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Like I barely owe. 00:00:00
Yes, Peter. 00:00:04
OK. 00:00:10
Really. All right, this City of Scotland City Council meeting Tuesday, February 20th. 00:00:12
2024 will call please air basket here. Councillor Travis Lopez. 00:00:18
Councillor. 00:00:23
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:24
Councillor Ocampo here. Councillor Ogain here. 00:00:27
Councillor Partridge. 00:00:30
Councillor Romero here, Councillor Salome here, we have a quorum. 00:00:33
All right. 00:00:38
Mr. Mayor. 00:01:00
Parents who approve the consent agenda. 00:01:01
Moved and seconded. 00:01:06
Any discussion on any of that? 00:01:09
All in favor. 00:01:13
Opposed. 00:01:15
OK, we have. 00:01:17
On the public forum we talked about 100% Socorro, so, Senator Martinez and. 00:01:21
That's Mr. Shalom. So the approval of the February minutes, the consideration, the minutes and the C, the voucher run, those are 00:01:27
all part of the consent agenda. 00:01:32
I had a comment on the on the voucher run. 00:01:38
But I was thinking, yeah, I just, I just like to say that I didn't know what is a significant amount for engineering work going up 00:01:41
at Evergreen. 00:01:45
And I know that the administration had been working on that for quite some time. And so I was glad to see that that project is 00:01:50
moving forward and that is really going to be a benefit to our community in that amount And so all the the, the development and 00:01:55
all the. 00:02:01
The infrastructure that's going on up there is. 00:02:08
For acknowledging. 00:02:16
OK, Sandra. 00:02:19
For. 00:02:22
Sure. No, I only have two minutes. 00:02:24
I'm going to get started, Mayor Basker, Honorable counselors. 00:02:29
Just one. 00:02:34
My name is Sandra Martinez, a resident of Socorro. 00:02:36
I thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of 100% Socorro County. If you haven't heard about it, Socorro 00:02:40
100% Socorro was about transforming our community to a place where every child thrives. 00:02:47
It's a statewide commitment established in 2019 with bipartisan sponsorship and funding from the state legislature. 00:02:53
The idea was to try something new to ensure that 100% of New Mexico residents can access the 10 services required to survive and 00:03:01
thrive. This work is carried out on a county level within a framework tailored to the unique needs of rural communities. 00:03:09
The book David, Age 14, explains all of this in the less than 150 pages. It may be the most useful book you'll read as a city 00:03:18
Councilor, because it explains how the system, especially in rural communities, fails our children. The question then, is despite 00:03:25
our best efforts, are these our best efforts? 00:03:31
So we asked our community and the answers are in the graphic survey from data collected. 00:03:38
From our community showing the difficulty residents encounter in attempting to access vital services. 00:03:44
As a group we were beginning to see the picture and as a community we began to work on solutions. 00:03:52
Through collaborative efforts, we were able to complete the asset mapping that helped secure PED funding for the Socorro Community 00:03:59
Schools. 00:04:03
He's been given a copy of that as well. 00:04:07
Since then, we have built collaborative relationships with individuals and organizations. 00:04:11
From the 10 service sectors, which I'd love to name now. 00:04:16
But I think in the interest of time, I will have to skip that and are currently in the final phases of vetting an online directory 00:04:22
of services which will go live by April 1st. 00:04:26
Currently, we're endeavoring to move forward with a 100% Family Center, a one stop service hub that will assist families in 00:04:33
navigating obstacles and connecting to needed services. A brief overview of the 100% Family Center concept can be found in this 00:04:38
small booklet. 00:04:44
So thank you for giving me this time. I have some colleagues with me in case you have any questions about the project or what 00:04:51
we're doing. We are interested in some assistance in identifying A suitable building to house the Family Center. 00:04:58
And also, I'd like to invite you to our summit, which will occur on June 14th. 00:05:05
And we'll send you a save the date. 00:05:12
To each of you, but if anyone would like to read this book, I highly recommend it. 00:05:14
We can. Pete can hand it to you if you just let him know you'd like a coffee. 00:05:20
Thank you. 00:05:25
I have a question. Yeah, on your on this thing. I'm seeing housing, but I don't see the Housing Authority listed anywhere. 00:05:28
Then that was just because if remember, at the summit we had the little cards up there. 00:05:38
So I'd like to come back at another date if that is possible, if you would like to discuss any of this further if you have more 00:05:52
questions, but how can the city help? 00:05:56
Well, I think the city could help us by. Well, first of all, if you look at the, if you look at the map, this is mainly city of 00:06:02
the court. You know these are mainly most of the people are in the city. So what we're looking for is a. 00:06:08
Home for the family. 00:06:16
So a building that we can, we're going to have navigators who are full time employees. 00:06:18
How big? How big a place? 00:06:25
Maybe Sharon Sessions. Is that OK? If she? So we're working on an actual, full proposal that describes all the needs. And one of 00:06:29
the things that we're hoping to get out of the summit actually is feedback from the community of what of what the community needs. 00:06:37
Ideally something that can hold office space, potentially one-on-one counseling places where people can can use computers to get 00:06:46
job applications. So it could be a pretty big space. We can start small too, but something to be able to start with would be 00:06:52
great. 00:06:57
You already got it funded for you talking about renting it, Are you talking about is there any operating and maintenance that the 00:07:03
city would have to put in? 00:07:08
We don't know what the answer to that it yet is. So the the proposal that we're working for is one of many proposals prepared by 00:07:13
counties across New Mexico that will be given to the state legislatures potentially being used for for. 00:07:20
Nonprofit basically getting donors to do these kinds of things. There is one that I believe might be getting funded and Onion 00:07:30
County that will serve as a really good model for that. That is being funded by the state legislature. So we are putting together 00:07:38
the concept, the, the huge dream that we have to get together. I have talked with Vice President Richard Cervantes at New Mexico 00:07:45
Tech, who's talked to the president and New Mexico Tech is willing to help with like the fiscal responsibilities of that. 00:07:52
There's a lot of details that we don't know yet, but. 00:08:00
Or two away or. 00:08:03
Probably, yeah. I mean, you know, we're going to be inheriting some, some buildings. 00:08:05
Keep us in mind that is all you know about it. I mean, I think that's something that you know. 00:08:11
Building that new junior high was number there's there's going to be some buildings available. I think that this would be a very 00:08:18
and if you have to have a when you do put the grant in you if you have to have a say you have a space. 00:08:24
I mean, we want to get the specifics, we want to get involved with it absolutely and we are working on that. So we're trying to 00:08:30
get as much, many of the details as possible. 00:08:35
No, no, I just just a question if if they were to come and present to the budget committee and ask for some funding in that way 00:08:41
from the council and the administration can do that way, we start our meeting soon. 00:08:47
We invite organizations to come and and and ask for funding that would support things that would help the community. 00:08:56
Some fantastic. There is another question we had. I'm sorry, it's we have the money now until the end of the fiscal year for a 00:09:03
community building and your old project, but we do not have a wall. 00:09:10
So that might be something you may if you have a world around this mural we have money to buy designated a couple of walls that 00:09:17
never got done. 00:09:22
You know, we were talking about that. 00:09:28
Mrs. Wells, One time with a diamond. 00:09:32
Can't think of the name of. 00:09:36
But yeah, if you have money for minerals, we can. We can. 00:09:38
We could even go tomorrow if we had somebody. 00:09:43
And do you have the what, what topic would you put on the wall? It would be working with the artist, but it would be around the 00:09:47
100% Sakura Initiative. So I think it would be great to say 100% Socorro, but anything that represents. 00:09:54
Community, Our community. 00:10:02
We don't. Well, we actually have talked to somebody, but. 00:10:05
Don't have a space away. 00:10:10
Working real close with the the murals. 00:10:14
Also, we're also not just murals, but we're also talking about all these Transformers and things that are around town. 00:10:18
And even fire fire Hyd. 00:10:25
That's what Chelsea was. So there. That project is already going, we just haven't gotten the weather to get it started. 00:10:28
OK, the one right there. 00:10:35
So let's we'll get that if we can get your information. 00:10:40
To Chelsea together with them. I mean, it doesn't have to be a huge, big mural if you can do other things than just. 00:10:45
You know that would be. 00:10:51
Thank you. Thank you. 00:10:55
Mr. Parker, did you have a question? 00:10:58
Sounds like a great initiative though. 00:11:01
Thank you for coming. 00:11:03
Anyone else that would like to answer? 00:11:10
Thank you. 00:11:15
Thank you, Mr. Mayor and members of the City Council. What I'm saying may actually in some ways be pertinent to the previous 00:11:19
presentation in their discussion of available property in Socorro. 00:11:23
Could you Could you just wish yourself? Of course. My name is Will Carter and I live here in Scoro. I work remotely, but I'm lucky 00:11:29
to have family and a good community here and want to build my life here. 00:11:35
