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Still going? 00:00:00
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Good. 00:00:04
Much better than last night. 00:00:05
Anyway, this is the City of Solar City Council meeting. 00:00:07
Tuesday, October 17 to 2023 Roll call please. Mayor Basker here. 00:00:10
Councillor Travis Lopez. Yeah, Councillor Dean. 00:00:16
Thank you, Councillor Fleming. 00:00:19
Councillor Hicks, Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:22
Councillor, Councillor Romero here, Councillor Salome, we have a quorum. Alright, Pleasure, Allegiance. 00:00:26
I pledge allegiance to. 00:00:37
Of the United States of America. 00:00:39
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God. 00:00:41
Into this world. 00:00:45
And just small. 00:00:47
Mr. Romero. 00:00:53
We approve the. 00:00:54
Consent agenda. 00:00:56
I second it seconded the special. 00:00:58
All in favor, aye. 00:01:00
Mr. Ogin. 00:01:05
Ohh, through the agenda. 00:01:06
Ohh, that's part of it already, OK. 00:01:10
Public forum when you guys turn this around, what's going on here? 00:01:14
There's no public hearing public comment. 00:01:18
Public forum. 00:01:21
Oh, oh, sorry. We're down there. 00:01:23
Mr. Mayor, Well, here I'm going to let me get myself situated. 00:01:26
I just want to say that all these resolutions are part of the consent agenda, right? And the voucher run. But. 00:01:31
They're pretty interesting. I mean, you got the trails grant, you've got the wastewater, you got law enforcement, landfill 00:01:36
compactor. 00:01:39
CNG, VW reimbursement. 00:01:43
Airport, there's a lot of resolutions that hopefully the council realizes what what that's all about because. 00:01:46
We're talking about millions of dollars here. 00:01:52
Anyhow. 00:01:55
Mr. Mayor, Mr. About that short lived asset. 00:01:57
Is that short lived assets? 00:02:01
I don't know. Ruby knows all about that short lived asset. 00:02:04
I mean. 00:02:07
I mean, there was an expiration date on the check. 00:02:08
Council, mayor, So the short of gas is it's for the USDA loan for the wastewater collection and the wastewater facility. So I have 00:02:11
to put 76,000. 00:02:16
A year or two for maintenance on the wastewater collection and the wastewater facility. So it's 150. 00:02:20
3000 that's what we put away. 00:02:28
Have to transfer it. 00:02:30
Yearly, and I'll have to do that for the life of the loan for 40 years. 00:02:31
OK. 00:02:36
Any other questions? No, no, just it's hasn't had any questions. I'm just saying there are a lot of. 00:02:39
There's a lot of. 00:02:44
Lot of stuff there just to let you know. 00:02:45
What we've got, I mean a lot of it is bridge loans and a lot of his payoffs and. 00:02:48
And it's good to explain to you that publicly like that compact alone. 00:02:52
The the landfill wanna say a little bit so I can go. You want me to go over each one of them? Yeah, touch on them. I think it's. I 00:02:56
think it's a good budget. Resolution #1, which is the trails grant. So the city got 50,000 dollars 5000 remote administration. 00:03:02
45,000 will go for the contract for the trails. They're going to be developing a trail and that's the trail that Donald we're 00:03:09
talking about with Mr. Salina. Yes Sir. 00:03:14
And then as soon as we get, that's a planning grant which we're working with. 00:03:19
The jet, the same company that we talked about, the landscaping. 00:03:25
And I'm at Finley. 00:03:30
Ohh, OK, so as soon as that planning gets done, we're gonna apply for another one of the Quality of Life Recreation grants to 00:03:32
actually build the trails. 00:03:36
Grant writer Resolution Shoes. So we received 40,000 last fiscal year and 30,000 this fiscal year. 00:03:42
We did receive the revenue this year. 00:03:48
And so that's just for we use uh, Gwen Valentino for that, since she's done very, very well. 00:03:50
Done very well. 00:03:56
Collection payment. This is just the loan on the wastewater collection lines. It's actually coming out of our USDA loan and I'm 00:03:58
trying to transfer it. 00:04:02
To wastewater, but I haven't, they've been taking it out of our USDA account, which is a different account. So I just had to have 00:04:06
a resolution for that. 00:04:10
Uh, this is #4 is the law enforcement ground, so we're receiving 393,000 for supported positions. I'm going to be meeting with 00:04:15
Angel and Donald on Thursday to develop some positions for. 00:04:22
That that's a total of 1,000,000 that we've received so far. 00:04:30
Yeah, so. 00:04:34
Angel just want to. 00:04:36
Hire a new officer. We're able to use officers that we already hired. We hired one guy, so we're gonna go ahead and take it out of 00:04:37
this grant. 00:04:40
And possibly maybe security. So we're working on that and I'll update you guys on next meeting. 00:04:43
Uh, but the resolution is #5 is the. 00:04:50
Landfill loan that we received for the two cells, we did receive it this fiscal year, but we paid it last fiscal year. So I do 00:04:53
need the revenue for that. So we're just putting that back into joint enterprise. 00:04:59
I do need to set up a reserve loan, so out of that. 00:05:05
Bond they did give us 140,177 to put into a reserve loan for the landfill. 00:05:10
Number six is also a reserve account for the compactor loan we received. We will not be purchasing that. 00:05:17
Compact for another year. So that's how long it's going to take to build, but we do have the loan ready to pay for it. 00:05:25
#7 is our actually our CNG. I left out the reimbursement for the wastewater, so. 00:05:31
This will be the dump truck. We did receive the three dump trucks. 00:05:38
I did receive the loan for that, so I'm just setting up. 00:05:41
The payments for it. As soon as we get the garbage trucks, we plan to pay off the loan completely. 00:05:45
#8 00:05:51
this is grant revenue. 00:05:52
Umm. 00:05:56
For the airport, we received COVID money. 00:05:57
And we received it this fiscal year. So we're using that to purchase a truck. 00:06:01
We're gonna do half gas requirement and half. 00:06:06
Airport, but that was revenue money that we received from. 00:06:10
COVID. 00:06:13
#9 is the shortened down since I went over that. That's just putting money aside to do maintenance on the wastewater facility 00:06:14
wastewater collection. 00:06:19
#10 is wastewater facility. So we completed the wastewater facility, but we still had a little bit of. 00:06:25
Umm. 00:06:31
Invoices due to dentist engineering which was 7000 so I transferred that. 00:06:33
At the beginning, catch glance. 00:06:37
Um, budget resolution #11 was just the Convention Center. 00:06:40
There's some electric being done out there for the signs and the storage building, so that's gonna just come out of beginning cash 00:06:44
balance from Convention Center. 00:06:48
That wasn't budgeted. 00:06:52
And then all the rest of the 101 in house resolution. I'm just moving budget items around to cover. 00:06:53
You know, maybe I maybe made some errors, maybe. 00:06:59
So I'm just moving stuff around that's not going to affect the budget. It's just moving line items. 00:07:01
And that's it for. 00:07:06
Thank you. Yeah. That's a lot. Thank you. OK. Thank you, honey. 00:07:08
Thank. 00:07:12
OK. 00:07:12
And so now we have the public forum. I see cross country out there. 00:07:13
And just in time. 00:07:21
And here. 00:07:23
City Thank you to Steve and his crew. Out of the Rodeo grounds we hosted Screw High School cross country hosted a home week on 00:07:26
Friday, October 6th. We hosted 12 teams from around the state. 00:07:32
And 216 runners out of the rodeo grounds and it was just a fantastic day and Steve and his and Raul and his crew did a great job 00:07:38
getting the course. 00:07:42
In tip top shape and he was really responsive to all my messages. Ohh I'd porta potties and you just wonder moved ohh I need this 00:07:46
and and he was so kind so thank you. Steve and Raul did a bunch of work on the course making sure that the Royals were unable. 00:07:54
Because every time it rains. 00:08:02
To take her work, but it was in great shape. 00:08:04
I don't think we had any injuries and Socorro ran really well and it was fun to be able to host. 00:08:08
Teams who don't typically come to the world. Last year we hosted, I think 5 or 16 minutes. You were up to 12. 00:08:14
And we have to create centralized location. We had teams from Santa Fe and Ruidoso and Capitan and Deming and Silver City and 00:08:20
Berlin, and they just really came and Canada and Cuba. 00:08:26
So it was really kind of from all over and we had varsity races, JV and middle school. So it was a great day and we will also be 00:08:32
hosting our district meet on Friday, November 3rd. So we've got. 00:08:38
More around Steve. 00:08:44
Umm. 00:08:46
And I anticipate that to be a great day too. This is the district meetings where our runners have the chance to qualify for state. 00:08:47
And and where like it's really the only meat of the season that truly matters in terms of performance. But we've been improving by 00:08:53
leaps and bounds and it was really fun to be able to run in front of our home crowds, so. 00:08:59
Thank you for that facility. 00:09:05
The coaches were very complimentary about the condition of the of the course and the facility in general. They were all very 00:09:07
surprised at this defined this Gen. 00:09:11
