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Mayor Bhaskar, Councillor Travis Lopez, Councillor Dean, Councillor Fleming, Councillor Ocampo. | 00:00:00 | |
Councillor Oguin here, Counter Partridge here. Councillor Romero here. Councillor Salome. | 00:00:11 | |
He's not on the phone. Is he internal? | 00:00:20 | |
Yes, I'm on the phone. Are you watching the golf tournament in in Albuquerque? | 00:00:23 | |
All right for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:31 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag. | 00:00:34 | |
The United States and the Republic, which stands one age under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:38 | |
Damien, before we go anywhere, I want to wish Paulo Panetta. | 00:00:50 | |
These 39 I think. | 00:00:55 | |
Birthday yes. | 00:00:58 | |
Have a picture of him behind a set of drums when she was Do you have hair three years ago? He had hair at that time, I think so he | 00:01:03 | |
got in his eyes when he was hitting the cymbals. | 00:01:09 | |
All righty, proof of the consent agenda. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Hogan, I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda. | 00:01:16 | |
Moved in second it all in favor, Aye, opposed. | 00:01:26 | |
We've got turn that down maybe a little bit I think. | 00:01:30 | |
The We have the public forum, but we we've got the Sapporo Consolidated School Bus Safety Coloring Contest winner. Danny, you want | 00:01:34 | |
to tell us what that's all about and what the heck is going on with these people passing school buses. So thank you Mayor, for | 00:01:40 | |
having me. Thank you City Council. Thank you Lena, for getting this all set up here. So for those that don't know me, my name is | 00:01:47 | |
Danny Hicks. I am the transportation director for Socorro Schools. And we have had in the past, we've always had people running | 00:01:53 | |
our red lights. | 00:01:59 | |
About three years ago we got cameras on the sides of the buses to be able to take videos and we've been turning those in and we've | 00:02:07 | |
had a few here and there. But this year, as of today, we've had 5252 people have passed our ribs, 5252, and that's between the | 00:02:15 | |
city and the county. Can you get their license plates? Yeah. So when when they pass, there's a, there's a camera on the side of | 00:02:23 | |
the bus and it gets the car, the front of the car coming, and then it gets the back of the car. | 00:02:31 | |
And it shows like their license plate and stuff. | 00:02:40 | |
And so we send that to Angel if it's in town and then we send it to Sheriff Armijo if it's in the county. And then they they're | 00:02:42 | |
able to go talk to the people, educate a lot of them, give citations where they need to. So thank you Angel for. Yes, thank you | 00:02:50 | |
guys. | 00:02:57 | |
So they have been a great help and so about a month ago, a couple months ago Ramona. | 00:03:06 | |
One of our bus drivers, they said we need to get awareness to people to see what you know, to just bring it to their attention | 00:03:13 | |
because this 52 is a lot and there was 10 in April, so that's every time they passed. They're putting our kids in danger. So we | 00:03:20 | |
decided to invite our 4th and 5th graders to do a poster contest and we got some really pretty cool posters. So we've got our | 00:03:27 | |
first, second and third. So I would like to invite this is our first vice. | 00:03:35 | |
It says stop when lights flash red and it's got a little picture of a bus and lights and stuff. So this is our first place to | 00:03:42 | |
Maggie Dean. | 00:03:46 | |
Wonderful job then, Maggie, what's your last name? | 00:04:02 | |
Dean, Dean, Dean, Maggie, Dean, Councillor, Dean, Said, Dean. | 00:04:07 | |
Bank 1. Sure. | 00:04:13 | |
And this one, this one is our second place and it says stay stopped, please stop for stop school buses to keep kids safe and stay | 00:04:16 | |
stopped or get caught. | 00:04:23 | |
Goodbye and then our third place winner. | 00:04:33 | |
It says when lights start flashing, don't be passive. So, so we got some really cool posters out of this and this is Madison | 00:04:41 | |
Johnson. | 00:04:45 | |
I like them all. They're really, really great, really great. So thank you guys very much. And so here's your deal from the | 00:04:57 | |
schools. | 00:05:02 | |
And he got, I'm sorry, Maddie got $50. | 00:05:08 | |
And and the city is going to sponsor these on on one of these. | 00:05:16 | |
So kids, a great job in putting that together and then we're going to get then I don't know if you want to sign those. We can put | 00:05:59 | |
those as who put those together and we'll start making these signs that will make as many as people want. | 00:06:06 | |
Go ahead, we have presence too. | 00:06:14 | |
Oh awesome. | 00:06:19 | |
Right. | 00:06:25 | |
Wow. Wow. | 00:06:29 | |
Wow, there you go. What's in the What's in the box? | 00:06:37 | |
Oh. | 00:06:42 | |
All right. Congratulations, guys. Thank you. | 00:06:46 | |
OK. Thank you, Mayor. Let me get a quick picture. Yes. | 00:06:55 | |
Let's get the sponsors up too. Come on, you guys. Come in. Come in the middle, guys. Ramona. Kids come around the middle. Yeah, | 00:07:04 | |
Ramona. | 00:07:07 | |
The date of birth again, the knives. That's the teaching regulator. | 00:07:16 | |
John. | 00:07:32 | |
The mayor wanted them to sign them. Did they sign them? Yeah. Don't don't forget to remind. Get them to put their name at the | 00:07:44 | |
bottom so that they know who did those and they're you don't have to say it for a second or third edition. Be nice and we'll you | 00:07:50 | |
can start the program And people wanting those signs in their yards, especially where they drop the kids off sometimes. | 00:07:57 | |
We'll start getting those made. | 00:08:04 | |
Yeah. | 00:08:08 | |
We don't want, we don't want a tragedy. Yeah. | 00:08:09 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:08:14 | |
Great job, great job. | 00:08:19 | |
We we have, are we still waiting on the tracking or are they all out there? | 00:08:22 | |
Yeah. Are they there? | 00:08:30 | |
Yeah, I'll hold off on. Come on in guys. Congrat. | 00:08:34 | |
Look at that hardware. | 00:08:51 | |
Mr. Ocampo Yes Mr. Mayor Master, we have representatives from the support high school track team. They did such a good job this | 00:09:01 | |
weekend at the state championships. Not only did the girls show up, which they have a super young team, I think they only have one | 00:09:09 | |
senior, is that right Coach? 2 seniors and then with the boys team we only had one, the boys only had one senior. | 00:09:17 | |
And. | 00:09:25 | |
Very. We had the smallest amount of kids that qualified for state that, but we placed in the top three with the boys and we had | 00:09:27 | |
some girls that brought home some hardware. I think socorro's getting known around the state for all. | 00:09:34 | |
The two young ladies are excellent. They're both on the on the yeah. | 00:09:44 | |
Super Super Bowl but the and the boys really came through, highlighted by some state championships in in one of the relays. | 00:09:50 | |
We also Jay Lee won. He won not only cobalt but he also placed in in a couple of other events and then Brayden who's our one | 00:10:00 | |
senior he. | 00:10:07 | |
Came home with. | 00:10:15 | |
Got at least some records broken and I think you read a lot about him and. | 00:10:17 | |
Here, super proud of Braden and the whole broad braiding was the high point 14 events at the state championships. He got second in | 00:10:22 | |
another, so they did a great job and. | 00:10:28 | |
The boy in the journal. | 00:10:39 | |
I've never seen it here. Maybe he's been around for 100 years. | 00:10:43 | |
Value, but I've never seen a dream with five gives it forth. That actually broke into the top three I think St. Mikes this year | 00:10:50 | |
had every year. They seem like they have 50 kids qualified per SE. They took 30 to qualify St. Mike's. | 00:10:58 | |
12 to 15 kids, so we had half of them and we both of them and they ended up taking all the hardware at 3rd place and say plus | 00:11:09 | |
multiple big championships and a lot of places. | 00:11:15 | |
It'll be from Sephora seeing all these boys in your house so proud of them especially Brayden he, I mean he came home for he put a | 00:11:22 | |
stamp on it. He's worked his tail off. I've been watching him and he's the multiple sport guy and he just does the right things. | 00:11:29 | |
I'm real proud of him but I want to say something and and I and I wanted to thank personally the city of Socorro because I | 00:11:36 | |
volunteer in the in the summertime for the youth draft and can you guys raise your hand All you guys have have done youth trap. | 00:11:43 | |
In the past. | 00:11:52 | |
Chunking years. So these these kids with the support of the city and these the coaches that have volunteered, they've taken it | 00:11:52 | |
like, I mean, we have the best in the state right here. | 00:11:58 | |
In lots of ways and I know that the program is only growing in the summer for the track and field program and it's I like it's a | 00:12:07 | |
lot. It's a lifelong sport. These guys get a chance to hang out with each other and and have a lot of fun and and I think we have | 00:12:12 | |
the best coaches in the state. I really do. | 00:12:17 | |
Jay Lee is the That's his second state championship for it for Povo. | 00:12:29 | |
He won it last year and then this year, correct? | 00:12:34 | |
Breeding. | 00:12:37 | |
Last year too, he was stingy. This year he got more. Nice. Nice. Now that's cool. What a what an accomplishment. | 00:12:39 | |
I want to personally say thank you to the city for supporting this summer. | 00:12:52 | |
Coach accomplished, I think, Cozumel when he was on the City Council. He bought the hurdles. I don't know if we still have those | 00:12:57 | |
hurdles. | 00:13:01 | |
Cool. I don't know what he was talking about. | 00:13:44 | |
Didn't want to waste anytime, he said. No, we're going to name this after Coach Coach Z. And the other meeting we have is after | 00:13:51 | |
Coach Matthew and everybody that's there. Have Coach Matthews around here for a while. No coach. And we lumped him to death too. | 00:13:56 | |
So we're pretty, I mean, we're pretty lucky to have two guys like that. Steve, what was this year, 53? | 00:14:02 | |
And he still gets like he's man, he's up in. | 00:14:11 | |
Why don't you have the Why don't you introduce yourselves and tell us what events you guys were in? Let me start with Bridg. | 00:14:18 | |
Before going forward the. | 00:14:28 | |
And. | 00:14:35 | |
Cortana, Come on guys. Just just like on the staff. | 00:14:43 | |
They just got done with the swimming party. | 00:14:49 | |
Yeah, there you go. | 00:14:55 | |
Umm I'm Estro Compo and I got 30 Oval. | 00:14:57 | |
I'm Jeremiah Garza and I run on the 4 by 14. | 00:15:05 | |
My name is Isaiah Ocampo and I was on the four by four team. I ran the Open 200 and I threw discus. | 00:15:17 | |
My name is David. I was in povo 400 long jump javelin and a four by 4. | 00:15:28 | |
My name is Brianna and I got third in football. | 00:15:40 | |
My name is Hannah Bunning and I got **** and pull. | 00:15:48 | |
And my coaches. | 00:15:55 | |
I appreciate you guys having this in here. Introduce yourself. | 00:15:58 | |
And I'm closely I'm Cody Lee and I coach the boys team and I help out with the young ladies as well. | 00:16:02 | |
Come on, Truck. | 00:16:10 | |
Beach Beach Chuck Zimmerly Been around a little while. | 00:16:12 | |
Grayden Besides what he did at State, he broke a 52 year old school record in the high hurdles which was set by one of the supreme | 00:16:21 | |
athletes who came out of Socorro, Daryl Salisbury, in 1972. | 00:16:29 | |
My name is and this is my first year coaching track and I'm proud of these guys. | 00:16:42 | |
Socorro ever had two high point athletes in a row, Two different ones two years in a row. | 00:17:35 | |
All right. Somebody's got to step up next year. | 00:17:41 | |
Squeeze down there. | 00:17:50 | |
Great job. Congratulations. | 00:17:58 | |
Thank you. | 00:18:03 | |
Thank you so much. | 00:18:25 | |
Thank you. That's tremendous billing. | 00:18:37 | |
I didn't. I barely follow track this year because of that, kids. Right. And he was. He was so highly touted. Get into it. Check it | 00:18:53 | |
out. And I think Cocho Campo, you know about the GM. Do you know the golf standing? How'd that go? | 00:19:00 | |
Clean up the golf team here. Probably next meeting, but they just finished up today in the state golf tournament and want to | 00:19:10 | |
congratulate coaches Miguel and Kristen Grego. They both play 2nd and state this year. | 00:19:15 | |
On the two medalist girls. | 00:19:22 | |
Natasha Padaka and Ariana Christine 5th and 4th I believe. And then the boys had Isaiah Silva finished fourth and my nephew Andrew | 00:19:27 | |
Hendrich finished fifth. So nice, that's great and we'll have him next time. And again it was a big thing to have the three A | 00:19:35 | |
meets here, the state championship, so that's thanks to the coaches to get that down here. | 00:19:43 | |
Mr. O'Connell. | 00:19:52 | |
These two wrestlers that got, they got awarded the like, yeah, that's the first time we've ever got that work that's voted on by | 00:20:00 | |
the coaches. So that through the whole state, Junior was the voted the best heavyweight in the entire state all classes. And then | 00:20:06 | |
Sasha, because the girls wrestle all classes, we knew she was the best all classes but that was the first time we had a girl state | 00:20:12 | |
champ. So yeah. | 00:20:18 | |
Embrayed him at the high point. I mean, yeah, it's been a really positive year for sure. | 00:20:24 | |
Definitely. | 00:20:28 | |
Programs coming up and once we have kids doing great, thank you well and the parents and the coaches have to be congratulated for | 00:20:30 | |
getting the kids to get involved in that. I think it's always good to highlight that we have a presentation for Economic | 00:20:37 | |
Development Accelerator program from Carissa Trujillo. She is the NMSU Arrowhead Center. Welcome. | 00:20:44 | |
Hello. Thank you. And yes, congratulations to the track team and happy birthday, Paul. And there's so many exciting things are | 00:20:53 | |
happening today. So I'm really excited to be here. We're a small town. We try to highlight it. I know. I love it. I love it. So | 00:21:00 | |
for those of you, of course, that don't know me, my name is Krista Trujillo and I am a program specialist with NMS US Arrowhead | 00:21:08 | |
Center. We're an organization whose mission is to help New Mexico entrepreneurs. | 00:21:15 | |
Connect to resources and grow their businesses regardless of their stage, we help startups and mature businesses alike. | 00:21:23 | |
We received a grant from the Small Business Administration, the SBA, to conduct business accelerator programs throughout the state | 00:21:33 | |
of New Mexico. So in that case, this coming June, we will host a free online business program called BIZ Print Socorro. We'd like | 00:21:43 | |
to extend an invitation to all entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs in Socorro County to apply to this virtual program. | 00:21:52 | |
During this course, small business owners will develop, evaluate and strengthen their business models, connect with other | 00:22:03 | |
entrepreneurs here from inspiring local speakers and have access to one-on-one advising from our network of over 60 business | 00:22:10 | |
advisors. This network is made of experts in a variety of fields such as Cpas, patent, trademark and copyright copyright lawyers. | 00:22:17 | |
Excuse me, marketing professionals. | 00:22:24 | |
The finances and more. And this is only for free. | 00:22:32 | |
In addition, we have, we hope to partner with local organizations to be value added within the community, the needs of the | 00:22:38 | |
community. | 00:22:41 | |
So all I'm asking is to please help us spread the word about this free business resource. If anyone is interested or knows of | 00:22:46 | |
someone who may be interested in getting more information. I did bring postcards and business cards that I will leave at the front | 00:22:51 | |
here, and I will also try to follow up with an e-mail that maybe you can spread to your networks with anyone who may be | 00:22:57 | |
interested. | 00:23:02 | |
And I would be happy to connect with them via phone call, e-mail or zoom call. So thank you so much for your time and I'd like to | 00:23:09 | |
see if there's any questions about this program or? | 00:23:14 | |
Tell us again, where will it be? It's it's online, so so it can be accessed anywhere with Wi-Fi. And it's for entrepreneurs, | 00:23:22 | |
entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. Meaning if you wanted to start a business, you're welcome to apply as well. If you just | 00:23:29 | |
have a business idea, you're welcome. Or if you've been in business for 10 years or more, you're welcome to apply as soon. And who | 00:23:36 | |
will be the people responding to your? | 00:23:43 | |
Information. I mean, when you get online, who will be the people on the other end? | 00:23:51 | |
OK. | 00:24:00 | |
It's OK. And the and that's, is it part of NMSU or is it? Yes. So Arrowhead Sensor is the economic arm of NMSU. So NMSU has | 00:24:02 | |
several different goals and one of them of course is to better the communities in which we're located all throughout New Mexico. | 00:24:10 | |
And so this goal of my specific department of Arrowhead Center under the economic department is to reach out to different | 00:24:18 | |
communities. So we've already run these accelerator programs in places like of course Roswell for, excuse me, Farmington. | 00:24:26 | |
Towels and so on. And it's the fullest to get entrepreneurs connected to a network of experts and knowledge that they might not be | 00:24:35 | |
able to because of their geographic location. And anyone knows that, like time free time. 30 minutes with a lawyer is very | 00:24:45 | |
valuable of course. Or ACPA or or just other experts that they may not know how to get a hold of. | 00:24:54 | |
And we also, if we're not able to help them, we also connect them with our wide variety of economic development organizations | 00:25:05 | |
throughout New Mexico. So our goal is just to help them in any way possible, even if we ourselves are not able to help them. | 00:25:10 | |
What's the date? | 00:25:15 | |
The actual date for the accelerator is June the 4th. Starting on June 4th we meet weekly for six weeks, so it's a six week | 00:25:22 | |
accelerator program and the applications close May 24th. The reason we have applications of course is if many people apply, we | 00:25:30 | |
only have a certain amount of spots that we're able to fill. | 00:25:37 | |
While still being able to give our participants the attention that they deserve. 24th is a last time to yes, but that is the | 00:25:46 | |
deadline. But we do accept like a couple of days afterwards. We try to be as flexible as possible. Although we can put that on our | 00:25:53 | |
link to it and I was thinking of putting it into our bills but if it's we don't get those out until the end of the month, we're | 00:26:01 | |
going to miss it by three or four days. So but thank you for coming in Mr. Olga. | 00:26:08 | |
Yeah, definitely. Anyway that we could, like I said, be value added to the communities. That's that's what we're here to do. We're | 00:26:46 | |
definitely not the boots on the ground and we realized that like as with NMSU, but any way that we can add support to communities | 00:26:53 | |
is what we'd like to do. | 00:27:00 | |
Great. Thank you for taking the time to come up here. Yes, thank you guys for having me. Thank you. Very nice. Thank you, Chris. | 00:27:08 | |
OK. So we've got a memorandum of understanding between the city and the Socorro consolidated. | 00:27:20 | |
Schools and AYSO soccer Donald, is that. What is that about? This is the three-year lease for $6000 per year that is being split | 00:27:30 | |
between AY show, the schools and the city. And it's an automated field striper you can strike. | 00:27:38 | |