I wanted to raise the Council an issue that I'm sure you are all familiar with and that I'm sure has come before the Council 00:11:42
before around vacant and abandoned buildings in Socorro, particularly in our main commercial areas and. 00:11:49
This is not a new problem or one that we haven't seen experiments around the country and around the state before. And in fact, 00:11:57
there's actually a 2019 study by the state of how we can actually do more to address the issue of vacant buildings. And so I 00:12:04
wanted to raise to this council that in reading this study and a number of others, including case studies from other cities, 00:12:10
including similar cities within the state of New Mexico. 00:12:17
There are a number of things that I think that we could do. This report itself lays out nine recommendations for smaller 00:12:24
communities in New Mexico for how they can deal with this issue, including cost offsets, because I know that is a legitimate issue 00:12:28
for the city. 00:12:32
But I would love to to either share this report and other reports that I have been reading on this topic and also would love to 00:12:38
discuss with the Mayor, members of the Council who are interested in this topic, how we can do more as a City, including 00:12:45
establishing vacant and abandoned building ordinances and some minimum standards to hold property owners accountable and also to 00:12:52
give the city the opportunity to accelerate reinvestment in some of these areas and redevelopment of some of these areas. 00:13:00
Great. If you'll share the reference with us to begin with and perhaps later on this month because I'm going to be out for a 00:13:08
couple of weeks. 00:13:12
We'd like to talk to you about that and I would invite my code enforcement people. 00:13:18
We have we have a problem with abandoned and vacant building. Matter of fact, I had a call from the guy who owns the. 00:13:24
Smiths Now, I didn't return his call yet, but as Duke Rodriguez, he's the chairman of. 00:13:30
Biggest group of marijuana company in the city, in the state and. 00:13:36
Our problem is due process. 00:13:42
And that's something that. 00:13:45
If they attend to that in those articles, those nine things you're talking about, we certainly we certainly need to move on with 00:13:48
with what we need to do with the vacant buildings. Absolutely. They they cover in this the state and national level requirements 00:13:54
and also some of the legal mechanisms that other cities use to address the problem. So can you read us your contact information, 00:14:00
Perhaps we can put together a meeting. 00:14:05
Absolutely. So appreciate you coming. That's really important for us. 00:14:12
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. About a month ago or a month and a half ago, Albuquerque, actually. 00:14:16
Broached this topic too on how to streamline their. 00:14:23
The ordinance is to be able to not have to wait six months to get something done. You know, like you say due process, but we have 00:14:26
that in our ordinances, so we have to follow that. But just just to let you know, Sands Motel took us almost three years and 00:14:31
$180,000. 00:14:36
So and we now we own the property that that's a problem so that that's our biggest problem is is the due process. 00:14:42
Demolition. Now we have about 5 burned buildings in town. 00:14:53
And we're now working step by step on each one of those to try to get those and a lot of them. 00:14:56
Non resident owners, they live in California or somewhere else, so that's the other problem. 00:15:02
I know, Chris, you have any comments on that? I mean how? 00:15:08
Make sure that we invite you to that meeting. 00:15:11
Christian. 00:15:19
Code enforcement officer. It would be nice to like find a way to streamline that because it is a bunch of waiting and. 00:15:21
Putting plans together. 00:15:30
Like the Park Street took about a year and we were pretty close and someone came in and cleaned it up for us, but well, maybe you 00:15:32
can get Mr. Clark, do you have a copy of that or is there a copy of that? 00:15:37
That reference, will you share that with us and Chris maybe make me a copy? 00:15:44
Whenever for tomorrow, but thank you. Thanks for bringing. 00:15:50
Anyone else that's not on the agenda? 00:15:55
I'd like to make. 00:15:59
If not, I have a. 00:16:03
Proclamation. 00:16:06
X. 00:16:10
So the. 00:16:19
First of all, thank you for being a friend. 00:16:22
Yes, Sir. It's a fun ride. Quite a ride, quite a ride. So here's, here's I'm going to read. 00:16:25
And probably it's not a. 00:16:33
But as a partial list of the things that Councillor Hicks has accomplished since 1986. 00:16:35
Obviously, he's been on numerous. 00:16:42
He's been a mayor Pro Tem for 10 years. 00:16:44
He's been a member of the Regional Transit District, South Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization president for 00:16:47
five years, South Central Council of Governments president for seven years. 00:16:52
South Central Council of Governments. Vice president for five years. South Central Council of Governments, interim executive 00:16:58
directors, just three months for that one. So airport committee chairman for 17 years. And he's still on the airport committee on 00:17:04
New Mexico State Airport committee for 12 years. New Mexico Municipal League director at large, 12 years. New Mexico Municipal 00:17:11
League Human Relations committee, nine years. New Mexico Municipal League budget committee, two years. 00:17:17
You miss School Municipal League treasurer. 00:17:24
New Mexico Municipal League, Transportation and Public works 10 years. 00:17:27
New Mexico Municipal League resolution Committee, 17 years. New Mexico Municipal League strategic planning steering committee two 00:17:32
years. New Mexico Municipal League General Legislative committee nine years. New Mexico Municipal League Safety committee five 00:17:37
years. 00:17:42
Municipal Official Leadership Institute Graduate Municipal Official Leadership Institute Graduate, 2008, 2012 Leadership, New 00:17:47
Mexico. 00:17:52
Voting delegate at National League of Cities. 00:17:57
And chief elected official for Southwest, worked for connections. 00:18:00
For 10 years. 00:18:04
I have a plaque for your Gordie. After all this, we couldn't put this all on the plaque. 00:18:05
But this is presented to Gordon Gordon Hicks in recognition and appreciation of 33 years. 00:18:23
1986 to 1990 four 1998 to 2023 of dedicated public service to the City of Socorro, City Councilor, Mayor Pro Tem, and the City's 00:18:30
representatives on multiple committees throughout the state of New Mexico, from the Mayor Randy Basket, City Council past and 00:18:37
present, and all residents of the City of Sagora. We're proud of you, Gordon, with all the work that you put in for the City's. 00:18:45
Has always been at your side and your. 00:18:58
Oh, here, but give. 00:19:00
Give us a little bit of your wisdom. 00:19:03
Your search over. 00:19:06
Wow. I didn't realize we were on that many committees. 00:19:08
Guys, I couldn't have done it without you here. 00:19:13
There's a team effort. 00:19:17
And it was lots of fun. 00:19:19
I still try to. 00:19:21
Mr. Mona, Councillor Monet. 00:19:24
It's just been very fun. 00:19:28
Then a good ride. City supporters treated me. 00:19:31
And you guys? 00:19:35
Have just made it. 00:19:37
Possible that we got all these things done for the city SA. 00:19:39
And that's where I'm so proud of being a small part that. 00:19:44
And Mr. Mayor, you took it from. 00:19:48
You've done a good job on it to the counselors, and I'd like to thank the public too. 00:19:53
If we could have done it without the public. 00:19:59
They're the ones in our workers. 00:20:02
They're the ones that do all the work. 00:20:04
They're out there hustling day-to-day. 00:20:07
They're the ones that make the administration and the council look good. 00:20:09
They have to put up with the. 00:20:14
Roads I Hate Vita on the. 00:20:16
County seat right now. The little speed bumps down there by Limiter and Paradera and stuff. But. 00:20:21
Once again. 00:20:29
Where's the camera there? 00:20:31
Thanks again citizens for. 00:20:33
Being behind me all these years and supporting us, I think we. 00:20:36
Do a good job, but I know that it will continue going into guys hands. 00:20:43
So thank you so very very much. 00:20:51
Family will take a picture. 00:21:02
Yeah, it's great. 00:21:05
Thank you. 00:21:10
And we still want to have you continue to be. 00:21:49
Involved with the. 00:21:53
There's a few committees that we still want you to serve on, the airport committee, the RPO and then the ones that you know you 00:21:55
don't have to be an elected official for, so we certainly invite you. 00:22:00
Continue, hopefully to you. Leave us your wisdom on some of these. 00:22:06
Thank you. 00:22:12
Mr. Romero. 00:22:14
I just want to Gordie. I just want to thank you for being such a good friend. 00:22:16
A good citizen. 00:22:21
Good, honored veteran and I want to thank. 00:22:24
Gordy's family back there for? 00:22:27
Sharing them with. 00:22:29
Being so patient. 00:22:31
What we had in the. 00:22:33
Let's go again, Mr. Mayor. I I almost want to rethink my my nomination to be the Municipal League representative for the city, to 00:22:39
know where I could be with that. 00:22:43
I will say though that attending something municipalities already did represent the city well. He was well liked and everybody 00:22:48
knows Gordy up there and I'm sure everybody with the municipal is going to going to miss you as well too. And I just want to say 00:22:53
it's been an honor working with you and. 00:22:57
Serving with you over the years as well too, so thank you, Gordy. 00:23:01
Again, I'd like to echo that, thank you so much, Gordy. And and I mean your family is a testament to how good of a person you are. 00:23:09
And I appreciate everything you've done for for this, for the town and the city of Socorro and and and your family continues doing 00:23:16
it. So you guys done right. 00:23:22
Appreciate you. 00:23:29
Mr. Partridge and mistakes whenever my first time running and he was so gracious, even through the process he he he was 00:23:31
