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Mayor Bhaskar, Councillor Chavis Lopez, Councillor Dean Councillor Fleming, Councillor Ocampo, Councillor Oguin, Councillor | 00:00:00 | |
Partridge, Councillor Romero. | 00:00:08 | |
Councillor Salome, we do have a quorum. | 00:00:16 | |
The United States. | 00:00:24 | |
Make a motion when you approve the consent agenda. | 00:00:39 | |
Second move and seconded discussion. All in favor aye. Opposed. OK public forum. | 00:00:44 | |
Nobody. | 00:00:52 | |
How about the? | 00:00:55 | |
For your real home occupation permit. | 00:00:57 | |
Is that you're selling chickens out there? | 00:01:02 | |
For 28 years. | 00:01:06 | |
Turkeys, chickens, and now, well, it's hard to get young people to work this hard, so I gave it up two years ago. | 00:01:08 | |
I came here 30 years ago with the with the raised the family. | 00:01:19 | |
Rented a farm that took me 10 years to be able to buy. | 00:01:25 | |
And the 6th generation farmer. | 00:01:30 | |
And it was the first certificate certified organic poultry in the United States was right here selling to Albertsons, Whole Foods, | 00:01:32 | |
Wild Oats, all the best restaurants. | 00:01:37 | |
So in the process, so I think maybe 10 years ago or something, I had a medical license that I applied for and you're, you're, | 00:01:44 | |
you're OK to raise some cannabis on that. And, and so, so I've been playing around with cannabis for a while. And anyway, so I | 00:01:50 | |
went and got a license last year. | 00:01:57 | |
And then this year renewed again this year. And but my farm, my processing building for the poultry that I processed 400,000 birds | 00:02:04 | |
and I'm doing that into a processing building for cannabis. And I got plenty of room. I have 25 acres in the land with lots of in | 00:02:12 | |
in the city with lots of water. So I, I I've been applying to get. | 00:02:20 | |
A a dispensary permit on my land and I was. | 00:02:30 | |
I didn't make it to the first meeting and then I came to the second meeting, but I wasn't on the agenda. So I came to the third | 00:02:34 | |
meeting to the P&Z and discussion was, was, was lively and but it really came down to, you know, they really kind of agreed on | 00:02:43 | |
that needs to be commercial property to put a dispensary in. Now I go back, you know. | 00:02:51 | |
Cannabis is a USDA designated crop. | 00:03:01 | |
In New Mexico. | 00:03:05 | |
All of it is considered hemp under the USDA rules until it's budded. Now these small licenses that are really, really made for | 00:03:07 | |
small producers and communities is what they thought it was really a rare license. No other state has it there. There are micro | 00:03:14 | |
licenses and they allow you to do anything whether you grow, you're allowed to process as long as you do their requirements and | 00:03:21 | |
and dispense also. | 00:03:28 | |
But a lot of that can be really expensive for small people doing that a lot of those things. And they so, so I, I just wanted to, | 00:03:36 | |
you know, I, I kind of agree that it's got to be commercial, but I really think there's a lot of lot of things that that the city | 00:03:44 | |
really hasn't considered in the process of, of legalization of pot and along with the dispensaries and. | 00:03:53 | |
You know, all the dispensaries are here. They're not. They're not micro licensed. | 00:04:02 | |
They're all the bigger, bigger ends of people. So the micro license allows the money to stay in the city and produce employees and | 00:04:07 | |
you're spending your money in the city. It's no different than I was doing with the poultry business. I was going to Santa Fe Taos | 00:04:14 | |
bringing money back to the city, but here. So I think Michael is really have to really be considered as a priority for I I've | 00:04:21 | |
heard some talk on maybe. | 00:04:29 | |
Limiting the dispensaries in town, things like that. | 00:04:37 | |
But I think the priority should be on local and the micro licenses first before you put absolute limit on things like that. | 00:04:40 | |
But. | 00:04:50 | |
So I, so I, and then also there was another issue too, at one of the PNC meetings where I realized that, you know, a neighbor came | 00:04:52 | |
in, Bill, he wanted to get a license to sell his hay. Well, that's OK. You know, I mean, it's in the documents. So you can, if | 00:04:59 | |
you're producing farm products, you're allowed to sell them on your farm, off your farm. | 00:05:06 | |
Anywhere you want. | 00:05:14 | |
And one of the peers, you guys kind of had some issue with that. I told him I wanted to do corn Mohawk and corn pumpkins, stuff | 00:05:17 | |
like that. And he kinda really implied that I couldn't. And then, but I think it was talked over and I think in the end he did | 00:05:24 | |
agree. That's true. You can't if you're producing stuff. It was just that license on the on the, on the dispensary. But it was | 00:05:32 | |
kind of the final issue. But these, but this other fellow came in with two younger fellows and I don't want to despair or. | 00:05:39 | |
Anybody's ability to do what they want to do to make money, but this one fellow owns property and he rents it out to two other | 00:05:47 | |
guys to do their micro licenses on. So they each needed a separate business license to do that. | 00:05:55 | |
But I can just say that, you know, I told Bill that night too, look, I guess then I can just rent my acreage out, two acres at an | 00:06:05 | |
acre for people to come in and grow a pot. I don't, I don't care to see that. I told them and and I don't think he wanted to | 00:06:11 | |
either. But I think it should be really looked at hard if somebody is going to rent their ground for people raising pot to give | 00:06:17 | |
them a license. | 00:06:23 | |
I mean, they had the coop, that Co-op model, but I mean what you're really asking for and I have to. | 00:06:30 | |
And all honesty, I have a house right next to his that I rent, but what you're asking for is a dispensary. | 00:06:37 | |
To sell the marijuana that you raised on your property, correct? And that issue. And Christy, remind me what the PNZ said. | 00:06:47 | |
I'm just going to get the PNG point of view. | 00:07:03 | |
And, and I, and I must say I'm very sympathetic to you ever since you've helped me change a flat tire 20 years ago. | 00:07:07 | |
Headed to Santa Fe with his refrigerator and we broke down. Toby was with Toby had a meal one it was between Berlin and Las Lunas. | 00:07:16 | |
Couldn't get my tire off and he stopped to help me. So I'm sympathetic to you as a neighbor and somebody who helped me change a | 00:07:26 | |
tire. | 00:07:30 | |
Anyway, Christy. | 00:07:35 | |
Application I came through for being campus. | 00:07:37 | |
The PMP did approve the farming and the farming isn't what's into question. And then so when he came into my office after the | 00:07:44 | |
first meeting and said well what about like selling it and having a dispensary? Told him the first application didn't say anything | 00:07:50 | |
like that. | 00:07:56 | |