A baseball field in 5 minutes. It comes with a maintenance plan and they supply the paint. This is soccer. Doesn't say oh, but | 00:27:47 | |
that's what I read on the website yesterday. | 00:27:52 | |
So this is, this is AI has caught up with us. So we don't need anybody to just run that thing out there and we're looking into at | 00:27:58 | |
the end of the lease what it would cost to purchase it. Okay Steve, you know how to use it. Where does Steve go? Is he outside? | 00:28:05 | |
Steve, come on in here. We're talking about your robot. | 00:28:13 | |
Are you going to operate the robot or do the schools do it? You will. OK, you're you're good with that. | 00:28:19 | |
Is it? Is it like a drone or what is it? | 00:28:27 | |
OK. | 00:28:34 | |
That's a big help because I always just trouble trying to get people out there to get it lined. So, OK, so that's, I think Mr. | 00:28:36 | |
Ocampo. | 00:28:40 | |
OK. | 00:28:46 | |
We're still. | 00:28:50 | |
They said it. Break what? | 00:28:53 | |
Where does we consider how many? | 00:28:57 | |
Some sort of. | 00:29:01 | |
Maintenance question running. | 00:29:03 | |
But making sure that there's somebody service that. | 00:29:06 | |
I don't know I can find out. | 00:29:20 | |
Leave. Is it? Make sure you've got some maintenance device papers. | 00:29:24 | |
Councillor, I've verified with Ruby yesterday that there is a maintenance plan included in the agreement. | 00:29:31 | |
No, I mean that that that's a good point Steve, just to make sure that we're on top of it. So we didn't, it didn't go down and | 00:29:44 | |
then we have to be hustling to get it on with the rally car show. Esther Logan make a motion, we pass the memorandum of | 00:29:50 | |
understanding moved and seconded discussion all in favor. Aye. OK, we move on wherever increasing our Senior Center on Linda, is | 00:29:56 | |
she here? | 00:30:03 | |
She I think she just for a while, but we have finally gotten the keys for the Vegeta Senior Center finally, although we were we | 00:30:10 | |
were getting hot meals out there anyway and the first meeting there in the Senior Center was quite a success. So we are wanting | 00:30:18 | |
the council to approve the lease agreement is with the county for one year. | 00:30:27 | |
And. | 00:30:36 | |
That's what we'll keep doing, Miss Dean. So what's our plan? I mean do we have staff to be there or are we going to try to get the | 00:30:37 | |
county to help us support that? That ain't going to happen. But but but the bottom line is with Linda and Ruby and Donald is that | 00:30:45 | |
we're never going to go in the red with this. It's all going to have to be funded by the AAA and and they have extra money and so | 00:30:52 | |
everything that is being done. | 00:30:59 | |
Has to be. | 00:31:07 | |
In the black. And so you're right, the, the staff, the maintenance and all that, the utilities are going to be on us, but we're | 00:31:09 | |
going to be asking for reimbursement because now we are the ones that are extending this system. I know people in San Antonio | 00:31:17 | |
wanted our help too, but at this point we thought it was necessary because there's a lot of population to be served out there, | 00:31:24 | |
although it's not in the city, but Linda planned to take it on and but the budget will be completely funded by AAA. | 00:31:31 | |
So that that that's very important. | 00:31:40 | |
Any. | 00:31:45 | |
Motion to accept Mr. Mr. Ology Make a motion We approve the lease agreement. | 00:31:47 | |
Again, discussion all in favor. | 00:31:54 | |
Again, we've got, you know, the ICIP is a very important document, although we change it many times. It's a document that will | 00:31:58 | |
allow the people in the community to put their priorities for the for the city to present for funding. | 00:32:07 | |
And so this is ICIP public hearing #1 if anybody is in the crowd to do that. So it would take a motion to go into public hearing. | 00:32:16 | |
Mr. Make a motion. We're going to the ICIP Public Hearing #1. | 00:32:25 | |
Is there anyone that has any suggestions of of a of a project that they're interested in doing. It has to do with streets. It has | 00:32:31 | |
to do with drainage, could have to do with community centers. It could have any any kind of a project and we'll have another | 00:32:37 | |
hearing. But we'll perhaps the public needs to know about it. Mr. Mr. Monet. Yes Sir. It's been advertised in the Chieftain. It | 00:32:44 | |
was sent out in utility bills. | 00:32:50 | |
And we will have the second public hearing at the next council meeting. We have, we have plenty of items on the ICIP and you can | 00:32:57 | |
see, I don't know if people have gotten this copy, maybe maybe the public should see it too. All the infrastructure capital | 00:33:03 | |
improvement plans for. | 00:33:08 | |
25 to 29 to 20 So that should, you know perhaps we can Donald maybe even advertise this this list in the newspaper and on on the | 00:33:16 | |
website so people can see and it may it may cover everything that people want. But no it's I mean there's things that people that | 00:33:23 | |
we don't really hear from them we can't put them on the ICIP, Miss Chavez Lopez and can you put a single street or does it have to | 00:33:31 | |
be multiple streets. | 00:33:38 | |
With the way things are costing now, it's probably a single St. Mr. Mayor, when you fill out the ICIP online, you have to specify | 00:33:46 | |
which streets you're using. It can't just be general repayment. We're we're right now. | 00:33:52 | |
On the streets were stalled because we ran out of the contract for the amount that we wanted came out much higher than what we | 00:33:58 | |
got. Manzanaris is 1. We're asking for money more money for that. The Cuba Rd. project came in $400,000 less. We're asking money | 00:34:06 | |
for that. So yeah I mean that that's is you have to put the street and how how much of the street and. | 00:34:13 | |
Mr. Mayor, thanks to Miss Campbell at our last meeting. Look, Polo has posted the ICIP on our website under the Finance | 00:34:21 | |
Department, OK? | 00:34:25 | |
Hearing no comments, Mr. Make a motion to go back in a regular session. Second moved and seconded, discussed. Oh, I'm sorry, go | 00:34:30 | |
ahead. | 00:34:34 | |
Anytime in this meeting is the appropriate time. So we're that's good. | 00:34:42 | |
Hi, Bruce Burnett. | 00:34:49 | |
And the Evergreen sewer expansion considered in this or what's the schedule on that project, honey, you should ask. It's it's | 00:34:53 | |
already been done. It's really no, it hasn't been done because I'm not. | 00:35:00 | |
Ruby can give you some more information coming out. | 00:35:09 | |
Yeah, there's a good point and it's the last piece in the city to get sewers. But Ruby is going to give us some information about | 00:35:14 | |
what the process, what the schedule is. OK. So right now they're in the design phase. We're working with the engineers and once | 00:35:20 | |
the design phase, we'll go into construction. And from what Lloyd says, we should be in construction within the next few months. | 00:35:26 | |
Next few months funding. | 00:35:33 | |
The state was not to the legislature. Yes. No, no, no. It's a loan. | 00:35:39 | |
So it's Evergreen, it's Enemy D loan and it's 8 million and then $2,000,000. | 00:35:45 | |
We've been home a few months or two years now, I think a year and a half. | 00:35:54 | |
No, it this is out of pocket. I'm not dealing with a lender on it, so I have no time constraint other than I'd like to live there | 00:36:30 | |
before I die. | 00:36:34 | |
We're going to break ground this year. We'll break ground on that this year. The problem has always been funding and we finally | 00:36:41 | |
got the funding put together and 10 million, we're going to get that done. It's going to get done. Question if you're going to | 00:36:47 | |
break ground this year, what's left, time to completion. | 00:36:52 | |
To finish, yes, that. | 00:36:59 | |
Yeah. What I'm saying is if you break ground on July 1, is that six months to completion after that or about 140? | 00:37:05 | |
Right. | 00:37:12 | |
I will. I will give you Lloyd's, not here, but I will give you more information for the next meeting. But I can get that for you | 00:37:16 | |
tomorrow. Excellent. And the only other question is I have. | 00:37:23 | |
In all the layout that's been done up there, nobody has come anywhere near my house. I'm between the end of Spring Street and off | 00:37:31 | |
of Evergreen on that power Line room, and they've stopped at my neighbor's house with a layout. They've stopped at my | 00:37:37 | |
father-in-law's place with layout. They ain't a flag anywhere down that Power Line Rd. that says we're going to hook you up. Well, | 00:37:43 | |
let's, let's look into that. | 00:37:48 | |
I know Ruben had come up and measured at one point. Well then. | 00:37:56 | |
But. But if you have time tomorrow, if you have time tomorrow, can you come by about 11:30 and I will give you the specifics. | 00:38:01 | |
Excellent. We'll do that. I'll be here. Yes, Sir. Thank you for your time. I'm glad you brought it up. | 00:38:07 | |
OK, I'm back in the regular session. | 00:38:16 | |
I'll make that motion again. | 00:38:23 | |
Go back into regular session all in favor. | 00:38:27 | |
So there were no. | 00:38:31 | |
People are in a problem and they're in a pickle as far as getting environmental department to authorize septic tanks on on 1/2 an | 00:39:12 | |
acre an hour, is it going to be 3/4 of an acre and that that they're going to need to hook up, but we will have shores all through | 00:39:19 | |
town once that's finished. Mr. Question, just just to clarify that maybe I should have asked just a second ago, but this is the | 00:39:27 | |
same document that people can see and then they would prioritize this, right, with what they thought was. | 00:39:34 | |
The most important street place. They still prioritize that or they can add a new one. | 00:39:42 | |
I mean, we don't have access to like what we're looking at here. That's what you're asking them to put it on the website. Yes, OK, | 00:39:48 | |
alright. When you go to the legislature and legislature, we did well this year, but they always ask is it on the ICIP, what number | 00:39:54 | |
is it and then we move the few around. | 00:39:59 | |
But that's that's how they yeah, that's how they're based on their story wise. That's the game we play. And Mr. Mayor, just to add | 00:40:06 | |
to that the the letter you're referring to from me, that is for the council because we I take the scores you all give them and | 00:40:12 | |
then I average them and the highest one goes first because you're going to have to vote on this. | 00:40:18 | |
First thing in July or the end of, I think it's the first meeting in July. OK. So but yes, residents can I can give them a form | 00:40:25 | |
just like that if they want to turn it in if they have more than one project. OK. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. I'm | 00:40:33 | |
going to go on to the resolution with the continuing electric cooperative franchise agreement. And I see Chairman and I in the in | 00:40:40 | |
the audience and Mr. Hedder and I'll read it and then we can vote on it or have a discussion or whatever, but let me read it. | 00:40:48 | |
This is the City of Sakura Resolution 24-05-14A continuing the soccer electric cooperative franchise agreement on a month to month | 00:40:56 | |
basis. And as you may or may not know on May 17th is the last day that the court decided was going to be the end of the franchise | 00:41:02 | |
with the 25 year franchise with the Shakur Electric Cooperative. | 00:41:09 | |
Whereas NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42, Section 3-42-1A reads, a municipality made grant by ordinance of franchise to any person, | 00:41:15 | |
firm or corporation for the construction operation of any public utility. And whereas the Score electric cooperative has been | 00:41:22 | |
granted such a franchise. And whereas NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42, Section 3-42-1F reads, No franchise ordinance shall be in | 00:41:29 | |
effect for more than 25 years. The municipality may contract with a contract with a public utility for such services as are | 00:41:36 | |
necessary. | 00:41:43 | |
For the health and safety of the municipality, and may pay us some agreed upon by the contracting party for such services. | 00:41:50 | |
And whereas the Score Electric cooperative franchise agreement with the City of Socorro expires May 17th, 2024. And whereas the | 00:41:57 | |
annotation through NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42 notes that after a franchise expires, it is continued by operation of laws as | 00:42:05 | |
an implied contract as long as the public utility continues to provide utility services. And whereas it is understood that this | 00:42:12 | |
resolution is not an exclusive agreement for the delivery of electricity to the City of Socorro by Soccer Electric Cooperative. | 00:42:20 | |
And we, the City Council, score hereby declare and resolve that the month to month contract and expired franchise agreement will | 00:43:05 | |
be revisited and amended as needed at the time. | 00:43:10 | |
That is the resolution. | 00:43:16 | |
I would entertain a motion to accept it and then second and we can have a discussion on it, then we can vote. | 00:43:20 | |
Mr. We approve Resolution 24-0514. | 00:43:26 | |
It's moved and seconded. Any comments, Mr. Herrera? | 00:43:33 | |
Good evening, Mr. Mayor. City Council members also like to introduce Vince Martinez and we believe they're with the tri-state. | 00:43:40 | |
There's been a lot of discussion about that, but I didn't hear anything on the percentage or what what the fees are going to be or | 00:43:46 | |
how does that work. | 00:43:52 | |
At this point, it's 100%. You're getting a franchise for the city of score for 100% delivering electricity to the city on a month | 00:44:00 | |
to month basis. And we will then as we proceed with our expansion, we will then inform you as to what areas we're going to do. | 00:44:07 | |
We'll give you plenty of time ahead of time. No, I guess what I'm asking is that, so today under the existing franchise agreement, | 00:44:14 | |
there's a 2% franchise fee. That's just a tax on the public. I'm not going to change that. | 00:44:21 | |
So. | 00:44:28 | |
It's always been the 2%. | 00:44:30 | |
It's kind of open-ended. I was just wondering, well yeah, Donald, I mean that's a, we need to get some money out of them, but it | 00:44:33 | |
should be should maybe amend it to say that the existing franchise is for 2% of the of the the sales. | 00:44:41 | |
And what entities are excluded because existing one says city municipals, government schools, churches are well, I mean our our | 00:44:51 | |
take is just a 2% then you pay the grocery seats that's split up with the state and the city. Yeah, but I just want to is there | 00:44:57 | |
any going to be an exemptions in there for who's the 2% collection. Well, well, we obviously didn't do our homework. We need to do | 00:45:04 | |
we have that in the original franchise that the franchise on the sales to those facilities? I believe so Mr. Mayor and I believe | 00:45:10 | |
the intent of this. | 00:45:17 | |
This resolution is to just continue as we're doing now. Franchise fee the same, It could be the same as your it could be the same | 00:45:24 | |
as your gross gross receipts because you don't charge them groceries, do you, these other entities. | 00:45:31 | |
They have tax exempt. Yeah, they're tax exempt. But we need to shine this up. I agree. | 00:45:38 | |
This is our first attempt at it. I mean we can add some amendments or we can bring it back to you, but I mean the test of 17th is | 00:45:44 | |
coming up, right? I just, I just wanted to get that done. | 00:45:49 | |
No, no, making it, we'll put it in the minutes that we're talking that as Mr. Monetta said, the the franchise fee itself will | 00:45:56 | |
continue as it was before. | 00:46:01 | |
And give the opportunity just to answer any questions on tri-state because I know there's been some profile. I always love to hear | 00:46:09 | |
Tri states come to my meeting. I know they usually hug the days when we're there. And this is Mr. Martinez. | 00:46:17 | |
Don't they ever look at what they what you put out? I mean, you apologized once and I appreciate that part. But you know, if you | 00:47:02 | |
guys are continuing to be aggressive and and and argumentative for the mayor, we're not going anywhere and I can pull up gimmick, | 00:47:08 | |
give him a copy of that thing that you did. You shred it. | 00:47:13 | |
The copy, the thing that you know the the rag that they had. But you know Mr. Bully, bully bully. You know, Tri states a mega | 00:47:20 | |
corporation. And I've already visited the United Power. I've visited with La Plata. I've visited with the Delta and Montrose and | 00:47:27 | |
of course our guru right now is Kit Carson Louis Reyes. But you know we're we want to know what the future holds for electricity, | 00:47:35 | |
coal power plants, alternative energy. | 00:47:42 | |
This is not an execution. I'm telling you everything where we're at. Tell me where you guys are at and tries to, you know, we are | 00:48:56 | |
the not-for-profit wholesale power provider. We're not a large corporation. We are owned by dozens of electric coops and public | 00:49:03 | |
power districts like Socorro Electric. They combine together and get a larger scale to do the kind of things that that we do. For | 00:49:11 | |
example, on clean energy, our members will have the power supply that is 50% clean energy at the end of 2025. | 00:49:19 | |
And that includes enough solar power to power the equivalent of 200,000 homes, including the large 200 MW project that you see and | 00:49:28 | |
a retired Escalante solar plant near Grants in 2025. We will exceed the Energy Transition Act requirements five years early in | 00:49:35 | |
20-30. Socorro is a member of tri-state will have a power supply that is 70% clean energy. But here's the key thing that I think | 00:49:42 | |
you're probably. | 00:49:50 | |
You know, most concerned about those local issues I can understand. | 00:49:58 | |
That the citizens of the city of Socorro need and we want to be a resource to you. In 2025, you'll have 30 different resources | 00:50:37 | |
through tri-state that provide power. When you get to 2030, we'll have over 50 different resources that ensure that we'll always | 00:50:44 | |
be able to provide power to secure electric and they can deliver that to the city and all across the region. So it's really a | 00:50:52 | |
remarkable story what electric cooperatives can do when they work together. | 00:51:00 | |
The affordability side of it is also remarkable. We haven't had a rate increase since 2017. We've actually reduced our wholesale | 00:51:08 | |
rates 4% and that's being felt by the members of Socorro Electric. You've seen that part of their bills come down. We look into | 00:51:15 | |
the future and we see our electric wholesale electric rates trending with the pace of inflation. We're in the midst of a process | 00:51:22 | |
through the New Era program at the US Department of Energy to. | 00:51:30 | |
Actually receive federal funding. | 00:51:38 | |
That's going to help us further accelerate our energy transition. So it's a remarkable story at tri-state and it's one that at the | 00:51:40 | |
end of the day, you know that you're going to get the reliable, affordable wholesale power from tri-state that's going to keep the | 00:51:47 | |
lights on no matter what. And you work with 11 other cooperatives here in New Mexico, 41 across the system today. It's it's a | 00:51:54 | |
remarkable model and it's all done in the not-for-profit mode. | 00:52:02 | |
One of the great joys that I have when I come to meetings like this and I see the track team, I see the kids with a poster gun | 00:52:09 | |
test. It's a remarkable thing that we have the luxury to do, to serve the city, to serve Socorro, to be able to work in rural | 00:52:17 | |
communities across the West. And you have our commitment. Let me bring you back to the contemporaneous. | 00:52:24 | |
I was in Durango about three months ago. | 00:52:33 | |