encouraging. 00:23:36
And just a really good person. He wanted, he wants well, you know he wants well even change. 00:23:42
Was the outcome. Maybe wasn't what he wanted, but he never had a sour attitude towards that. He never was. 00:23:48
He was nothing but kind to me, his family's kind. 00:23:53
That's kind of the people around. He was kind. It was soon as it happened, he was all about getting the transition peacefully and 00:23:56
getting the getting this council put together and being a part of it, not being destructive about it in any way, shape or form. 00:24:02
It's phenomenal. So thank you for helping too, Mr. Mr. Hicks. 00:24:08
Mr. Tsunami. 00:24:15
Already you've not only been an example of how to be a an effective. 00:24:17
Kind, generous, public servant. But you've been an example to me on how to treat people. That's more important. I I appreciate the 00:24:24
lessons that I've learned from you and and the stories that we've shared and and your Mark Carmel experiences. And I can relate 00:24:32
and I and I can relate with them and I just want to tell you thank you and I appreciate, appreciate you very much. 00:24:39
Mr. *****. 00:24:48
If you do live for guys team. 00:24:52
And the family And Gordie, you don't have to sit through another council meeting if you don't want to. 00:24:55
That's OK. 00:25:02
Thank you, gorgeous. 00:25:07
OK, I had two other ones. 00:25:25
We'll skip those again. 00:25:28
No, they won't be coming, but they'll be getting. 00:25:30
And then Mr. Miller said he was not going to show up for the agenda item. But we've been doing some research and there are gun 00:25:33
ranges everywhere, including on state lands, and there's never been any comment about that. I don't know about the noise 00:25:39
pollution, but we'll give another chance to come and another time. 00:25:45
So that's something that. 00:25:52
We can talk about what we're doing. We have been doing some investigation about any kind of problems that other gun Rangers might. 00:25:53
So including we've talked to New Mexico Tech to be able to maybe utilize their gun range and so we're we're kind of working on his 00:26:02
problem. 00:26:06
And new. 00:26:12
We had a No, it's not signed by the governor. 00:26:14
But we had a fairly good legislative session. The city got about two and a half million. 00:26:17
On our on. 00:26:25
Needs The biggest one was Finley. 00:26:27
We also got the sound system at the rodeo. We also got money to landscape and move the monument. 00:26:31
From El Camino Real, we also received. 00:26:39
Funds to do. 00:26:43
A spec building. 00:26:44
We got about 700,000. 00:26:46
To do a spec building at the Eagle pitcher cleanup, which will try to invite. 00:26:48
You know, just like this is a small scale Las lunas. 00:26:54
Like Los Lunas has the warehouses up there, you know with the different Amazons coming and Facebook and Walmart is there. So we 00:26:58
have money to start a building that we can then invite some company to come in especially since the. 00:27:06
The interchange at Escondido is going to be redone and it'll it'll be able to be more inviting to semis and things like that. So 00:27:14
that's why we also receive, Did I miss any other? 00:27:21
To the museum, The planning of the museum the museum grant we brought a Gwen Valentino has been doing a great job and putting 00:27:29
together some grants, so we replied to the State Historical Preservation Office for a $250,000 grant to do an interpretive part 00:27:35
of. 00:27:41
El Camino Real Heritage Center to design it and then we can apply it also for bricks and mortar after we get the design done. 00:27:49
We've gotten authorization from the. 00:27:57
State Highway Department to turn into. 00:28:02
The Convention Center and the R. 00:28:06
Park we have to put a cattle guard there and we've done that, so now we can actually get people coming off of Hwy. 60. 00:28:08
We're looking at a name, a named celebrity. I don't know. I shouldn't say anything until we get them, but my name is Neil McCoy. 00:28:16
We're trying to get him to headline our July 3rd. 00:28:27
But that's going to be something that people have asked about these modular buildings we got from the from the school system. We 00:28:31
had a caretaker at one time, Michael Director that lived there. He is gone. That was his trailer, although we hate to have it 00:28:36
moved. 00:28:42
So we've got one of the modulators is going to be set. 00:28:47
As a housing, and I'm hoping housing. 00:28:51
Region 7 will help us with that if we if if the person qualifies to. 00:28:55
For rent, we're going to get that and then also there's going to be another modular, that'll be showers. 00:29:02
Bathroom, kitchen and a meeting facility for the RV park and the other modulars being moved over there to Zimmerly and we're going 00:29:07
to show that to the Friends of the Library so we can try to make that. 00:29:13
Presumably into a into a. 00:29:19
Judicial complex. 00:29:23
And so we're working with the schools. 00:29:24
Our natural gas trucks are. 00:29:27
They'll be here hopefully next week. 00:29:30
Finally, and we've gotten 3 dump trucks. 00:29:32
We did not get the gas farm that we were natural gas farm that we're going to build money for that, but we're looking for that we. 00:29:35
Still the the Senior Center is still working with the Gita. I don't know if the county, I don't know if the county Commission. 00:29:44
But the County Commission give us a building. 00:29:55
But they want to see a budget. 00:30:00
But so we're going to be asking the county Commission to give us the Vegeta building so we can. 00:30:03
Make sure that all the seniors up there and that's a huge number that that it's going to get served for and and Linda Maurice is 00:30:10
doing a great job with the with the Senior Center. 00:30:15
As you know. 00:30:20
We got 875, almost 900,000 for the for the gym and thanks to Representative Latimer and Senator. 00:30:22
So we got money for that. 00:30:31
But as is now, we have a million. 00:30:35
And I think Council Dina's had meetings already is that we're planning on what we're planning to do with that area with a million 00:30:37
that we have now. 00:30:40
We've got a new. 00:30:45
Activities Director, Mr. Padilla. 00:30:47
Who is looking into upgrading our? 00:30:49
Working physically. 00:30:53
But. 00:30:55
But, but see, Ruby didn't stand up. I didn't. 00:30:58
But but he's working on trying to upgrade the equipment so that it's more attractive down there and and that's something that he's 00:31:05
worked on a corn hole tournament and I hate that would but he's working on that. You got how many teams. 00:31:13
So that's that's that's going. 00:31:24
Pretty strong so and I know Steve has done a great job out there at the soccer field in the rodeo and I think coach accomplished 00:31:26
bringing a flag football or you bringing some teams like you did last year. 00:31:32
This number we've got, yeah, we've got a really big I think we had almost 1000 kids. 00:31:39
We, in fact, you know this, I mean, for all you football fans we just had. 00:31:44
Our first kid that was offered by, I mean not we, but in Mexico had their first kid who was offered by Alabama first time. Like 00:31:49
we've got a top, like two or three. 00:31:53
Offer from Makita, one of the kids that was at the camp this last year. 00:31:58
But anyway, yeah, we had all the best talent in the state here. 00:32:02
So that's going to be, I think that will be a big project, but the roadie arenas doing doing well, the Convention Center Des and 00:32:06
Shannon are doing great out there. 00:32:11
So all that all that stuff is going on. I want to try to get you at May not once a month goes to all the different directors. 00:32:16
Department directors and I'll send you her report for each of the departments and I think that'll help you with the stuff that's 00:32:24
that's going on. 00:32:29
I think that's Mr. 00:32:35
We also receive funding for matching a federal grant for. 00:32:38
So, so those lights that are that we almost have 700,000. 00:32:45
For lighting at studio park so we need to work with Southwest side Southwest. 00:32:50
On your project about reconfiguring. 00:32:55
The fields and everything. So we don't put the lights in the wrong place, but we've got, we've got matching. We have 380,000 from 00:32:57
the feds and we've got. 00:33:02
A mistake. So, so you know that ended up giving about 2.5 million, which is probably the most that we've. 00:33:09
You know the old story about if you don't ask, you don't get. And believe me they were. If you looked, you look through the list 00:33:16
of if you just go to the, I'm not sure which bill it was. But if you look and you can see every town and what they got starting 00:33:21
from Albuquerque down to. 00:33:25
Las Cruces and IS they gave out a billion dollars worth of projects. 00:33:31
Billion. Dollars. 00:33:37
We have, we received money for, you already know we received about a million to cover the, the, the. 00:33:40
Arena and for heating so we can have will have in the winter, we'll have a heated arena, indoor, basically indoor arena. We did 00:33:46
get money for CDBG project on Cuba Rd. 00:33:52
However, the estimates, the amount that it's going to cost to do it, it came up really, really high. So Donald has put in to do a 00:33:59
contingency. I think they have a where you can get money, extra money to do a project. We got about 800,000, we need a million 00:34:04
too. 00:34:10
Hello, yes Sir, due to inflation a lot of the. 00:34:16
Amount of the cost overruns of the CDBG projects. A lot of communities didn't apply because they knew that. 00:34:20
The match was going to be in a half $1,000,000. 00:34:25
So that left extra CDBG funding and that application should come out on the 29th. 00:34:28
And just to tell you about revenue, I mean it. 00:34:35
States getting money. 00:34:38
And I'm not sure where this came from. 00:34:40
But our grocery seats for the very first time. 00:34:43
Were 720,000. 00:34:47
We've never had. She's over 500. 00:34:50
And then we then we also get small cities. 00:34:54
And it was supposed to be, I think the Budget Committee had it for 230 and we got something like 530. 00:34:58