So he was approved. So I put him on the next agenda for the meeting. That was after the next meeting and he came in and that was | 00:08:05 | |
for. | 00:08:10 | |
Selling and the PNC was not comfortable with putting a dispensary in a rural residential area. | 00:08:18 | |
The one that he was talking about where they were doing working like as a Co-op cooperative with the with the one piece of land. | 00:08:28 | |
They sell only to manufacturers. There's no retail sale. | 00:08:35 | |
So that's the difference between why that one was approved, because it is the farming, which essentially he's approved for the | 00:08:42 | |
farming. It's just good retail sales in a rural residential area. | 00:08:49 | |
So what was the vote on for PNZ? | 00:08:57 | |
Get to council. | 00:09:01 | |
Then you make an ink. Any recommendation? | 00:09:03 | |
Seeing where they. | 00:09:09 | |
And it probably was better that it came to Council because they were. | 00:09:11 | |
They were very concerned with just the regulation that go into having. | 00:09:17 | |
The dispensary and then it being in a rural zone, I think they're just not really well versed in it. | 00:09:22 | |
Generically, if he was raising tomatoes and cantaloupes and corn and he had a stand out front that he was selling that. | 00:09:29 | |
How would we treat that? | 00:09:39 | |
As compared to. | 00:09:42 | |
Art, I mean that to me, that's the question. And and I don't know if you would stop somebody from selling their produce in front | 00:09:45 | |
of their farm. | 00:09:51 | |
Would be I mean if they set up a farm store in front of their farm. | 00:09:58 | |
It's the same thing. I mean, I don't like the idea frankly, as a neighbor, but I'm just being fair. And I agree that the | 00:10:04 | |
commercial aspect is is certainly an aspect of it. | 00:10:11 | |
Same location in a rural residential which is a low density. | 00:10:22 | |
Would you allow a Dollar General? | 00:10:28 | |
So take the cannabis out of it. Would you allow Dollar General to be in a rural residential Dollar General but a farm store that | 00:10:30 | |
sells their own produce? That's my question. | 00:10:36 | |
Not a Dollar General. I mean I that would be obvious that you have a, you have traffic and you have trucks coming. But my question | 00:10:43 | |
is if somebody had this small farm and they were selling their produce like a produce stand that I see. | 00:10:51 | |
Everywhere I go when I drive on down the highway. | 00:11:00 | |
Eggs, this just happens to be a different product. Are we saying that we would not if, if, if a, if a if he was raising his | 00:11:05 | |
chickens even there and he was selling the chicken, I mean, would we would be, you know, I mean, there's a stigma to pot already. | 00:11:12 | |
Let's just agree to that. But the question is generically Mr. Portage. I guess my question is, is when I read through the | 00:11:18 | |
application. | 00:11:25 | |
It shows I I believe this is a list of neighbors on the very back room. | 00:11:33 | |
People surrounding areas. I think where I see that I've drawn a line of the difference is that. | 00:11:37 | |
Maybe. | 00:11:45 | |
The people that you would draw to the area as far as. | 00:11:47 | |
There's no, there's no, I put this, nobody's going to want to steal watermelons and corn and or cause any problems in that area to | 00:11:51 | |
still produce or, or or to cause vagrants in that area for the the the people in the area. Unfortunately, even though cannabis is | 00:11:59 | |
legal, I do think that that does draw people to the area that. | 00:12:07 | |
May not want that in there right now. I don't know if each one of these people have been. | 00:12:16 | |
Asking are OK with that and maybe I would feel differently, but if I was a neighbor, I would feel like unfortunately that that may | 00:12:22 | |
bring some unrest to my neighborhood just simply because people are people and they do things they shouldn't do. And I understand | 00:12:29 | |
you. Yeah, maybe you want to look at it, you know, the little committee work or something too, because another aspect of this is | 00:12:37 | |
the taxation that the city can get from this. | 00:12:44 | |
Distribute that tax but the other thing I would do is to have force you to buy a rent a place in town to sell your goods and I | 00:13:22 | |
what Mr. Partridge is saying, I mean that's the. | 00:13:28 | |
Elephant in the room. I mean that's basically what we're talking about. And, and I think that's something that's why the PNC | 00:13:36 | |
Senate, the council and I think there needs to be a discussion on that because we do have we do have another farm out here that | 00:13:41 | |
I'm not sure if they were here the other day, I don't think they're going to dispensary, but we would then end up having | 00:13:47 | |
dispensaries in residential areas and that's. | 00:13:53 | |
That's a philosophical question that is over and above what you're, what we're trying to decide here. So that, that's something | 00:13:59 | |
that I, I guess I have a couple of comments. I can understand as a property owner how you're trying to make the most of what you | 00:14:06 | |
have without having to go and rent from somebody else. I, I get that. | 00:14:13 | |
It is a dispensary that you're asking for. I mean, you have to have the security system. I mean it's a requirement. | 00:14:22 | |
Which is one of regulations, you have to have all the security. And then the other thing is. | 00:14:30 | |
I just don't see a lot of traffic. I mean, I don't even see the traffic at the dispensaries we have in town. So those are my | 00:14:37 | |
comments. | 00:14:40 | |
No, I don't hardly see any cars that are just all packed in. The other thing we could do is talk about hours, what hours you would | 00:14:45 | |
have. I mean, that's something I mean, I think, I think, but I mean we're making it. But there's a bigger question here. We have a | 00:14:52 | |
lot of farmland around here and if it next 10 years, there's a lot of cannabis being grown just like there's hay being grown. | 00:14:58 | |
Would we start having people having home dispensaries? Is this a home permit or is it what kind of permit is this? | 00:15:05 | |
Home occupation. | 00:15:13 | |
If he had. | 00:15:17 | |
So it would be fine. These are already approved to grow and farm and do all the communicate. That's fine. That's been. | 00:15:20 | |
But it's the dispensary the spelling from. | 00:15:30 | |
That land in a rural zone and a rural residential, sorry, residential. I mean, we can we can pick the can down the road a little | 00:15:35 | |
bit and ask for administration to look into it a little bit more. But I already we can take a vote now to be approve it or not | 00:15:44 | |
approve it. Mr. Travis Lopez, I make a motion to table it until administration has more time to look into it. I would second that. | 00:15:52 | |
Special discussion and would this open the door too, like you said, even just for other products, not just marijuana if they | 00:16:03 | |
wanted to have their own storefront in their. | 00:16:07 | |
Would they have to get a home occupation permit? | 00:16:12 | |