Around like 25. So I think that it's just my girl from here. 00:09:17
So thank you. 00:09:21
Yeah. Thank you. And thank you for getting that program on the. 00:09:23
Under the radar for everybody. That's terrific, right. Did you have much to do with the bicyclic one that they had the week before 00:09:26
so the day the week before. No. I'm friends with the organizer but I don't know anything about thank you that's, you know all 00:09:33
these events are just terrific event especially all done by volunteers and Steve and his crew. I'm not saying that they're not 00:09:39
volunteering but they do a great job and and with the rains I know I've been through those arroyos and after the rains. 00:09:46
That's a lot of work. It's a lot of work. 00:09:53
And we just appreciate being allowed out there and and welcomed and encouraged to use the facility. So thank you. Great. Thank 00:09:56
you. Thank you for giving us the report. Mr. Olgin was gonna say, just make sure Abby wins next year. 00:10:02
She's going for it. Gotta win the whole tournament, yeah? 00:10:11
Well, she's she's going for the district. 00:10:14
Account. So don't put that in the minute. I don't want any pressure, but sure. 00:10:17
Good job. Thank you. I retract that statement then. 00:10:23
Thank you for coming and giving us the. 00:10:26
Update anyone else out in the public forum. 00:10:29
Alright, you don't have to stay with you. 00:10:32
OK, so we've got the transfer of the ownership of canopy liquor license, Mr. Mayor, just Mr. 00:10:35
Make motion with the public hearing for the liquor license transfer second. 00:10:42
Moved and seconded all in favor. 00:10:46
Not hearing anything from the audience. 00:10:49
Let's go back into regular session. 00:10:53
There, that's better. 00:10:55
Not seeing anybody from the public, I move we go back to the regular session. 00:10:56
All in favor, aye. 00:11:02
Mr. Hicks. 00:11:05
Shall we transfer it? 00:11:08
That was coming out of Yes Sir, I made the motion transfer. 00:11:10
Moved and seconded. 00:11:13
All in favor, aye. 00:11:15
Resolution for the Law Enforcement Fund Grant. 00:11:17
Mr. Mayor, that's that's me again. We approved that at the last meeting. 00:11:20
But lo and behold, I forgot to change the new grant agreement number, so they would like to a new resolution with the correct. 00:11:24
Number on it. 00:11:32
Here. 00:11:34
Looks that case I moved them. We passed resolution 23-10-17A. 00:11:35
Moved and seconded. All in favor, aye? 00:11:42
Funding for public transportation. 00:11:45
Mayor Mr. Next Motion to pass Resolution #23 Task Dash 10-17, Three Public Transport System. 00:11:48
2nd. 00:11:56
Moved and seconded. 00:11:57
Mr. 00:11:58
Carlos. 00:11:59
How's it going with transportation? 00:12:00
How's your trips between Berlin and the Roadrunner, I mean, and here? 00:12:04
I didn't get a phone call though. Thank you. 00:12:16
But you are how many do you get? A lot of customers or? 00:12:20
Yeah. 00:12:22
Really. 00:12:28
Good. Good. 00:12:29
But. 00:12:30
Great. 00:12:31
All in favor, aye. 00:12:32
And new business. 00:12:34
Mayor, there have a couple little things on that. 00:12:37
What does that campaigning that someone on Main Street behind the ditch of me? 00:12:42
They're asking for a speed bump down that. 00:12:46
And I said up, there you go. 00:12:49
What can you do? 00:12:51
If that's. 00:12:52
On Main Street, it's. 00:12:54
It's the middle Rd. It's the long when it goes all the way across to the time used to be by the church. 00:12:57
Which? 00:13:04
No. 00:13:05
Across the ditch for me. 00:13:06
It's the railroad tracks one Rd. Then Main Street than the other Rd. 00:13:08
OK. 00:13:12
I think that'll make you sound, and I believe we have installed a couple. 00:13:13
Speed humps over there, but then I also believe that road is still on the list. 00:13:17
Yes on on the limiter languages, but nothing. 00:13:21
Anyway, I don't not bring it up. We'll take also on. 00:13:25
What is responsible for the lighting on the off and on graphs? 00:13:29
We are, We are and and. 00:13:33
We have worked it. 00:13:37
We had a big glitch here. 00:13:38
Week and a half ago. 00:13:41
They shorted it out, the people who are actually working on that ramp. 00:13:43
150. 00:13:47
And then Darrell Ross had to go through the whole city. 00:13:49
Fixing some of the problems, but I think they're all fixed the one at the north exit. 00:13:53
Heading South? 00:14:00
Ohh. When you move around, Yeah, when you roll around. Just as you get to the freeway right beside the bridge. I'll go ahead. I'll 00:14:02
get one. Flicks all night long. I've got to talk to Lord about that, you see? 00:14:08
The one that you come around then you're going South. It's not coming in north for sure. OK. That's the one that we're working on, 00:14:15
but we'll let's work on that. But we are responsible now for that. OK. Thank you. Yeah. 00:14:20
Any other new business? 00:14:26
Old business, right? It's still again. 00:14:28
Just wanted to. 00:14:31
And note that when, when we had that, I think it was at the July 5th meeting when we had the coop. 00:14:33
Here and then the attorneys, yeah. 00:14:40
Umm, there was talk that and I was trying to find in the Minutes, but. 00:14:42
We requested to see if the the our attorneys can give us at least to start with the sample. 00:14:45
Franchise agreement of what? A real. 00:14:50
Agreement would look like. 00:14:53
OK. 00:14:56
Sure. 00:14:59
And I think I shouldn't. I thought we had a. Didn't we have a boilerplate that was like 30 pages long? 00:15:00
That Nan gave us. 00:15:07
Number. 00:15:10
No. 00:15:13
OK, let me let me remind her. Let me remind her. Sure, she has it. So let me remind her because she did. She did have one that was 00:15:13
a. 00:15:17
Kind of a. 00:15:21
Boilerplate of the franchise agreement of a new one. I'll give her a call tomorrow. There's a lot that was going on. We talked 00:15:22
about that could go into that that. 00:15:26
Right. 00:15:31
OK. 00:15:33
I'm not sure what's the purpose of that. 00:15:36
I'm just going to see what it fits for the progress on and see if we're going to get a copy of 1 to see what it looks like. That's 00:15:38
a new one of a new one. 00:15:41
That the city, if the city were to propose a franchise, we were the proposal. 00:15:45
OK. The nuts and bolts that would go inside that franchise agreement to satisfy? 00:15:49
The. 00:15:55
Is content or whatever. 00:15:56
OK. 00:15:58
OK, we're going to do that. 00:16:00
I I just, I just thought that at this point the franchise agreements. 00:16:02
The councillor said that we were not going to renew the franchise. 00:16:06
And that was going to terminate, as a judge said in May 2024. 00:16:09
But we can produce one. 00:16:13
If if there's a. 00:16:16
Boilerplate. I don't think that there's any intention of trying to get it signed. 00:16:17
We can produce one. 00:16:22
I think, I think we did have some. I remember that she had. 00:16:24
Said well, this five or four page one is like very flimsy. 00:16:27
That's what I was going to try to find something. It's gonna be requested. 00:16:31
Producing that has all the stuff in there that I'll deal with her tomorrow. Communities have been there, we'll get that done. 00:16:35
We'll get it done. 00:16:42
The I've got all the directors here. Any. 00:16:43
Questions. 00:16:47
Mike is a new landfill. 00:16:50
Sell open yet or is it? 00:16:52
Is it almost there? 00:16:55
Open. 00:16:58
And the council, we've been approved. 00:17:01
To start dumping in there. 00:17:03
We haven't started yet because. 00:17:06
Had a contractor come in as we discussed at one of the meetings too. 00:17:08
Grind all the trillions has been done. 00:17:12
So now I have. 00:17:14
A few piles of mulch that we need to move. 00:17:16
Did they come through and do it? They came through and did awesome. 00:17:19
Took two days. 00:17:23
Wow. You know they had. 00:17:24
And if you've been out there, unbelievable mountains of. 00:17:26
Limbs, yes, And he did. 00:17:30
All of them did all of it in two days. Wow. 00:17:32
Two days or two days ago I had a had a tub grinder their their machine looks makes ours look like a baby. So Ohh, yeah Ohh yeah 00:17:35
yeah so. So now this is going to be used for cover. They'll be used for the. 00:17:41
Number of the. 00:17:48
Yeah. 00:17:49
Of the cell one and two. 00:17:50
You know, you know, and I don't know if the public understands the accomplishment of that landfill. 00:17:51
As to what has been done out there. 00:17:57
I mean, that's a ninth wonder of the world that we have a landfill for city like this. 00:18:00
And for you to manage it and get it going, you got your methane clearance and all that too. 00:18:05
But it's it's really something. 00:18:10
That's a. 00:18:12
Very exceptional. 00:18:13
The public needs to realize that there's no longer a dump, it's an actual landfill. 00:18:15
Yeah, that's so true. And it costs twice as much to run. 00:18:20
That's the other part of it. Well, people say, you know, why can't we just dump here? Because it's just a dump. It's not just a 00:18:24
dump. There's no rules and regulations that we have to follow through. I I'd like to know a small town or any town that far size 00:18:29
that has a landfill. There's no town that has a landfill. 00:18:35
And that makes it more convenient for people to come in from the county and from everywhere else to. 00:18:40