So financially we're in good shape and that's why I offered you guys some money or Councillor Salomi offered you some money, but 00:35:06
well, don't get the budget committees. But we are, but we are, you know, and again, I, I, I kind of alluded to the fact about 00:35:13
Zimmerly and Seracino. 00:35:19
And we haven't signed the agreement with my agreement with a, with a, with a Superintendent and the chairman of. 00:35:26
School board was that the city would inherit. 00:35:34
And so that we would then start thinking about programs in Saracen or whether they were vocational or 100% Socorro or other 00:35:38
programs. 00:35:44
Permanent, permanent place where the, you know we were talking about the. 00:35:51
Esports, maybe to have an arena like that at Saraceno, so there are things that we can do, We just have to be financially prudent 00:35:58
as to how we spend it. 00:36:03
So all that has been going on. And in the meantime, you know, we have a Police Department, we've got a fire department, we've got 00:36:08
an ambulance that just broke down after, I don't know, 300,000 miles or something like that. We've got animal control, dispatch. I 00:36:14
mean, there's we have what, 20, there's something like 20 departments. 00:36:21
And so all that. 00:36:27
Is the constant wheels going around? You know, they always tell people, when I used to watch the Ed Sullivan Show, this guy would 00:36:29
come up with these plates that he would want 10 plates. And he was always by the time you got to that plate, the last plate would 00:36:34
be going, had to run back there. 00:36:40
It's just not places, department heads. 00:36:49
So that's what we we try to keep putting energy into each. 00:36:52
Because, I mean, these guys just get worn out. I mean, that's. 00:36:56
GRT e-mail Do you think little? 00:37:00
I I hope. I hope so. But I don't. I'm not counting on it to go. I mean to to we've never, ever, ever, ever had $700,000 in 00:37:04
groceries. And I don't know if it's a highway project. 00:37:09
Do you think that's always in the back of my head is they made a mistake, They made a mistake in Santa Rosa about seven years ago 00:37:15
to the platoon of about a million two and they wanted their money back. 00:37:20
And of course politics that got out of it. But but that's the only thing, you know, we used to when we used to get a check like 00:37:26
that, we'd put it under our our blotter for about 3. 00:37:31
We wouldn't put it in the bank. I got a check from Enron once. 00:37:37
For $170,000 and Pat and I we just, we hit it underneath the bottom for three months thinking it was a mistake, but it wasn't a 00:37:41
mistake that Enron had to settle with because we buy national gas from at one time. But it's. 00:37:48
It's a little scary, really. 00:37:56
Because you don't know if it was a mistake or what, because there's no big project to tech. 00:37:58
You know you've got a big project coming up. The school's coming up. 00:38:04
The roads, the roads got that was a pretty good project, but I have no idea where that came from. 00:38:08
I don't know. I mean, you never can find out really, 'cause if you pay $1.00, they'll tell you that person pay, they won't give 00:38:19
you. 00:38:23
Well, which is proprietary, I mean. 00:38:27
But anyway, but just so that's kind of a little update on the. 00:38:29
Any largest tax up also that? 00:38:33
It's pretty steady and larger tax is pretty. 00:38:37
Even that month. 00:38:41
You know, larger tax usually. 00:38:43
Is 30,000. 00:38:46
35,000. 00:38:49
We get about 400,000. 00:38:51
And that that's not fluctuated much, it's and 1st responders are solid. 00:38:54
They're solid for the next 2-3 years. 00:39:00
They actually added a couple of and they're going into virtual which is being put into. 00:39:02
Thing up there, So that's. 00:39:08
But I don't know. 00:39:11
It is. 00:39:13
Did you find anything about? 00:39:16
Tech graduation. 00:39:18
It's May. 00:39:23
And that's already been reserved for the rodeo linen or it is going to be at the rodeo. So there's, you know, again, I think high 00:39:24
school wanted palm at the Convention Center. We're going to work with them. I think high school graduation, was it at that rodeo 00:39:28
or no? 00:39:33
I think it was, yeah. So, so those, I mean those. 00:39:38
Those facilities are getting used. 00:39:42
We're not getting a lot of money from the people who use them. 00:39:45
Marianne project going good. 00:39:49
We have the groundbreaking on Tuesday, February 27th at 11:00, so we'd like to invite the public. 00:39:52
To the groundbreaking. Oh, you're there. You're the Mayor Hotel. 00:39:59
But the but the same people that are demoing that did the dirt work at the junior high it's in Guzman construction is the same 00:40:04
people that did. 00:40:08
That One South just make a point. I'm sure everybody's aware of the fact that that rodeo arena went where it went. 00:40:12
Allowed the growth of Socorro to move out that way, to allow Marianne to put her her facility, to allow for a lot of things that 00:40:21
are the benefits that are they keep coming from the city building that rodeo arena. 00:40:29
And Hwy. 60, Project WE. 00:40:37
We're still waiting for the engineer to do the final scop. 00:40:39
Because that's going to be, I keep dreading the. 00:40:43
That. That junior high. 00:40:47
Because I'm hoping that the Highway 60 will be adequate along with Michigan. 00:40:50
To have the in and out. 00:40:55
200 people, they're going to be dropping people. 00:40:56
That's and then high school kids too, on top of. 00:41:00
That's that's my biggest concern of that area being congested. 00:41:03
So. 00:41:10
Street Projects The Fowler St. project is on the way. 00:41:13
The walkway. 00:41:17
That's going to get started in March, Lloyd. 00:41:18
And which And Manzanera. 00:41:21
Is going to get started. So we have about four projects in Cuba. Rd. will get started. Depending on that we can put the money 00:41:25
together. 00:41:28
So that's that's where we're at on that. And Mr. Mayor Center St. in Mccutchen will also be in March. McCutcheon. Yeah, so. 00:41:32
We're doing those. 00:41:39
Any old, old business that anybody wants to bring up? 00:41:42
I want to tell you that I do have the number. 00:41:46
For the substation. 00:41:50
And we're giving it to our financial people. 00:41:52
To do the pro forma as to what the cost will be per kilowatt? 00:41:57
Not letting the cat out of the bag. If I give you a number, it's 12 million. 00:42:03
That includes that includes a subst. 00:42:09
It includes the distribution. 00:42:12
And then includes about 5 things I can't remember. 00:42:15
Capacity is one thing, Capacity. 00:42:19
Yeah. So, and that that means new distribution lines to all the different businesses. 00:42:22
One of the five things is a backup transformer as well. In case anything happens with one or for maintenance it has to go offline, 00:42:27
we'll have a backup. 00:42:31
So just just to inform you on. 00:42:35
And then what we'll do is to take. 00:42:39
Number. 00:42:42
But as to what the revenue would? 00:42:45
But the good news? 00:42:48
There's grants out there that we have people. 00:42:50
Actually, I. 00:42:54
The gentleman that that Mary Ann's working with. 00:42:57
He also. 00:43:02
Grants for solar. 00:43:03
And substations. 00:43:05
And so he he figures he could probably get half of that in grants. 00:43:06
And from the money that people are putting into electric? 00:43:11
Right now. So so we have to work that number down and I know everybody's waiting for that one number which how much is it per 00:43:15
kilowatt, but that's, that's the number. 00:43:20
That we're looking at and I want to I will send you an article that I was in Durango the other day. The La Plata Electric has also 00:43:25
been fighting with tri-state and for three. 00:43:30
And so they have some. 00:43:36
Don't get take it from me, it's in the newspaper from Durango. About what? 00:43:39
Kind of trouble they've been having with tri-state. They're trying to leave trash state also. 00:43:44
And that's La Plata is a big, big and. 00:43:48
Again, like kit cars. 00:43:52
The Plata? That's that Durango. 00:43:55
They're 100% solar during the day. 00:43:57
They don't. They. They everybody that's 100%. 00:44:01
So that that's where everything's going and that's put a lot of pressure on the electric utilities because they actually. 00:44:05
Pushing solar. 00:44:13
The amount of capacity that these people were putting back into the grid was too much for the grid. 00:44:15
So they stop. They. 00:44:20
And that's in the article. But they stopped. 00:44:23
Pushing So. 00:44:28
So anyway, so that's that's the situation there. 00:44:30
Executive session. 00:44:36
I gave everything about the executive decision and. 00:44:37
There's intercession. 00:44:40
OK, So what do we got? Personnel matters. 00:44:44
You put that first before the marriage report. 00:44:49
OK. Well, we'll just do it then. 00:44:54
I believe there's more. 00:44:56
Well, that was an executive session. OK, job, job description. That's a job description, Donald, what is that? 00:44:59
Ruby is adjusting one of her. 00:45:08
But you adjusted her job description or that job gathered salary range in the job description. 00:45:19
Well, then it went from 40 to 50. Yes, Sir, yes. 00:45:28
Moved and seconded. 00:45:33
All in favor. 00:45:35
OK, so there she is there on the Clara Reyes on the personnel changes. 00:45:37
And that's an administrative delinquency and collection clerk, a 43. 00:45:42
At 7:27. 00:45:47
That's all I got. 00:45:50
I'll make a motion to approve the personnel changes. 00:45:52
Seconded discussion. 00:45:57
All in favor. 00:45:59
Business Registration, Eminem, Latin Plaster Manual, Gutierrez, Los Lunas. 00:46:01
Romero roofing Ponderosa, NM to you tob. 00:46:06
Endless Vials, Retail Tobacco, 401 Grant. 00:46:11
What is that? Is that the old triangle? 00:46:16
Yeah. 00:46:20
And then floor. 00:46:23
Paul Abraham, Epoxy. 00:46:25
Mr. Mayor. 00:46:28
Move, We approve the business. Registration is read. 00:46:30
With the secondary discussion all in favor. 00:46:34
A shift. 00:46:37
Very good. Thank you. 00:46:40
Good. 00:46:46
