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Councillor Tavis Lopez, Councillor Dean. | 00:00:00 | |
Councillor Fleming, Councillor Hicks. | 00:00:04 | |
Councillor Ocampo Councillor Og. | 00:00:07 | |
Counsel, Romero, counselor. | 00:00:11 | |
He's on the speaker. | 00:00:15 | |
You're welcome. | 00:01:10 | |
People that are not on the agenda would like to make a comment. | 00:01:14 | |
No, no, no. How did Robert? | 00:01:24 | |
CPA give us some good information about our. | 00:01:30 | |
I'm happy, I'm happy with the operations. | 00:02:07 | |
Inside the general fund. | 00:02:42 | |
An area that I think needs a little bit of attention is your joint utility that you're mainly your water, sewer, gas, solid waste. | 00:02:44 | |
In here we have an operating loss on the full cool braces, full accrual basis of $521,000. When I look at the statement of cash | 00:02:55 | |
flows on the next page, net cash provided by operating activities on 26475 thousand dollars came in this year in 2024 and fiscal | 00:03:02 | |
year 2024 you're going to have $966,000 in debt service. | 00:03:09 | |
So what this indicates is you need upward pressure on your joint utility. With that in fiscal year 23 we're looking at here, you | 00:03:17 | |
had a significant increase in your cost of goods sold for natural gas went up 2.17 million. | 00:03:23 | |
Now this is something to take consideration. I've talked with Ruby at length about it. I think she has a very, very good | 00:03:30 | |
understanding of utilities and needed rate increases. I would defer to her and if she has any further questions or any of you call | 00:03:35 | |
me anytime we can talk about this at length. | 00:03:40 | |
Just to stop you, I think. | 00:03:47 | |
The natural gas increase in January and February that we had to offset because the city used their own cash reserves to pay some | 00:03:49 | |
of the bills instead of charging the customers. Is that what you're talking about as reflection of the pressure on the? | 00:03:57 | |
That is still going to be taking consideration in these statements and what that is, is you will see that in in the statement of | 00:04:07 | |
cash flows as net cash provided by. | 00:04:11 | |
It is here in non capital financing activities. | 00:04:17 | |
And yes. | 00:04:21 | |
If you do not take the natural gas extreme increase in consideration, it looks fine. But what would I need to take consideration? | 00:04:23 | |
What is natural gas going forward this year? I know you all implemented a contract. | 00:04:29 | |
We're in a hedging situation where. | 00:04:35 | |
We've kept the cost stable over a certain period of time. So hopefully we won't have that uptick again. So that's something to | 00:04:39 | |
absolutely take in consideration. But looking at these numbers, this tells the story that you need an increase, but that's why I | 00:04:44 | |
bring up that 2.17 million increase mainly like you said, January, February, it was insane gas prices and it happened to a lot of | 00:04:49 | |
people. | 00:04:55 | |
I just wanted to point that out to the councillor. | 00:05:02 | |
But that's that's what happened. If you look at that audit problem, Mr. Hicks, that's exactly what I was going to ask him. So when | 00:05:05 | |
I first looked at, I thought, whoa, wait a minute, the mayor went in and helped the people supporter try to help them and get | 00:05:09 | |
paid. | 00:05:14 | |
To help the people so they wouldn't have to pay so much and I want to make sure that that was included in there and not showing | 00:05:20 | |
such a big loss. Yeah, it it's still, it's still a part of operating activities. It's still a operating expense. | 00:05:27 | |
When we have natural gas, Natural gas as the cost of goods sold. | 00:05:35 | |
So it's in there and it's something that can take into consideration when you consider rate increases in the future and when | 00:05:39 | |
people throw off and frown upon ratings. But if you look at the long term viability of your utility and to serve your population | 00:05:45 | |
through throughout your lifetime, the next lifetime and throughout throughout the long term horizon, it's really best to charge | 00:05:52 | |
your population an adequate rate. | 00:05:58 | |
Acceptable. | 00:06:37 | |
It helped the citizenry not take such a hit when we are having substantial cost increases we've had for the past two years. | 00:06:37 | |
So with that with cost increases, we need increases in charges for services and you have done, you have increased charges for | 00:06:46 | |
services of rate about 2.1 million from 22 to 23. | 00:06:53 | |
So that has increased, but it's important to keep up with those increases and when you're on a good target, attach it to something | 00:07:00 | |
like ACPI Consumer price index. | 00:07:05 | |
So your utility is always tell people, think beyond your lifetime, think about for the next future generations, the next 102 | 00:07:11 | |
hundred, 300 years down the road, because that's what we do today and our infrastructure and so forth impacts future generations, | 00:07:17 | |
substantial people out there trying to make sure they're buying. | 00:07:23 | |
And you all have substantial more debt you've borrowed from for your joint utility that needs to be serviced with your joint | 00:07:31 | |
utility. So we need to take that into consideration. | 00:07:36 | |
And I'm just going to point out there's these notes detail this debt substantially. | 00:07:41 | |
And to get into your note, you're dead for. | 00:07:47 | |
All the for your entire government starts on page 43. It starts with your long term debt, your government. For your government, it | 00:07:50 | |
has each debt issuance and it has a schedule in here for governmental activities and business site deputies. It's debt service to | 00:07:57 | |
maturity and then it'll be broken down by principal interest, total debt service by year. | 00:08:03 | |
And it starts with governmental activities, with all your loans. | 00:08:10 | |
And pushes forward into your business type activities and it goes from loans payable to bonds payable. | 00:08:14 | |
To capital leases and it's important to look at all these schedules and everything is in here. | 00:08:21 | |
You have all the information right here to make very informed decisions on rate increases for utility. And if you all have | 00:08:27 | |
questions, please give me a call anytime I'm here to help you and make these financials absolutely as useful as possible. | 00:08:34 | |
So with that, I mean that that's the main area is looking at your utility, bringing that to your attention. Other words, you don't | 00:08:42 | |
have any findings. | 00:08:46 | |
There's nothing huge in here that I have any complaints about. Anything that I saw that you could get better? I give suggestions | 00:08:50 | |
all the time, but nothing came to the level of a finding. There's I I can always find this little things to suggest but. | 00:08:57 | |
This is a really well run city. It is Mr. Rogan. Make a motion and we pass resolution #23-12-19. | 00:09:04 | |
Move to 2nd discussion on FAIR for your presentation. Thank you. | 00:09:14 | |
OK, now for everybody that's here, We're going to go to the food truck discussion. | 00:09:21 | |
Councillor Dean, did you have a comment? I do. I have a statement. Mr. Mayor, Thank you. | 00:09:26 | |
I've been I've been targeted a lot on social media. It's mostly started during my campaign, saying I was abusing my power serving | 00:09:31 | |
on City Council. | 00:09:35 | |
Comments were that I bully folks at the hotels and I was intimidating them to send business to Bodega because of my position as a | 00:09:40 | |
counselor. | 00:09:44 | |
I did call hotels. | 00:09:49 | |
When we were open on select Sundays, it was at a time when the public was begging us to open, meaning all restaurants to open more | 00:09:50 | |
and be open on the weekends. All the hotels that I contacted, thank you for letting them know we were open. So was this bullying | 00:09:58 | |
or marketing? I think the public can decide. More recently, I've been targeted over this discussion for a resolution about food | 00:10:05 | |
trucks. First of all, I want to make it clear, but I don't believe anyone here is suggesting we get rid of food trucks. | 00:10:12 | |
Our local restaurants, as far as I'm aware, are not suggesting it either. | 00:10:20 | |
Speaking solely on behalf of Bodega, I don't believe our business is being affected by food trucks as has been suggested on some | 00:10:25 | |
of the posts and some of the comments. | 00:10:29 | |
I didn't have the opportunity to talk to a few of the food truck vendors 1 by phone and a couple of others face to face. I don't | 00:10:34 | |
believe there was any ill intent on their part by their comments or their replies to some of the posts on Facebook. | 00:10:42 | |
Although I do find the post to be unwarranted, I'm being bullied, stalked and harassed. | 00:10:49 | |
One of the posts suggested for people to call, text, e-mail and then even go to our homes to talk about this issue. | 00:10:55 | |
Once that post went up, I did receive a phone call from an individual. | 00:11:03 | |
Saying I was a horrible person and she didn't like what I was doing with my time. Glad to know she's here tonight. | 00:11:07 | |
That's where my heart sank and I realized this was getting out of control. | 00:11:13 | |
I received another call just. | 00:11:18 | |
But the guy said you'd be here tonight, so I hope he is. | 00:11:21 | |
The number of posts which just keep coming and coming are very concerning. | 00:11:25 | |
My family is being becoming somewhat concerned for my safety. Has been suggested to me to call the state police and file a report | 00:11:30 | |
or file a restraining order. At this time, I chose not to do that. | 00:11:36 | |
But instead I deactivated my Facebook. | 00:11:43 | |
Because it's just too toxic. | 00:11:47 | |
The thing about social media is those who post can block the comments all they want, all they choose to do. | 00:11:50 | |
So really, you control the narrative. | 00:11:57 | |
So tonight I will not be part of this discussion on this topic, even with my experience in this area. | 00:12:00 | |
With your permission. | 00:12:06 | |
I would like to also recuse myself from voting on the resolution that you are going to bring to this Council in the future. | 00:12:08 | |
Thank you. Thank you, the food. I don't know how many people are here representing food trucks. | 00:12:14 | |
OK, so you're here. | 00:12:20 | |
To hear what the city would like to see happen, that's happening in six cities that I've already. | 00:12:23 | |
Talk to TRC Berlin Las Lunas GR. | 00:12:30 | |
We've spoken with Las Cruces. | 00:12:34 | |
And they have an ordinance that they have for food trucks, which isn't costly to the food trucks, but it includes registration | 00:12:38 | |
fees. | 00:12:42 | |
It includes that you're getting your permits from the environmental department to have food in your place. | 00:12:46 | |
And the city owes it to the public to be able to be able to get that codified. | 00:12:52 | |
That's what we're trying to do. I really think that the food truck people are so much of A bully. | 00:12:58 | |
That they're trying to intimidate the City Council in America. Put that, put that picture up there. Who put this up? You guys are | 00:13:03 | |
from the food truck business. Who put this up? | 00:13:08 | |
Who? Who put that up on Facebook? | 00:13:16 | |
That's funny. You think that's funny? | 00:13:19 | |
That's funny to public officials that you threatened that somebody would want me to kill them. | 00:13:21 | |
You know, we serve here for your benefit. We serve here for the public and for you to come and try to intimidate people with that | 00:13:27 | |
kind of stuff really doesn't sit well with the mayor. | 00:13:31 | |
I think that's that's really horrible of whoever put that up that's responsible for that. If you guys weren't it, that's fine, but | 00:13:37 | |
whoever put that out, that was in the context of this food truck discussion. | 00:13:42 | |
And if you're that afraid of your business, then you've got a problem with your own business. We codify everybody's business when | 00:13:48 | |
it comes to grocery seats. | 00:13:52 | |
When it comes to public health issues, and we're going to do that with the food truck. | 00:13:57 | |
And I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't know what you guys are all upset about. | 00:14:01 | |
And have to put that kind of crap up on on social media and I'm having that track down as to who did that and turn that into the | 00:14:05 | |
police. | 00:14:09 | |
Because that's not acceptable to do that to public officials. | 00:14:14 | |
What I'm trying to get the council is. | 00:14:19 | |
Registration fees, which, if you've all done that business, registration, that's part of the ordinance. | 00:14:23 | |
If you have public health authorization, like all restaurants do, that's part of the ordinance. | 00:14:29 | |
If you have permission from the people that you're staying on their property with, that'll be part of the ordinance. | 00:14:34 | |
That's all we're proposing. | 00:14:40 | |
I just don't understand the. | 00:14:42 | |
Really. The attempt to intimidate and bully? | 00:14:45 | |
City offic. | 00:14:50 | |
I don't understand it A. | 00:14:51 | |
Unless you guys are that afraid of what you guys are doing, that might be wrong. | 00:14:53 | |
And you have a If you have a spokesman, I'd be more than happy to hear it from you. But Mr. Olga, take that off now. Yeah, I just | 00:14:58 | |
make. I just want to make a comment on this too. I don't have Facebook. I haven't had Facebook for over 2 1/2 years for specific | 00:15:03 | |
reasons like this. | 00:15:08 | |
We don't even know what we're doing. I would have told her whoever called me. | 00:15:41 | |
We haven't even discussed it yet. | 00:15:44 | |
The whole plan is, I mean the whole idea is that we bring it up, we have discussion, we have informative, constructive. | 00:15:46 | |
Discussions. | 00:15:53 | |
Involving all people that are involved to where we come up with an agreement where everybody's happy. There should be no reason | 00:15:55 | |
why we're going out and automatically, in my mind, from what I saw going out and and and making accusations and and doing all this | 00:16:01 | |
stuff without even having anything in front of, we don't even know what we we we haven't even decided on anything. | 00:16:07 | |
And I think that if we're a small enough community, like I said, there's been no reason why people get upset. There's been no | 00:16:14 | |
reason why we're getting stuff like that. I mean, again, we we talk to each other. We know each other. Just pick up the phone and | 00:16:17 | |
call and ask. That's it. | 00:16:21 | |
That's it. And it wouldn't even have to get to this point. We could have had this. I mean, we would probably be setting up the | 00:16:26 | |
next meeting with the food truck people to come up with ideas and restaurant people and what we can do next. That's it. That's all | 00:16:30 | |
I have. | 00:16:34 | |
Mr. Hicks, Mr. Mayor. | 00:16:39 | |
Thank you for coming. | 00:16:42 | |
I've been blasted pretty bad myself. | 00:16:46 | |
The main thing I was trying to get up last week is that we don't need food trucks in front of a restaurant. | 00:16:50 | |
Like I stated that I saw in Colorado. | 00:16:56 | |
We need to take care of. | 00:17:01 | |
I mean, I was getting hit with, they were telling me already that it was going to be 2000 feet from a restaurant. I mean, and I'm | 00:17:05 | |
going, no, we haven't seen anything yet. | 00:17:09 | |
I will get you some. | 00:17:16 | |
Someone selling Christmas trees that oh, I can't do this anymore, I said. You have enough to do with it. | 00:17:20 | |
These are fruit trucks. We're trying to make sure that our pain take care of our folks, which all your licenses make sure that you | 00:17:26 | |
are kept up. | 00:17:31 | |
But the. | 00:17:36 | |
That I went. | 00:17:38 | |
No one needs. | 00:17:41 | |
Now I'm happy that you did call me. I'm happy that you did talk to me. | 00:17:44 | |