And I don't know if you read the comments from the cooperative trustees as to why they were going to leave tri-state. One of them | 00:52:36 | |
was they felt that they needed more control of their community resources. That was one of their comments. | 00:52:42 | |
The other comment was that your alternative energy alternative was not sufficient and not hard enough to really be where it should | 00:52:49 | |
be, and so they are in the process of leaving you in the plot. I mean, Laplata United Power. I don't know if you had a chance to | 00:52:56 | |
give them the same speech you just gave. | 00:53:02 | |
They're about a billion to that. They're buying from you and their penalty is going to be, I think you guys wouldn't in some sort | 00:53:10 | |
of a legal issue and I think they decided on 400 million or something like that to leave you. | 00:53:15 | |
I'm going to give you the whole. So the the other one is Delta Montrose, their comments, they're all and Delta Montrose is very | 00:53:23 | |
similar, maybe a little bit bigger than us. Well that's the same thing with Kit Carson is that tri-state up until now when the | 00:53:29 | |
last death knell on May 17th is happening. | 00:53:36 | |
Has never told us about all the goodnesses and the. | 00:53:43 | |
2025 and and all this stuff until the governor started pushing that until now and and you're seeing people leaving your your. | 00:53:47 | |
As as customers leaving your tri-state model and I have another Tri state's going to survive our Basin Electric. Somebody's going | 00:53:57 | |
to buy you guys because you bought out somebody else who's bankrupted. You know you remember, I don't know if you remember that | 00:54:04 | |
plant's electric planes that that that was that was previous to tri-state. So there's been transitions in your corporate | 00:54:10 | |
structures and I'm just saying that what you're saying and what I've been saying to the City Council is. | 00:54:17 | |
That tri-state is not being honest with us about their price structure. Gallup, NM went out to bid with Continental and you guys | 00:54:24 | |
gave him a 3 1/2 cent electric rate, whereas you're giving the over here something like 7 and a half cents. So you can come down | 00:54:30 | |
on your prices. I know you said you haven't raised them, but you can't come down on your prices. You can give U.S. economic | 00:54:36 | |
development prices, you can't give us time of service prices, which we don't get from the Co-op. So those are a lot of the little | 00:54:42 | |
things that we need to get done. | 00:54:48 | |
Before we set up another 25 year franchise, you got a manager over here Paula Pineda who actually signed that 48 year old contract | 00:54:54 | |
for with with with your company. So I'm not casting any doubt on Joseph for or Mr. Anaya there, my neighbors and friends and I'm | 00:55:01 | |
just trying to do what I think is the best for the city and and what's the best for the city in the next 25 years. So I didn't | 00:55:09 | |
even go into the business about fiber and changing the light poles because they hadn't been approved. | 00:55:16 | |
About 1,000,008 that they were going to charge TDs who ended up boring and we got great Internet broadband now. And there's a lot | 00:55:24 | |
more I can give you, a lot more you don't want to hear. But anyway, go ahead. So you mentioned United Power. United Power. We | 00:55:30 | |
withdrew them from our membership on May 1st. | 00:55:36 | |
What's that? Well, we worked through, we worked together and we have a contract termination payment tariff that's on file at the | 00:55:44 | |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. | 00:55:49 | |
And the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the methodology and United Power had a contract termination payment of $709 | 00:55:54 | |
million. Now they got a credit for $82,000,000 as cooperative. They have equity in tri-state and they got a discount for that. So | 00:56:01 | |
they wrote a $627 million check on May 1st to exit. They announced a 9 1/2% rate increase on January 1st and have just now | 00:56:09 | |
announced another significant rate increase. | 00:56:16 | |
Why would they do that? I presume to cover the cost of no, no, why would they, Why would they step away from you? I think you | 00:56:24 | |
could speak to their CEO or look at their public comments. They believe that they wanted to go and and go off on their own. The | 00:56:32 | |
majority of our members work together. They know that they can do better working together than going out by themselves. So United | 00:56:40 | |
has had a significant rate increase this year as they have terminated their contract with tri-state. | 00:56:47 | |
Person, but they made it up here this year. | 00:56:55 | |
Kit Carson had significantly higher rates. They did for six years and we showed some numbers at our annual meeting in April. And I | 00:56:59 | |
know that New Mexico's cooperative statewide association has numbers that show that the average rate in 2022 for Kit Carson | 00:57:06 | |
Electric is higher than the average rate for Tri State's members. And I think the statewide showed that for those higher rates for | 00:57:12 | |
six years, they're right in the middle of a pack of the New Mexico. | 00:57:19 | |
They're 100%, they're 100% solar. I think they advertise that they are 100% daytime solar, which equates to about a third clean | 00:57:26 | |
energy will be at 50% at the end of next year and 70% in 20-30, so. | 00:57:34 | |
There is a a real benefit that the majority of our members see and being a member of tri-state there are some that want to go on | 00:57:45 | |
their own and our members themselves as a cooperative, we structured a contract termination payment tariff where you have a two | 00:57:52 | |
year period, you pay a contract termination fee and you can exit our association. How much is it for the club here? I don't know | 00:57:58 | |
that number. | 00:58:05 | |
But it's about $38 million after getting credit for the. So when Kit Carson exit their number was $38 million and their 2 1/2, | 00:58:13 | |
three times larger than us and our payments about the same. So ours is 38 million and they're larger than us. | 00:58:22 | |
And have you ever, did you have somebody figure that out or was that an estimate on your hand? Hello, that's from the file | 00:58:32 | |
documents and all the records that we where is that? What document is that? Is that available to us? | 00:58:37 | |
That's on the PRC annual reports. The number of meters that they have no but your exit fee or the exit fee was provided by | 00:58:43 | |
tri-state to us. They did it was 30. You're going on record saying it's 38 million because my number I had was like 12 to 13 | 00:58:50 | |
million, but you're going on record saying it's 38. We can provide to you the federal filings that have the contract termination | 00:58:58 | |
payment figures for all of our members up the top of your head is 38 million. | 00:59:05 | |
That's, that's the number, yeah. And then. | 00:59:14 | |
Federal regulatory filings, that's in Delta Montrose is how much do you know they exited before. Prior to that they had a chance | 00:59:18 | |
to exit before you could have, yeah, there was a window, there was a window that tri-state provided to exit. So. So under the | 00:59:25 | |
current tariff that's on file at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, there is a contract termination payment tariff under a | 00:59:31 | |
standard methodology for all of our members. | 00:59:38 | |
Delta Montrose didn't have to pay that. They exited their contract before that tariff was in place. | 00:59:46 | |
So and and and they they in their reports in the newspaper they say they're saving their customers 1,000,000 to 2 million a year | 00:59:52 | |
compared to what they used to pay the tri-state look at those numbers and put that on the record and see what those. | 01:00:00 | |
But, but I'm just saying that the coop had at the same time Delta Montrose left, this Co-op had a chance to leave also. | 01:00:09 | |
That window that you at one time was 100%, now it's 90% at a certain time at anytime since you have to go through that process. It | 01:00:18 | |
was a formal process. Now it's more formal than the federal regulatory and Commission. Our members came together and they said we | 01:00:25 | |
want to provide the flexibility for a member that wants to leave. | 01:00:31 | |
I may have a possible amendment to this to satisfy the. | 01:00:40 | |
Question that Mister Haddad asked. But you'll make it then. I would like to make a motion to amend resolution 24-05-14A and the | 01:00:48 | |
last Now therefore section. I would like to amend it to read Now therefore with the City, The council of the City of Socorro | 01:00:55 | |
hereby declare and resolve that the Socorro Electric Cooperative Franchise Agreement currently in force with the City of Socorro | 01:01:02 | |
will continue on a month to month basis until the City of Socorro is prepared to begin serving local residents with the supply of | 01:01:09 | |
electricity. | 01:01:16 | |
2nd so moved and seconded to accept the amendment, all in favor. | 01:01:24 | |
Any other questions I didn't want, I didn't mean to. I mean I tend to over speak Mr. And I'd just like to let the council know no | 01:01:32 | |
matter how they vote on this. I will send that request to our attorney and make sure the version of this. | 01:01:40 | |
OK. Are we, are we any more questions or comments or? | 01:01:52 | |
And we've got the people right here, which is great to have you here. This is the first time. And we appreciate that, Mister. We | 01:01:57 | |
told that to Mr. Williams, even though he writes that stuff. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Fleming. Yes, thank you, Mr. Mayor. And yes, it's | 01:02:03 | |
wonderful to see the two of you out there we've had. | 01:02:09 | |
Jared come in. Very good representative for the Socorro Electric Co-op, by the way. | 01:02:15 | |
I didn't get your. | 01:02:23 | |
Last name. I missed it. My name is Lee Bowie and I'll hand out business cards to Polo. You can reach out to me. I've got a | 01:02:25 | |
question. | 01:02:29 | |
This large generating capability that's east of us that's heading to Arizona, Southern California. | 01:02:36 | |
How come tri-state didn't jump on that? | 01:02:47 | |
Is that a reference to? | 01:02:53 | |
Yeah. Yeah. So we have a significant amount of resources that we are developing to serve our members as a not-for-profit | 01:02:56 | |
cooperative. We're very much focused on how we can develop the resources that serves our members in New Mexico and across the | 01:03:04 | |
West. So that didn't fit into the plans that we currently have, although we do right in so Clara's backyard. | 01:03:13 | |
But we do recognize the important need for regional transmission and being able to support the movement of power particularly east | 01:03:22 | |
West across this part of the nation but that regional transmission is just producing a lot of radiation in New Mexico and the rest | 01:03:29 | |
of us are not getting anything out of it. | 01:03:36 | |
Yeah. As a cooperative, we focus on where we can build an infrastructure, the transmission to serve our members to make sure that | 01:03:44 | |
we can deliver reliable power in where it's appropriate. We'll participate in projects. We don't participate in that project. We | 01:03:51 | |
on any heavy duty and transmission alliance to public publicly and announce the radiation that comes off of those runs When we go | 01:03:58 | |
out and we develop new infrastructure and new lines, we work to provide information on EMF, the, the magnetic fields that come off | 01:04:05 | |
those lines. | 01:04:12 | |
And make sure that information is available to particularly those that have a concern or an interest in getting that information. | 01:04:19 | |
Mister Man, Yeah, you know, Google is a wonderful thing. | 01:04:27 | |
The planet paid 136 million to exit tri-state In. In two years they will send that to you. | 01:04:33 | |
It wasn't zero, there's 136,000,000 and they chose to leave Mr. Parker. My question was just. | 01:04:42 | |
Is that have you added anybody's concern or big customers? It sounds like you lost a bunch of customers, but have you added in so | 01:05:26 | |
we there's a significant difference between? | 01:05:30 | |
The way that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has constructed our contract termination payment. | 01:05:36 | |
I would like Joseph speak to that, but it is a much different situation. Are you looking to borrow more money? | 01:06:14 | |
We have paid off hundreds of millions of debt in just the past week. We always borrow money as a cooperative. If you want to | 01:06:22 | |
capitalize your investments, you have two choices. One is I can go out and I can build a transmission line today and I can charge | 01:06:29 | |
everybody and all of our members the money for that line right now. That line is going to serve members of our cooperatives for | 01:06:37 | |
30-40 fifty years and the way that we can fund that equitably. | 01:06:44 | |
Is to take low cost loans, not do it in rates today, but do it with rates overtime and that's the responsible way to do it. That | 01:06:52 | |
is the way our Board of Directors of our members have directed us to do it. And it's the standard for what cooperatives and | 01:06:58 | |
generation and transmission cooperatives have always done and will continue to do 2 billion. | 01:07:05 | |
How much you're gonna borrow? 2 billion. | 01:07:12 | |
Or what are you Speaking of what you're borrowing in the near future, in the new future, in the near future? I can't tell you our | 01:07:16 | |
capital plan today. I can tell you that as we may continue investments in new transmission, new renewable energy resources and | 01:07:22 | |
other power plants. | 01:07:28 | |
We are not-for-profit cooperative. We don't go out and sell stock. We can raise money either directly from our members. | 01:07:36 | |
And their equity or we can go out and get the loans that we need and we'll continue to do that with the potential for federal | 01:07:43 | |
funding. We're looking at getting low cost loans and grants from the federal government under the New Era program, which is going | 01:07:50 | |
to make a significant difference and actually deliver lower costs than a business as usual scenario. | 01:07:57 | |
The link you were saying about your board of directors? | 01:08:08 | |
That gentleman standing to your right is that he on your board of directors in the blue shirt he used to be? | 01:08:12 | |
Mr. Anaya is OK, My mistake. Valley and Fort Collins are also thinking about leaving. | 01:08:22 | |
Yeah, I'll send you that article to them. Please do. That's incorrect. OK. So there, along with United Power and Buddha Valley and | 01:08:29 | |
La Plata, I think those are the latest ones. No, Sir, there is. We have Mountain Parks Electric in Colorado that has provided us a | 01:08:36 | |
notice to leave and they'll leave in 2025. And Laplata Electric has provided unconditional notice. The remaining members have not | 01:08:43 | |
done that. | 01:08:50 | |
Well, again, if there's any more, Mr. have you added any, We've not added any utility members? No. Mr. Ocampo, yes. This is just a | 01:08:58 | |
quick question. Maybe I don't understand it all the way and maybe Mr. Data, you can answer it, but you said that you guys have not | 01:09:04 | |
had an increase. I know there's, I understand there's one coming up and I mean I get rate increases, I get it. But you've had | 01:09:11 | |
decreases over time. | 01:09:17 | |
And Mr. Letter, the coop hasn't had a decrease, right? I mean, I understand that they sent out checks recently with all this going | 01:09:24 | |
on, but it's the Co-op had overall decreases for its members. | 01:09:30 | |
While Tristate was given decreases, yeah, and you would see that on your bill, it's called a power cost adjuster and it's been a | 01:09:37 | |
credit on there. And we along with the debt cost adjusters been a credit because we refinance some higher interest loans. So those | 01:09:43 | |
two items that cost and power costs when tri-state lower their rates, that's how we pass that savings on to the members for that | 01:09:49 | |
debt cost adjuster. | 01:09:55 | |
So our rates went down. | 01:10:03 | |
Overall, your power costs went down by that. | 01:10:06 | |
Power cost, overall rate, what we're paying out of pocket, no, because just like every utility you have a file grade at the PRC | 01:10:10 | |
and our last file grade when they change adjusted it in 2022 that was the last time it went. So that, yeah, that's what brings up | 01:10:17 | |
my next question. When you ask for a rate increase that you guys got turned down recently, correct in 2019, yeah, that would be. | 01:10:25 | |
You asked for an increase to charge more to the members, right, while you're getting a decrease. So that doesn't make sense to me | 01:10:34 | |
in my head and I don't, I'm not saying that I'm right. I just don't understand if you're getting a decrease on the power supply, | 01:10:41 | |
why are we putting in for an increase with the PRC? So our last increase with the PRC was 2011. So in 2019 as costs have gone up | 01:10:49 | |
and infrastructure improvements that we need to do, those were plans to you know. | 01:10:56 | |
Do more tree trimming, do more of those things and that's what we have on the horizon and that's why we're asking for an increase. | 01:11:04 | |
Now our power cost, that's a, that's another line item on our hill. But but yeah, so we had that rate increase just like every | 01:11:10 | |
utility as the city had already increased in 2017 and and you know every year went up, everyone has rate increases, your | 01:11:16 | |
operational costs go up everything as you operate year to year. You can't maintain your same level of revenue and and maintain a | 01:11:22 | |
system. | 01:11:28 | |
That's just what kind of confuses me personally, and I don't, maybe I just am not following it as well, but I totally get like the | 01:11:34 | |
increases we have, the city came out of, I mean out of our own funds to be able to help the locals. But it was strictly because of | 01:11:41 | |
the cost of gas skyrocketing. I mean, we couldn't control that. And I totally understand the cost of infrastructure going up, | 01:11:49 | |
which just brings me to like we represent the city of Socorro. Like I get the cost infrastructure, we're put in for an increase. | 01:11:57 | |
I get it. But where's the infrastructure changing like what's gotten better in Socorro? Well, well, you have to look we we have | 01:12:05 | |
11,000 square miles. So we're taking care of you know all the system we're working to improve the line to Magdalena, all those | 01:12:12 | |
things. So I mean there's only so much money in your your you can't go. Yes, that's all I totally understand. So. So with labor | 01:12:20 | |
costs, medical benefits, all those things have gone up since 2011. That's where our cost when our power costs went down that. | 01:12:28 | |
We passed that through immediately through the members throughout power costs, just so if I understand it correctly, power, power | 01:12:36 | |
costs are going down, infrastructure, cost of Labor, all these other things, even though we don't see it in in town, it's | 01:12:43 | |
happening in other places. And that's why our rates have overall rates have gone up even though we're paying less for power. | 01:12:50 | |
At that period, OK. So it went down 4%, but everything else jumped up. So my net, my last question would be there's going to be an | 01:13:34 | |
increase now, right? There's one coming up which I get, you know, I get it. | 01:13:41 | |
Are we also going to have increases on the other side now with more infrastructure, with more? | 01:13:49 | |
Debt to pay back with, with more infrastructure, things that we're not going to see in town is this now going to like compile and | 01:13:57 | |
make it difficult. So, so we do, we hire a third party economist, they do a cost of service study and when we get to that point, | 01:14:04 | |