Yes, right. I mean. | 00:16:16 | |
So you wouldn't have to get the whole market. | 00:16:24 | |
That's one of the things that they ask is. | 00:16:26 | |
It's traffic, it's gonna adversely affect the neighbors. There's a definition in the code book about is that home on patient | 00:16:29 | |
permit how it can probably. | 00:16:34 | |
With no business license selling their individual crops, would they have to get a business license? Yes, he did get a business | 00:16:41 | |
license. No, I'm saying in general though. | 00:16:47 | |
Just a favorite. | 00:16:53 | |
I mean generically. | 00:16:57 | |
This is a retail store. | 00:17:04 | |
It's a generic arm selling watermelons and corn and everything had their own. | 00:17:08 | |
I don't know if we'd have that same discussion. That's a question. But there's no tax on food, you know, there's, you know, | 00:17:14 | |
question is, is going to be certainly if there's more revenue for the city. We like that. But the question is, is whether. | 00:17:22 | |
We're doing something more than just revenue. We're doing, we're making a precedent where you can have retail in an area that's | 00:17:31 | |
residential and that would also mean that if somebody was, let's say somebody had a little. | 00:17:38 | |
At home and making T-shirts and they were selling T-shirts out of them and they had a sign saying T-shirts for sale. Would we | 00:17:47 | |
allow that? I mean, I think that's a deeper question than just your business, which I think everybody's sympathetic to, but it's a | 00:17:53 | |
question of whether we want to, we want to have a president where we do a retail and residential. That's basically what it is. | 00:18:00 | |
And if you give us another two weeks, we can look into it and see what's being done in the other communities where they might be | 00:18:06 | |
doing. And if I can expound on another part of this, you know, I, I, I'm right in the city limits, right by the river and I really | 00:18:12 | |
intend to do an eco agriculture. | 00:18:18 | |
And sell it right there off of the farm. And I'll probably fire up that sunflower maze again next year too, you know, So that's | 00:18:25 | |
eco farming type of a thing that's going on. | 00:18:31 | |
And I suspect with my business license that's OK to do that, right? And so you know, but that's a one shot thing though is a | 00:18:38 | |
seasonal thing and it's not a yearly thing. | 00:18:43 | |
I think I've got to, if we can maybe. And you know, and I've known you ever since I've had my last 40 years and you've always been | 00:18:52 | |
a very good neighbor and, and a good farmer and and actually, I mean eco friendly. But the big question is going to be whether, if | 00:18:57 | |
there's another city who's doing this? | 00:19:02 | |
They do have farms in in other cities that have retail dispensary right in front of their farm. We can look into that as their | 00:19:08 | |
administrative leave. Where are you on your schedule? | 00:19:13 | |
It's going to be next year before I ever do a retail. | 00:19:21 | |
So all in favor that the administration look into further all in favor. | 00:19:29 | |
Let's let's look into that. Thank you for the discussion. | 00:19:35 | |
Thank you. I think it's really important to go ahead and really figure out what the series. Thank you for bringing it up. Thank | 00:19:39 | |
you. | 00:19:43 | |
Okay, new business. | 00:19:49 | |
And. | 00:19:54 | |
Mr. Mayor, thing new with you directors out there. | 00:19:57 | |
Lot of rodeos, a lot of garbage, lot of HR. | 00:20:01 | |
October 34th. October 1st. | 00:20:08 | |
I'm ready. So come up here and explain that to us. What does that mean? | 00:20:15 | |
I know what. | 00:20:21 | |
Yeah, put your other hat on. Open enrollment for the employees for health insurance is October 1st through October 31st for | 00:20:24 | |
January 1st coverage. So if you want to make any changes or add your spouse or take off your kids or anything without a qualifying | 00:20:31 | |
event, now is the time to do it. Give the this to the directors and let them give it to the employee. | 00:20:39 | |
I put a memo in their box yesterday to post and then I'll continue to send some robo calls to staff only and I'll send another | 00:20:46 | |
memo about the 15th of the month. | 00:20:51 | |
OK, thank you. Thanks for the work you do. And this is all Presbyterian and that's what we are aware. Then we got hit by 10% but | 00:20:58 | |
it but it's hasn't changed again, has it the increase? No, I'm hope I'm I'm hoping we don't get anything now for January 1 because | 00:21:07 | |
that's that was the one before it was January 1. OK, so and I met in Delta Dental. | 00:21:16 | |
Press I Med in Delta Dental. | 00:21:25 | |
You know, also hearing. | 00:21:28 | |
Hearing aids. | 00:21:30 | |
They're no fun to wear. What? | 00:21:34 | |
Anyway, Steve, anything? | 00:21:41 | |
Ruby. | 00:21:44 | |
What are you going to get? You going to get dinged? No, Okay. Do I get a credit card or can you ask them that? No, I can't do. | 00:21:47 | |
And the big news is, and she gonna come at the next meeting, we have Cheyenne out there, but Dez Armijo gave us her resignation, | 00:21:59 | |
I'm sorry to say, and we all cried about it. So she has another month that she's gonna be and we'll probably look towards Cheyenne | 00:22:08 | |
and maybe getting her some help. But just to let everybody know. | 00:22:16 | |
Dez is gonna work for technically and. | 00:22:25 | |
So, which is a big loss, but they actually had left a good legacy and Cheyenne has been part of it also. So we'll try to get that | 00:22:28 | |
also. | 00:22:33 | |
And what else? | 00:22:40 | |
Mr. Mayor for New Business, I, I didn't bring it up last week, but I got, I'm pretty sure all the councillors got this anonymous | 00:22:42 | |
letter about contract services or something and I didn't bring it up. I failed to. It was addressed. I received it and it was | 00:22:49 | |
anonymous. What did you say? It said that there was, I guess contract work being given out to family members at the city level and | 00:22:56 | |
I just, I don't know, is anonymous, I don't know how. | 00:23:02 | |
Many actors. | 00:23:10 | |
I don't know. I didn't. I was vague. I don't know. Oh, I can share the letter, but I think most of the counselors got it. I don't | 00:23:12 | |
know what it meant, but I was just curious if anybody. | 00:23:17 | |
Oh, is it? But what? Like give me a? | 00:23:23 | |
We'll go again. I don't know. I don't know if the garbage pickup, no. | 00:23:27 | |
Not a tourism. | 00:23:32 | |
No, I don't. I don't know exactly. And I didn't bring the darn letter with that door though. | 00:23:35 | |
It had something to do with contract work. I'm not getting enough contractor work, but the bids are not they're sealed and that | 00:23:40 | |
they're getting sealed then and I'm not sure of the term. | 00:23:45 | |
Here there's a there's a guy right there small. They're small jobs that it's my understanding they're small jobs. So we don't even | 00:23:52 | |
