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Somebody all right? This is a City of Socorro City Council meeting Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. Roll call, please. | 00:00:03 | |
Councillor Tavis Lopez, Counselor Dean. | 00:00:13 | |
Councillor Fleming here, Councillor Ocampo here, Councillor Olguin, Councillor Partridge here, Councillor Romero, Councillor | 00:00:17 | |
Salome. We do have a quorum on rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:24 | |
Say it now, ya? | 00:00:50 | |
Mr. Mayor. | 00:00:52 | |
Mr. Mayor, Mr. | 00:00:54 | |
Holo. | 00:00:58 | |
We need to remove off the agenda. | 00:00:59 | |
6F confined space program. | 00:01:06 | |
It's not quite ready to approve. | 00:01:11 | |
OK. So moved if we could get the motion to make a motion, we approve the consent agenda minus item 6F. | 00:01:14 | |
Move and 2nd and all in favor aye vote. | 00:01:27 | |
OK, Danny, you are up. | 00:01:31 | |
Tell us all about your great artist and some of your successes you've had with the bus program. So awesome. So thank you, Mayor | 00:01:34 | |
Council Lena, thank you guys for getting this all together. So we came last year at the end of the school year and we had a poster | 00:01:41 | |
contest and last year we had 56 red light or stop arm runners. And so far this last semester that was 14. So that was a huge | 00:01:49 | |
improvement. So thank you. | 00:01:56 | |
For for putting it out there and thank Chief Garcia for doing your stuff. That was it is it is really helping. | 00:02:04 | |
So this is pretty cool. So we did another one in October during School Bus Safety Week and this time we have one from Charter, | 00:02:16 | |
from Parkview, from Midway, San Antonio and Middle School. So we took our first place winners and these are our first place | 00:02:22 | |
winners from those schools and we have everybody here. | 00:02:29 | |
But Serena from the middle school, she's out of town. But if Miss Emory Montoya can come up. | 00:02:35 | |
Grab your art, let's see which one you did. | 00:02:46 | |
Miss Emery, she was first place. | 00:02:50 | |
So and thank you guys for the gifts. Oh, you're welcome. | 00:02:56 | |
Ash right? I didn't know people still had that. I do not. | 00:03:03 | |
What? | 00:03:10 | |
This is from San Antonio schools. Great. | 00:03:15 | |
And then we have Samuel. | 00:03:24 | |
Come on up towards us so you can be seen on TV. Come on around here. Just line up right in front of us, right? Don't worry, just | 00:03:31 | |
looking. Look at yourself on the camera, at the camera. | 00:03:37 | |
He's from. | 00:03:53 | |
Congratulations. | 00:03:57 | |
Awesome. | 00:04:02 | |
Hey. | 00:04:05 | |
Well, congratulations for doing this project, Polo. Get a picture for us there. | 00:04:08 | |
Can you turn the camera to them or no? | 00:04:13 | |
It's on him. Was it there now? OK, it's got a little delay. | 00:04:16 | |
And again, thank you, Mayor. We'll get those put up around the city and hopefully we can cut it down to 0, right? That is this is | 00:04:34 | |
working great. So thank you guys very much for your support. Congratulations. | 00:04:40 | |
Thank you, Dan. | 00:04:46 | |
Thank you parents for coming to support your kids. | 00:04:47 | |
Thank you, Daniel. And you can adjourn if you'd like. You're welcome to. You're welcome to follow them outside if you'd like to | 00:04:52 | |
go. | 00:04:56 | |
Your job. | 00:05:11 | |
You're welcome. Thank you for coming. | 00:05:16 | |
All right, So we've got some housekeeping to do at the beginning of the year. The first one is just going to public hearing for | 00:05:20 | |
CW. | 00:05:25 | |
Don't worry that Mister Mayor, that's the Clean Water State Revolving Fund we discussed at the last meeting and I made an | 00:05:31 | |
administrative mistake and I advertised it to be at this meeting. So rather than re advertise, I decided to have the public | 00:05:37 | |
meeting tonight still and then wait till the next meeting to meet the advertisement requirement. So we'll be an action item on the | 00:05:43 | |
next agenda. | 00:05:48 | |
Going to public hearing. | 00:05:55 | |
Make a motion to run the public hearing for ordinance #24-12-17 second moved and seconded discussion. Well all in favor aye and | 00:05:58 | |
public hearing for say about what it is for again this is the clean water state revolving fund. Will you applied because we needed | 00:06:06 | |
some more funding to expand the Evergreen area and we received 500,000 in a grant in 250 in a loan. | 00:06:15 | |
And I understand, Lloyd, when is that ground going to be broken for that? | 00:06:25 | |
On the 26th January there on Evergreen and Granada and that goes all the way to. | 00:06:32 | |
Super. | 00:06:49 | |
When they do peel for that whole area, then I'm not sure. | 00:06:51 | |
Have a. | 00:06:56 | |
So this will take care of everybody in that area. | 00:06:57 | |
Any comments make a motion go back in a regular session. | 00:07:00 | |
OK, We have a bunch of resolutions. Mr. Who's Mr. Romero? | 00:07:09 | |
That was well. Is there other people that are? I'm sorry, I did. I thought he was. Mr. Hicks was the only one. Is anyone else on | 00:07:16 | |
public forum that would like to make a comment that's not on the agenda? | 00:07:21 | |
You did. | 00:07:28 | |
And he was saying any from anything from the new faces. | 00:07:30 | |
Now come on up and tell us who you are and what your question or my name is. Jordan Robles, born and raised here. Some of you | 00:07:34 | |
might know my face, some of you might don't. A lot of you have known me because throughout my high school years that I worked at | 00:07:41 | |
Rocks Building Supply and I supplied the customer service both the inside and the lumberyard. And I was always treated fairly | 00:07:49 | |
because I knew what the material lumber, everything that I ever. | 00:07:56 | |
So our local businesses was the key foundation to our city and so that being said to I don't grow to the city, I have applied for | 00:08:04 | |
a license for my detailing services and power washing. | 00:08:10 | |
I want to provide to community and all your business for myself, well, for our city and what my plans are for this is. | 00:08:19 | |
Eventually that I want to give more time to what the community and with my power washing them as my revenue and my growth will | 00:08:28 | |
proceed out in the future if I get this approval today. | 00:08:33 | |
I want to be able when our teams or whether it's football, wrestling, volleyball, whatever teams need assistance in the car | 00:08:39 | |
washes, I'll be more than happy to lend my assistance with my equipment for any power washing and sponsoring any things like that. | 00:08:48 | |
Because I want to get back to the community and I'm giving a, a new form of, of service to this community because. | 00:08:57 | |
Nobody gives the power washing that I do the the competition I have. | 00:09:06 | |
Is in northern Albuquerque, Rio Rancho and Las Cruces and where's your business going to be. I wanted everything here. And did you | 00:09:13 | |
did you apply for a business license Yes because I don't see that on Friday and I was told that it was going to be talked about | 00:09:21 | |
here and I just wanted to bring up my face and my name to oh good. Well I'm glad you came probably this meeting. | 00:09:29 | |
You're, I mean, you're not going to have any trouble getting your business license, but it's not on the agenda. | 00:09:38 | |
For this, for this meeting, but we'll probably have it at the next meeting. But your, your comments are well taken and we'll make | 00:09:43 | |
sure that we let everybody know about your business you do houses or cars or how do you do it since I'm going to start out single, | 00:09:50 | |
single owner, single co-founder, single founder, everything that's all on me. So I'm going to do express card detailing and I'm | 00:09:58 | |
also extended it to horse trailers because we live in our agricultural state so. | 00:10:05 | |
To provide to our agriculture that I use PITA approved. | 00:10:13 | |
Oh, chemicals because I have to take in consideration we are agriculture, we have crops, we have animals, we have children. As a | 00:10:17 | |
father, I am not only that I want to extend that to the horse shutters. But if I could kind of after so much revenue and so much | 00:10:24 | |
marketing that I want to be able to land a contract with our city and since I am mobile with my trailer or on my own vehicle that | 00:10:32 | |
that have permission and the contract to go to our local parks and spray down. | 00:10:39 | |
The equipment of all the slides, all the equipment because as a father that I understand RSV and COVID is still an outgoing issue. | 00:10:47 | |
And being a local born and raised here of 27 years, I understand the homeless and other drug influences in this community. Like | 00:10:55 | |
sometimes as a parent, you're scared to have a child going on those slides or use certain equipment and. | 00:11:04 | |
How often do we have that sanitized? | 00:11:13 | |
Thank you for letting us know about your business. And so I want to make sure we pass and get in touch with you. | 00:11:16 | |
I'm not looking for to make my pocket go. I'm looking to have a community go because born and raised here, I want to see it go. | 00:11:21 | |
But leave us the contact information on you and we'll make sure we talk to you about the project, all right? | 00:11:28 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you for coming. Congratulations on starting the business. | 00:11:36 | |
Right. Yes, Yes, ma'am. Corner. | 00:11:42 | |
Who may I leave in polo? | 00:11:47 | |
Hi, I'm Christy Smith. I live here. I was here a month ago and I heard something about a housing development. I don't know if this | 00:11:52 | |
is the right forum to ask about that, but I heard maybe you Robbie mentioned it gets a little early. We haven't really made any | 00:11:57 | |
headway with that. And I know you wanted me to move the podium over there and I will next time, but I just curious what so there's | 00:12:03 | |
a possibility that he might be part of that or something. We're not sure. We have not had any any movement on that yet, although | 00:12:09 | |
we have a realtor we have. | 00:12:15 | |
And it's a matter of financing and the interest rates are so high right now. That's where the problem is. Thank you for bringing | 00:12:22 | |
it up. Yes, ma'am. | 00:12:27 | |
Hi, I'm Rhiannon Viselli. I was here on November 19th when a bunch of people came to discuss the animal welfare and community | 00:12:38 | |
safety issues in Socorro, and we were just wondering if there was any update on the committee being formed between the city and | 00:12:44 | |
public. The council, Travis Lopez is putting together the committee and I think she's going to appoint two people from the | 00:12:49 | |
community to be on it. Only two. | 00:12:55 | |
Just two from the community, yeah. | 00:13:02 | |
OK. | 00:13:05 | |
Yeah, and but we're moving ahead with it. But I, I wasn't here at that meeting, but my recommendation is for you guys to get | 00:13:06 | |
involved with the animal shelter personally and see if you can foster some animals and, and keep them at home. And personally, I | 00:13:12 | |
am fostering an animal. I do dog training. | 00:13:17 | |
I took one from the reservation out in Alamo because that doesn't help the city shelter. It helps the county, right? And the | 00:13:25 | |
shelter is the only one in the county. | 00:13:29 | |
I can't speak for the county, but that's where the where the important part is for people that live in the city, get involved with | 00:13:35 | |
our city shelter and do some of the volunteer work that used to be done a long time ago with Miss Brooke and, and they were very, | 00:13:43 | |
very active specifically being involved in that and not really asking for anything except that go to work and take care of the | 00:13:50 | |
animals. That's where I am as mayor that I would like to see the people that are involved in. | 00:13:58 | |
Animal care and animal welfare, that they personally get involved rather than, you know, being at the Alamo. I think it'd be | 00:14:06 | |
better if they were in the city. OK, I did e-mail and I didn't get anything back. I personally went to the shelter. I went | 00:14:12 | |
directly to the shelter and I wasn't even allowed in the building. So we have our animal control guy here, Lupe, was there a | 00:14:18 | |
problem? And people getting into the shelter and volunteering? | 00:14:24 | |
Huh. Yeah, When was that? | 00:14:32 | |
You're welcome to come up and make a comment. Identify yourself. | 00:14:35 | |
OK, Leah Tevis and I am the one who spoke on the 19th meeting that Ran is speaking about. We have tried every Ave. to work with | 00:14:39 | |
the shelter and that's why we presented it. You haven't come to City Hall and complained to the mayor that you couldn't get into | 00:14:46 | |