I hope that I got some of your guys's answers. | 00:17:49 | |
Answered. | 00:17:53 | |
There's just so many things on this that people just assuming this or that or that or this. | 00:17:55 | |
Which is discussing. | 00:18:04 | |
And that is one of the very important things for you guys to get up here. But like the mayor said, believe it's not saying they | 00:18:07 | |
want to kill us. | 00:18:11 | |
I've never been told that before. | 00:18:17 | |
In all my years. | 00:18:20 | |
Now I know it hits hard at home. | 00:18:25 | |
But give us some credit for trying to get. | 00:18:28 | |
It worked out for everybody. | 00:18:32 | |
And once again, I apologize for some of the stuff I said, but one of the main things I don't believe a food truck needs to be | 00:18:35 | |
right on top of a restaurant. | 00:18:40 | |
The mayor is going to come up with an ordinance. I'm sure you have puppy carrying on it. The council vote on it. | 00:18:46 | |
And I hope it works good for everybody. | 00:18:53 | |
Guys, thanks again so very much for being here. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. | 00:18:56 | |
Yeah, I I just want to make a statement. I guess I'm kind of unique. I don't really. | 00:19:02 | |
I try to stay away from Facebook as much as I can. I just use it to post positive things and I love it whenever I see our youth or | 00:19:07 | |
our seniors or just people from the local community or people that have maybe lost touch with over time and the great things are | 00:19:12 | |
going on in their lives. I like that. | 00:19:17 | |
But I don't really want something turns negative. I don't really look at it I. | 00:19:22 | |
I'm kind of unique because. | 00:19:27 | |
I guess I got skin in the game. I'm a minority owner and a small business. It's a restaurant business in town. We also have a food | 00:19:29 | |
truck. | 00:19:33 | |
We open up for events. We've opened up for people out here that I frequent here. You know, I've got definite skin in the game. | 00:19:37 | |
I didn't see anything from the last meeting that like alarmed me and I actually had skin in the game, so I don't know where it, | 00:19:47 | |
like, escalated. | 00:19:51 | |
An attack on food trucks. I didn't see it. I did have to leave town shortly after the meeting, so I was really away, the couple | 00:19:56 | |
counselors I did talk to. | 00:20:00 | |
More recently when my wife had told me look at all the stuff that's going on. | 00:20:05 | |
I thought, man, that's not what I read between the lines, but maybe maybe something else was said, I don't know. | 00:20:09 | |
I can tell you that I am a capitalist. I believe that everybody should be able to do business. | 00:20:16 | |
Within the law, within the rules, I think it's so important that our. | 00:20:21 | |
Community gets served by people that are up to health codes, and I know how strict those guys can be, just like you guys do, | 00:20:24 | |
because I have to do them. I'm the one that gets called to fix the sink. | 00:20:29 | |
I'm the one that gets called to do all that kind of stuff. So I know how that is. And you know, taxes, licensing, legally parking | 00:20:33 | |
and all that stuff that's already been brought up. I think it's just up for discussion. Like if I was alarmed and here I'm a | 00:20:39 | |
minority owner in a food truck, you know, probably not nearly. | 00:20:45 | |
As as successful as you guys, but I do have skin in the game. | 00:20:52 | |
And so I would invite everybody that whenever this comes up next meeting or the meeting after for all of us to get up and talk | 00:20:57 | |
like Mike said, like we all, I mean. | 00:21:01 | |
You can call me anytime, come into my office, talk. I mean, I'd love that. I would appreciate it. | 00:21:06 | |
And the last thing I do want to say is there's there was one a couple comments that were made. | 00:21:11 | |
On Facebook that my wife has sent. | 00:21:17 | |
And they. | 00:21:20 | |
You know, then the council have better things to do to combat like drugs and violence and some other stuff too. | 00:21:21 | |
And I want to say this deep down in my heart. | 00:21:29 | |
If you guys have answers that you think can answer those questions. | 00:21:32 | |
Bring those up please. | 00:21:36 | |
Because everybody and their dog in the United States of America is searching for an answer to these questions. And if you look | 00:21:38 | |
back to any of our meetings, the stuff that we get that get brought up to us. | 00:21:43 | |
It's a real problem. | 00:21:49 | |
It's a real problem to our community. | 00:21:50 | |
And if you honestly think that we haven't spent time and effort, each one of us individually and collectively, to like, fight | 00:21:52 | |
these problems in town. | 00:21:57 | |
Like you're you're you're you're badly mist. | 00:22:01 | |
Like deep down inside my heart, I want to see a better support. | 00:22:04 | |
I don't want to deal with some of the things that we all deal with. So those are real, real, real problems. And I can promise you | 00:22:08 | |
this, I just because I have skin in the game, because I am a minority owner in that business. | 00:22:13 | |
But because I really care about this place. | 00:22:19 | |
If you think you've got answers to, or you've got some things to bring up that we're not doing right, I'll be the first one. Hey, | 00:22:21 | |
help me out. | 00:22:24 | |
Talk talk about what's going on over here that's helping out with the homeless. | 00:22:29 | |
The drugs, whatever, Bring it. | 00:22:33 | |
Like we want that. | 00:22:35 | |
Please, everybody search and nobody's figuring it out yet. | 00:22:37 | |
So please let us know. | 00:22:41 | |
That's all I have to say, Mr. Fleming. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. | 00:22:42 | |
You know those of you who are here tonight. | 00:22:46 | |
We thank you for being here. It shows an interest on a topic. | 00:22:50 | |
Everyone up. | 00:22:56 | |
Has many topics. | 00:22:59 | |
We get them every. | 00:23:01 | |
I can walk into Walmart to get a gallon of milk and it can be an hour before I leave. | 00:23:04 | |
None of these city councillors, and many of them are past students. | 00:23:11 | |
There's a lot of my past students sitting in the audience. | 00:23:16 | |
We're not here to pick on anybody but. | 00:23:20 | |
Is way out of line. | 00:23:23 | |
If you think that's all we are here. | 00:23:26 | |
You're sad and stable. | 00:23:30 | |
And I taught you. | 00:23:32 | |
I get a lot better job than that. | 00:23:36 | |
If you are here for a concern. | 00:23:39 | |
Do it in person, not on a Facebook page. | 00:23:43 | |
Believe there anything's on Facebook, You're way off. | 00:23:49 | |
When this discussion first came up. | 00:23:52 | |
You know, my thinking was, you know, we were just going to discuss. | 00:23:58 | |
Legal and safety the licensing, the health and property you know nothing more and and not to do anything to stop it and and going | 00:24:03 | |
with a comment from council I was approached by somebody too that you know basically says you know you people have bigger fish to | 00:24:10 | |
fry and we do but we deal with all different. | 00:24:17 | |
Issues, you know, So you know, there's there's all kinds of fish out there to fry, but you know. | 00:24:26 | |
We're doing the best we can, but like I say, I we were just trying to look at an ordinance where. | 00:24:33 | |
I think more for public safety than anything else. Just make sure things are legal. | 00:24:39 | |
They're abiding by health codes. What? | 00:24:46 | |
Both might be for food trucks, you know, Those are the kinds of things I thought we would be looking into. | 00:24:48 | |
Thank you. | 00:24:54 | |
We've said a lot of stuff. If there's somebody that would like to make some comments or more than one or 10 or whatever, be more | 00:24:56 | |
than happy to hear that. | 00:24:59 | |
But what I'm going to propose is something that's a step for permitting a mobile food business and every city has it. We don't | 00:25:04 | |
have it. And that's one of the things that we need to codify. And basically all it is, is registration. | 00:25:09 | |
A permit from according to this is a permit from the for the food business, from the environmental department and. | 00:25:16 | |
Making sure. | 00:25:25 | |
The access that you have your your business on. | 00:25:27 | |
OK, by the person who owns the property or if you want to be yourself, that's basically all we're going to do. But we haven't | 00:25:31 | |
codified that. And that's one of the things is lacking as far as the city is concerned because as you've already said, there's, I | 00:25:37 | |
mean you there's a lot of food truck people out here and we want to make sure that we do it in an orderly fashion. | 00:25:44 | |
Mr. Oliver and gross receipts, I mean, everybody pays gross receipts. And that's the thing too. The gross receipts go to help pay | 00:25:51 | |
for the roads that you guys are parking your food trucks on. | 00:25:55 | |
So we want to make sure that then that's we're making sure everybody's accounted for and that everybody's contributing. | 00:26:00 | |
The community the way they should be. That's it. | 00:26:07 | |
Basically it. | 00:26:09 | |
Get your New Mexico Combined Reporting System CRS number. | 00:26:12 | |
Which for here is defined AS25. If you're in Belen, it's going to be different. If you're in Magdalena, it's going to be | 00:26:16 | |
different. | 00:26:19 | |
And we just want to make sure that everybody has that that's in business in the city of Socorro. | 00:26:22 | |
And that you have your permit and like I said, you have some sort of a written thing or the person who owns the property had | 00:26:28 | |
something written saying you're allowed to be here, Mr. Hicks. | 00:26:32 | |
Let me just say one more quick things that you know the. | 00:26:37 | |
The people that own the property that you're parking on. | 00:26:41 | |
We need to take care of them too. | 00:26:45 | |
They pay Gro. | 00:26:48 | |
It's something that needs to be looked at and like the mayor said, put a committee together if you want to answer or ask some of | 00:26:51 | |
those questions. | 00:26:56 | |
At this time, I think the mayor won't be happy to listen to. | 00:27:01 | |
Yeah, go ahead. Come on up and just introduce yourself and tell us who you are. | 00:27:06 | |
Sit down. | 00:27:12 | |
I was in the audience whenever we when this was being discussed. | 00:27:17 | |
I actually didn't think about it. I I heard what the mayor said, heard what the council said and and that there's businesses | 00:27:22 | |
paying ghost receipts and we just want to make sure everybody's paying, you know, their fair share or whatever. I actually looked | 00:27:26 | |
at it differently. I had looked at it as protecting the food trucks. | 00:27:31 | |
In regards to I, and I didn't get any of the calls yet, but umm, you know, I see food trucks that don't belong to Socorro. They're | 00:27:36 | |
coming to town. | 00:27:39 | |
And I would imagine that they don't have the proper paperwork. If they don't follow our protocol, then really we're protecting | 00:27:43 | |
them. | 00:27:47 | |
And saying, hey, some code enforcement should say, hey bud, do you have your stuff? Because we're taking away from their food | 00:27:51 | |
trucks. | 00:27:54 | |
If they're coming into town, that's more of a competing business than a sit down restaurant in my opinion. | 00:27:59 | |
So that's kind of the way I looked at it. I hadn't got a phone call about it. I'm kind of. | 00:28:04 | |
We have vendors that come in and sell hardware that come in and sell sticks and so we're we're trying to get that. | 00:28:11 | |
Was my concern when it was brought up. So I looked at it differently. I didn't look at it as I looked at it from kind of | 00:28:19 | |
protecting the food trucks from maybe outside food trucks coming in. But you know when you try to, when you try to do that. | 00:28:26 | |
And free enter. | 00:28:35 | |
We're trying to. We're not trying, not trying to exclude them, but we want to make sure they follow our rule. Yeah, there's a | 00:28:38 | |
protocol that they follow, right? So they can't just pop up here one day a week without following our protocol. A lot of these, I | 00:28:43 | |
have good relationships amongst these food trucks. They go to our wrestling events, they serve our wrestlers. So I have nothing. I | 00:28:48 | |
really like them a lot. So I actually looked at it in reverse that we were. | 00:28:53 | |
Appreciate your comments. Yeah. Mr. Fleming. | 00:28:58 | |
You know, we have such a turn out tonight. | 00:29:01 | |
Maybe the vendors, food truck vendors who are here tonight should form a committee. | 00:29:05 | |
And that committee, Appro? | 00:29:12 | |
The mayor sat down and talked over ideas of what can be done. | 00:29:14 | |
To make things better. | 00:29:20 | |
And at the same time. | 00:29:23 | |
I think that committee should police themselves and find out who posted that. | 00:29:25 | |
And make a collection. But did you know Ernie Robert, this is not going to impact your finances? | 00:29:31 | |
Anymore than what you already? | 00:29:39 | |
We're still talking the $25 business registration. You still have to pay. I don't know what you pay 120 bucks for. | 00:29:41 | |
Health sticker and then you have the permission of the person that you have, the real estate that you're on have to have their | 00:29:48 | |
permission and we're going to ask for that because the people who own the. | 00:29:55 | |
Baymont or whoever owns, they have to come to the city and ask the city to allow them to put vendors on their property and they | 00:30:04 | |
have to get that permission, so. | 00:30:09 | |
And I think RadioShack did that too. So that's that. We're not doing anything more than that. There's nothing more. | 00:30:14 | |
Onerous are pressuring the food truck. That's it. | 00:30:23 | |
There's other things that they do in Las Cruces that they charge, like $200 to plug in once a month if you plug in through a City | 00:30:27 | |
Park. Other places that charge $20 every time if you plug into a city thing. But that's all we're going to do. | 00:30:34 | |
This is not anything restrictive at all that you aren't already doing. We're just trying to codify it so the city has this on | 00:30:41 | |
their books for future administration. That and it is a small, you're right, it's there's a lot of fish to fry. This is a small | 00:30:49 | |
one and obviously it got a lot of, I don't know, anybody selling fish in the food trucks. But but we are trying to just codify | 00:30:56 | |
this stuff and I know it's your business and that's why you're here. It's your livelihood and I know that's why you're here, but. | 00:31:03 | |
I'm also here to defend my city Councilor, and I'm also here to defend the city and what they have to do to do their job and and | 00:31:10 | |
and codifying and putting together resolutions and ordinances. | 00:31:16 | |
Yes, Sir, coming. | 00:31:25 | |
I'll be the first one to speak. Mr. Mayor. Council members, I'm the same way as you. | 00:31:27 | |
I don't go off negativity. You can look at all my Facebook posts. There's no. | 00:31:34 | |
I did see the one about Deborah Dean. | 00:32:09 | |
With all the numbers and names on it, I just passed right by it didn't even click on it, the rest of the link or nothing, you | 00:32:11 | |
know, and that's not who I am. And. | 00:32:16 | |
About the food truck, I did not. I heard a lot of stuff from other people. | 00:32:21 | |
That was. | 00:32:26 | |
Going on. | 00:32:29 | |
But when I read in the paper is when I said OK, I gotta go see what you guys are talking about because I know the papers puts in | 00:32:31 | |
pretty much. | 00:32:35 | |
You know, when we have video of everything. So if you want to look through them, yeah, I've seen some of the video, Yeah, you | 00:32:39 | |
know. | 00:32:41 | |
But again, this is what we're talking about right now. You guys are hearing it. And I'm saying that this is not going to be any | 00:32:45 | |
different than what you're already doing, except we're codifying. We do what we codify codes for future administrations and | 00:32:52 | |