go out to bid for them. Oh, OK. See sealed bids over 60,000 then. Yeah, but like phone calls we have to get three quotes over. But | 00:23:58 | |
I'm trying to think of what jobs that we're. | 00:24:04 | |
We'd be doing that with small bids. | 00:24:11 | |
They're not supposed to be more specific. I agree signature would be helpful. I don't mind anonymous. I mean I'm getting somebody | 00:24:17 | |
complained about our guys working in a ditch and OSHA might be interested in that and it wasn't anonymous and I appreciate that it | 00:24:23 | |
helped us out there. His eyes out there that are telling us there's something going on. I have somebody told me there's somebody's | 00:24:29 | |
got liquor in their in their city truck. I went, I mean. | 00:24:36 | |
But be more specific so we can do something about it, not just like. | 00:24:43 | |
Shotgun blasted. We got to shake every tree in the bull, you know, so give us an. | 00:24:47 | |
So when they reply to Anonymous, tell them be more specific. What's up? Yeah, I'll bring the next Councilman for sure. No problem. | 00:24:55 | |
I failed to, but I'm just ringing a bell to me. So I wanted to bring it up because I failed to last time. So but, but, but, I | 00:25:01 | |
mean, you brought it up, but I, I don't, we can't do anything if it's not specific. That's one of the major things the auditors | 00:25:07 | |
look at when they come, so. | 00:25:13 | |
Sure, sure. And then and you know, the other bottom line is you can't get nobody to do any work. | 00:25:20 | |
That's the other thing, trying to get a contractor to do anything. But, you know, I occasionally get Sammy Vivian to do some | 00:25:26 | |
cleanup and down the streets and we get, but we haven't done that for a long time now, Ruby. And a lot of times if we go out for | 00:25:32 | |
quotes, we'll call, they'll call around and, and sometimes we may only get one or two, but we, we, we document it. So it's, it's | 00:25:39 | |
there. | 00:25:46 | |
When the auditors come, they look at that stuff. So so the other day we had problems with the roof and we had a contractor give us | 00:25:54 | |
an X amount and then we had another one from Albuquerque and. | 00:25:58 | |
We took that one from Albuquerque, so. | 00:26:03 | |
We're always looking to save a buck, that's for sure. Any other new business. So there's we'll bring it up next time and then | 00:26:07 | |
we'll try to see what we're going to do with helping Cheyenne, probably make her acting director for now and and we'll go on with | 00:26:12 | |
it. | 00:26:18 | |
What? Get her help? I can save a whole salary by letting her just work by herself. | 00:26:27 | |
So, but anyway, OK, yeah, we're going to get some help at all business. Anything old that we got brought up. | 00:26:34 | |
And the executive session. We have been sued by anybody lately. We're going to be working on the coop contract here pretty soon. | 00:26:42 | |
I've got the lawyers working on it to make a presentation at the coop board meeting, but that's coming up. Maybe it take about a | 00:26:48 | |
month to get everything specifically done. | 00:26:54 | |
I don't think have any legal matters that I know of coming up, personal matters. | 00:27:02 | |
We're losing, we're losing police officers to the Sheriff's Department and. | 00:27:08 | |
That's another whole subject. OK, personal. We're going to get to the debate yet. | 00:27:15 | |
Let's see, what are we doing? | 00:27:22 | |
You're Fleming. You're not helping me any. Oh. | 00:27:25 | |
But here I got it. Personnel changes in the Carolina Goran fire, recruit Dustin Moreland, fire, Justin Pacheco, fire, Jacob | 00:27:29 | |
Gonzalez. We got dispatch resignation, Joseph Silva police resignation, Dominic Montano police resignation. So we sent John. | 00:27:36 | |
Chief, where to go? | 00:27:42 | |
Sitting out there, that's right. I wonder if Joseph Silva we we sent Dominic to the Academy. Did Joseph Silva, did you send Joseph | 00:27:50 | |
Silver the Academy to? | 00:27:55 | |
I just graduated and then it took off. | 00:28:02 | |
That's pretty useless. That doesn't show any kind of moral compass. So they used our money for how many months? | 00:28:05 | |
A year to go to the Academy. | 00:28:16 | |
And so when they're in the Academy, which is four months, five months, four months, we pay them right. And so then right after | 00:28:21 | |
they they graduate, they go somewhere else. Well, that's just. | 00:28:28 | |
And we have no legal thing that we can hold them on. Did you ever talk to the lawyer about that? | 00:28:36 | |
When I was writing a bad reference. | 00:28:44 | |
Anyway, Mr. That's what I was going to ask. What about if there was any legal thing that we could do? | 00:28:49 | |
But no, I mean, that's not, you know, it's not fair to us. I mean, I think the money and I don't know if they built that into | 00:28:58 | |
their salary or whether it's a bonus. | 00:29:04 | |
Frequent time to get that only $7.00 a year. | 00:29:18 | |
So they so they're, they're put another 12 hours. | 00:29:23 | |
For $407.00 plus the how many hours do you work usually? | 00:29:29 | |
Plus another 12. | 00:29:36 | |
Who get that extra money, which is about $900 a month extra? | 00:29:39 | |
Well good luck with that and I will see. So not overtime though. | 00:29:46 | |
But is that is that at least I mean, isn't that overtime? Is that called overtime? | 00:29:56 | |
But it's a regular time. | 00:30:02 | |
Legally, that's overtime. | 00:30:06 | |
Unless you're administrator like you, but. | 00:30:10 | |
But so it's it's not overtime if they work longer than a regular. | 00:30:14 | |
Alrighty then. | 00:30:29 | |
But anyway, that's disappointing to me. Anyhow, that's it. That's the personnel. | 00:30:32 | |
Anybody want to move in second pushing to approve personal changes? | 00:30:39 | |
Seconded discussion. All in favor, Aye. OK, We've got another farm coming up here, 1111 farm out of city limits. Somebody named | 00:30:47 | |
Brian Dean. That's your brand, Dean. Another cannabis farm. | 00:30:55 | |
Does he know you're a counselor? | 00:31:05 | |
OK, working on something for three years, I guess you got to go for it. | 00:31:09 | |
Is that out of the city language? Save the Day Electrical, Jason Gabriel Saavedra and J Outfitters John Armijo hunting. All right. | 00:31:14 | |
That's it. | 00:31:30 | |
Make motion to approve the business registrations. Seconded discussion all in favor. Just one thing. Sorry Mr. just for Mr. Dean, | 00:31:31 | |
that's just more like a similar situation down on. | 00:31:37 | |
The other cannabis, where did they just grow up? But they don't sell it there. Is that only he's not dispensing at this property. | 00:31:45 | |
OK. Yeah, but it's in the county. He's in the county. OK. Just curious. That's why I asked for Paisano. Was is that a Lemeter? | 00:31:52 | |
Which runs down the road, right? | 00:32:03 | |
Oh, alpha shadow. OK over the kitchen. All righty. Well, now we know about everybody. All in favor, aye. And that's it. We made it | 00:32:08 | |
by 6:30. Thank you for coming. | 00:32:15 | |
October 15th. Whoops. | 00:32:24 |
