now they don't listen to this show here. 00:12:57
Don't. Don't put that in the newspaper. Please, the reality show. 00:13:01
Anyway, so that's exciting. 00:13:07
This will be our first if we pull it off. 00:13:09
I'm hoping that we continue this activity maybe even for like the big wrestling tournament, you know, regional wrestling 00:13:11
tournament where you have all these people here and they have a show for them afterwards. You know, we're working on trying to get 00:13:18
the stage, we're trying Mr. Fleming is working on the on the sound because that's that's really, really important. 00:13:24
So we have an and for the Convention Center as well. We're bringing in housing authorities from the from all over the state to 00:13:32
come for training now in March and in April, but I'm hoping to get like SW Narrow which is 6 states. 00:13:40
To come in and do a whole week of training and stuff for and we'll have a lot coming in from. I think people are realizing we have 00:13:48
a facility that. 00:13:52
The neon sign is coming up. 00:13:58
The heck is going to. 00:14:02
And I think A1. 00:14:05
Concrete SMA is going to help us. So that's been it's all working well. We eventually, hopefully we're going to get Hwy. 60 fixed 00:14:08
up too. 00:14:12
The other thing we're bringing in is we're getting the surveyor, you know, I talked about this earlier, is trying to do a 00:14:16
subdivision out there. We're getting a surveyor who is going to get information for the realtor that we're going to need to make a 00:14:22
relationship with. And I think the council is going to have to approve that, but we'll bring that to you. 00:14:27
Yes, Sir. I'm meeting with him next week because as we mentioned before, a part of the land grant. 00:14:34
Back when we became a city, none of it had legal descriptions. And then the late 1800s and early 1900s. 00:14:40
People would come in and request to see the city deed it to them. They said, you know, we've been forming it for 20 years or 00:14:46
something. So then those legal descriptions were created, but everything else that was leftover doesn't have legal description. So 00:14:52
it's kind of hard to tell this guy exactly where we're thinking without him being here. 00:14:57
So we'll be out there next week. 00:15:03
So, so you know all that's all coming together and I think our. 00:15:07
They made anywhere from 40 to $50 million available for housing. 00:15:12
But it was all low income housing. 00:15:18
And we're talking about middle income teachers, nurses. 00:15:21
Doctors, you know, people who are. 00:15:26
You needing housing but they don't have it. 00:15:30
And that that's what we want to do here in the city is to try to get. 00:15:34
You know, I mean, you got money from your thing, but that was meant for, you know, a different group of people. But I think our 00:15:38
biggest problem in attracting people to Sakura is teachers or nurses or not. I mean, the housing is really very, very. 00:15:45
Horror and they do have grants like moving to work grants and stuff like that that we can apply for as well if we're going to work 00:15:53
with your office. Hopefully once we get once we get the land straightened out, is to then try to bring in developers who will then 00:16:00
work with you with incentives and stuff and and get this middle income housing thing going. 00:16:06
You know we need to, we need to put together and I think it's a beautiful place to do up there. If we can, you know we can we can 00:16:14
have walking paths and and recreation areas and people are running horses, they could use the stables over there. So there's a lot 00:16:20
of things to attract people to be up there. So that that's kind of what we're working on. 00:16:25
I know it's going to come up and I know maybe they've talked to the council there, but really said anything to me except for a 00:16:32
letter they sent me and I think they sent it to you also the electric Co-op. 00:16:37
Did not really in good faith answer the question that I asked? 00:16:43
And and I know they have the answers, they just didn't want to share it with us. 00:16:48
So the other thing, and you're going to be getting some information from our financial people. 00:16:53
That. 00:16:58
The corporate, the coop is going to be. 00:17:00
Beneficiary. 00:17:03
Of an extra 2 to $3 billion. 00:17:04
The tri-state is going to borrow. 00:17:08
To stay afloat because they're losing. They're losing. 00:17:10
They're losing. 00:17:15