ordinances. We have ordinances on all kinds of stuff. And that's what we're trying to do. And that's why I'm here, to hear out of | 00:32:58 | |
your mouth to see what's going on. I mean, people are saying you're going to ban us from parking in town. | 00:33:04 | |
Be a part of the process. Be a part of everything. | 00:33:11 | |
I can say I was like one of the original food trucks. It was me and her. | 00:33:16 | |
When I came in and talked to you Mayor, and a few you guys that have been here, you. | 00:33:21 | |
Robert, you're the first one that's been. | 00:33:26 | |
We don't know what's going on, I said. But when we get to that road, we'll cross it, and we're here at the road and we're going to | 00:33:29 | |
cross it. | 00:33:32 | |
And that one. | 00:33:36 | |
And that's pretty much why we're here. Just get it on in public and put some sunshine on it. That's what we're doing. Yeah. And | 00:33:39 | |
I'm just basically going to follow what's already been done in other cities. We just haven't done it. And I just wanted to make | 00:33:45 | |
sure we do it because it looks like the food truck business is going up and up. And that's great. I mean, everybody, everybody's | 00:33:50 | |
happy with that. We haven't even talked about putting a food truck area. | 00:33:56 | |
So all that can happen, but we still have to codify certain things that that we have to do as a city and that's what we're doing | 00:34:03 | |
and as I said. | 00:34:06 | |
And I've repeated again, it's not anything that you're not already doing. | 00:34:10 | |
But we want to be able to be able to check on it and if somebody comes in from out of town say, well this is what our ordinance | 00:34:14 | |
says. Are you doing this? Yeah. So that that's where we're at. And and the other thing is these little pop up tents that are | 00:34:21 | |
popping up, you're handing out business license, you need to check their license first. | 00:34:28 | |
One is the health environment. | 00:34:35 | |
I think that's another point too. You know, I've gotten probably half a dozen complaints in the last two years on food trucks. | 00:34:39 | |
And every single one of them has come from a food truck own. | 00:34:47 | |
On a pop-up tent or a pop-up something, they're like, there's no way they're up to health code. Yes, and I know that it's a fact | 00:34:51 | |
because I know what health code is very difficult. | 00:34:56 | |
And it and it's and it's hard. I'm looking at, I'm looking at Albuquerque's permitting right now. And if you guys all want to look | 00:35:02 | |
at it, I mean it's. | 00:35:06 | |
We'll put it on. We'll put it on the. On the, yeah. It's like, I mean, we're not even. | 00:35:10 | |
I don't know. Yeah, you're exactly right. I mean, if that's what worries me, you can walk up to my window and I have all my | 00:35:14 | |
permits up on my window. I came in here with all my permits years ago when I first opened it up, and they're still there. I still | 00:35:21 | |
pay my city stuff. I need to pay and I'm all up and legit. When I walked in here, I made sure I had all that stuff. | 00:35:28 | |
You know and. | 00:35:36 | |
You know, the whole business is very tough. | 00:35:37 | |
You can't cook chicken and fish out of your food truck. You can, but it's very, very hard. | 00:35:40 | |
You gotta store properly. You gotta cool down, food properly. You gotta wipe down, sanitize the parts per million. The bleach. You | 00:35:45 | |
just can't dump the whole thing of bleach and and a little bit of water. You know the the health inspector came to me a new one. | 00:35:50 | |
His name's Chris. | 00:35:55 | |
And first thing he asked me is where should sanitizer? | 00:36:01 | |
I got him right here. Check my sanitizing. Put it up against his little meter. Perfect. You got to be. They have to be certain. | 00:36:05 | |
You just can't be. | 00:36:09 | |
Any jokes more off the street opening up a food cart? But I'm trying to give my code enforcement people something that they can | 00:36:14 | |
have something look and do something with or take somebody to Municipal Court. Right now I don't have anything like that. | 00:36:20 | |
You know, and that's what we're trying to do and that that's all we're trying to do. We're not trying to put anybody out of | 00:36:27 | |
business. | 00:36:30 | |
We're trying to Spotify again. I keep using that word codify, but that's what city business is. We're trying to get these things | 00:36:33 | |
for future. | 00:36:36 | |
Administ. | 00:36:41 | |
And that's all we're doing Again, I. | 00:36:42 | |
Emphasized and. | 00:36:44 | |
From me to you guys, there's going to be no change in the amount of money that you already are spending. It's not going to be | 00:36:47 | |
increased or anything like that. It's just going to be made into. | 00:36:51 | |
Specific Ord. | 00:36:56 | |
You know $25 for registration for business, whatever your health permit is. Health permits 200. The managers permits 100. | 00:36:59 | |
The just city is 25 bucks. You got another permit just for $25.00. But I got to have this something for the code enforcement | 00:37:08 | |
people to look at and see exactly, this is our this is our ordinance. You guys aren't following it and then we can take it to | 00:37:15 | |
court if we have to. That's where we're at. And these people cooking out of their houses. I just don't understand it. It's | 00:37:23 | |
happening. I I talked to the health, the health inspector, he's the new guy in town and he said he's very. | 00:37:30 | |
Iffy about it too. | 00:37:38 | |
You gotta have a restroom so far from your kitchen, it can't be right there right next. | 00:37:40 | |
Jerry Ford. Yeah, we had Jerry Ford here, but you know, they moved the office out of town. Yeah, health office. We've been dealing | 00:37:46 | |
with them out of Belen now where they're coming from, they just appointed a new one down here. | 00:37:51 | |
We have a kitchen that the city sponsors along with you know the the, the, the food, commercial kitchen, commercial kitchen. I | 00:37:58 | |
know you have the house spectre there, the permit, but I I'm wondering if the people in the kitchen had the permits to actually | 00:38:03 | |
cook in there. | 00:38:08 | |
You you what I understand You rent it out, so you use your permits, you cook your food in there using that, the community | 00:38:14 | |
kitchens, equipment and Clinton sanitization and basically it's like a restaurant from my understanding. | 00:38:20 | |
And I got over when it's actually the next where'd they go? And then, but that's not here or there, but. | 00:38:29 | |
If somebody can open it up, you need to check verify they have all their permits. | 00:38:36 | |
Philly Jim. Yeah, Philly Jim, yes. But the one at the Rodeo is the one who was wondering if they had their permits to cook in | 00:39:12 | |
there. | 00:39:16 | |
Who's there, Sh. | 00:39:19 | |
Anybody cooking over there? | 00:39:23 | |
I haven't seen anybody. Could they do that, though? They bring home pyramids. Yeah. Yeah. I'll look into that. Yes, I was there. | 00:39:25 | |
No, that's fine. That's fine. Oh. | 00:39:30 | |
Let me clarify it. | 00:39:35 | |
Steve, is somebody cooking over there at the soccer building? | 00:39:38 | |
No. OK. Well, we'll look into it though, to make sure they have a permit. They have a permit from the health department before | 00:39:46 | |
they come cooking. | 00:39:49 | |
Anyway, anyone else learning? Anybody from the back there come? | 00:39:53 | |
Thank you, guys. You're welcome. Thank you for coming. | 00:40:01 | |
You guys are talking about outcasts on the Outcasts, where you from the land? | 00:40:05 | |
Right, like that. Oh, Chris. | 00:40:12 | |
I'm a founder of Big Mike's in Berlin. | 00:40:15 | |
Been in business since 2000. | 00:40:18 | |
But I've been dealing with Socorro since 2002. | 00:40:20 | |
When Deborah Dean was in tourism. | 00:40:23 | |
Always used to bring me in here. | 00:40:27 | |
Never had a problem, so I commented on, that Facebook page says. I don't know what you know. She's bringing back here 2002. | 00:40:29 | |
What seems to be the problem? | 00:40:36 | |
I get a call from her. You know, Chris, it's not you. We're just trying to implement, you know, different things. And I said OK, | 00:40:38 | |
that's fine, which needs to be done. | 00:40:42 | |
I hold a permit in Albuquerque. | 00:40:47 | |
Berlin, Wolski Farms, Socorro, Valencia County. So I know all about permits. | 00:40:49 | |
So I know you guys are doing the right thing. | 00:40:56 | |
You need to, I guess. Somebody just started a flame and it just burned out of control. | 00:40:59 | |
You know, so that's what we're here for, yeah. But I mean to implement. | 00:41:05 | |
The right thing is. | 00:41:09 | |
But that's what, like you said, to start out a group. I think that would be nice. | 00:41:11 | |
You know, we get all together, get with you. | 00:41:15 | |
As I come to Sakura once, twice. | 00:41:17 | |
So I'm here a lot. We're going to try to get you out of town. | 00:41:20 | |
No, but you know, I mean, what do you cook? Burgers. Philly steaks? | 00:41:26 | |
Over there at Baymont. | 00:41:32 | |
Yes, by the red wagon. With with the red wagon when he's there. Yes. Well, but you know what? I I got a call and it was a | 00:41:34 | |
disturbing call from the. | 00:41:38 | |
The school of so. | 00:41:44 | |
They wanted us to feed the football team. | 00:41:45 | |
Why are you going to bring somebody? Here's the coach right there, you know, from out of town. | 00:41:48 | |
When nobody wants to do it. | 00:41:52 | |
You know, they went to people in. | 00:41:54 | |
Nobody wanted to help. | 00:41:57 | |
So I'm willing to help the kids. I'm here for the kids. I don't know what you're saying. | 00:41:59 | |
Let me say something. So anytime I'm the football coach and I remember that, I appreciate it. The schools don't call anybody for | 00:42:05 | |
that and either do I or it was a parent, Yeah. | 00:42:10 | |
Yeah, if a parent gives us a donation, we never ask where it comes from or anything, and whoever shows up shows. | 00:42:17 | |
Yes, reached out to some restaurants in Socorro. | 00:42:24 | |
Which didn't want didn't want to help but that's like A1 sided story. I mean I got the other people here but what I'm saying is | 00:42:26 | |
and and. | 00:42:30 | |
Restaurant, everybody. I think in Sakura, like in Berlin, Yeah, we all try to help and yes. | 00:42:34 | |
Again, when I made a comment about somebody coming from out of town, we just have to have. | 00:42:40 | |
All the other cities, and I think Los Lunas is the roughest. | 00:42:45 | |
Town to deal with with permits. | 00:42:52 | |
Because you can't if. | 00:42:55 | |
If you park at somebody's property. | 00:42:57 | |
It doesn't matter if it's that owner of that business, it's got to be the property owner. | 00:42:59 | |
Not the business owner. | 00:43:06 | |
So that's, but again, you know those are the things we're going to work out and I'm glad everybody, I hope everybody's here that | 00:43:08 | |
is affected, but again. | 00:43:12 | |
We're doing just a generic type of ordinance. It is not anything that is going to be more than what you're already dealing with, | 00:43:17 | |
except we're just going to, again, I'll use that word like burritos and more, you know, He reached down, he says about the about | 00:43:22 | |
the inspector and this and that. Well, we reached out to the inspector many a times, but you know what she told me? We're not the | 00:43:26 | |
police. | 00:43:31 | |
We can't catch everybody. We can. But you know what? They stay on top of who they want to stay on top of. My chief of police had a | 00:43:37 | |
food truck. So, you know, yes, well, that's what I'm just saying, you know, the ones that the ones that are doing it illegally are | 00:43:42 | |
going to keep on doing it. And that's just that's just want to make sure. | 00:43:47 | |
Something that we can. | 00:43:54 | |
Yeah. | 00:43:56 | |
Huh. Christ. | 00:43:58 | |
You're absolutely right. That's the thing here in the property Owner Collector Constitutional use permit to allow transient | 00:44:01 | |
vendors. So the only two parties are Planning and Zoning. | 00:44:07 | |
I've met with a lot of you and so I I know that that the majority of you are aware, but right now the only two places are the | 00:44:14 | |
Baymont. | 00:44:18 | |
And. | 00:44:23 | |
South of RadioShack, those are the two approved where the property owners have come in and obtained special use permits to have | 00:44:25 | |
transient vendors now if other businesses. | 00:44:30 | |
The owner of the property wants to do that, or is interested in doing that to give you guys more of. | 00:44:36 | |
A selection as to where you park it would be the property owner, so we're like that as well. | 00:44:43 | |
Hi. | 00:44:49 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Big Mike. | 00:44:52 | |
Chris, Chris, Chris, you're big, Mike. | 00:44:55 | |
I'm Eric Sanchez. A lot of people in this town know me because I feed a lot of people at Tech. I don't like standing behind these | 00:45:04 | |
because I have been incarcerated a lot and it feels like I'm in court, so. | 00:45:09 | |
You just said something that even conflicts with a piece of paper that I have in my binder. When I moved here, COVID had been | 00:45:17 | |
ramping up. | 00:45:21 | |
And I was given a sheet of paper from somebody I don't know who was. I've talked to some. Everyone was like this when I met them, | 00:45:25 | |
so I don't even recognize anyone that didn't have a mask on. | 00:45:29 | |
Like there was three listed things on that piece of paper. One of them was the Plaza. | 00:45:35 | |
Which is where wandering scorpions always out. And the only reason what we should set up there is because that piece of paper that | 00:45:41 | |
we have says that that's one of the listed places. | 00:45:45 | |
Public places are owned by you and you can park there OK? | 00:45:51 | |
And. | 00:45:58 | |
Private. Yeah, so the public places. We don't need a thing from the city now if you plug in. | 00:46:00 | |
Or if you take up more space like one guy did at one time. | 00:46:06 | |
Then there's a problem. But if you're just taking up a parking space and you're selling out of there, the city is not going to | 00:46:11 | |
bother you. I mean, I own a cart and Kendall from Wondering Square Point. I own a cart. And our rules are a lot more stringent | 00:46:16 | |
because we're not allowed to cook anywhere on like, we're not allowed to break down food on the grill. We're not allowed to have | 00:46:21 | |
anything raw. We have to have a commissary. Because I operate even in Deming, I got one. I got a commissary in Truth and | 00:46:26 | |
Consequences. | 00:46:32 | |
I live in Daddle. | 00:46:37 | |
Tech has kept me busy since I moved here in 2020. | 00:46:40 | |
And I think the biggest problem that's happening right now is that he said, she said. | 00:46:43 | |
The fact that there is nothing I can stare at right now that says this is the way it should. I mean, I have my, I have insurance, | 00:46:48 | |
I got like 2,000,000 aggregate on my cart, but I mean. | 00:46:54 | |
Like there's nothing in like you're saying codifying it. It doesn't say that this is allowed. This is not allowed. It like the | 00:46:59 | |
people that are winging it aren't doing it. | 00:47:04 | |
To subvert because you know on Friday you're allowed to sell here, but on Tuesday because of the festival. | 00:47:09 | |
Problem with parks, when you have a softball tournaments, when you're having stuff at the road. So we may have to control that a | 00:47:18 | |
little more than we would normally, just a parking public area so that we need to just we need to put that down on paper. And of | 00:47:24 | |
course, you know, like like Game Changer said, like Cortana, I'll call her out, 'cause she sucks the the person that's over the | 00:47:30 | |
Los Lunas. | 00:47:35 | |
Environmental The first time I met her, she literally cut my line and sat cross legged while she screwed in me. And I mean that | 00:47:41 | |
was my first impression of New Mexico environmental. I mean like talking down to me from a sitting position was crazy. | 00:47:48 | |