we're not there yet, but we'll have to hire that person, they'll do their financial study and then make a recommendation to the | 01:14:10 | |
board. So we're not at that point today, but you know. | 01:14:17 | |
That's possible. Everyone's seen inflation costs go through the roof and so I wouldn't say never, but it's it's on the horizon, | 01:14:24 | |
Mr. Partridge. | 01:14:29 | |
It was answered. I was thinking the same thing coach accomplice, just understanding that if the price goes down and it goes up | 01:14:36 | |
over here that we didn't save enough money to cover the those costs with the cost of power going down that we still see the | 01:14:42 | |
increase and like a coach of Campo said. | 01:14:48 | |
The cost is not being seen. That's what I was because you know we live in the city and I mean I'm not saying it works not being | 01:14:56 | |
done, just how much work is being done to cover that I guess is what this from an eyeball test is what actually we're seeing | 01:15:02 | |
within the city. But understanding that it's county wide and you guys serve a large area that there might be things that we don't | 01:15:09 | |
see. So and I think social company did a good job of covering that. So that was my only comment on it. | 01:15:15 | |
But you know, my comment on what's not being done in the city goes back to your your. | 01:15:23 | |
Problems with TDs when about five years ago they wanted to put fiber on your poles and you did a study saying that, you know, we | 01:15:30 | |
needed anywhere between 1.5 million to 1.8 million to upgrade the poles in the city of Socorro so they could put fiber on there. | 01:15:38 | |
And TDs. His answer to the city was we can't afford to do that. That's not going to work. | 01:15:45 | |
And and so just that we know at least that needs to be done in the city hasn't been done. So those are the things that you're | 01:15:53 | |
talking about improving infrastructure in the city that they were going to try to make TDs pay for. | 01:15:59 | |
Well, when TDs came, you know they wanted to attach the polls if if we paid for that cost, the members paid for it. So those $1.5 | 01:16:08 | |
million, you have to collect that through rates and that creates rate pressure. So that was the cost for everything else. | 01:16:16 | |
But the, the polls were designed for power lines. Now you want to put fiber in them and there's no electrical clearance standards. | 01:16:25 | |
So we have to abide by those And and so when they wanted, we were like the members are not going to pay for that TDs of for profit | 01:16:32 | |
company would have to pay for those improvements. Mr. Romero, I was just going to ask, I know you guys have been real busy with a | 01:16:39 | |
project along the rail lines going north that that's a big project that you're also working on, right? Yes, Sir. And that's in | 01:16:45 | |
Valencia County. | 01:16:52 | |
OK, Mr. Mayor, I've got one more question. Yeah, this is just for Mr. Bowie, the tri-state. | 01:16:59 | |
Yet you guys have seen some some pretty large members leave recently. | 01:17:08 | |
Just during all these times where you've had decreases. During all these times of decreases. | 01:17:15 | |
We're able to. | 01:17:58 | |
Somewhat uniquely, work to control our costs as best we can and bring on lower cost renewable energy resources. | 01:17:59 | |
All and and really pay attention to cost mitigation. All those efforts have helped us to be able to reduce our costs or control | 01:18:07 | |
our costs and bring down our rate. But we're not immune from inflation either and we'll be filing for a rate increase. If you look | 01:18:15 | |
over time since our last rate increase that was at the beginning of 2016, it averages out to about .2% a year, well below the rate | 01:18:22 | |
of inflation. We recognize that the power portion of. | 01:18:30 | |
How were you guys able to consistently lower your rate? And then why would you see that not be a direct correlation with all of | 01:19:12 | |
the other like members having rates go up? | 01:19:20 | |
If you're playing the same cost for Transformers for everything else, I mean they're similar costs. And if and if they're | 01:19:28 | |
ballooning for all of these members, why are they not ballooning for you? Why are you continually doing rate decreases? But yet | 01:19:35 | |
the members that you say is consistent, they're all going, the rates are going up. We did a 4% rate decrease after holding rates | 01:19:42 | |
steady from 2016 and 2021. We reduced 2% in 2022, reduced another 2%, which continues to today. | 01:19:49 | |
Mayor Bhaskar mentioned an energy sale to another city. We're able, when we have excess power to sell just energy, not the same as | 01:19:57 | |
what is purchased by Socorro, but we're able to sell power to others. We're able to participate in the market and those is that's | 01:20:05 | |
just one example of the things that we can do when we have excess power that reduces rate pressure on our members. You agree? To | 01:20:13 | |
my mind I was just taking a gallop for four cents. So let's, if we can speak about that, Mister Mayor, go ahead. | 01:20:21 | |
I just wanted to say that that was good vibes. Yeah, we we do sell power to others. | 01:20:29 | |
But we don't sell what Socorro Electric and our other members received from tri-state is a fairly unique product in the utility | 01:20:36 | |
world for one rate and that's right now 7.3 cents. We cover all the costs of delivering firm power into the low side of our | 01:20:44 | |
members distribution systems. | 01:20:52 | |
There's no other cost that's involved. When you're a city that is purchasing power at a certain energy, at a certain rate, you're | 01:21:00 | |
just getting energy. You're not getting capacity, you're not getting transmission, you're not getting energy, ancillary services, | 01:21:08 | |
you're not getting reserves, you're not getting that power scheduled. You're just getting the cost of a kWh delivered at certain | 01:21:16 | |
bus bar. And it is not at all equivalent. It is absolutely apples and oranges. | 01:21:24 | |
To the rate that Sapporo would pay under our Class A wholesale rate. | 01:21:32 | |
7.3 cents Their written cost is 15.3 cents. | 01:21:40 | |
So there's an 8 cent markup. | 01:21:46 | |
That's their 'cause. If you go look at your electric bill, it go to 17 cents, look at the bottom number divided by the kilowatts | 01:21:49 | |
and see what it comes up. But even their written cost is 15.3 cents, and they're buying it for 7.3. So eight cents is what they're | 01:21:56 | |
tacking on to. The to the, you know, when we buy natural gas and really, how much do we tack on? | 01:22:03 | |
39 cents $0.39 on the cost of how much is gas now? A dollar. | 01:22:12 | |
Yeah, but so they're they're increasing their their price to us by 8 cents, that's on their number. But if you look at yourself, I | 01:22:18 | |
think it's almost $0.10. So you can say they sell that to us and they can talk about cost of power, but the bottom line out of our | 01:22:26 | |
wallet is 15.3 cents just according to your numbers per kilowatt. And so that's an 8 and I think the city can do much better than | 01:22:34 | |
that given our resources and us selling utilities and having a a service that. | 01:22:43 | |
We do for gas, water and sewer. I think we can get it down to 13 at least, if not 12. | 01:22:51 | |
Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Monarch, are you still here? I thought you left. I have. AI was even paying attention. I didn't even | 01:22:59 | |
zone out. My first couple questions are for Mr. Hedetta. Is the suggested amendment Counselor again made? Will that satisfy what | 01:23:05 | |
you're trying to get in the resolution? | 01:23:11 | |
I already forgot what he said. So I didn't hear the 2% and I didn't hear the exempt. I said the current, the current, the current | 01:23:19 | |
franchise agreement, that's important franchise agreement that terminates at that period of time. The costs aren't as read. I | 01:23:25 | |
think what he's saying is that we should have maybe had that the people that were exempt in the previous franchise agreement | 01:23:31 | |
should be exempt in this franchise agreement. | 01:23:38 | |
Yeah, but it's the same good thing. Yeah, he did. I think it was good. | 01:23:46 | |
Adding additional weight to the to the coax fiber. | 01:24:21 | |
It's pretty heavy, Mr. Ocampo. Mr. American, you said too, I said. I have a few. | 01:24:27 | |
What was the last time you raised rates, 2012, 2016, 2016? But weren't you recently rejected by FERG for a rate increase request? | 01:24:34 | |
So yeah, we are federally regulated for our rates and we filed our rate last year, our new wholesale rate. It was a different type | 01:24:41 | |
of rate for it for us on a formulary rate. | 01:24:49 | |
When the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rejected that rate, it wasn't because of the revenue we were looking to collect. It | 01:24:57 | |
was on issues about how we unbundle. | 01:25:03 | |
A component of the bill called Ancillary Services. It doesn't affect what anyone pays. It's just saying, OK, I've got a bucket | 01:25:12 | |
called Ancillary Services and we broke it out into three areas. And the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says you need to | 01:25:18 | |
further break that down into individual pieces. | 01:25:24 | |
And so we'll be refiling that rate shortly. That'll meet what the FERC instructed us to do. But it was not rejected on any revenue | 01:25:31 | |
collection related issues. It was an issue around how we describe or unbundle a certain component of the rate. Mr. Martin, on the | 01:25:39 | |
same thing, didn't you choose to go to work and leave the State Regulatory Commission? Yes, Sir. When was that? | 01:25:48 | |
I mean within the last 7-8 years, it would have been probably 2020. So you chose to you, so you chose to go to FERC which means | 01:25:59 | |
FERC lawyers which are like $3000 an hour. But you were at one time you were being regulated by the state as far as your race were | 01:26:06 | |
concerned, yeah, so Tri state's Interstate power supplier but not in the state of New Mexico, you come to state of New Mexico. | 01:26:14 | |
Those are the rates should be regulated by the state. So we are. | 01:26:21 | |
We were a. | 01:26:30 | |
I can walk you through the Federal Power Act if you know, but I'm just saying, but I don't one time additionally, but yes, you are | 01:26:33 | |
governed by the state of New Mexico rules and you chose then to go to the Feds. Our, our board representing all of our members | 01:26:40 | |
decided that we needed, especially as we were moving through a very rapid energy transition that we need the certainty of one | 01:26:48 | |
federal regulator across all the states. And so we submitted ourselves to regulation at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. | 01:26:55 | |
It ensures that all of our members have a voice in regulation no matter what state they're in. So in New Mexico, member that has a | 01:27:03 | |
concern wouldn't be affected by a decision made unilaterally. In the state of Wyoming, they can all go to FERC, have their voices | 01:27:09 | |
heard and it's been a good process for you guys. Well, for our members as well, the state lost control. Mr. Moana, finish your | 01:27:16 | |
question. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't mean. That was my three. Mr. Fleming. | 01:27:22 | |
One thing that puzzles me. | 01:27:30 | |
You're talking about fiber wrapping over the existing chamber? | 01:27:34 | |
You realize how little weight there is in fiber and also about six years ago when they're building the new school down in San | 01:27:39 | |
Antonio. | 01:27:45 | |
Your individual, your representative in the meeting was Doctor Wilberg. | 01:27:53 | |
Wonderful individual. | 01:28:00 | |
I was there with Joe Franklin. | 01:28:03 | |
Miss Lee, you may not know that name, but Mr. Herrera knows who he is. | 01:28:06 | |
And I was in Joe Franklin and the mayor was there. And you informed Anton Salome, who was the assistant Superintendent at that | 01:28:16 | |
time. | 01:28:22 | |
That yes, you would allow fiber on the poles from Brown or Royal down to the new school. | 01:28:30 | |
Elementary school in San Antonio if the school system paid you $70,000. | 01:28:38 | |
And that has stuck in my craw for the last seven years. | 01:28:48 | |
So can I? | 01:28:54 | |
So when we asked TDs can you give us the specifications what you're going to attach overlash the collapse table that was done and | 01:28:56 | |
reviewed by engineers that's that was the engineering study. It wasn't just picked out of there and said no the the the cost for | 01:29:05 | |
San Antonio Midway that was also done by an engineering firm and it wasn't $70,000 or $700,000 to go 38 miles of attaching fibers | 01:29:14 | |
38 miles so 38 miles per miles from ground and royalty San Antonio. | 01:29:22 | |
Where not only San Antonio, but then Midway. | 01:29:32 | |
There were two side points, but but everything was done through engineering study. It wasn't done. It was a third party | 01:29:37 | |
consultant. We said we do this make sure it all complies with all the regulatory requirements. I'm concerned about that | 01:29:44 | |
engineering business that you had because text engineers also worked it out and it was far from that. | 01:29:52 | |
Well, there's there's always a national there. I mean you guys are engineers all the time and you take 601 and a half dozen and a | 01:30:02 | |
half dozen any other? | 01:30:06 | |
Speech to Mr. Fleming, his community involvement, That's basically what it speaks to. And the Co-op doesn't have it. I'm sorry, | 01:30:11 | |
Co-op doesn't have it. You're beating me on the high rates and then you're beating me, So I mean. | 01:30:20 | |
100 miles that you spend it on and won't spend 1,000,008 here to get us fiber. That money could have been brought up just like | 01:30:29 | |
you're borrowing all this other money. I'm just saying you have no community involvement. You don't help us with Christmas lights, | 01:30:36 | |
You don't help us with anything. That used to be with Polo and and the late Mr. Lupe Vega used to help us with. | 01:30:43 | |
That's all I'm telling you. And that's why this whole thing, you know, I outlasted your your you had surveys when I got reelected, | 01:30:50 | |
that was my survey. I've outlasted your franchise, you know, 30 years, 33 years. And I've seen this start about 15 years ago when | 01:30:57 | |
we had this place full of people complaining about how the Co-op runs right through their farm instead of on the side of it, so | 01:31:05 | |
they can't even mow their or cut their hay. I mean there's there's little things that the club has not been able to attend to. | 01:31:12 | |
When it comes to community relations, and that's where we are now, that's how it's LED up to. It didn't happen overnight. It | 01:31:20 | |
didn't happen on May 17th, didn't happen two weeks from now. It didn't happen. | 01:31:25 | |
25 years, we changed our lights up Seville ballpark. We changed our lights at the high school. We've we've done the community | 01:31:31 | |
involvement. So I have to disagree with you on there and you know. | 01:31:36 | |
You're 38% of the vote. Yes, you got re-elected and you outlasted the Mr. Mr. | 01:31:43 | |
Herrera, You don't even live in town, so you don't know about community, your relationships. He knows about it. Yeah. Not been | 01:31:53 | |
given our scholarships right and left. That's great. | 01:31:58 | |
I'm sorry if I come across dance my last question. I have so many people that like around 2nd every time that that Co-op sends out | 01:32:06 | |
another Mailer I get like 20 phone calls like that night and so just so I understand this totally this is my last question for you | 01:32:13 | |
Mr. Boy. Theoretically if the city of Socorro. | 01:32:20 | |
Down the money grants. Boring whatever it is to build the infrastructure, to do whatever phases we're going to do, to purchase | 01:32:28 | |
power on our own and create our own municipal. | 01:32:33 | |
Utility. | 01:32:40 | |
Just so I understand it. | 01:32:42 | |
Would we be paying half the rate that the Co-op ballpark about half the rate that the coop is paying for that energy, They're | 01:32:44 | |
paying seven and a half cents and then Yelp is paying around three or four. Would we actually be able to get it cheaper than the | 01:32:52 | |
Socorro electric Coop I think you would have as a wholesaler? I'm sorry, no, I, you know, I can't answer that question obviously | 01:32:59 | |
because I don't know your cost structures, but I can tell you that the electric utility business is a very serious business. | 01:33:07 | |
And the complexity and the costs of ensuring you know you are taking on a significant obligation and ensuring that the city of | 01:33:15 | |
Socorro, your citizens, are always going to have power no matter what the market is doing, no matter what the weather is doing, no | 01:33:21 | |
matter what the lightning is doing. | 01:33:28 | |
And it's a serious obligation. It is the lifeblood of the West, it's the lifeblood of this community and. | 01:33:36 | |
It's a complex and it's an expensive proposition. I would look for what other communities have done and if they've achieved those | 01:33:44 | |
types of cost savings. That's exactly just why I'm bringing up like Gala for an example, who's buying it at a wholesale rate, | 01:33:50 | |
wholesale rate from you at darn near half the cost. And I get there's, I get there's other things that you guys are providing that | 01:33:55 | |
I don't understand. | 01:34:01 | |
Yeah, we're going to sell at a discount over there because we're not providing certain things. Well, if the City of Sequoia were | 01:34:39 | |
able to provide those things, would we then get their cost, currently at a wholesale rate of almost half of what the Co-op decides | 01:34:46 | |
to pay? I can speak to the wholesale costs and I do not believe that you would be able to secure the same level of wholesale power | 01:34:54 | |
service that Secure Electric receives from a tri-state from another power supply arrangement. No from yours. | 01:35:01 | |
How to galify it so cheap? Because just power. So it's an what Gallup bought is an A la carte purchase of energy, a kWh. It is not | 01:35:09 | |
shaped to the load. It's not scheduled and delivered to the load. It has no transmission, It has no spinning reserves, backup. It | 01:35:20 | |
has nothing at all of what really keeps the lights on. It's just an energy product. It's just a kWh. | 01:35:32 | |
The lights that are on in this room in this community have so much behind that that keeps the lights on. And it that the whatever | 01:35:43 | |
the price they would be paying for just that little bit of energy is a fraction of the cost of what it actually takes to deliver | 01:35:53 | |
firm 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for years to come into the system. So it's it's beyond apples and oranges. | 01:36:02 | |
Mr. Ocampo the the the negotiations that we've done and negotiations we've done and he's right about the four cents the Wheeling | 01:36:13 | |
or the transmission of that that electricity and and and P&M has a part of it and tri-state has a part of it. tri-state is going | 01:36:21 | |
to charge us twice as much P&M that's what they do to Kit Carson and and and also sometimes to Aztec but that's two cents added to | 01:36:29 | |
that four cent cost of the the electricity, the raw electricity is talking about. | 01:36:37 | |
An open air and and vulnerability to elections. | 01:37:54 | |
That if we don't listen to the public, we are not going to get, you know, elected. And that that's what we're offering about this | 01:37:57 | |
public utility, just like Aztec, just like Raton, just like Bloomfield is going to be doing, just like TRC is doing right now. | 01:38:04 | |
There are small towns that do sell electricity. It's not just us. | 01:38:10 | |
Well, Mr. Bhaskar, we'd love to continue the conversation. We would love to. | 01:38:18 | |
Oh, no, Sir. But did you come down on your turbojet? No, Sir. Oh, not this time. OK, the other time, the last time. | 01:38:24 | |
We would like to continue it. I appreciate it. | 01:38:34 | |