Users by the droves. And so what's happening is that they're going to have to borrow money to stay afloat, and that money that 00:17:18
they borrow will be hooked on to Sakura electric co-ops bill. 00:17:25
And I can give you more information and the polar we're trying to get that put together with Ed Ras the information that we've 00:17:33
gotten and this is this is again it's it's. 00:17:38
It's real numbers that we're going to tell you. 00:17:44
And I would like to tell that to the Co-op trustees to start really seriously thinking about what the next five years is going to 00:17:47
bring to the electrical rates. 00:17:51
Yeah, they'll be losing about 7:00. 00:17:57
They'll be losing at least 7 some. 00:17:59
Yeah, So, and of course the big ones, they're losing the big ones in Denver. And the other one is what's it called power. 00:18:02
Books that I can't remember the name of that, but but the bottom line is. 00:18:09
In order for tri-state to continue working. 00:18:13
And losing all these users. 00:18:18
That's that those. 00:18:21
Are going to be part of the Coops responsibility. 00:18:23
Because that's a that's a contract that I made and and. 00:18:28
Just to give you some numbers, it's going to be this coop will be responsible for 1% of that loan. 00:18:32
And I think we're getting that letter ready for you so you can hopefully by the next meeting you'll have it. 00:18:38
I think. 00:18:45
Look who's wrong. 00:18:48
Who's willing to lend somebody that kind of money if they're losing that kind of business? 00:18:50
I'm just curious. 00:18:57
You're absolutely right. I think you know, before it was tri-state. 00:19:00
It was what? 00:19:05
It wasn't Touchstone, but they were part of touchstone energy. So what happened is. 00:19:08
What happens is they get swallowed up by a bigger company. 00:19:13
And so the company that and again I'm maybe speaking out of turn, but their their companies stay in Utah. 00:19:17
That want to swallow these energy producers and so. 00:19:25
That's, you know that that's that's where the money's coming from. It's from a company that wants to. 00:19:32
Take advantage of the situation and be the. 00:19:39
White Knights, what they call white knight in the in the acquisition business is that's what's in my opinion that's what's going 00:19:42
to happen and those those loans are going to come home to roost with all the different co-ops that are still in the business. And 00:19:47
then rumor, rumor has it that they're going to come to the club and ask them to extend that. 00:19:53
Their their contract with tri-state at least another 10 years. So 2050 or 202065, yeah, because they will have to do that to have 00:19:59
to make the loan and I hope and I hope that the Coop put some sunshine on it. I don't see Mr. Williams here today but I hope, I 00:20:06
hope the Coop with some sunshine on this and and. 00:20:13
We have some information now. They did. They did share with us what they pay in gross receipts. 00:20:22
And all you have to do is do some math and work it backwards. 00:20:28
If you work it backwards that the X amount of money that they pay in gross receipts. 00:20:33
You can work it backwards to see how much the billing in the city. 00:20:40
And surprising how much it is and that those CRS or gross receipts. 00:20:45
They don't include the city, the schools. 00:20:52
Anybody who pays our tech. 00:20:56
That they don't pick gross receipts and so if you take that 1.25 million. 00:20:59
And you work it backwards. 00:21:04
Comes to about 15,000,000. 00:21:06
That's that's just the Billings if you work at, if you work it out so. 00:21:08
The possibility and I you know, so and then I asked him about where they spent the $44,000,000 and they weren't. They weren't able 00:21:14
to tell me that. If you ask me where we spent the 20 million for sewers, I can tell you I spent on Herald, we spent it on 00:21:20
chaparral. We spent it on all these areas because when we go to borrow money from USDA. 00:21:27
We have to put together a packet that says exactly where we're going to spend the money. 00:21:34
And I know they have it. 00:21:39
That's when I wanted to see what they did for Sakura. I don't. I don't see that. 00:21:40
The other thing. 00:21:45
The the the 44 million that they're in debt for. 00:21:47
Where's the city of Sakura is paying for a lot of it, and so we would need to know where they, where they did the improvements, or 00:21:52
if they did any. 00:21:56
Would it be safe to say what you're alluding to as? 00:22:02
That the coop. 00:22:04