You know, I set up some transfer station. We try our best to stay open. Wins. Sometimes they make us close. Ohh yeah, you guys 00:18:45
never open. I forgot about that. It's that wind. 00:18:50
No, I get written up again on litter. That's fine to being we got last time. No, that's pretty good, very good. 00:18:55
Michael, you have a recycling program. You have a vendor come in and take take some of the metal out. That's good. 00:19:01
Because I had a vendor comes from from Las Cruces and another one from Albuquerque. They kind of take turns, you know, everybody's 00:19:07
gonna. 00:19:10
I tried to share the wealth. Yeah, that's a good idea. 00:19:14
All right. Thank you, Felipe. Anything new? 00:19:18
How's that? I mean everybody could always concerned about the animal shelter. 00:19:20
How's that working out? You know that's in the game. 00:19:24
You know something I never hear about, which is great. 00:19:27
Look, I mean he takes care of the animal shelter in the dispatch also, but. 00:19:30
Believe me, before I took over a little get a phone call almost every week about something that's been really good. 00:19:34
Animal shelter is where that capacity, we're over capacity, but we do have. 00:19:40
I think they're called Pause and friends. They're an agency out of Utah. They're coming down tomorrow at 1:00 to see the shelter. 00:19:47
And they're possibly gonna have us sign a contract with them where they're going to possibly do four to five transports a year. 00:19:53
So that's that's always a good thing, especially with all of the shelters being full and all of the rescues being full. And that's 00:20:01
nationwide, not just in the state. 00:20:06
I know last week we had an adoption event for one of the private businesses. 00:20:11
I didn't find out about that event until Wednesday night, and it was just by sheer coincidence that I found out. Was that the 00:20:17
marijuana business, correct? 00:20:21
I did speak with both parties, both Valencia County and the owner of the facility. 00:20:26
According to them, they attempted to reach out to us. I've never spoken to either one of the agencies administration. 00:20:32
So. 00:20:40
I did inform them of how we felt about it. It was kind of kicking the pants for us. 00:20:42
But there's really nothing I can do. I went through the ordinance looking to see if there was anything in there that we could 00:20:48
prohibit them from doing. 00:20:51
All the dogs were spayed and neutered. They did have their vaccinations and their rabies vaccinated. They come from Valencia 00:20:54
County. 00:20:58
Bringing them here to be adopted in Socorro? Correct. The private business paid for all the adoptions. 00:21:03
So they were free. 00:21:10
To the public or whoever wanted them, so I'm sure in a few months I'll be picking them. 00:21:11
Well, good for Valencia County. Yeah. So, Mr. Fleming, how many did they bring down? My understanding, I think it was 30. 00:21:19
Well, let's do one up there. That's what Robert. 00:21:30
Just the place to take them. 00:21:36
The owner of the business did say they do four to five adoption events a year also. 00:21:38
And I did tell them that. 00:21:45
I would hope that for the next one that they have, we come into consideration. 00:21:47
And that Valencia County is no longer. 00:21:52
Brought here so. 00:21:54
Yeah. 00:21:57
And your dispatch, How are you doing with that? Dispatch is good. We have one position open. I believe it closes soon. 00:21:59
Thursday, so we're hoping to fill that position. 00:22:06
And everybody's certified. 00:22:10
Everybody's trained awesome, so. 00:22:13
So we're, as you heard conditionings working in all things up today. We did have one issue in the video room which. 00:22:15
TLC came down and replaced the head unit. Other than that everything is working just fine. 00:22:22
Great. Thank you. 00:22:29
Chief Garcia. 00:22:30
Tell us about the move and what's going on over there at the. 00:22:32
Zimmerly And What's the predicted timeline and how is that working? 00:22:35
We got contacted by the cameras. 00:22:39
The specialist is coming down to install the cameras. 00:22:42
They're anticipating about the 30th of this month to get the cameras in there. 00:22:45
I spoke to Scott and Ryan today. They're working on. 00:22:49
Fixing the fiber for phones. 00:22:54
Without that, we can't go there. 00:22:56
Um, so we're we're hoping within a month that would be able to be in there. 00:22:58
In a month, hopefully. 00:23:02
And your offices are all segregated away from another area or. 00:23:05
Pretty much the only thing that's in there right now is friends of the library, I believe. 00:23:09
Uh, so we're we're not sure how that's gonna work because they both use the main entrance and you don't have an alternative school 00:23:14
in there too. Or no, no. 00:23:17
Northern School just MU that we. 00:23:21
Have. 00:23:24
Yeah, no, but I was, I was under the impression they might put in a. 00:23:26
Not to our not to. The last time we talked there, they were not considering that anymore. They're going to move it up to the high 00:23:30
school, I believe. 00:23:33
Every Sunday, MU Yes, Sir. Yes Sir. 00:23:37
So and the budget for that. 00:23:40
Your budget for that? 00:23:43
For the move. 00:23:45
That's probably going to come out of building maintenance or? 00:23:46
Something similar. 00:23:49
And we're going to abandon the existing police station. 00:23:51
We're going to try to because we still have evidence that's in there that has three rooms that are jam packed, so. 00:23:55
Uh. 00:24:00
Russell's been working with the an evidence custodian from out of Socorro. 00:24:01
To see how they're getting their their destruction orders. 00:24:07
And in bulk to get removed because we have a lot of stuff there from many years ago that need to be. 00:24:11
So they have the DA cleared that. I mean, there's things that DA has to clear. Yes, there is. And that's what they're working with 00:24:17
that that evidence tech is helping him. 00:24:21
Compile the paperwork to do that, and for the day's office, sign off on. 00:24:26
Mr. Fleming. 00:24:31
Chief. 00:24:34
If we're abandoning the whole building, what are we going to do with Lupe and dispatch? 00:24:35
It's not to hold. No, we're we're abandoning, basically, the old school. 00:24:40
Not the music, the old music room that we're in now. 00:24:46
So it's basically the old part where Municipal Court is. 00:24:49
Um. 00:24:54
I don't know, I I don't know if you guys are planning on making. 00:24:55
Making it bigger, Lot or no, that's going to be demoed. 00:24:59
Letter is going to be downloaded. 00:25:02
And adjust the middle well on the South end also from the Municipal Court South. 00:25:04
But that again, we're still trying to form all that together, but that's probably going to be demo. 00:25:14
We recently purchased 4 vehicles from New Mexico State Police. I showed them to Donald and there the other day. 00:25:18
Got 2 tahoes and two explorers. 00:25:25
Uh, they just three of them just got done. Uh, we're lacking one more. 00:25:27
Um. 00:25:32
We got four for price of 1 brand new one and they're very good price and they come fully equipped. 00:25:33
New ones crossing the spot 38,000. 00:25:38
And then another 13 to 14,000 to equip them so. 00:25:41
For one vehicle we got four that are, you know, exceptional. Exceptional by yeah. 00:25:46
Right. And we're looking forward to the grant and talking on Thursday about hiring and. 00:25:52
Putting people in places that need to be. 00:25:57
Any questions? Ohh. I also talked to Mr. Patterson. 00:26:01
I stopped him yesterday on a traffic stop on AU TV. 00:26:06
I assured him that we're still working on that proposal. 00:26:10
There's an ordinance that the City Council are going to have to approve, which is been passed in other cities. 00:26:13
And so we'll basically just take a boilerplate from Tier C or you know, the Angelina also just passed theirs. We'll bring it. The 00:26:19
only thing with Madeline Kent, we'll get operate on state highways. So get it done. Back roads, yes, not state highway. Thank you. 00:26:25
Thank you for getting that done. 00:26:31
Alright. 00:26:37
Any questions? 00:26:39
Okay Fornia is our street right now. 00:26:41
California found out yesterday. California is ours Hwy. 85 and I don't is Hwy. 85 hours. I don't think it's Hwy. 85 and Hwy. 60 is 00:26:45
not. No, no Hwy. 85 from a stoplight that way. Yeah, OK. 00:26:51
So and then. 00:26:58
Spring Street and Hwy. 60 up to the hospitals also not. 00:27:00
Mr. Clement, Chief, the frontage roads are still state highways. Also, yes, OHH frontage rules right The front row that leads to 00:27:04
Florida in the front row that leads out on the other side to Mr. Garcia is also state highway. 00:27:10
Thank you. Yes, questions Chief Baker, anything? 00:27:19
No. 00:27:24
What? 00:27:26
Well, a couple of things. We're getting ready to hire four people today. Hopefully we get approved. 00:27:30
That'll give us a full staff. 00:27:35
Not certified, but a full staff with a. 00:27:37
One we have retiring at the end of the year and then we're losing one in March. He's moving away, so. 00:27:40
Hopefully we'll get those guys hired and get them in classes so we can get kind of. 00:27:45
Offset some of that loss that we take when those guys do leave. 00:27:49