the shelter. I haven't spoken to you ever because we were trying to do things without getting the city involved. We were doing | 00:14:54 | |
everything we could in our power and that's why we did come to the city eventually to say hey, this is. | 00:15:01 | |
The committee is going to be active, but my my direction to the to the committee is. | 00:15:09 | |
Get the people in the committee, get active at the shelter, see what the conditions are like, see what they've seen and what can | 00:15:15 | |
be done. And I would welcome people to volunteer and get on the schedule. You may or may not be aware, but we did put together a | 00:15:21 | |
community survey to ask people about what their experience has been. We have 147 responses. How does that help the animals? It's | 00:15:27 | |
just it highlights the issue that people are having with the shelter. So many people have said that they've gone and are turned | 00:15:33 | |
away. | 00:15:38 | |
They've called, they're never called back. And I haven't heard one person come. OK, We have 147 responses saying otherwise. Let me | 00:15:45 | |
see them and I'll have a talk with each one of them if that's the case. But I haven't had one person come to my office and | 00:15:52 | |
complain about the shelter. I think that people don't know where to put their voice. And that's what we're doing for an hour at | 00:16:00 | |
11. Lena is here. They take. I meet with people every day on different subjects. I've never met with any of you people. | 00:16:07 | |
About the shelter, I would like to weigh in, Connie Robnett here to weigh in on the same subject and to say that we have been | 00:16:15 | |
encouraged by city employees not to go to escalate this. | 00:16:22 | |
I'm telling you first hand that which employee? | 00:16:31 | |
Told us that we should speak to him directly and we spoke to him directly. No better, yes. | 00:16:37 | |
And things and still all the animals at the shelter, all the dogs at the shelter got you guys without, without any outreach into | 00:16:45 | |
the community. | 00:16:50 | |
Well, I can tell you it's administratively. I'm responsible for the shelter. If you feel that you've had problems, and this goes | 00:16:55 | |
for every department in the city. People have problems with the people that are running the specific department. They come to me | 00:17:01 | |
personally. My door is always open. I've yet to hear from you before. And 147 people, I have not heard one person come to my | 00:17:07 | |
office and complain or write me a letter. And I have many, many times. Mrs. Brooke did. I've had many people, Misses White did. | 00:17:13 | |
Those people were involved. | 00:17:19 | |
Personally, in the care of the animals at the shelter, I've yet to see any people here that are on that committee that you have be | 00:17:25 | |
personally done. | 00:17:31 | |
On the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, you may not remember. | 00:17:36 | |
I'm talking about actually working at the shelter. We've all volunteered at the shelter. We all find our names on the volunteer | 00:17:41 | |
list. We've all been there. We have tried to do and turned away. That's what I would want you to do. I know there was a big | 00:17:47 | |
question about euthanasia at the shelter, but we have made many, many efforts. | 00:17:53 | |
To transport animals. But we've been so intuitive intonated from Alamo, from the county and our, our, we are overwhelmed with | 00:18:00 | |
animals and our budget cannot stand it. We, we acknowledge that and that it's a nationwide problem. We know this. But what we're | 00:18:05 | |
asking for is more transparency from the shelter and also for the shelter to work with the community. That is a big gap there. And | 00:18:11 | |
so that's a bridge that we've been trying to build with the different organizations that we have and we have been doing a lot of | 00:18:17 | |
work. | 00:18:23 | |
That should be on the city. You know, we are taking animals off the street. We are getting animals rehomed. We are vaccinating | 00:18:29 | |
animals. We are spaying. | 00:18:33 | |
With our own money. I heard you had an event here at this Plaza that was people from Berlin, from Valencia, County Lupe. What was | 00:18:39 | |
that? | 00:18:44 | |
And the reason they did that is because they said that they could not get in contact with our local shelter, so they chose to. | 00:18:59 | |
It's the truth though, because when you go to the shelter, often it is not open when it says they're going to going to be open. | 00:19:09 | |
They do not answer their phone when during business hours. So it's very hard for community members to get anything done at the | 00:19:14 | |
shelter. | 00:19:18 | |
I'll attend to that. I mean, what's the, what's the schedule with the shelter? | 00:19:25 | |
Use that. | 00:19:30 | |
Is there a live person at the desk at the shelter? | 00:19:35 | |
How do people, how do people approach the shelter to get in, at least have a conversation with somebody there? How would they do | 00:19:43 | |
that? | 00:19:46 | |
Do they have to go find somebody or? | 00:19:54 | |
Well, yeah, I can only tell you what schedules we have and that there are people there all the time at the shelter that she just | 00:20:01 | |
said from 8:00 to 4:00. And I I'm just surprised that you haven't been able to make contact with anybody there. | 00:20:07 | |
Well, we look forward to discussing this further at the committee meetings and making some changes because this community deserves | 00:20:15 | |
it and so do the animals. The community deserves the shelter that's been running here for 35 years that we've continually | 00:20:21 | |
expanded. So it's not like we haven't been doing anything. So I'm not sure what the term deserves. The community deserves the | 00:20:27 | |
shelter means because I think that we've been given a pretty good service with a limited budget we've had we can look at | 00:20:33 | |
communities that are our neighbors that have. | 00:20:39 | |
Sierra County, Sierra County, Sierra County has a private shelter that the city shelter actually had to close and they were given | 00:20:47 | |
the, the, the area that was going to be meant for a police station to be used as a shelter. But that was a, that's a, that's a | 00:20:53 | |
private shelter. I'm not sure if is that a municipal shelter you're talking about in Saratoga. | 00:21:00 | |
Who runs that shelter in Luke and Sierra County? | 00:21:07 | |
Because they at one time asked us to take some of their animals because they were disbanding now. This was so. | 00:21:13 | |
Yeah. So, you know, I talked to the director there weekly and they have said nothing of the sort. | 00:21:22 | |
Well, I can tell you is what we've, the experience we've had with that and I'll look into that. But I was under the impression | 00:21:32 | |
that was a private shelter as being they have one, but that's different. They have two. They have a rescue, Desert Haven Animal | 00:21:38 | |
Rescue, and then they have the Sierra County Shelter. Well, we can use that as a model and I'd be more than happy to copy that, | 00:21:43 | |
but we'll look into that. Perhaps the committee can look into the other shelter. I know the Valencia County Animal Shelter was | 00:21:48 | |
having all kinds of problems. | 00:21:53 | |
With the one in Los Lunas. | 00:21:59 | |
The Valencia County shelter has been incredibly helpful to us with letting us know how they operate. It's, it's an incredible | 00:22:02 | |
operation they have going there and it's running very smoothly. And instead of euthanizing all of their animals all at once, what | 00:22:08 | |
they do is they do a ton of outreach with the community to get animals into homes. And then they also do daily walkthroughs to see | 00:22:14 | |
if there are animals that are ill or maybe have behavioral issues that do need to be put down to make room for new animals, | 00:22:20 | |
because we all know that. | 00:22:26 | |
There is no lack of animals running around. And I'll send you some news articles that I have from the Valencia shelter and what | 00:22:32 | |
the problems were. I don't think that's true. I think what you're saying is not there may be trying to work at that, but I know | 00:22:39 | |
they've had all kinds of problems over there. Well, we've been visiting all these shelters and talking with the directors to | 00:22:47 | |
figure out how we can have a better shelter here in Sequoia. But I think Miss Chavez Lopez probably going to point you to the. | 00:22:54 | |
Also, so you'll be able to have your input there. That would be excellent. But I will tell you the administration is very, I'm a | 00:23:02 | |
little taken aback as as to the aggressiveness and the put down shelter that you're doing with the city. I really, and I wasn't at | 00:23:09 | |
that meeting, unfortunately, but I really thought that was really out of hand as to how the people that you have together are | 00:23:17 | |
trying to put a black mark on our animal shelter, which I think has been trying to do as well as you can, especially without any. | 00:23:24 | |
Help No one is trying to put a black mark on the shelter. | 00:23:32 | |
Comments that you had at that of the meeting on this meeting are really about, you know, what you think, what, what the community | 00:23:38 | |
deserves and so forth. | 00:23:42 | |
Can with what they have. | 00:24:17 | |
All right. Thank you, Mr. No, I'm just gonna say it sounds like, I mean, it sounds like an issue. We're just getting back from the | 00:24:19 | |
holidays and it sounds like they're addressing the issue and that we're gonna try to look at ways to make things better. But it is | 00:24:25 | |
just our first meeting back and they were meeting earlier seeing them. So I think they are making headway on it. It's just, that's | 00:24:31 | |
great to hear. Just gonna take a little time to get everything organized and done that you can see we're Rev and ready to go. | 00:24:37 | |
Yeah. Yeah. | 00:24:43 | |
I think they are too. They seem. | 00:24:49 | |
This is a symptom of the inflation that's, that's been brought upon our country. People can't afford to feed their dogs. So hence | 00:24:56 | |
we have overpopulation in all of our, our panels and all of our facilities. So it's hit us hard. It's hit everybody hard. And I | 00:25:05 | |
think we need to, you know, some patience and the work through this because, you know. | 00:25:14 | |
Can't afford to feed them. | 00:25:25 | |
Mr. Mill on adding to that, you know, I think our, our veterinary bills are, you know, like 25,000 + a month sometimes for. | 00:25:27 | |
Not a month. | 00:25:38 | |
No, but 25, I think we'd be broke for sure. But they're high. Yeah, they're high. No. | 00:25:40 | |
You know. | 00:25:48 | |
Anything else, Mr. Lopez, you're going to be the. | 00:25:51 | |
Recipient of some of this, I look forward to working with you all and any ideas. I know funding is a major part, so if you know of | 00:25:54 | |
any grant writers or if you know of any grants that we can apply for, you know, I more than willing to listen, but I look forward | 00:26:00 | |
to working with you all. Thank you. We look forward to working with you too, and we've got tons of ideas to throw your way. Thank | 00:26:06 | |
you, thanks, thank you, thank you. | 00:26:12 | |
Anyone else? | 00:26:19 | |
Yes, ma'am. | 00:26:21 | |
Christy Smith again, I live here. | 00:26:29 | |
I've never heard anybody say anything good about this children. | 00:26:32 | |
I've never heard anyone say anything good about the shelter here, I'm afraid. I'm sorry. I my boyfriend lived here for 23 years. | 00:26:37 | |
I've only lived here for 4. But it's really hard to get ahold of people. Their staff is not well trained, they're not friendly. | 00:26:43 | |
It's just not a nice place. OK. | 00:26:48 | |
It needs lots of work and help, and we talked to Gwen last month about grants, Gwen Valentino about possible grants to do other | 00:26:56 | |
kinds of honor projects that might improve the shelter. She said the city of Espanola got a grant to build a spay and neuter | 00:27:04 | |
clinic and they did that and it was pretty great. So she's aware that that's an issue that she might look for grants for. Thanks. | 00:27:12 | |
I'll make available to the committee. | 00:27:22 | |
Go back to Espanola and in my turn I've been long term in office. Espanola got half $1,000,000 about 20 years ago to build a brand | 00:27:26 | |
new shelter. | 00:27:31 | |
And again, the Valencia County shelter, the Sierra County shelter, I'll give you a anthology of of the comments and the evolution | 00:27:36 | |
of their shelters and how they had their ups and downs. And, and I know people pick points in history that are that are that are. | 00:27:46 | |
Compatible with their theory of what they're talking about. But I think historically, if you look at the shelter and the problems | 00:27:57 | |
that we've had in the state on animal shelters and animal welfare. | 00:28:02 | |