You would hope that they would look outside of tri-state like you've been asking them to. Is that what? 00:22:09
You're alluding to the Simpson exactly, and knowing this information? 00:22:14
That you that's being said, you would hope that they would look for other options. 00:22:19
Yeah. And and the buyout? 00:22:24
They haven't even explored that and in my opinion and that I'm getting this from our consultants is going to be about 12:15 00:22:28
million. 00:22:32
And because for Kit Carson, which is about. 00:22:37
Twice as big was 36 million. 00:22:40
And so this buyout can be. 00:22:43
Actually managed. 00:22:46
By the change in the rates, like Kit Carson did. But so you know, and the other thing is I just the city, oh, rabbi, where we're 00:22:48
going to get this money to do this, you know. 00:22:53
We have just to try to fix part of our source. 00:22:59
Borrowed $20 million. 00:23:03
We're going to borrow another 8 to 10 million to do the rest of Evergreen and Pinon. So we're you know, we're in the business of 00:23:06
borrowing money and and getting user rates and and getting getting it paid. So it's not as if. 00:23:13
Borrowing $20 million to do a new electrical grid is anything. 00:23:21
Beyond our abilities because we have, we have borrowed money. 00:23:26
And we have used it for utilities. 00:23:30
And we and and you know you have to satisfy the people who loan money to you as to how you're going to pay it back and I think 00:23:32
we're going to do that. 00:23:36
So I mean that's that's. 00:23:41
Mr. Anaya, who is the chairman, sent a letter back to me and I think you guys all got a copy of that, but those those answers were 00:23:44
partial. 00:23:48
And then his comment was well. 00:23:53
We'll share with you what the four year plan is. Just attach it to the letter so I can see it. 00:23:56
You know, that would be simple. And again, I would still like to see where they spent that money, the 44. And you know that that's 00:24:02
just simple to me because when you go to borrow money, you have to designate where you spend, where you're going to spend it. 00:24:07
That's the only way to loan you the money. 00:24:12
And those documents never made it to us. 00:24:18
So why? 00:24:22
Whole business. 00:24:23
Executive session. 00:24:29
The personnel changes. 00:24:34
I got it here, you know, you see that these are. 00:24:37
All administrative people that are getting these increases. 00:24:41
I am afraid that I, you know, is that I don't want to lose any of our. 00:24:44
Brain trust. If you want to. If you want to. 00:24:48
Coin us praise Donald has done a great job and I think we and you know I. 00:24:51
We have had some great continuity in our city administration and we have had people that really work very, very hard and this is 00:24:57
what we're this is what I proposed is these, these increases for Donald. 00:25:04
Polo. Ruby Lloyd. 00:25:12
Cheyenne and Christy. 00:25:16
On this is all administrative. 00:25:19
The ones that are that are not, as Jacob Gonzalez to the dispatchers, a new hire and Caitlin Garza dispatches the new hire. So I 00:25:22
would hope you would endorse the. 00:25:27
Increases for them because I really think. 00:25:34
We're we're continuing to keep. 00:25:37
Keep the city financially sound and really. 00:25:40
Trying to replace anybody on this list would be impossible. 00:25:44
We're also working with our utility crew to make sure that. 00:25:50
They're getting their salaries increased enough so we keep them and not have them. You know, people that are going out to the 00:25:54
range to work with the contractors, the Bureau of Reclamation has also taken our people, the conservancies have taken our people, 00:26:00
and they're those we have to be as long as we're. 00:26:06
Solvent I think we just have to be compared to be competitive. 00:26:13
I don't want Donald to apply for the county manager job. 00:26:19
So that's what we're trying to do that so. 00:26:26
I would hope that you guys would endorse that. 00:26:29
Come here, Mr. Farming, pushing to approve personnel changes as presented. 00:26:33
Moved a second a discussion. I'm open for discussion on this side. Is it a, is it straight across the board there or? 00:26:42
It was straight across the board already, but this is really specifically for administrative staff. 00:26:50
It's then I and and and I. 00:26:55
I justified in that. 00:26:59
We're trying to keep our continuity of our administration and the work they're doing and I believe, believe me, I'm very critical 00:27:02