But I mean like like all of us, in order to get a business license, a health inspection, we have to have a business license, get a | 00:47:54 | |
business license, we have to have a tax ID, and most of us have a tax ID, have an EIN as well. So I mean if there was a folder, | 00:48:01 | |
like I even brought my folder, if a folder existed that said, you have to have this, this, this. | 00:48:07 | |
Or you can't sell here would be the easiest way to rectify anything you're saying. | 00:48:14 | |
I'm not. And I'm not speaking against the people. I've had some really great meals from people I know there aren't there. Aren't | 00:48:18 | |
legal. I mean, like like when I was a truck driver, the best tamales and burritos on the planet came from a whale of stricken | 00:48:23 | |
trunk. And I did. | 00:48:27 | |
You know, you take you the responsibility of eating that food and maybe getting, you know, diarrhea or whatever. That's your | 00:48:32 | |
that's your deal. | 00:48:35 | |
But if you're talking about like ordinances and stuff like that, I mean there's a really simple way to do it without. | 00:48:38 | |
You know, overly complicating things, which is what sounds like is going on. | 00:48:44 | |
And we want to have public hearing once we start that process. Yeah, because I've I've operated a food cart in four different | 00:48:48 | |
states now and they in New Mexico follows for cart usage, the new the FDA guidelines for cart usage and it it would be prudent for | 00:48:54 | |
you all to have a copy of that. | 00:48:59 | |
Be a big help. I would appreciate that because I'm only speaking for myself in Canada. | 00:49:06 | |
We have to do different things that they do because we're we have no. | 00:49:13 | |
You know, we don't have a quadruple sink. We don't have four walls that contain us, so we're only allowed to serve it like a | 00:49:18 | |
certain way. And I I have all those pretty much memorized, so. | 00:49:23 | |
We're just trying to get. | 00:49:30 | |
Like, yeah, Like I would like to be lumped in with them because the amount of scrutiny we already get as card owners, like I have | 00:49:35 | |
no intention of ever moving indoors because I do so much catering. | 00:49:40 | |
It doesn't make any sense to buy a food truck to do what I'm doing now when it's you know. Anyway, I appreciate your comments. | 00:49:45 | |
Thank you. | 00:49:48 | |
By the way, he's got an excellent BBQ beef sandwich. | 00:49:52 | |
Anyone come on? | 00:49:56 | |
All right, So here, actually, he's a resident. I don't own a food truck. And I have your name. Oh, my name is Ryan. | 00:50:07 | |
Thank you, Thurston. Last, Ronnie Norris, sorry. And so I came because just today I saw some stuff on social media, none of the | 00:50:13 | |
violence or threats or numbers, I wouldn't be here otherwise, but I was under the impression that an ordinance was going to be | 00:50:18 | |
discussed today. So now I know I'm wrong. I came to speak in support of food trucks. But this leads me to something that I didn't | 00:50:24 | |
expect to talk about, which is. | 00:50:29 | |
Perhaps it could be easier. | 00:50:35 | |
What's going to happen at meetings and what's happening in? | 00:50:38 | |
I know that I can watch the video. | 00:50:41 | |
And I know that once minutes are approved, I can read. | 00:50:43 | |
But in this case, I just saw a food truck discussion on the agenda. And maybe there's ways that I don't know. I know it's here in | 00:50:46 | |
2020 during COVID, so I'm still learning about the town. But yeah, so I guess one request is. | 00:50:52 | |
Please make it easier for us to know when things are going to be proposed and how, because they don't come and speak in favor. | 00:50:59 | |
But you know the evolution of this discussion. | 00:51:05 | |
Input from both sides and then the next step would be for administration to present a draft ordinance to the council. | 00:51:10 | |
The council looks at it, yes, they go with it, then we start, we have to publish it. | 00:51:20 | |
Six weeks. | 00:51:25 | |
This one will be 14 days minimum. So there's this evolution of process of getting to it. Have to have public hearings if there's | 00:51:28 | |
people. | 00:51:32 | |
Say, well, this is not the way we think it was going to be. Then the council will listen to that and decide whether they want to | 00:51:38 | |
amend it or delete some of the stuff. So there's a process we go through and and on the agenda item it was food truck discussion. | 00:51:44 | |
So that that's kind of what we're having now is that discussion. | 00:51:51 | |
Thank you. You know, I think the public is great that we've gotten participation. Usually it's only us here. So it's it's that's | 00:51:55 | |
important and when we hit a hot topic, we're open and we're open for business. We're not here closing the door behind somebody and | 00:52:01 | |
saying that's how we're going to do this. We're, we're open, we're open. We don't go to executive session. We look at everything | 00:52:06 | |
and talk about it in public. | 00:52:12 | |
And my feelings were a little bit hot to begin with, and that was partly because I was trying to defend Councillor Dean and some | 00:52:19 | |
of the stuff that was going on. But I think things have calmed down a little bit and that's because of the council is a lot calmer | 00:52:24 | |
than I am. So they're doing a good job with that. | 00:52:28 | |
And Mr. Mayor, Mr. Minute, our agendas are posted to our website a minimum of 72 hours before every meeting. It's usually even | 00:52:34 | |
sooner than that, but at minimum 72 hours. So it will be up every Friday at the latest before the meeting. And we have our | 00:52:39 | |
meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Mr. Mayor, Mr. Oliver. And now everybody knows how to find our phone | 00:52:44 | |
numbers and everything too. So if you do have a question on the agenda, call us and ask us what's going on, the other public | 00:52:49 | |
information. | 00:52:55 | |
I got it on my, but it's good to have the public come also to talk about what you're just saying. I think it's important to. | 00:53:02 | |
Get involved in the discussion. We're small enough town that we should be able to do. | 00:53:07 | |
Thank you. Are you are you a tech student or? Oh, I'm a professor at Jacket. Assistant professor. | 00:53:12 | |
It's OK I. | 00:53:18 | |
Sorry. It's OK. Well, welcome, Professor. Thank you. So great. | 00:53:20 | |
Have we talked it out? | 00:53:29 | |
But look for the look. Look for the discussion and the paperwork on black and white. Is that what I'm saying is actually what's | 00:53:32 | |
going to be on paper? | 00:53:35 | |
And that's got to be advertised. | 00:53:39 | |
So that's important for you to see it as as Mr. Partridge was. | 00:53:42 | |
What? You hear what? | 00:53:47 | |
And then what's in the paper? Sometimes it's not the same thing, so it's important to come to the meeting and see the. | 00:53:49 | |
What's actually on paper that's going to be discussed? It'll be the ordinance. | 00:53:56 | |
That's important. | 00:53:59 | |
OK. You guys welcome to leave or listen more, but this is going to be just real short now, but everybody's welcome to go. Mr. | 00:54:04 | |
O'gann, I just want to make a quick comment on new business. Some of you may know who lost. | 00:54:10 | |
Someone in our community that's been involved in the community. | 00:54:17 | |
Long, long time, and near and dear to my heart. | 00:54:21 | |
But so next meeting, I asked the mayor if we can maybe invite the family over and do recognize that Dolores Griego, for passing | 00:54:24 | |
last week and recognizing her for contributions to the community in general. Just wanted to say that. | 00:54:31 | |
And we certainly will do. | 00:54:39 | |
Doris. Doris. Griego. Sorry, I might have mumbled that. | 00:54:43 | |
OK. Any old business? Mr. Mayor, can I just make one announcement? | 00:54:51 | |
Senator Vasquez will be here on January 5th from 2:00 to 3:00. If any of the counselors can make it. If you would, let me know as | 00:54:56 | |
soon as possible. I've heard from two of them that aren't going to be able to make it. | 00:55:01 | |
But that way we can advertise if we need to. | 00:55:07 | |
Mr. Hicks. | 00:55:13 | |
And I knew them was or old. I guess it could fall in one last week at our field meeting. | 00:55:16 | |
And the programs for your new bands came in high. | 00:55:22 | |
So it looks like you won't get them. I think everything that good. We had some good people talking. | 00:55:26 | |
Everybody was impress. | 00:55:32 | |
Everybody talking about what what you will want for this year for the, for the, for the. | 00:55:35 | |
Road bands around town and stuff. | 00:55:41 | |
OK, it was very. | 00:55:44 | |
Because the season is shorter now, we're just going to do the streets. | 00:55:47 | |
That are on. | 00:55:52 | |
Help me out. N Leroy, Cassidy and Mary, please. And they're doing those. And then we got more on Fowler Maneras. | 00:55:57 | |
McCutcheon to be done, but that won't be till March. | 00:56:07 | |
So it's just the weather got got ahead of us. The highway project is going great. | 00:56:11 | |
You notice they're doing everything rails and green stuff. | 00:56:16 | |
The entrances. | 00:56:22 | |
And I want to congratulate whoever put up the lights, I know. | 00:56:24 | |
The recreation department, the tourism department, Lloyd's department put up a lot of Christmas lights and those that look | 00:56:29 | |
terrific, they look great. I also want to let you know that we got $1,000,000. | 00:56:34 | |
For the rodeo, again, for quality of life and that. | 00:56:40 | |
The exact number is 923,400 and. | 00:56:46 | |
17 From the Regional Recreation Center Quality of Life Program This will give us. | 00:56:50 | |
Gas feet and they. | 00:56:58 | |
Covers for all sides of the arena that can be moved up and down. | 00:57:01 | |
And we want to have the biggest wrestling tournament. | 00:57:07 | |
With. | 00:57:10 | |
That's why term limits are difficult. | 00:57:14 | |
I'm sorry. | 00:57:18 | |
But we are going to do that because they will be closed in and it can be also moved depending on what the day is and we'll have | 00:57:20 | |
gas heaters also put in there. | 00:57:25 | |
So that's. | 00:57:31 | |
The only one that can get millions of dollars when you're going to breakdown? | 00:57:34 | |
We got work today from HUD. They approved, so we'll be closing December 28th. So how, how much money is that? How big a project? | 00:57:38 | |
A little bit over 13 million. Well, that's awesome. | 00:57:48 | |
Mr. Mr. One bedroom. | 00:57:51 | |
And eight units of two-bedroom. Wow. Over there by the hospital. Yeah. Congratulations, Mr. Oliver. I know it's coming up the | 00:57:55 | |
pipe, but since it still is kind of official, I just wanted to say that it's been an honor and a privilege to serve with you. | 00:58:03 | |
Councillor Hicks and I know this is your last meeting and I know we'll do something later, but I just wanted to recognize you as | 00:58:12 | |
being able to do and I really appreciate working with you guys, the mayor, all the councillors. | 00:58:18 | |
I'd like to thank the city employees for making us look good up here. The city always do good job chief everybody out there and I | 00:58:26 | |
know you're going to jump up in here and take over and do an excellent job yourself. | 00:58:32 | |
And I'm going to propose to the City Council that. | 00:58:39 | |
Mr. Hicks on as the airport. | 00:58:43 | |
Representative and the regional planning or because he goes to everyone of those meetings and stands up for us. | 00:58:46 | |
He also is our Minister of League representative, but we need to check to see if a non counselor can be a municipal league or if | 00:58:52 | |
one of you guys want to go. But the important thing is you got to go to every meeting and sometimes it's hard in our in our way, | 00:59:00 | |
but Gordie has always gone to those meetings for the ministry. OK, so we want to make sure that everybody gets the counseling | 00:59:07 | |
sitting council gets the first bit at it, but but the airport and the RPO we're going to continue using. | 00:59:14 | |
Mr. Hicks is our liaison with the City Council as he had is with the chairman as he of the RPO, so. | 00:59:22 | |
Anyway, so much. And Gordy we will. | 00:59:29 | |
Will present Guardia Big Plaque. | 00:59:32 | |
For 33 years of a chance to at least give a couple longer than just yes. And we honor your privilege, Yeah, we'll make it all | 00:59:36 | |
night long. | 00:59:40 | |
For 33 years. | 00:59:47 | |
A long, long time. | 00:59:51 | |
I remember in 19. | 00:59:52 | |
Six was it. Then it was my house and Tony Harmill was there. You were there. I was there. She decided that we were going to run | 00:59:55 | |
for City Council. | 00:59:59 | |
Yeah, can't wait to hear these stories. | 01:00:04 | |
Yeah. OK. So we're going to do the. | 01:00:10 | |
Whole business executive session. We just don't have those anymore. Personnel matters. We've got a ten of those. Ruby, what is | 01:00:14 | |
this all about? | 01:00:18 | |
Mr. Mayor, the first one is the job descriptions I always missed. | 01:00:25 | |
OK, the job, Descri. | 01:00:29 | |
Nick, you didn't give me the job description. | 01:00:31 | |
Donald, you go ahead and do it. | 01:00:36 | |
I'm worn out. | 01:00:38 | |
I believe I didn't print my packet, but I believe the only changes. | 01:00:41 | |
Department they felt that by us making. | 01:00:49 | |
Commercial licenses or CDL's mandatory. In our job descriptions we were excluding some potential candidates for drivers and we | 01:00:58 | |
have been having a hard time finding drivers, so excluding it from this job description. | 01:01:04 | |
Motion. | 01:01:14 | |
2nd And the reason we did the CDL was we had an accident. | 01:01:16 | |
6-7 years ago, Carlos. | 01:01:22 | |
No, he's not. So we added the CDL, but evidently it's not not possible. So all in favor? Aye, OK now? | 01:01:25 | |
Ruby you wanna this is about completed probation example. Through each one lure organized an angry landfill, completed probation. | 01:01:37 | |
At ***** Lucero parks temporary to full-time Manuel Maglena. | 01:01:45 | |
Wastewater tech New. | 01:01:50 | |
Gallegos Production You hire Jose Luis Martinez Hearts Nihar, then Amaris Senior Center Completed probation. She did a good job. | 01:01:53 | |
Danny Hill Sheeter center completed provision. **** Parker Senior Center completed probation. Pete Lopez, maintenance custodian, | 01:02:02 | |
completed probation. | 01:02:06 | |
Jose Lebar Rodrigo Rodriguez Menas completed probation Dominic Montano completed probation as a police officer. James Gomez, | 01:02:12 | |
police officer, completed prob. | 01:02:16 | |
And I want to say, I don't know if you saw, I mean, I like Facebook. I put it on Facebook. | 01:02:22 | |
We had our recruit. | 01:02:28 | |
Valedictorian. | 01:02:29 | |
Of you want to tell us? | 01:02:32 | |
A little bit about that. | 01:02:34 | |
That CNN. | 01:02:43 | |
Please can you from your Chinese? | 01:02:44 | |
And he was validated for me, for that big thing. Great, fantastic. And Janet Lucas, we had a retirement for her this lunchtime. | 01:02:47 | |
She's retired. How many years was that? | 01:02:53 | |
Greg James, Peralta Gas retirement Mario Amato, Fire retirement. | 01:03:02 | |
Simon, was he? | 01:03:08 | |
Costello Resignation. That's it. | 01:03:11 | |
Did I miss one? No. But can I? | 01:03:16 | |
Of the not a Lucero, he is attempt a full time. He already is full time that's. | 01:03:19 | |
OK. OK. It should be completed. | 01:03:27 | |
Mr. Vicks. | 01:03:31 | |
Don't move the 2nd and all in favor. | 01:03:34 | |
And. | 01:03:38 | |
We have Ernesto Oliv. | 01:03:39 | |
He's selling for. | 01:03:41 | |
That's it. That's the business registration. | 01:03:44 | |
Business reservations. | 01:03:47 | |
2nd. | 01:03:51 | |
We will meet in January. | 01:03:54 | |
2nd 20 and 24. | 01:03:56 | |
Nevertheless. | 01:04:00 |
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Name | Document type | |
FY23 Audit | General Document | |
Resolution No. 23-12-19 - Acceptance and Approval of the FY23 Audit | General Document | |
Budget Resolution No. 17 - NMED | General Document | |