They're they're tremendous, even to that point where the governor at one time got involved with it. So I'd be more than happy to | 00:28:08 | |
provide the committee at the ontology of of. | 00:28:13 | |
Horizontal history of. | 00:28:19 | |
Animal shelters in small towns in New Mexico. And I think whether we have had good or bad remarks about it, I really think we've | 00:28:21 | |
done a reasonably good job. And this is from the days of Dorothy Brooke, Missus White and Misses. | 00:28:29 | |
Is this Parson? So yes, you know, those people were kind of the just like the library there was. Those are people that were the | 00:28:38 | |
foundation of how the shelters really started going and then how it's expanded and is doing as much as it can. So whether people | 00:28:44 | |
say good or bad about it, I would like for them to really realize what the history of animal shelter is in Socorro County and the | 00:28:50 | |
city of Socorro and some of the other counties that you spoke about. | 00:28:57 | |
I came to New Mexico on 44 1/2 years ago to Santa Fe. | 00:29:03 | |
And there was hardly anything in Santa Fe for animals I fostered, took care of that, fixed with my own money, dogs and cats and | 00:29:09 | |
puppies, and gave them away. So you're right, historically, New Mexico has been pretty bad about animal care and animal welfare. | 00:29:15 | |
But that's because we were starting from a Third World perspective. OK. So we need to really up our game. Well, we've got a lot of | 00:29:22 | |
Third World stuff, children welfare, medical care. | 00:29:28 | |
There's a lot of third world stuff going on here. | 00:29:35 | |
But I'm specifically talking about animal shelters. So and again, we can put it in perspective as to what's happened and the | 00:29:39 | |
evolution of the, the shelter here in the the city and the other cities. Anyway, OK, we've got resolutions that we have to have at | 00:29:47 | |
the beginning of the year, opening meetings, governing body rules, purchasing policy. If we would like to, I'll make a motion. | 00:29:55 | |
On the way to approve resolution #25-01-07AB and C. | 00:30:04 | |
Second moved and seconded discussion. All in favor, aye? | 00:30:13 | |
And resolution for CDBG certification and commitments exhibit one dash. Why? What is that polo? | 00:30:18 | |
That's just our our yearly resolution for our CDBG projects. | 00:30:30 | |
Past resolution #25-01-07D. | 00:30:36 | |
So moved and seconded discussion and all in favor, Aye, we're doing the CWG project. When's the bid? When's that going to get | 00:30:43 | |
started? | 00:30:47 | |
We're still waiting on the agreement. The DFA asked me for some different information just this afternoon. I sent it to him back | 00:30:54 | |
in December 19th and they should be giving me the no agreement any day. And once we receive that, we'll schedule it. | 00:31:02 | |
Very good. We have new business. | 00:31:12 | |
Cartridge we have our wrestling event this weekend. Friday will be the girls will wrestle and then we'll the boys will duel Aztec | 00:31:17 | |
that evening and Saturday the boys will wrestle a tournament and then Sunday the little kids will wrestle through the MOU facility | 00:31:26 | |
usage through the the school that you guys have worked out prior to me being here. So it should be a busy weekend of wrestling. | 00:31:35 | |
At the high school, big influx of people and we look forward to that and just. I wish they would have stayed the folks that were | 00:31:45 | |
there because I wanted to say that my passion is wrestling and. And I've given up a lot of my time and we don't make money from | 00:31:52 | |
wrestling and we we love doing it and we help kids in the community and it's really. I don't think I'd be a Councilman if I didn't | 00:31:59 | |
wrestle. I really think that was the backbone of my people that. | 00:32:06 | |
To be here, and what I'm saying is I think early on, to credit to the council at the time and Mayor Rusker is it was just simply | 00:32:14 | |
like we'll help you, but if you're willing to do the work, we'll definitely help with it because you're passionate about it. | 00:32:22 | |
But I'm just saying, I think that's what it takes. Hopefully there'll be some good involvement and we can fix it. You know, I wear | 00:33:02 | |
my feelings on my sleeve and. | 00:33:06 | |
Public meeting is where I say what I'm going to say. I'm not going to do it behind anybodies back and I'm going to tell them | 00:33:11 | |
upfront how I feel about with this. There will be some commitment though to help them. So you know, it sounds like it's going to | 00:33:15 | |
be good. | 00:33:20 | |
**** are you going to tell us about the Matanza? | 00:33:27 | |
And did you bring some food with you? We ran out. | 00:33:32 | |
Thank you Mayor Council for having me. I just wanted to give you guys an update as to how we did on our, our 8th annual Mcconso | 00:33:36 | |
fundraiser for the community, the children of our community. We, we raised $8500. So with that, we took 85 kids at $100 a kid | 00:33:43 | |
shopping at Walmart. So it was a good, it was a good, it's only gotten better every year. So it's a good thing for the community. | 00:33:51 | |
So with that being said, I'd like to thank some people, of course, Mayor Bhaskar and the city for, for supporting this event. | 00:33:58 | |
Without you guys, this event wouldn't happen and those two are good 'cause So thank you guys. Thank Anton Salome and his family | 00:34:06 | |
for allowing us to use that property. You know, Stephen Ross and Sophia's Walmart, John Brooks. | 00:34:13 | |
Cheyenne and Darryl at at the tourism cities, all the city employees, Lloyd and his crew for putting up the the tents and all that | 00:34:22 | |
stuff. Everything that goes into, there's a lot of work. So and I wanted to give a special thanks out to a couple of people. | 00:34:29 | |
For the generous donations, Jerry and Dana gum and Mrs. Wolf from Magdalena, they donated some money to that cause. So thank you | 00:34:37 | |
guys. And last but not least, I'd like to thank my firefighters for all the hard work they did. That's those, those, those days | 00:34:44 | |
turn to be long days and hard work. And they, they do it for a good reason, you know, so, and they, they enjoy doing it. So thank | 00:34:51 | |
them. They, they do a wonderful job. Mr. Parker, I know you guys said last time how the children were selected. | 00:34:58 | |
I don't, I all I do is call the superintendent's office when I ask him to give me a list of kids that he does. This year was 85, | 00:35:07 | |
so I asked him to give me a list of 85 kids. They gave me a list, You know, so we have nothing to do with you. Congratulations. | 00:35:13 | |
Congratulations. We're keeping that going. | 00:35:18 | |
Yeah. Angela, have you got a little rundown on what you guys did with the Marines and some of the stuff you guys did? | 00:35:27 | |
This is the first approx like 30 second year going on. That's the 5th year with Marines Core Toys for Tots. This year we were able | 00:35:37 | |
to get in contact with one of the. | 00:35:43 | |
Sergeant majors in the Marine Corps and they were able to bring some guys down here. I got a little rundown as well. | 00:35:50 | |
We're able to give get you in a minute. | 00:35:57 | |
We collected 2888 toys. We serve 698 kids in our community. | 00:36:04 | |
We collected a total amount. | 00:36:14 | |
Of $6773. | 00:36:18 | |
Through the Toys for Tots, that's with my wife, thanks to her, thanks to the city and the council are allowing us to do this as | 00:36:24 | |
well. | 00:36:27 | |
Even as the storage for the toys while we are taking them out there. | 00:36:32 | |
Damon, thanks for letting us help you and your part, what you do here and your commitment in the community. And we also get our | 00:36:36 | |
our list through the schools and, and throughout the whole county of Socorro. So we serve Alamo, Magdalena, Vegeta, Socorro, San | 00:36:44 | |
Antonio Limited, all those areas. And ours is a little different. A lot of our kids sign up for the program. | 00:36:53 | |
Through Toys for Tots, it's a national base through the Marine Koi, Toys for Tots. So we get a lot of that and then we get people | 00:37:01 | |
who sign up at. | 00:37:05 | |
Walmart to receive these toys so we're blessed to give 698 kids toys for kit for toys apiece to do that 600 ninety 98 kids and it | 00:37:10 | |
was a great program. Thanks. | 00:37:17 | |
Excellent. About your Turkey drive and yeah, absolutely. I was going to jump on next in the house, so thank you, Mr. Mayor. I'd | 00:37:27 | |
like to thank the city of Sequoia. There's too many people to think individually. It's funny that the one one of them that I did | 00:37:34 | |
want to point out was the gums also. They helped us out quite a bit. But the CDs, Sequoia, the storehouse. | 00:37:42 | |
John Brooks, the major sponsors for the for you know, the hot Emil food drive that we took over from Toby all those years, 5050 | 00:37:50 | |
fifty year this year. | 00:37:55 | |
We served 250 meals, had tons of help from tons of people. It's turned into a whole day, a deal on a Saturday, the 1st, the last | 00:38:02 | |
Saturday before Christmas and we have deliveries going out and we're like a machine now. And it really is so much more than the | 00:38:09 | |
first day I took it over. The first year we took it over. I thought I don't know how Toby did it and honestly, we wouldn't able | 00:38:16 | |
to. We wouldn't have been able to do it on that first year without Toby's family coming down to helping. | 00:38:23 | |
And so we still get some of them coming down to hell. And now it's it's going smooth. And the only reason why it goes smooth is | 00:38:30 | |
because every year we have so many volunteers, so many kids helping. | 00:38:37 | |
We had the schools, couple canned food drives and, you know, I know I bug Ruby every year and she's always there ready to help. | 00:38:45 | |
And an Angel coming through this. Yeah. They just, you guys know, fidget spinners, little deals are old and they the kids spin | 00:38:50 | |
them. Yeah, yeah. Fidget spinners with speakers on them. I don't know how the heck you do that. | 00:38:56 | |
But I was sitting there and I'm just like, amazed by it. And I don't know, I, I just thought it was like the coolest thing ever | 00:39:02 | |
and such a great event, so smooth. And yeah, it was awesome. 250 families and it was a good deal. So thank. Thank you. | 00:39:10 | |
I mentioned it before, but Toby, yeah. | 00:39:19 | |
You know, Tobye daughter now is the chief operating officer of Lovelace, including the Heart Hospital, which is a big success. | 00:39:25 | |
That's really Mary Honey Armijo since she's helped her whole family comes down every year. This year they couldn't because they | 00:39:31 | |
were moving. She called us and she said, hey, I got good news and bad news though. But it's awesome that that's great that she's | 00:39:37 | |
done that. | 00:39:42 | |
And when do you have something to tell us about your city Town hall from last meeting? | 00:39:49 | |
So last time was my first little town hall meeting, and we're planning to meet once a month, like from 5:00 to 5:45 before this | 00:40:01 | |
meeting the first Tuesday of the month. And we had a good turn out. We had seven people. | 00:40:08 | |
Christy did speak to me and I told her I didn't know anything about the animal shelter. I didn't know anything about anything. So | 00:40:16 | |
I just tried to clear that up. But I did a lot of research. I followed up with everybody with animal shelter. | 00:40:21 | |
With cards for about, about zoning, we we talked a lot. We figured out a few grants and then I spoke with Ruby today. | 00:40:27 | |
To see what we wanted to pursue, what is going to be priorities for the city, to make sure that we're that I'm looking for the | 00:40:35 | |
right things at the right time. Well, no, thank you for starting that, though. Yeah, because I do think there's going to be things | 00:40:42 | |
we can help with. And there's there's always many. It just depends when and how you ask and how much data you have. So it'd be | 00:40:49 | |
great to have that data from those ladies about what the complaints are because that just helps. | 00:40:56 | |
You know so. | 00:41:05 | |
But just anything. | 00:41:07 | |
And personnel. | 00:41:19 | |
But but Lupe has taken it upon himself to really spend a lot of time. | 00:41:21 | |
Working there as far as animals are concerned, expanding the facility, expanding the services, having drop off going to the vets | 00:41:28 | |
and. | 00:41:34 | |
It's 100%. | 00:41:42 | |
Almost full as far as what we're capable of doing. And if we're not getting good reviews, I apologize for that. But the bottom | 00:41:43 | |
line is, you know, there's a, there's a limit to how much a small city can do when the county doesn't help us, Alamo doesn't help | 00:41:50 | |