Another thing is we did apply for a grant for some bunker gear that we really need and we got denied the grant, so we're going to 00:27:53
have to look to see what we could do on that. 00:27:57
How much is that? 00:28:02
It's roughly around 8090 thousand. 00:28:03
For for a set for all 16 people. 00:28:06
So. 00:28:09
And then currently we're we're waiting, we're finishing up a grant for our new ambulance as well. So, so we'll see what happens. 00:28:11
Any questions? 00:28:19
Mr. Was the grant that was turned down the state grant or the federal grant? No, it's the fire grant, the state of the state. 00:28:20
Well, I mean what there any reason or? 00:28:28
No, he just said that. He just unfortunately we. 00:28:30
There's other departments that. 00:28:33
Needed. 00:28:35
In itself more than we did so. 00:28:36
And the hard thing about that is, is the state they just came down and inspected us for. We talked about our ISO. 00:28:39
And there's a lot of things that they require, and one of them is a bunker gear. 00:28:44
You know, for us to. 00:28:48
When we fight fire, we're supposed to have a second set for each individual. 00:28:49
That way when we clean them and wash them and the cat decontaminate them. 00:28:53
We have other set to be able to and and we don't have that right now, so. 00:28:56
And even when we hire new people, we're just kind of piercing. 00:29:00
Parts together behind them, over to people that that lead at the next budget committee meeting, you can try to put that in. 00:29:03
Mr. Chief, you said they came down to check our ISO rating. Well, they they did a pre inspection for the ISO rating that that that 00:29:11
actual inspections by not going to be for another few months, but they come down and do a pre inspection. 00:29:18
And kind of. 00:29:25
Give us a heads up as to what we need to work on. 00:29:26
And like I told you guys, we're only 9 1/2 points away for months. I sold three. We're out of four right now. So he basically gave 00:29:29
us some ways that he thinks that maybe we can get down to a three. 00:29:33
And we're working on that right now, so. 00:29:38
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Chief, Steve, anything. 00:29:42
New, but you know, I gotta congratulate you on all the events that you continue having. I and I see it when when Darrell Ross. 00:29:46
Puts up the pictures at the other rodeo events and. 00:29:54
And of course, all the cross country and soccer. It was so still going. 00:29:57
Yeah so Ohh. 00:30:02
Ohh, no, that's OK. I have Steve. 00:30:05
He he's he's he's what? He's worn out. He's doing it. He's done a good job. There's a lot of work out there and. 00:30:08
And your equipment is in good shape. 00:30:14
OK, go ahead. 00:30:16
Does he? 00:30:17
Any change? Anything new? 00:30:19
Yeah, so there's quite a few things happening on Saturday or this weekend, I should say. 00:30:24
The LA Open House is happening this weekend. 00:30:28
That'll be from 9:00 to 4:00. 00:30:32
We'll have the Trinity site opening. 00:30:34
That's eight to two and I believe Carlos is given rides on Saturday. 00:30:37
UM and also basketball patches having a. 00:30:43
Ted's slash adult event they'll have. 00:30:46
Believe face painting and. 00:30:49
This kids activities out there. 00:30:51
And in conjunction with that, we're also doing a tour. 00:30:53
Yeah. So we are setting up a tour of Fort Craig to where individuals will be able to go out to Fort Craig. They'll stay in the 00:30:57
parking lot and then Carlos as well. We'll take them from the Fort to the battlefield that is adjacent to the Fort. It's about 8 00:31:03
miles away. So he'll transport them from the parking lot over to the battlefield. They'll have a nice little presentation there 00:31:10
for them and just make a presentation so the staff at Fort Craig and us. 00:31:16
Because that really needs to be highlighted in that area. Yeah. Battle of the Valverde or whatever. Yeah. Yes, Sir. And so that 00:31:25
would be on this Friday. Yeah, Awesome. So you're busy. You're book. 00:31:30
And you? 00:31:36
You have a gun show coming up. 00:31:38
That's on Saturday. That's the Lifeline Club, I believe with us and Ted Kelly Kelly. It's all over Albuquerque. 00:31:41
The sponsor they have is doing a very good job of getting it out. 00:31:52
Yeah, how are the crazy 49ers? 00:31:57
Was it? 00:32:02
I mean worked. Everything worked well. 00:32:03
Yeah, the tent worked well. They got it down on Saturday. Floyd's crew. 00:32:06
But they, they used it on Friday. So the Light parade and the Light parade, Yeah, thank you. 00:32:11
I just wanted to say if any of you guys are interested in joining the tour there's a pre registration. I could get you guys the 00:32:18
link. 00:32:20
It's something really interesting. 00:32:24
I would love to have you so. 00:32:27
There's only 18 seats. I believe so. And we also announced this year's Electric Light Parade theme, So we're gonna go with a 00:32:28
gingerbread holiday this year. So keep an eye out for your parade applications. Let people know that that's what we're doing. 00:32:34
And so what's how are you working with the Festival of the Cranes? Do you do anything with them at all? So they're. 00:32:42
Basically what we're doing is we're hosting the light parade December 9th. 00:32:49
So it ends. 00:32:53
Just as the festival of the Cranes. 00:32:55
Or it starts just as the festival of the cranes ends so. 00:32:58
Hopefully we'll get some of those birders we can. 00:33:01
Um. 00:33:03
Basketball Apache friends of the Boskey said that we could advertise our stuff that's happened on the puzzle with them so. 00:33:05
And that's kind of what we tried to do last year we'll try to do. 00:33:10
A little bit better job this year. 00:33:13
Yes, I'm sorry, yes. And Transportation will be providing rides for the birders too, so. 00:33:17
Yeah, we're gonna use the Opera House. Or are they gonna do, you know? Yeah, yeah, they're doing arts. Yeah. The Socorro County 00:33:24
Arts is gonna be hosting their Arts and Craft show in the Garcia Opera House again. 00:33:29
So. 00:33:35
All week. I think it's Thursday. 00:33:36
Friday Saturday. 00:33:38
So great. And of course as always we're having the look on to as well and Lawrence guys are putting together. 00:33:39
Someone contact. 00:33:45
Yeah, that'd be a lot happening. 00:33:46
Mr. You guys having anything on the 28th? 00:33:49
At the Plaza life for the Trunk and Treats. Ohh yeah, the Fall Fun Fest that's going to happen on Halloween night. Actually, she 00:33:52
is the one kind of spearheading that. 00:33:56
And so there will be. 00:34:01
Tons of activity. She sent an e-mail out to all the department heads, and we're all just kind of. 00:34:04
Joining in on. 00:34:08
What we can umm, so there will be different activities. There would be, I believe the libraries hosting the costume contest. 00:34:10
We'll be doing a Donuts on the string. 00:34:16
Activity. 00:34:18
There will be some trunk or treaters. 00:34:20
Every many other activities on the Halloween night though I believe on the 28th is the. 00:34:22
New Mexico Tech Monster Mash. 00:34:29
And that's happening on Campus Drive, so. 00:34:31
I'm I'm going to the public. I'm running the Don't think in the mirror. 00:34:35
Already volunteered to be the first one to get done. 00:34:39
That's like, you know, you guys have unbelievable stuff that you're doing and sharing and thank you for the Highway 60. 00:34:44
Thing that was that was done very well. I mean, it's just a lot of stuff going on. 00:34:50
Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. 00:34:54
Also add that this weekend they're having a big race across the river. Motorcycle race. We're good as hell, yeah. 00:34:57
This weekend. 00:35:04
Youngsters. 00:35:06
Start at 10 and they're true by 9. 00:35:07
And then the hill climbs that tree. 00:35:10
And then Sunday morning is the big race. 00:35:13
And it's about a 25 mile loop in the beginners do it one the novice doesn't 2 laps and the experts do it 4. 00:35:16
That's all said. He wants to come out and look at it. It's going to be fun. That'll be fun this weekend. 00:35:26
Sounds good. 00:35:32
The kids race Saturday at about 11:50. The hill climbs about 3 thereabouts. 00:35:37
And the big race starts out Sunday at 8:00. 00:35:44
Eight or nine, I think it's 9. 00:35:48
And then whoever goes up my hill the fastest, I sponsored it for $200. 00:35:50
Very nice, yes. A big race every year when they Yeah ohh, yeah, Ohh. 00:35:57
They camp out there. How did they work? 00:36:02
They camped many of the races stay out there, the grandparents and. 00:36:03
The families usually come into town and stay at the hotels. Great, because they don't want to leave their bikes out there. 00:36:08
Alright, alright, right. 00:36:11
Chris, thanks a lot of that money in town. Ohh, they do. That's a big risk. 00:36:15
How are you spending any time at the schools? 00:36:19
Yeah. 00:36:23
How's that going? It's going great. And which school? Tell us with the middle school? 00:36:24
Were there? 00:36:29
I do an hour. Scooby does an hour. He goes in the morning, I'm going the afternoon. 00:36:30
And so far so good. 00:36:35
Any specific things that happen or is just mostly this and that just isn't that smoking country crazy? 00:36:37
And the code enforcement, how are we doing? 00:36:44
So yeah, I'm working there. 00:36:47
Side of town now so. 00:36:50