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Mayor Bhaskar, Councillor Chavis Lopez, Councillor Dean Councillor Fleming, Councillor Ocampo, Councillor Oguin, Councillor | 00:00:00 | |
Partridge, Councillor Romero. | 00:00:08 | |
Councillor Salome, we do have a quorum. | 00:00:16 | |
The United States. | 00:00:24 | |
Make a motion when you approve the consent agenda. | 00:00:39 | |
Second move and seconded discussion. All in favor aye. Opposed. OK public forum. | 00:00:44 | |
Nobody. | 00:00:52 | |
How about the? | 00:00:55 | |
For your real home occupation permit. | 00:00:57 | |
Is that you're selling chickens out there? | 00:01:02 | |
For 28 years. | 00:01:06 | |
Turkeys, chickens, and now, well, it's hard to get young people to work this hard, so I gave it up two years ago. | 00:01:08 | |
I came here 30 years ago with the with the raised the family. | 00:01:19 | |
Rented a farm that took me 10 years to be able to buy. | 00:01:25 | |
And the 6th generation farmer. | 00:01:30 | |
And it was the first certificate certified organic poultry in the United States was right here selling to Albertsons, Whole Foods, | 00:01:32 | |
Wild Oats, all the best restaurants. | 00:01:37 | |
So in the process, so I think maybe 10 years ago or something, I had a medical license that I applied for and you're, you're, | 00:01:44 | |
you're OK to raise some cannabis on that. And, and so, so I've been playing around with cannabis for a while. And anyway, so I | 00:01:50 | |
went and got a license last year. | 00:01:57 | |
And then this year renewed again this year. And but my farm, my processing building for the poultry that I processed 400,000 birds | 00:02:04 | |
and I'm doing that into a processing building for cannabis. And I got plenty of room. I have 25 acres in the land with lots of in | 00:02:12 | |
in the city with lots of water. So I, I I've been applying to get. | 00:02:20 | |
A a dispensary permit on my land and I was. | 00:02:30 | |
I didn't make it to the first meeting and then I came to the second meeting, but I wasn't on the agenda. So I came to the third | 00:02:34 | |
meeting to the P&Z and discussion was, was, was lively and but it really came down to, you know, they really kind of agreed on | 00:02:43 | |
that needs to be commercial property to put a dispensary in. Now I go back, you know. | 00:02:51 | |
Cannabis is a USDA designated crop. | 00:03:01 | |
In New Mexico. | 00:03:05 | |
All of it is considered hemp under the USDA rules until it's budded. Now these small licenses that are really, really made for | 00:03:07 | |
small producers and communities is what they thought it was really a rare license. No other state has it there. There are micro | 00:03:14 | |
licenses and they allow you to do anything whether you grow, you're allowed to process as long as you do their requirements and | 00:03:21 | |
and dispense also. | 00:03:28 | |
But a lot of that can be really expensive for small people doing that a lot of those things. And they so, so I, I just wanted to, | 00:03:36 | |
you know, I, I kind of agree that it's got to be commercial, but I really think there's a lot of lot of things that that the city | 00:03:44 | |
really hasn't considered in the process of, of legalization of pot and along with the dispensaries and. | 00:03:53 | |
You know, all the dispensaries are here. They're not. They're not micro licensed. | 00:04:02 | |
They're all the bigger, bigger ends of people. So the micro license allows the money to stay in the city and produce employees and | 00:04:07 | |
you're spending your money in the city. It's no different than I was doing with the poultry business. I was going to Santa Fe Taos | 00:04:14 | |
bringing money back to the city, but here. So I think Michael is really have to really be considered as a priority for I I've | 00:04:21 | |
heard some talk on maybe. | 00:04:29 | |
Limiting the dispensaries in town, things like that. | 00:04:37 | |
But I think the priority should be on local and the micro licenses first before you put absolute limit on things like that. | 00:04:40 | |
But. | 00:04:50 | |
So I, so I, and then also there was another issue too, at one of the PNC meetings where I realized that, you know, a neighbor came | 00:04:52 | |
in, Bill, he wanted to get a license to sell his hay. Well, that's OK. You know, I mean, it's in the documents. So you can, if | 00:04:59 | |
you're producing farm products, you're allowed to sell them on your farm, off your farm. | 00:05:06 | |
Anywhere you want. | 00:05:14 | |
And one of the peers, you guys kind of had some issue with that. I told him I wanted to do corn Mohawk and corn pumpkins, stuff | 00:05:17 | |
like that. And he kinda really implied that I couldn't. And then, but I think it was talked over and I think in the end he did | 00:05:24 | |
agree. That's true. You can't if you're producing stuff. It was just that license on the on the, on the dispensary. But it was | 00:05:32 | |
kind of the final issue. But these, but this other fellow came in with two younger fellows and I don't want to despair or. | 00:05:39 | |
Anybody's ability to do what they want to do to make money, but this one fellow owns property and he rents it out to two other | 00:05:47 | |
guys to do their micro licenses on. So they each needed a separate business license to do that. | 00:05:55 | |
But I can just say that, you know, I told Bill that night too, look, I guess then I can just rent my acreage out, two acres at an | 00:06:05 | |
acre for people to come in and grow a pot. I don't, I don't care to see that. I told them and and I don't think he wanted to | 00:06:11 | |
either. But I think it should be really looked at hard if somebody is going to rent their ground for people raising pot to give | 00:06:17 | |
them a license. | 00:06:23 | |
I mean, they had the coop, that Co-op model, but I mean what you're really asking for and I have to. | 00:06:30 | |
And all honesty, I have a house right next to his that I rent, but what you're asking for is a dispensary. | 00:06:37 | |
To sell the marijuana that you raised on your property, correct? And that issue. And Christy, remind me what the PNZ said. | 00:06:47 | |
I'm just going to get the PNG point of view. | 00:07:03 | |
And, and I, and I must say I'm very sympathetic to you ever since you've helped me change a flat tire 20 years ago. | 00:07:07 | |
Headed to Santa Fe with his refrigerator and we broke down. Toby was with Toby had a meal one it was between Berlin and Las Lunas. | 00:07:16 | |
Couldn't get my tire off and he stopped to help me. So I'm sympathetic to you as a neighbor and somebody who helped me change a | 00:07:26 | |
tire. | 00:07:30 | |
Anyway, Christy. | 00:07:35 | |
Application I came through for being campus. | 00:07:37 | |
The PMP did approve the farming and the farming isn't what's into question. And then so when he came into my office after the | 00:07:44 | |
first meeting and said well what about like selling it and having a dispensary? Told him the first application didn't say anything | 00:07:50 | |
like that. | 00:07:56 | |