us and we don't get the volunteers like we used to. And I, I'm just telling you the the ladies that used to really be after me and | 00:41:57 | |
they were in my office. | 00:42:04 | |
Every week, Mrs. White. | 00:42:12 | |
Dorothy Brooke. And who's the other one? She was always here and she would tell me personally what she saw and what was going on, | 00:42:14 | |
and then I would have to go attend to it. And so that's how I do business, whether it's the streets or sewer or water or social | 00:42:23 | |
services or a gym. | 00:42:31 | |
People come in here, they can't get to his office, Lupus. Or they come and tell me, hey, I can't get up. So then we call him in. | 00:42:40 | |
So that's what I was. | 00:42:45 | |
Kind of ranting about, but if there needs to be improvement, tell me what we need to do, tell me how much it's going to cost and | 00:42:50 | |
we'll try to see if it's in the budget and and that's all we can do and that's all that goes for all the services. But you've got | 00:42:58 | |
tremendous volunteerism from our Fire Chief, police chief, city councillors who are doing. | 00:43:06 | |
Community stuff, and I'm not a committee guy. I'm sorry, Marianne. | 00:43:16 | |
Not much of A committee guy. If something needs to be done, we'll okay the committee hopefully will come to us and ask us for what | 00:43:23 | |
and we can go to you for grants. But grants only lasts for so long. They're not recurring, recurring cost coverage. They're good | 00:43:31 | |
for buildings and trucks. Animal control truck is 100,000 bucks with a box on it. So those are the things that. | 00:43:39 | |
And I didn't know about your app. If you go to apps and get the city of Sapporo, New Mexico, New Mexico app Yeah, Robo. | 00:43:47 | |
Well, we've had maybe out of 10,000 people, we have 600 people on it. That's it. You know, I don't know how many we have on the | 00:43:55 | |
app Ruby, but you know, it's amazing what that app can do. And so I think that getting people educated to use that app would help | 00:44:03 | |
alleviate some of their pain points because if they don't feel heard, they're not going down the right path. | 00:44:11 | |
If if I felt that our employees were doing what they were supposed to be doing. | 00:44:20 | |
I'll be the first one to tell you, but I'm gonna support my employees. And if people want to point fingers at my employees when I | 00:44:24 | |
know they're doing 100 percent, 110% on weekend, you know, sometimes they're not there and the police have to call or things | 00:44:30 | |
happen. But I I can only tell you that we're trying and we're trying to do the best we can. Nobody's going out on purpose trying | 00:44:37 | |
to hurt animals. | 00:44:43 | |
You know, we're trying to give a service and maybe we're only hitting 40 percent, 50% like they hit 100%, but. | 00:44:50 | |
I'm going to stand up for the people that are there out there working their tails off because they're working, you know, 4050 | 00:44:57 | |
sixty hours a week at the same one project. Yeah, so I think that and I and I like I said, I always like to do it in front of | 00:45:03 | |
people who have the complaint. I'm not saying this behind their back, but I'm just saying, but that's that's what this is. But I | 00:45:10 | |
think our grant wise we're moving forward. They'll work on it. We're getting some coming in tonight. | 00:45:17 | |
You know, I think we we do build the county. | 00:45:24 | |
But people from all over dump animals on us. You know, we had one house that had 22 hours, more than that, maybe more, Lupe. | 00:45:28 | |
56 So, you know, I mean, it's, it's a tremendous stress on the employees, a tremendous stress. | 00:45:39 | |
And to point fingers and say we deserve better or people are not complimenting us, well, you know. | 00:45:49 | |
Been doing our best. | 00:45:55 | |
I think you're doing a really good job. I'm impressed when I write the grants and I can say how long employees have been here, | 00:45:57 | |
what they've been doing to solve problems, I think. | 00:46:02 | |
Anyway, thanks for having the meeting. Thank you. Anyone else out there garbage pickup? How bad is that? | 00:46:09 | |
OK. And that Senior Center, how terrible is that? | 00:46:16 | |
Huh. Come up here and tell us all about your Senior Center on the dances you're having and all that stuff. | 00:46:23 | |
Yeah, we're taking on a lot in the city. I mean, if it's not easy, OK, everything. | 00:46:31 | |
Going good. We don't have any heat in the heat there right now. So we're working on that. We have to close the Center for a few | 00:46:36 | |
days. Hopefully it'll get warm up here soon. And you know what happened? It went out the buildings all the the HVAC is getting | 00:46:43 | |
better. I mean it getting fixed. It's getting fixed. We applied for emergency capital outlay money. So what's this? I have to go | 00:46:49 | |
talk to you employees. | 00:46:55 | |
That I snap them in line. Yeah, I think they're doing better now. They're telling them that we're coming. | 00:47:03 | |
Sounds good public over here if they watch it. | 00:47:08 | |
We have our good days. We have everything is going good. Everything is productive. We just had a recent audit, 0 findings. So | 00:47:12 | |
we're very happy with that. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you could make a meeting more. | 00:47:21 | |
The first meeting in about 10 months or what? | 00:47:30 | |
A year, so you got what you could do another thing. | 00:47:33 | |
It's a good part. So they they're running, they're doing the trenches to put the new electrical. So we'll have the new lights at | 00:47:41 | |
the studio park before the 1st Warrior baseball game. So that's what I'm going to bring up. And have you talked to the | 00:47:48 | |
Superintendent, The new Superintendent? She's not here yet. Just saying that, you know, we're giving the schools the field and so | 00:47:55 | |
we need some help from the schools. | 00:48:02 | |
As far as the field is concerned, and then you know, whether it's red clay or they did give me some money. | 00:48:09 | |
Except the dugouts and stuff, but it's a field that Title 9 has to have. | 00:48:17 | |
And the boys have feel, but they're using our city field. So I think I'm saying that in public because we do need some help from | 00:48:23 | |
them. | 00:48:28 | |
We're going to move the girls, we're going to move the fields around to get more parking. And then I don't know, Damien, if you | 00:48:32 | |
they want to do a splash pad and they have we've had a few meetings and we kind of have it finalized what what we're going to do. | 00:48:37 | |
We need some help with that. So, yeah, so I'll be meeting with the Superintendent and and, and I didn't say anything to the chief | 00:48:42 | |
about this, but. | 00:48:48 | |
Generally we've already got the double white for the Friends of the Library ready to go. Lloyd's been working on It's going to Go. | 00:48:53 | |
The architect's going to meet with the Police Department to try to finalize so that we can go and ask for the money properly. And, | 00:49:04 | |
and that's been, you know, appreciated that the Police Department has been working with us. I know they're under substandard | 00:49:09 | |
facilities, but hopefully it's going to get improved. We're going to put 30 more horse styles at the at the rodeo. That's going to | 00:49:15 | |
get started. | 00:49:20 | |
Right. And well, everything's moving forward. Thank you for coming. | 00:49:56 | |
I know that and I know the planning and zoning and ordinance committee met and full code enforcement and they're going to be | 00:50:03 | |
working on that. So that committees on on track to doing stuff. | 00:50:07 | |
Mr. Padilla, you got how's your workout, are you? Let me see your muscles. How's your equipment working? | 00:50:14 | |
How are you doing with? Come on up here, Get used to that. And what's going on with the? | 00:50:22 | |
Membership type of deal so that city employees are free to verify that the other day. How about the public? Have they used it? | 00:50:30 | |
Yes, we have about 15 to 20 that pay the $10 a month. So that's running smoothly. Basketball started last night for the little | 00:50:37 | |
kiddos. How did you get 212 total? So that's going good Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays. | 00:50:44 | |
Are we going to use work with the schools as far as their gym? Yes, they are letting us use Parkview at this time, so for | 00:50:51 | |
practices and stuff like that. Alrighty. OK. Anybody else, Christy, anybody anything? | 00:50:57 | |
Isaac gas is flowing like it's getting cold, man. | 00:51:09 | |
Are you still on any gas? | 00:51:14 | |
Is it hopefully not picking up? It's getting cold but. | 00:51:17 | |
We've been, we got all our OSHA stuff done. I think everything turned in right. | 00:51:23 | |
We're getting ready to start on some line replacement where you guys are going to pave on park and church, I believe will cut you | 00:51:29 | |
or center. | 00:51:34 | |
And then hopefully hit Otero and 6th Street right there. I guess that's the next one. | 00:51:40 | |
Trying to get whatever we before they put the new roads down, you know, I mean, change out of them. That's nice first, yeah. | 00:51:46 | |
So from the mayor, we've got 2 new things and new things, and you just mentioned one of them. OSHA came down here about a month | 00:51:54 | |
ago, three months ago, three months ago and just. | 00:52:00 | |
Torah. So you know what? | 00:52:07 | |
And finds in the hundreds of thousands. | 00:52:09 | |
I'm glad a newspaper left but but anyway, all the departments are working on it. We've got a lawyer working on it. | 00:52:14 | |
We had a grinder with the fire department that that didn't have a plastic cover, you know, like a cover like that and hadn't been | 00:52:23 | |
used maybe once in every two years. They find us $11,000 for that ground grinder without a plastic cover. | 00:52:31 | |
And so we just threw the grinder away and we got to use it. So there are things like that. So you're going to hear this. And so | 00:52:41 | |
and we're going to have to I guess put a notice out, but I just want to let the council know that this we're dealing with. So you | 00:52:46 | |
heard it here. | 00:52:51 | |
I also met with the thanks to Chairman Anaya. We met with Mr. Gonzalez, the new coop director, and he's a super guy. He is a | 00:52:56 | |
really a super guy. Comes from Wilcox, Arizona, lived all his life in Wilcox. Wilcox is half the size of Socorro, but their | 00:53:06 | |
cooperative is like 20 times bigger than the Co-op Sulphur Springs Corporate Electric Cooperative. But the guy is fantastic. He's. | 00:53:15 | |
Military, 25 years as a Marine and worked as a vice president of technology for Sulphur Spring Electric. Very willing to have a | 00:53:26 | |
dialogue about solar and about the city. And the first thing I asked him if he was going to put up our Christmas lights and that's | 00:53:33 | |
so mean. Right away he said yes, we are. He said in Wilcox. They go out and do that all over town and all the different cities and | 00:53:40 | |
that they cover. | 00:53:47 | |
So. But he was. | 00:53:54 | |
Terrific. We had a couple of hours that we sat and talked and he really opened a lot of things. I think his door is going to be | 00:53:56 | |
open. He will look. He didn't didn't promise anything, but at least he promised a dialogue. So I want to tell you that that was a | 00:54:03 | |
real positive, positive step. And I have to thank Mr. and I are the chairman for setting up the meeting. And so that was great. So | 00:54:09 | |
we did that. So those are the two big things from the on the city. | 00:54:16 | |
Anyhow. | 00:54:25 | |
Old business. | 00:54:26 | |
Executive session. We could have had that I guess. | 00:54:30 | |
Anyway, personnel changes we have. | 00:54:34 | |
Michael Aragon, firefighter, he is Dustin Moreland as a firefighter. Leo Peterson is a firefighter and gentleman Gomez Senior | 00:54:38 | |
Center resignation and a citywide increase. You can see all of that somewhere. You have that somewhere or what? Oh, here | 00:54:46 | |
everybody's I think up 5%. | 00:54:53 | |
And that's it. Mr. McMullen had approved the personnel changes. Second, seconded. All in favor. And as we heard about the business | 00:55:02 | |
registrations, but he's not on it right now. This is the West of Rio, Wellington Woodard Healthcare and Beauty. And then we have | 00:55:11 | |
more marijuana. This is Sacred Soul, 68 Schwittle Rd. Joshua Walker integrated. | 00:55:20 | |
Micro Producer. | 00:55:30 | |
That's it. Make a motion. We approve the business registrations. I second. | 00:55:33 | |
Hi, next meeting January 21st. | 00:55:40 | |
Happy New Year, Yes. | 00:55:45 | |
You. | 00:55:49 |
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Name | Document type | |
Resolution No. 25-01-07d - CDBG Certifications and Commitments | General Document | |