Trying to get it cleaned up. 00:36:52
You know, we're we're trying to pick together. 00:36:54
Where the onus of cleaning up is not on the person. 00:36:57
If we can get them to sign off. 00:37:01
On things that are out there that we think are not shouldn't be out there and we can tag them. 00:37:03
And they signed up the thing and I think he's gonna get with a lawyer. 00:37:08
To make sure it was done right and then we'll just come in and help clean it all out. 00:37:12
It may just end up being that way instead of taking them to court. 00:37:17
It sounds just. 00:37:20
Sign off and we'll go together and and pick the things that we need to clean up and we can tag them. 00:37:21
And then they sign off on that list. 00:37:27
And I'm hoping that that's a legal way to do it, but then the city just comes in and cleans it. 00:37:29
I think we may end up having to do that because it's just it's been very difficult for these guys. 00:37:35
To go through that process through the courts. 00:37:41
So Mr. Mona and Mr. Mayor, a couple weeks ago when you first brought up, citing more often and more frequent and sooner. 00:37:43
I reviewed all of our ordinances in our code and I think there's some conflicting information between the weeds. 00:37:51
The debris and the cars, because they all have different. 00:37:57
Terms you have to follow, so it's pretty inconsistent. 00:38:00
But then one of the previous. 00:38:03
Statements in the code says. 00:38:06
That they find any violations in the code, they can cite them. So I think there's some contradictions. I need to get what they're 00:38:08
turning on also. 00:38:12
Would be better if we just didn't have to litigate it. We just. 00:38:16
Got them to agree on what we can do and then we'll just have a day where we. 00:38:19
Do a whole bunch of places at one time, might be easier. 00:38:24
Yeah. 00:38:27
Expecting that every time and then they just think the city will just come, well, well, but that's the way it is. People just, I 00:38:30
mean. 00:38:33
They're hoarders. I mean, there's people that did hoard stuff on there. 00:38:36
On their yard and just gets out of hand and I don't know if they can even handle cleaning it up. 00:38:40
And you're right about that, Mister Romero, are there any properties in litigation now or or just have 3? 00:38:45
Mr. Mr. Hicks. 00:38:54
Umm. 00:38:56
The cars, I know it's going to be hard. 00:38:57
To get them out of there. But if you contact most of the junk yards or anybody's got a wrecker and willing to pick them up. 00:39:00
For the vehicle now I can't do that. 00:39:06
But if you call some of the other because I'm going out of business. 00:39:10
Sally Well, like Barca and Risberg. 00:39:14
No, but as I'm gonna go out there and and and and probably taken 2, OK? 00:39:17
Ohh, he's done. He's not. Yeah, that's what I heard. He's not a business. 00:39:21
So Mr. There's some instances where some illegal dumping on property, right? So it's no fault of the owner, but it finds an 00:39:26
opportunity to throw. 00:39:31
6 or 8 tires there and. 00:39:37
Over time, that the. 00:39:39
No, I don't. I mean, it is. 00:39:41
Ohh well we're trying to figure out some way to. 00:39:43
To help, you know, clean up the city. Thank you. 00:39:45
Did I miss anybody else? Everybody but Ruby, You have to say something. 00:39:50
Here. 00:39:58
Chassis here. 00:39:59
The mayor signed a contract from October 1st to November to March 31st, so we're going to see all compare the bills and see what 00:40:00
we're hedged at, like 5.72. 00:40:05
And we'll see how the bills come. But hopefully, if you're gonna be a hedge fund, we're gonna make billions, no? 00:40:10
Are those Williams? No. No, that's not true. Better not lose any straight you know, That way it doesn't. 00:40:16
It doesn't happen what happened last year so. 00:40:22
That's we're working on. We're still working on collections and. 00:40:24
So after I think November 15th, we can't quote, we can't shut off gas. So we're kind of working on that right now. 00:40:26
And just working on grounds and I don't know if Mayor, if you have anything to say about COVID or anything, you know it's back and 00:40:32
you know we're testing and we have a little money to. 00:40:36
Paying for testing, but we've been still honoring the. 00:40:41
Holiday or vacation? Holiday. Vacation. 00:40:45
Please. 00:40:48
That people say, but you have to get a positive test that we have documented so. 00:40:49
His back is not as severe. 00:40:54
But it's back. I mean, it's COVID is back and it's not as bad. 00:40:56
Not as bad, I mean, you know, but some people have, some people have it pretty bad. 00:41:00
It's overall it's not as bad. 00:41:06
And also we have open enrollment for health insurance, our health insurance premiums talking about 10%. 00:41:08
But it is open. That's the bad news. 00:41:13
I did budget 10%, so yeah. 00:41:16
Well that's not the good. Don't don't even tell him that. It's just you know Christine gonna go to a meeting and you are think 00:41:19
about 13th or whatever. But yeah I mean it's it's it's they say it was flat for a while and then they go up and that's surprise. 00:41:28
OK. 00:41:38
Thank you. 00:41:39
Arnos had his speech, no problems. Nothing else. 00:41:41
OK. And again, thank you for everybody for coming. 00:41:46
We will do the What shall we do with the planning? 00:41:49
Do the. 00:41:54
Let's do the executive session. Probably not. 00:41:55
Not yet. 00:41:59
Next. 00:42:00
There's no changes, Michaela to go on fire, recruit new hire Jacob Raleigh. 00:42:02
By recruiting new hire Kyle Julian. 00:42:08
New hire. This is at $20.00 an hour. 00:42:11
Christine Tierney, fire recruit since 2125 because they have the basic EMT certified. 00:42:16
And Valen, who's doing a great job, got her associate degree she's at. 00:42:23
848. 00:42:27
Yeah. 00:42:29
They're Romero. 00:42:30
Move to approve the personnel changes as read. I was looking at Mr. Mayor. 00:42:31
Moved and seconded on to hi. 00:42:35
Now we've got businesses. US Old Highway 85, Vance Duggar, DBA Cushy Retail Cannabis. 00:42:39
There we go again. 00:42:46
JKL Associates, Billing, Montana, Alan Hisana Utility contractor Carmen Medina Insurance. 00:42:48
Carmen Medina 200 Manzanares Hydro Resources out of town, Las Cruces. 00:42:56
Water well drilling contractor. 00:43:01
Emotionally give the business ministrations as presented second. 00:43:06
Move the seconded discussion all in favor, aye? 00:43:09
Shall we cancel the next meeting? Yes, it's on the day of the election and I just think maybe would be nice. I don't know if we're 00:43:13
gonna have. 00:43:17
Any problems with the? Any vouchers or? 00:43:21
Check. 00:43:25
Huh. 00:43:29
You can have a. 00:43:31
For the CNG trucks. 00:43:33
Sure I can send it through on the 2nd. 00:43:38
Meeting in November followed. 00:43:41
I'm sure it should be OK. 00:43:44
But we have to kill those energy trucks and we have to kill those dump trucks. I don't wanna come upset to the meeting. I don't 00:43:46
wanna have that meeting. 00:43:49
Happening within. 00:43:54
That was Lopez. 00:43:56
Will be either way we'll be excited or depressed. OK, so let's so let's just we'll cancel that meeting that's excited either way. 00:43:57
Ohh well you. 00:44:05
OK, I remember that. 00:44:07
But but we're gonna be testing. We'll cancel it, right? 00:44:09
OK, so we'll have to get the 21st with the 10 days he's active in session, I mean, we have to meet within 10 days of election 00:44:13
anyway. So isn't this stuff there? Yes, Sir. If anybody, if we have any new positions, they'll take office on January 1st. Yeah, 00:44:19
this is a little different setup because the March 1 used to just turn over right away. 00:44:25
This one you wait till January, OK? 00:44:32
That's fine. 00:44:35
So November 21st will be our next meeting. 00:44:37
Unless you wanna have a emergency sometime I meeting. 00:44:40
Hey. 00:44:45
Thank you. 00:44:46
Yep. 00:44:50
Thank you, Goldie. 00:44:51
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Still going? 00:00:00
You know how to do that? 00:00:02
Good. 00:00:04
Much better than last night. 00:00:05
Anyway, this is the City of Solar City Council meeting. 00:00:07
Tuesday, October 17 to 2023 Roll call please. Mayor Basker here. 00:00:10
Councillor Travis Lopez. Yeah, Councillor Dean. 00:00:16
Thank you, Councillor Fleming. 00:00:19
Councillor Hicks, Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:22
Councillor, Councillor Romero here, Councillor Salome, we have a quorum. Alright, Pleasure, Allegiance. 00:00:26
I pledge allegiance to. 00:00:37
Of the United States of America. 00:00:39
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God. 00:00:41
Into this world. 00:00:45
And just small. 00:00:47
Mr. Romero. 00:00:53
We approve the. 00:00:54
Consent agenda. 00:00:56
I second it seconded the special. 00:00:58
All in favor, aye. 00:01:00
Mr. Ogin. 00:01:05
Ohh, through the agenda. 00:01:06
Ohh, that's part of it already, OK. 00:01:10
Public forum when you guys turn this around, what's going on here? 00:01:14
There's no public hearing public comment. 00:01:18
Public forum. 00:01:21
Oh, oh, sorry. We're down there. 00:01:23
Mr. Mayor, Well, here I'm going to let me get myself situated. 00:01:26
I just want to say that all these resolutions are part of the consent agenda, right? And the voucher run. But. 00:01:31