about them doing something and they're not doing something and and they kind of put up with that. But I mean I expect them to 00:27:07
perform as to what, you know what is being done. 00:27:13
And I don't have a problem with approving, I just want to make sure that the other employees get. 00:27:19
A good raise as well. 00:27:26
My my my. 00:27:28
Future for July new fiscal year is that everybody is making a minimum of $20.00 an hour. 00:27:32
That's that's what I'm shooting for. 00:27:39
The lowest employee. 00:27:41
Salary. It should be at $20.00 an hour. I think right now it's in about 15 or 16. 00:27:44
But but but I would like to see that. 00:27:49
At 20 and I think we continue to stay solvent, we haven't raised groceries taxed, we're continuing to get money from outside. 00:27:52
Grants and so I think. 00:28:02
That's where we're headed. 00:28:03
Is that we keep them. I agree with you and I think. 00:28:05
You know, a lot of it has to do with if we continue to function. 00:28:11
And that we're not dysfunctional. 00:28:15
And I think the people in the lower echelons are going to see this and say, what the hell, well, you know, part of the way that 00:28:17
they're. 00:28:22
Salaries raising is partly due to the people here that are keeping it. 00:28:26
You know, keeping a track on all the money because I seen all the other regular employees, like they're everywhere helping with 00:28:31
everybody. They help. They they team tag and stuff. That was my only concern too, is just that if it was. 00:28:38
If there was some look to make sure that the the people at the ground level 2 are being compensated as well. That's good to hear 00:28:44
that in July. Your hope is to. 00:28:49
Employees, if they take on additional job duties or get an additional certification. Those raises are immediate as well, Sir, 00:29:07
aren't they? 00:29:11
Certain pictures are automatic. 00:29:17
That they're getting increases but but but the bottom line is is that. 00:29:19
Everybody will be coming up and we did and I think Ruby didn't we do an increase of. 00:29:25
Was already done across the board and in July we will look at. 00:29:32
We'll try to bring all the people up from the bottom and we'll look across the board again and I think and we've been pretty 00:29:41
solvent, I mean, you know, and I think those raises can come again in July. 00:29:46
And I may hold these people's raises. 00:29:53
Not getting them. 00:29:56
In July. So we'll have to we'll have to see how we do that and it should be it'll be done in the budget Committee and you know 00:29:58
then we have and I I always talk about it in public. I don't want to do this behind anybody's back because we need we need to 00:30:04
discuss it in public. Yeah. Not supported and I'd like to see that too. That's great. Yeah. 00:30:10
OK. All in favor. 00:30:18
Thank you. Thank you. And I'm sure these guys thank you for their your confidence in them. The the next one business registration 00:30:21
is wake up with makeup. This is Deja Molina permanent cosmetic tattooing. Is that like eyebrows and things? 00:30:29
On 1261 frontage Rd. Northwest. 00:30:40
I second it all in favor. 00:30:47
All right. Thank you and. 00:30:51
You know, I'm just, I'm hoping if we get the electrical grid, it really will spill out for everybody as far as. 00:30:54
Benefits, do we have any numbers yet from the they're working on it, they're working on it, They they we did get a number as to 00:31:03
the cost of the equipment and all that, but then we have to get the rate number and that's what we look like for the consumer, 00:31:08
right. Yeah they know they got to see that but but again. 00:31:14
Hi, well. 00:31:21
I want to say well what the Public Library is having an eclipse. 00:31:24
Harding and near and dear to my heart and Chelsea always, Chelsea always comes through with my native. 00:31:28
Celebration of what we call holy. This is where everybody gets to. 00:31:37
Revelin some. 00:31:43
Color that you get powder and stuff like that thrown on you. There's different colors it's got holy and this is going to be on 00:31:45
March 25th. That'll be. 00:31:50
That's today is the 19th, so it's a week from yesterday. 00:31:55
At 3:35. 00:32:00
And traditional Indian snacks and throw authentic holy powders. 00:32:02
And you can get henna tattoos that are temporary. 00:32:08
Not permanent makeup. 00:32:12
OK. Next meeting. 00:32:16
Is coming up on the 2nd of April. 00:32:18
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