We're doing probably a year, might be about 3 years. It's not going to happen overnight. We're agree that you give us a service. I | 01:38:38 | |
said that to Mr. Williams. | 01:38:43 | |
That the city does provide a service when he asked about whether we're going to do that. The coop does provide an electric service | 01:38:49 | |
has since 1956. I absolutely agree with that. We're grateful for that. We're looking without being into a personal type of thing, | 01:38:55 | |
which I don't care for, but I think we need to have more discussions. We appreciate you coming down. I think that makes a big | 01:39:02 | |
difference to see Mr. and I here also Mr. Martinez. I mean, you know I think it's important that we have these public discussions | 01:39:08 | |
so the public can hear us. | 01:39:15 | |
Saying don't be calling each other counselors to have a meeting with them, come to the City Council and have this back and forth. | 01:39:21 | |
That's to me is what or so we don't have a sector, we don't even do executive sessions. So we appreciate that and all the | 01:39:27 | |
information I have. I already imparted to you what we're dealing with Guzman, what we're dealing. We're also trying to get solar | 01:39:33 | |
here. We work with TDSI was very disappointed with what they did to us on that when they're also thinking about bringing in their | 01:39:39 | |
own broadband. | 01:39:45 | |
Because there's money available. | 01:39:51 | |
But you know, we'd really appreciate you having this back and forth, even though it's we usually go away after 30 minutes because | 01:39:53 | |
we've got TV to watch. But anyway, anymore comments, Mr. Monet, Mr. Mayor, I'm just, I have a question if we want to rephrase. | 01:40:00 | |
Councillor Owens, Motion Or if we want to table this until we have all the changes, I want to do it before May 17th because they | 01:40:09 | |
want to have some document like that was my point. I'm finding the way it is. I just want to make sure we're going to add that | 01:40:15 | |
addendum and then we can add another addendum if we have to. We'll pass it through the, pass it through, you guys. | 01:40:22 | |
So just to restate the amendment, it is to add. | 01:40:30 | |
We're going to use the language that the previous franchise agreement had on the charges to the coop for the franchise tax and | 01:40:35 | |
exempt people that were already exempted in the previous franchise. So I will add council beans. | 01:40:42 | |
Basically, agreed, the current agreement currently enforced. | 01:40:49 | |
We still have to vote. This is this discussion. No, we voted on the amendment. Now we got it. The motion was the motion with the | 01:40:56 | |
amendment. The motion now we vote on the resolution as amended. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. | 01:41:03 | |
Welcome moved and seconded all in favor aye. Opposed. So you got month to month but and realistically it's not going to it's not | 01:41:12 | |
it's going to take if we move anywhere it's going to take three to four years. I may have to run one more time Joseph it's going | 01:41:20 | |
to it's going to take that long. I mean you know and and we will we will make public all Mr. Ed Reyes is coming on the 28th who is | 01:41:28 | |
our financial guy who is in public will give us the hard facts about. | 01:41:36 | |
It probably is going to cost us too much with the race that we're discussing. We have already looked at you didn't you didn't | 01:41:44 | |
supply those to us. I have to go to each one of the users to get their bills because the wouldn't cooperate with us because you | 01:41:51 | |
guys, you asked for April from us all the time, but I can't ask Ipra from you. But I have, we've compiled every bill of all the | 01:41:59 | |
big users over there and we're trying to figure out what the revenue flow is going to be to pay for a brand new substation. | 01:42:06 | |
And lines, So that's where we're at and that's about 10 megawatts. | 01:42:14 | |
And we're looking at A5 MW solar form out there. So that's all we that's everything we know. | 01:42:19 | |
Good luck to you because we got tonight for our four MW solar system, so we got denied from our four MW solar system. | 01:42:27 | |
It was the part of the pace that Ira. | 01:42:37 | |
We're not going to get denied, believe me. We're not going to get denied. | 01:42:41 | |
A mega thing. Who's that? Who's that Building 1 between Berlin and Los Lunas? It's like, that's for Facebook. That's been in plans | 01:42:45 | |
for 10 years, right? Right. Well, they just bought that land from that. They listened. That land from that guy from California. | 01:42:49 | |
But the bottom line is. | 01:42:53 | |
We will get it done. We've got people, you know, you probably have run across them. Mr. Well, he is a icast. You know, Ravi | 01:42:58 | |
Malhotra, he's the one that's working for us on this. And I think they're good people. You know, I cast his good group and I think | 01:43:03 | |
they'll get us the grants. | 01:43:09 | |
So, but anyway, like I said, this is everything we know. So you want to send another hipper request to Polo, who's already pulled | 01:43:15 | |
out all his hair? | 01:43:19 | |
We will let you into every little piece of information we have because we do believe in open. I mean we're open business. | 01:43:25 | |
And again, thank you for coming down. Yes, thank you. Thank you. It gives me a chance to see my family in Albuquerque. Edgewood. | 01:43:34 | |
So are you going to drive back? Stay at the Holiday Inn Express. I got room there for you. I'll stay with my dad, Mr. Martinez. | 01:43:40 | |
How come I How come I know you so well? Because I met you 30 years ago. | 01:43:48 | |
That's good seeing you here. I thought what happened to well you don't you're not with Leo. Block Leo. He's with that. He's much | 01:43:54 | |
smaller 00. Jerome is a good friend of ours. I will be around more often. I live in Albuquerque. I'm in New Mexico. Tickets to the | 01:44:02 | |
Rockies or the Denver Broncos or something. We we bribe easily so but anyway but great seeing you here and and again a first for | 01:44:10 | |
us I think yes but and I'm sorry about being long winded. | 01:44:18 | |
And I appreciate the council jumping in because, you know, it's good to get that kind of information out. We've got the newspaper | 01:44:26 | |
here. We're on TV. I think it's important to have that. Yeah, we were that thing. I don't know what Lena did, but it's good to | 01:44:32 | |
have this conversation. I agree. And I hope we can continue to do that. I want to say one more thing. As an old Santa Fe high | 01:44:37 | |
demon, I agree with you on Saint Michaels. | 01:44:43 | |
30 years ago, when my daughter was playing soccer, they spit on us. They were terrible. All these private schools, Muskie, St. | 01:44:51 | |
Mikes, Sandia Prep. Where did they get their own? Let's just continue the dialogue. Mr. Mayor, thank you. Joseph and Jared, thank | 01:44:58 | |
you for spelling my name right. You didn't do it at the meeting. | 01:45:04 | |
It's BH, not Bah. | 01:45:12 | |
What can you say? Yeah, I watch you guys all the time. | 01:45:16 | |
Anyway, let's move on. You guys are welcome to go home and talk to your family, but. | 01:45:21 | |
You'll be saying sorry, we're we're two friends. Too much friendly now, so don't be saying sorry too much. And Leroy didn't | 01:45:27 | |
understand nothing plays golf, but he never says nothing. Come on. | 01:45:34 | |
I'd say thank you for coming. | 01:45:41 | |
Appreciate it so. | 01:45:43 | |
OK. | 01:45:45 | |
Let's we'll finish up with this resolution for the New Mexico Finance Authority. Really, was that about, are you still here? | 01:45:47 | |
Playing for a loan for the Newberry Pond. | 01:45:59 | |
We're going to try to purchase it. How much, 250,000? | 01:46:03 | |
For the Newbery Pond, it's for the Superfund. | 01:46:09 | |
Make a motion. We passed resolution #24-05-14B. | 01:46:15 | |
Seconded all in favor, Aye, new business. | 01:46:21 | |
July 3rd, Neil McCoy will be here and. | 01:46:58 | |
Executive session, Miss Chavez. Lopez. Anything. Acts again. Secretive, you know, Nothing secretive. | 01:47:03 | |
OK, so we got, we got business registrations, no, we got personnel changes. Let me do that first we've got Jacob Fanning transfer | 01:47:11 | |
from Animal Control to maintenance and Pete Lopez resignation at maintenance. | 01:47:18 | |
Mr. Ronald from the Personnel Changes is read, second moved and seconded. All in favor. Aye, opposed. And then we have businesses. | 01:47:28 | |
We have Paravita Gems out of town, Mr. and Mrs. Lemonade, Angelica Castillo drinks, Ted Baca. He has carpentry, remodeling, | 01:47:38 | |
Ultimate Power, Leroy Montoya Electrical, Wilford Rivera, food and drinks, and IBS DBA Angel tracks. | 01:47:47 | |
Mobile Surveillance system. I don't know what that is. | 01:47:58 | |
OK, that's it. | 01:48:03 | |
All in favor, Mr. Mayor, I make a motion to approve the business reservation 2nd and all in favor, aye, I think May 28th. And | 01:48:06 | |
we're trying to, If you guys agree, maybe we can talk about it in the next meeting in June. But we can have either one meeting | 01:48:13 | |
during the summer or we can have meetings at lunch and have one at 6:00 like the county does. I think you meant one meeting per | 01:48:19 | |
month this summer. Not one meeting then this summer. Oh, yeah, one meeting per month. | 01:48:26 | |
I'm all for the one for the entire summer, but in June we can maybe if we can look into that. It's up to you guys. | 01:48:35 | |
But nothing too much exciting. But we'll see you next meeting. Thank you very much. | 01:48:44 | |
Go Warriors, Warriors. | 01:48:50 |
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Name | Document type | |
Resolution No. 24-05-14a - Continuing the SEC Franchise Agreement on a Month-to-Month Basis | General Document | |
Resolution No. 24-05-14b New Mexico Finance Authority | General Document | |
Lease Agreement - Veguita Senior Center | Other | |
MOU City of Socorro -SCS-AYSO - Turf Tank Robot | Other |
Mayor Bhaskar, Councillor Travis Lopez, Councillor Dean, Councillor Fleming, Councillor Ocampo. | 00:00:00 | |
Councillor Oguin here, Counter Partridge here. Councillor Romero here. Councillor Salome. | 00:00:11 | |
He's not on the phone. Is he internal? | 00:00:20 | |
Yes, I'm on the phone. Are you watching the golf tournament in in Albuquerque? | 00:00:23 | |
All right for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:31 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag. | 00:00:34 | |
The United States and the Republic, which stands one age under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:38 | |
Damien, before we go anywhere, I want to wish Paulo Panetta. | 00:00:50 | |
These 39 I think. | 00:00:55 | |
Birthday yes. | 00:00:58 | |
Have a picture of him behind a set of drums when she was Do you have hair three years ago? He had hair at that time, I think so he | 00:01:03 | |
got in his eyes when he was hitting the cymbals. | 00:01:09 | |
All righty, proof of the consent agenda. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Hogan, I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda. | 00:01:16 | |
Moved in second it all in favor, Aye, opposed. | 00:01:26 | |
We've got turn that down maybe a little bit I think. | 00:01:30 | |
The We have the public forum, but we we've got the Sapporo Consolidated School Bus Safety Coloring Contest winner. Danny, you want | 00:01:34 | |
to tell us what that's all about and what the heck is going on with these people passing school buses. So thank you Mayor, for | 00:01:40 | |
having me. Thank you City Council. Thank you Lena, for getting this all set up here. So for those that don't know me, my name is | 00:01:47 | |
Danny Hicks. I am the transportation director for Socorro Schools. And we have had in the past, we've always had people running | 00:01:53 | |
our red lights. | 00:01:59 | |
About three years ago we got cameras on the sides of the buses to be able to take videos and we've been turning those in and we've | 00:02:07 | |
had a few here and there. But this year, as of today, we've had 5252 people have passed our ribs, 5252, and that's between the | 00:02:15 | |
city and the county. Can you get their license plates? Yeah. So when when they pass, there's a, there's a camera on the side of | 00:02:23 | |
the bus and it gets the car, the front of the car coming, and then it gets the back of the car. | 00:02:31 | |
And it shows like their license plate and stuff. | 00:02:40 | |
And so we send that to Angel if it's in town and then we send it to Sheriff Armijo if it's in the county. And then they they're | 00:02:42 | |
able to go talk to the people, educate a lot of them, give citations where they need to. So thank you Angel for. Yes, thank you | 00:02:50 | |
guys. | 00:02:57 | |
So they have been a great help and so about a month ago, a couple months ago Ramona. | 00:03:06 | |
One of our bus drivers, they said we need to get awareness to people to see what you know, to just bring it to their attention | 00:03:13 | |
because this 52 is a lot and there was 10 in April, so that's every time they passed. They're putting our kids in danger. So we | 00:03:20 | |
decided to invite our 4th and 5th graders to do a poster contest and we got some really pretty cool posters. So we've got our | 00:03:27 | |
first, second and third. So I would like to invite this is our first vice. | 00:03:35 | |
It says stop when lights flash red and it's got a little picture of a bus and lights and stuff. So this is our first place to | 00:03:42 | |
Maggie Dean. | 00:03:46 | |
Wonderful job then, Maggie, what's your last name? | 00:04:02 | |
Dean, Dean, Dean, Maggie, Dean, Councillor, Dean, Said, Dean. | 00:04:07 | |
Bank 1. Sure. | 00:04:13 | |
And this one, this one is our second place and it says stay stopped, please stop for stop school buses to keep kids safe and stay | 00:04:16 | |
stopped or get caught. | 00:04:23 | |
Goodbye and then our third place winner. | 00:04:33 | |
It says when lights start flashing, don't be passive. So, so we got some really cool posters out of this and this is Madison | 00:04:41 | |
Johnson. | 00:04:45 | |
I like them all. They're really, really great, really great. So thank you guys very much. And so here's your deal from the | 00:04:57 | |
schools. | 00:05:02 | |
And he got, I'm sorry, Maddie got $50. | 00:05:08 | |
And and the city is going to sponsor these on on one of these. | 00:05:16 | |
So kids, a great job in putting that together and then we're going to get then I don't know if you want to sign those. We can put | 00:05:59 | |
those as who put those together and we'll start making these signs that will make as many as people want. | 00:06:06 | |
Go ahead, we have presence too. | 00:06:14 | |
Oh awesome. | 00:06:19 | |
Right. | 00:06:25 | |
Wow. Wow. | 00:06:29 | |
Wow, there you go. What's in the What's in the box? | 00:06:37 | |
Oh. | 00:06:42 | |
All right. Congratulations, guys. Thank you. | 00:06:46 | |
OK. Thank you, Mayor. Let me get a quick picture. Yes. | 00:06:55 | |
Let's get the sponsors up too. Come on, you guys. Come in. Come in the middle, guys. Ramona. Kids come around the middle. Yeah, | 00:07:04 | |
Ramona. | 00:07:07 | |
The date of birth again, the knives. That's the teaching regulator. | 00:07:16 | |
John. | 00:07:32 | |
The mayor wanted them to sign them. Did they sign them? Yeah. Don't don't forget to remind. Get them to put their name at the | 00:07:44 | |
bottom so that they know who did those and they're you don't have to say it for a second or third edition. Be nice and we'll you | 00:07:50 | |
can start the program And people wanting those signs in their yards, especially where they drop the kids off sometimes. | 00:07:57 | |
We'll start getting those made. | 00:08:04 | |
Yeah. | 00:08:08 | |
We don't want, we don't want a tragedy. Yeah. | 00:08:09 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:08:14 | |
Great job, great job. | 00:08:19 | |
We we have, are we still waiting on the tracking or are they all out there? | 00:08:22 | |
Yeah. Are they there? | 00:08:30 | |
Yeah, I'll hold off on. Come on in guys. Congrat. | 00:08:34 | |
Look at that hardware. | 00:08:51 | |
Mr. Ocampo Yes Mr. Mayor Master, we have representatives from the support high school track team. They did such a good job this | 00:09:01 | |
weekend at the state championships. Not only did the girls show up, which they have a super young team, I think they only have one | 00:09:09 | |
senior, is that right Coach? 2 seniors and then with the boys team we only had one, the boys only had one senior. | 00:09:17 | |
And. | 00:09:25 | |
Very. We had the smallest amount of kids that qualified for state that, but we placed in the top three with the boys and we had | 00:09:27 | |
some girls that brought home some hardware. I think socorro's getting known around the state for all. | 00:09:34 | |
The two young ladies are excellent. They're both on the on the yeah. | 00:09:44 | |
Super Super Bowl but the and the boys really came through, highlighted by some state championships in in one of the relays. | 00:09:50 | |
We also Jay Lee won. He won not only cobalt but he also placed in in a couple of other events and then Brayden who's our one | 00:10:00 | |
senior he. | 00:10:07 | |
Came home with. | 00:10:15 | |
Got at least some records broken and I think you read a lot about him and. | 00:10:17 | |
Here, super proud of Braden and the whole broad braiding was the high point 14 events at the state championships. He got second in | 00:10:22 | |
another, so they did a great job and. | 00:10:28 | |
The boy in the journal. | 00:10:39 | |
I've never seen it here. Maybe he's been around for 100 years. | 00:10:43 | |
Value, but I've never seen a dream with five gives it forth. That actually broke into the top three I think St. Mikes this year | 00:10:50 | |
had every year. They seem like they have 50 kids qualified per SE. They took 30 to qualify St. Mike's. | 00:10:58 | |
12 to 15 kids, so we had half of them and we both of them and they ended up taking all the hardware at 3rd place and say plus | 00:11:09 | |
multiple big championships and a lot of places. | 00:11:15 | |
It'll be from Sephora seeing all these boys in your house so proud of them especially Brayden he, I mean he came home for he put a | 00:11:22 | |
stamp on it. He's worked his tail off. I've been watching him and he's the multiple sport guy and he just does the right things. | 00:11:29 | |
I'm real proud of him but I want to say something and and I and I wanted to thank personally the city of Socorro because I | 00:11:36 | |
volunteer in the in the summertime for the youth draft and can you guys raise your hand All you guys have have done youth trap. | 00:11:43 | |
In the past. | 00:11:52 | |
Chunking years. So these these kids with the support of the city and these the coaches that have volunteered, they've taken it | 00:11:52 | |
like, I mean, we have the best in the state right here. | 00:11:58 | |
In lots of ways and I know that the program is only growing in the summer for the track and field program and it's I like it's a | 00:12:07 | |
lot. It's a lifelong sport. These guys get a chance to hang out with each other and and have a lot of fun and and I think we have | 00:12:12 | |
the best coaches in the state. I really do. | 00:12:17 | |
Jay Lee is the That's his second state championship for it for Povo. | 00:12:29 | |
He won it last year and then this year, correct? | 00:12:34 | |
Breeding. | 00:12:37 | |
Last year too, he was stingy. This year he got more. Nice. Nice. Now that's cool. What a what an accomplishment. | 00:12:39 | |
I want to personally say thank you to the city for supporting this summer. | 00:12:52 | |
Coach accomplished, I think, Cozumel when he was on the City Council. He bought the hurdles. I don't know if we still have those | 00:12:57 | |
hurdles. | 00:13:01 | |
Cool. I don't know what he was talking about. | 00:13:44 | |
Didn't want to waste anytime, he said. No, we're going to name this after Coach Coach Z. And the other meeting we have is after | 00:13:51 | |
Coach Matthew and everybody that's there. Have Coach Matthews around here for a while. No coach. And we lumped him to death too. | 00:13:56 | |