Resolution No. 25-01-07c - Purchasing Policy Resolution | General Document | |
Resolution No. 25-01-07b - Governing Body Rules of Procedure | General Document | |
Resolution No. 25-01-07a - Open Meetings 2025 | General Document |
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Somebody all right? This is a City of Socorro City Council meeting Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. Roll call, please. | 00:00:03 | |
Councillor Tavis Lopez, Counselor Dean. | 00:00:13 | |
Councillor Fleming here, Councillor Ocampo here, Councillor Olguin, Councillor Partridge here, Councillor Romero, Councillor | 00:00:17 | |
Salome. We do have a quorum on rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:24 | |
Say it now, ya? | 00:00:50 | |
Mr. Mayor. | 00:00:52 | |
Mr. Mayor, Mr. | 00:00:54 | |
Holo. | 00:00:58 | |
We need to remove off the agenda. | 00:00:59 | |
6F confined space program. | 00:01:06 | |
It's not quite ready to approve. | 00:01:11 | |
OK. So moved if we could get the motion to make a motion, we approve the consent agenda minus item 6F. | 00:01:14 | |
Move and 2nd and all in favor aye vote. | 00:01:27 | |
OK, Danny, you are up. | 00:01:31 | |
Tell us all about your great artist and some of your successes you've had with the bus program. So awesome. So thank you, Mayor | 00:01:34 | |
Council Lena, thank you guys for getting this all together. So we came last year at the end of the school year and we had a poster | 00:01:41 | |
contest and last year we had 56 red light or stop arm runners. And so far this last semester that was 14. So that was a huge | 00:01:49 | |
improvement. So thank you. | 00:01:56 | |
For for putting it out there and thank Chief Garcia for doing your stuff. That was it is it is really helping. | 00:02:04 | |
So this is pretty cool. So we did another one in October during School Bus Safety Week and this time we have one from Charter, | 00:02:16 | |
from Parkview, from Midway, San Antonio and Middle School. So we took our first place winners and these are our first place | 00:02:22 | |
winners from those schools and we have everybody here. | 00:02:29 | |
But Serena from the middle school, she's out of town. But if Miss Emory Montoya can come up. | 00:02:35 | |
Grab your art, let's see which one you did. | 00:02:46 | |
Miss Emery, she was first place. | 00:02:50 | |
So and thank you guys for the gifts. Oh, you're welcome. | 00:02:56 | |
Ash right? I didn't know people still had that. I do not. | 00:03:03 | |
What? | 00:03:10 | |
This is from San Antonio schools. Great. | 00:03:15 | |
And then we have Samuel. | 00:03:24 | |
Come on up towards us so you can be seen on TV. Come on around here. Just line up right in front of us, right? Don't worry, just | 00:03:31 | |
looking. Look at yourself on the camera, at the camera. | 00:03:37 | |
He's from. | 00:03:53 | |
Congratulations. | 00:03:57 | |
Awesome. | 00:04:02 | |
Hey. | 00:04:05 | |
Well, congratulations for doing this project, Polo. Get a picture for us there. | 00:04:08 | |
Can you turn the camera to them or no? | 00:04:13 | |
It's on him. Was it there now? OK, it's got a little delay. | 00:04:16 | |
And again, thank you, Mayor. We'll get those put up around the city and hopefully we can cut it down to 0, right? That is this is | 00:04:34 | |
working great. So thank you guys very much for your support. Congratulations. | 00:04:40 | |
Thank you, Dan. | 00:04:46 | |
Thank you parents for coming to support your kids. | 00:04:47 | |
Thank you, Daniel. And you can adjourn if you'd like. You're welcome to. You're welcome to follow them outside if you'd like to | 00:04:52 | |
go. | 00:04:56 | |
Your job. | 00:05:11 | |
You're welcome. Thank you for coming. | 00:05:16 | |
All right, So we've got some housekeeping to do at the beginning of the year. The first one is just going to public hearing for | 00:05:20 | |
CW. | 00:05:25 | |
Don't worry that Mister Mayor, that's the Clean Water State Revolving Fund we discussed at the last meeting and I made an | 00:05:31 | |
administrative mistake and I advertised it to be at this meeting. So rather than re advertise, I decided to have the public | 00:05:37 | |
meeting tonight still and then wait till the next meeting to meet the advertisement requirement. So we'll be an action item on the | 00:05:43 | |
next agenda. | 00:05:48 | |
Going to public hearing. | 00:05:55 | |
Make a motion to run the public hearing for ordinance #24-12-17 second moved and seconded discussion. Well all in favor aye and | 00:05:58 | |
public hearing for say about what it is for again this is the clean water state revolving fund. Will you applied because we needed | 00:06:06 | |
some more funding to expand the Evergreen area and we received 500,000 in a grant in 250 in a loan. | 00:06:15 | |
And I understand, Lloyd, when is that ground going to be broken for that? | 00:06:25 | |
On the 26th January there on Evergreen and Granada and that goes all the way to. | 00:06:32 | |
Super. | 00:06:49 | |
When they do peel for that whole area, then I'm not sure. | 00:06:51 | |
Have a. | 00:06:56 | |
So this will take care of everybody in that area. | 00:06:57 | |
Any comments make a motion go back in a regular session. | 00:07:00 | |
OK, We have a bunch of resolutions. Mr. Who's Mr. Romero? | 00:07:09 | |
That was well. Is there other people that are? I'm sorry, I did. I thought he was. Mr. Hicks was the only one. Is anyone else on | 00:07:16 | |
public forum that would like to make a comment that's not on the agenda? | 00:07:21 | |
You did. | 00:07:28 | |
And he was saying any from anything from the new faces. | 00:07:30 | |
Now come on up and tell us who you are and what your question or my name is. Jordan Robles, born and raised here. Some of you | 00:07:34 | |
might know my face, some of you might don't. A lot of you have known me because throughout my high school years that I worked at | 00:07:41 | |
Rocks Building Supply and I supplied the customer service both the inside and the lumberyard. And I was always treated fairly | 00:07:49 | |
because I knew what the material lumber, everything that I ever. | 00:07:56 | |
So our local businesses was the key foundation to our city and so that being said to I don't grow to the city, I have applied for | 00:08:04 | |
a license for my detailing services and power washing. | 00:08:10 | |
I want to provide to community and all your business for myself, well, for our city and what my plans are for this is. | 00:08:19 | |
Eventually that I want to give more time to what the community and with my power washing them as my revenue and my growth will | 00:08:28 | |
proceed out in the future if I get this approval today. | 00:08:33 | |
I want to be able when our teams or whether it's football, wrestling, volleyball, whatever teams need assistance in the car | 00:08:39 | |
washes, I'll be more than happy to lend my assistance with my equipment for any power washing and sponsoring any things like that. | 00:08:48 | |
Because I want to get back to the community and I'm giving a, a new form of, of service to this community because. | 00:08:57 | |
Nobody gives the power washing that I do the the competition I have. | 00:09:06 | |
Is in northern Albuquerque, Rio Rancho and Las Cruces and where's your business going to be. I wanted everything here. And did you | 00:09:13 | |
did you apply for a business license Yes because I don't see that on Friday and I was told that it was going to be talked about | 00:09:21 | |
here and I just wanted to bring up my face and my name to oh good. Well I'm glad you came probably this meeting. | 00:09:29 | |
You're, I mean, you're not going to have any trouble getting your business license, but it's not on the agenda. | 00:09:38 | |
For this, for this meeting, but we'll probably have it at the next meeting. But your, your comments are well taken and we'll make | 00:09:43 | |
sure that we let everybody know about your business you do houses or cars or how do you do it since I'm going to start out single, | 00:09:50 | |
single owner, single co-founder, single founder, everything that's all on me. So I'm going to do express card detailing and I'm | 00:09:58 | |
also extended it to horse trailers because we live in our agricultural state so. | 00:10:05 | |
To provide to our agriculture that I use PITA approved. | 00:10:13 | |
Oh, chemicals because I have to take in consideration we are agriculture, we have crops, we have animals, we have children. As a | 00:10:17 | |
father, I am not only that I want to extend that to the horse shutters. But if I could kind of after so much revenue and so much | 00:10:24 | |
marketing that I want to be able to land a contract with our city and since I am mobile with my trailer or on my own vehicle that | 00:10:32 | |
that have permission and the contract to go to our local parks and spray down. | 00:10:39 | |
The equipment of all the slides, all the equipment because as a father that I understand RSV and COVID is still an outgoing issue. | 00:10:47 | |
And being a local born and raised here of 27 years, I understand the homeless and other drug influences in this community. Like | 00:10:55 | |
sometimes as a parent, you're scared to have a child going on those slides or use certain equipment and. | 00:11:04 | |
How often do we have that sanitized? | 00:11:13 | |
Thank you for letting us know about your business. And so I want to make sure we pass and get in touch with you. | 00:11:16 | |
I'm not looking for to make my pocket go. I'm looking to have a community go because born and raised here, I want to see it go. | 00:11:21 | |
But leave us the contact information on you and we'll make sure we talk to you about the project, all right? | 00:11:28 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you for coming. Congratulations on starting the business. | 00:11:36 | |
Right. Yes, Yes, ma'am. Corner. | 00:11:42 | |
Who may I leave in polo? | 00:11:47 | |
Hi, I'm Christy Smith. I live here. I was here a month ago and I heard something about a housing development. I don't know if this | 00:11:52 | |
is the right forum to ask about that, but I heard maybe you Robbie mentioned it gets a little early. We haven't really made any | 00:11:57 | |
headway with that. And I know you wanted me to move the podium over there and I will next time, but I just curious what so there's | 00:12:03 | |
a possibility that he might be part of that or something. We're not sure. We have not had any any movement on that yet, although | 00:12:09 | |
we have a realtor we have. | 00:12:15 | |
And it's a matter of financing and the interest rates are so high right now. That's where the problem is. Thank you for bringing | 00:12:22 | |
it up. Yes, ma'am. | 00:12:27 | |
Hi, I'm Rhiannon Viselli. I was here on November 19th when a bunch of people came to discuss the animal welfare and community | 00:12:38 | |
safety issues in Socorro, and we were just wondering if there was any update on the committee being formed between the city and | 00:12:44 | |
public. The council, Travis Lopez is putting together the committee and I think she's going to appoint two people from the | 00:12:49 | |
community to be on it. Only two. | 00:12:55 | |
Just two from the community, yeah. | 00:13:02 | |
OK. | 00:13:05 | |
Yeah, and but we're moving ahead with it. But I, I wasn't here at that meeting, but my recommendation is for you guys to get | 00:13:06 | |
involved with the animal shelter personally and see if you can foster some animals and, and keep them at home. And personally, I | 00:13:12 | |
am fostering an animal. I do dog training. | 00:13:17 | |
I took one from the reservation out in Alamo because that doesn't help the city shelter. It helps the county, right? And the | 00:13:25 | |
shelter is the only one in the county. | 00:13:29 | |
I can't speak for the county, but that's where the where the important part is for people that live in the city, get involved with | 00:13:35 | |
our city shelter and do some of the volunteer work that used to be done a long time ago with Miss Brooke and, and they were very, | 00:13:43 | |
very active specifically being involved in that and not really asking for anything except that go to work and take care of the | 00:13:50 | |
animals. That's where I am as mayor that I would like to see the people that are involved in. | 00:13:58 | |
Animal care and animal welfare, that they personally get involved rather than, you know, being at the Alamo. I think it'd be | 00:14:06 | |
better if they were in the city. OK, I did e-mail and I didn't get anything back. I personally went to the shelter. I went | 00:14:12 | |
directly to the shelter and I wasn't even allowed in the building. So we have our animal control guy here, Lupe, was there a | 00:14:18 | |
problem? And people getting into the shelter and volunteering? | 00:14:24 | |
Huh. Yeah, When was that? | 00:14:32 | |
You're welcome to come up and make a comment. Identify yourself. | 00:14:35 | |
OK, Leah Tevis and I am the one who spoke on the 19th meeting that Ran is speaking about. We have tried every Ave. to work with | 00:14:39 | |