Budget Resolution No. 16 - Road Improvement | General Document | |
Budget Resolution No. 15 - Landfill | General Document | |
Budget Resolution No. 14 - CNG Loan | General Document |
* use Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search in document
Councillor Tavis Lopez, Councillor Dean. | 00:00:00 | |
Councillor Fleming, Councillor Hicks. | 00:00:04 | |
Councillor Ocampo Councillor Og. | 00:00:07 | |
Counsel, Romero, counselor. | 00:00:11 | |
He's on the speaker. | 00:00:15 | |
You're welcome. | 00:01:10 | |
People that are not on the agenda would like to make a comment. | 00:01:14 | |
No, no, no. How did Robert? | 00:01:24 | |
CPA give us some good information about our. | 00:01:30 | |
I'm happy, I'm happy with the operations. | 00:02:07 | |
Inside the general fund. | 00:02:42 | |
An area that I think needs a little bit of attention is your joint utility that you're mainly your water, sewer, gas, solid waste. | 00:02:44 | |
In here we have an operating loss on the full cool braces, full accrual basis of $521,000. When I look at the statement of cash | 00:02:55 | |
flows on the next page, net cash provided by operating activities on 26475 thousand dollars came in this year in 2024 and fiscal | 00:03:02 | |
year 2024 you're going to have $966,000 in debt service. | 00:03:09 | |
So what this indicates is you need upward pressure on your joint utility. With that in fiscal year 23 we're looking at here, you | 00:03:17 | |
had a significant increase in your cost of goods sold for natural gas went up 2.17 million. | 00:03:23 | |
Now this is something to take consideration. I've talked with Ruby at length about it. I think she has a very, very good | 00:03:30 | |
understanding of utilities and needed rate increases. I would defer to her and if she has any further questions or any of you call | 00:03:35 | |
me anytime we can talk about this at length. | 00:03:40 | |
Just to stop you, I think. | 00:03:47 | |
The natural gas increase in January and February that we had to offset because the city used their own cash reserves to pay some | 00:03:49 | |
of the bills instead of charging the customers. Is that what you're talking about as reflection of the pressure on the? | 00:03:57 | |
That is still going to be taking consideration in these statements and what that is, is you will see that in in the statement of | 00:04:07 | |
cash flows as net cash provided by. | 00:04:11 | |
It is here in non capital financing activities. | 00:04:17 | |
And yes. | 00:04:21 | |
If you do not take the natural gas extreme increase in consideration, it looks fine. But what would I need to take consideration? | 00:04:23 | |
What is natural gas going forward this year? I know you all implemented a contract. | 00:04:29 | |
We're in a hedging situation where. | 00:04:35 | |
We've kept the cost stable over a certain period of time. So hopefully we won't have that uptick again. So that's something to | 00:04:39 | |
absolutely take in consideration. But looking at these numbers, this tells the story that you need an increase, but that's why I | 00:04:44 | |
bring up that 2.17 million increase mainly like you said, January, February, it was insane gas prices and it happened to a lot of | 00:04:49 | |
people. | 00:04:55 | |
I just wanted to point that out to the councillor. | 00:05:02 | |
But that's that's what happened. If you look at that audit problem, Mr. Hicks, that's exactly what I was going to ask him. So when | 00:05:05 | |
I first looked at, I thought, whoa, wait a minute, the mayor went in and helped the people supporter try to help them and get | 00:05:09 | |
paid. | 00:05:14 | |
To help the people so they wouldn't have to pay so much and I want to make sure that that was included in there and not showing | 00:05:20 | |
such a big loss. Yeah, it it's still, it's still a part of operating activities. It's still a operating expense. | 00:05:27 | |
When we have natural gas, Natural gas as the cost of goods sold. | 00:05:35 | |
So it's in there and it's something that can take into consideration when you consider rate increases in the future and when | 00:05:39 | |
people throw off and frown upon ratings. But if you look at the long term viability of your utility and to serve your population | 00:05:45 | |
through throughout your lifetime, the next lifetime and throughout throughout the long term horizon, it's really best to charge | 00:05:52 | |
your population an adequate rate. | 00:05:58 | |
Acceptable. | 00:06:37 | |
It helped the citizenry not take such a hit when we are having substantial cost increases we've had for the past two years. | 00:06:37 | |
So with that with cost increases, we need increases in charges for services and you have done, you have increased charges for | 00:06:46 | |
services of rate about 2.1 million from 22 to 23. | 00:06:53 | |
So that has increased, but it's important to keep up with those increases and when you're on a good target, attach it to something | 00:07:00 | |
like ACPI Consumer price index. | 00:07:05 | |
So your utility is always tell people, think beyond your lifetime, think about for the next future generations, the next 102 | 00:07:11 | |
hundred, 300 years down the road, because that's what we do today and our infrastructure and so forth impacts future generations, | 00:07:17 | |
substantial people out there trying to make sure they're buying. | 00:07:23 | |
And you all have substantial more debt you've borrowed from for your joint utility that needs to be serviced with your joint | 00:07:31 | |
utility. So we need to take that into consideration. | 00:07:36 | |
And I'm just going to point out there's these notes detail this debt substantially. | 00:07:41 | |
And to get into your note, you're dead for. | 00:07:47 | |
All the for your entire government starts on page 43. It starts with your long term debt, your government. For your government, it | 00:07:50 | |
has each debt issuance and it has a schedule in here for governmental activities and business site deputies. It's debt service to | 00:07:57 | |
maturity and then it'll be broken down by principal interest, total debt service by year. | 00:08:03 | |
And it starts with governmental activities, with all your loans. | 00:08:10 | |
And pushes forward into your business type activities and it goes from loans payable to bonds payable. | 00:08:14 | |
To capital leases and it's important to look at all these schedules and everything is in here. | 00:08:21 | |
You have all the information right here to make very informed decisions on rate increases for utility. And if you all have | 00:08:27 | |
questions, please give me a call anytime I'm here to help you and make these financials absolutely as useful as possible. | 00:08:34 | |
So with that, I mean that that's the main area is looking at your utility, bringing that to your attention. Other words, you don't | 00:08:42 | |
have any findings. | 00:08:46 | |
There's nothing huge in here that I have any complaints about. Anything that I saw that you could get better? I give suggestions | 00:08:50 | |
all the time, but nothing came to the level of a finding. There's I I can always find this little things to suggest but. | 00:08:57 | |
This is a really well run city. It is Mr. Rogan. Make a motion and we pass resolution #23-12-19. | 00:09:04 | |
Move to 2nd discussion on FAIR for your presentation. Thank you. | 00:09:14 | |
OK, now for everybody that's here, We're going to go to the food truck discussion. | 00:09:21 | |
Councillor Dean, did you have a comment? I do. I have a statement. Mr. Mayor, Thank you. | 00:09:26 | |
I've been I've been targeted a lot on social media. It's mostly started during my campaign, saying I was abusing my power serving | 00:09:31 | |
on City Council. | 00:09:35 | |
Comments were that I bully folks at the hotels and I was intimidating them to send business to Bodega because of my position as a | 00:09:40 | |
counselor. | 00:09:44 | |
I did call hotels. | 00:09:49 | |
When we were open on select Sundays, it was at a time when the public was begging us to open, meaning all restaurants to open more | 00:09:50 | |
and be open on the weekends. All the hotels that I contacted, thank you for letting them know we were open. So was this bullying | 00:09:58 | |
or marketing? I think the public can decide. More recently, I've been targeted over this discussion for a resolution about food | 00:10:05 | |
trucks. First of all, I want to make it clear, but I don't believe anyone here is suggesting we get rid of food trucks. | 00:10:12 | |
Our local restaurants, as far as I'm aware, are not suggesting it either. | 00:10:20 | |
Speaking solely on behalf of Bodega, I don't believe our business is being affected by food trucks as has been suggested on some | 00:10:25 | |
of the posts and some of the comments. | 00:10:29 | |
I didn't have the opportunity to talk to a few of the food truck vendors 1 by phone and a couple of others face to face. I don't | 00:10:34 | |
believe there was any ill intent on their part by their comments or their replies to some of the posts on Facebook. | 00:10:42 | |
Although I do find the post to be unwarranted, I'm being bullied, stalked and harassed. | 00:10:49 | |
One of the posts suggested for people to call, text, e-mail and then even go to our homes to talk about this issue. | 00:10:55 | |
Once that post went up, I did receive a phone call from an individual. | 00:11:03 | |
Saying I was a horrible person and she didn't like what I was doing with my time. Glad to know she's here tonight. | 00:11:07 | |
That's where my heart sank and I realized this was getting out of control. | 00:11:13 | |
I received another call just. | 00:11:18 | |
But the guy said you'd be here tonight, so I hope he is. | 00:11:21 | |
The number of posts which just keep coming and coming are very concerning. | 00:11:25 | |
My family is being becoming somewhat concerned for my safety. Has been suggested to me to call the state police and file a report | 00:11:30 | |
or file a restraining order. At this time, I chose not to do that. | 00:11:36 | |
But instead I deactivated my Facebook. | 00:11:43 | |
Because it's just too toxic. | 00:11:47 | |
The thing about social media is those who post can block the comments all they want, all they choose to do. | 00:11:50 | |
So really, you control the narrative. | 00:11:57 | |
So tonight I will not be part of this discussion on this topic, even with my experience in this area. | 00:12:00 | |
With your permission. | 00:12:06 | |
I would like to also recuse myself from voting on the resolution that you are going to bring to this Council in the future. | 00:12:08 | |
Thank you. Thank you, the food. I don't know how many people are here representing food trucks. | 00:12:14 | |
OK, so you're here. | 00:12:20 | |
To hear what the city would like to see happen, that's happening in six cities that I've already. | 00:12:23 | |
Talk to TRC Berlin Las Lunas GR. | 00:12:30 | |
We've spoken with Las Cruces. | 00:12:34 | |
And they have an ordinance that they have for food trucks, which isn't costly to the food trucks, but it includes registration | 00:12:38 | |
fees. | 00:12:42 | |
It includes that you're getting your permits from the environmental department to have food in your place. | 00:12:46 | |
And the city owes it to the public to be able to be able to get that codified. | 00:12:52 | |
That's what we're trying to do. I really think that the food truck people are so much of A bully. | 00:12:58 | |
That they're trying to intimidate the City Council in America. Put that, put that picture up there. Who put this up? You guys are | 00:13:03 | |
from the food truck business. Who put this up? | 00:13:08 | |
Who? Who put that up on Facebook? | 00:13:16 | |
That's funny. You think that's funny? | 00:13:19 | |
That's funny to public officials that you threatened that somebody would want me to kill them. | 00:13:21 | |
You know, we serve here for your benefit. We serve here for the public and for you to come and try to intimidate people with that | 00:13:27 | |
kind of stuff really doesn't sit well with the mayor. | 00:13:31 | |
I think that's that's really horrible of whoever put that up that's responsible for that. If you guys weren't it, that's fine, but | 00:13:37 | |
whoever put that out, that was in the context of this food truck discussion. | 00:13:42 | |
And if you're that afraid of your business, then you've got a problem with your own business. We codify everybody's business when | 00:13:48 | |
it comes to grocery seats. | 00:13:52 | |
When it comes to public health issues, and we're going to do that with the food truck. | 00:13:57 | |
And I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't know what you guys are all upset about. | 00:14:01 | |
And have to put that kind of crap up on on social media and I'm having that track down as to who did that and turn that into the | 00:14:05 | |
police. | 00:14:09 | |
Because that's not acceptable to do that to public officials. | 00:14:14 | |
What I'm trying to get the council is. | 00:14:19 | |
Registration fees, which, if you've all done that business, registration, that's part of the ordinance. | 00:14:23 | |
If you have public health authorization, like all restaurants do, that's part of the ordinance. | 00:14:29 | |
If you have permission from the people that you're staying on their property with, that'll be part of the ordinance. | 00:14:34 | |
That's all we're proposing. | 00:14:40 | |
I just don't understand the. | 00:14:42 | |
Really. The attempt to intimidate and bully? | 00:14:45 | |
City offic. | 00:14:50 | |
I don't understand it A. | 00:14:51 | |
Unless you guys are that afraid of what you guys are doing, that might be wrong. | 00:14:53 | |
And you have a If you have a spokesman, I'd be more than happy to hear it from you. But Mr. Olga, take that off now. Yeah, I just | 00:14:58 | |
make. I just want to make a comment on this too. I don't have Facebook. I haven't had Facebook for over 2 1/2 years for specific | 00:15:03 | |
reasons like this. | 00:15:08 | |
We don't even know what we're doing. I would have told her whoever called me. | 00:15:41 | |
We haven't even discussed it yet. | 00:15:44 | |
The whole plan is, I mean the whole idea is that we bring it up, we have discussion, we have informative, constructive. | 00:15:46 | |
Discussions. | 00:15:53 | |
Involving all people that are involved to where we come up with an agreement where everybody's happy. There should be no reason | 00:15:55 | |
why we're going out and automatically, in my mind, from what I saw going out and and and making accusations and and doing all this | 00:16:01 | |
stuff without even having anything in front of, we don't even know what we we we haven't even decided on anything. | 00:16:07 | |
And I think that if we're a small enough community, like I said, there's been no reason why people get upset. There's been no | 00:16:14 | |
reason why we're getting stuff like that. I mean, again, we we talk to each other. We know each other. Just pick up the phone and | 00:16:17 | |
call and ask. That's it. | 00:16:21 | |
That's it. And it wouldn't even have to get to this point. We could have had this. I mean, we would probably be setting up the | 00:16:26 | |
next meeting with the food truck people to come up with ideas and restaurant people and what we can do next. That's it. That's all | 00:16:30 | |
I have. | 00:16:34 | |
Mr. Hicks, Mr. Mayor. | 00:16:39 | |
Thank you for coming. | 00:16:42 | |
I've been blasted pretty bad myself. | 00:16:46 | |
The main thing I was trying to get up last week is that we don't need food trucks in front of a restaurant. | 00:16:50 | |
Like I stated that I saw in Colorado. | 00:16:56 | |
We need to take care of. | 00:17:01 | |
I mean, I was getting hit with, they were telling me already that it was going to be 2000 feet from a restaurant. I mean, and I'm | 00:17:05 | |
going, no, we haven't seen anything yet. | 00:17:09 | |
I will get you some. | 00:17:16 | |
Someone selling Christmas trees that oh, I can't do this anymore, I said. You have enough to do with it. | 00:17:20 | |
These are fruit trucks. We're trying to make sure that our pain take care of our folks, which all your licenses make sure that you | 00:17:26 | |