So we're pretty, I mean, we're pretty lucky to have two guys like that. Steve, what was this year, 53? | 00:14:02 | |
And he still gets like he's man, he's up in. | 00:14:11 | |
Why don't you have the Why don't you introduce yourselves and tell us what events you guys were in? Let me start with Bridg. | 00:14:18 | |
Before going forward the. | 00:14:28 | |
And. | 00:14:35 | |
Cortana, Come on guys. Just just like on the staff. | 00:14:43 | |
They just got done with the swimming party. | 00:14:49 | |
Yeah, there you go. | 00:14:55 | |
Umm I'm Estro Compo and I got 30 Oval. | 00:14:57 | |
I'm Jeremiah Garza and I run on the 4 by 14. | 00:15:05 | |
My name is Isaiah Ocampo and I was on the four by four team. I ran the Open 200 and I threw discus. | 00:15:17 | |
My name is David. I was in povo 400 long jump javelin and a four by 4. | 00:15:28 | |
My name is Brianna and I got third in football. | 00:15:40 | |
My name is Hannah Bunning and I got **** and pull. | 00:15:48 | |
And my coaches. | 00:15:55 | |
I appreciate you guys having this in here. Introduce yourself. | 00:15:58 | |
And I'm closely I'm Cody Lee and I coach the boys team and I help out with the young ladies as well. | 00:16:02 | |
Come on, Truck. | 00:16:10 | |
Beach Beach Chuck Zimmerly Been around a little while. | 00:16:12 | |
Grayden Besides what he did at State, he broke a 52 year old school record in the high hurdles which was set by one of the supreme | 00:16:21 | |
athletes who came out of Socorro, Daryl Salisbury, in 1972. | 00:16:29 | |
My name is and this is my first year coaching track and I'm proud of these guys. | 00:16:42 | |
Socorro ever had two high point athletes in a row, Two different ones two years in a row. | 00:17:35 | |
All right. Somebody's got to step up next year. | 00:17:41 | |
Squeeze down there. | 00:17:50 | |
Great job. Congratulations. | 00:17:58 | |
Thank you. | 00:18:03 | |
Thank you so much. | 00:18:25 | |
Thank you. That's tremendous billing. | 00:18:37 | |
I didn't. I barely follow track this year because of that, kids. Right. And he was. He was so highly touted. Get into it. Check it | 00:18:53 | |
out. And I think Cocho Campo, you know about the GM. Do you know the golf standing? How'd that go? | 00:19:00 | |
Clean up the golf team here. Probably next meeting, but they just finished up today in the state golf tournament and want to | 00:19:10 | |
congratulate coaches Miguel and Kristen Grego. They both play 2nd and state this year. | 00:19:15 | |
On the two medalist girls. | 00:19:22 | |
Natasha Padaka and Ariana Christine 5th and 4th I believe. And then the boys had Isaiah Silva finished fourth and my nephew Andrew | 00:19:27 | |
Hendrich finished fifth. So nice, that's great and we'll have him next time. And again it was a big thing to have the three A | 00:19:35 | |
meets here, the state championship, so that's thanks to the coaches to get that down here. | 00:19:43 | |
Mr. O'Connell. | 00:19:52 | |
These two wrestlers that got, they got awarded the like, yeah, that's the first time we've ever got that work that's voted on by | 00:20:00 | |
the coaches. So that through the whole state, Junior was the voted the best heavyweight in the entire state all classes. And then | 00:20:06 | |
Sasha, because the girls wrestle all classes, we knew she was the best all classes but that was the first time we had a girl state | 00:20:12 | |
champ. So yeah. | 00:20:18 | |
Embrayed him at the high point. I mean, yeah, it's been a really positive year for sure. | 00:20:24 | |
Definitely. | 00:20:28 | |
Programs coming up and once we have kids doing great, thank you well and the parents and the coaches have to be congratulated for | 00:20:30 | |
getting the kids to get involved in that. I think it's always good to highlight that we have a presentation for Economic | 00:20:37 | |
Development Accelerator program from Carissa Trujillo. She is the NMSU Arrowhead Center. Welcome. | 00:20:44 | |
Hello. Thank you. And yes, congratulations to the track team and happy birthday, Paul. And there's so many exciting things are | 00:20:53 | |
happening today. So I'm really excited to be here. We're a small town. We try to highlight it. I know. I love it. I love it. So | 00:21:00 | |
for those of you, of course, that don't know me, my name is Krista Trujillo and I am a program specialist with NMS US Arrowhead | 00:21:08 | |
Center. We're an organization whose mission is to help New Mexico entrepreneurs. | 00:21:15 | |
Connect to resources and grow their businesses regardless of their stage, we help startups and mature businesses alike. | 00:21:23 | |
We received a grant from the Small Business Administration, the SBA, to conduct business accelerator programs throughout the state | 00:21:33 | |
of New Mexico. So in that case, this coming June, we will host a free online business program called BIZ Print Socorro. We'd like | 00:21:43 | |
to extend an invitation to all entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs in Socorro County to apply to this virtual program. | 00:21:52 | |
During this course, small business owners will develop, evaluate and strengthen their business models, connect with other | 00:22:03 | |
entrepreneurs here from inspiring local speakers and have access to one-on-one advising from our network of over 60 business | 00:22:10 | |
advisors. This network is made of experts in a variety of fields such as Cpas, patent, trademark and copyright copyright lawyers. | 00:22:17 | |
Excuse me, marketing professionals. | 00:22:24 | |
The finances and more. And this is only for free. | 00:22:32 | |
In addition, we have, we hope to partner with local organizations to be value added within the community, the needs of the | 00:22:38 | |
community. | 00:22:41 | |
So all I'm asking is to please help us spread the word about this free business resource. If anyone is interested or knows of | 00:22:46 | |
someone who may be interested in getting more information. I did bring postcards and business cards that I will leave at the front | 00:22:51 | |
here, and I will also try to follow up with an e-mail that maybe you can spread to your networks with anyone who may be | 00:22:57 | |
interested. | 00:23:02 | |
And I would be happy to connect with them via phone call, e-mail or zoom call. So thank you so much for your time and I'd like to | 00:23:09 | |
see if there's any questions about this program or? | 00:23:14 | |
Tell us again, where will it be? It's it's online, so so it can be accessed anywhere with Wi-Fi. And it's for entrepreneurs, | 00:23:22 | |
entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. Meaning if you wanted to start a business, you're welcome to apply as well. If you just | 00:23:29 | |
have a business idea, you're welcome. Or if you've been in business for 10 years or more, you're welcome to apply as soon. And who | 00:23:36 | |
will be the people responding to your? | 00:23:43 | |
Information. I mean, when you get online, who will be the people on the other end? | 00:23:51 | |
OK. | 00:24:00 | |
It's OK. And the and that's, is it part of NMSU or is it? Yes. So Arrowhead Sensor is the economic arm of NMSU. So NMSU has | 00:24:02 | |
several different goals and one of them of course is to better the communities in which we're located all throughout New Mexico. | 00:24:10 | |
And so this goal of my specific department of Arrowhead Center under the economic department is to reach out to different | 00:24:18 | |
communities. So we've already run these accelerator programs in places like of course Roswell for, excuse me, Farmington. | 00:24:26 | |
Towels and so on. And it's the fullest to get entrepreneurs connected to a network of experts and knowledge that they might not be | 00:24:35 | |
able to because of their geographic location. And anyone knows that, like time free time. 30 minutes with a lawyer is very | 00:24:45 | |
valuable of course. Or ACPA or or just other experts that they may not know how to get a hold of. | 00:24:54 | |
And we also, if we're not able to help them, we also connect them with our wide variety of economic development organizations | 00:25:05 | |
throughout New Mexico. So our goal is just to help them in any way possible, even if we ourselves are not able to help them. | 00:25:10 | |
What's the date? | 00:25:15 | |
The actual date for the accelerator is June the 4th. Starting on June 4th we meet weekly for six weeks, so it's a six week | 00:25:22 | |
accelerator program and the applications close May 24th. The reason we have applications of course is if many people apply, we | 00:25:30 | |
only have a certain amount of spots that we're able to fill. | 00:25:37 | |
While still being able to give our participants the attention that they deserve. 24th is a last time to yes, but that is the | 00:25:46 | |
deadline. But we do accept like a couple of days afterwards. We try to be as flexible as possible. Although we can put that on our | 00:25:53 | |
link to it and I was thinking of putting it into our bills but if it's we don't get those out until the end of the month, we're | 00:26:01 | |
going to miss it by three or four days. So but thank you for coming in Mr. Olga. | 00:26:08 | |
Yeah, definitely. Anyway that we could, like I said, be value added to the communities. That's that's what we're here to do. We're | 00:26:46 | |
definitely not the boots on the ground and we realized that like as with NMSU, but any way that we can add support to communities | 00:26:53 | |
is what we'd like to do. | 00:27:00 | |
Great. Thank you for taking the time to come up here. Yes, thank you guys for having me. Thank you. Very nice. Thank you, Chris. | 00:27:08 | |
OK. So we've got a memorandum of understanding between the city and the Socorro consolidated. | 00:27:20 | |
Schools and AYSO soccer Donald, is that. What is that about? This is the three-year lease for $6000 per year that is being split | 00:27:30 | |
between AY show, the schools and the city. And it's an automated field striper you can strike. | 00:27:38 | |
A baseball field in 5 minutes. It comes with a maintenance plan and they supply the paint. This is soccer. Doesn't say oh, but | 00:27:47 | |
that's what I read on the website yesterday. | 00:27:52 | |
So this is, this is AI has caught up with us. So we don't need anybody to just run that thing out there and we're looking into at | 00:27:58 | |
the end of the lease what it would cost to purchase it. Okay Steve, you know how to use it. Where does Steve go? Is he outside? | 00:28:05 | |
Steve, come on in here. We're talking about your robot. | 00:28:13 | |
Are you going to operate the robot or do the schools do it? You will. OK, you're you're good with that. | 00:28:19 | |
Is it? Is it like a drone or what is it? | 00:28:27 | |
OK. | 00:28:34 | |
That's a big help because I always just trouble trying to get people out there to get it lined. So, OK, so that's, I think Mr. | 00:28:36 | |
Ocampo. | 00:28:40 | |
OK. | 00:28:46 | |
We're still. | 00:28:50 | |
They said it. Break what? | 00:28:53 | |
Where does we consider how many? | 00:28:57 | |
Some sort of. | 00:29:01 | |
Maintenance question running. | 00:29:03 | |
But making sure that there's somebody service that. | 00:29:06 | |
I don't know I can find out. | 00:29:20 | |
Leave. Is it? Make sure you've got some maintenance device papers. | 00:29:24 | |
Councillor, I've verified with Ruby yesterday that there is a maintenance plan included in the agreement. | 00:29:31 | |
No, I mean that that that's a good point Steve, just to make sure that we're on top of it. So we didn't, it didn't go down and | 00:29:44 | |
then we have to be hustling to get it on with the rally car show. Esther Logan make a motion, we pass the memorandum of | 00:29:50 | |
understanding moved and seconded discussion all in favor. Aye. OK, we move on wherever increasing our Senior Center on Linda, is | 00:29:56 | |
she here? | 00:30:03 | |
She I think she just for a while, but we have finally gotten the keys for the Vegeta Senior Center finally, although we were we | 00:30:10 | |
were getting hot meals out there anyway and the first meeting there in the Senior Center was quite a success. So we are wanting | 00:30:18 | |
the council to approve the lease agreement is with the county for one year. | 00:30:27 | |
And. | 00:30:36 | |
That's what we'll keep doing, Miss Dean. So what's our plan? I mean do we have staff to be there or are we going to try to get the | 00:30:37 | |
county to help us support that? That ain't going to happen. But but but the bottom line is with Linda and Ruby and Donald is that | 00:30:45 | |
we're never going to go in the red with this. It's all going to have to be funded by the AAA and and they have extra money and so | 00:30:52 | |
everything that is being done. | 00:30:59 | |
Has to be. | 00:31:07 | |
In the black. And so you're right, the, the staff, the maintenance and all that, the utilities are going to be on us, but we're | 00:31:09 | |
going to be asking for reimbursement because now we are the ones that are extending this system. I know people in San Antonio | 00:31:17 | |
wanted our help too, but at this point we thought it was necessary because there's a lot of population to be served out there, | 00:31:24 | |
although it's not in the city, but Linda planned to take it on and but the budget will be completely funded by AAA. | 00:31:31 | |
So that that that's very important. | 00:31:40 | |
Any. | 00:31:45 | |
Motion to accept Mr. Mr. Ology Make a motion We approve the lease agreement. | 00:31:47 | |
Again, discussion all in favor. | 00:31:54 | |
Again, we've got, you know, the ICIP is a very important document, although we change it many times. It's a document that will | 00:31:58 | |
allow the people in the community to put their priorities for the for the city to present for funding. | 00:32:07 | |
And so this is ICIP public hearing #1 if anybody is in the crowd to do that. So it would take a motion to go into public hearing. | 00:32:16 | |
Mr. Make a motion. We're going to the ICIP Public Hearing #1. | 00:32:25 | |
Is there anyone that has any suggestions of of a of a project that they're interested in doing. It has to do with streets. It has | 00:32:31 | |
to do with drainage, could have to do with community centers. It could have any any kind of a project and we'll have another | 00:32:37 | |
hearing. But we'll perhaps the public needs to know about it. Mr. Mr. Monet. Yes Sir. It's been advertised in the Chieftain. It | 00:32:44 | |
was sent out in utility bills. | 00:32:50 | |
And we will have the second public hearing at the next council meeting. We have, we have plenty of items on the ICIP and you can | 00:32:57 | |
see, I don't know if people have gotten this copy, maybe maybe the public should see it too. All the infrastructure capital | 00:33:03 | |
improvement plans for. | 00:33:08 | |
25 to 29 to 20 So that should, you know perhaps we can Donald maybe even advertise this this list in the newspaper and on on the | 00:33:16 | |
website so people can see and it may it may cover everything that people want. But no it's I mean there's things that people that | 00:33:23 | |
we don't really hear from them we can't put them on the ICIP, Miss Chavez Lopez and can you put a single street or does it have to | 00:33:31 | |
be multiple streets. | 00:33:38 | |
With the way things are costing now, it's probably a single St. Mr. Mayor, when you fill out the ICIP online, you have to specify | 00:33:46 | |
which streets you're using. It can't just be general repayment. We're we're right now. | 00:33:52 | |
On the streets were stalled because we ran out of the contract for the amount that we wanted came out much higher than what we | 00:33:58 | |
got. Manzanaris is 1. We're asking for money more money for that. The Cuba Rd. project came in $400,000 less. We're asking money | 00:34:06 | |
for that. So yeah I mean that that's is you have to put the street and how how much of the street and. | 00:34:13 | |
Mr. Mayor, thanks to Miss Campbell at our last meeting. Look, Polo has posted the ICIP on our website under the Finance | 00:34:21 | |
Department, OK? | 00:34:25 | |
Hearing no comments, Mr. Make a motion to go back in a regular session. Second moved and seconded, discussed. Oh, I'm sorry, go | 00:34:30 | |
ahead. | 00:34:34 | |
Anytime in this meeting is the appropriate time. So we're that's good. | 00:34:42 | |
Hi, Bruce Burnett. | 00:34:49 | |
And the Evergreen sewer expansion considered in this or what's the schedule on that project, honey, you should ask. It's it's | 00:34:53 | |
already been done. It's really no, it hasn't been done because I'm not. | 00:35:00 | |
Ruby can give you some more information coming out. | 00:35:09 | |
Yeah, there's a good point and it's the last piece in the city to get sewers. But Ruby is going to give us some information about | 00:35:14 | |
what the process, what the schedule is. OK. So right now they're in the design phase. We're working with the engineers and once | 00:35:20 | |
the design phase, we'll go into construction. And from what Lloyd says, we should be in construction within the next few months. | 00:35:26 | |
Next few months funding. | 00:35:33 | |
The state was not to the legislature. Yes. No, no, no. It's a loan. | 00:35:39 | |
So it's Evergreen, it's Enemy D loan and it's 8 million and then $2,000,000. | 00:35:45 | |
We've been home a few months or two years now, I think a year and a half. | 00:35:54 | |
No, it this is out of pocket. I'm not dealing with a lender on it, so I have no time constraint other than I'd like to live there | 00:36:30 | |
before I die. | 00:36:34 | |
We're going to break ground this year. We'll break ground on that this year. The problem has always been funding and we finally | 00:36:41 | |
got the funding put together and 10 million, we're going to get that done. It's going to get done. Question if you're going to | 00:36:47 | |
break ground this year, what's left, time to completion. | 00:36:52 | |
To finish, yes, that. | 00:36:59 | |
Yeah. What I'm saying is if you break ground on July 1, is that six months to completion after that or about 140? | 00:37:05 | |
Right. | 00:37:12 | |
I will. I will give you Lloyd's, not here, but I will give you more information for the next meeting. But I can get that for you | 00:37:16 | |
tomorrow. Excellent. And the only other question is I have. | 00:37:23 | |
In all the layout that's been done up there, nobody has come anywhere near my house. I'm between the end of Spring Street and off | 00:37:31 | |
of Evergreen on that power Line room, and they've stopped at my neighbor's house with a layout. They've stopped at my | 00:37:37 | |
father-in-law's place with layout. They ain't a flag anywhere down that Power Line Rd. that says we're going to hook you up. Well, | 00:37:43 | |
let's, let's look into that. | 00:37:48 | |
I know Ruben had come up and measured at one point. Well then. | 00:37:56 | |
But. But if you have time tomorrow, if you have time tomorrow, can you come by about 11:30 and I will give you the specifics. | 00:38:01 | |
Excellent. We'll do that. I'll be here. Yes, Sir. Thank you for your time. I'm glad you brought it up. | 00:38:07 | |
OK, I'm back in the regular session. | 00:38:16 | |
I'll make that motion again. | 00:38:23 | |
Go back into regular session all in favor. | 00:38:27 | |
So there were no. | 00:38:31 | |
People are in a problem and they're in a pickle as far as getting environmental department to authorize septic tanks on on 1/2 an | 00:39:12 | |
acre an hour, is it going to be 3/4 of an acre and that that they're going to need to hook up, but we will have shores all through | 00:39:19 | |
town once that's finished. Mr. Question, just just to clarify that maybe I should have asked just a second ago, but this is the | 00:39:27 | |
same document that people can see and then they would prioritize this, right, with what they thought was. | 00:39:34 | |
The most important street place. They still prioritize that or they can add a new one. | 00:39:42 | |
I mean, we don't have access to like what we're looking at here. That's what you're asking them to put it on the website. Yes, OK, | 00:39:48 | |
alright. When you go to the legislature and legislature, we did well this year, but they always ask is it on the ICIP, what number | 00:39:54 | |
