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This 2024. 00:00:00
It's Election Day, I will give everybody 2 hours to vote if you guys want to go and come back. 00:00:03
OK, roll call, please, Mayor Bhaskar. 00:00:09
Councillor Dean. Councillor Fleming. Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:15
Councillor Oguin here. Councillor Partridge. Councillor Romero. Councillor Salome. 00:00:22
We do have a quorum. 00:00:30
We stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:33
Of the United States, of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and 00:00:39
justice for all. 00:00:44
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Fleming. 00:00:59
Motion to approve the agenda as presented for the November 5th meeting. Second moved and seconded. Discussion all in favor. 00:01:01
And we apologize for not having a 6:00 meeting, but because of the election, we figured the noon meeting would be better. But we 00:01:16
had to have the meetings because we scheduled meetings every two weeks at a public forum. Anybody that's not on the agenda would 00:01:21
like to make a comment. 00:01:26
Have we done this one? Make a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:01:34
All in favor, aye? 00:01:39
Mr. Timmons, are you going to make a comment before the agenda item? 00:01:45
It's the only opportunity I have. I'll take it you have another. 00:01:54
I just have to do a proclamation for small businesses. 00:02:02
Where is it? 00:02:06
Mr. Cynical. 00:02:22
And my talking. 00:02:26
All right, this is for small businesses. We do this every year. Whereas the government, the city of Socorro, celebrates our local 00:02:29
small businesses and the contribution that make to our local economy and community. Whereas according to the United States Small 00:02:36
Business Administration, there are 34.7 million small businesses. Small businesses represent 99.7 of firms with paid employees. 00:02:42
Small businesses are responsible for 61.1. 00:02:48
Net new jobs created since 1995 and small businesses employed 45.9%. 00:02:55
Of the employees in the private sector. 00:03:02
WHEREAS, 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business in the US stays in the local community and every dollar spent at a 00:03:04
small business creates an additional $0.48 in local businesses. WHEREAS, 59% of US consumers aware of Small Business Saturday 00:03:12
shopped at 48 at a small independently owned retailer or restaurant Small businesses Saturday 2023. And WHEREAS Sequoia New Mexico 00:03:19
supports our local businesses that create jobs. 00:03:27
Boost our local economy and preserve our communities. Whereas advocacy groups as well as public and private organizations across 00:03:35
the country have endorsed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday. Now, therefore, I rather ask for Mayor of 00:03:42
the City of Sigourney, New Mexico do hereby proclaim November 30th, 2024 as Small Business Saturday and urge the residents of our 00:03:49
community and communities across the country to support small businesses. 00:03:56
And Merchants on Small Business Saturday, celebrating its 15th year in 2024 and shop small throughout the year. 00:04:04
Hey, we have on the agenda. 00:04:17
The home occupation proposal Real LLC Mr. Tom Della Hunty Tom, you want to come up and. 00:04:20
Hello Mayor and council happy. 00:04:36
Election Day, this is Katie Cravens. She was a national she's a consultant for the cannabis business, does national seminars and 00:04:39
has lots of information for whatever the council might be looking at for policy. 00:04:46
Oh yeah, this is Katie Craven. She is. She does national seminars, but but for information for the council about anything about 00:04:56
cannabis growing in the city limits with a license. 00:05:02
This girl would certainly know. We know that Tom had originally requested this time and so we just wanted to respect it and show 00:05:10
up. We have now started working together. So I'm founder and CEO at and we help operators navigate through the 00:05:18
Muddy Waters of compliance, also making sure that we are focusing on. 00:05:25
Employee safety, public safety as well as environmental safety. 00:05:34
If you brought up the taxes, did you want me to bring up? 00:05:39
Yeah, I just there was a little bit of confusion what the taxes are based how they work when you grow in the city I believe. OK, 00:05:42
great. So yeah, I'm here just to provide information. I've worked in every position from janitor to a top director at a large 00:05:48
national branded company that was a celebrity brand and I built, build my SOP out of and workforce training for the cannabis 00:05:55
industry. We just conducted A2 and 1/2 hour. 00:06:01
Notice of corrective action training for all operators. 00:06:08
And now we're going to roll out some workforce training because we simply need it. So thank you so much for your time today. And 00:06:11
is there anything I can say or any questions I can answer? But tell me, tell me a little more about the tax. 00:06:18
How does the city get that tax and when is that tax? 00:06:25
Sent from Santa Fe to the city that I don't know, I know is the business owner that I have to report that monthly or quarterly, 00:06:31
right. And so that's reported and paid by the business owner. I have to, I have to invoice my client, right? The vendor is 00:06:37
purchasing, yeah. 00:06:43
But you made a comment that the state taxes, how does the tax get returned to the city for its benefit? It's it's supposed to, 00:06:50
it's supposed to get returned. That way I can do a little more work at like and, and research exactly how much has been given 00:06:56
because that's all public record. And so I can absolutely give you a direct answer just to let you know, and you should do your 00:07:03
research too. We're getting it very infrequently and it comes in a lump sum and doesn't tell us exactly. 00:07:09
How much business is being done like every other business in town? 00:07:16
Comes very intermittently. I don't know Ruby. 00:07:20
So you got when's your last disbursement on cannabis? 00:07:27
Just sporadically. So there's no accounting for how the cannabis business is doing in Socorro on a monthly basis. So if you do 00:07:34
talk to the state, tell them about that. I'm absolutely going to do my research. And the thing about Mr. Della Gente. 00:07:42
We're not trying to stop business occurring in town where this has to do with the home permit for a cannabis building, a business 00:07:50
in a home and to have a retail business in a home. 00:07:57
Permit type setting and I think that is what the council has to wrestle with. 00:08:06
That's the problem. I believe Tom has made a pivot in his business plan and I'm sorry, I thought that that was that was had 00:08:13
already been discussed. So I apologize about that. So he's made a pivot and and purchased a facility that is zoned commercially 00:08:18
and that we are excited to talk to you guys about and what we want to do with that and really focusing on the community probably 00:08:24
be another conversation. 00:08:30
Absolutely, but but we're proud of you doing that. But as you know, Belen is actually kept how many cannabis businesses and we 00:08:36
haven't done that in this city. So if it's appropriate to have your business somewhere else, that's appropriate. That's great. So 00:08:42
if you are you're so you're rescinding your request for a home permit, yes, great. That makes it easier for us. All right, thank 00:08:49
you guys so much for your time. I appreciate you coming. Thank you. 00:08:55
Christy, that's. 00:09:06
One thing off your list of stressful things to do. 00:09:08
Yeah, but I'm just saying we want to officially say that he withdrew it. I just want to put that in the minutes because we don't 00:09:19
want to say that this was lost in the iCloud. Mr. just to be clear, so the cannabis would be grown on the property but sold at a 00:09:26
commercial location. Is that it sounds like what's going to happen, but the but the basic is. 00:09:33
That he is rescinding his application for a home permit. Yes, Sir. I just want to put that in a minute. 00:09:40
And now we have the one that everybody is here for. We have the country living residential care. And before I start on that, I'm 00:09:48
going to have Christy give me a synopsis of what happened in planning and zoning and perhaps you can just read the last part of 00:09:55
the minutes that will answer the question as to what happened there. 00:10:02
OK. 00:10:11
Hello mayor and councillors. 00:10:13
I did leave, I did e-mail you all the information I had and I also left a packet on your desks. So this was heard on October 16th. 00:10:17
I do have draft minutes drafted up for Debbie Demos Special Use Permit 1495 furniture. There was a heavy conversation in regards 00:10:27
to her business plan of putting an RV park slash mobile Home Park both. 00:10:37
Special use permit. 00:10:46
On the property. 00:10:49
I in my draft minutes, I do show that. 00:10:53
Commissioner Anaya stated that they have to vote and send it to council. Commissioner Scornia made a motion to send it to council, 00:10:59
seconded by Commissioner Saavedra. That motion was passed unanimously. Unfortunately, the planning zoning did not make a decision. 00:11:05
I I should say a recommendation because they only make a recommendation and then it gets sent to council. So they made a motion to 00:11:12
send it to council. 00:11:18
Without a recommendation. So just to summarize. 00:11:25
There was a planning and zoning meeting, yes, on the item and the item in question was an RV park at the assisted living facility, 00:11:29
the 13 acres. And after hearing pros and cons from the neighbors and the people are doing the business, they did not make any 00:11:37
recommendation to pass or fail that request. 00:11:45
Right, Commissioner Anaya stated that they have to vote to send it to council because when it is something that has a lot of. 00:11:54
Moving parts such as the special use permit. They did not make a recommendation. 00:12:04
Exactly. So they voted unanimously to send it to council, but they did not send it with a recommendation. 00:12:12
I guess they could have sent it to New York City if they wanted to, but they sent it to council. OK, so so it's basically. 00:12:21
It was basically they just didn't want to make a decision on it because of the complexities of the issue. 00:12:30
Council, Council always, No matter what their recommendation is, the council always has the last vote anyway. 00:12:39
So I will ask the people asking for this. 00:12:46
Change in what do they call this special use permit if you have some representative that wants to come up and make a statement 00:12:52
about what it is that you're asking? 00:12:57
Thank you for the opportunity. 00:13:09
First of all, can you introduce yourself and everyone? 00:13:11
I'm Debbie Dumas. I am the current owner and plan to be the. 00:13:18
And then we pull up, you pull up the microphone a little bit. 00:13:23
Of country living, residential care, this is Laura Tucker. And just to give a little background first of all, I feel. 00:13:26
Like maybe I have misrepresented what I've been telling people because my. 00:13:35
Understanding of the meeting was that it would come before planning and zoning and be approved or disapproved and from their go to 00:13:43
City Council. So I've been going to all these people sitting here telling them that this was approved at City Council at planning 00:13:50
and zoning. 00:13:56
I, I feel like right after that I got phone calls from all kinds of people saying that, well, first of all, I'll tell you what we 00:14:04
were going to do. So I had put my business up for sale thanking we were going to move and it stayed up for sale for a year. 00:14:12
There's water rights issues pending and at the end of July the contract ended and we decided to close the business and Laura had 00:14:22
come to me because she needed rental property and asked if we'd want to rent it. 00:14:29
Couple days later she called me and said what would it take to keep the facility open and I said financing, we're not making it on 00:14:37
this. So she said I have an investor that would be willing to up some money for you and to come up with some ideas which we have 00:14:46
presented before the RV park as well as. 00:14:54
Possibly something in the back. At that point we had we received, we came to the City Council meeting, we met with some of the 00:15:03
neighbors which are here today. 00:15:08
Who asked us not to put an RV park in the back of the facility? We changed our plan at this point to move the RV park up off the 00:15:14
front edge Rd. and throughout some plans for that. 00:15:22
It is not a mobile Home Park. It is. 00:15:31
It's it's an assisted RV park is what we're trying to. 00:15:36
Create 55 and over newer model RV's long term residents that can't afford to stay in the assisted living house. 00:15:42
They would at least save us that money of building and what's generated from the assisted RV park with ramps on all of them. 00:15:53
Nice neat fenced trees. 00:16:07
Driveways. 00:16:11
Grass keep the front of the facility with we would like a pond fenced around a walking path. So that's that was our intent. 00:16:14
And then so that's what brought us to City Council or to the PNL committee. And like I said, we were under I believe all everyone 00:16:26
that said they are also purchasing an assisted living in the area. It's not this one. 00:16:34
And it's not, and when I first started talking to Debbie, you know, when she said because I went out there and looked at it and 00:16:42
it's a it's something that Socorro needs. I mean, we need this kind of thing. Everything would be over 55 event four people who 00:16:49
need independent living. 00:16:55
And as they work their way into assisted living, it's country living. That's the whole premise of that. Everything would be kept 00:17:02
in the green grass with trees and homes that are spaced apart 100 feet. There's never been a mention of that. There's going to be 00:17:09
mobile homes. It's it's mentioned that the rules and the regulations right now allow there to be mobile homes there. That is not 00:17:16
the intent of this. 00:17:23
And and so just some of that that inaccurate Debbie selling, Debbie's moving. Debbie had planned, but a lot of things have 00:17:31
changed. She's having new great grandkids. 00:17:35
Things get changed and then guaranteeing that you're going to own it for 20 or 30 years that's we all are getting a little longer 00:17:40
the tooth. So that's but just the inaccurate information that's but I mean, I just clarified this hearing. 00:17:50
We do need assisted living, there's no question about it, but this hearing is specifically for a special use permit to change. 00:18:00
The areas use. 00:18:10
So I think the pluses and minuses of having assisted living and it's a good idea and what Debbie has done in the past for the home 00:18:17
has been great. I can personally say that as a physician. 00:18:23