the shelter and that's why we presented it. You haven't come to City Hall and complained to the mayor that you couldn't get into | 00:14:46 | |
the shelter. I haven't spoken to you ever because we were trying to do things without getting the city involved. We were doing | 00:14:54 | |
everything we could in our power and that's why we did come to the city eventually to say hey, this is. | 00:15:01 | |
The committee is going to be active, but my my direction to the to the committee is. | 00:15:09 | |
Get the people in the committee, get active at the shelter, see what the conditions are like, see what they've seen and what can | 00:15:15 | |
be done. And I would welcome people to volunteer and get on the schedule. You may or may not be aware, but we did put together a | 00:15:21 | |
community survey to ask people about what their experience has been. We have 147 responses. How does that help the animals? It's | 00:15:27 | |
just it highlights the issue that people are having with the shelter. So many people have said that they've gone and are turned | 00:15:33 | |
away. | 00:15:38 | |
They've called, they're never called back. And I haven't heard one person come. OK, We have 147 responses saying otherwise. Let me | 00:15:45 | |
see them and I'll have a talk with each one of them if that's the case. But I haven't had one person come to my office and | 00:15:52 | |
complain about the shelter. I think that people don't know where to put their voice. And that's what we're doing for an hour at | 00:16:00 | |
11. Lena is here. They take. I meet with people every day on different subjects. I've never met with any of you people. | 00:16:07 | |
About the shelter, I would like to weigh in, Connie Robnett here to weigh in on the same subject and to say that we have been | 00:16:15 | |
encouraged by city employees not to go to escalate this. | 00:16:22 | |
I'm telling you first hand that which employee? | 00:16:31 | |
Told us that we should speak to him directly and we spoke to him directly. No better, yes. | 00:16:37 | |
And things and still all the animals at the shelter, all the dogs at the shelter got you guys without, without any outreach into | 00:16:45 | |
the community. | 00:16:50 | |
Well, I can tell you it's administratively. I'm responsible for the shelter. If you feel that you've had problems, and this goes | 00:16:55 | |
for every department in the city. People have problems with the people that are running the specific department. They come to me | 00:17:01 | |
personally. My door is always open. I've yet to hear from you before. And 147 people, I have not heard one person come to my | 00:17:07 | |
office and complain or write me a letter. And I have many, many times. Mrs. Brooke did. I've had many people, Misses White did. | 00:17:13 | |
Those people were involved. | 00:17:19 | |
Personally, in the care of the animals at the shelter, I've yet to see any people here that are on that committee that you have be | 00:17:25 | |
personally done. | 00:17:31 | |
On the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, you may not remember. | 00:17:36 | |
I'm talking about actually working at the shelter. We've all volunteered at the shelter. We all find our names on the volunteer | 00:17:41 | |
list. We've all been there. We have tried to do and turned away. That's what I would want you to do. I know there was a big | 00:17:47 | |
question about euthanasia at the shelter, but we have made many, many efforts. | 00:17:53 | |
To transport animals. But we've been so intuitive intonated from Alamo, from the county and our, our, we are overwhelmed with | 00:18:00 | |
animals and our budget cannot stand it. We, we acknowledge that and that it's a nationwide problem. We know this. But what we're | 00:18:05 | |
asking for is more transparency from the shelter and also for the shelter to work with the community. That is a big gap there. And | 00:18:11 | |
so that's a bridge that we've been trying to build with the different organizations that we have and we have been doing a lot of | 00:18:17 | |
work. | 00:18:23 | |
That should be on the city. You know, we are taking animals off the street. We are getting animals rehomed. We are vaccinating | 00:18:29 | |
animals. We are spaying. | 00:18:33 | |
With our own money. I heard you had an event here at this Plaza that was people from Berlin, from Valencia, County Lupe. What was | 00:18:39 | |
that? | 00:18:44 | |
And the reason they did that is because they said that they could not get in contact with our local shelter, so they chose to. | 00:18:59 | |
It's the truth though, because when you go to the shelter, often it is not open when it says they're going to going to be open. | 00:19:09 | |
They do not answer their phone when during business hours. So it's very hard for community members to get anything done at the | 00:19:14 | |
shelter. | 00:19:18 | |
I'll attend to that. I mean, what's the, what's the schedule with the shelter? | 00:19:25 | |
Use that. | 00:19:30 | |
Is there a live person at the desk at the shelter? | 00:19:35 | |
How do people, how do people approach the shelter to get in, at least have a conversation with somebody there? How would they do | 00:19:43 | |
that? | 00:19:46 | |
Do they have to go find somebody or? | 00:19:54 | |
Well, yeah, I can only tell you what schedules we have and that there are people there all the time at the shelter that she just | 00:20:01 | |
said from 8:00 to 4:00. And I I'm just surprised that you haven't been able to make contact with anybody there. | 00:20:07 | |
Well, we look forward to discussing this further at the committee meetings and making some changes because this community deserves | 00:20:15 | |
it and so do the animals. The community deserves the shelter that's been running here for 35 years that we've continually | 00:20:21 | |
expanded. So it's not like we haven't been doing anything. So I'm not sure what the term deserves. The community deserves the | 00:20:27 | |
shelter means because I think that we've been given a pretty good service with a limited budget we've had we can look at | 00:20:33 | |
communities that are our neighbors that have. | 00:20:39 | |
Sierra County, Sierra County, Sierra County has a private shelter that the city shelter actually had to close and they were given | 00:20:47 | |
the, the, the area that was going to be meant for a police station to be used as a shelter. But that was a, that's a, that's a | 00:20:53 | |
private shelter. I'm not sure if is that a municipal shelter you're talking about in Saratoga. | 00:21:00 | |
Who runs that shelter in Luke and Sierra County? | 00:21:07 | |
Because they at one time asked us to take some of their animals because they were disbanding now. This was so. | 00:21:13 | |
Yeah. So, you know, I talked to the director there weekly and they have said nothing of the sort. | 00:21:22 | |
Well, I can tell you is what we've, the experience we've had with that and I'll look into that. But I was under the impression | 00:21:32 | |
that was a private shelter as being they have one, but that's different. They have two. They have a rescue, Desert Haven Animal | 00:21:38 | |
Rescue, and then they have the Sierra County Shelter. Well, we can use that as a model and I'd be more than happy to copy that, | 00:21:43 | |
but we'll look into that. Perhaps the committee can look into the other shelter. I know the Valencia County Animal Shelter was | 00:21:48 | |
having all kinds of problems. | 00:21:53 | |
With the one in Los Lunas. | 00:21:59 | |
The Valencia County shelter has been incredibly helpful to us with letting us know how they operate. It's, it's an incredible | 00:22:02 | |
operation they have going there and it's running very smoothly. And instead of euthanizing all of their animals all at once, what | 00:22:08 | |
they do is they do a ton of outreach with the community to get animals into homes. And then they also do daily walkthroughs to see | 00:22:14 | |
if there are animals that are ill or maybe have behavioral issues that do need to be put down to make room for new animals, | 00:22:20 | |
because we all know that. | 00:22:26 | |
There is no lack of animals running around. And I'll send you some news articles that I have from the Valencia shelter and what | 00:22:32 | |
the problems were. I don't think that's true. I think what you're saying is not there may be trying to work at that, but I know | 00:22:39 | |
they've had all kinds of problems over there. Well, we've been visiting all these shelters and talking with the directors to | 00:22:47 | |
figure out how we can have a better shelter here in Sequoia. But I think Miss Chavez Lopez probably going to point you to the. | 00:22:54 | |
Also, so you'll be able to have your input there. That would be excellent. But I will tell you the administration is very, I'm a | 00:23:02 | |
little taken aback as as to the aggressiveness and the put down shelter that you're doing with the city. I really, and I wasn't at | 00:23:09 | |
that meeting, unfortunately, but I really thought that was really out of hand as to how the people that you have together are | 00:23:17 | |
trying to put a black mark on our animal shelter, which I think has been trying to do as well as you can, especially without any. | 00:23:24 | |
Help No one is trying to put a black mark on the shelter. | 00:23:32 | |
Comments that you had at that of the meeting on this meeting are really about, you know, what you think, what, what the community | 00:23:38 | |
deserves and so forth. | 00:23:42 | |
Can with what they have. | 00:24:17 | |
All right. Thank you, Mr. No, I'm just gonna say it sounds like, I mean, it sounds like an issue. We're just getting back from the | 00:24:19 | |
holidays and it sounds like they're addressing the issue and that we're gonna try to look at ways to make things better. But it is | 00:24:25 | |
just our first meeting back and they were meeting earlier seeing them. So I think they are making headway on it. It's just, that's | 00:24:31 | |
great to hear. Just gonna take a little time to get everything organized and done that you can see we're Rev and ready to go. | 00:24:37 | |
Yeah. Yeah. | 00:24:43 | |
I think they are too. They seem. | 00:24:49 | |
This is a symptom of the inflation that's, that's been brought upon our country. People can't afford to feed their dogs. So hence | 00:24:56 | |
we have overpopulation in all of our, our panels and all of our facilities. So it's hit us hard. It's hit everybody hard. And I | 00:25:05 | |
think we need to, you know, some patience and the work through this because, you know. | 00:25:14 | |
Can't afford to feed them. | 00:25:25 | |
Mr. Mill on adding to that, you know, I think our, our veterinary bills are, you know, like 25,000 + a month sometimes for. | 00:25:27 | |
Not a month. | 00:25:38 | |
No, but 25, I think we'd be broke for sure. But they're high. Yeah, they're high. No. | 00:25:40 | |
You know. | 00:25:48 | |
Anything else, Mr. Lopez, you're going to be the. | 00:25:51 | |
Recipient of some of this, I look forward to working with you all and any ideas. I know funding is a major part, so if you know of | 00:25:54 | |
any grant writers or if you know of any grants that we can apply for, you know, I more than willing to listen, but I look forward | 00:26:00 | |
to working with you all. Thank you. We look forward to working with you too, and we've got tons of ideas to throw your way. Thank | 00:26:06 | |
you, thanks, thank you, thank you. | 00:26:12 | |
Anyone else? | 00:26:19 | |
Yes, ma'am. | 00:26:21 | |
Christy Smith again, I live here. | 00:26:29 | |
I've never heard anybody say anything good about this children. | 00:26:32 | |
I've never heard anyone say anything good about the shelter here, I'm afraid. I'm sorry. I my boyfriend lived here for 23 years. | 00:26:37 | |
I've only lived here for 4. But it's really hard to get ahold of people. Their staff is not well trained, they're not friendly. | 00:26:43 | |
It's just not a nice place. OK. | 00:26:48 | |
It needs lots of work and help, and we talked to Gwen last month about grants, Gwen Valentino about possible grants to do other | 00:26:56 | |
kinds of honor projects that might improve the shelter. She said the city of Espanola got a grant to build a spay and neuter | 00:27:04 | |
clinic and they did that and it was pretty great. So she's aware that that's an issue that she might look for grants for. Thanks. | 00:27:12 | |
I'll make available to the committee. | 00:27:22 | |
Go back to Espanola and in my turn I've been long term in office. Espanola got half $1,000,000 about 20 years ago to build a brand | 00:27:26 | |
new shelter. | 00:27:31 | |
And again, the Valencia County shelter, the Sierra County shelter, I'll give you a anthology of of the comments and the evolution | 00:27:36 | |
of their shelters and how they had their ups and downs. And, and I know people pick points in history that are that are that are. | 00:27:46 | |