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Like I barely owe. 00:00:00
Yes, Peter. 00:00:04
OK. 00:00:10
Really. All right, this City of Scotland City Council meeting Tuesday, February 20th. 00:00:12
2024 will call please air basket here. Councillor Travis Lopez. 00:00:18
Councillor. 00:00:23
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:24
Councillor Ocampo here. Councillor Ogain here. 00:00:27
Councillor Partridge. 00:00:30
Councillor Romero here, Councillor Salome here, we have a quorum. 00:00:33
All right. 00:00:38
Mr. Mayor. 00:01:00
Parents who approve the consent agenda. 00:01:01
Moved and seconded. 00:01:06
Any discussion on any of that? 00:01:09
All in favor. 00:01:13
Opposed. 00:01:15
OK, we have. 00:01:17
On the public forum we talked about 100% Socorro, so, Senator Martinez and. 00:01:21
That's Mr. Shalom. So the approval of the February minutes, the consideration, the minutes and the C, the voucher run, those are 00:01:27
all part of the consent agenda. 00:01:32
I had a comment on the on the voucher run. 00:01:38
But I was thinking, yeah, I just, I just like to say that I didn't know what is a significant amount for engineering work going up 00:01:41
at Evergreen. 00:01:45
And I know that the administration had been working on that for quite some time. And so I was glad to see that that project is 00:01:50
moving forward and that is really going to be a benefit to our community in that amount And so all the the, the development and 00:01:55
all the. 00:02:01
The infrastructure that's going on up there is. 00:02:08
For acknowledging. 00:02:16
OK, Sandra. 00:02:19
For. 00:02:22
Sure. No, I only have two minutes. 00:02:24
I'm going to get started, Mayor Basker, Honorable counselors. 00:02:29
Just one. 00:02:34
My name is Sandra Martinez, a resident of Socorro. 00:02:36
I thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of 100% Socorro County. If you haven't heard about it, Socorro 00:02:40
100% Socorro was about transforming our community to a place where every child thrives. 00:02:47
It's a statewide commitment established in 2019 with bipartisan sponsorship and funding from the state legislature. 00:02:53
The idea was to try something new to ensure that 100% of New Mexico residents can access the 10 services required to survive and 00:03:01
thrive. This work is carried out on a county level within a framework tailored to the unique needs of rural communities. 00:03:09
The book David, Age 14, explains all of this in the less than 150 pages. It may be the most useful book you'll read as a city 00:03:18
Councilor, because it explains how the system, especially in rural communities, fails our children. The question then, is despite 00:03:25
our best efforts, are these our best efforts? 00:03:31
So we asked our community and the answers are in the graphic survey from data collected. 00:03:38
From our community showing the difficulty residents encounter in attempting to access vital services. 00:03:44
As a group we were beginning to see the picture and as a community we began to work on solutions. 00:03:52
Through collaborative efforts, we were able to complete the asset mapping that helped secure PED funding for the Socorro Community 00:03:59
Schools. 00:04:03
He's been given a copy of that as well. 00:04:07
Since then, we have built collaborative relationships with individuals and organizations. 00:04:11
From the 10 service sectors, which I'd love to name now. 00:04:16
But I think in the interest of time, I will have to skip that and are currently in the final phases of vetting an online directory 00:04:22
of services which will go live by April 1st. 00:04:26
Currently, we're endeavoring to move forward with a 100% Family Center, a one stop service hub that will assist families in 00:04:33
navigating obstacles and connecting to needed services. A brief overview of the 100% Family Center concept can be found in this 00:04:38
small booklet. 00:04:44
So thank you for giving me this time. I have some colleagues with me in case you have any questions about the project or what 00:04:51
we're doing. We are interested in some assistance in identifying A suitable building to house the Family Center. 00:04:58
And also, I'd like to invite you to our summit, which will occur on June 14th. 00:05:05
And we'll send you a save the date. 00:05:12
To each of you, but if anyone would like to read this book, I highly recommend it. 00:05:14
We can. Pete can hand it to you if you just let him know you'd like a coffee. 00:05:20
Thank you. 00:05:25
I have a question. Yeah, on your on this thing. I'm seeing housing, but I don't see the Housing Authority listed anywhere. 00:05:28
Then that was just because if remember, at the summit we had the little cards up there. 00:05:38
So I'd like to come back at another date if that is possible, if you would like to discuss any of this further if you have more 00:05:52
questions, but how can the city help? 00:05:56
Well, I think the city could help us by. Well, first of all, if you look at the, if you look at the map, this is mainly city of 00:06:02
the court. You know these are mainly most of the people are in the city. So what we're looking for is a. 00:06:08
Home for the family. 00:06:16
So a building that we can, we're going to have navigators who are full time employees. 00:06:18
How big? How big a place? 00:06:25
Maybe Sharon Sessions. Is that OK? If she? So we're working on an actual, full proposal that describes all the needs. And one of 00:06:29
the things that we're hoping to get out of the summit actually is feedback from the community of what of what the community needs. 00:06:37
Ideally something that can hold office space, potentially one-on-one counseling places where people can can use computers to get 00:06:46
job applications. So it could be a pretty big space. We can start small too, but something to be able to start with would be 00:06:52
great. 00:06:57
You already got it funded for you talking about renting it, Are you talking about is there any operating and maintenance that the 00:07:03
city would have to put in? 00:07:08
We don't know what the answer to that it yet is. So the the proposal that we're working for is one of many proposals prepared by 00:07:13
counties across New Mexico that will be given to the state legislatures potentially being used for for. 00:07:20
Nonprofit basically getting donors to do these kinds of things. There is one that I believe might be getting funded and Onion 00:07:30
County that will serve as a really good model for that. That is being funded by the state legislature. So we are putting together 00:07:38
the concept, the, the huge dream that we have to get together. I have talked with Vice President Richard Cervantes at New Mexico 00:07:45
Tech, who's talked to the president and New Mexico Tech is willing to help with like the fiscal responsibilities of that. 00:07:52
There's a lot of details that we don't know yet, but. 00:08:00
Or two away or. 00:08:03
Probably, yeah. I mean, you know, we're going to be inheriting some, some buildings. 00:08:05
Keep us in mind that is all you know about it. I mean, I think that's something that you know. 00:08:11
Building that new junior high was number there's there's going to be some buildings available. I think that this would be a very 00:08:18
and if you have to have a when you do put the grant in you if you have to have a say you have a space. 00:08:24
I mean, we want to get the specifics, we want to get involved with it absolutely and we are working on that. So we're trying to 00:08:30
get as much, many of the details as possible. 00:08:35
No, no, I just just a question if if they were to come and present to the budget committee and ask for some funding in that way 00:08:41
from the council and the administration can do that way, we start our meeting soon. 00:08:47
We invite organizations to come and and and ask for funding that would support things that would help the community. 00:08:56
Some fantastic. There is another question we had. I'm sorry, it's we have the money now until the end of the fiscal year for a 00:09:03
community building and your old project, but we do not have a wall. 00:09:10
So that might be something you may if you have a world around this mural we have money to buy designated a couple of walls that 00:09:17
never got done. 00:09:22
You know, we were talking about that. 00:09:28
Mrs. Wells, One time with a diamond. 00:09:32
Can't think of the name of. 00:09:36
But yeah, if you have money for minerals, we can. We can. 00:09:38
We could even go tomorrow if we had somebody. 00:09:43
And do you have the what, what topic would you put on the wall? It would be working with the artist, but it would be around the 00:09:47
100% Sakura Initiative. So I think it would be great to say 100% Socorro, but anything that represents. 00:09:54
Community, Our community. 00:10:02
We don't. Well, we actually have talked to somebody, but. 00:10:05
Don't have a space away. 00:10:10
Working real close with the the murals. 00:10:14
Also, we're also not just murals, but we're also talking about all these Transformers and things that are around town. 00:10:18
And even fire fire Hyd. 00:10:25
That's what Chelsea was. So there. That project is already going, we just haven't gotten the weather to get it started. 00:10:28
OK, the one right there. 00:10:35
So let's we'll get that if we can get your information. 00:10:40
To Chelsea together with them. I mean, it doesn't have to be a huge, big mural if you can do other things than just. 00:10:45
You know that would be. 00:10:51
Thank you. Thank you. 00:10:55
Mr. Parker, did you have a question? 00:10:58
Sounds like a great initiative though. 00:11:01
Thank you for coming. 00:11:03
Anyone else that would like to answer? 00:11:10
Thank you. 00:11:15
Thank you, Mr. Mayor and members of the City Council. What I'm saying may actually in some ways be pertinent to the previous 00:11:19
presentation in their discussion of available property in Socorro. 00:11:23
Could you Could you just wish yourself? Of course. My name is Will Carter and I live here in Scoro. I work remotely, but I'm lucky 00:11:29
to have family and a good community here and want to build my life here. 00:11:35