But but this specifically for for a special use permit and it's still not really stated that it's not a tenorant. You're saying 00:18:29
they're permanent and you're also saying that these are there are these that are owned and by the people that will move in there 00:18:39
and live there and then be taking advantage of a facility somewhere else that are assisted means that they have. 00:18:49
People that come in and do stuff for them. Debbie's Debbie's license today allows her if she could double in space capacity, but 00:18:59
she doesn't have the space at the current home. But but the idea of having 55 or whatever the number is of. 00:19:08
As of what size, they're not manufactured houses. I just want to clarify for the council who actually makes the final decision as 00:19:18
to what it is specifically that's going to be there. 00:19:25
It's going to be RV's in that space. Yes, Arts wheels, motorized. 00:19:32
Storage sheds for their material storage, we didn't talk about. We haven't talked about. I'm just saying it needs to be specified. 00:19:40
Council Chairman, whenever you guys, Mr. Partridge, that would be something similar to like I've heard in the past of spot zoning 00:19:46
for. 00:19:51
The wording is special use. It's not and Christie's going like that. It's not spot zoning because the zone is rural residential 00:20:00
which allows for manufacturer and there's a manufactured mobile homes all over that area. 00:20:07
But. 00:20:15
It is not. It's not. It's called special use, which actually was applied for for the assisted living in the house. 00:20:15
Thank you. 00:20:25
Mr. Romero no, I was going to say there's some documentation that was put on the table here today that I haven't been through 00:20:26
that. And then there was other things that was sent out by the city this morning to us. And I'm just trying to clarify and be 00:20:34
specific about what is being asked so the Council has an idea. Mr. Dean, you mentioned mobile homes. You might want to tell your. 00:20:42
Relationship to this to begin with, I live in the neighborhood. Yeah, just I just want to put that in the minutes, but the special 00:20:51
use permit was for a D1 and that's what because you mentioned mobile homes. I don't I don't see it in the special permit that she 00:20:59
got from 2018. The special permit she has is for D1, which is the subdivision that rural residential. 00:21:07
Allows for mobile homes that people live in. 00:21:15
As a residence and it lasts for that. And if they want it on their 14 acres to put in half acre lots that they put, that's allowed 00:21:21
for. But this is a different situation and that's what I'm trying to say. It's a different situation. We'd really rather not have. 00:21:29
We'd rather have something that we control as far as how it looks. 00:21:37
Maintenance. 00:21:47
You know consistency right idea yes, the the facility is licensed. We could take 15 if we have the room it the whole preface of 00:21:48
this was to generate the income to do the addition right. That's from your side. But the question is, is a is a special use? 00:21:58
That people who actually bought in that area as rural residential are having to have their say as to whether they feel that 00:22:09
that's. 00:22:15
The important thing, yeah, The important thing is that it's not in and out day and day and night, you know, rent for one night. 00:22:23
It's meant to be. 00:22:27
For assisted living will provide the services nursing care, go get their medicine, go get their groceries for them. 00:22:34
Things like that. 00:22:43
So also, is there a plan yet that shows, like, what kind of lighting, what kind of impact is it going to have on the neighbors who 00:22:45
live right next door outside their window? I mean, I'm going to say, you know, just ask, is the lighting low to the ground? Is 00:22:52
there going to be a big giant spotlight? We haven't invested in that kind of detail because we don't know what we're getting. 00:22:59
Right, right. Putting the cart before the horse. 00:23:06
But. 00:23:14
Would it make a difference like the tiny homes, would that be more, you know? 00:23:16
Well, again. 00:23:25
I hate to start spreading out. I'm just specifically saying what this hearing is for and it's for. 00:23:27
Special use and I understand it says I'm just reading what you have applied for and it says RV park. 00:23:38
Now your explanation about it being a permanent setting, people coming in assisted housing, then the question would be. 00:23:50
Whether you would come again with planning and zoning after this was approved or not and then show what Councillor Dean is asking 00:23:58
for as to how would you get a permit to to put that in, whether there would be things that the neighbors then would be. 00:24:06
Well, I don't know. I'm just saying after the horse is out of the barn already, which means doing without having specifics, I 00:24:15
think it would be difficult. Whether it would sway them or not, I'm not sure. 00:24:21
Saying that, that those are the kind of the unspoken pieces of this, this puzzle. But why don't we give the opposition a chance to 00:24:28
see what they feel about? Thank you for coming. Who's going to speak for the opposition? 00:24:36
I'll try and make this very easy for you guys, who you are and where you live. My name is Mike Timmons. I moved to Socorro in 2004 00:24:52
when I was hired at New Mexico Tech in 2005. I'm sorry, I just want to have what your standing is to be a oh, my standing is I'm 00:24:59
in the standing on Avenida Adelaida, which is next door to. 00:25:06
Yeah, so. 00:25:14
Let's just step back for a moment. I would ask the petitioners, is this what was part of the application package sent to planning 00:25:17
and zoning this image? 00:25:21
Can't clarify. Once it goes to planning and zoning and it has there's restrictions on just to say the question is no, this is not 00:25:27
part of the application. 00:25:32
You can set up here and talk if you guys want. Well, I'm making the point. This is not part of the original application. I'll move 00:25:40
on from that point so that it made a difference. Then since you brought it up, I would like to enter into the record so this is 00:25:46
captured for posterity and any future actions a petition. 00:25:52
From the neighborhood in opposition to this and full comments that I'm going to deliver today if you'll allow me the time. And I 00:25:59
don't know if I need to give this to you guys. 00:26:04
So that petition includes homeowners and occupants from Avenida Adelaide N Frontage Rd. Farrell Drive. There's quite a few names 00:26:18
on that list, all in opposition to this particular RV park at 1495 Frontage Rd. I also want to state for the record that changing 00:26:26
the time of this meeting to noon, all the appearances of trying to suppress. 00:26:34
Opposition to this project. I think you would have gotten more opposition at 6:00. I know at least three people. 00:26:43
I wanted to be here. Well, we'll, we'll let you decide when we have the meetings from now on. 00:26:49
I'm stating that for the record, Well, for the record, telling you that you can make the appointments for us. 00:26:55
My house is situated 10s of feet from my own backyard back fence directly adjacent to the Demos property. The current facility was 00:27:01
built on a special use permit to renovate a ranch house into a lake care facility. There was little protest to this zoning 00:27:07
variance because the facility specifications. 00:27:14
We're limited to the homes footprint. The assurances were made at the rest that the rest of the property would remain 00:27:21
agricultural. In fact, in testimony before planning and zoning on June 7th, 2018, Mr. Moss was asked by Christina Carnegie, who's 00:27:28
in the audience here. Is there any expansions planned for the property? 00:27:36
I Mr. Moss did respond. She would like to expand the facility to a 15 beds facility. Maybe something that this neighborhood maybe 00:27:44
actually get behind. 00:27:50
She also stated that she would like to put a resting area in the front with a pond that's clearly still in the plans. 00:27:57
And now we know. 00:28:05
Let's see. And then the last bit of testimony provided in that particular meeting, there was promises made that the backfield 00:28:08
would remain remain agricultural. So that was what was presented in 2018. 00:28:15
In 2020, Mr. Moss returned to PNZ requesting another special use permit to develop a mobile RV park on the back lot of the 00:28:23
property within feet of my property. That application was withdrawn as they were informed by the traffic study of the frontage Rd. 00:28:30
would likely be required. The project seemed to be self showed at that point. 00:28:38
So I did attend the October, the latest, October 16th PNZ meeting to express my opposition to the development. The last fix of the 00:28:45
development project have changed. The mobile RV park remains a central element of the proposed project. PNZ inexplicably approved 00:28:53
the proposed development despite multiple protesters attending. Only three of the five Commission members were president. I spoke 00:29:00
to Chairman Anaya. He told me. 00:29:08
From the votes, I'm not sure the record is correct. I do not have minutes from that meeting to confirm, but I would be confirming 00:29:16
that there was a quorum attained, certified letters went to all the homeowners as required, and votes were recorded accurately. 00:29:22
Now you, the council, are considering a recommendation. What I thought was a recommendation from PNC. I'm just hearing now that 00:29:28
also that it was just. 00:29:34
A pass the buck exercise. I will remind the Council that the special use permit is required for specific land use. 00:29:41
That is not permitted by right within the zone. Special use permits are required by ordinance to meet following conditions under 00:29:50
chapter 250, Article 5, section 255.5. In this section, the city has certain requirements that must be followed. Special use 00:29:59
permits shall not be granted in such cases where they were adversely affected, joining property values or endanger public safety. 00:30:08
Special use permits shall not be granted in such cases. 00:30:17
Where the use is or will become detrimental to the character of the zone wherein it it is located. 00:30:21
With any special use submission, the applicant is required to document the following. There should be a comprehensive statement 00:30:28
including each application included with each application, detailing the reason for the project, purpose and use of the property, 00:30:34
all the improvements to be made, a site plan that has to include location of existing structures including dimensions, setbacks, 00:30:40
all that. 00:30:47
Location of treatment of open spaces, landscaping, Plan a schedule, lighting, signage. 00:30:54
A drainage plan, site plan, landscaping plan, a grading plan shall be required for all special use developments. 00:31:01
None of this information is included in the special use application. I will add that there is no information regarding power 00:31:09
upgrades required, sewer enhancements, needed traffic studies, or any details needed to evaluate the merits of this proposal. 00:31:15
Lastly, the Sydney ordinance also stipulate that special uses shall not be considered a zoning district change. So my question is 00:31:22
pretty simple. 00:31:28
For the council given the restrictions stipulated and required by city ordinance. 00:31:35
How can a special use permit be used to permanently change the zoning for neighborhood? This application will permanently change 00:31:40
the zoning conditions in this part of this city and will absolutely impact the property values of adjacent homeowners. 00:31:47
So all future homeowners will have to deal with whatever this commercial operation ends up being. 00:31:56
The applicants have not met the minimum requirements of a special use permit application. They have not requested a renewal 00:32:03
special use permit for the current facility, which I understand is required to be renewed on A5 year basis or so. 00:32:09
That's consistent with the temporary nature of the zoning statuses. This commercial venture with non Socorro investors will have a 00:32:18
singular purpose and this is hitting me acutely. It is to extract every cent of value out of that property and all the adjacent 00:32:24
properties to it. 00:32:30
And that's to my personal to my knowledge, no formal traffic study has been completed or supplied with the application. 00:32:39
Regrettably, I understand our our neighbors are moving to Texas. They will not be here to manage this property. 00:32:48
So I stand in opposition to the special use application. I'm accompanied by others in our neighborhood, some of these, everyone 00:32:57
here. If you want to raise your hand and indicate your opposition, you're welcome to do so for the council. So I, I believe I've 00:33:04
provided this council with all the information needed to just deny the special use permit application. This is a test of your 00:33:10
leadership and I know it's not a welcome one. 00:33:17
Do you support the people who are living here in Socorro? 00:33:24
Were another family that doesn't live in Socorro has no plans to reside in Socorro. My whole world is ranked here. I've raised my 00:33:28
two kids here. This is the only home they have known and I will continue to fight this proposed development with every legal means 00:33:36
available to me. I can only trust that this council will just adhere to the ordinance they have. Thank you. 00:33:43
You won't understand for any questioning at all. 00:33:53
Since you took the time to come at noon, yeah. 00:33:57
You know, 6:00 might have been awkward with the election going on and that's the reason we changed the 12. But I guess Christy, 00:34:00
his comment about a quorum, I just want to get the cities liability out of this before we get sued. Was there a quorum? 00:34:08
And did Mr. Anaya abstain? 00:34:17
And. 00:34:20
Well, I'm hearsay, hearsay. I'm just saying what's in the minutes and and what's the other part which? 00:34:23
And you, you, you, you did communicate to all the neighbors, all your, all your intent. 00:34:31
Excuse me, I'm just trying to clarify if you'd give me a chance. Listen, I apologize. Go ahead. Clarify the city's role in having 00:34:41
some negligence if that's the case. Yes, Sir. So. So all those things that he mentioned. 00:34:49
Right, OK. 00:35:04
OK, well just just to make sure we document that and make sure that you get those minutes signed by the by the Chairman. Doctor 00:35:09
Johnson, let me finish and I will be happy to listen to your hand. 00:35:14
OK. 00:35:23
Yes, Miss George. 00:35:24
This was coming about. 00:35:27
And just across the Florida lateral from? 00:35:37
For this development, so, and I think I mean it's just a recommendation, but I think and perhaps in rural residential zoning 100 00:35:44
feet of distance to notify a a significant land owner of a of a peak of a zoning change or a special use permit is a little 00:35:53
narrow. I think I still fall within the 100 feet. I'm not going to change the ordinance here. 00:36:03