So he was approved. So I put him on the next agenda for the meeting. That was after the next meeting and he came in and that was | 00:08:05 | |
for. | 00:08:10 | |
Selling and the PNC was not comfortable with putting a dispensary in a rural residential area. | 00:08:18 | |
The one that he was talking about where they were doing working like as a Co-op cooperative with the with the one piece of land. | 00:08:28 | |
They sell only to manufacturers. There's no retail sale. | 00:08:35 | |
So that's the difference between why that one was approved, because it is the farming, which essentially he's approved for the | 00:08:42 | |
farming. It's just good retail sales in a rural residential area. | 00:08:49 | |
So what was the vote on for PNZ? | 00:08:57 | |
Get to council. | 00:09:01 | |
Then you make an ink. Any recommendation? | 00:09:03 | |
Seeing where they. | 00:09:09 | |
And it probably was better that it came to Council because they were. | 00:09:11 | |
They were very concerned with just the regulation that go into having. | 00:09:17 | |
The dispensary and then it being in a rural zone, I think they're just not really well versed in it. | 00:09:22 | |
Generically, if he was raising tomatoes and cantaloupes and corn and he had a stand out front that he was selling that. | 00:09:29 | |
How would we treat that? | 00:09:39 | |
As compared to. | 00:09:42 | |
Art, I mean that to me, that's the question. And and I don't know if you would stop somebody from selling their produce in front | 00:09:45 | |
of their farm. | 00:09:51 | |
Would be I mean if they set up a farm store in front of their farm. | 00:09:58 | |
It's the same thing. I mean, I don't like the idea frankly, as a neighbor, but I'm just being fair. And I agree that the | 00:10:04 | |
commercial aspect is is certainly an aspect of it. | 00:10:11 | |
Same location in a rural residential which is a low density. | 00:10:22 | |
Would you allow a Dollar General? | 00:10:28 | |
So take the cannabis out of it. Would you allow Dollar General to be in a rural residential Dollar General but a farm store that | 00:10:30 | |
sells their own produce? That's my question. | 00:10:36 | |
Not a Dollar General. I mean I that would be obvious that you have a, you have traffic and you have trucks coming. But my question | 00:10:43 | |
is if somebody had this small farm and they were selling their produce like a produce stand that I see. | 00:10:51 | |
Everywhere I go when I drive on down the highway. | 00:11:00 | |
Eggs, this just happens to be a different product. Are we saying that we would not if, if, if a, if a if he was raising his | 00:11:05 | |
chickens even there and he was selling the chicken, I mean, would we would be, you know, I mean, there's a stigma to pot already. | 00:11:12 | |
Let's just agree to that. But the question is generically Mr. Portage. I guess my question is, is when I read through the | 00:11:18 | |
application. | 00:11:25 | |
It shows I I believe this is a list of neighbors on the very back room. | 00:11:33 | |
People surrounding areas. I think where I see that I've drawn a line of the difference is that. | 00:11:37 | |
Maybe. | 00:11:45 | |
The people that you would draw to the area as far as. | 00:11:47 | |
There's no, there's no, I put this, nobody's going to want to steal watermelons and corn and or cause any problems in that area to | 00:11:51 | |
still produce or, or or to cause vagrants in that area for the the the people in the area. Unfortunately, even though cannabis is | 00:11:59 | |
legal, I do think that that does draw people to the area that. | 00:12:07 | |
May not want that in there right now. I don't know if each one of these people have been. | 00:12:16 | |
Asking are OK with that and maybe I would feel differently, but if I was a neighbor, I would feel like unfortunately that that may | 00:12:22 | |
bring some unrest to my neighborhood just simply because people are people and they do things they shouldn't do. And I understand | 00:12:29 | |
you. Yeah, maybe you want to look at it, you know, the little committee work or something too, because another aspect of this is | 00:12:37 | |
the taxation that the city can get from this. | 00:12:44 | |
Distribute that tax but the other thing I would do is to have force you to buy a rent a place in town to sell your goods and I | 00:13:22 | |
what Mr. Partridge is saying, I mean that's the. | 00:13:28 | |
Elephant in the room. I mean that's basically what we're talking about. And, and I think that's something that's why the PNC | 00:13:36 | |
Senate, the council and I think there needs to be a discussion on that because we do have we do have another farm out here that | 00:13:41 | |
I'm not sure if they were here the other day, I don't think they're going to dispensary, but we would then end up having | 00:13:47 | |
dispensaries in residential areas and that's. | 00:13:53 | |
That's a philosophical question that is over and above what you're, what we're trying to decide here. So that, that's something | 00:13:59 | |
that I, I guess I have a couple of comments. I can understand as a property owner how you're trying to make the most of what you | 00:14:06 | |
have without having to go and rent from somebody else. I, I get that. | 00:14:13 | |
It is a dispensary that you're asking for. I mean, you have to have the security system. I mean it's a requirement. | 00:14:22 | |
Which is one of regulations, you have to have all the security. And then the other thing is. | 00:14:30 | |
I just don't see a lot of traffic. I mean, I don't even see the traffic at the dispensaries we have in town. So those are my | 00:14:37 | |
comments. | 00:14:40 | |
No, I don't hardly see any cars that are just all packed in. The other thing we could do is talk about hours, what hours you would | 00:14:45 | |
have. I mean, that's something I mean, I think, I think, but I mean we're making it. But there's a bigger question here. We have a | 00:14:52 | |
lot of farmland around here and if it next 10 years, there's a lot of cannabis being grown just like there's hay being grown. | 00:14:58 | |
Would we start having people having home dispensaries? Is this a home permit or is it what kind of permit is this? | 00:15:05 | |
Home occupation. | 00:15:13 | |
If he had. | 00:15:17 | |
So it would be fine. These are already approved to grow and farm and do all the communicate. That's fine. That's been. | 00:15:20 | |
But it's the dispensary the spelling from. | 00:15:30 | |
That land in a rural zone and a rural residential, sorry, residential. I mean, we can we can pick the can down the road a little | 00:15:35 | |
bit and ask for administration to look into it a little bit more. But I already we can take a vote now to be approve it or not | 00:15:44 | |
approve it. Mr. Travis Lopez, I make a motion to table it until administration has more time to look into it. I would second that. | 00:15:52 | |
Special discussion and would this open the door too, like you said, even just for other products, not just marijuana if they | 00:16:03 | |
wanted to have their own storefront in their. | 00:16:07 | |
Would they have to get a home occupation permit? | 00:16:12 | |