They're pretty interesting. I mean, you got the trails grant, you've got the wastewater, you got law enforcement, landfill 00:01:36
compactor. 00:01:39
CNG, VW reimbursement. 00:01:43
Airport, there's a lot of resolutions that hopefully the council realizes what what that's all about because. 00:01:46
We're talking about millions of dollars here. 00:01:52
Anyhow. 00:01:55
Mr. Mayor, Mr. About that short lived asset. 00:01:57
Is that short lived assets? 00:02:01
I don't know. Ruby knows all about that short lived asset. 00:02:04
I mean. 00:02:07
I mean, there was an expiration date on the check. 00:02:08
Council, mayor, So the short of gas is it's for the USDA loan for the wastewater collection and the wastewater facility. So I have 00:02:11
to put 76,000. 00:02:16
A year or two for maintenance on the wastewater collection and the wastewater facility. So it's 150. 00:02:20
3000 that's what we put away. 00:02:28
Have to transfer it. 00:02:30
Yearly, and I'll have to do that for the life of the loan for 40 years. 00:02:31
OK. 00:02:36
Any other questions? No, no, just it's hasn't had any questions. I'm just saying there are a lot of. 00:02:39
There's a lot of. 00:02:44
Lot of stuff there just to let you know. 00:02:45
What we've got, I mean a lot of it is bridge loans and a lot of his payoffs and. 00:02:48
And it's good to explain to you that publicly like that compact alone. 00:02:52
The the landfill wanna say a little bit so I can go. You want me to go over each one of them? Yeah, touch on them. I think it's. I 00:02:56
think it's a good budget. Resolution #1, which is the trails grant. So the city got 50,000 dollars 5000 remote administration. 00:03:02
45,000 will go for the contract for the trails. They're going to be developing a trail and that's the trail that Donald we're 00:03:09
talking about with Mr. Salina. Yes Sir. 00:03:14
And then as soon as we get, that's a planning grant which we're working with. 00:03:19
The jet, the same company that we talked about, the landscaping. 00:03:25
And I'm at Finley. 00:03:30
Ohh, OK, so as soon as that planning gets done, we're gonna apply for another one of the Quality of Life Recreation grants to 00:03:32
actually build the trails. 00:03:36
Grant writer Resolution Shoes. So we received 40,000 last fiscal year and 30,000 this fiscal year. 00:03:42
We did receive the revenue this year. 00:03:48
And so that's just for we use uh, Gwen Valentino for that, since she's done very, very well. 00:03:50
Done very well. 00:03:56
Collection payment. This is just the loan on the wastewater collection lines. It's actually coming out of our USDA loan and I'm 00:03:58
trying to transfer it. 00:04:02
To wastewater, but I haven't, they've been taking it out of our USDA account, which is a different account. So I just had to have 00:04:06
a resolution for that. 00:04:10
Uh, this is #4 is the law enforcement ground, so we're receiving 393,000 for supported positions. I'm going to be meeting with 00:04:15
Angel and Donald on Thursday to develop some positions for. 00:04:22
That that's a total of 1,000,000 that we've received so far. 00:04:30
Yeah, so. 00:04:34
Angel just want to. 00:04:36
Hire a new officer. We're able to use officers that we already hired. We hired one guy, so we're gonna go ahead and take it out of 00:04:37
this grant. 00:04:40
And possibly maybe security. So we're working on that and I'll update you guys on next meeting. 00:04:43
Uh, but the resolution is #5 is the. 00:04:50
Landfill loan that we received for the two cells, we did receive it this fiscal year, but we paid it last fiscal year. So I do 00:04:53
need the revenue for that. So we're just putting that back into joint enterprise. 00:04:59
I do need to set up a reserve loan, so out of that. 00:05:05
Bond they did give us 140,177 to put into a reserve loan for the landfill. 00:05:10
Number six is also a reserve account for the compactor loan we received. We will not be purchasing that. 00:05:17
Compact for another year. So that's how long it's going to take to build, but we do have the loan ready to pay for it. 00:05:25
#7 is our actually our CNG. I left out the reimbursement for the wastewater, so. 00:05:31
This will be the dump truck. We did receive the three dump trucks. 00:05:38
I did receive the loan for that, so I'm just setting up. 00:05:41
The payments for it. As soon as we get the garbage trucks, we plan to pay off the loan completely. 00:05:45
#8 00:05:51
this is grant revenue. 00:05:52
Umm. 00:05:56
For the airport, we received COVID money. 00:05:57
And we received it this fiscal year. So we're using that to purchase a truck. 00:06:01
We're gonna do half gas requirement and half. 00:06:06
Airport, but that was revenue money that we received from. 00:06:10
COVID. 00:06:13
#9 is the shortened down since I went over that. That's just putting money aside to do maintenance on the wastewater facility 00:06:14
wastewater collection. 00:06:19
#10 is wastewater facility. So we completed the wastewater facility, but we still had a little bit of. 00:06:25
Umm. 00:06:31
Invoices due to dentist engineering which was 7000 so I transferred that. 00:06:33
At the beginning, catch glance. 00:06:37
Um, budget resolution #11 was just the Convention Center. 00:06:40
There's some electric being done out there for the signs and the storage building, so that's gonna just come out of beginning cash 00:06:44
balance from Convention Center. 00:06:48
That wasn't budgeted. 00:06:52
And then all the rest of the 101 in house resolution. I'm just moving budget items around to cover. 00:06:53
You know, maybe I maybe made some errors, maybe. 00:06:59
So I'm just moving stuff around that's not going to affect the budget. It's just moving line items. 00:07:01
And that's it for. 00:07:06
Thank you. Yeah. That's a lot. Thank you. OK. Thank you, honey. 00:07:08
Thank. 00:07:12
OK. 00:07:12
And so now we have the public forum. I see cross country out there. 00:07:13
And just in time. 00:07:21
And here. 00:07:23
City Thank you to Steve and his crew. Out of the Rodeo grounds we hosted Screw High School cross country hosted a home week on 00:07:26
Friday, October 6th. We hosted 12 teams from around the state. 00:07:32
And 216 runners out of the rodeo grounds and it was just a fantastic day and Steve and his and Raul and his crew did a great job 00:07:38
getting the course. 00:07:42
In tip top shape and he was really responsive to all my messages. Ohh I'd porta potties and you just wonder moved ohh I need this 00:07:46
and and he was so kind so thank you. Steve and Raul did a bunch of work on the course making sure that the Royals were unable. 00:07:54
Because every time it rains. 00:08:02
To take her work, but it was in great shape. 00:08:04
I don't think we had any injuries and Socorro ran really well and it was fun to be able to host. 00:08:08
Teams who don't typically come to the world. Last year we hosted, I think 5 or 16 minutes. You were up to 12. 00:08:14
And we have to create centralized location. We had teams from Santa Fe and Ruidoso and Capitan and Deming and Silver City and 00:08:20
Berlin, and they just really came and Canada and Cuba. 00:08:26
So it was really kind of from all over and we had varsity races, JV and middle school. So it was a great day and we will also be 00:08:32
hosting our district meet on Friday, November 3rd. So we've got. 00:08:38
More around Steve. 00:08:44
Umm. 00:08:46
And I anticipate that to be a great day too. This is the district meetings where our runners have the chance to qualify for state. 00:08:47
And and where like it's really the only meat of the season that truly matters in terms of performance. But we've been improving by 00:08:53
leaps and bounds and it was really fun to be able to run in front of our home crowds, so. 00:08:59
Thank you for that facility. 00:09:05
The coaches were very complimentary about the condition of the of the course and the facility in general. They were all very 00:09:07
surprised at this defined this Gen. 00:09:11
Around like 25. So I think that it's just my girl from here. 00:09:17
So thank you. 00:09:21
Yeah. Thank you. And thank you for getting that program on the. 00:09:23
Under the radar for everybody. That's terrific, right. Did you have much to do with the bicyclic one that they had the week before 00:09:26
so the day the week before. No. I'm friends with the organizer but I don't know anything about thank you that's, you know all 00:09:33
these events are just terrific event especially all done by volunteers and Steve and his crew. I'm not saying that they're not 00:09:39
volunteering but they do a great job and and with the rains I know I've been through those arroyos and after the rains. 00:09:46
That's a lot of work. It's a lot of work. 00:09:53
And we just appreciate being allowed out there and and welcomed and encouraged to use the facility. So thank you. Great. Thank 00:09:56
you. Thank you for giving us the report. Mr. Olgin was gonna say, just make sure Abby wins next year. 00:10:02
She's going for it. Gotta win the whole tournament, yeah? 00:10:11
Well, she's she's going for the district. 00:10:14
Account. So don't put that in the minute. I don't want any pressure, but sure. 00:10:17
Good job. Thank you. I retract that statement then. 00:10:23
Thank you for coming and giving us the. 00:10:26
Update anyone else out in the public forum. 00:10:29
Alright, you don't have to stay with you. 00:10:32