We can do that another time, but we appreciate your comment and make sure that we're sure. Well, just she's made a comment and 00:36:13
obviously we did not include her with what the county said and we'll make sure it's noted and but we didn't, you know, there's a 00:36:19
percentage. But anyway, Mr. Partridge, you have a question. No more of a comment. No, just comment to to Mr. Romero. That sounds 00:36:25
like the entire planning and zoning Epstein is all I was saying is that they just passed it to us. I thought that they were a 00:36:31
buffer. 00:36:37
They should know these ordinances and what is allowable in these areas and make it render a decision. I get it's going to come to 00:36:44
us either way. It sounds like there was no decision at all and they just pushed it to us. That's all I was saying. I apologize. I 00:36:50
mean administratively and I don't have a vote and it appears we may need further time to discuss this, but administratively if you 00:36:56
have. 00:37:02
A special use permit. 00:37:09
Asked for and the neighbors. 00:37:13
Present a petition that they feel is not appropriate for their area. This a certain zone. You have to listen to the petition. I 00:37:14
mean you have to look and see what the neighbors are saying about what they bought and what is being changed, even as nebulous as 00:37:23
it is. So logically, if you go by just looking at. 00:37:31
The role of planning and zoning and and getting. 00:37:40
The people who owned houses already there and if this was there before they bought the house, that would be a different story. But 00:37:45
this is a, this is a special use and that's something that I think the council needs to look at. I, I appreciate people coming to 00:37:52
town whether they live here or not. I know, I know, I don't like to make that kind of a statement that people that are here should 00:37:59
be treated differently than the people that are coming in and investing in our community. 00:38:05
I'm I certainly appreciate people looking at our community to invest in. 00:38:13
And and whether you're moving away or not is to get the best value for the property that you've paid for. But again. 00:38:17
I leave it up to the council if they want to make a decision today. Mr. Fleming or or we can ask her legal because there appears 00:38:25
to be a lot of Britons about legal matters that coming to the City Council being sued. Maybe we should look at it a little more 00:38:33
specifically. Mr. Mayor. First of all, Christy, how many mailings went out that were presented to you by the county? 00:38:40
I have 9 listings, 99. I wonder why on this petition that we were just given we have 21. 00:38:57
I don't know. That didn't come through P&Z. So was this not presented to PNC? No, I know, but. 00:39:07
This is my family, but we have to authenticate all these. I think that's why we may have to look at this. We'll kick the can down 00:39:16
the road, but we'll have to look at this little closer. But Miss Dean, I was just curious about the lodgers tax. I don't I don't 00:39:24
remember the the what the rules are on that we received largest tax from these RV's or because they're long term. 00:39:32
If they will reside in one place for more than a month, there's no logic. 00:39:40
You want to tax them also. 00:39:46
Still again. 00:39:51
Based on all the conversations that I have with Mr. Mr. Demas, Mr. Timmons and, and going through and looking at and refreshing 00:39:54
myself on on coding and zones and ordinances and all that. I think it brings to light some stuff that I think the council as a 00:40:01
whole used to needs to address. As far as the process throughout the discussions I was talking about. I know there's a checklist, 00:40:08
I've seen checklist before on when they come to City Council and they, they, there's a list of stuff that needs to be. 00:40:15
And I was trying to find it, come find it. And the whole time I was kind of right in front of my eyes with Mr. Delaney's 00:40:23
application and all those questions are asked. 00:40:28
Will any sign on property related to the business have over what however many feed? Is your business activity related to the 00:40:36
healthcare physical? Will there be external outside evidence of the business activities such as commercial vehicle storage, noise, 00:40:42
dust, odors, noxious fumes and so on. And I think that I mean this this is for the home occupation permit, but I think this a 00:40:48
checklist like this would have been good. 00:40:54
For us as a council to to be able to cross reference with the testimonies from from the petitioners and and the people in 00:41:01
opposition because there are a lot of good points that are being made or a lot of good questions that that that are asked on these 00:41:10
applications that the petitioner can either approve or disprove also to in discussion with Mr. and Missus Demos and. 00:41:18
The concern I've had throughout my time as a council is, excuse me, when we get these, what does it do for the future? And, and I 00:41:27
think my biggest concern with something like this is, I mean, I have no doubt that Mister and Mrs. Demos would have a beautiful 00:41:33
facility and they would do everything that they would say. 00:41:39
But what concerns me is that if we were to approve a special use for this rural residential area. 00:41:46
I feel that. For example, my sister has a house on Duggan Plain and she has property. I mean, who's to say if she wants to make 00:41:54
some extra cash or entice the value of her land by putting an RV park there? She comes to the counselor planning and zoning and 00:42:00
says the same thing. You know, it's going to be nice. We're going to, we're going to, it's going to be all this other sea moves 00:42:06
and another person comes in and we have no guarantee that that's going to be fulfilled. 00:42:12
I mean, it's a mobile home. I mean, it's a mobile Home Park, not an RV park. But I mean, I wasn't obviously here when it happened, 00:42:19
but Shady Nook, for example. 00:42:23
When that was approved or, or allowed to happen, how did that go down? And, and now you look, they could have said the same thing 00:42:27
too. This is going to be, we're going to put trees, it's going to be a nice, we're going to take care of it and so on and so 00:42:35
forth. Ownership hands or the ownership changes hands and in my opinion, it's detrimental to the neighborhood. 00:42:42
And for everybody else that has their properties in rural residential, what's that? What signal does that stand to them? I mean 00:42:52
all the whole farm can have the opportunity now. On what grounds would we have? 00:42:57
To deny them based on if they were to come and present a same application and the same arguments that this is that's being 00:43:03
presented today, we really wouldn't have any grounds in my opinion to denial. So I firmly agree that we have a need and Mr. Mrs. 00:43:10
Demas are stepping up to the plate to try to, to try to to address that need and it's appreciated. But I think that us as a 00:43:17
council, in my opinion. 00:43:23
Need to be a little bit more strategic on how. 00:43:31
And and and addressing all the issues that could come about on on the application and then we can go from there. 00:44:04
So that's. 00:44:13
That that's, that's where, that's that's where I stand on this much. 00:44:15
Are there? 00:44:23
I'm Debbie Demos with Country Living. Are there any who holds people to the ordinances like shady whatever, wagon wheel, Willis 00:44:25
trailer park, you know, I know it's going to look better than any of that, but just asking, are there city ordinances or who who? 00:44:35
Takes care of that stuff. 00:44:47
We lose responsibility. We have. I do. Is Chris here? 00:44:49
There's my zoning, my code enforcement, and he's got his hands full. Mr. Mayor, just on that, sorry. So, and I don't have the 00:44:55
exact words, but from what I read on there that if a specially used permit is approved, it it can be revoked if, and I don't know 00:45:01
the exact wording on it, but it can be revoked if the terms and conditions, some of the terms and conditions aren't being met at 00:45:07
that time. 00:45:13
That is correct. 00:45:21
Well, you know the. 00:45:24
Again, there's checklists and there's checklists and there's plans that you're going to show, but it all boils down to it being a 00:45:27
special use permit and the special use permit again administratively and also is the one who votes. 00:45:37
Is something that the neighbors really have, in my opinion, have a four or 50% effect on whether you have a checklist that you did 00:45:48
everything there. The neighbors feel that they're not being treated properly by the special use permit. And so same thing with the 00:45:55
home business. If somebody wants to put a home business next door to somebody's house and the neighbors say, you know, this is not 00:46:03
going to work out, I think we have to listen to the people who have. 00:46:10
Actually bought and paid money for real estate there. I appreciate that and I agree with you. But also we should have been given 00:46:17
the list so we could present that and we could do our due diligence, which we thought we were doing. 00:46:25
If we develop a list for you and you give a nicer picture of this. 00:46:34
Will that be something that this petition and these the people are going to say, yeah, that's great. I want 50 RV's right next. So 00:46:42
so that that's what I'm getting with just boil it down to the basics is the question of neighbors saying that we don't want this 00:46:48
in our rural. 00:46:55
My my name is Chet de Maison. 00:47:03
Part owner of this thing, but we in Mr. Timmons right? We we did visit with him. We went to their house and had dinner on 00:47:05
previously and this is I think is in 20/20/20. I don't remember the actual date but he he did not want it in the back. So we said 00:47:12
okay, what if we move it to the front? 00:47:20
He didn't have a problem with that. 00:47:28
That's why we. 00:47:31
Are coming to them with this right now beautiful but you know I'm just saying that this is not going to be. 00:47:33
With them seeing all this and trying to present it to them again, personally I think we should hear but at this point it doesn't 00:47:40
appear that the whole picture is together like. 00:47:45
Damien, we've got somebody sitting here on the phone. 00:47:53
Have you got a question? Yes, Mr. Mayor, this is Daniel Compo. I have a question. I'm not sure if they got answered earlier. We 00:47:57
lost electricity again and my phone got dropped but got back on. But I understand that there is some type of verbiage where 00:48:05
special use permits have to be reviewed or else applied for again every five years. And maybe not in this exact situation, but 00:48:12
this, so I understand it more, so I'm not ignorant towards it. 00:48:19
Every five years that a. 00:48:27
Especially use permit as well. Then is it the council or the PNZ or, or who is it that actually sees it that they're still doing 00:48:29
business as they as they put in for the special. That way all sides understand and know that that it that they're still following 00:48:38
what they what they applied for in the 1st place. Was that answered before? I'm just not sure. 00:48:47
Not not directly, but I think it's up to the planning and zoning. 00:48:56
Administrator and the city administrator and the mayor to make sure that if we have these coming up every five years that that we 00:49:01
could review what they said they were going to do and what they are actually doing. But again, that's farther down the road than 00:49:07
somebody investing hundreds of thousands of dollars and doing something and then it's falling apart. And then us telling them, 00:49:12
well, they got to clean it up or do something. You know, that that's that's, that's a decision that probably should never have 00:49:18
been made. 00:49:24
But again. 00:49:29
It's up to the council as to how they decide what the specifics are, as to what satisfies them to make this into a special use and 00:49:30
we can give them these check boxes, We can save review this every five years. The question is, in my opinion, the way the the 00:49:37
petition is and the people that are here, that feeling is not going to change. And I just don't know whether that's acceptable to 00:49:44
them or not. But we can, we can certainly. 00:49:50
Postpone this hearing give you a chance to have further discussions with them. 00:49:58
And not make a decision or turn it down or turn it up. That's something up to the council. Mr. Mayor, on, on that note, it is in 00:50:04
there that says that if we do vote on this today and we do deny it, they can't come back for another six months. So we can 00:50:11
postpone it whatever the council would like. But again, I just, I'm just saying the things that are on the table, that there's no 00:50:17
hidden agenda. It's just the way things are. And I, I, are you taking my picture? 00:50:23
We can make that available to you while you're at it, but you're welcome to come closer if you want to look better that way. 00:50:31
But go ahead. 00:50:37
We aren't moving the goal posts on this application. According to our bylaws, postponement has to be taken up at the next City 00:50:41
Council meeting. 00:50:46
Change between now and 2nd. Withdrawing that would be the easiest thing to do and not have that six month period. Mr. Mayor, is 00:50:53
it? Is it? Is it in our authority to send it back to PNC and then have them do a formal vote on recommending or denying? 00:51:02
Well, don't bring that. 00:51:18
We have a you're saying we don't have a constituted community right now. I don't think you need to say anything else. Yeah, that's 00:51:20
a different thing. But again, it could be you could withdraw the application and that would not apply for six months. If you would 00:51:26
rule the application and bring it back up again, we could. 00:51:32
Postpone it for another meeting in two weeks, But we have that by bylaw that we can't, we can't just postpone it forever. 00:51:39
I just want to make sure the condition. 00:51:47
Achievements if you choose the post Office for two years. 00:51:50
Mr. Mayor, just to answer your question, they would not so, but if it's sent back to P&Z, the the nature of the application can be 00:51:55
changed. 00:51:59
But again. 00:52:06
It would behoove us to allow them to present further information, not go ahead and invest any more money because we're not saying 00:52:11
that you should or shouldn't, is to recommend that you withdraw it and go back to the Planning board and go back to the planning 00:52:19
and zoning. That would be my advice. If we do postpone it, we have two weeks. 00:52:28
To wrestle with this if you'd like. 00:52:38
Or you can vote on it now instrument. Sorry. And there was also discussion about, you know, they were saying that meetings were 00:52:40
being held with the neighbors and all that other stuff. In my opinion, I think that the planning and zoning meetings should be the 00:52:45