Compatible with their theory of what they're talking about. But I think historically, if you look at the shelter and the problems | 00:27:57 | |
that we've had in the state on animal shelters and animal welfare. | 00:28:02 | |
They're they're tremendous, even to that point where the governor at one time got involved with it. So I'd be more than happy to | 00:28:08 | |
provide the committee at the ontology of of. | 00:28:13 | |
Horizontal history of. | 00:28:19 | |
Animal shelters in small towns in New Mexico. And I think whether we have had good or bad remarks about it, I really think we've | 00:28:21 | |
done a reasonably good job. And this is from the days of Dorothy Brooke, Missus White and Misses. | 00:28:29 | |
Is this Parson? So yes, you know, those people were kind of the just like the library there was. Those are people that were the | 00:28:38 | |
foundation of how the shelters really started going and then how it's expanded and is doing as much as it can. So whether people | 00:28:44 | |
say good or bad about it, I would like for them to really realize what the history of animal shelter is in Socorro County and the | 00:28:50 | |
city of Socorro and some of the other counties that you spoke about. | 00:28:57 | |
I came to New Mexico on 44 1/2 years ago to Santa Fe. | 00:29:03 | |
And there was hardly anything in Santa Fe for animals I fostered, took care of that, fixed with my own money, dogs and cats and | 00:29:09 | |
puppies, and gave them away. So you're right, historically, New Mexico has been pretty bad about animal care and animal welfare. | 00:29:15 | |
But that's because we were starting from a Third World perspective. OK. So we need to really up our game. Well, we've got a lot of | 00:29:22 | |
Third World stuff, children welfare, medical care. | 00:29:28 | |
There's a lot of third world stuff going on here. | 00:29:35 | |
But I'm specifically talking about animal shelters. So and again, we can put it in perspective as to what's happened and the | 00:29:39 | |
evolution of the, the shelter here in the the city and the other cities. Anyway, OK, we've got resolutions that we have to have at | 00:29:47 | |
the beginning of the year, opening meetings, governing body rules, purchasing policy. If we would like to, I'll make a motion. | 00:29:55 | |
On the way to approve resolution #25-01-07AB and C. | 00:30:04 | |
Second moved and seconded discussion. All in favor, aye? | 00:30:13 | |
And resolution for CDBG certification and commitments exhibit one dash. Why? What is that polo? | 00:30:18 | |
That's just our our yearly resolution for our CDBG projects. | 00:30:30 | |
Past resolution #25-01-07D. | 00:30:36 | |
So moved and seconded discussion and all in favor, Aye, we're doing the CWG project. When's the bid? When's that going to get | 00:30:43 | |
started? | 00:30:47 | |
We're still waiting on the agreement. The DFA asked me for some different information just this afternoon. I sent it to him back | 00:30:54 | |
in December 19th and they should be giving me the no agreement any day. And once we receive that, we'll schedule it. | 00:31:02 | |
Very good. We have new business. | 00:31:12 | |
Cartridge we have our wrestling event this weekend. Friday will be the girls will wrestle and then we'll the boys will duel Aztec | 00:31:17 | |
that evening and Saturday the boys will wrestle a tournament and then Sunday the little kids will wrestle through the MOU facility | 00:31:26 | |
usage through the the school that you guys have worked out prior to me being here. So it should be a busy weekend of wrestling. | 00:31:35 | |
At the high school, big influx of people and we look forward to that and just. I wish they would have stayed the folks that were | 00:31:45 | |
there because I wanted to say that my passion is wrestling and. And I've given up a lot of my time and we don't make money from | 00:31:52 | |
wrestling and we we love doing it and we help kids in the community and it's really. I don't think I'd be a Councilman if I didn't | 00:31:59 | |
wrestle. I really think that was the backbone of my people that. | 00:32:06 | |
To be here, and what I'm saying is I think early on, to credit to the council at the time and Mayor Rusker is it was just simply | 00:32:14 | |
like we'll help you, but if you're willing to do the work, we'll definitely help with it because you're passionate about it. | 00:32:22 | |
But I'm just saying, I think that's what it takes. Hopefully there'll be some good involvement and we can fix it. You know, I wear | 00:33:02 | |
my feelings on my sleeve and. | 00:33:06 | |
Public meeting is where I say what I'm going to say. I'm not going to do it behind anybodies back and I'm going to tell them | 00:33:11 | |
upfront how I feel about with this. There will be some commitment though to help them. So you know, it sounds like it's going to | 00:33:15 | |
be good. | 00:33:20 | |
**** are you going to tell us about the Matanza? | 00:33:27 | |
And did you bring some food with you? We ran out. | 00:33:32 | |
Thank you Mayor Council for having me. I just wanted to give you guys an update as to how we did on our, our 8th annual Mcconso | 00:33:36 | |
fundraiser for the community, the children of our community. We, we raised $8500. So with that, we took 85 kids at $100 a kid | 00:33:43 | |
shopping at Walmart. So it was a good, it was a good, it's only gotten better every year. So it's a good thing for the community. | 00:33:51 | |
So with that being said, I'd like to thank some people, of course, Mayor Bhaskar and the city for, for supporting this event. | 00:33:58 | |
Without you guys, this event wouldn't happen and those two are good 'cause So thank you guys. Thank Anton Salome and his family | 00:34:06 | |
for allowing us to use that property. You know, Stephen Ross and Sophia's Walmart, John Brooks. | 00:34:13 | |
Cheyenne and Darryl at at the tourism cities, all the city employees, Lloyd and his crew for putting up the the tents and all that | 00:34:22 | |
stuff. Everything that goes into, there's a lot of work. So and I wanted to give a special thanks out to a couple of people. | 00:34:29 | |
For the generous donations, Jerry and Dana gum and Mrs. Wolf from Magdalena, they donated some money to that cause. So thank you | 00:34:37 | |
guys. And last but not least, I'd like to thank my firefighters for all the hard work they did. That's those, those, those days | 00:34:44 | |
turn to be long days and hard work. And they, they do it for a good reason, you know, so, and they, they enjoy doing it. So thank | 00:34:51 | |
them. They, they do a wonderful job. Mr. Parker, I know you guys said last time how the children were selected. | 00:34:58 | |
I don't, I all I do is call the superintendent's office when I ask him to give me a list of kids that he does. This year was 85, | 00:35:07 | |
so I asked him to give me a list of 85 kids. They gave me a list, You know, so we have nothing to do with you. Congratulations. | 00:35:13 | |
Congratulations. We're keeping that going. | 00:35:18 | |
Yeah. Angela, have you got a little rundown on what you guys did with the Marines and some of the stuff you guys did? | 00:35:27 | |
This is the first approx like 30 second year going on. That's the 5th year with Marines Core Toys for Tots. This year we were able | 00:35:37 | |
to get in contact with one of the. | 00:35:43 | |
Sergeant majors in the Marine Corps and they were able to bring some guys down here. I got a little rundown as well. | 00:35:50 | |
We're able to give get you in a minute. | 00:35:57 | |
We collected 2888 toys. We serve 698 kids in our community. | 00:36:04 | |
We collected a total amount. | 00:36:14 | |
Of $6773. | 00:36:18 | |
Through the Toys for Tots, that's with my wife, thanks to her, thanks to the city and the council are allowing us to do this as | 00:36:24 | |
well. | 00:36:27 | |
Even as the storage for the toys while we are taking them out there. | 00:36:32 | |
Damon, thanks for letting us help you and your part, what you do here and your commitment in the community. And we also get our | 00:36:36 | |
our list through the schools and, and throughout the whole county of Socorro. So we serve Alamo, Magdalena, Vegeta, Socorro, San | 00:36:44 | |
Antonio Limited, all those areas. And ours is a little different. A lot of our kids sign up for the program. | 00:36:53 | |
Through Toys for Tots, it's a national base through the Marine Koi, Toys for Tots. So we get a lot of that and then we get people | 00:37:01 | |
who sign up at. | 00:37:05 | |
Walmart to receive these toys so we're blessed to give 698 kids toys for kit for toys apiece to do that 600 ninety 98 kids and it | 00:37:10 | |
was a great program. Thanks. | 00:37:17 | |
Excellent. About your Turkey drive and yeah, absolutely. I was going to jump on next in the house, so thank you, Mr. Mayor. I'd | 00:37:27 | |
like to thank the city of Sequoia. There's too many people to think individually. It's funny that the one one of them that I did | 00:37:34 | |
want to point out was the gums also. They helped us out quite a bit. But the CDs, Sequoia, the storehouse. | 00:37:42 | |
John Brooks, the major sponsors for the for you know, the hot Emil food drive that we took over from Toby all those years, 5050 | 00:37:50 | |
fifty year this year. | 00:37:55 | |
We served 250 meals, had tons of help from tons of people. It's turned into a whole day, a deal on a Saturday, the 1st, the last | 00:38:02 | |
Saturday before Christmas and we have deliveries going out and we're like a machine now. And it really is so much more than the | 00:38:09 | |
first day I took it over. The first year we took it over. I thought I don't know how Toby did it and honestly, we wouldn't able | 00:38:16 | |
to. We wouldn't have been able to do it on that first year without Toby's family coming down to helping. | 00:38:23 | |
And so we still get some of them coming down to hell. And now it's it's going smooth. And the only reason why it goes smooth is | 00:38:30 | |
because every year we have so many volunteers, so many kids helping. | 00:38:37 | |
We had the schools, couple canned food drives and, you know, I know I bug Ruby every year and she's always there ready to help. | 00:38:45 | |
And an Angel coming through this. Yeah. They just, you guys know, fidget spinners, little deals are old and they the kids spin | 00:38:50 | |
them. Yeah, yeah. Fidget spinners with speakers on them. I don't know how the heck you do that. | 00:38:56 | |
But I was sitting there and I'm just like, amazed by it. And I don't know, I, I just thought it was like the coolest thing ever | 00:39:02 | |
and such a great event, so smooth. And yeah, it was awesome. 250 families and it was a good deal. So thank. Thank you. | 00:39:10 | |
I mentioned it before, but Toby, yeah. | 00:39:19 | |
You know, Tobye daughter now is the chief operating officer of Lovelace, including the Heart Hospital, which is a big success. | 00:39:25 | |
That's really Mary Honey Armijo since she's helped her whole family comes down every year. This year they couldn't because they | 00:39:31 | |
were moving. She called us and she said, hey, I got good news and bad news though. But it's awesome that that's great that she's | 00:39:37 | |
done that. | 00:39:42 | |
And when do you have something to tell us about your city Town hall from last meeting? | 00:39:49 | |
So last time was my first little town hall meeting, and we're planning to meet once a month, like from 5:00 to 5:45 before this | 00:40:01 | |
meeting the first Tuesday of the month. And we had a good turn out. We had seven people. | 00:40:08 | |
Christy did speak to me and I told her I didn't know anything about the animal shelter. I didn't know anything about anything. So | 00:40:16 | |
I just tried to clear that up. But I did a lot of research. I followed up with everybody with animal shelter. | 00:40:21 | |
With cards for about, about zoning, we we talked a lot. We figured out a few grants and then I spoke with Ruby today. | 00:40:27 | |
To see what we wanted to pursue, what is going to be priorities for the city, to make sure that we're that I'm looking for the | 00:40:35 | |
right things at the right time. Well, no, thank you for starting that, though. Yeah, because I do think there's going to be things | 00:40:42 | |
we can help with. And there's there's always many. It just depends when and how you ask and how much data you have. So it'd be | 00:40:49 | |
great to have that data from those ladies about what the complaints are because that just helps. | 00:40:56 | |
You know so. | 00:41:05 | |
But just anything. | 00:41:07 | |
And personnel. | 00:41:19 | |
But but Lupe has taken it upon himself to really spend a lot of time. | 00:41:21 | |
Working there as far as animals are concerned, expanding the facility, expanding the services, having drop off going to the vets | 00:41:28 | |
and. | 00:41:34 | |
It's 100%. | 00:41:42 | |
Almost full as far as what we're capable of doing. And if we're not getting good reviews, I apologize for that. But the bottom | 00:41:43 | |