I wanted to raise the Council an issue that I'm sure you are all familiar with and that I'm sure has come before the Council 00:11:42
before around vacant and abandoned buildings in Socorro, particularly in our main commercial areas and. 00:11:49
This is not a new problem or one that we haven't seen experiments around the country and around the state before. And in fact, 00:11:57
there's actually a 2019 study by the state of how we can actually do more to address the issue of vacant buildings. And so I 00:12:04
wanted to raise to this council that in reading this study and a number of others, including case studies from other cities, 00:12:10
including similar cities within the state of New Mexico. 00:12:17
There are a number of things that I think that we could do. This report itself lays out nine recommendations for smaller 00:12:24
communities in New Mexico for how they can deal with this issue, including cost offsets, because I know that is a legitimate issue 00:12:28
for the city. 00:12:32
But I would love to to either share this report and other reports that I have been reading on this topic and also would love to 00:12:38
discuss with the Mayor, members of the Council who are interested in this topic, how we can do more as a City, including 00:12:45
establishing vacant and abandoned building ordinances and some minimum standards to hold property owners accountable and also to 00:12:52
give the city the opportunity to accelerate reinvestment in some of these areas and redevelopment of some of these areas. 00:13:00
Great. If you'll share the reference with us to begin with and perhaps later on this month because I'm going to be out for a 00:13:08
couple of weeks. 00:13:12
We'd like to talk to you about that and I would invite my code enforcement people. 00:13:18
We have we have a problem with abandoned and vacant building. Matter of fact, I had a call from the guy who owns the. 00:13:24
Smiths Now, I didn't return his call yet, but as Duke Rodriguez, he's the chairman of. 00:13:30
Biggest group of marijuana company in the city, in the state and. 00:13:36
Our problem is due process. 00:13:42
And that's something that. 00:13:45
If they attend to that in those articles, those nine things you're talking about, we certainly we certainly need to move on with 00:13:48
with what we need to do with the vacant buildings. Absolutely. They they cover in this the state and national level requirements 00:13:54
and also some of the legal mechanisms that other cities use to address the problem. So can you read us your contact information, 00:14:00
Perhaps we can put together a meeting. 00:14:05
Absolutely. So appreciate you coming. That's really important for us. 00:14:12
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. About a month ago or a month and a half ago, Albuquerque, actually. 00:14:16
Broached this topic too on how to streamline their. 00:14:23
The ordinance is to be able to not have to wait six months to get something done. You know, like you say due process, but we have 00:14:26
that in our ordinances, so we have to follow that. But just just to let you know, Sands Motel took us almost three years and 00:14:31
$180,000. 00:14:36
So and we now we own the property that that's a problem so that that's our biggest problem is is the due process. 00:14:42
Demolition. Now we have about 5 burned buildings in town. 00:14:53
And we're now working step by step on each one of those to try to get those and a lot of them. 00:14:56
Non resident owners, they live in California or somewhere else, so that's the other problem. 00:15:02
I know, Chris, you have any comments on that? I mean how? 00:15:08
Make sure that we invite you to that meeting. 00:15:11
Christian. 00:15:19
Code enforcement officer. It would be nice to like find a way to streamline that because it is a bunch of waiting and. 00:15:21
Putting plans together. 00:15:30
Like the Park Street took about a year and we were pretty close and someone came in and cleaned it up for us, but well, maybe you 00:15:32
can get Mr. Clark, do you have a copy of that or is there a copy of that? 00:15:37
That reference, will you share that with us and Chris maybe make me a copy? 00:15:44
Whenever for tomorrow, but thank you. Thanks for bringing. 00:15:50
Anyone else that's not on the agenda? 00:15:55
I'd like to make. 00:15:59
If not, I have a. 00:16:03
Proclamation. 00:16:06
X. 00:16:10
So the. 00:16:19
First of all, thank you for being a friend. 00:16:22
Yes, Sir. It's a fun ride. Quite a ride, quite a ride. So here's, here's I'm going to read. 00:16:25
And probably it's not a. 00:16:33
But as a partial list of the things that Councillor Hicks has accomplished since 1986. 00:16:35
Obviously, he's been on numerous. 00:16:42
He's been a mayor Pro Tem for 10 years. 00:16:44
He's been a member of the Regional Transit District, South Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization president for 00:16:47
five years, South Central Council of Governments president for seven years. 00:16:52
South Central Council of Governments. Vice president for five years. South Central Council of Governments, interim executive 00:16:58
directors, just three months for that one. So airport committee chairman for 17 years. And he's still on the airport committee on 00:17:04
New Mexico State Airport committee for 12 years. New Mexico Municipal League director at large, 12 years. New Mexico Municipal 00:17:11
League Human Relations committee, nine years. New Mexico Municipal League budget committee, two years. 00:17:17
You miss School Municipal League treasurer. 00:17:24
New Mexico Municipal League, Transportation and Public works 10 years. 00:17:27
New Mexico Municipal League resolution Committee, 17 years. New Mexico Municipal League strategic planning steering committee two 00:17:32
years. New Mexico Municipal League General Legislative committee nine years. New Mexico Municipal League Safety committee five 00:17:37
years. 00:17:42
Municipal Official Leadership Institute Graduate Municipal Official Leadership Institute Graduate, 2008, 2012 Leadership, New 00:17:47
Mexico. 00:17:52
Voting delegate at National League of Cities. 00:17:57
And chief elected official for Southwest, worked for connections. 00:18:00
For 10 years. 00:18:04
I have a plaque for your Gordie. After all this, we couldn't put this all on the plaque. 00:18:05
But this is presented to Gordon Gordon Hicks in recognition and appreciation of 33 years. 00:18:23
1986 to 1990 four 1998 to 2023 of dedicated public service to the City of Socorro, City Councilor, Mayor Pro Tem, and the City's 00:18:30
representatives on multiple committees throughout the state of New Mexico, from the Mayor Randy Basket, City Council past and 00:18:37
present, and all residents of the City of Sagora. We're proud of you, Gordon, with all the work that you put in for the City's. 00:18:45
Has always been at your side and your. 00:18:58
Oh, here, but give. 00:19:00
Give us a little bit of your wisdom. 00:19:03
Your search over. 00:19:06
Wow. I didn't realize we were on that many committees. 00:19:08
Guys, I couldn't have done it without you here. 00:19:13
There's a team effort. 00:19:17
And it was lots of fun. 00:19:19
I still try to. 00:19:21
Mr. Mona, Councillor Monet. 00:19:24
It's just been very fun. 00:19:28
Then a good ride. City supporters treated me. 00:19:31
And you guys? 00:19:35
Have just made it. 00:19:37
Possible that we got all these things done for the city SA. 00:19:39
And that's where I'm so proud of being a small part that. 00:19:44
And Mr. Mayor, you took it from. 00:19:48
You've done a good job on it to the counselors, and I'd like to thank the public too. 00:19:53
If we could have done it without the public. 00:19:59
They're the ones in our workers. 00:20:02
They're the ones that do all the work. 00:20:04
They're out there hustling day-to-day. 00:20:07
They're the ones that make the administration and the council look good. 00:20:09
They have to put up with the. 00:20:14
Roads I Hate Vita on the. 00:20:16
County seat right now. The little speed bumps down there by Limiter and Paradera and stuff. But. 00:20:21
Once again. 00:20:29
Where's the camera there? 00:20:31
Thanks again citizens for. 00:20:33
Being behind me all these years and supporting us, I think we. 00:20:36
Do a good job, but I know that it will continue going into guys hands. 00:20:43
So thank you so very very much. 00:20:51
Family will take a picture. 00:21:02
Yeah, it's great. 00:21:05
Thank you. 00:21:10
And we still want to have you continue to be. 00:21:49
Involved with the. 00:21:53
There's a few committees that we still want you to serve on, the airport committee, the RPO and then the ones that you know you 00:21:55
don't have to be an elected official for, so we certainly invite you. 00:22:00
Continue, hopefully to you. Leave us your wisdom on some of these. 00:22:06
Thank you. 00:22:12
Mr. Romero. 00:22:14
I just want to Gordie. I just want to thank you for being such a good friend. 00:22:16
A good citizen. 00:22:21
Good, honored veteran and I want to thank. 00:22:24
Gordy's family back there for? 00:22:27
Sharing them with. 00:22:29
Being so patient. 00:22:31
What we had in the. 00:22:33
Let's go again, Mr. Mayor. I I almost want to rethink my my nomination to be the Municipal League representative for the city, to 00:22:39
know where I could be with that. 00:22:43
I will say though that attending something municipalities already did represent the city well. He was well liked and everybody 00:22:48
knows Gordy up there and I'm sure everybody with the municipal is going to going to miss you as well too. And I just want to say 00:22:53
it's been an honor working with you and. 00:22:57
Serving with you over the years as well too, so thank you, Gordy. 00:23:01
Again, I'd like to echo that, thank you so much, Gordy. And and I mean your family is a testament to how good of a person you are. 00:23:09
And I appreciate everything you've done for for this, for the town and the city of Socorro and and and your family continues doing 00:23:16
it. So you guys done right. 00:23:22
Appreciate you. 00:23:29
Mr. Partridge and mistakes whenever my first time running and he was so gracious, even through the process he he he was 00:23:31
encouraging. 00:23:36