are kept up. | 00:17:31 | |
But the. | 00:17:36 | |
That I went. | 00:17:38 | |
No one needs. | 00:17:41 | |
Now I'm happy that you did call me. I'm happy that you did talk to me. | 00:17:44 | |
I hope that I got some of your guys's answers. | 00:17:49 | |
Answered. | 00:17:53 | |
There's just so many things on this that people just assuming this or that or that or this. | 00:17:55 | |
Which is discussing. | 00:18:04 | |
And that is one of the very important things for you guys to get up here. But like the mayor said, believe it's not saying they | 00:18:07 | |
want to kill us. | 00:18:11 | |
I've never been told that before. | 00:18:17 | |
In all my years. | 00:18:20 | |
Now I know it hits hard at home. | 00:18:25 | |
But give us some credit for trying to get. | 00:18:28 | |
It worked out for everybody. | 00:18:32 | |
And once again, I apologize for some of the stuff I said, but one of the main things I don't believe a food truck needs to be | 00:18:35 | |
right on top of a restaurant. | 00:18:40 | |
The mayor is going to come up with an ordinance. I'm sure you have puppy carrying on it. The council vote on it. | 00:18:46 | |
And I hope it works good for everybody. | 00:18:53 | |
Guys, thanks again so very much for being here. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. | 00:18:56 | |
Yeah, I I just want to make a statement. I guess I'm kind of unique. I don't really. | 00:19:02 | |
I try to stay away from Facebook as much as I can. I just use it to post positive things and I love it whenever I see our youth or | 00:19:07 | |
our seniors or just people from the local community or people that have maybe lost touch with over time and the great things are | 00:19:12 | |
going on in their lives. I like that. | 00:19:17 | |
But I don't really want something turns negative. I don't really look at it I. | 00:19:22 | |
I'm kind of unique because. | 00:19:27 | |
I guess I got skin in the game. I'm a minority owner and a small business. It's a restaurant business in town. We also have a food | 00:19:29 | |
truck. | 00:19:33 | |
We open up for events. We've opened up for people out here that I frequent here. You know, I've got definite skin in the game. | 00:19:37 | |
I didn't see anything from the last meeting that like alarmed me and I actually had skin in the game, so I don't know where it, | 00:19:47 | |
like, escalated. | 00:19:51 | |
An attack on food trucks. I didn't see it. I did have to leave town shortly after the meeting, so I was really away, the couple | 00:19:56 | |
counselors I did talk to. | 00:20:00 | |
More recently when my wife had told me look at all the stuff that's going on. | 00:20:05 | |
I thought, man, that's not what I read between the lines, but maybe maybe something else was said, I don't know. | 00:20:09 | |
I can tell you that I am a capitalist. I believe that everybody should be able to do business. | 00:20:16 | |
Within the law, within the rules, I think it's so important that our. | 00:20:21 | |
Community gets served by people that are up to health codes, and I know how strict those guys can be, just like you guys do, | 00:20:24 | |
because I have to do them. I'm the one that gets called to fix the sink. | 00:20:29 | |
I'm the one that gets called to do all that kind of stuff. So I know how that is. And you know, taxes, licensing, legally parking | 00:20:33 | |
and all that stuff that's already been brought up. I think it's just up for discussion. Like if I was alarmed and here I'm a | 00:20:39 | |
minority owner in a food truck, you know, probably not nearly. | 00:20:45 | |
As as successful as you guys, but I do have skin in the game. | 00:20:52 | |
And so I would invite everybody that whenever this comes up next meeting or the meeting after for all of us to get up and talk | 00:20:57 | |
like Mike said, like we all, I mean. | 00:21:01 | |
You can call me anytime, come into my office, talk. I mean, I'd love that. I would appreciate it. | 00:21:06 | |
And the last thing I do want to say is there's there was one a couple comments that were made. | 00:21:11 | |
On Facebook that my wife has sent. | 00:21:17 | |
And they. | 00:21:20 | |
You know, then the council have better things to do to combat like drugs and violence and some other stuff too. | 00:21:21 | |
And I want to say this deep down in my heart. | 00:21:29 | |
If you guys have answers that you think can answer those questions. | 00:21:32 | |
Bring those up please. | 00:21:36 | |
Because everybody and their dog in the United States of America is searching for an answer to these questions. And if you look | 00:21:38 | |
back to any of our meetings, the stuff that we get that get brought up to us. | 00:21:43 | |
It's a real problem. | 00:21:49 | |
It's a real problem to our community. | 00:21:50 | |
And if you honestly think that we haven't spent time and effort, each one of us individually and collectively, to like, fight | 00:21:52 | |
these problems in town. | 00:21:57 | |
Like you're you're you're you're badly mist. | 00:22:01 | |
Like deep down inside my heart, I want to see a better support. | 00:22:04 | |
I don't want to deal with some of the things that we all deal with. So those are real, real, real problems. And I can promise you | 00:22:08 | |
this, I just because I have skin in the game, because I am a minority owner in that business. | 00:22:13 | |
But because I really care about this place. | 00:22:19 | |
If you think you've got answers to, or you've got some things to bring up that we're not doing right, I'll be the first one. Hey, | 00:22:21 | |
help me out. | 00:22:24 | |
Talk talk about what's going on over here that's helping out with the homeless. | 00:22:29 | |
The drugs, whatever, Bring it. | 00:22:33 | |
Like we want that. | 00:22:35 | |
Please, everybody search and nobody's figuring it out yet. | 00:22:37 | |
So please let us know. | 00:22:41 | |
That's all I have to say, Mr. Fleming. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. | 00:22:42 | |
You know those of you who are here tonight. | 00:22:46 | |
We thank you for being here. It shows an interest on a topic. | 00:22:50 | |
Everyone up. | 00:22:56 | |
Has many topics. | 00:22:59 | |
We get them every. | 00:23:01 | |
I can walk into Walmart to get a gallon of milk and it can be an hour before I leave. | 00:23:04 | |
None of these city councillors, and many of them are past students. | 00:23:11 | |
There's a lot of my past students sitting in the audience. | 00:23:16 | |
We're not here to pick on anybody but. | 00:23:20 | |
Is way out of line. | 00:23:23 | |
If you think that's all we are here. | 00:23:26 | |
You're sad and stable. | 00:23:30 | |
And I taught you. | 00:23:32 | |
I get a lot better job than that. | 00:23:36 | |
If you are here for a concern. | 00:23:39 | |
Do it in person, not on a Facebook page. | 00:23:43 | |
Believe there anything's on Facebook, You're way off. | 00:23:49 | |
When this discussion first came up. | 00:23:52 | |
You know, my thinking was, you know, we were just going to discuss. | 00:23:58 | |
Legal and safety the licensing, the health and property you know nothing more and and not to do anything to stop it and and going | 00:24:03 | |
with a comment from council I was approached by somebody too that you know basically says you know you people have bigger fish to | 00:24:10 | |
fry and we do but we deal with all different. | 00:24:17 | |
Issues, you know, So you know, there's there's all kinds of fish out there to fry, but you know. | 00:24:26 | |
We're doing the best we can, but like I say, I we were just trying to look at an ordinance where. | 00:24:33 | |
I think more for public safety than anything else. Just make sure things are legal. | 00:24:39 | |
They're abiding by health codes. What? | 00:24:46 | |
Both might be for food trucks, you know, Those are the kinds of things I thought we would be looking into. | 00:24:48 | |
Thank you. | 00:24:54 | |
We've said a lot of stuff. If there's somebody that would like to make some comments or more than one or 10 or whatever, be more | 00:24:56 | |
than happy to hear that. | 00:24:59 | |
But what I'm going to propose is something that's a step for permitting a mobile food business and every city has it. We don't | 00:25:04 | |
have it. And that's one of the things that we need to codify. And basically all it is, is registration. | 00:25:09 | |
A permit from according to this is a permit from the for the food business, from the environmental department and. | 00:25:16 | |
Making sure. | 00:25:25 | |
The access that you have your your business on. | 00:25:27 | |
OK, by the person who owns the property or if you want to be yourself, that's basically all we're going to do. But we haven't | 00:25:31 | |
codified that. And that's one of the things is lacking as far as the city is concerned because as you've already said, there's, I | 00:25:37 | |
mean you there's a lot of food truck people out here and we want to make sure that we do it in an orderly fashion. | 00:25:44 | |
Mr. Oliver and gross receipts, I mean, everybody pays gross receipts. And that's the thing too. The gross receipts go to help pay | 00:25:51 | |
for the roads that you guys are parking your food trucks on. | 00:25:55 | |
So we want to make sure that then that's we're making sure everybody's accounted for and that everybody's contributing. | 00:26:00 | |
The community the way they should be. That's it. | 00:26:07 | |
Basically it. | 00:26:09 | |
Get your New Mexico Combined Reporting System CRS number. | 00:26:12 | |
Which for here is defined AS25. If you're in Belen, it's going to be different. If you're in Magdalena, it's going to be | 00:26:16 | |
different. | 00:26:19 | |
And we just want to make sure that everybody has that that's in business in the city of Socorro. | 00:26:22 | |
And that you have your permit and like I said, you have some sort of a written thing or the person who owns the property had | 00:26:28 | |
something written saying you're allowed to be here, Mr. Hicks. | 00:26:32 | |
Let me just say one more quick things that you know the. | 00:26:37 | |
The people that own the property that you're parking on. | 00:26:41 | |
We need to take care of them too. | 00:26:45 | |
They pay Gro. | 00:26:48 | |
It's something that needs to be looked at and like the mayor said, put a committee together if you want to answer or ask some of | 00:26:51 | |
those questions. | 00:26:56 | |
At this time, I think the mayor won't be happy to listen to. | 00:27:01 | |
Yeah, go ahead. Come on up and just introduce yourself and tell us who you are. | 00:27:06 | |
Sit down. | 00:27:12 | |
I was in the audience whenever we when this was being discussed. | 00:27:17 | |
I actually didn't think about it. I I heard what the mayor said, heard what the council said and and that there's businesses | 00:27:22 | |
paying ghost receipts and we just want to make sure everybody's paying, you know, their fair share or whatever. I actually looked | 00:27:26 | |
at it differently. I had looked at it as protecting the food trucks. | 00:27:31 | |
In regards to I, and I didn't get any of the calls yet, but umm, you know, I see food trucks that don't belong to Socorro. They're | 00:27:36 | |
coming to town. | 00:27:39 | |
And I would imagine that they don't have the proper paperwork. If they don't follow our protocol, then really we're protecting | 00:27:43 | |
them. | 00:27:47 | |
And saying, hey, some code enforcement should say, hey bud, do you have your stuff? Because we're taking away from their food | 00:27:51 | |
trucks. | 00:27:54 | |
If they're coming into town, that's more of a competing business than a sit down restaurant in my opinion. | 00:27:59 | |
So that's kind of the way I looked at it. I hadn't got a phone call about it. I'm kind of. | 00:28:04 | |
We have vendors that come in and sell hardware that come in and sell sticks and so we're we're trying to get that. | 00:28:11 | |
Was my concern when it was brought up. So I looked at it differently. I didn't look at it as I looked at it from kind of | 00:28:19 | |
protecting the food trucks from maybe outside food trucks coming in. But you know when you try to, when you try to do that. | 00:28:26 | |
And free enter. | 00:28:35 | |
We're trying to. We're not trying, not trying to exclude them, but we want to make sure they follow our rule. Yeah, there's a | 00:28:38 | |
protocol that they follow, right? So they can't just pop up here one day a week without following our protocol. A lot of these, I | 00:28:43 | |
have good relationships amongst these food trucks. They go to our wrestling events, they serve our wrestlers. So I have nothing. I | 00:28:48 | |
really like them a lot. So I actually looked at it in reverse that we were. | 00:28:53 | |
Appreciate your comments. Yeah. Mr. Fleming. | 00:28:58 | |
You know, we have such a turn out tonight. | 00:29:01 | |
Maybe the vendors, food truck vendors who are here tonight should form a committee. | 00:29:05 | |
And that committee, Appro? | 00:29:12 | |
The mayor sat down and talked over ideas of what can be done. | 00:29:14 | |
To make things better. | 00:29:20 | |
And at the same time. | 00:29:23 | |
I think that committee should police themselves and find out who posted that. | 00:29:25 | |
And make a collection. But did you know Ernie Robert, this is not going to impact your finances? | 00:29:31 | |
Anymore than what you already? | 00:29:39 | |
We're still talking the $25 business registration. You still have to pay. I don't know what you pay 120 bucks for. | 00:29:41 | |
Health sticker and then you have the permission of the person that you have, the real estate that you're on have to have their | 00:29:48 | |
permission and we're going to ask for that because the people who own the. | 00:29:55 | |
Baymont or whoever owns, they have to come to the city and ask the city to allow them to put vendors on their property and they | 00:30:04 | |
have to get that permission, so. | 00:30:09 | |
And I think RadioShack did that too. So that's that. We're not doing anything more than that. There's nothing more. | 00:30:14 | |
Onerous are pressuring the food truck. That's it. | 00:30:23 | |
There's other things that they do in Las Cruces that they charge, like $200 to plug in once a month if you plug in through a City | 00:30:27 | |
Park. Other places that charge $20 every time if you plug into a city thing. But that's all we're going to do. | 00:30:34 | |
This is not anything restrictive at all that you aren't already doing. We're just trying to codify it so the city has this on | 00:30:41 | |
their books for future administration. That and it is a small, you're right, it's there's a lot of fish to fry. This is a small | 00:30:49 | |
one and obviously it got a lot of, I don't know, anybody selling fish in the food trucks. But but we are trying to just codify | 00:30:56 | |
this stuff and I know it's your business and that's why you're here. It's your livelihood and I know that's why you're here, but. | 00:31:03 | |
I'm also here to defend my city Councilor, and I'm also here to defend the city and what they have to do to do their job and and | 00:31:10 | |
and codifying and putting together resolutions and ordinances. | 00:31:16 | |
Yes, Sir, coming. | 00:31:25 | |
I'll be the first one to speak. Mr. Mayor. Council members, I'm the same way as you. | 00:31:27 | |
I don't go off negativity. You can look at all my Facebook posts. There's no. | 00:31:34 | |
I did see the one about Deborah Dean. | 00:32:09 | |
With all the numbers and names on it, I just passed right by it didn't even click on it, the rest of the link or nothing, you | 00:32:11 | |
know, and that's not who I am. And. | 00:32:16 | |
About the food truck, I did not. I heard a lot of stuff from other people. | 00:32:21 | |
That was. | 00:32:26 | |
Going on. | 00:32:29 | |
But when I read in the paper is when I said OK, I gotta go see what you guys are talking about because I know the papers puts in | 00:32:31 | |
pretty much. | 00:32:35 | |
You know, when we have video of everything. So if you want to look through them, yeah, I've seen some of the video, Yeah, you | 00:32:39 | |
know. | 00:32:41 | |
But again, this is what we're talking about right now. You guys are hearing it. And I'm saying that this is not going to be any | 00:32:45 | |