time or that way everything is on record and there's no he said this, they said that and they're meeting behind their backs and 00:52:51
they're spreading the rumors and everything else like that as well. But I think that that's the perfect opportunity where there's 00:52:56
no I mean you have. 00:53:01
You have free will to. 00:53:07
Present both arguments for and against and everything is on record. So when we do. 00:53:09
I understand that, but I'm yes, but then so that way I'm that way the public knows too. So that way whenever it's the people that 00:53:16
weren't there, they know that when we get when we get our when we get the application from the planning and zoning, we have an 00:53:21
accurate description of the comments that were made and everything the arguments that were made within the minutes of the 00:53:26
application from the planning and zoning. 00:53:31
We do have that new Michael in our packet. 00:53:37
This Doctor Johnson. 00:53:43
Just one second. Just. 00:53:49
Hi, hello to the council and I appreciate you hearing us out. I just wanted to make the council aware that in the in the documents 00:53:57
that I got when I went to see Christy that this is not simply an RV park. There are there are additional paper, there's additional 00:54:06
paperwork that says as a tentative plan they would they might want to put some. 00:54:14
Some tiny houses or assisted living housing now in the back residential area and that is a is a tentative plan and I believe the 00:54:23
discussion was that that was looking at about 5 years out to create this little community and I, I responded in the PNC meeting 00:54:32
that. 00:54:40
For them and and it is my understanding from attending that meeting that. 00:54:49
That three out of four of the PNC members said that they approved it. That was my understanding, but. 00:54:54
If the minutes don't reflect that, I don't know where the discrepancy is, but. 00:55:04
Pardon the discrepancy with you because the minutes say they did not make any decision. 00:55:09
But I have my objection is that this proposal had something that was tentative five years, potentially five years down the road. 00:55:16
And I said. 00:55:21
These need to be separated out and I just want you all to be aware that that is part of what was on the what was on the table. I 00:55:27
didn't know if you listened to the whole meeting by the start of the meeting by specifying what this meeting and this hearing was 00:55:33
about, I did. 00:55:38
But I, I felt that that was something that was important for me to say. And it's important for me to tell you that if there are 00:55:45
tiny houses out there and they're within the code, they can be built. That's housing. 00:55:51
No matter whether they're tiny or large or mansions, they're housing and they can be built in that rural residential setting. It's 00:55:58
just you can't have this in the rural residential sitting in my opinion. 00:56:04
Without approval of Yeah, without the City Council. But tiny homes. 00:56:13
And you're whatever tiny home means within as a residence can be done. I mean that's that's not against the zoning over there. It 00:56:19
it can be done. But I but as a question I asked several years ago for my family's property. Mike Chosen told me that you can a 00:56:27
piece of land can be subdivided. 00:56:35
Once every year and unless. Unless. 00:56:44
You know, these are going to be whatever. I mean, we're talking about tiny homes, but if they're going to be individually owned, 00:56:49
then that is a sub that falls under the subdivision. 00:56:55
Have to be approved by City Council. You can subsidized up to. 00:57:03
Christine 4. 00:57:09
I can't. I can't give you specifically, but you can on your own. Every year you can subdivide X number by doing a subdivision. 00:57:12
Then you didn't fall under the subdivision requirements 11 division, so you can do that. 00:57:22
Topic but. 00:57:30
The concept of them putting in tiny homes or mansions or whatever that's. 00:57:32
Part of the zoning there, that's just, you know, just the logic. I think we're getting away. I mean, again, I think this is a 00:57:37
specific special use. The neighbors are against it, unfortunately to me. 00:57:45
That's a very important part, Debbie. I think we can all agree on that. 00:57:53
Select. 00:57:58
Sorry again, this is Debbie Demoss with Country Living and we just want to resend her application at this point. 00:58:01
We'll just, we'll just do something else. The home is back there. And then they don't have a choice because that's yeah, according 00:58:09
to a subdivision laws. 00:58:16
You don't have to qualify. You're resenting the application. Yes. Thank you. Sorry about all the time. No, I mean, that's what we 00:58:24
have. Commissioner Duggan, is that your party? Is that part of your county? 00:58:31
Come on down. Did you put any improvements on that road for us? 00:58:40
You've got two months with me. But Mr. Mayor, Mr. Monet, I'm Glenn Duggan's. I live in limits are for the record, I am a current 00:58:46
commissioner. I do not represent the Commission in this meeting. I'm a neighbor to demuss. I've known these people. 00:58:57
I don't want to tell you how many years, but look. 00:59:08
They're the cleanest, best neighbors I've ever had and if they wanted to do this next to me? 00:59:13
Why not? And you know what? If I want to control your land? Well, maybe I should have bought it. And what about? 00:59:18
Neighbors. 00:59:27
That don't keep their yards up, that are depreciating their land. There's some of the cleanest stuff around it, and I wanna touch 00:59:29
on that agriculture stuff a little. 00:59:33
As the city or as development comes around a farm. 00:59:40
You can love your farm all you want. 00:59:46
But if you're there, if you have to turn the profit, you can't do it with neighbors all around you because they're going to turn 00:59:49
you in. The water is going to leak. The tractor is too loud. One, I know, I live your, your wife's, your sisters where they live. 00:59:58
That's where I grew up. I know I grew up in that neighborhood, you know? 01:00:07
And I'm tired of the ghetto. 01:00:19
I really am. I remember when Ford, when General Motors, when everybody was here, John Deere. I know things change, but we need 01:00:23
good investment. And this looks to me like whether they do the tiny house or whatever, you couldn't ask for better people. And 01:00:32
Hallelujah that corporations, corporate money comes to Socorro. 01:00:41
Open my pocket. What the hell? 01:00:50
What's the matter with that? I mean, we live in poverty. We have an aging community. This is needed. And the beautiful thing of a 01:00:53
government. I've learned what they give is they can take it. And if you need to adjust something, my goodness, you have a very 01:01:02
good opportunity here to help the people of Socorro to remain in Socorro and to not go to the nursing home. 01:01:12
I mean that I don't know. There's no, there's no question that that chili farm is the prettiest chili farm I have ever seen. 01:01:22
I know I. 01:01:31
This has to do with ordinances and a city and it has to do with what the neighbors are feeling. And if there is a dirty yard, the 01:01:37
people who move there bought it next to that dirty yard, you know, and we have zoning ordinances for that. But this is a special 01:01:47
use and, and this needs to be here in Socorro, but probably not there. But we definitely need assistance. 01:01:56
And what Debbie did with that farmhouse for people, it was it was a godsend for the family and for the people that were there that 01:02:05
you took care of. 01:02:10
If the firm continues through the in the coming years and we nobody ever knows, I hope it does. I hate to see farmland covered up 01:02:16
but people move in. I I understand you have your legal stuff to go through but I came here to vouch and without a doubt. 01:02:26
And and and it's needed. 01:02:37
And I may not like what my neighbors do. Donald, how long have you known Debbie? 01:02:42
OK, well, see, we got, we got a guy right there that knows we're longer than that. Well, we all know each other, but I that's all 01:02:51
I can we do know that we're here. It's just and it by the way, if you need some help, let me know. 01:02:59
I mean the county Commission, because it's in the city, you're in the, we're in the county, we need to eat some of your that you 01:03:07
guys are putting in the bank, which should be used for the public. 01:03:12
And you know what? And that's my argument. You better spent within the community advances. 01:03:21
But really if I can help with public session anymore? 01:03:31
Thank you, Mr. Douglas. Mr. Fleming. 01:03:39
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. So as of right now, I'm pointing up clarification. The application has been rescinded by the presenters, is 01:03:45
that correct? 01:03:51
That is correct. We will go alternate route. 01:03:58
Mr. Parkman, just offer I I think I echo what Mr. Elgin said and Councillor Augean and Mayor, we do need housing for the elderly, 01:04:03
the tough position to be in as a counselor. 01:04:10
I just based upon the application now that it's rescinded, it sounds like even with the notes given, Mr. Timmons, maybe have you 01:04:19
provided a blueprint for you to do it a different route that is more applicable than the area that the neighbors would be more 01:04:24
satisfied with? 01:04:28
I don't think they'll be more satisfied, but maybe it'll fall within the legal boundaries and then it won't mind. That's my 01:04:34
opinion. 01:04:38
But maybe it'll fall within the parameters of what's allowable without a special use, and maybe that'll work better for the 01:04:43
circumstances. 01:04:47
And obviously, Mr. Romero chatting with all the appeasement that, you know, you were trying to do and things that the neighbors 01:04:53
were trying to do to take care of their property, there was just a lot of different. 01:05:01
Stories and information misinformation, misinformation and bad that things are that way if they would invited us to their meeting, 01:05:10
we could have probably not had a problem in an issue. That's why we come up with this alternate site plan because of but you hate 01:05:18
to run out and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. 01:05:26
To get. 01:05:35
Maybe on a, on a, on a permit that is, you know, so now we know what we need to do period. 01:05:37
Do you have the investors with you, One of them? 01:05:48
And two, there's, there's three of us. I think that's great. I mean, I, you know, I, I don't have anything against time. Yeah, of 01:05:53
course, Yeah, of course. And helping the town and I just think. 01:06:01
Well, I think we appreciate you. Everybody says we are moving away. Well, we are going to move away, but we're still involved in 01:06:09
this business. So we're not going anywhere. 01:06:15
Appreciate you. Our house is still here. We're still gonna be taxes here. It's just it's just a different location of. 01:06:21
Well, thank, thank you and thank you. 01:06:30
We're doing are we doing a bit award, let's do it again. I make a motion, we approve a bit of word IFB 092424 the Evergreen water 01:06:42
wastewater collection system expansion. 01:06:49
So moved and seconded, and as I don't know people at the end of the line, we're going to do the whole system. We got money for it 01:06:58
and good job with Donald and Ruby and Paul and Lloyd. 01:07:04
All so all in favor, aye? 01:07:12
Motion We approve the letter of award for Monsoner's Ave. 01:07:19
Second moved and seconded. There's another that we had to get extra money for and I think we'll get it past the Interstate 01:07:23
overpass. Will we or no? 01:07:27
It's going to be close, Mister man, just to the club maybe. All in favor, aye. Hazard, Mr. again, Motion. We approve the OSHA 01:07:32
policies and procedures of the Hazard communications and the blood borne Pathogen plan. 01:07:40
Moved and seconded discussion. All in favor Aye, new business. 01:07:50
Whole business Mr. Mayor would like to just thank you and your staff and Lloyd for getting the like that whether is that game that 01:07:56
played ******** Bloomberg I know you think that were ******** boards all done at the city. I didn't even realize they were done I 01:08:02
had checked on the progress and. 01:08:09
AD came up and was really happy that it was done. So thanks for the hard work and getting that done. And Lloyd said there's a 01:08:15
little bit more to do on it just to make it a little nicer. I appreciate that. Thank you. 01:08:21
On the mayors report, I just want to give you an update on the, I'm sorry, who said Mr. Romero. And also we need to thank whoever 01:08:28
was in charge for the concrete for that. That was huge from beginning to end. So Senior Center. 01:08:36
Michael, are you still here? 01:08:48
Good, good job. No, you guys are great. 01:08:53
I'm glad you can make the noon meetings though buddy. 01:08:59
You guys take the two hours to vote later on, OK. 01:09:03
Sakura Municipal Electric Update I want to give you some information #1 the Public Regulatory Commission slapped the co-ops, not 01:09:08
just the hand, they slapped some other stuff. And they told the Co-op that they were incompetent, they were frivolous and wasting 01:09:15
the owner's money and legal issues that were not able to be accomplished. Taking to the Supreme Court and all that. And they're 01:09:22
going to and they're going to. 01:09:30
Make sure that they do not charge the consumers $1,000,000 penalty that they're supposed to pay, but they're still considering the 01:09:38
penalty #2 we have gotten. 01:09:43
Almost 70%. 01:09:52
Of our solar and battery storage, paid for by a grant. 01:09:54
5 megabytes, 5 MW solar facility with A10 MW battery storage. 01:10:01
We're now looking to put together a resolution for the council, Peter Gonzalez additional job duties as police Lieutenant and 01:10:11
Gilberto Chavez landfill termination. 01:10:18
Esther. 01:10:26
Of the personnel changes as well. 01:10:29
Again, we've the 2nd and all in favor, aye. We have business registration. We have March Mexican and more transient vendor. You 01:10:32
know, we've had transient vendors that have, I had one guys, they were coming from California. They set up on Smith's. I know you 01:10:39
mentioned that to me. There were, there's actually they're set up somewhere else and I happen to catch them on Smith's. They had a 01:10:46
whole, they had a whole lights and generator and a cooking and we had them moved off. 01:10:54
Sakura Wellness and Rehabilitation, David Gertz. And that's a skilled nursing facility. 01:11:01
Neuralta Technology. Mustang, OK Electrical contractor. 01:11:09
Who approved the business registrations? 01:11:17
Moved and seconded. All in favor, Aye. And the next meeting, if we have one, will be at 6:00. 01:11:21
November 19th I will send a personal invitation to Doctor Timmons to come because I think he likes the evening meetings. 01:11:30
OK, that's it turned. See you guys later. 01:11:40
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Proclamation - Small Buisness Saturday General Document