is it and then we move the few around. | 00:39:59 | |
But that's that's how they yeah, that's how they're based on their story wise. That's the game we play. And Mr. Mayor, just to add | 00:40:06 | |
to that the the letter you're referring to from me, that is for the council because we I take the scores you all give them and | 00:40:12 | |
then I average them and the highest one goes first because you're going to have to vote on this. | 00:40:18 | |
First thing in July or the end of, I think it's the first meeting in July. OK. So but yes, residents can I can give them a form | 00:40:25 | |
just like that if they want to turn it in if they have more than one project. OK. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. I'm | 00:40:33 | |
going to go on to the resolution with the continuing electric cooperative franchise agreement. And I see Chairman and I in the in | 00:40:40 | |
the audience and Mr. Hedder and I'll read it and then we can vote on it or have a discussion or whatever, but let me read it. | 00:40:48 | |
This is the City of Sakura Resolution 24-05-14A continuing the soccer electric cooperative franchise agreement on a month to month | 00:40:56 | |
basis. And as you may or may not know on May 17th is the last day that the court decided was going to be the end of the franchise | 00:41:02 | |
with the 25 year franchise with the Shakur Electric Cooperative. | 00:41:09 | |
Whereas NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42, Section 3-42-1A reads, a municipality made grant by ordinance of franchise to any person, | 00:41:15 | |
firm or corporation for the construction operation of any public utility. And whereas the Score electric cooperative has been | 00:41:22 | |
granted such a franchise. And whereas NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42, Section 3-42-1F reads, No franchise ordinance shall be in | 00:41:29 | |
effect for more than 25 years. The municipality may contract with a contract with a public utility for such services as are | 00:41:36 | |
necessary. | 00:41:43 | |
For the health and safety of the municipality, and may pay us some agreed upon by the contracting party for such services. | 00:41:50 | |
And whereas the Score Electric cooperative franchise agreement with the City of Socorro expires May 17th, 2024. And whereas the | 00:41:57 | |
annotation through NMSA 1978 Chapter 3, Article 42 notes that after a franchise expires, it is continued by operation of laws as | 00:42:05 | |
an implied contract as long as the public utility continues to provide utility services. And whereas it is understood that this | 00:42:12 | |
resolution is not an exclusive agreement for the delivery of electricity to the City of Socorro by Soccer Electric Cooperative. | 00:42:20 | |
And we, the City Council, score hereby declare and resolve that the month to month contract and expired franchise agreement will | 00:43:05 | |
be revisited and amended as needed at the time. | 00:43:10 | |
That is the resolution. | 00:43:16 | |
I would entertain a motion to accept it and then second and we can have a discussion on it, then we can vote. | 00:43:20 | |
Mr. We approve Resolution 24-0514. | 00:43:26 | |
It's moved and seconded. Any comments, Mr. Herrera? | 00:43:33 | |
Good evening, Mr. Mayor. City Council members also like to introduce Vince Martinez and we believe they're with the tri-state. | 00:43:40 | |
There's been a lot of discussion about that, but I didn't hear anything on the percentage or what what the fees are going to be or | 00:43:46 | |
how does that work. | 00:43:52 | |
At this point, it's 100%. You're getting a franchise for the city of score for 100% delivering electricity to the city on a month | 00:44:00 | |
to month basis. And we will then as we proceed with our expansion, we will then inform you as to what areas we're going to do. | 00:44:07 | |
We'll give you plenty of time ahead of time. No, I guess what I'm asking is that, so today under the existing franchise agreement, | 00:44:14 | |
there's a 2% franchise fee. That's just a tax on the public. I'm not going to change that. | 00:44:21 | |
So. | 00:44:28 | |
It's always been the 2%. | 00:44:30 | |
It's kind of open-ended. I was just wondering, well yeah, Donald, I mean that's a, we need to get some money out of them, but it | 00:44:33 | |
should be should maybe amend it to say that the existing franchise is for 2% of the of the the sales. | 00:44:41 | |
And what entities are excluded because existing one says city municipals, government schools, churches are well, I mean our our | 00:44:51 | |
take is just a 2% then you pay the grocery seats that's split up with the state and the city. Yeah, but I just want to is there | 00:44:57 | |
any going to be an exemptions in there for who's the 2% collection. Well, well, we obviously didn't do our homework. We need to do | 00:45:04 | |
we have that in the original franchise that the franchise on the sales to those facilities? I believe so Mr. Mayor and I believe | 00:45:10 | |
the intent of this. | 00:45:17 | |
This resolution is to just continue as we're doing now. Franchise fee the same, It could be the same as your it could be the same | 00:45:24 | |
as your gross gross receipts because you don't charge them groceries, do you, these other entities. | 00:45:31 | |
They have tax exempt. Yeah, they're tax exempt. But we need to shine this up. I agree. | 00:45:38 | |
This is our first attempt at it. I mean we can add some amendments or we can bring it back to you, but I mean the test of 17th is | 00:45:44 | |
coming up, right? I just, I just wanted to get that done. | 00:45:49 | |
No, no, making it, we'll put it in the minutes that we're talking that as Mr. Monetta said, the the franchise fee itself will | 00:45:56 | |
continue as it was before. | 00:46:01 | |
And give the opportunity just to answer any questions on tri-state because I know there's been some profile. I always love to hear | 00:46:09 | |
Tri states come to my meeting. I know they usually hug the days when we're there. And this is Mr. Martinez. | 00:46:17 | |
Don't they ever look at what they what you put out? I mean, you apologized once and I appreciate that part. But you know, if you | 00:47:02 | |
guys are continuing to be aggressive and and and argumentative for the mayor, we're not going anywhere and I can pull up gimmick, | 00:47:08 | |
give him a copy of that thing that you did. You shred it. | 00:47:13 | |
The copy, the thing that you know the the rag that they had. But you know Mr. Bully, bully bully. You know, Tri states a mega | 00:47:20 | |
corporation. And I've already visited the United Power. I've visited with La Plata. I've visited with the Delta and Montrose and | 00:47:27 | |
of course our guru right now is Kit Carson Louis Reyes. But you know we're we want to know what the future holds for electricity, | 00:47:35 | |
coal power plants, alternative energy. | 00:47:42 | |
This is not an execution. I'm telling you everything where we're at. Tell me where you guys are at and tries to, you know, we are | 00:48:56 | |
the not-for-profit wholesale power provider. We're not a large corporation. We are owned by dozens of electric coops and public | 00:49:03 | |
power districts like Socorro Electric. They combine together and get a larger scale to do the kind of things that that we do. For | 00:49:11 | |
example, on clean energy, our members will have the power supply that is 50% clean energy at the end of 2025. | 00:49:19 | |
And that includes enough solar power to power the equivalent of 200,000 homes, including the large 200 MW project that you see and | 00:49:28 | |
a retired Escalante solar plant near Grants in 2025. We will exceed the Energy Transition Act requirements five years early in | 00:49:35 | |
20-30. Socorro is a member of tri-state will have a power supply that is 70% clean energy. But here's the key thing that I think | 00:49:42 | |
you're probably. | 00:49:50 | |
You know, most concerned about those local issues I can understand. | 00:49:58 | |
That the citizens of the city of Socorro need and we want to be a resource to you. In 2025, you'll have 30 different resources | 00:50:37 | |
through tri-state that provide power. When you get to 2030, we'll have over 50 different resources that ensure that we'll always | 00:50:44 | |
be able to provide power to secure electric and they can deliver that to the city and all across the region. So it's really a | 00:50:52 | |
remarkable story what electric cooperatives can do when they work together. | 00:51:00 | |
The affordability side of it is also remarkable. We haven't had a rate increase since 2017. We've actually reduced our wholesale | 00:51:08 | |
rates 4% and that's being felt by the members of Socorro Electric. You've seen that part of their bills come down. We look into | 00:51:15 | |
the future and we see our electric wholesale electric rates trending with the pace of inflation. We're in the midst of a process | 00:51:22 | |
through the New Era program at the US Department of Energy to. | 00:51:30 | |
Actually receive federal funding. | 00:51:38 | |
That's going to help us further accelerate our energy transition. So it's a remarkable story at tri-state and it's one that at the | 00:51:40 | |
end of the day, you know that you're going to get the reliable, affordable wholesale power from tri-state that's going to keep the | 00:51:47 | |
lights on no matter what. And you work with 11 other cooperatives here in New Mexico, 41 across the system today. It's it's a | 00:51:54 | |
remarkable model and it's all done in the not-for-profit mode. | 00:52:02 | |
One of the great joys that I have when I come to meetings like this and I see the track team, I see the kids with a poster gun | 00:52:09 | |
test. It's a remarkable thing that we have the luxury to do, to serve the city, to serve Socorro, to be able to work in rural | 00:52:17 | |
communities across the West. And you have our commitment. Let me bring you back to the contemporaneous. | 00:52:24 | |
I was in Durango about three months ago. | 00:52:33 | |
And I don't know if you read the comments from the cooperative trustees as to why they were going to leave tri-state. One of them | 00:52:36 | |
was they felt that they needed more control of their community resources. That was one of their comments. | 00:52:42 | |
The other comment was that your alternative energy alternative was not sufficient and not hard enough to really be where it should | 00:52:49 | |
be, and so they are in the process of leaving you in the plot. I mean, Laplata United Power. I don't know if you had a chance to | 00:52:56 | |
give them the same speech you just gave. | 00:53:02 | |
They're about a billion to that. They're buying from you and their penalty is going to be, I think you guys wouldn't in some sort | 00:53:10 | |
of a legal issue and I think they decided on 400 million or something like that to leave you. | 00:53:15 | |
I'm going to give you the whole. So the the other one is Delta Montrose, their comments, they're all and Delta Montrose is very | 00:53:23 | |
similar, maybe a little bit bigger than us. Well that's the same thing with Kit Carson is that tri-state up until now when the | 00:53:29 | |
last death knell on May 17th is happening. | 00:53:36 | |
Has never told us about all the goodnesses and the. | 00:53:43 | |
2025 and and all this stuff until the governor started pushing that until now and and you're seeing people leaving your your. | 00:53:47 | |
As as customers leaving your tri-state model and I have another Tri state's going to survive our Basin Electric. Somebody's going | 00:53:57 | |
to buy you guys because you bought out somebody else who's bankrupted. You know you remember, I don't know if you remember that | 00:54:04 | |
plant's electric planes that that that was that was previous to tri-state. So there's been transitions in your corporate | 00:54:10 | |
structures and I'm just saying that what you're saying and what I've been saying to the City Council is. | 00:54:17 | |
That tri-state is not being honest with us about their price structure. Gallup, NM went out to bid with Continental and you guys | 00:54:24 | |
gave him a 3 1/2 cent electric rate, whereas you're giving the over here something like 7 and a half cents. So you can come down | 00:54:30 | |
on your prices. I know you said you haven't raised them, but you can't come down on your prices. You can give U.S. economic | 00:54:36 | |
development prices, you can't give us time of service prices, which we don't get from the Co-op. So those are a lot of the little | 00:54:42 | |
things that we need to get done. | 00:54:48 | |
Before we set up another 25 year franchise, you got a manager over here Paula Pineda who actually signed that 48 year old contract | 00:54:54 | |
for with with with your company. So I'm not casting any doubt on Joseph for or Mr. Anaya there, my neighbors and friends and I'm | 00:55:01 | |
just trying to do what I think is the best for the city and and what's the best for the city in the next 25 years. So I didn't | 00:55:09 | |
even go into the business about fiber and changing the light poles because they hadn't been approved. | 00:55:16 | |
About 1,000,008 that they were going to charge TDs who ended up boring and we got great Internet broadband now. And there's a lot | 00:55:24 | |
more I can give you, a lot more you don't want to hear. But anyway, go ahead. So you mentioned United Power. United Power. We | 00:55:30 | |
withdrew them from our membership on May 1st. | 00:55:36 | |
What's that? Well, we worked through, we worked together and we have a contract termination payment tariff that's on file at the | 00:55:44 | |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. | 00:55:49 | |
And the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the methodology and United Power had a contract termination payment of $709 | 00:55:54 | |
million. Now they got a credit for $82,000,000 as cooperative. They have equity in tri-state and they got a discount for that. So | 00:56:01 | |
they wrote a $627 million check on May 1st to exit. They announced a 9 1/2% rate increase on January 1st and have just now | 00:56:09 | |
announced another significant rate increase. | 00:56:16 | |
Why would they do that? I presume to cover the cost of no, no, why would they, Why would they step away from you? I think you | 00:56:24 | |
could speak to their CEO or look at their public comments. They believe that they wanted to go and and go off on their own. The | 00:56:32 | |
majority of our members work together. They know that they can do better working together than going out by themselves. So United | 00:56:40 | |
has had a significant rate increase this year as they have terminated their contract with tri-state. | 00:56:47 | |
Person, but they made it up here this year. | 00:56:55 | |
Kit Carson had significantly higher rates. They did for six years and we showed some numbers at our annual meeting in April. And I | 00:56:59 | |
know that New Mexico's cooperative statewide association has numbers that show that the average rate in 2022 for Kit Carson | 00:57:06 | |
Electric is higher than the average rate for Tri State's members. And I think the statewide showed that for those higher rates for | 00:57:12 | |
six years, they're right in the middle of a pack of the New Mexico. | 00:57:19 | |
They're 100%, they're 100% solar. I think they advertise that they are 100% daytime solar, which equates to about a third clean | 00:57:26 | |
energy will be at 50% at the end of next year and 70% in 20-30, so. | 00:57:34 | |
There is a a real benefit that the majority of our members see and being a member of tri-state there are some that want to go on | 00:57:45 | |
their own and our members themselves as a cooperative, we structured a contract termination payment tariff where you have a two | 00:57:52 | |
year period, you pay a contract termination fee and you can exit our association. How much is it for the club here? I don't know | 00:57:58 | |
that number. | 00:58:05 | |
But it's about $38 million after getting credit for the. So when Kit Carson exit their number was $38 million and their 2 1/2, | 00:58:13 | |
three times larger than us and our payments about the same. So ours is 38 million and they're larger than us. | 00:58:22 | |
And have you ever, did you have somebody figure that out or was that an estimate on your hand? Hello, that's from the file | 00:58:32 | |
documents and all the records that we where is that? What document is that? Is that available to us? | 00:58:37 | |
That's on the PRC annual reports. The number of meters that they have no but your exit fee or the exit fee was provided by | 00:58:43 | |
tri-state to us. They did it was 30. You're going on record saying it's 38 million because my number I had was like 12 to 13 | 00:58:50 | |
million, but you're going on record saying it's 38. We can provide to you the federal filings that have the contract termination | 00:58:58 | |
payment figures for all of our members up the top of your head is 38 million. | 00:59:05 | |
That's, that's the number, yeah. And then. | 00:59:14 | |
Federal regulatory filings, that's in Delta Montrose is how much do you know they exited before. Prior to that they had a chance | 00:59:18 | |
to exit before you could have, yeah, there was a window, there was a window that tri-state provided to exit. So. So under the | 00:59:25 | |
current tariff that's on file at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, there is a contract termination payment tariff under a | 00:59:31 | |
standard methodology for all of our members. | 00:59:38 | |
Delta Montrose didn't have to pay that. They exited their contract before that tariff was in place. | 00:59:46 | |
So and and and they they in their reports in the newspaper they say they're saving their customers 1,000,000 to 2 million a year | 00:59:52 | |
compared to what they used to pay the tri-state look at those numbers and put that on the record and see what those. | 01:00:00 | |
But, but I'm just saying that the coop had at the same time Delta Montrose left, this Co-op had a chance to leave also. | 01:00:09 | |
That window that you at one time was 100%, now it's 90% at a certain time at anytime since you have to go through that process. It | 01:00:18 | |
was a formal process. Now it's more formal than the federal regulatory and Commission. Our members came together and they said we | 01:00:25 | |
want to provide the flexibility for a member that wants to leave. | 01:00:31 | |
I may have a possible amendment to this to satisfy the. | 01:00:40 | |
Question that Mister Haddad asked. But you'll make it then. I would like to make a motion to amend resolution 24-05-14A and the | 01:00:48 | |
last Now therefore section. I would like to amend it to read Now therefore with the City, The council of the City of Socorro | 01:00:55 | |
hereby declare and resolve that the Socorro Electric Cooperative Franchise Agreement currently in force with the City of Socorro | 01:01:02 | |
will continue on a month to month basis until the City of Socorro is prepared to begin serving local residents with the supply of | 01:01:09 | |
electricity. | 01:01:16 | |
2nd so moved and seconded to accept the amendment, all in favor. | 01:01:24 | |
Any other questions I didn't want, I didn't mean to. I mean I tend to over speak Mr. And I'd just like to let the council know no | 01:01:32 | |
matter how they vote on this. I will send that request to our attorney and make sure the version of this. | 01:01:40 | |
OK. Are we, are we any more questions or comments or? | 01:01:52 | |
And we've got the people right here, which is great to have you here. This is the first time. And we appreciate that, Mister. We | 01:01:57 | |
told that to Mr. Williams, even though he writes that stuff. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Fleming. Yes, thank you, Mr. Mayor. And yes, it's | 01:02:03 | |
wonderful to see the two of you out there we've had. | 01:02:09 | |
Jared come in. Very good representative for the Socorro Electric Co-op, by the way. | 01:02:15 | |
I didn't get your. | 01:02:23 | |
Last name. I missed it. My name is Lee Bowie and I'll hand out business cards to Polo. You can reach out to me. I've got a | 01:02:25 | |
question. | 01:02:29 | |