OK, so we've got the transfer of the ownership of canopy liquor license, Mr. Mayor, just Mr. 00:10:35
Make motion with the public hearing for the liquor license transfer second. 00:10:42
Moved and seconded all in favor. 00:10:46
Not hearing anything from the audience. 00:10:49
Let's go back into regular session. 00:10:53
There, that's better. 00:10:55
Not seeing anybody from the public, I move we go back to the regular session. 00:10:56
All in favor, aye. 00:11:02
Mr. Hicks. 00:11:05
Shall we transfer it? 00:11:08
That was coming out of Yes Sir, I made the motion transfer. 00:11:10
Moved and seconded. 00:11:13
All in favor, aye. 00:11:15
Resolution for the Law Enforcement Fund Grant. 00:11:17
Mr. Mayor, that's that's me again. We approved that at the last meeting. 00:11:20
But lo and behold, I forgot to change the new grant agreement number, so they would like to a new resolution with the correct. 00:11:24
Number on it. 00:11:32
Here. 00:11:34
Looks that case I moved them. We passed resolution 23-10-17A. 00:11:35
Moved and seconded. All in favor, aye? 00:11:42
Funding for public transportation. 00:11:45
Mayor Mr. Next Motion to pass Resolution #23 Task Dash 10-17, Three Public Transport System. 00:11:48
2nd. 00:11:56
Moved and seconded. 00:11:57
Mr. 00:11:58
Carlos. 00:11:59
How's it going with transportation? 00:12:00
How's your trips between Berlin and the Roadrunner, I mean, and here? 00:12:04
I didn't get a phone call though. Thank you. 00:12:16
But you are how many do you get? A lot of customers or? 00:12:20
Yeah. 00:12:22
Really. 00:12:28
Good. Good. 00:12:29
But. 00:12:30
Great. 00:12:31
All in favor, aye. 00:12:32
And new business. 00:12:34
Mayor, there have a couple little things on that. 00:12:37
What does that campaigning that someone on Main Street behind the ditch of me? 00:12:42
They're asking for a speed bump down that. 00:12:46
And I said up, there you go. 00:12:49
What can you do? 00:12:51
If that's. 00:12:52
On Main Street, it's. 00:12:54
It's the middle Rd. It's the long when it goes all the way across to the time used to be by the church. 00:12:57
Which? 00:13:04
No. 00:13:05
Across the ditch for me. 00:13:06
It's the railroad tracks one Rd. Then Main Street than the other Rd. 00:13:08
OK. 00:13:12
I think that'll make you sound, and I believe we have installed a couple. 00:13:13
Speed humps over there, but then I also believe that road is still on the list. 00:13:17
Yes on on the limiter languages, but nothing. 00:13:21
Anyway, I don't not bring it up. We'll take also on. 00:13:25
What is responsible for the lighting on the off and on graphs? 00:13:29
We are, We are and and. 00:13:33
We have worked it. 00:13:37
We had a big glitch here. 00:13:38
Week and a half ago. 00:13:41
They shorted it out, the people who are actually working on that ramp. 00:13:43
150. 00:13:47
And then Darrell Ross had to go through the whole city. 00:13:49
Fixing some of the problems, but I think they're all fixed the one at the north exit. 00:13:53
Heading South? 00:14:00
Ohh. When you move around, Yeah, when you roll around. Just as you get to the freeway right beside the bridge. I'll go ahead. I'll 00:14:02
get one. Flicks all night long. I've got to talk to Lord about that, you see? 00:14:08
The one that you come around then you're going South. It's not coming in north for sure. OK. That's the one that we're working on, 00:14:15
but we'll let's work on that. But we are responsible now for that. OK. Thank you. Yeah. 00:14:20
Any other new business? 00:14:26
Old business, right? It's still again. 00:14:28
Just wanted to. 00:14:31
And note that when, when we had that, I think it was at the July 5th meeting when we had the coop. 00:14:33
Here and then the attorneys, yeah. 00:14:40
Umm, there was talk that and I was trying to find in the Minutes, but. 00:14:42
We requested to see if the the our attorneys can give us at least to start with the sample. 00:14:45
Franchise agreement of what? A real. 00:14:50
Agreement would look like. 00:14:53
OK. 00:14:56
Sure. 00:14:59
And I think I shouldn't. I thought we had a. Didn't we have a boilerplate that was like 30 pages long? 00:15:00
That Nan gave us. 00:15:07
Number. 00:15:10
No. 00:15:13
OK, let me let me remind her. Let me remind her. Sure, she has it. So let me remind her because she did. She did have one that was 00:15:13
a. 00:15:17
Kind of a. 00:15:21
Boilerplate of the franchise agreement of a new one. I'll give her a call tomorrow. There's a lot that was going on. We talked 00:15:22
about that could go into that that. 00:15:26
Right. 00:15:31
OK. 00:15:33
I'm not sure what's the purpose of that. 00:15:36
I'm just going to see what it fits for the progress on and see if we're going to get a copy of 1 to see what it looks like. That's 00:15:38
a new one of a new one. 00:15:41
That the city, if the city were to propose a franchise, we were the proposal. 00:15:45
OK. The nuts and bolts that would go inside that franchise agreement to satisfy? 00:15:49
The. 00:15:55
Is content or whatever. 00:15:56
OK. 00:15:58
OK, we're going to do that. 00:16:00
I I just, I just thought that at this point the franchise agreements. 00:16:02
The councillor said that we were not going to renew the franchise. 00:16:06
And that was going to terminate, as a judge said in May 2024. 00:16:09
But we can produce one. 00:16:13
If if there's a. 00:16:16
Boilerplate. I don't think that there's any intention of trying to get it signed. 00:16:17
We can produce one. 00:16:22
I think, I think we did have some. I remember that she had. 00:16:24
Said well, this five or four page one is like very flimsy. 00:16:27
That's what I was going to try to find something. It's gonna be requested. 00:16:31
Producing that has all the stuff in there that I'll deal with her tomorrow. Communities have been there, we'll get that done. 00:16:35
We'll get it done. 00:16:42
The I've got all the directors here. Any. 00:16:43
Questions. 00:16:47
Mike is a new landfill. 00:16:50
Sell open yet or is it? 00:16:52
Is it almost there? 00:16:55
Open. 00:16:58
And the council, we've been approved. 00:17:01
To start dumping in there. 00:17:03
We haven't started yet because. 00:17:06
Had a contractor come in as we discussed at one of the meetings too. 00:17:08
Grind all the trillions has been done. 00:17:12
So now I have. 00:17:14
A few piles of mulch that we need to move. 00:17:16
Did they come through and do it? They came through and did awesome. 00:17:19
Took two days. 00:17:23
Wow. You know they had. 00:17:24
And if you've been out there, unbelievable mountains of. 00:17:26
Limbs, yes, And he did. 00:17:30
All of them did all of it in two days. Wow. 00:17:32
Two days or two days ago I had a had a tub grinder their their machine looks makes ours look like a baby. So Ohh, yeah Ohh yeah 00:17:35
yeah so. So now this is going to be used for cover. They'll be used for the. 00:17:41
Number of the. 00:17:48
Yeah. 00:17:49
Of the cell one and two. 00:17:50
You know, you know, and I don't know if the public understands the accomplishment of that landfill. 00:17:51
As to what has been done out there. 00:17:57
I mean, that's a ninth wonder of the world that we have a landfill for city like this. 00:18:00
And for you to manage it and get it going, you got your methane clearance and all that too. 00:18:05
But it's it's really something. 00:18:10
That's a. 00:18:12
Very exceptional. 00:18:13
The public needs to realize that there's no longer a dump, it's an actual landfill. 00:18:15
Yeah, that's so true. And it costs twice as much to run. 00:18:20
That's the other part of it. Well, people say, you know, why can't we just dump here? Because it's just a dump. It's not just a 00:18:24
dump. There's no rules and regulations that we have to follow through. I I'd like to know a small town or any town that far size 00:18:29
that has a landfill. There's no town that has a landfill. 00:18:35
And that makes it more convenient for people to come in from the county and from everywhere else to. 00:18:40
You know, I set up some transfer station. We try our best to stay open. Wins. Sometimes they make us close. Ohh yeah, you guys 00:18:45
never open. I forgot about that. It's that wind. 00:18:50
No, I get written up again on litter. That's fine to being we got last time. No, that's pretty good, very good. 00:18:55
Michael, you have a recycling program. You have a vendor come in and take take some of the metal out. That's good. 00:19:01
Because I had a vendor comes from from Las Cruces and another one from Albuquerque. They kind of take turns, you know, everybody's 00:19:07
gonna. 00:19:10
I tried to share the wealth. Yeah, that's a good idea. 00:19:14
All right. Thank you, Felipe. Anything new? 00:19:18
How's that? I mean everybody could always concerned about the animal shelter. 00:19:20
How's that working out? You know that's in the game. 00:19:24
You know something I never hear about, which is great. 00:19:27
Look, I mean he takes care of the animal shelter in the dispatch also, but. 00:19:30
Believe me, before I took over a little get a phone call almost every week about something that's been really good. 00:19:34
Animal shelter is where that capacity, we're over capacity, but we do have. 00:19:40
I think they're called Pause and friends. They're an agency out of Utah. They're coming down tomorrow at 1:00 to see the shelter. 00:19:47