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This 2024. 00:00:00
It's Election Day, I will give everybody 2 hours to vote if you guys want to go and come back. 00:00:03
OK, roll call, please, Mayor Bhaskar. 00:00:09
Councillor Dean. Councillor Fleming. Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:15
Councillor Oguin here. Councillor Partridge. Councillor Romero. Councillor Salome. 00:00:22
We do have a quorum. 00:00:30
We stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:33
Of the United States, of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and 00:00:39
justice for all. 00:00:44
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Fleming. 00:00:59
Motion to approve the agenda as presented for the November 5th meeting. Second moved and seconded. Discussion all in favor. 00:01:01
And we apologize for not having a 6:00 meeting, but because of the election, we figured the noon meeting would be better. But we 00:01:16
had to have the meetings because we scheduled meetings every two weeks at a public forum. Anybody that's not on the agenda would 00:01:21
like to make a comment. 00:01:26
Have we done this one? Make a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:01:34
All in favor, aye? 00:01:39
Mr. Timmons, are you going to make a comment before the agenda item? 00:01:45
It's the only opportunity I have. I'll take it you have another. 00:01:54
I just have to do a proclamation for small businesses. 00:02:02
Where is it? 00:02:06
Mr. Cynical. 00:02:22
And my talking. 00:02:26
All right, this is for small businesses. We do this every year. Whereas the government, the city of Socorro, celebrates our local 00:02:29
small businesses and the contribution that make to our local economy and community. Whereas according to the United States Small 00:02:36
Business Administration, there are 34.7 million small businesses. Small businesses represent 99.7 of firms with paid employees. 00:02:42
Small businesses are responsible for 61.1. 00:02:48
Net new jobs created since 1995 and small businesses employed 45.9%. 00:02:55
Of the employees in the private sector. 00:03:02
WHEREAS, 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business in the US stays in the local community and every dollar spent at a 00:03:04
small business creates an additional $0.48 in local businesses. WHEREAS, 59% of US consumers aware of Small Business Saturday 00:03:12
shopped at 48 at a small independently owned retailer or restaurant Small businesses Saturday 2023. And WHEREAS Sequoia New Mexico 00:03:19
supports our local businesses that create jobs. 00:03:27
Boost our local economy and preserve our communities. Whereas advocacy groups as well as public and private organizations across 00:03:35
the country have endorsed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday. Now, therefore, I rather ask for Mayor of 00:03:42
the City of Sigourney, New Mexico do hereby proclaim November 30th, 2024 as Small Business Saturday and urge the residents of our 00:03:49
community and communities across the country to support small businesses. 00:03:56
And Merchants on Small Business Saturday, celebrating its 15th year in 2024 and shop small throughout the year. 00:04:04
Hey, we have on the agenda. 00:04:17
The home occupation proposal Real LLC Mr. Tom Della Hunty Tom, you want to come up and. 00:04:20
Hello Mayor and council happy. 00:04:36
Election Day, this is Katie Cravens. She was a national she's a consultant for the cannabis business, does national seminars and 00:04:39
has lots of information for whatever the council might be looking at for policy. 00:04:46
Oh yeah, this is Katie Craven. She is. She does national seminars, but but for information for the council about anything about 00:04:56
cannabis growing in the city limits with a license. 00:05:02
This girl would certainly know. We know that Tom had originally requested this time and so we just wanted to respect it and show 00:05:10
up. We have now started working together. So I'm founder and CEO at and we help operators navigate through the 00:05:18
Muddy Waters of compliance, also making sure that we are focusing on. 00:05:25
Employee safety, public safety as well as environmental safety. 00:05:34
If you brought up the taxes, did you want me to bring up? 00:05:39
Yeah, I just there was a little bit of confusion what the taxes are based how they work when you grow in the city I believe. OK, 00:05:42
great. So yeah, I'm here just to provide information. I've worked in every position from janitor to a top director at a large 00:05:48
national branded company that was a celebrity brand and I built, build my SOP out of and workforce training for the cannabis 00:05:55
industry. We just conducted A2 and 1/2 hour. 00:06:01
Notice of corrective action training for all operators. 00:06:08
And now we're going to roll out some workforce training because we simply need it. So thank you so much for your time today. And 00:06:11
is there anything I can say or any questions I can answer? But tell me, tell me a little more about the tax. 00:06:18
How does the city get that tax and when is that tax? 00:06:25
Sent from Santa Fe to the city that I don't know, I know is the business owner that I have to report that monthly or quarterly, 00:06:31
right. And so that's reported and paid by the business owner. I have to, I have to invoice my client, right? The vendor is 00:06:37
purchasing, yeah. 00:06:43
But you made a comment that the state taxes, how does the tax get returned to the city for its benefit? It's it's supposed to, 00:06:50
it's supposed to get returned. That way I can do a little more work at like and, and research exactly how much has been given 00:06:56
because that's all public record. And so I can absolutely give you a direct answer just to let you know, and you should do your 00:07:03
research too. We're getting it very infrequently and it comes in a lump sum and doesn't tell us exactly. 00:07:09
How much business is being done like every other business in town? 00:07:16
Comes very intermittently. I don't know Ruby. 00:07:20
So you got when's your last disbursement on cannabis? 00:07:27
Just sporadically. So there's no accounting for how the cannabis business is doing in Socorro on a monthly basis. So if you do 00:07:34
talk to the state, tell them about that. I'm absolutely going to do my research. And the thing about Mr. Della Gente. 00:07:42
We're not trying to stop business occurring in town where this has to do with the home permit for a cannabis building, a business 00:07:50
in a home and to have a retail business in a home. 00:07:57
Permit type setting and I think that is what the council has to wrestle with. 00:08:06
That's the problem. I believe Tom has made a pivot in his business plan and I'm sorry, I thought that that was that was had 00:08:13
already been discussed. So I apologize about that. So he's made a pivot and and purchased a facility that is zoned commercially 00:08:18
and that we are excited to talk to you guys about and what we want to do with that and really focusing on the community probably 00:08:24
be another conversation. 00:08:30
Absolutely, but but we're proud of you doing that. But as you know, Belen is actually kept how many cannabis businesses and we 00:08:36
haven't done that in this city. So if it's appropriate to have your business somewhere else, that's appropriate. That's great. So 00:08:42
if you are you're so you're rescinding your request for a home permit, yes, great. That makes it easier for us. All right, thank 00:08:49
you guys so much for your time. I appreciate you coming. Thank you. 00:08:55
Christy, that's. 00:09:06
One thing off your list of stressful things to do. 00:09:08
Yeah, but I'm just saying we want to officially say that he withdrew it. I just want to put that in the minutes because we don't 00:09:19
want to say that this was lost in the iCloud. Mr. just to be clear, so the cannabis would be grown on the property but sold at a 00:09:26
commercial location. Is that it sounds like what's going to happen, but the but the basic is. 00:09:33
That he is rescinding his application for a home permit. Yes, Sir. I just want to put that in a minute. 00:09:40
And now we have the one that everybody is here for. We have the country living residential care. And before I start on that, I'm 00:09:48
going to have Christy give me a synopsis of what happened in planning and zoning and perhaps you can just read the last part of 00:09:55
the minutes that will answer the question as to what happened there. 00:10:02
OK. 00:10:11
Hello mayor and councillors. 00:10:13
I did leave, I did e-mail you all the information I had and I also left a packet on your desks. So this was heard on October 16th. 00:10:17
I do have draft minutes drafted up for Debbie Demos Special Use Permit 1495 furniture. There was a heavy conversation in regards 00:10:27
to her business plan of putting an RV park slash mobile Home Park both. 00:10:37
Special use permit. 00:10:46
On the property. 00:10:49
I in my draft minutes, I do show that. 00:10:53
Commissioner Anaya stated that they have to vote and send it to council. Commissioner Scornia made a motion to send it to council, 00:10:59
seconded by Commissioner Saavedra. That motion was passed unanimously. Unfortunately, the planning zoning did not make a decision. 00:11:05
I I should say a recommendation because they only make a recommendation and then it gets sent to council. So they made a motion to 00:11:12
send it to council. 00:11:18
Without a recommendation. So just to summarize. 00:11:25
There was a planning and zoning meeting, yes, on the item and the item in question was an RV park at the assisted living facility, 00:11:29
the 13 acres. And after hearing pros and cons from the neighbors and the people are doing the business, they did not make any 00:11:37
recommendation to pass or fail that request. 00:11:45
Right, Commissioner Anaya stated that they have to vote to send it to council because when it is something that has a lot of. 00:11:54
Moving parts such as the special use permit. They did not make a recommendation. 00:12:04
Exactly. So they voted unanimously to send it to council, but they did not send it with a recommendation. 00:12:12
I guess they could have sent it to New York City if they wanted to, but they sent it to council. OK, so so it's basically. 00:12:21
It was basically they just didn't want to make a decision on it because of the complexities of the issue. 00:12:30
Council, Council always, No matter what their recommendation is, the council always has the last vote anyway. 00:12:39
So I will ask the people asking for this. 00:12:46
Change in what do they call this special use permit if you have some representative that wants to come up and make a statement 00:12:52
about what it is that you're asking? 00:12:57
Thank you for the opportunity. 00:13:09
First of all, can you introduce yourself and everyone? 00:13:11
I'm Debbie Dumas. I am the current owner and plan to be the. 00:13:18
And then we pull up, you pull up the microphone a little bit. 00:13:23
Of country living, residential care, this is Laura Tucker. And just to give a little background first of all, I feel. 00:13:26
Like maybe I have misrepresented what I've been telling people because my. 00:13:35
Understanding of the meeting was that it would come before planning and zoning and be approved or disapproved and from their go to 00:13:43
City Council. So I've been going to all these people sitting here telling them that this was approved at City Council at planning 00:13:50
and zoning. 00:13:56
I, I feel like right after that I got phone calls from all kinds of people saying that, well, first of all, I'll tell you what we 00:14:04
were going to do. So I had put my business up for sale thanking we were going to move and it stayed up for sale for a year. 00:14:12
There's water rights issues pending and at the end of July the contract ended and we decided to close the business and Laura had 00:14:22
come to me because she needed rental property and asked if we'd want to rent it. 00:14:29
Couple days later she called me and said what would it take to keep the facility open and I said financing, we're not making it on 00:14:37
this. So she said I have an investor that would be willing to up some money for you and to come up with some ideas which we have 00:14:46
presented before the RV park as well as. 00:14:54
Possibly something in the back. At that point we had we received, we came to the City Council meeting, we met with some of the 00:15:03
neighbors which are here today. 00:15:08
Who asked us not to put an RV park in the back of the facility? We changed our plan at this point to move the RV park up off the 00:15:14
front edge Rd. and throughout some plans for that. 00:15:22
It is not a mobile Home Park. It is. 00:15:31
It's it's an assisted RV park is what we're trying to. 00:15:36
Create 55 and over newer model RV's long term residents that can't afford to stay in the assisted living house. 00:15:42
They would at least save us that money of building and what's generated from the assisted RV park with ramps on all of them. 00:15:53
Nice neat fenced trees. 00:16:07
Driveways. 00:16:11
Grass keep the front of the facility with we would like a pond fenced around a walking path. So that's that was our intent. 00:16:14
And then so that's what brought us to City Council or to the PNL committee. And like I said, we were under I believe all everyone 00:16:26
that said they are also purchasing an assisted living in the area. It's not this one. 00:16:34
And it's not, and when I first started talking to Debbie, you know, when she said because I went out there and looked at it and 00:16:42
it's a it's something that Socorro needs. I mean, we need this kind of thing. Everything would be over 55 event four people who 00:16:49
need independent living. 00:16:55
And as they work their way into assisted living, it's country living. That's the whole premise of that. Everything would be kept 00:17:02
in the green grass with trees and homes that are spaced apart 100 feet. There's never been a mention of that. There's going to be 00:17:09
mobile homes. It's it's mentioned that the rules and the regulations right now allow there to be mobile homes there. That is not 00:17:16
the intent of this. 00:17:23
And and so just some of that that inaccurate Debbie selling, Debbie's moving. Debbie had planned, but a lot of things have 00:17:31
changed. She's having new great grandkids. 00:17:35
Things get changed and then guaranteeing that you're going to own it for 20 or 30 years that's we all are getting a little longer 00:17:40
the tooth. So that's but just the inaccurate information that's but I mean, I just clarified this hearing. 00:17:50
We do need assisted living, there's no question about it, but this hearing is specifically for a special use permit to change. 00:18:00
The areas use. 00:18:10
So I think the pluses and minuses of having assisted living and it's a good idea and what Debbie has done in the past for the home 00:18:17
has been great. I can personally say that as a physician. 00:18:23