This large generating capability that's east of us that's heading to Arizona, Southern California. | 01:02:36 | |
How come tri-state didn't jump on that? | 01:02:47 | |
Is that a reference to? | 01:02:53 | |
Yeah. Yeah. So we have a significant amount of resources that we are developing to serve our members as a not-for-profit | 01:02:56 | |
cooperative. We're very much focused on how we can develop the resources that serves our members in New Mexico and across the | 01:03:04 | |
West. So that didn't fit into the plans that we currently have, although we do right in so Clara's backyard. | 01:03:13 | |
But we do recognize the important need for regional transmission and being able to support the movement of power particularly east | 01:03:22 | |
West across this part of the nation but that regional transmission is just producing a lot of radiation in New Mexico and the rest | 01:03:29 | |
of us are not getting anything out of it. | 01:03:36 | |
Yeah. As a cooperative, we focus on where we can build an infrastructure, the transmission to serve our members to make sure that | 01:03:44 | |
we can deliver reliable power in where it's appropriate. We'll participate in projects. We don't participate in that project. We | 01:03:51 | |
on any heavy duty and transmission alliance to public publicly and announce the radiation that comes off of those runs When we go | 01:03:58 | |
out and we develop new infrastructure and new lines, we work to provide information on EMF, the, the magnetic fields that come off | 01:04:05 | |
those lines. | 01:04:12 | |
And make sure that information is available to particularly those that have a concern or an interest in getting that information. | 01:04:19 | |
Mister Man, Yeah, you know, Google is a wonderful thing. | 01:04:27 | |
The planet paid 136 million to exit tri-state In. In two years they will send that to you. | 01:04:33 | |
It wasn't zero, there's 136,000,000 and they chose to leave Mr. Parker. My question was just. | 01:04:42 | |
Is that have you added anybody's concern or big customers? It sounds like you lost a bunch of customers, but have you added in so | 01:05:26 | |
we there's a significant difference between? | 01:05:30 | |
The way that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has constructed our contract termination payment. | 01:05:36 | |
I would like Joseph speak to that, but it is a much different situation. Are you looking to borrow more money? | 01:06:14 | |
We have paid off hundreds of millions of debt in just the past week. We always borrow money as a cooperative. If you want to | 01:06:22 | |
capitalize your investments, you have two choices. One is I can go out and I can build a transmission line today and I can charge | 01:06:29 | |
everybody and all of our members the money for that line right now. That line is going to serve members of our cooperatives for | 01:06:37 | |
30-40 fifty years and the way that we can fund that equitably. | 01:06:44 | |
Is to take low cost loans, not do it in rates today, but do it with rates overtime and that's the responsible way to do it. That | 01:06:52 | |
is the way our Board of Directors of our members have directed us to do it. And it's the standard for what cooperatives and | 01:06:58 | |
generation and transmission cooperatives have always done and will continue to do 2 billion. | 01:07:05 | |
How much you're gonna borrow? 2 billion. | 01:07:12 | |
Or what are you Speaking of what you're borrowing in the near future, in the new future, in the near future? I can't tell you our | 01:07:16 | |
capital plan today. I can tell you that as we may continue investments in new transmission, new renewable energy resources and | 01:07:22 | |
other power plants. | 01:07:28 | |
We are not-for-profit cooperative. We don't go out and sell stock. We can raise money either directly from our members. | 01:07:36 | |
And their equity or we can go out and get the loans that we need and we'll continue to do that with the potential for federal | 01:07:43 | |
funding. We're looking at getting low cost loans and grants from the federal government under the New Era program, which is going | 01:07:50 | |
to make a significant difference and actually deliver lower costs than a business as usual scenario. | 01:07:57 | |
The link you were saying about your board of directors? | 01:08:08 | |
That gentleman standing to your right is that he on your board of directors in the blue shirt he used to be? | 01:08:12 | |
Mr. Anaya is OK, My mistake. Valley and Fort Collins are also thinking about leaving. | 01:08:22 | |
Yeah, I'll send you that article to them. Please do. That's incorrect. OK. So there, along with United Power and Buddha Valley and | 01:08:29 | |
La Plata, I think those are the latest ones. No, Sir, there is. We have Mountain Parks Electric in Colorado that has provided us a | 01:08:36 | |
notice to leave and they'll leave in 2025. And Laplata Electric has provided unconditional notice. The remaining members have not | 01:08:43 | |
done that. | 01:08:50 | |
Well, again, if there's any more, Mr. have you added any, We've not added any utility members? No. Mr. Ocampo, yes. This is just a | 01:08:58 | |
quick question. Maybe I don't understand it all the way and maybe Mr. Data, you can answer it, but you said that you guys have not | 01:09:04 | |
had an increase. I know there's, I understand there's one coming up and I mean I get rate increases, I get it. But you've had | 01:09:11 | |
decreases over time. | 01:09:17 | |
And Mr. Letter, the coop hasn't had a decrease, right? I mean, I understand that they sent out checks recently with all this going | 01:09:24 | |
on, but it's the Co-op had overall decreases for its members. | 01:09:30 | |
While Tristate was given decreases, yeah, and you would see that on your bill, it's called a power cost adjuster and it's been a | 01:09:37 | |
credit on there. And we along with the debt cost adjusters been a credit because we refinance some higher interest loans. So those | 01:09:43 | |
two items that cost and power costs when tri-state lower their rates, that's how we pass that savings on to the members for that | 01:09:49 | |
debt cost adjuster. | 01:09:55 | |
So our rates went down. | 01:10:03 | |
Overall, your power costs went down by that. | 01:10:06 | |
Power cost, overall rate, what we're paying out of pocket, no, because just like every utility you have a file grade at the PRC | 01:10:10 | |
and our last file grade when they change adjusted it in 2022 that was the last time it went. So that, yeah, that's what brings up | 01:10:17 | |
my next question. When you ask for a rate increase that you guys got turned down recently, correct in 2019, yeah, that would be. | 01:10:25 | |
You asked for an increase to charge more to the members, right, while you're getting a decrease. So that doesn't make sense to me | 01:10:34 | |
in my head and I don't, I'm not saying that I'm right. I just don't understand if you're getting a decrease on the power supply, | 01:10:41 | |
why are we putting in for an increase with the PRC? So our last increase with the PRC was 2011. So in 2019 as costs have gone up | 01:10:49 | |
and infrastructure improvements that we need to do, those were plans to you know. | 01:10:56 | |
Do more tree trimming, do more of those things and that's what we have on the horizon and that's why we're asking for an increase. | 01:11:04 | |
Now our power cost, that's a, that's another line item on our hill. But but yeah, so we had that rate increase just like every | 01:11:10 | |
utility as the city had already increased in 2017 and and you know every year went up, everyone has rate increases, your | 01:11:16 | |
operational costs go up everything as you operate year to year. You can't maintain your same level of revenue and and maintain a | 01:11:22 | |
system. | 01:11:28 | |
That's just what kind of confuses me personally, and I don't, maybe I just am not following it as well, but I totally get like the | 01:11:34 | |
increases we have, the city came out of, I mean out of our own funds to be able to help the locals. But it was strictly because of | 01:11:41 | |
the cost of gas skyrocketing. I mean, we couldn't control that. And I totally understand the cost of infrastructure going up, | 01:11:49 | |
which just brings me to like we represent the city of Socorro. Like I get the cost infrastructure, we're put in for an increase. | 01:11:57 | |
I get it. But where's the infrastructure changing like what's gotten better in Socorro? Well, well, you have to look we we have | 01:12:05 | |
11,000 square miles. So we're taking care of you know all the system we're working to improve the line to Magdalena, all those | 01:12:12 | |
things. So I mean there's only so much money in your your you can't go. Yes, that's all I totally understand. So. So with labor | 01:12:20 | |
costs, medical benefits, all those things have gone up since 2011. That's where our cost when our power costs went down that. | 01:12:28 | |
We passed that through immediately through the members throughout power costs, just so if I understand it correctly, power, power | 01:12:36 | |
costs are going down, infrastructure, cost of Labor, all these other things, even though we don't see it in in town, it's | 01:12:43 | |
happening in other places. And that's why our rates have overall rates have gone up even though we're paying less for power. | 01:12:50 | |
At that period, OK. So it went down 4%, but everything else jumped up. So my net, my last question would be there's going to be an | 01:13:34 | |
increase now, right? There's one coming up which I get, you know, I get it. | 01:13:41 | |
Are we also going to have increases on the other side now with more infrastructure, with more? | 01:13:49 | |
Debt to pay back with, with more infrastructure, things that we're not going to see in town is this now going to like compile and | 01:13:57 | |
make it difficult. So, so we do, we hire a third party economist, they do a cost of service study and when we get to that point, | 01:14:04 | |
we're not there yet, but we'll have to hire that person, they'll do their financial study and then make a recommendation to the | 01:14:10 | |
board. So we're not at that point today, but you know. | 01:14:17 | |
That's possible. Everyone's seen inflation costs go through the roof and so I wouldn't say never, but it's it's on the horizon, | 01:14:24 | |
Mr. Partridge. | 01:14:29 | |
It was answered. I was thinking the same thing coach accomplice, just understanding that if the price goes down and it goes up | 01:14:36 | |
over here that we didn't save enough money to cover the those costs with the cost of power going down that we still see the | 01:14:42 | |
increase and like a coach of Campo said. | 01:14:48 | |
The cost is not being seen. That's what I was because you know we live in the city and I mean I'm not saying it works not being | 01:14:56 | |
done, just how much work is being done to cover that I guess is what this from an eyeball test is what actually we're seeing | 01:15:02 | |
within the city. But understanding that it's county wide and you guys serve a large area that there might be things that we don't | 01:15:09 | |
see. So and I think social company did a good job of covering that. So that was my only comment on it. | 01:15:15 | |
But you know, my comment on what's not being done in the city goes back to your your. | 01:15:23 | |
Problems with TDs when about five years ago they wanted to put fiber on your poles and you did a study saying that, you know, we | 01:15:30 | |
needed anywhere between 1.5 million to 1.8 million to upgrade the poles in the city of Socorro so they could put fiber on there. | 01:15:38 | |
And TDs. His answer to the city was we can't afford to do that. That's not going to work. | 01:15:45 | |
And and so just that we know at least that needs to be done in the city hasn't been done. So those are the things that you're | 01:15:53 | |
talking about improving infrastructure in the city that they were going to try to make TDs pay for. | 01:15:59 | |
Well, when TDs came, you know they wanted to attach the polls if if we paid for that cost, the members paid for it. So those $1.5 | 01:16:08 | |
million, you have to collect that through rates and that creates rate pressure. So that was the cost for everything else. | 01:16:16 | |
But the, the polls were designed for power lines. Now you want to put fiber in them and there's no electrical clearance standards. | 01:16:25 | |
So we have to abide by those And and so when they wanted, we were like the members are not going to pay for that TDs of for profit | 01:16:32 | |
company would have to pay for those improvements. Mr. Romero, I was just going to ask, I know you guys have been real busy with a | 01:16:39 | |
project along the rail lines going north that that's a big project that you're also working on, right? Yes, Sir. And that's in | 01:16:45 | |
Valencia County. | 01:16:52 | |
OK, Mr. Mayor, I've got one more question. Yeah, this is just for Mr. Bowie, the tri-state. | 01:16:59 | |
Yet you guys have seen some some pretty large members leave recently. | 01:17:08 | |
Just during all these times where you've had decreases. During all these times of decreases. | 01:17:15 | |
We're able to. | 01:17:58 | |
Somewhat uniquely, work to control our costs as best we can and bring on lower cost renewable energy resources. | 01:17:59 | |
All and and really pay attention to cost mitigation. All those efforts have helped us to be able to reduce our costs or control | 01:18:07 | |
our costs and bring down our rate. But we're not immune from inflation either and we'll be filing for a rate increase. If you look | 01:18:15 | |
over time since our last rate increase that was at the beginning of 2016, it averages out to about .2% a year, well below the rate | 01:18:22 | |
of inflation. We recognize that the power portion of. | 01:18:30 | |
How were you guys able to consistently lower your rate? And then why would you see that not be a direct correlation with all of | 01:19:12 | |
the other like members having rates go up? | 01:19:20 | |
If you're playing the same cost for Transformers for everything else, I mean they're similar costs. And if and if they're | 01:19:28 | |
ballooning for all of these members, why are they not ballooning for you? Why are you continually doing rate decreases? But yet | 01:19:35 | |
the members that you say is consistent, they're all going, the rates are going up. We did a 4% rate decrease after holding rates | 01:19:42 | |
steady from 2016 and 2021. We reduced 2% in 2022, reduced another 2%, which continues to today. | 01:19:49 | |
Mayor Bhaskar mentioned an energy sale to another city. We're able, when we have excess power to sell just energy, not the same as | 01:19:57 | |
what is purchased by Socorro, but we're able to sell power to others. We're able to participate in the market and those is that's | 01:20:05 | |
just one example of the things that we can do when we have excess power that reduces rate pressure on our members. You agree? To | 01:20:13 | |
my mind I was just taking a gallop for four cents. So let's, if we can speak about that, Mister Mayor, go ahead. | 01:20:21 | |
I just wanted to say that that was good vibes. Yeah, we we do sell power to others. | 01:20:29 | |
But we don't sell what Socorro Electric and our other members received from tri-state is a fairly unique product in the utility | 01:20:36 | |
world for one rate and that's right now 7.3 cents. We cover all the costs of delivering firm power into the low side of our | 01:20:44 | |
members distribution systems. | 01:20:52 | |
There's no other cost that's involved. When you're a city that is purchasing power at a certain energy, at a certain rate, you're | 01:21:00 | |
just getting energy. You're not getting capacity, you're not getting transmission, you're not getting energy, ancillary services, | 01:21:08 | |
you're not getting reserves, you're not getting that power scheduled. You're just getting the cost of a kWh delivered at certain | 01:21:16 | |
bus bar. And it is not at all equivalent. It is absolutely apples and oranges. | 01:21:24 | |
To the rate that Sapporo would pay under our Class A wholesale rate. | 01:21:32 | |
7.3 cents Their written cost is 15.3 cents. | 01:21:40 | |
So there's an 8 cent markup. | 01:21:46 | |
That's their 'cause. If you go look at your electric bill, it go to 17 cents, look at the bottom number divided by the kilowatts | 01:21:49 | |
and see what it comes up. But even their written cost is 15.3 cents, and they're buying it for 7.3. So eight cents is what they're | 01:21:56 | |
tacking on to. The to the, you know, when we buy natural gas and really, how much do we tack on? | 01:22:03 | |
39 cents $0.39 on the cost of how much is gas now? A dollar. | 01:22:12 | |
Yeah, but so they're they're increasing their their price to us by 8 cents, that's on their number. But if you look at yourself, I | 01:22:18 | |
think it's almost $0.10. So you can say they sell that to us and they can talk about cost of power, but the bottom line out of our | 01:22:26 | |
wallet is 15.3 cents just according to your numbers per kilowatt. And so that's an 8 and I think the city can do much better than | 01:22:34 | |
that given our resources and us selling utilities and having a a service that. | 01:22:43 | |
We do for gas, water and sewer. I think we can get it down to 13 at least, if not 12. | 01:22:51 | |
Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor. Mr. Monarch, are you still here? I thought you left. I have. AI was even paying attention. I didn't even | 01:22:59 | |
zone out. My first couple questions are for Mr. Hedetta. Is the suggested amendment Counselor again made? Will that satisfy what | 01:23:05 | |
you're trying to get in the resolution? | 01:23:11 | |
I already forgot what he said. So I didn't hear the 2% and I didn't hear the exempt. I said the current, the current, the current | 01:23:19 | |
franchise agreement, that's important franchise agreement that terminates at that period of time. The costs aren't as read. I | 01:23:25 | |
think what he's saying is that we should have maybe had that the people that were exempt in the previous franchise agreement | 01:23:31 | |
should be exempt in this franchise agreement. | 01:23:38 | |
Yeah, but it's the same good thing. Yeah, he did. I think it was good. | 01:23:46 | |
Adding additional weight to the to the coax fiber. | 01:24:21 | |
It's pretty heavy, Mr. Ocampo. Mr. American, you said too, I said. I have a few. | 01:24:27 | |
What was the last time you raised rates, 2012, 2016, 2016? But weren't you recently rejected by FERG for a rate increase request? | 01:24:34 | |
So yeah, we are federally regulated for our rates and we filed our rate last year, our new wholesale rate. It was a different type | 01:24:41 | |
of rate for it for us on a formulary rate. | 01:24:49 | |
When the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rejected that rate, it wasn't because of the revenue we were looking to collect. It | 01:24:57 | |
was on issues about how we unbundle. | 01:25:03 | |
A component of the bill called Ancillary Services. It doesn't affect what anyone pays. It's just saying, OK, I've got a bucket | 01:25:12 | |
called Ancillary Services and we broke it out into three areas. And the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says you need to | 01:25:18 | |
further break that down into individual pieces. | 01:25:24 | |
And so we'll be refiling that rate shortly. That'll meet what the FERC instructed us to do. But it was not rejected on any revenue | 01:25:31 | |
collection related issues. It was an issue around how we describe or unbundle a certain component of the rate. Mr. Martin, on the | 01:25:39 | |
same thing, didn't you choose to go to work and leave the State Regulatory Commission? Yes, Sir. When was that? | 01:25:48 | |
I mean within the last 7-8 years, it would have been probably 2020. So you chose to you, so you chose to go to FERC which means | 01:25:59 | |
FERC lawyers which are like $3000 an hour. But you were at one time you were being regulated by the state as far as your race were | 01:26:06 | |
concerned, yeah, so Tri state's Interstate power supplier but not in the state of New Mexico, you come to state of New Mexico. | 01:26:14 | |
Those are the rates should be regulated by the state. So we are. | 01: |