different than what you're already doing, except we're codifying. We do what we codify codes for future administrations and | 00:32:52 | |
ordinances. We have ordinances on all kinds of stuff. And that's what we're trying to do. And that's why I'm here, to hear out of | 00:32:58 | |
your mouth to see what's going on. I mean, people are saying you're going to ban us from parking in town. | 00:33:04 | |
Be a part of the process. Be a part of everything. | 00:33:11 | |
I can say I was like one of the original food trucks. It was me and her. | 00:33:16 | |
When I came in and talked to you Mayor, and a few you guys that have been here, you. | 00:33:21 | |
Robert, you're the first one that's been. | 00:33:26 | |
We don't know what's going on, I said. But when we get to that road, we'll cross it, and we're here at the road and we're going to | 00:33:29 | |
cross it. | 00:33:32 | |
And that one. | 00:33:36 | |
And that's pretty much why we're here. Just get it on in public and put some sunshine on it. That's what we're doing. Yeah. And | 00:33:39 | |
I'm just basically going to follow what's already been done in other cities. We just haven't done it. And I just wanted to make | 00:33:45 | |
sure we do it because it looks like the food truck business is going up and up. And that's great. I mean, everybody, everybody's | 00:33:50 | |
happy with that. We haven't even talked about putting a food truck area. | 00:33:56 | |
So all that can happen, but we still have to codify certain things that that we have to do as a city and that's what we're doing | 00:34:03 | |
and as I said. | 00:34:06 | |
And I've repeated again, it's not anything that you're not already doing. | 00:34:10 | |
But we want to be able to be able to check on it and if somebody comes in from out of town say, well this is what our ordinance | 00:34:14 | |
says. Are you doing this? Yeah. So that that's where we're at. And and the other thing is these little pop up tents that are | 00:34:21 | |
popping up, you're handing out business license, you need to check their license first. | 00:34:28 | |
One is the health environment. | 00:34:35 | |
I think that's another point too. You know, I've gotten probably half a dozen complaints in the last two years on food trucks. | 00:34:39 | |
And every single one of them has come from a food truck own. | 00:34:47 | |
On a pop-up tent or a pop-up something, they're like, there's no way they're up to health code. Yes, and I know that it's a fact | 00:34:51 | |
because I know what health code is very difficult. | 00:34:56 | |
And it and it's and it's hard. I'm looking at, I'm looking at Albuquerque's permitting right now. And if you guys all want to look | 00:35:02 | |
at it, I mean it's. | 00:35:06 | |
We'll put it on. We'll put it on the. On the, yeah. It's like, I mean, we're not even. | 00:35:10 | |
I don't know. Yeah, you're exactly right. I mean, if that's what worries me, you can walk up to my window and I have all my | 00:35:14 | |
permits up on my window. I came in here with all my permits years ago when I first opened it up, and they're still there. I still | 00:35:21 | |
pay my city stuff. I need to pay and I'm all up and legit. When I walked in here, I made sure I had all that stuff. | 00:35:28 | |
You know and. | 00:35:36 | |
You know, the whole business is very tough. | 00:35:37 | |
You can't cook chicken and fish out of your food truck. You can, but it's very, very hard. | 00:35:40 | |
You gotta store properly. You gotta cool down, food properly. You gotta wipe down, sanitize the parts per million. The bleach. You | 00:35:45 | |
just can't dump the whole thing of bleach and and a little bit of water. You know the the health inspector came to me a new one. | 00:35:50 | |
His name's Chris. | 00:35:55 | |
And first thing he asked me is where should sanitizer? | 00:36:01 | |
I got him right here. Check my sanitizing. Put it up against his little meter. Perfect. You got to be. They have to be certain. | 00:36:05 | |
You just can't be. | 00:36:09 | |
Any jokes more off the street opening up a food cart? But I'm trying to give my code enforcement people something that they can | 00:36:14 | |
have something look and do something with or take somebody to Municipal Court. Right now I don't have anything like that. | 00:36:20 | |
You know, and that's what we're trying to do and that that's all we're trying to do. We're not trying to put anybody out of | 00:36:27 | |
business. | 00:36:30 | |
We're trying to Spotify again. I keep using that word codify, but that's what city business is. We're trying to get these things | 00:36:33 | |
for future. | 00:36:36 | |
Administ. | 00:36:41 | |
And that's all we're doing Again, I. | 00:36:42 | |
Emphasized and. | 00:36:44 | |
From me to you guys, there's going to be no change in the amount of money that you already are spending. It's not going to be | 00:36:47 | |
increased or anything like that. It's just going to be made into. | 00:36:51 | |
Specific Ord. | 00:36:56 | |
You know $25 for registration for business, whatever your health permit is. Health permits 200. The managers permits 100. | 00:36:59 | |
The just city is 25 bucks. You got another permit just for $25.00. But I got to have this something for the code enforcement | 00:37:08 | |
people to look at and see exactly, this is our this is our ordinance. You guys aren't following it and then we can take it to | 00:37:15 | |
court if we have to. That's where we're at. And these people cooking out of their houses. I just don't understand it. It's | 00:37:23 | |
happening. I I talked to the health, the health inspector, he's the new guy in town and he said he's very. | 00:37:30 | |
Iffy about it too. | 00:37:38 | |
You gotta have a restroom so far from your kitchen, it can't be right there right next. | 00:37:40 | |
Jerry Ford. Yeah, we had Jerry Ford here, but you know, they moved the office out of town. Yeah, health office. We've been dealing | 00:37:46 | |
with them out of Belen now where they're coming from, they just appointed a new one down here. | 00:37:51 | |
We have a kitchen that the city sponsors along with you know the the, the, the food, commercial kitchen, commercial kitchen. I | 00:37:58 | |
know you have the house spectre there, the permit, but I I'm wondering if the people in the kitchen had the permits to actually | 00:38:03 | |
cook in there. | 00:38:08 | |
You you what I understand You rent it out, so you use your permits, you cook your food in there using that, the community | 00:38:14 | |
kitchens, equipment and Clinton sanitization and basically it's like a restaurant from my understanding. | 00:38:20 | |
And I got over when it's actually the next where'd they go? And then, but that's not here or there, but. | 00:38:29 | |
If somebody can open it up, you need to check verify they have all their permits. | 00:38:36 | |
Philly Jim. Yeah, Philly Jim, yes. But the one at the Rodeo is the one who was wondering if they had their permits to cook in | 00:39:12 | |
there. | 00:39:16 | |
Who's there, Sh. | 00:39:19 | |
Anybody cooking over there? | 00:39:23 | |
I haven't seen anybody. Could they do that, though? They bring home pyramids. Yeah. Yeah. I'll look into that. Yes, I was there. | 00:39:25 | |
No, that's fine. That's fine. Oh. | 00:39:30 | |
Let me clarify it. | 00:39:35 | |
Steve, is somebody cooking over there at the soccer building? | 00:39:38 | |
No. OK. Well, we'll look into it though, to make sure they have a permit. They have a permit from the health department before | 00:39:46 | |
they come cooking. | 00:39:49 | |
Anyway, anyone else learning? Anybody from the back there come? | 00:39:53 | |
Thank you, guys. You're welcome. Thank you for coming. | 00:40:01 | |
You guys are talking about outcasts on the Outcasts, where you from the land? | 00:40:05 | |
Right, like that. Oh, Chris. | 00:40:12 | |
I'm a founder of Big Mike's in Berlin. | 00:40:15 | |
Been in business since 2000. | 00:40:18 | |
But I've been dealing with Socorro since 2002. | 00:40:20 | |
When Deborah Dean was in tourism. | 00:40:23 | |
Always used to bring me in here. | 00:40:27 | |
Never had a problem, so I commented on, that Facebook page says. I don't know what you know. She's bringing back here 2002. | 00:40:29 | |
What seems to be the problem? | 00:40:36 | |
I get a call from her. You know, Chris, it's not you. We're just trying to implement, you know, different things. And I said OK, | 00:40:38 | |
that's fine, which needs to be done. | 00:40:42 | |
I hold a permit in Albuquerque. | 00:40:47 | |
Berlin, Wolski Farms, Socorro, Valencia County. So I know all about permits. | 00:40:49 | |
So I know you guys are doing the right thing. | 00:40:56 | |
You need to, I guess. Somebody just started a flame and it just burned out of control. | 00:40:59 | |
You know, so that's what we're here for, yeah. But I mean to implement. | 00:41:05 | |
The right thing is. | 00:41:09 | |
But that's what, like you said, to start out a group. I think that would be nice. | 00:41:11 | |
You know, we get all together, get with you. | 00:41:15 | |
As I come to Sakura once, twice. | 00:41:17 | |
So I'm here a lot. We're going to try to get you out of town. | 00:41:20 | |
No, but you know, I mean, what do you cook? Burgers. Philly steaks? | 00:41:26 | |
Over there at Baymont. | 00:41:32 | |
Yes, by the red wagon. With with the red wagon when he's there. Yes. Well, but you know what? I I got a call and it was a | 00:41:34 | |
disturbing call from the. | 00:41:38 | |
The school of so. | 00:41:44 | |
They wanted us to feed the football team. | 00:41:45 | |
Why are you going to bring somebody? Here's the coach right there, you know, from out of town. | 00:41:48 | |
When nobody wants to do it. | 00:41:52 | |
You know, they went to people in. | 00:41:54 | |
Nobody wanted to help. | 00:41:57 | |
So I'm willing to help the kids. I'm here for the kids. I don't know what you're saying. | 00:41:59 | |
Let me say something. So anytime I'm the football coach and I remember that, I appreciate it. The schools don't call anybody for | 00:42:05 | |
that and either do I or it was a parent, Yeah. | 00:42:10 | |
Yeah, if a parent gives us a donation, we never ask where it comes from or anything, and whoever shows up shows. | 00:42:17 | |
Yes, reached out to some restaurants in Socorro. | 00:42:24 | |
Which didn't want didn't want to help but that's like A1 sided story. I mean I got the other people here but what I'm saying is | 00:42:26 | |
and and. | 00:42:30 | |
Restaurant, everybody. I think in Sakura, like in Berlin, Yeah, we all try to help and yes. | 00:42:34 | |
Again, when I made a comment about somebody coming from out of town, we just have to have. | 00:42:40 | |
All the other cities, and I think Los Lunas is the roughest. | 00:42:45 | |
Town to deal with with permits. | 00:42:52 | |
Because you can't if. | 00:42:55 | |
If you park at somebody's property. | 00:42:57 | |
It doesn't matter if it's that owner of that business, it's got to be the property owner. | 00:42:59 | |
Not the business owner. | 00:43:06 | |
So that's, but again, you know those are the things we're going to work out and I'm glad everybody, I hope everybody's here that | 00:43:08 | |
is affected, but again. | 00:43:12 | |
We're doing just a generic type of ordinance. It is not anything that is going to be more than what you're already dealing with, | 00:43:17 | |
except we're just going to, again, I'll use that word like burritos and more, you know, He reached down, he says about the about | 00:43:22 | |
the inspector and this and that. Well, we reached out to the inspector many a times, but you know what she told me? We're not the | 00:43:26 | |
police. | 00:43:31 | |
We can't catch everybody. We can. But you know what? They stay on top of who they want to stay on top of. My chief of police had a | 00:43:37 | |
food truck. So, you know, yes, well, that's what I'm just saying, you know, the ones that the ones that are doing it illegally are | 00:43:42 | |
going to keep on doing it. And that's just that's just want to make sure. | 00:43:47 | |
Something that we can. | 00:43:54 | |
Yeah. | 00:43:56 | |
Huh. Christ. | 00:43:58 | |
You're absolutely right. That's the thing here in the property Owner Collector Constitutional use permit to allow transient | 00:44:01 | |
vendors. So the only two parties are Planning and Zoning. | 00:44:07 | |
I've met with a lot of you and so I I know that that the majority of you are aware, but right now the only two places are the | 00:44:14 | |
Baymont. | 00:44:18 | |
And. | 00:44:23 | |
South of RadioShack, those are the two approved where the property owners have come in and obtained special use permits to have | 00:44:25 | |
transient vendors now if other businesses. | 00:44:30 | |
The owner of the property wants to do that, or is interested in doing that to give you guys more of. | 00:44:36 | |
A selection as to where you park it would be the property owner, so we're like that as well. | 00:44:43 | |
Hi. | 00:44:49 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Big Mike. | 00:44:52 | |
Chris, Chris, Chris, you're big, Mike. | 00:44:55 | |
I'm Eric Sanchez. A lot of people in this town know me because I feed a lot of people at Tech. I don't like standing behind these | 00:45:04 | |
because I have been incarcerated a lot and it feels like I'm in court, so. | 00:45:09 | |
You just said something that even conflicts with a piece of paper that I have in my binder. When I moved here, COVID had been | 00:45:17 | |
ramping up. | 00:45:21 | |
And I was given a sheet of paper from somebody I don't know who was. I've talked to some. Everyone was like this when I met them, | 00:45:25 | |
so I don't even recognize anyone that didn't have a mask on. | 00:45:29 | |
Like there was three listed things on that piece of paper. One of them was the Plaza. | 00:45:35 | |
Which is where wandering scorpions always out. And the only reason what we should set up there is because that piece of paper that | 00:45:41 | |
we have says that that's one of the listed places. | 00:45:45 | |
Public places are owned by you and you can park there OK? | 00:45:51 | |
And. | 00:45:58 | |
Private. Yeah, so the public places. We don't need a thing from the city now if you plug in. | 00:46:00 | |
Or if you take up more space like one guy did at one time. | 00:46:06 | |
Then there's a problem. But if you're just taking up a parking space and you're selling out of there, the city is not going to | 00:46:11 | |
bother you. I mean, I own a cart and Kendall from Wondering Square Point. I own a cart. And our rules are a lot more stringent | 00:46:16 | |
because we're not allowed to cook anywhere on like, we're not allowed to break down food on the grill. We're not allowed to have | 00:46:21 | |
anything raw. We have to have a commissary. Because I operate even in Deming, I got one. I got a commissary in Truth and | 00:46:26 | |
Consequences. | 00:46:32 | |
I live in Daddle. | 00:46:37 | |
Tech has kept me busy since I moved here in 2020. | 00:46:40 | |
And I think the biggest problem that's happening right now is that he said, she said. | 00:46:43 | |
The fact that there is nothing I can stare at right now that says this is the way it should. I mean, I have my, I have insurance, | 00:46:48 | |
I got like 2,000,000 aggregate on my cart, but I mean. | 00:46:54 | |
Like there's nothing in like you're saying codifying it. It doesn't say that this is allowed. This is not allowed. It like the | 00:46:59 | |
people that are winging it aren't doing it. | 00:47:04 | |
To subvert because you know on Friday you're allowed to sell here, but on Tuesday because of the festival. | 00:47:09 | |
Problem with parks, when you have a softball tournaments, when you're having stuff at the road. So we may have to control that a | 00:47:18 | |
little more than we would normally, just a parking public area so that we need to just we need to put that down on paper. And of | 00:47:24 | |
course, you know, like like Game Changer said, like Cortana, I'll call her out, 'cause she sucks the the person that's over the | 00:47:30 | |
Los Lunas. | 00:47:35 | |
Environmental The first time I met her, she literally cut my line and sat cross legged while she screwed in me. And I mean that | 00:47:41 | |