But but this specifically for for a special use permit and it's still not really stated that it's not a tenorant. You're saying 00:18:29
they're permanent and you're also saying that these are there are these that are owned and by the people that will move in there 00:18:39
and live there and then be taking advantage of a facility somewhere else that are assisted means that they have. 00:18:49
People that come in and do stuff for them. Debbie's Debbie's license today allows her if she could double in space capacity, but 00:18:59
she doesn't have the space at the current home. But but the idea of having 55 or whatever the number is of. 00:19:08
As of what size, they're not manufactured houses. I just want to clarify for the council who actually makes the final decision as 00:19:18
to what it is specifically that's going to be there. 00:19:25
It's going to be RV's in that space. Yes, Arts wheels, motorized. 00:19:32
Storage sheds for their material storage, we didn't talk about. We haven't talked about. I'm just saying it needs to be specified. 00:19:40
Council Chairman, whenever you guys, Mr. Partridge, that would be something similar to like I've heard in the past of spot zoning 00:19:46
for. 00:19:51
The wording is special use. It's not and Christie's going like that. It's not spot zoning because the zone is rural residential 00:20:00
which allows for manufacturer and there's a manufactured mobile homes all over that area. 00:20:07
But. 00:20:15
It is not. It's not. It's called special use, which actually was applied for for the assisted living in the house. 00:20:15
Thank you. 00:20:25
Mr. Romero no, I was going to say there's some documentation that was put on the table here today that I haven't been through 00:20:26
that. And then there was other things that was sent out by the city this morning to us. And I'm just trying to clarify and be 00:20:34
specific about what is being asked so the Council has an idea. Mr. Dean, you mentioned mobile homes. You might want to tell your. 00:20:42
Relationship to this to begin with, I live in the neighborhood. Yeah, just I just want to put that in the minutes, but the special 00:20:51
use permit was for a D1 and that's what because you mentioned mobile homes. I don't I don't see it in the special permit that she 00:20:59
got from 2018. The special permit she has is for D1, which is the subdivision that rural residential. 00:21:07
Allows for mobile homes that people live in. 00:21:15
As a residence and it lasts for that. And if they want it on their 14 acres to put in half acre lots that they put, that's allowed 00:21:21
for. But this is a different situation and that's what I'm trying to say. It's a different situation. We'd really rather not have. 00:21:29
We'd rather have something that we control as far as how it looks. 00:21:37
Maintenance. 00:21:47
You know consistency right idea yes, the the facility is licensed. We could take 15 if we have the room it the whole preface of 00:21:48
this was to generate the income to do the addition right. That's from your side. But the question is, is a is a special use? 00:21:58
That people who actually bought in that area as rural residential are having to have their say as to whether they feel that 00:22:09
that's. 00:22:15
The important thing, yeah, The important thing is that it's not in and out day and day and night, you know, rent for one night. 00:22:23
It's meant to be. 00:22:27
For assisted living will provide the services nursing care, go get their medicine, go get their groceries for them. 00:22:34
Things like that. 00:22:43
So also, is there a plan yet that shows, like, what kind of lighting, what kind of impact is it going to have on the neighbors who 00:22:45
live right next door outside their window? I mean, I'm going to say, you know, just ask, is the lighting low to the ground? Is 00:22:52
there going to be a big giant spotlight? We haven't invested in that kind of detail because we don't know what we're getting. 00:22:59
Right, right. Putting the cart before the horse. 00:23:06
But. 00:23:14
Would it make a difference like the tiny homes, would that be more, you know? 00:23:16
Well, again. 00:23:25
I hate to start spreading out. I'm just specifically saying what this hearing is for and it's for. 00:23:27
Special use and I understand it says I'm just reading what you have applied for and it says RV park. 00:23:38
Now your explanation about it being a permanent setting, people coming in assisted housing, then the question would be. 00:23:50
Whether you would come again with planning and zoning after this was approved or not and then show what Councillor Dean is asking 00:23:58
for as to how would you get a permit to to put that in, whether there would be things that the neighbors then would be. 00:24:06
Well, I don't know. I'm just saying after the horse is out of the barn already, which means doing without having specifics, I 00:24:15
think it would be difficult. Whether it would sway them or not, I'm not sure. 00:24:21
Saying that, that those are the kind of the unspoken pieces of this, this puzzle. But why don't we give the opposition a chance to 00:24:28
see what they feel about? Thank you for coming. Who's going to speak for the opposition? 00:24:36
I'll try and make this very easy for you guys, who you are and where you live. My name is Mike Timmons. I moved to Socorro in 2004 00:24:52
when I was hired at New Mexico Tech in 2005. I'm sorry, I just want to have what your standing is to be a oh, my standing is I'm 00:24:59
in the standing on Avenida Adelaida, which is next door to. 00:25:06
Yeah, so. 00:25:14
Let's just step back for a moment. I would ask the petitioners, is this what was part of the application package sent to planning 00:25:17
and zoning this image? 00:25:21
Can't clarify. Once it goes to planning and zoning and it has there's restrictions on just to say the question is no, this is not 00:25:27
part of the application. 00:25:32
You can set up here and talk if you guys want. Well, I'm making the point. This is not part of the original application. I'll move 00:25:40
on from that point so that it made a difference. Then since you brought it up, I would like to enter into the record so this is 00:25:46
captured for posterity and any future actions a petition. 00:25:52
From the neighborhood in opposition to this and full comments that I'm going to deliver today if you'll allow me the time. And I 00:25:59
don't know if I need to give this to you guys. 00:26:04
So that petition includes homeowners and occupants from Avenida Adelaide N Frontage Rd. Farrell Drive. There's quite a few names 00:26:18
on that list, all in opposition to this particular RV park at 1495 Frontage Rd. I also want to state for the record that changing 00:26:26
the time of this meeting to noon, all the appearances of trying to suppress. 00:26:34
Opposition to this project. I think you would have gotten more opposition at 6:00. I know at least three people. 00:26:43
I wanted to be here. Well, we'll, we'll let you decide when we have the meetings from now on. 00:26:49
I'm stating that for the record, Well, for the record, telling you that you can make the appointments for us. 00:26:55
My house is situated 10s of feet from my own backyard back fence directly adjacent to the Demos property. The current facility was 00:27:01
built on a special use permit to renovate a ranch house into a lake care facility. There was little protest to this zoning 00:27:07
variance because the facility specifications. 00:27:14
We're limited to the homes footprint. The assurances were made at the rest that the rest of the property would remain 00:27:21
agricultural. In fact, in testimony before planning and zoning on June 7th, 2018, Mr. Moss was asked by Christina Carnegie, who's 00:27:28
in the audience here. Is there any expansions planned for the property? 00:27:36
I Mr. Moss did respond. She would like to expand the facility to a 15 beds facility. Maybe something that this neighborhood maybe 00:27:44
actually get behind. 00:27:50
She also stated that she would like to put a resting area in the front with a pond that's clearly still in the plans. 00:27:57
And now we know. 00:28:05
Let's see. And then the last bit of testimony provided in that particular meeting, there was promises made that the backfield 00:28:08
would remain remain agricultural. So that was what was presented in 2018. 00:28:15
In 2020, Mr. Moss returned to PNZ requesting another special use permit to develop a mobile RV park on the back lot of the 00:28:23
property within feet of my property. That application was withdrawn as they were informed by the traffic study of the frontage Rd. 00:28:30
would likely be required. The project seemed to be self showed at that point. 00:28:38
So I did attend the October, the latest, October 16th PNZ meeting to express my opposition to the development. The last fix of the 00:28:45
development project have changed. The mobile RV park remains a central element of the proposed project. PNZ inexplicably approved 00:28:53
the proposed development despite multiple protesters attending. Only three of the five Commission members were president. I spoke 00:29:00
to Chairman Anaya. He told me. 00:29:08
From the votes, I'm not sure the record is correct. I do not have minutes from that meeting to confirm, but I would be confirming 00:29:16
that there was a quorum attained, certified letters went to all the homeowners as required, and votes were recorded accurately. 00:29:22
Now you, the council, are considering a recommendation. What I thought was a recommendation from PNC. I'm just hearing now that 00:29:28
also that it was just. 00:29:34
A pass the buck exercise. I will remind the Council that the special use permit is required for specific land use. 00:29:41
That is not permitted by right within the zone. Special use permits are required by ordinance to meet following conditions under 00:29:50
chapter 250, Article 5, section 255.5. In this section, the city has certain requirements that must be followed. Special use 00:29:59
permits shall not be granted in such cases where they were adversely affected, joining property values or endanger public safety. 00:30:08
Special use permits shall not be granted in such cases. 00:30:17
Where the use is or will become detrimental to the character of the zone wherein it it is located. 00:30:21
With any special use submission, the applicant is required to document the following. There should be a comprehensive statement 00:30:28
including each application included with each application, detailing the reason for the project, purpose and use of the property, 00:30:34
all the improvements to be made, a site plan that has to include location of existing structures including dimensions, setbacks, 00:30:40
all that. 00:30:47
Location of treatment of open spaces, landscaping, Plan a schedule, lighting, signage. 00:30:54
A drainage plan, site plan, landscaping plan, a grading plan shall be required for all special use developments. 00:31:01
None of this information is included in the special use application. I will add that there is no information regarding power 00:31:09
upgrades required, sewer enhancements, needed traffic studies, or any details needed to evaluate the merits of this proposal. 00:31:15
Lastly, the Sydney ordinance also stipulate that special uses shall not be considered a zoning district change. So my question is 00:31:22
pretty simple. 00:31:28
For the council given the restrictions stipulated and required by city ordinance. 00:31:35
How can a special use permit be used to permanently change the zoning for neighborhood? This application will permanently change 00:31:40
the zoning conditions in this part of this city and will absolutely impact the property values of adjacent homeowners. 00:31:47
So all future homeowners will have to deal with whatever this commercial operation ends up being. 00:31:56
The applicants have not met the minimum requirements of a special use permit application. They have not requested a renewal 00:32:03
special use permit for the current facility, which I understand is required to be renewed on A5 year basis or so. 00:32:09
That's consistent with the temporary nature of the zoning statuses. This commercial venture with non Socorro investors will have a 00:32:18
singular purpose and this is hitting me acutely. It is to extract every cent of value out of that property and all the adjacent 00:32:24
properties to it. 00:32:30
And that's to my personal to my knowledge, no formal traffic study has been completed or supplied with the application. 00:32:39
Regrettably, I understand our our neighbors are moving to Texas. They will not be here to manage this property. 00:32:48
So I stand in opposition to the special use application. I'm accompanied by others in our neighborhood, some of these, everyone 00:32:57
here. If you want to raise your hand and indicate your opposition, you're welcome to do so for the council. So I, I believe I've 00:33:04
provided this council with all the information needed to just deny the special use permit application. This is a test of your 00:33:10
leadership and I know it's not a welcome one. 00:33:17
Do you support the people who are living here in Socorro? 00:33:24
Were another family that doesn't live in Socorro has no plans to reside in Socorro. My whole world is ranked here. I've raised my 00:33:28
two kids here. This is the only home they have known and I will continue to fight this proposed development with every legal means 00:33:36
available to me. I can only trust that this council will just adhere to the ordinance they have. Thank you. 00:33:43
You won't understand for any questioning at all. 00:33:53
Since you took the time to come at noon, yeah. 00:33:57
You know, 6:00 might have been awkward with the election going on and that's the reason we changed the 12. But I guess Christy, 00:34:00
his comment about a quorum, I just want to get the cities liability out of this before we get sued. Was there a quorum? 00:34:08
And did Mr. Anaya abstain? 00:34:17
And. 00:34:20
Well, I'm hearsay, hearsay. I'm just saying what's in the minutes and and what's the other part which? 00:34:23
And you, you, you, you did communicate to all the neighbors, all your, all your intent. 00:34:31
Excuse me, I'm just trying to clarify if you'd give me a chance. Listen, I apologize. Go ahead. Clarify the city's role in having 00:34:41
some negligence if that's the case. Yes, Sir. So. So all those things that he mentioned. 00:34:49
Right, OK. 00:35:04
OK, well just just to make sure we document that and make sure that you get those minutes signed by the by the Chairman. Doctor 00:35:09
Johnson, let me finish and I will be happy to listen to your hand. 00:35:14
OK. 00:35:23
Yes, Miss George. 00:35:24
This was coming about. 00:35:27
And just across the Florida lateral from? 00:35:37
For this development, so, and I think I mean it's just a recommendation, but I think and perhaps in rural residential zoning 100 00:35:44
feet of distance to notify a a significant land owner of a of a peak of a zoning change or a special use permit is a little 00:35:53