And just a really good person. He wanted, he wants well, you know he wants well even change. 00:23:42
Was the outcome. Maybe wasn't what he wanted, but he never had a sour attitude towards that. He never was. 00:23:48
He was nothing but kind to me, his family's kind. 00:23:53
That's kind of the people around. He was kind. It was soon as it happened, he was all about getting the transition peacefully and 00:23:56
getting the getting this council put together and being a part of it, not being destructive about it in any way, shape or form. 00:24:02
It's phenomenal. So thank you for helping too, Mr. Mr. Hicks. 00:24:08
Mr. Tsunami. 00:24:15
Already you've not only been an example of how to be a an effective. 00:24:17
Kind, generous, public servant. But you've been an example to me on how to treat people. That's more important. I I appreciate the 00:24:24
lessons that I've learned from you and and the stories that we've shared and and your Mark Carmel experiences. And I can relate 00:24:32
and I and I can relate with them and I just want to tell you thank you and I appreciate, appreciate you very much. 00:24:39
Mr. *****. 00:24:48
If you do live for guys team. 00:24:52
And the family And Gordie, you don't have to sit through another council meeting if you don't want to. 00:24:55
That's OK. 00:25:02
Thank you, gorgeous. 00:25:07
OK, I had two other ones. 00:25:25
We'll skip those again. 00:25:28
No, they won't be coming, but they'll be getting. 00:25:30
And then Mr. Miller said he was not going to show up for the agenda item. But we've been doing some research and there are gun 00:25:33
ranges everywhere, including on state lands, and there's never been any comment about that. I don't know about the noise 00:25:39
pollution, but we'll give another chance to come and another time. 00:25:45
So that's something that. 00:25:52
We can talk about what we're doing. We have been doing some investigation about any kind of problems that other gun Rangers might. 00:25:53
So including we've talked to New Mexico Tech to be able to maybe utilize their gun range and so we're we're kind of working on his 00:26:02
problem. 00:26:06
And new. 00:26:12
We had a No, it's not signed by the governor. 00:26:14
But we had a fairly good legislative session. The city got about two and a half million. 00:26:17
On our on. 00:26:25
Needs The biggest one was Finley. 00:26:27
We also got the sound system at the rodeo. We also got money to landscape and move the monument. 00:26:31
From El Camino Real, we also received. 00:26:39
Funds to do. 00:26:43
A spec building. 00:26:44
We got about 700,000. 00:26:46
To do a spec building at the Eagle pitcher cleanup, which will try to invite. 00:26:48
You know, just like this is a small scale Las lunas. 00:26:54
Like Los Lunas has the warehouses up there, you know with the different Amazons coming and Facebook and Walmart is there. So we 00:26:58
have money to start a building that we can then invite some company to come in especially since the. 00:27:06
The interchange at Escondido is going to be redone and it'll it'll be able to be more inviting to semis and things like that. So 00:27:14
that's why we also receive, Did I miss any other? 00:27:21
To the museum, The planning of the museum the museum grant we brought a Gwen Valentino has been doing a great job and putting 00:27:29
together some grants, so we replied to the State Historical Preservation Office for a $250,000 grant to do an interpretive part 00:27:35
of. 00:27:41
El Camino Real Heritage Center to design it and then we can apply it also for bricks and mortar after we get the design done. 00:27:49
We've gotten authorization from the. 00:27:57
State Highway Department to turn into. 00:28:02
The Convention Center and the R. 00:28:06
Park we have to put a cattle guard there and we've done that, so now we can actually get people coming off of Hwy. 60. 00:28:08
We're looking at a name, a named celebrity. I don't know. I shouldn't say anything until we get them, but my name is Neil McCoy. 00:28:16
We're trying to get him to headline our July 3rd. 00:28:27
But that's going to be something that people have asked about these modular buildings we got from the from the school system. We 00:28:31
had a caretaker at one time, Michael Director that lived there. He is gone. That was his trailer, although we hate to have it 00:28:36
moved. 00:28:42
So we've got one of the modulators is going to be set. 00:28:47
As a housing, and I'm hoping housing. 00:28:51
Region 7 will help us with that if we if if the person qualifies to. 00:28:55
For rent, we're going to get that and then also there's going to be another modular, that'll be showers. 00:29:02
Bathroom, kitchen and a meeting facility for the RV park and the other modulars being moved over there to Zimmerly and we're going 00:29:07
to show that to the Friends of the Library so we can try to make that. 00:29:13
Presumably into a into a. 00:29:19
Judicial complex. 00:29:23
And so we're working with the schools. 00:29:24
Our natural gas trucks are. 00:29:27
They'll be here hopefully next week. 00:29:30
Finally, and we've gotten 3 dump trucks. 00:29:32
We did not get the gas farm that we were natural gas farm that we're going to build money for that, but we're looking for that we. 00:29:35
Still the the Senior Center is still working with the Gita. I don't know if the county, I don't know if the county Commission. 00:29:44
But the County Commission give us a building. 00:29:55
But they want to see a budget. 00:30:00
But so we're going to be asking the county Commission to give us the Vegeta building so we can. 00:30:03
Make sure that all the seniors up there and that's a huge number that that it's going to get served for and and Linda Maurice is 00:30:10
doing a great job with the with the Senior Center. 00:30:15
As you know. 00:30:20
We got 875, almost 900,000 for the for the gym and thanks to Representative Latimer and Senator. 00:30:22
So we got money for that. 00:30:31
But as is now, we have a million. 00:30:35
And I think Council Dina's had meetings already is that we're planning on what we're planning to do with that area with a million 00:30:37
that we have now. 00:30:40
We've got a new. 00:30:45
Activities Director, Mr. Padilla. 00:30:47
Who is looking into upgrading our? 00:30:49
Working physically. 00:30:53
But. 00:30:55
But, but see, Ruby didn't stand up. I didn't. 00:30:58
But but he's working on trying to upgrade the equipment so that it's more attractive down there and and that's something that he's 00:31:05
worked on a corn hole tournament and I hate that would but he's working on that. You got how many teams. 00:31:13
So that's that's that's going. 00:31:24
Pretty strong so and I know Steve has done a great job out there at the soccer field in the rodeo and I think coach accomplished 00:31:26
bringing a flag football or you bringing some teams like you did last year. 00:31:32
This number we've got, yeah, we've got a really big I think we had almost 1000 kids. 00:31:39
We, in fact, you know this, I mean, for all you football fans we just had. 00:31:44
Our first kid that was offered by, I mean not we, but in Mexico had their first kid who was offered by Alabama first time. Like 00:31:49
we've got a top, like two or three. 00:31:53
Offer from Makita, one of the kids that was at the camp this last year. 00:31:58
But anyway, yeah, we had all the best talent in the state here. 00:32:02
So that's going to be, I think that will be a big project, but the roadie arenas doing doing well, the Convention Center Des and 00:32:06
Shannon are doing great out there. 00:32:11
So all that all that stuff is going on. I want to try to get you at May not once a month goes to all the different directors. 00:32:16
Department directors and I'll send you her report for each of the departments and I think that'll help you with the stuff that's 00:32:24
that's going on. 00:32:29
I think that's Mr. 00:32:35
We also receive funding for matching a federal grant for. 00:32:38
So, so those lights that are that we almost have 700,000. 00:32:45
For lighting at studio park so we need to work with Southwest side Southwest. 00:32:50
On your project about reconfiguring. 00:32:55
The fields and everything. So we don't put the lights in the wrong place, but we've got, we've got matching. We have 380,000 from 00:32:57
the feds and we've got. 00:33:02
A mistake. So, so you know that ended up giving about 2.5 million, which is probably the most that we've. 00:33:09
You know the old story about if you don't ask, you don't get. And believe me they were. If you looked, you look through the list 00:33:16
of if you just go to the, I'm not sure which bill it was. But if you look and you can see every town and what they got starting 00:33:21
from Albuquerque down to. 00:33:25
Las Cruces and IS they gave out a billion dollars worth of projects. 00:33:31
Billion. Dollars. 00:33:37
We have, we received money for, you already know we received about a million to cover the, the, the. 00:33:40
Arena and for heating so we can have will have in the winter, we'll have a heated arena, indoor, basically indoor arena. We did 00:33:46
get money for CDBG project on Cuba Rd. 00:33:52
However, the estimates, the amount that it's going to cost to do it, it came up really, really high. So Donald has put in to do a 00:33:59
contingency. I think they have a where you can get money, extra money to do a project. We got about 800,000, we need a million 00:34:04
too. 00:34:10
Hello, yes Sir, due to inflation a lot of the. 00:34:16
Amount of the cost overruns of the CDBG projects. A lot of communities didn't apply because they knew that. 00:34:20
The match was going to be in a half $1,000,000. 00:34:25
So that left extra CDBG funding and that application should come out on the 29th. 00:34:28
And just to tell you about revenue, I mean it. 00:34:35
States getting money. 00:34:38
And I'm not sure where this came from. 00:34:40
But our grocery seats for the very first time. 00:34:43
Were 720,000. 00:34:47
We've never had. She's over 500. 00:34:50
And then we then we also get small cities. 00:34:54
And it was supposed to be, I think the Budget Committee had it for 230 and we got something like 530. 00:34:58