Yes, right. I mean. | 00:16:16 | |
So you wouldn't have to get the whole market. | 00:16:24 | |
That's one of the things that they ask is. | 00:16:26 | |
It's traffic, it's gonna adversely affect the neighbors. There's a definition in the code book about is that home on patient | 00:16:29 | |
permit how it can probably. | 00:16:34 | |
With no business license selling their individual crops, would they have to get a business license? Yes, he did get a business | 00:16:41 | |
license. No, I'm saying in general though. | 00:16:47 | |
Just a favorite. | 00:16:53 | |
I mean generically. | 00:16:57 | |
This is a retail store. | 00:17:04 | |
It's a generic arm selling watermelons and corn and everything had their own. | 00:17:08 | |
I don't know if we'd have that same discussion. That's a question. But there's no tax on food, you know, there's, you know, | 00:17:14 | |
question is, is going to be certainly if there's more revenue for the city. We like that. But the question is, is whether. | 00:17:22 | |
We're doing something more than just revenue. We're doing, we're making a precedent where you can have retail in an area that's | 00:17:31 | |
residential and that would also mean that if somebody was, let's say somebody had a little. | 00:17:38 | |
At home and making T-shirts and they were selling T-shirts out of them and they had a sign saying T-shirts for sale. Would we | 00:17:47 | |
allow that? I mean, I think that's a deeper question than just your business, which I think everybody's sympathetic to, but it's a | 00:17:53 | |
question of whether we want to, we want to have a president where we do a retail and residential. That's basically what it is. | 00:18:00 | |
And if you give us another two weeks, we can look into it and see what's being done in the other communities where they might be | 00:18:06 | |
doing. And if I can expound on another part of this, you know, I, I, I'm right in the city limits, right by the river and I really | 00:18:12 | |
intend to do an eco agriculture. | 00:18:18 | |
And sell it right there off of the farm. And I'll probably fire up that sunflower maze again next year too, you know, So that's | 00:18:25 | |
eco farming type of a thing that's going on. | 00:18:31 | |
And I suspect with my business license that's OK to do that, right? And so you know, but that's a one shot thing though is a | 00:18:38 | |
seasonal thing and it's not a yearly thing. | 00:18:43 | |
I think I've got to, if we can maybe. And you know, and I've known you ever since I've had my last 40 years and you've always been | 00:18:52 | |
a very good neighbor and, and a good farmer and and actually, I mean eco friendly. But the big question is going to be whether, if | 00:18:57 | |
there's another city who's doing this? | 00:19:02 | |
They do have farms in in other cities that have retail dispensary right in front of their farm. We can look into that as their | 00:19:08 | |
administrative leave. Where are you on your schedule? | 00:19:13 | |
It's going to be next year before I ever do a retail. | 00:19:21 | |
So all in favor that the administration look into further all in favor. | 00:19:29 | |
Let's let's look into that. Thank you for the discussion. | 00:19:35 | |
Thank you. I think it's really important to go ahead and really figure out what the series. Thank you for bringing it up. Thank | 00:19:39 | |
you. | 00:19:43 | |
Okay, new business. | 00:19:49 | |
And. | 00:19:54 | |
Mr. Mayor, thing new with you directors out there. | 00:19:57 | |
Lot of rodeos, a lot of garbage, lot of HR. | 00:20:01 | |
October 34th. October 1st. | 00:20:08 | |
I'm ready. So come up here and explain that to us. What does that mean? | 00:20:15 | |
I know what. | 00:20:21 | |
Yeah, put your other hat on. Open enrollment for the employees for health insurance is October 1st through October 31st for | 00:20:24 | |
January 1st coverage. So if you want to make any changes or add your spouse or take off your kids or anything without a qualifying | 00:20:31 | |
event, now is the time to do it. Give the this to the directors and let them give it to the employee. | 00:20:39 | |
I put a memo in their box yesterday to post and then I'll continue to send some robo calls to staff only and I'll send another | 00:20:46 | |
memo about the 15th of the month. | 00:20:51 | |
OK, thank you. Thanks for the work you do. And this is all Presbyterian and that's what we are aware. Then we got hit by 10% but | 00:20:58 | |
it but it's hasn't changed again, has it the increase? No, I'm hope I'm I'm hoping we don't get anything now for January 1 because | 00:21:07 | |
that's that was the one before it was January 1. OK, so and I met in Delta Dental. | 00:21:16 | |
Press I Med in Delta Dental. | 00:21:25 | |
You know, also hearing. | 00:21:28 | |
Hearing aids. | 00:21:30 | |
They're no fun to wear. What? | 00:21:34 | |
Anyway, Steve, anything? | 00:21:41 | |
Ruby. | 00:21:44 | |
What are you going to get? You going to get dinged? No, Okay. Do I get a credit card or can you ask them that? No, I can't do. | 00:21:47 | |
And the big news is, and she gonna come at the next meeting, we have Cheyenne out there, but Dez Armijo gave us her resignation, | 00:21:59 | |
I'm sorry to say, and we all cried about it. So she has another month that she's gonna be and we'll probably look towards Cheyenne | 00:22:08 | |
and maybe getting her some help. But just to let everybody know. | 00:22:16 | |
Dez is gonna work for technically and. | 00:22:25 | |
So, which is a big loss, but they actually had left a good legacy and Cheyenne has been part of it also. So we'll try to get that | 00:22:28 | |
also. | 00:22:33 | |
And what else? | 00:22:40 | |
Mr. Mayor for New Business, I, I didn't bring it up last week, but I got, I'm pretty sure all the councillors got this anonymous | 00:22:42 | |
letter about contract services or something and I didn't bring it up. I failed to. It was addressed. I received it and it was | 00:22:49 | |
anonymous. What did you say? It said that there was, I guess contract work being given out to family members at the city level and | 00:22:56 | |
I just, I don't know, is anonymous, I don't know how. | 00:23:02 | |
Many actors. | 00:23:10 | |
I don't know. I didn't. I was vague. I don't know. Oh, I can share the letter, but I think most of the counselors got it. I don't | 00:23:12 | |
know what it meant, but I was just curious if anybody. | 00:23:17 | |
Oh, is it? But what? Like give me a? | 00:23:23 | |
We'll go again. I don't know. I don't know if the garbage pickup, no. | 00:23:27 | |
Not a tourism. | 00:23:32 | |
No, I don't. I don't know exactly. And I didn't bring the darn letter with that door though. | 00:23:35 | |
It had something to do with contract work. I'm not getting enough contractor work, but the bids are not they're sealed and that | 00:23:40 | |
they're getting sealed then and I'm not sure of the term. | 00:23:45 | |
Here there's a there's a guy right there small. They're small jobs that it's my understanding they're small jobs. So we don't even | 00:23:52 | |