narrow. I think I still fall within the 100 feet. I'm not going to change the ordinance here. 00:36:03
We can do that another time, but we appreciate your comment and make sure that we're sure. Well, just she's made a comment and 00:36:13
obviously we did not include her with what the county said and we'll make sure it's noted and but we didn't, you know, there's a 00:36:19
percentage. But anyway, Mr. Partridge, you have a question. No more of a comment. No, just comment to to Mr. Romero. That sounds 00:36:25
like the entire planning and zoning Epstein is all I was saying is that they just passed it to us. I thought that they were a 00:36:31
buffer. 00:36:37
They should know these ordinances and what is allowable in these areas and make it render a decision. I get it's going to come to 00:36:44
us either way. It sounds like there was no decision at all and they just pushed it to us. That's all I was saying. I apologize. I 00:36:50
mean administratively and I don't have a vote and it appears we may need further time to discuss this, but administratively if you 00:36:56
have. 00:37:02
A special use permit. 00:37:09
Asked for and the neighbors. 00:37:13
Present a petition that they feel is not appropriate for their area. This a certain zone. You have to listen to the petition. I 00:37:14
mean you have to look and see what the neighbors are saying about what they bought and what is being changed, even as nebulous as 00:37:23
it is. So logically, if you go by just looking at. 00:37:31
The role of planning and zoning and and getting. 00:37:40
The people who owned houses already there and if this was there before they bought the house, that would be a different story. But 00:37:45
this is a, this is a special use and that's something that I think the council needs to look at. I, I appreciate people coming to 00:37:52
town whether they live here or not. I know, I know, I don't like to make that kind of a statement that people that are here should 00:37:59
be treated differently than the people that are coming in and investing in our community. 00:38:05
I'm I certainly appreciate people looking at our community to invest in. 00:38:13
And and whether you're moving away or not is to get the best value for the property that you've paid for. But again. 00:38:17
I leave it up to the council if they want to make a decision today. Mr. Fleming or or we can ask her legal because there appears 00:38:25
to be a lot of Britons about legal matters that coming to the City Council being sued. Maybe we should look at it a little more 00:38:33
specifically. Mr. Mayor. First of all, Christy, how many mailings went out that were presented to you by the county? 00:38:40
I have 9 listings, 99. I wonder why on this petition that we were just given we have 21. 00:38:57
I don't know. That didn't come through P&Z. So was this not presented to PNC? No, I know, but. 00:39:07
This is my family, but we have to authenticate all these. I think that's why we may have to look at this. We'll kick the can down 00:39:16
the road, but we'll have to look at this little closer. But Miss Dean, I was just curious about the lodgers tax. I don't I don't 00:39:24
remember the the what the rules are on that we received largest tax from these RV's or because they're long term. 00:39:32
If they will reside in one place for more than a month, there's no logic. 00:39:40
You want to tax them also. 00:39:46
Still again. 00:39:51
Based on all the conversations that I have with Mr. Mr. Demas, Mr. Timmons and, and going through and looking at and refreshing 00:39:54
myself on on coding and zones and ordinances and all that. I think it brings to light some stuff that I think the council as a 00:40:01
whole used to needs to address. As far as the process throughout the discussions I was talking about. I know there's a checklist, 00:40:08
I've seen checklist before on when they come to City Council and they, they, there's a list of stuff that needs to be. 00:40:15
And I was trying to find it, come find it. And the whole time I was kind of right in front of my eyes with Mr. Delaney's 00:40:23
application and all those questions are asked. 00:40:28
Will any sign on property related to the business have over what however many feed? Is your business activity related to the 00:40:36
healthcare physical? Will there be external outside evidence of the business activities such as commercial vehicle storage, noise, 00:40:42
dust, odors, noxious fumes and so on. And I think that I mean this this is for the home occupation permit, but I think this a 00:40:48
checklist like this would have been good. 00:40:54
For us as a council to to be able to cross reference with the testimonies from from the petitioners and and the people in 00:41:01
opposition because there are a lot of good points that are being made or a lot of good questions that that that are asked on these 00:41:10
applications that the petitioner can either approve or disprove also to in discussion with Mr. and Missus Demos and. 00:41:18
The concern I've had throughout my time as a council is, excuse me, when we get these, what does it do for the future? And, and I 00:41:27
think my biggest concern with something like this is, I mean, I have no doubt that Mister and Mrs. Demos would have a beautiful 00:41:33
facility and they would do everything that they would say. 00:41:39
But what concerns me is that if we were to approve a special use for this rural residential area. 00:41:46
I feel that. For example, my sister has a house on Duggan Plain and she has property. I mean, who's to say if she wants to make 00:41:54
some extra cash or entice the value of her land by putting an RV park there? She comes to the counselor planning and zoning and 00:42:00
says the same thing. You know, it's going to be nice. We're going to, we're going to, it's going to be all this other sea moves 00:42:06
and another person comes in and we have no guarantee that that's going to be fulfilled. 00:42:12
I mean, it's a mobile home. I mean, it's a mobile Home Park, not an RV park. But I mean, I wasn't obviously here when it happened, 00:42:19
but Shady Nook, for example. 00:42:23
When that was approved or, or allowed to happen, how did that go down? And, and now you look, they could have said the same thing 00:42:27
too. This is going to be, we're going to put trees, it's going to be a nice, we're going to take care of it and so on and so 00:42:35
forth. Ownership hands or the ownership changes hands and in my opinion, it's detrimental to the neighborhood. 00:42:42
And for everybody else that has their properties in rural residential, what's that? What signal does that stand to them? I mean 00:42:52
all the whole farm can have the opportunity now. On what grounds would we have? 00:42:57
To deny them based on if they were to come and present a same application and the same arguments that this is that's being 00:43:03
presented today, we really wouldn't have any grounds in my opinion to denial. So I firmly agree that we have a need and Mr. Mrs. 00:43:10
Demas are stepping up to the plate to try to, to try to to address that need and it's appreciated. But I think that us as a 00:43:17
council, in my opinion. 00:43:23
Need to be a little bit more strategic on how. 00:43:31
And and and addressing all the issues that could come about on on the application and then we can go from there. 00:44:04
So that's. 00:44:13
That that's, that's where, that's that's where I stand on this much. 00:44:15
Are there? 00:44:23
I'm Debbie Demos with Country Living. Are there any who holds people to the ordinances like shady whatever, wagon wheel, Willis 00:44:25
trailer park, you know, I know it's going to look better than any of that, but just asking, are there city ordinances or who who? 00:44:35
Takes care of that stuff. 00:44:47
We lose responsibility. We have. I do. Is Chris here? 00:44:49
There's my zoning, my code enforcement, and he's got his hands full. Mr. Mayor, just on that, sorry. So, and I don't have the 00:44:55
exact words, but from what I read on there that if a specially used permit is approved, it it can be revoked if, and I don't know 00:45:01
the exact wording on it, but it can be revoked if the terms and conditions, some of the terms and conditions aren't being met at 00:45:07
that time. 00:45:13
That is correct. 00:45:21
Well, you know the. 00:45:24
Again, there's checklists and there's checklists and there's plans that you're going to show, but it all boils down to it being a 00:45:27
special use permit and the special use permit again administratively and also is the one who votes. 00:45:37
Is something that the neighbors really have, in my opinion, have a four or 50% effect on whether you have a checklist that you did 00:45:48
everything there. The neighbors feel that they're not being treated properly by the special use permit. And so same thing with the 00:45:55
home business. If somebody wants to put a home business next door to somebody's house and the neighbors say, you know, this is not 00:46:03
going to work out, I think we have to listen to the people who have. 00:46:10
Actually bought and paid money for real estate there. I appreciate that and I agree with you. But also we should have been given 00:46:17
the list so we could present that and we could do our due diligence, which we thought we were doing. 00:46:25
If we develop a list for you and you give a nicer picture of this. 00:46:34
Will that be something that this petition and these the people are going to say, yeah, that's great. I want 50 RV's right next. So 00:46:42
so that that's what I'm getting with just boil it down to the basics is the question of neighbors saying that we don't want this 00:46:48
in our rural. 00:46:55
My my name is Chet de Maison. 00:47:03
Part owner of this thing, but we in Mr. Timmons right? We we did visit with him. We went to their house and had dinner on 00:47:05
previously and this is I think is in 20/20/20. I don't remember the actual date but he he did not want it in the back. So we said 00:47:12
okay, what if we move it to the front? 00:47:20
He didn't have a problem with that. 00:47:28
That's why we. 00:47:31
Are coming to them with this right now beautiful but you know I'm just saying that this is not going to be. 00:47:33
With them seeing all this and trying to present it to them again, personally I think we should hear but at this point it doesn't 00:47:40
appear that the whole picture is together like. 00:47:45
Damien, we've got somebody sitting here on the phone. 00:47:53
Have you got a question? Yes, Mr. Mayor, this is Daniel Compo. I have a question. I'm not sure if they got answered earlier. We 00:47:57
lost electricity again and my phone got dropped but got back on. But I understand that there is some type of verbiage where 00:48:05
special use permits have to be reviewed or else applied for again every five years. And maybe not in this exact situation, but 00:48:12
this, so I understand it more, so I'm not ignorant towards it. 00:48:19
Every five years that a. 00:48:27
Especially use permit as well. Then is it the council or the PNZ or, or who is it that actually sees it that they're still doing 00:48:29
business as they as they put in for the special. That way all sides understand and know that that it that they're still following 00:48:38
what they what they applied for in the 1st place. Was that answered before? I'm just not sure. 00:48:47
Not not directly, but I think it's up to the planning and zoning. 00:48:56
Administrator and the city administrator and the mayor to make sure that if we have these coming up every five years that that we 00:49:01
could review what they said they were going to do and what they are actually doing. But again, that's farther down the road than 00:49:07
somebody investing hundreds of thousands of dollars and doing something and then it's falling apart. And then us telling them, 00:49:12
well, they got to clean it up or do something. You know, that that's that's, that's a decision that probably should never have 00:49:18
been made. 00:49:24
But again. 00:49:29
It's up to the council as to how they decide what the specifics are, as to what satisfies them to make this into a special use and 00:49:30
we can give them these check boxes, We can save review this every five years. The question is, in my opinion, the way the the 00:49:37
petition is and the people that are here, that feeling is not going to change. And I just don't know whether that's acceptable to 00:49:44
them or not. But we can, we can certainly. 00:49:50
Postpone this hearing give you a chance to have further discussions with them. 00:49:58
And not make a decision or turn it down or turn it up. That's something up to the council. Mr. Mayor, on, on that note, it is in 00:50:04
there that says that if we do vote on this today and we do deny it, they can't come back for another six months. So we can 00:50:11
postpone it whatever the council would like. But again, I just, I'm just saying the things that are on the table, that there's no 00:50:17
hidden agenda. It's just the way things are. And I, I, are you taking my picture? 00:50:23
We can make that available to you while you're at it, but you're welcome to come closer if you want to look better that way. 00:50:31
But go ahead. 00:50:37
We aren't moving the goal posts on this application. According to our bylaws, postponement has to be taken up at the next City 00:50:41
Council meeting. 00:50:46
Change between now and 2nd. Withdrawing that would be the easiest thing to do and not have that six month period. Mr. Mayor, is 00:50:53
it? Is it? Is it in our authority to send it back to PNC and then have them do a formal vote on recommending or denying? 00:51:02
Well, don't bring that. 00:51:18
We have a you're saying we don't have a constituted community right now. I don't think you need to say anything else. Yeah, that's 00:51:20
a different thing. But again, it could be you could withdraw the application and that would not apply for six months. If you would 00:51:26
rule the application and bring it back up again, we could. 00:51:32
Postpone it for another meeting in two weeks, But we have that by bylaw that we can't, we can't just postpone it forever. 00:51:39
I just want to make sure the condition. 00:51:47
Achievements if you choose the post Office for two years. 00:51:50
Mr. Mayor, just to answer your question, they would not so, but if it's sent back to P&Z, the the nature of the application can be 00:51:55
changed. 00:51:59
But again. 00:52:06
It would behoove us to allow them to present further information, not go ahead and invest any more money because we're not saying 00:52:11
that you should or shouldn't, is to recommend that you withdraw it and go back to the Planning board and go back to the planning 00:52:19
and zoning. That would be my advice. If we do postpone it, we have two weeks. 00:52:28
To wrestle with this if you'd like. 00:52:38
Or you can vote on it now instrument. Sorry. And there was also discussion about, you know, they were saying that meetings were 00:52:40
being held with the neighbors and all that other stuff. In my opinion, I think that the planning and zoning meetings should be the 00:52:45