was my first impression of New Mexico environmental. I mean like talking down to me from a sitting position was crazy. | 00:47:48 | |
But I mean like like all of us, in order to get a business license, a health inspection, we have to have a business license, get a | 00:47:54 | |
business license, we have to have a tax ID, and most of us have a tax ID, have an EIN as well. So I mean if there was a folder, | 00:48:01 | |
like I even brought my folder, if a folder existed that said, you have to have this, this, this. | 00:48:07 | |
Or you can't sell here would be the easiest way to rectify anything you're saying. | 00:48:14 | |
I'm not. And I'm not speaking against the people. I've had some really great meals from people I know there aren't there. Aren't | 00:48:18 | |
legal. I mean, like like when I was a truck driver, the best tamales and burritos on the planet came from a whale of stricken | 00:48:23 | |
trunk. And I did. | 00:48:27 | |
You know, you take you the responsibility of eating that food and maybe getting, you know, diarrhea or whatever. That's your | 00:48:32 | |
that's your deal. | 00:48:35 | |
But if you're talking about like ordinances and stuff like that, I mean there's a really simple way to do it without. | 00:48:38 | |
You know, overly complicating things, which is what sounds like is going on. | 00:48:44 | |
And we want to have public hearing once we start that process. Yeah, because I've I've operated a food cart in four different | 00:48:48 | |
states now and they in New Mexico follows for cart usage, the new the FDA guidelines for cart usage and it it would be prudent for | 00:48:54 | |
you all to have a copy of that. | 00:48:59 | |
Be a big help. I would appreciate that because I'm only speaking for myself in Canada. | 00:49:06 | |
We have to do different things that they do because we're we have no. | 00:49:13 | |
You know, we don't have a quadruple sink. We don't have four walls that contain us, so we're only allowed to serve it like a | 00:49:18 | |
certain way. And I I have all those pretty much memorized, so. | 00:49:23 | |
We're just trying to get. | 00:49:30 | |
Like, yeah, Like I would like to be lumped in with them because the amount of scrutiny we already get as card owners, like I have | 00:49:35 | |
no intention of ever moving indoors because I do so much catering. | 00:49:40 | |
It doesn't make any sense to buy a food truck to do what I'm doing now when it's you know. Anyway, I appreciate your comments. | 00:49:45 | |
Thank you. | 00:49:48 | |
By the way, he's got an excellent BBQ beef sandwich. | 00:49:52 | |
Anyone come on? | 00:49:56 | |
All right, So here, actually, he's a resident. I don't own a food truck. And I have your name. Oh, my name is Ryan. | 00:50:07 | |
Thank you, Thurston. Last, Ronnie Norris, sorry. And so I came because just today I saw some stuff on social media, none of the | 00:50:13 | |
violence or threats or numbers, I wouldn't be here otherwise, but I was under the impression that an ordinance was going to be | 00:50:18 | |
discussed today. So now I know I'm wrong. I came to speak in support of food trucks. But this leads me to something that I didn't | 00:50:24 | |
expect to talk about, which is. | 00:50:29 | |
Perhaps it could be easier. | 00:50:35 | |
What's going to happen at meetings and what's happening in? | 00:50:38 | |
I know that I can watch the video. | 00:50:41 | |
And I know that once minutes are approved, I can read. | 00:50:43 | |
But in this case, I just saw a food truck discussion on the agenda. And maybe there's ways that I don't know. I know it's here in | 00:50:46 | |
2020 during COVID, so I'm still learning about the town. But yeah, so I guess one request is. | 00:50:52 | |
Please make it easier for us to know when things are going to be proposed and how, because they don't come and speak in favor. | 00:50:59 | |
But you know the evolution of this discussion. | 00:51:05 | |
Input from both sides and then the next step would be for administration to present a draft ordinance to the council. | 00:51:10 | |
The council looks at it, yes, they go with it, then we start, we have to publish it. | 00:51:20 | |
Six weeks. | 00:51:25 | |
This one will be 14 days minimum. So there's this evolution of process of getting to it. Have to have public hearings if there's | 00:51:28 | |
people. | 00:51:32 | |
Say, well, this is not the way we think it was going to be. Then the council will listen to that and decide whether they want to | 00:51:38 | |
amend it or delete some of the stuff. So there's a process we go through and and on the agenda item it was food truck discussion. | 00:51:44 | |
So that that's kind of what we're having now is that discussion. | 00:51:51 | |
Thank you. You know, I think the public is great that we've gotten participation. Usually it's only us here. So it's it's that's | 00:51:55 | |
important and when we hit a hot topic, we're open and we're open for business. We're not here closing the door behind somebody and | 00:52:01 | |
saying that's how we're going to do this. We're, we're open, we're open. We don't go to executive session. We look at everything | 00:52:06 | |
and talk about it in public. | 00:52:12 | |
And my feelings were a little bit hot to begin with, and that was partly because I was trying to defend Councillor Dean and some | 00:52:19 | |
of the stuff that was going on. But I think things have calmed down a little bit and that's because of the council is a lot calmer | 00:52:24 | |
than I am. So they're doing a good job with that. | 00:52:28 | |
And Mr. Mayor, Mr. Minute, our agendas are posted to our website a minimum of 72 hours before every meeting. It's usually even | 00:52:34 | |
sooner than that, but at minimum 72 hours. So it will be up every Friday at the latest before the meeting. And we have our | 00:52:39 | |
meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Mr. Mayor, Mr. Oliver. And now everybody knows how to find our phone | 00:52:44 | |
numbers and everything too. So if you do have a question on the agenda, call us and ask us what's going on, the other public | 00:52:49 | |
information. | 00:52:55 | |
I got it on my, but it's good to have the public come also to talk about what you're just saying. I think it's important to. | 00:53:02 | |
Get involved in the discussion. We're small enough town that we should be able to do. | 00:53:07 | |
Thank you. Are you are you a tech student or? Oh, I'm a professor at Jacket. Assistant professor. | 00:53:12 | |
It's OK I. | 00:53:18 | |
Sorry. It's OK. Well, welcome, Professor. Thank you. So great. | 00:53:20 | |
Have we talked it out? | 00:53:29 | |
But look for the look. Look for the discussion and the paperwork on black and white. Is that what I'm saying is actually what's | 00:53:32 | |
going to be on paper? | 00:53:35 | |
And that's got to be advertised. | 00:53:39 | |
So that's important for you to see it as as Mr. Partridge was. | 00:53:42 | |
What? You hear what? | 00:53:47 | |
And then what's in the paper? Sometimes it's not the same thing, so it's important to come to the meeting and see the. | 00:53:49 | |
What's actually on paper that's going to be discussed? It'll be the ordinance. | 00:53:56 | |
That's important. | 00:53:59 | |
OK. You guys welcome to leave or listen more, but this is going to be just real short now, but everybody's welcome to go. Mr. | 00:54:04 | |
O'gann, I just want to make a quick comment on new business. Some of you may know who lost. | 00:54:10 | |
Someone in our community that's been involved in the community. | 00:54:17 | |
Long, long time, and near and dear to my heart. | 00:54:21 | |
But so next meeting, I asked the mayor if we can maybe invite the family over and do recognize that Dolores Griego, for passing | 00:54:24 | |
last week and recognizing her for contributions to the community in general. Just wanted to say that. | 00:54:31 | |
And we certainly will do. | 00:54:39 | |
Doris. Doris. Griego. Sorry, I might have mumbled that. | 00:54:43 | |
OK. Any old business? Mr. Mayor, can I just make one announcement? | 00:54:51 | |
Senator Vasquez will be here on January 5th from 2:00 to 3:00. If any of the counselors can make it. If you would, let me know as | 00:54:56 | |
soon as possible. I've heard from two of them that aren't going to be able to make it. | 00:55:01 | |
But that way we can advertise if we need to. | 00:55:07 | |
Mr. Hicks. | 00:55:13 | |
And I knew them was or old. I guess it could fall in one last week at our field meeting. | 00:55:16 | |
And the programs for your new bands came in high. | 00:55:22 | |
So it looks like you won't get them. I think everything that good. We had some good people talking. | 00:55:26 | |
Everybody was impress. | 00:55:32 | |
Everybody talking about what what you will want for this year for the, for the, for the. | 00:55:35 | |
Road bands around town and stuff. | 00:55:41 | |
OK, it was very. | 00:55:44 | |
Because the season is shorter now, we're just going to do the streets. | 00:55:47 | |
That are on. | 00:55:52 | |
Help me out. N Leroy, Cassidy and Mary, please. And they're doing those. And then we got more on Fowler Maneras. | 00:55:57 | |
McCutcheon to be done, but that won't be till March. | 00:56:07 | |
So it's just the weather got got ahead of us. The highway project is going great. | 00:56:11 | |
You notice they're doing everything rails and green stuff. | 00:56:16 | |
The entrances. | 00:56:22 | |
And I want to congratulate whoever put up the lights, I know. | 00:56:24 | |
The recreation department, the tourism department, Lloyd's department put up a lot of Christmas lights and those that look | 00:56:29 | |
terrific, they look great. I also want to let you know that we got $1,000,000. | 00:56:34 | |
For the rodeo, again, for quality of life and that. | 00:56:40 | |
The exact number is 923,400 and. | 00:56:46 | |
17 From the Regional Recreation Center Quality of Life Program This will give us. | 00:56:50 | |
Gas feet and they. | 00:56:58 | |
Covers for all sides of the arena that can be moved up and down. | 00:57:01 | |
And we want to have the biggest wrestling tournament. | 00:57:07 | |
With. | 00:57:10 | |
That's why term limits are difficult. | 00:57:14 | |
I'm sorry. | 00:57:18 | |
But we are going to do that because they will be closed in and it can be also moved depending on what the day is and we'll have | 00:57:20 | |
gas heaters also put in there. | 00:57:25 | |
So that's. | 00:57:31 | |
The only one that can get millions of dollars when you're going to breakdown? | 00:57:34 | |
We got work today from HUD. They approved, so we'll be closing December 28th. So how, how much money is that? How big a project? | 00:57:38 | |
A little bit over 13 million. Well, that's awesome. | 00:57:48 | |
Mr. Mr. One bedroom. | 00:57:51 | |
And eight units of two-bedroom. Wow. Over there by the hospital. Yeah. Congratulations, Mr. Oliver. I know it's coming up the | 00:57:55 | |
pipe, but since it still is kind of official, I just wanted to say that it's been an honor and a privilege to serve with you. | 00:58:03 | |
Councillor Hicks and I know this is your last meeting and I know we'll do something later, but I just wanted to recognize you as | 00:58:12 | |
being able to do and I really appreciate working with you guys, the mayor, all the councillors. | 00:58:18 | |
I'd like to thank the city employees for making us look good up here. The city always do good job chief everybody out there and I | 00:58:26 | |
know you're going to jump up in here and take over and do an excellent job yourself. | 00:58:32 | |
And I'm going to propose to the City Council that. | 00:58:39 | |
Mr. Hicks on as the airport. | 00:58:43 | |
Representative and the regional planning or because he goes to everyone of those meetings and stands up for us. | 00:58:46 | |
He also is our Minister of League representative, but we need to check to see if a non counselor can be a municipal league or if | 00:58:52 | |
one of you guys want to go. But the important thing is you got to go to every meeting and sometimes it's hard in our in our way, | 00:59:00 | |
but Gordie has always gone to those meetings for the ministry. OK, so we want to make sure that everybody gets the counseling | 00:59:07 | |
sitting council gets the first bit at it, but but the airport and the RPO we're going to continue using. | 00:59:14 | |
Mr. Hicks is our liaison with the City Council as he had is with the chairman as he of the RPO, so. | 00:59:22 | |
Anyway, so much. And Gordy we will. | 00:59:29 | |
Will present Guardia Big Plaque. | 00:59:32 | |
For 33 years of a chance to at least give a couple longer than just yes. And we honor your privilege, Yeah, we'll make it all | 00:59:36 | |
night long. | 00:59:40 | |
For 33 years. | 00:59:47 | |
A long, long time. | 00:59:51 | |
I remember in 19. | 00:59:52 | |
Six was it. Then it was my house and Tony Harmill was there. You were there. I was there. She decided that we were going to run | 00:59:55 | |
for City Council. | 00:59:59 | |
Yeah, can't wait to hear these stories. | 01:00:04 | |
Yeah. OK. So we're going to do the. | 01:00:10 | |
Whole business executive session. We just don't have those anymore. Personnel matters. We've got a ten of those. Ruby, what is | 01:00:14 | |
this all about? | 01:00:18 | |
Mr. Mayor, the first one is the job descriptions I always missed. | 01:00:25 | |
OK, the job, Descri. | 01:00:29 | |
Nick, you didn't give me the job description. | 01:00:31 | |
Donald, you go ahead and do it. | 01:00:36 | |
I'm worn out. | 01:00:38 | |
I believe I didn't print my packet, but I believe the only changes. | 01:00:41 | |
Department they felt that by us making. | 01:00:49 | |
Commercial licenses or CDL's mandatory. In our job descriptions we were excluding some potential candidates for drivers and we | 01:00:58 | |
have been having a hard time finding drivers, so excluding it from this job description. | 01:01:04 | |
Motion. | 01:01:14 | |
2nd And the reason we did the CDL was we had an accident. | 01:01:16 | |
6-7 years ago, Carlos. | 01:01:22 | |
No, he's not. So we added the CDL, but evidently it's not not possible. So all in favor? Aye, OK now? | 01:01:25 | |
Ruby you wanna this is about completed probation example. Through each one lure organized an angry landfill, completed probation. | 01:01:37 | |
At ***** Lucero parks temporary to full-time Manuel Maglena. | 01:01:45 | |
Wastewater tech New. | 01:01:50 | |
Gallegos Production You hire Jose Luis Martinez Hearts Nihar, then Amaris Senior Center Completed probation. She did a good job. | 01:01:53 | |
Danny Hill Sheeter center completed provision. **** Parker Senior Center completed probation. Pete Lopez, maintenance custodian, | 01:02:02 | |
completed probation. | 01:02:06 | |
Jose Lebar Rodrigo Rodriguez Menas completed probation Dominic Montano completed probation as a police officer. James Gomez, | 01:02:12 | |
police officer, completed prob. | 01:02:16 | |
And I want to say, I don't know if you saw, I mean, I like Facebook. I put it on Facebook. | 01:02:22 | |
We had our recruit. | 01:02:28 | |
Valedictorian. | 01:02:29 | |
Of you want to tell us? | 01:02:32 | |
A little bit about that. | 01:02:34 | |
That CNN. | 01:02:43 | |
Please can you from your Chinese? | 01:02:44 | |
And he was validated for me, for that big thing. Great, fantastic. And Janet Lucas, we had a retirement for her this lunchtime. | 01:02:47 | |
She's retired. How many years was that? | 01:02:53 | |
Greg James, Peralta Gas retirement Mario Amato, Fire retirement. | 01:03:02 | |
Simon, was he? | 01:03:08 | |
Costello Resignation. That's it. | 01:03:11 | |
Did I miss one? No. But can I? | 01:03:16 | |
Of the not a Lucero, he is attempt a full time. He already is full time that's. | 01:03:19 | |
OK. OK. It should be completed. | 01:03:27 | |
Mr. Vicks. | 01:03:31 | |
Don't move the 2nd and all in favor. | 01:03:34 | |
And. | 01:03:38 | |
We have Ernesto Oliv. | 01:03:39 | |
He's selling for. | 01:03:41 | |
That's it. That's the business registration. | 01:03:44 | |
Business reservations. | 01:03:47 | |
2nd. | 01:03:51 | |
We will meet in January. | 01:03:54 | |
2nd 20 and 24. | 01:03:56 | |
Nevertheless. | 01:04:00 |