go out to bid for them. Oh, OK. See sealed bids over 60,000 then. Yeah, but like phone calls we have to get three quotes over. But | 00:23:58 | |
I'm trying to think of what jobs that we're. | 00:24:04 | |
We'd be doing that with small bids. | 00:24:11 | |
They're not supposed to be more specific. I agree signature would be helpful. I don't mind anonymous. I mean I'm getting somebody | 00:24:17 | |
complained about our guys working in a ditch and OSHA might be interested in that and it wasn't anonymous and I appreciate that it | 00:24:23 | |
helped us out there. His eyes out there that are telling us there's something going on. I have somebody told me there's somebody's | 00:24:29 | |
got liquor in their in their city truck. I went, I mean. | 00:24:36 | |
But be more specific so we can do something about it, not just like. | 00:24:43 | |
Shotgun blasted. We got to shake every tree in the bull, you know, so give us an. | 00:24:47 | |
So when they reply to Anonymous, tell them be more specific. What's up? Yeah, I'll bring the next Councilman for sure. No problem. | 00:24:55 | |
I failed to, but I'm just ringing a bell to me. So I wanted to bring it up because I failed to last time. So but, but, but, I | 00:25:01 | |
mean, you brought it up, but I, I don't, we can't do anything if it's not specific. That's one of the major things the auditors | 00:25:07 | |
look at when they come, so. | 00:25:13 | |
Sure, sure. And then and you know, the other bottom line is you can't get nobody to do any work. | 00:25:20 | |
That's the other thing, trying to get a contractor to do anything. But, you know, I occasionally get Sammy Vivian to do some | 00:25:26 | |
cleanup and down the streets and we get, but we haven't done that for a long time now, Ruby. And a lot of times if we go out for | 00:25:32 | |
quotes, we'll call, they'll call around and, and sometimes we may only get one or two, but we, we, we document it. So it's, it's | 00:25:39 | |
there. | 00:25:46 | |
When the auditors come, they look at that stuff. So so the other day we had problems with the roof and we had a contractor give us | 00:25:54 | |
an X amount and then we had another one from Albuquerque and. | 00:25:58 | |
We took that one from Albuquerque, so. | 00:26:03 | |
We're always looking to save a buck, that's for sure. Any other new business. So there's we'll bring it up next time and then | 00:26:07 | |
we'll try to see what we're going to do with helping Cheyenne, probably make her acting director for now and and we'll go on with | 00:26:12 | |
it. | 00:26:18 | |
What? Get her help? I can save a whole salary by letting her just work by herself. | 00:26:27 | |
So, but anyway, OK, yeah, we're going to get some help at all business. Anything old that we got brought up. | 00:26:34 | |
And the executive session. We have been sued by anybody lately. We're going to be working on the coop contract here pretty soon. | 00:26:42 | |
I've got the lawyers working on it to make a presentation at the coop board meeting, but that's coming up. Maybe it take about a | 00:26:48 | |
month to get everything specifically done. | 00:26:54 | |
I don't think have any legal matters that I know of coming up, personal matters. | 00:27:02 | |
We're losing, we're losing police officers to the Sheriff's Department and. | 00:27:08 | |
That's another whole subject. OK, personal. We're going to get to the debate yet. | 00:27:15 | |
Let's see, what are we doing? | 00:27:22 | |
You're Fleming. You're not helping me any. Oh. | 00:27:25 | |
But here I got it. Personnel changes in the Carolina Goran fire, recruit Dustin Moreland, fire, Justin Pacheco, fire, Jacob | 00:27:29 | |
Gonzalez. We got dispatch resignation, Joseph Silva police resignation, Dominic Montano police resignation. So we sent John. | 00:27:36 | |
Chief, where to go? | 00:27:42 | |
Sitting out there, that's right. I wonder if Joseph Silva we we sent Dominic to the Academy. Did Joseph Silva, did you send Joseph | 00:27:50 | |
Silver the Academy to? | 00:27:55 | |
I just graduated and then it took off. | 00:28:02 | |
That's pretty useless. That doesn't show any kind of moral compass. So they used our money for how many months? | 00:28:05 | |
A year to go to the Academy. | 00:28:16 | |
And so when they're in the Academy, which is four months, five months, four months, we pay them right. And so then right after | 00:28:21 | |
they they graduate, they go somewhere else. Well, that's just. | 00:28:28 | |
And we have no legal thing that we can hold them on. Did you ever talk to the lawyer about that? | 00:28:36 | |
When I was writing a bad reference. | 00:28:44 | |
Anyway, Mr. That's what I was going to ask. What about if there was any legal thing that we could do? | 00:28:49 | |
But no, I mean, that's not, you know, it's not fair to us. I mean, I think the money and I don't know if they built that into | 00:28:58 | |
their salary or whether it's a bonus. | 00:29:04 | |
Frequent time to get that only $7.00 a year. | 00:29:18 | |
So they so they're, they're put another 12 hours. | 00:29:23 | |
For $407.00 plus the how many hours do you work usually? | 00:29:29 | |
Plus another 12. | 00:29:36 | |
Who get that extra money, which is about $900 a month extra? | 00:29:39 | |
Well good luck with that and I will see. So not overtime though. | 00:29:46 | |
But is that is that at least I mean, isn't that overtime? Is that called overtime? | 00:29:56 | |
But it's a regular time. | 00:30:02 | |
Legally, that's overtime. | 00:30:06 | |
Unless you're administrator like you, but. | 00:30:10 | |
But so it's it's not overtime if they work longer than a regular. | 00:30:14 | |
Alrighty then. | 00:30:29 | |
But anyway, that's disappointing to me. Anyhow, that's it. That's the personnel. | 00:30:32 | |
Anybody want to move in second pushing to approve personal changes? | 00:30:39 | |
Seconded discussion. All in favor, Aye. OK, We've got another farm coming up here, 1111 farm out of city limits. Somebody named | 00:30:47 | |
Brian Dean. That's your brand, Dean. Another cannabis farm. | 00:30:55 | |
Does he know you're a counselor? | 00:31:05 | |
OK, working on something for three years, I guess you got to go for it. | 00:31:09 | |
Is that out of the city language? Save the Day Electrical, Jason Gabriel Saavedra and J Outfitters John Armijo hunting. All right. | 00:31:14 | |
That's it. | 00:31:30 | |
Make motion to approve the business registrations. Seconded discussion all in favor. Just one thing. Sorry Mr. just for Mr. Dean, | 00:31:31 | |
that's just more like a similar situation down on. | 00:31:37 | |
The other cannabis, where did they just grow up? But they don't sell it there. Is that only he's not dispensing at this property. | 00:31:45 | |
OK. Yeah, but it's in the county. He's in the county. OK. Just curious. That's why I asked for Paisano. Was is that a Lemeter? | 00:31:52 | |
Which runs down the road, right? | 00:32:03 | |
Oh, alpha shadow. OK over the kitchen. All righty. Well, now we know about everybody. All in favor, aye. And that's it. We made it | 00:32:08 | |
by 6:30. Thank you for coming. | 00:32:15 | |
October 15th. Whoops. | 00:32:24 |