time or that way everything is on record and there's no he said this, they said that and they're meeting behind their backs and 00:52:51
they're spreading the rumors and everything else like that as well. But I think that that's the perfect opportunity where there's 00:52:56
no I mean you have. 00:53:01
You have free will to. 00:53:07
Present both arguments for and against and everything is on record. So when we do. 00:53:09
I understand that, but I'm yes, but then so that way I'm that way the public knows too. So that way whenever it's the people that 00:53:16
weren't there, they know that when we get when we get our when we get the application from the planning and zoning, we have an 00:53:21
accurate description of the comments that were made and everything the arguments that were made within the minutes of the 00:53:26
application from the planning and zoning. 00:53:31
We do have that new Michael in our packet. 00:53:37
This Doctor Johnson. 00:53:43
Just one second. Just. 00:53:49
Hi, hello to the council and I appreciate you hearing us out. I just wanted to make the council aware that in the in the documents 00:53:57
that I got when I went to see Christy that this is not simply an RV park. There are there are additional paper, there's additional 00:54:06
paperwork that says as a tentative plan they would they might want to put some. 00:54:14
Some tiny houses or assisted living housing now in the back residential area and that is a is a tentative plan and I believe the 00:54:23
discussion was that that was looking at about 5 years out to create this little community and I, I responded in the PNC meeting 00:54:32
that. 00:54:40
For them and and it is my understanding from attending that meeting that. 00:54:49
That three out of four of the PNC members said that they approved it. That was my understanding, but. 00:54:54
If the minutes don't reflect that, I don't know where the discrepancy is, but. 00:55:04
Pardon the discrepancy with you because the minutes say they did not make any decision. 00:55:09
But I have my objection is that this proposal had something that was tentative five years, potentially five years down the road. 00:55:16
And I said. 00:55:21
These need to be separated out and I just want you all to be aware that that is part of what was on the what was on the table. I 00:55:27
didn't know if you listened to the whole meeting by the start of the meeting by specifying what this meeting and this hearing was 00:55:33
about, I did. 00:55:38
But I, I felt that that was something that was important for me to say. And it's important for me to tell you that if there are 00:55:45
tiny houses out there and they're within the code, they can be built. That's housing. 00:55:51
No matter whether they're tiny or large or mansions, they're housing and they can be built in that rural residential setting. It's 00:55:58
just you can't have this in the rural residential sitting in my opinion. 00:56:04
Without approval of Yeah, without the City Council. But tiny homes. 00:56:13
And you're whatever tiny home means within as a residence can be done. I mean that's that's not against the zoning over there. It 00:56:19
it can be done. But I but as a question I asked several years ago for my family's property. Mike Chosen told me that you can a 00:56:27
piece of land can be subdivided. 00:56:35
Once every year and unless. Unless. 00:56:44
You know, these are going to be whatever. I mean, we're talking about tiny homes, but if they're going to be individually owned, 00:56:49
then that is a sub that falls under the subdivision. 00:56:55
Have to be approved by City Council. You can subsidized up to. 00:57:03
Christine 4. 00:57:09
I can't. I can't give you specifically, but you can on your own. Every year you can subdivide X number by doing a subdivision. 00:57:12
Then you didn't fall under the subdivision requirements 11 division, so you can do that. 00:57:22
Topic but. 00:57:30
The concept of them putting in tiny homes or mansions or whatever that's. 00:57:32
Part of the zoning there, that's just, you know, just the logic. I think we're getting away. I mean, again, I think this is a 00:57:37
specific special use. The neighbors are against it, unfortunately to me. 00:57:45
That's a very important part, Debbie. I think we can all agree on that. 00:57:53
Select. 00:57:58
Sorry again, this is Debbie Demoss with Country Living and we just want to resend her application at this point. 00:58:01
We'll just, we'll just do something else. The home is back there. And then they don't have a choice because that's yeah, according 00:58:09
to a subdivision laws. 00:58:16
You don't have to qualify. You're resenting the application. Yes. Thank you. Sorry about all the time. No, I mean, that's what we 00:58:24
have. Commissioner Duggan, is that your party? Is that part of your county? 00:58:31
Come on down. Did you put any improvements on that road for us? 00:58:40
You've got two months with me. But Mr. Mayor, Mr. Monet, I'm Glenn Duggan's. I live in limits are for the record, I am a current 00:58:46
commissioner. I do not represent the Commission in this meeting. I'm a neighbor to demuss. I've known these people. 00:58:57
I don't want to tell you how many years, but look. 00:59:08
They're the cleanest, best neighbors I've ever had and if they wanted to do this next to me? 00:59:13
Why not? And you know what? If I want to control your land? Well, maybe I should have bought it. And what about? 00:59:18
Neighbors. 00:59:27
That don't keep their yards up, that are depreciating their land. There's some of the cleanest stuff around it, and I wanna touch 00:59:29
on that agriculture stuff a little. 00:59:33
As the city or as development comes around a farm. 00:59:40
You can love your farm all you want. 00:59:46
But if you're there, if you have to turn the profit, you can't do it with neighbors all around you because they're going to turn 00:59:49
you in. The water is going to leak. The tractor is too loud. One, I know, I live your, your wife's, your sisters where they live. 00:59:58
That's where I grew up. I know I grew up in that neighborhood, you know? 01:00:07
And I'm tired of the ghetto. 01:00:19
I really am. I remember when Ford, when General Motors, when everybody was here, John Deere. I know things change, but we need 01:00:23
good investment. And this looks to me like whether they do the tiny house or whatever, you couldn't ask for better people. And 01:00:32
Hallelujah that corporations, corporate money comes to Socorro. 01:00:41
Open my pocket. What the hell? 01:00:50
What's the matter with that? I mean, we live in poverty. We have an aging community. This is needed. And the beautiful thing of a 01:00:53
government. I've learned what they give is they can take it. And if you need to adjust something, my goodness, you have a very 01:01:02
good opportunity here to help the people of Socorro to remain in Socorro and to not go to the nursing home. 01:01:12
I mean that I don't know. There's no, there's no question that that chili farm is the prettiest chili farm I have ever seen. 01:01:22
I know I. 01:01:31
This has to do with ordinances and a city and it has to do with what the neighbors are feeling. And if there is a dirty yard, the 01:01:37
people who move there bought it next to that dirty yard, you know, and we have zoning ordinances for that. But this is a special 01:01:47
use and, and this needs to be here in Socorro, but probably not there. But we definitely need assistance. 01:01:56
And what Debbie did with that farmhouse for people, it was it was a godsend for the family and for the people that were there that 01:02:05
you took care of. 01:02:10
If the firm continues through the in the coming years and we nobody ever knows, I hope it does. I hate to see farmland covered up 01:02:16
but people move in. I I understand you have your legal stuff to go through but I came here to vouch and without a doubt. 01:02:26
And and and it's needed. 01:02:37
And I may not like what my neighbors do. Donald, how long have you known Debbie? 01:02:42
OK, well, see, we got, we got a guy right there that knows we're longer than that. Well, we all know each other, but I that's all 01:02:51
I can we do know that we're here. It's just and it by the way, if you need some help, let me know. 01:02:59
I mean the county Commission, because it's in the city, you're in the, we're in the county, we need to eat some of your that you 01:03:07
guys are putting in the bank, which should be used for the public. 01:03:12
And you know what? And that's my argument. You better spent within the community advances. 01:03:21
But really if I can help with public session anymore? 01:03:31
Thank you, Mr. Douglas. Mr. Fleming. 01:03:39
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. So as of right now, I'm pointing up clarification. The application has been rescinded by the presenters, is 01:03:45
that correct? 01:03:51
That is correct. We will go alternate route. 01:03:58
Mr. Parkman, just offer I I think I echo what Mr. Elgin said and Councillor Augean and Mayor, we do need housing for the elderly, 01:04:03
the tough position to be in as a counselor. 01:04:10
I just based upon the application now that it's rescinded, it sounds like even with the notes given, Mr. Timmons, maybe have you 01:04:19
provided a blueprint for you to do it a different route that is more applicable than the area that the neighbors would be more 01:04:24
satisfied with? 01:04:28
I don't think they'll be more satisfied, but maybe it'll fall within the legal boundaries and then it won't mind. That's my 01:04:34
opinion. 01:04:38
But maybe it'll fall within the parameters of what's allowable without a special use, and maybe that'll work better for the 01:04:43
circumstances. 01:04:47
And obviously, Mr. Romero chatting with all the appeasement that, you know, you were trying to do and things that the neighbors 01:04:53
were trying to do to take care of their property, there was just a lot of different. 01:05:01
Stories and information misinformation, misinformation and bad that things are that way if they would invited us to their meeting, 01:05:10
we could have probably not had a problem in an issue. That's why we come up with this alternate site plan because of but you hate 01:05:18
to run out and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. 01:05:26
To get. 01:05:35
Maybe on a, on a, on a permit that is, you know, so now we know what we need to do period. 01:05:37
Do you have the investors with you, One of them? 01:05:48
And two, there's, there's three of us. I think that's great. I mean, I, you know, I, I don't have anything against time. Yeah, of 01:05:53
course, Yeah, of course. And helping the town and I just think. 01:06:01
Well, I think we appreciate you. Everybody says we are moving away. Well, we are going to move away, but we're still involved in 01:06:09
this business. So we're not going anywhere. 01:06:15
Appreciate you. Our house is still here. We're still gonna be taxes here. It's just it's just a different location of. 01:06:21
Well, thank, thank you and thank you. 01:06:30
We're doing are we doing a bit award, let's do it again. I make a motion, we approve a bit of word IFB 092424 the Evergreen water 01:06:42
wastewater collection system expansion. 01:06:49
So moved and seconded, and as I don't know people at the end of the line, we're going to do the whole system. We got money for it 01:06:58
and good job with Donald and Ruby and Paul and Lloyd. 01:07:04
All so all in favor, aye? 01:07:12
Motion We approve the letter of award for Monsoner's Ave. 01:07:19
Second moved and seconded. There's another that we had to get extra money for and I think we'll get it past the Interstate 01:07:23
overpass. Will we or no? 01:07:27
It's going to be close, Mister man, just to the club maybe. All in favor, aye. Hazard, Mr. again, Motion. We approve the OSHA 01:07:32
policies and procedures of the Hazard communications and the blood borne Pathogen plan. 01:07:40
Moved and seconded discussion. All in favor Aye, new business. 01:07:50
Whole business Mr. Mayor would like to just thank you and your staff and Lloyd for getting the like that whether is that game that 01:07:56
played ******** Bloomberg I know you think that were ******** boards all done at the city. I didn't even realize they were done I 01:08:02
had checked on the progress and. 01:08:09
AD came up and was really happy that it was done. So thanks for the hard work and getting that done. And Lloyd said there's a 01:08:15
little bit more to do on it just to make it a little nicer. I appreciate that. Thank you. 01:08:21
On the mayors report, I just want to give you an update on the, I'm sorry, who said Mr. Romero. And also we need to thank whoever 01:08:28
was in charge for the concrete for that. That was huge from beginning to end. So Senior Center. 01:08:36
Michael, are you still here? 01:08:48
Good, good job. No, you guys are great. 01:08:53
I'm glad you can make the noon meetings though buddy. 01:08:59
You guys take the two hours to vote later on, OK. 01:09:03
Sakura Municipal Electric Update I want to give you some information #1 the Public Regulatory Commission slapped the co-ops, not 01:09:08
just the hand, they slapped some other stuff. And they told the Co-op that they were incompetent, they were frivolous and wasting 01:09:15
the owner's money and legal issues that were not able to be accomplished. Taking to the Supreme Court and all that. And they're 01:09:22
going to and they're going to. 01:09:30
Make sure that they do not charge the consumers $1,000,000 penalty that they're supposed to pay, but they're still considering the 01:09:38
penalty #2 we have gotten. 01:09:43
Almost 70%. 01:09:52
Of our solar and battery storage, paid for by a grant. 01:09:54
5 megabytes, 5 MW solar facility with A10 MW battery storage. 01:10:01
We're now looking to put together a resolution for the council, Peter Gonzalez additional job duties as police Lieutenant and 01:10:11
Gilberto Chavez landfill termination. 01:10:18
Esther. 01:10:26
Of the personnel changes as well. 01:10:29
Again, we've the 2nd and all in favor, aye. We have business registration. We have March Mexican and more transient vendor. You 01:10:32
know, we've had transient vendors that have, I had one guys, they were coming from California. They set up on Smith's. I know you 01:10:39
mentioned that to me. There were, there's actually they're set up somewhere else and I happen to catch them on Smith's. They had a 01:10:46
whole, they had a whole lights and generator and a cooking and we had them moved off. 01:10:54
Sakura Wellness and Rehabilitation, David Gertz. And that's a skilled nursing facility. 01:11:01
Neuralta Technology. Mustang, OK Electrical contractor. 01:11:09
Who approved the business registrations? 01:11:17
Moved and seconded. All in favor, Aye. And the next meeting, if we have one, will be at 6:00. 01:11:21
November 19th I will send a personal invitation to Doctor Timmons to come because I think he likes the evening meetings. 01:11:30
OK, that's it turned. See you guys later. 01:11:40
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