line is, you know, there's a, there's a limit to how much a small city can do when the county doesn't help us, Alamo doesn't help | 00:41:50 | |
us and we don't get the volunteers like we used to. And I, I'm just telling you the the ladies that used to really be after me and | 00:41:57 | |
they were in my office. | 00:42:04 | |
Every week, Mrs. White. | 00:42:12 | |
Dorothy Brooke. And who's the other one? She was always here and she would tell me personally what she saw and what was going on, | 00:42:14 | |
and then I would have to go attend to it. And so that's how I do business, whether it's the streets or sewer or water or social | 00:42:23 | |
services or a gym. | 00:42:31 | |
People come in here, they can't get to his office, Lupus. Or they come and tell me, hey, I can't get up. So then we call him in. | 00:42:40 | |
So that's what I was. | 00:42:45 | |
Kind of ranting about, but if there needs to be improvement, tell me what we need to do, tell me how much it's going to cost and | 00:42:50 | |
we'll try to see if it's in the budget and and that's all we can do and that's all that goes for all the services. But you've got | 00:42:58 | |
tremendous volunteerism from our Fire Chief, police chief, city councillors who are doing. | 00:43:06 | |
Community stuff, and I'm not a committee guy. I'm sorry, Marianne. | 00:43:16 | |
Not much of A committee guy. If something needs to be done, we'll okay the committee hopefully will come to us and ask us for what | 00:43:23 | |
and we can go to you for grants. But grants only lasts for so long. They're not recurring, recurring cost coverage. They're good | 00:43:31 | |
for buildings and trucks. Animal control truck is 100,000 bucks with a box on it. So those are the things that. | 00:43:39 | |
And I didn't know about your app. If you go to apps and get the city of Sapporo, New Mexico, New Mexico app Yeah, Robo. | 00:43:47 | |
Well, we've had maybe out of 10,000 people, we have 600 people on it. That's it. You know, I don't know how many we have on the | 00:43:55 | |
app Ruby, but you know, it's amazing what that app can do. And so I think that getting people educated to use that app would help | 00:44:03 | |
alleviate some of their pain points because if they don't feel heard, they're not going down the right path. | 00:44:11 | |
If if I felt that our employees were doing what they were supposed to be doing. | 00:44:20 | |
I'll be the first one to tell you, but I'm gonna support my employees. And if people want to point fingers at my employees when I | 00:44:24 | |
know they're doing 100 percent, 110% on weekend, you know, sometimes they're not there and the police have to call or things | 00:44:30 | |
happen. But I I can only tell you that we're trying and we're trying to do the best we can. Nobody's going out on purpose trying | 00:44:37 | |
to hurt animals. | 00:44:43 | |
You know, we're trying to give a service and maybe we're only hitting 40 percent, 50% like they hit 100%, but. | 00:44:50 | |
I'm going to stand up for the people that are there out there working their tails off because they're working, you know, 4050 | 00:44:57 | |
sixty hours a week at the same one project. Yeah, so I think that and I and I like I said, I always like to do it in front of | 00:45:03 | |
people who have the complaint. I'm not saying this behind their back, but I'm just saying, but that's that's what this is. But I | 00:45:10 | |
think our grant wise we're moving forward. They'll work on it. We're getting some coming in tonight. | 00:45:17 | |
You know, I think we we do build the county. | 00:45:24 | |
But people from all over dump animals on us. You know, we had one house that had 22 hours, more than that, maybe more, Lupe. | 00:45:28 | |
56 So, you know, I mean, it's, it's a tremendous stress on the employees, a tremendous stress. | 00:45:39 | |
And to point fingers and say we deserve better or people are not complimenting us, well, you know. | 00:45:49 | |
Been doing our best. | 00:45:55 | |
I think you're doing a really good job. I'm impressed when I write the grants and I can say how long employees have been here, | 00:45:57 | |
what they've been doing to solve problems, I think. | 00:46:02 | |
Anyway, thanks for having the meeting. Thank you. Anyone else out there garbage pickup? How bad is that? | 00:46:09 | |
OK. And that Senior Center, how terrible is that? | 00:46:16 | |
Huh. Come up here and tell us all about your Senior Center on the dances you're having and all that stuff. | 00:46:23 | |
Yeah, we're taking on a lot in the city. I mean, if it's not easy, OK, everything. | 00:46:31 | |
Going good. We don't have any heat in the heat there right now. So we're working on that. We have to close the Center for a few | 00:46:36 | |
days. Hopefully it'll get warm up here soon. And you know what happened? It went out the buildings all the the HVAC is getting | 00:46:43 | |
better. I mean it getting fixed. It's getting fixed. We applied for emergency capital outlay money. So what's this? I have to go | 00:46:49 | |
talk to you employees. | 00:46:55 | |
That I snap them in line. Yeah, I think they're doing better now. They're telling them that we're coming. | 00:47:03 | |
Sounds good public over here if they watch it. | 00:47:08 | |
We have our good days. We have everything is going good. Everything is productive. We just had a recent audit, 0 findings. So | 00:47:12 | |
we're very happy with that. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you could make a meeting more. | 00:47:21 | |
The first meeting in about 10 months or what? | 00:47:30 | |
A year, so you got what you could do another thing. | 00:47:33 | |
It's a good part. So they they're running, they're doing the trenches to put the new electrical. So we'll have the new lights at | 00:47:41 | |
the studio park before the 1st Warrior baseball game. So that's what I'm going to bring up. And have you talked to the | 00:47:48 | |
Superintendent, The new Superintendent? She's not here yet. Just saying that, you know, we're giving the schools the field and so | 00:47:55 | |
we need some help from the schools. | 00:48:02 | |
As far as the field is concerned, and then you know, whether it's red clay or they did give me some money. | 00:48:09 | |
Except the dugouts and stuff, but it's a field that Title 9 has to have. | 00:48:17 | |
And the boys have feel, but they're using our city field. So I think I'm saying that in public because we do need some help from | 00:48:23 | |
them. | 00:48:28 | |
We're going to move the girls, we're going to move the fields around to get more parking. And then I don't know, Damien, if you | 00:48:32 | |
they want to do a splash pad and they have we've had a few meetings and we kind of have it finalized what what we're going to do. | 00:48:37 | |
We need some help with that. So, yeah, so I'll be meeting with the Superintendent and and, and I didn't say anything to the chief | 00:48:42 | |
about this, but. | 00:48:48 | |
Generally we've already got the double white for the Friends of the Library ready to go. Lloyd's been working on It's going to Go. | 00:48:53 | |
The architect's going to meet with the Police Department to try to finalize so that we can go and ask for the money properly. And, | 00:49:04 | |
and that's been, you know, appreciated that the Police Department has been working with us. I know they're under substandard | 00:49:09 | |
facilities, but hopefully it's going to get improved. We're going to put 30 more horse styles at the at the rodeo. That's going to | 00:49:15 | |
get started. | 00:49:20 | |
Right. And well, everything's moving forward. Thank you for coming. | 00:49:56 | |
I know that and I know the planning and zoning and ordinance committee met and full code enforcement and they're going to be | 00:50:03 | |
working on that. So that committees on on track to doing stuff. | 00:50:07 | |
Mr. Padilla, you got how's your workout, are you? Let me see your muscles. How's your equipment working? | 00:50:14 | |
How are you doing with? Come on up here, Get used to that. And what's going on with the? | 00:50:22 | |
Membership type of deal so that city employees are free to verify that the other day. How about the public? Have they used it? | 00:50:30 | |
Yes, we have about 15 to 20 that pay the $10 a month. So that's running smoothly. Basketball started last night for the little | 00:50:37 | |
kiddos. How did you get 212 total? So that's going good Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays. | 00:50:44 | |
Are we going to use work with the schools as far as their gym? Yes, they are letting us use Parkview at this time, so for | 00:50:51 | |
practices and stuff like that. Alrighty. OK. Anybody else, Christy, anybody anything? | 00:50:57 | |
Isaac gas is flowing like it's getting cold, man. | 00:51:09 | |
Are you still on any gas? | 00:51:14 | |
Is it hopefully not picking up? It's getting cold but. | 00:51:17 | |
We've been, we got all our OSHA stuff done. I think everything turned in right. | 00:51:23 | |
We're getting ready to start on some line replacement where you guys are going to pave on park and church, I believe will cut you | 00:51:29 | |
or center. | 00:51:34 | |
And then hopefully hit Otero and 6th Street right there. I guess that's the next one. | 00:51:40 | |
Trying to get whatever we before they put the new roads down, you know, I mean, change out of them. That's nice first, yeah. | 00:51:46 | |
So from the mayor, we've got 2 new things and new things, and you just mentioned one of them. OSHA came down here about a month | 00:51:54 | |
ago, three months ago, three months ago and just. | 00:52:00 | |
Torah. So you know what? | 00:52:07 | |
And finds in the hundreds of thousands. | 00:52:09 | |
I'm glad a newspaper left but but anyway, all the departments are working on it. We've got a lawyer working on it. | 00:52:14 | |
We had a grinder with the fire department that that didn't have a plastic cover, you know, like a cover like that and hadn't been | 00:52:23 | |
used maybe once in every two years. They find us $11,000 for that ground grinder without a plastic cover. | 00:52:31 | |
And so we just threw the grinder away and we got to use it. So there are things like that. So you're going to hear this. And so | 00:52:41 | |
and we're going to have to I guess put a notice out, but I just want to let the council know that this we're dealing with. So you | 00:52:46 | |
heard it here. | 00:52:51 | |
I also met with the thanks to Chairman Anaya. We met with Mr. Gonzalez, the new coop director, and he's a super guy. He is a | 00:52:56 | |
really a super guy. Comes from Wilcox, Arizona, lived all his life in Wilcox. Wilcox is half the size of Socorro, but their | 00:53:06 | |
cooperative is like 20 times bigger than the Co-op Sulphur Springs Corporate Electric Cooperative. But the guy is fantastic. He's. | 00:53:15 | |
Military, 25 years as a Marine and worked as a vice president of technology for Sulphur Spring Electric. Very willing to have a | 00:53:26 | |
dialogue about solar and about the city. And the first thing I asked him if he was going to put up our Christmas lights and that's | 00:53:33 | |
so mean. Right away he said yes, we are. He said in Wilcox. They go out and do that all over town and all the different cities and | 00:53:40 | |
that they cover. | 00:53:47 | |
So. But he was. | 00:53:54 | |
Terrific. We had a couple of hours that we sat and talked and he really opened a lot of things. I think his door is going to be | 00:53:56 | |
open. He will look. He didn't didn't promise anything, but at least he promised a dialogue. So I want to tell you that that was a | 00:54:03 | |
real positive, positive step. And I have to thank Mr. and I are the chairman for setting up the meeting. And so that was great. So | 00:54:09 | |
we did that. So those are the two big things from the on the city. | 00:54:16 | |
Anyhow. | 00:54:25 | |
Old business. | 00:54:26 | |
Executive session. We could have had that I guess. | 00:54:30 | |
Anyway, personnel changes we have. | 00:54:34 | |
Michael Aragon, firefighter, he is Dustin Moreland as a firefighter. Leo Peterson is a firefighter and gentleman Gomez Senior | 00:54:38 | |
Center resignation and a citywide increase. You can see all of that somewhere. You have that somewhere or what? Oh, here | 00:54:46 | |
everybody's I think up 5%. | 00:54:53 | |
And that's it. Mr. McMullen had approved the personnel changes. Second, seconded. All in favor. And as we heard about the business | 00:55:02 | |
registrations, but he's not on it right now. This is the West of Rio, Wellington Woodard Healthcare and Beauty. And then we have | 00:55:11 | |
more marijuana. This is Sacred Soul, 68 Schwittle Rd. Joshua Walker integrated. | 00:55:20 | |
Micro Producer. | 00:55:30 | |
That's it. Make a motion. We approve the business registrations. I second. | 00:55:33 | |
Hi, next meeting January 21st. | 00:55:40 | |
Happy New Year, Yes. | 00:55:45 | |
You. | 00:55:49 |