So financially we're in good shape and that's why I offered you guys some money or Councillor Salomi offered you some money, but 00:35:06
well, don't get the budget committees. But we are, but we are, you know, and again, I, I, I kind of alluded to the fact about 00:35:13
Zimmerly and Seracino. 00:35:19
And we haven't signed the agreement with my agreement with a, with a, with a Superintendent and the chairman of. 00:35:26
School board was that the city would inherit. 00:35:34
And so that we would then start thinking about programs in Saracen or whether they were vocational or 100% Socorro or other 00:35:38
programs. 00:35:44
Permanent, permanent place where the, you know we were talking about the. 00:35:51
Esports, maybe to have an arena like that at Saraceno, so there are things that we can do, We just have to be financially prudent 00:35:58
as to how we spend it. 00:36:03
So all that has been going on. And in the meantime, you know, we have a Police Department, we've got a fire department, we've got 00:36:08
an ambulance that just broke down after, I don't know, 300,000 miles or something like that. We've got animal control, dispatch. I 00:36:14
mean, there's we have what, 20, there's something like 20 departments. 00:36:21
And so all that. 00:36:27
Is the constant wheels going around? You know, they always tell people, when I used to watch the Ed Sullivan Show, this guy would 00:36:29
come up with these plates that he would want 10 plates. And he was always by the time you got to that plate, the last plate would 00:36:34
be going, had to run back there. 00:36:40
It's just not places, department heads. 00:36:49
So that's what we we try to keep putting energy into each. 00:36:52
Because, I mean, these guys just get worn out. I mean, that's. 00:36:56
GRT e-mail Do you think little? 00:37:00
I I hope. I hope so. But I don't. I'm not counting on it to go. I mean to to we've never, ever, ever, ever had $700,000 in 00:37:04
groceries. And I don't know if it's a highway project. 00:37:09
Do you think that's always in the back of my head is they made a mistake, They made a mistake in Santa Rosa about seven years ago 00:37:15
to the platoon of about a million two and they wanted their money back. 00:37:20
And of course politics that got out of it. But but that's the only thing, you know, we used to when we used to get a check like 00:37:26
that, we'd put it under our our blotter for about 3. 00:37:31
We wouldn't put it in the bank. I got a check from Enron once. 00:37:37
For $170,000 and Pat and I we just, we hit it underneath the bottom for three months thinking it was a mistake, but it wasn't a 00:37:41
mistake that Enron had to settle with because we buy national gas from at one time. But it's. 00:37:48
It's a little scary, really. 00:37:56
Because you don't know if it was a mistake or what, because there's no big project to tech. 00:37:58
You know you've got a big project coming up. The school's coming up. 00:38:04
The roads, the roads got that was a pretty good project, but I have no idea where that came from. 00:38:08
I don't know. I mean, you never can find out really, 'cause if you pay $1.00, they'll tell you that person pay, they won't give 00:38:19
you. 00:38:23
Well, which is proprietary, I mean. 00:38:27
But anyway, but just so that's kind of a little update on the. 00:38:29
Any largest tax up also that? 00:38:33
It's pretty steady and larger tax is pretty. 00:38:37
Even that month. 00:38:41
You know, larger tax usually. 00:38:43
Is 30,000. 00:38:46
35,000. 00:38:49
We get about 400,000. 00:38:51
And that that's not fluctuated much, it's and 1st responders are solid. 00:38:54
They're solid for the next 2-3 years. 00:39:00
They actually added a couple of and they're going into virtual which is being put into. 00:39:02
Thing up there, So that's. 00:39:08
But I don't know. 00:39:11
It is. 00:39:13
Did you find anything about? 00:39:16
Tech graduation. 00:39:18
It's May. 00:39:23
And that's already been reserved for the rodeo linen or it is going to be at the rodeo. So there's, you know, again, I think high 00:39:24
school wanted palm at the Convention Center. We're going to work with them. I think high school graduation, was it at that rodeo 00:39:28
or no? 00:39:33
I think it was, yeah. So, so those, I mean those. 00:39:38
Those facilities are getting used. 00:39:42
We're not getting a lot of money from the people who use them. 00:39:45
Marianne project going good. 00:39:49
We have the groundbreaking on Tuesday, February 27th at 11:00, so we'd like to invite the public. 00:39:52
To the groundbreaking. Oh, you're there. You're the Mayor Hotel. 00:39:59
But the but the same people that are demoing that did the dirt work at the junior high it's in Guzman construction is the same 00:40:04
people that did. 00:40:08
That One South just make a point. I'm sure everybody's aware of the fact that that rodeo arena went where it went. 00:40:12
Allowed the growth of Socorro to move out that way, to allow Marianne to put her her facility, to allow for a lot of things that 00:40:21
are the benefits that are they keep coming from the city building that rodeo arena. 00:40:29
And Hwy. 60, Project WE. 00:40:37
We're still waiting for the engineer to do the final scop. 00:40:39
Because that's going to be, I keep dreading the. 00:40:43
That. That junior high. 00:40:47
Because I'm hoping that the Highway 60 will be adequate along with Michigan. 00:40:50
To have the in and out. 00:40:55
200 people, they're going to be dropping people. 00:40:56
That's and then high school kids too, on top of. 00:41:00
That's that's my biggest concern of that area being congested. 00:41:03
So. 00:41:10
Street Projects The Fowler St. project is on the way. 00:41:13
The walkway. 00:41:17
That's going to get started in March, Lloyd. 00:41:18
And which And Manzanera. 00:41:21
Is going to get started. So we have about four projects in Cuba. Rd. will get started. Depending on that we can put the money 00:41:25
together. 00:41:28
So that's that's where we're at on that. And Mr. Mayor Center St. in Mccutchen will also be in March. McCutcheon. Yeah, so. 00:41:32
We're doing those. 00:41:39
Any old, old business that anybody wants to bring up? 00:41:42
I want to tell you that I do have the number. 00:41:46
For the substation. 00:41:50
And we're giving it to our financial people. 00:41:52
To do the pro forma as to what the cost will be per kilowatt? 00:41:57
Not letting the cat out of the bag. If I give you a number, it's 12 million. 00:42:03
That includes that includes a subst. 00:42:09
It includes the distribution. 00:42:12
And then includes about 5 things I can't remember. 00:42:15
Capacity is one thing, Capacity. 00:42:19
Yeah. So, and that that means new distribution lines to all the different businesses. 00:42:22
One of the five things is a backup transformer as well. In case anything happens with one or for maintenance it has to go offline, 00:42:27
we'll have a backup. 00:42:31
So just just to inform you on. 00:42:35
And then what we'll do is to take. 00:42:39
Number. 00:42:42
But as to what the revenue would? 00:42:45
But the good news? 00:42:48
There's grants out there that we have people. 00:42:50
Actually, I. 00:42:54
The gentleman that that Mary Ann's working with. 00:42:57
He also. 00:43:02
Grants for solar. 00:43:03
And substations. 00:43:05
And so he he figures he could probably get half of that in grants. 00:43:06
And from the money that people are putting into electric? 00:43:11
Right now. So so we have to work that number down and I know everybody's waiting for that one number which how much is it per 00:43:15
kilowatt, but that's, that's the number. 00:43:20
That we're looking at and I want to I will send you an article that I was in Durango the other day. The La Plata Electric has also 00:43:25
been fighting with tri-state and for three. 00:43:30
And so they have some. 00:43:36
Don't get take it from me, it's in the newspaper from Durango. About what? 00:43:39
Kind of trouble they've been having with tri-state. They're trying to leave trash state also. 00:43:44
And that's La Plata is a big, big and. 00:43:48
Again, like kit cars. 00:43:52
The Plata? That's that Durango. 00:43:55
They're 100% solar during the day. 00:43:57
They don't. They. They everybody that's 100%. 00:44:01
So that that's where everything's going and that's put a lot of pressure on the electric utilities because they actually. 00:44:05
Pushing solar. 00:44:13
The amount of capacity that these people were putting back into the grid was too much for the grid. 00:44:15
So they stop. They. 00:44:20
And that's in the article. But they stopped. 00:44:23
Pushing So. 00:44:28
So anyway, so that's that's the situation there. 00:44:30
Executive session. 00:44:36
I gave everything about the executive decision and. 00:44:37
There's intercession. 00:44:40
OK, So what do we got? Personnel matters. 00:44:44
You put that first before the marriage report. 00:44:49
OK. Well, we'll just do it then. 00:44:54
I believe there's more. 00:44:56
Well, that was an executive session. OK, job, job description. That's a job description, Donald, what is that? 00:44:59
Ruby is adjusting one of her. 00:45:08
But you adjusted her job description or that job gathered salary range in the job description. 00:45:19
Well, then it went from 40 to 50. Yes, Sir, yes. 00:45:28
Moved and seconded. 00:45:33
All in favor. 00:45:35
OK, so there she is there on the Clara Reyes on the personnel changes. 00:45:37
And that's an administrative delinquency and collection clerk, a 43. 00:45:42
At 7:27. 00:45:47
That's all I got. 00:45:50
I'll make a motion to approve the personnel changes. 00:45:52
Seconded discussion. 00:45:57
All in favor. 00:45:59
Business Registration, Eminem, Latin Plaster Manual, Gutierrez, Los Lunas. 00:46:01
Romero roofing Ponderosa, NM to you tob. 00:46:06
Endless Vials, Retail Tobacco, 401 Grant. 00:46:11
What is that? Is that the old triangle? 00:46:16
Yeah. 00:46:20
And then floor. 00:46:23
Paul Abraham, Epoxy. 00:46:25
Mr. Mayor. 00:46:28
Move, We approve the business. Registration is read. 00:46:30
With the secondary discussion all in favor. 00:46:34
A shift. 00:46:37
Very good. Thank you. 00:46:40
Good. 00:46:46
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