And they're possibly gonna have us sign a contract with them where they're going to possibly do four to five transports a year. 00:19:53
So that's that's always a good thing, especially with all of the shelters being full and all of the rescues being full. And that's 00:20:01
nationwide, not just in the state. 00:20:06
I know last week we had an adoption event for one of the private businesses. 00:20:11
I didn't find out about that event until Wednesday night, and it was just by sheer coincidence that I found out. Was that the 00:20:17
marijuana business, correct? 00:20:21
I did speak with both parties, both Valencia County and the owner of the facility. 00:20:26
According to them, they attempted to reach out to us. I've never spoken to either one of the agencies administration. 00:20:32
So. 00:20:40
I did inform them of how we felt about it. It was kind of kicking the pants for us. 00:20:42
But there's really nothing I can do. I went through the ordinance looking to see if there was anything in there that we could 00:20:48
prohibit them from doing. 00:20:51
All the dogs were spayed and neutered. They did have their vaccinations and their rabies vaccinated. They come from Valencia 00:20:54
County. 00:20:58
Bringing them here to be adopted in Socorro? Correct. The private business paid for all the adoptions. 00:21:03
So they were free. 00:21:10
To the public or whoever wanted them, so I'm sure in a few months I'll be picking them. 00:21:11
Well, good for Valencia County. Yeah. So, Mr. Fleming, how many did they bring down? My understanding, I think it was 30. 00:21:19
Well, let's do one up there. That's what Robert. 00:21:30
Just the place to take them. 00:21:36
The owner of the business did say they do four to five adoption events a year also. 00:21:38
And I did tell them that. 00:21:45
I would hope that for the next one that they have, we come into consideration. 00:21:47
And that Valencia County is no longer. 00:21:52
Brought here so. 00:21:54
Yeah. 00:21:57
And your dispatch, How are you doing with that? Dispatch is good. We have one position open. I believe it closes soon. 00:21:59
Thursday, so we're hoping to fill that position. 00:22:06
And everybody's certified. 00:22:10
Everybody's trained awesome, so. 00:22:13
So we're, as you heard conditionings working in all things up today. We did have one issue in the video room which. 00:22:15
TLC came down and replaced the head unit. Other than that everything is working just fine. 00:22:22
Great. Thank you. 00:22:29
Chief Garcia. 00:22:30
Tell us about the move and what's going on over there at the. 00:22:32
Zimmerly And What's the predicted timeline and how is that working? 00:22:35
We got contacted by the cameras. 00:22:39
The specialist is coming down to install the cameras. 00:22:42
They're anticipating about the 30th of this month to get the cameras in there. 00:22:45
I spoke to Scott and Ryan today. They're working on. 00:22:49
Fixing the fiber for phones. 00:22:54
Without that, we can't go there. 00:22:56
Um, so we're we're hoping within a month that would be able to be in there. 00:22:58
In a month, hopefully. 00:23:02
And your offices are all segregated away from another area or. 00:23:05
Pretty much the only thing that's in there right now is friends of the library, I believe. 00:23:09
Uh, so we're we're not sure how that's gonna work because they both use the main entrance and you don't have an alternative school 00:23:14
in there too. Or no, no. 00:23:17
Northern School just MU that we. 00:23:21
Have. 00:23:24
Yeah, no, but I was, I was under the impression they might put in a. 00:23:26
Not to our not to. The last time we talked there, they were not considering that anymore. They're going to move it up to the high 00:23:30
school, I believe. 00:23:33
Every Sunday, MU Yes, Sir. Yes Sir. 00:23:37
So and the budget for that. 00:23:40
Your budget for that? 00:23:43
For the move. 00:23:45
That's probably going to come out of building maintenance or? 00:23:46
Something similar. 00:23:49
And we're going to abandon the existing police station. 00:23:51
We're going to try to because we still have evidence that's in there that has three rooms that are jam packed, so. 00:23:55
Uh. 00:24:00
Russell's been working with the an evidence custodian from out of Socorro. 00:24:01
To see how they're getting their their destruction orders. 00:24:07
And in bulk to get removed because we have a lot of stuff there from many years ago that need to be. 00:24:11
So they have the DA cleared that. I mean, there's things that DA has to clear. Yes, there is. And that's what they're working with 00:24:17
that that evidence tech is helping him. 00:24:21
Compile the paperwork to do that, and for the day's office, sign off on. 00:24:26
Mr. Fleming. 00:24:31
Chief. 00:24:34
If we're abandoning the whole building, what are we going to do with Lupe and dispatch? 00:24:35
It's not to hold. No, we're we're abandoning, basically, the old school. 00:24:40
Not the music, the old music room that we're in now. 00:24:46
So it's basically the old part where Municipal Court is. 00:24:49
Um. 00:24:54
I don't know, I I don't know if you guys are planning on making. 00:24:55
Making it bigger, Lot or no, that's going to be demoed. 00:24:59
Letter is going to be downloaded. 00:25:02
And adjust the middle well on the South end also from the Municipal Court South. 00:25:04
But that again, we're still trying to form all that together, but that's probably going to be demo. 00:25:14
We recently purchased 4 vehicles from New Mexico State Police. I showed them to Donald and there the other day. 00:25:18
Got 2 tahoes and two explorers. 00:25:25
Uh, they just three of them just got done. Uh, we're lacking one more. 00:25:27
Um. 00:25:32
We got four for price of 1 brand new one and they're very good price and they come fully equipped. 00:25:33
New ones crossing the spot 38,000. 00:25:38
And then another 13 to 14,000 to equip them so. 00:25:41
For one vehicle we got four that are, you know, exceptional. Exceptional by yeah. 00:25:46
Right. And we're looking forward to the grant and talking on Thursday about hiring and. 00:25:52
Putting people in places that need to be. 00:25:57
Any questions? Ohh. I also talked to Mr. Patterson. 00:26:01
I stopped him yesterday on a traffic stop on AU TV. 00:26:06
I assured him that we're still working on that proposal. 00:26:10
There's an ordinance that the City Council are going to have to approve, which is been passed in other cities. 00:26:13
And so we'll basically just take a boilerplate from Tier C or you know, the Angelina also just passed theirs. We'll bring it. The 00:26:19
only thing with Madeline Kent, we'll get operate on state highways. So get it done. Back roads, yes, not state highway. Thank you. 00:26:25
Thank you for getting that done. 00:26:31
Alright. 00:26:37
Any questions? 00:26:39
Okay Fornia is our street right now. 00:26:41
California found out yesterday. California is ours Hwy. 85 and I don't is Hwy. 85 hours. I don't think it's Hwy. 85 and Hwy. 60 is 00:26:45
not. No, no Hwy. 85 from a stoplight that way. Yeah, OK. 00:26:51
So and then. 00:26:58
Spring Street and Hwy. 60 up to the hospitals also not. 00:27:00
Mr. Clement, Chief, the frontage roads are still state highways. Also, yes, OHH frontage rules right The front row that leads to 00:27:04
Florida in the front row that leads out on the other side to Mr. Garcia is also state highway. 00:27:10
Thank you. Yes, questions Chief Baker, anything? 00:27:19
No. 00:27:24
What? 00:27:26
Well, a couple of things. We're getting ready to hire four people today. Hopefully we get approved. 00:27:30
That'll give us a full staff. 00:27:35
Not certified, but a full staff with a. 00:27:37
One we have retiring at the end of the year and then we're losing one in March. He's moving away, so. 00:27:40
Hopefully we'll get those guys hired and get them in classes so we can get kind of. 00:27:45
Offset some of that loss that we take when those guys do leave. 00:27:49
Another thing is we did apply for a grant for some bunker gear that we really need and we got denied the grant, so we're going to 00:27:53
have to look to see what we could do on that. 00:27:57
How much is that? 00:28:02
It's roughly around 8090 thousand. 00:28:03
For for a set for all 16 people. 00:28:06
So. 00:28:09
And then currently we're we're waiting, we're finishing up a grant for our new ambulance as well. So, so we'll see what happens. 00:28:11
Any questions? 00:28:19
Mr. Was the grant that was turned down the state grant or the federal grant? No, it's the fire grant, the state of the state. 00:28:20
Well, I mean what there any reason or? 00:28:28
No, he just said that. He just unfortunately we. 00:28:30
There's other departments that. 00:28:33
Needed. 00:28:35
In itself more than we did so. 00:28:36
And the hard thing about that is, is the state they just came down and inspected us for. We talked about our ISO. 00:28:39
And there's a lot of things that they require, and one of them is a bunker gear. 00:28:44
You know, for us to. 00:28:48
When we fight fire, we're supposed to have a second set for each individual. 00:28:49
That way when we clean them and wash them and the cat decontaminate them. 00:28:53
We have other set to be able to and and we don't have that right now, so. 00:28:56
And even when we hire new people, we're just kind of piercing. 00:29:00
Parts together behind them, over to people that that lead at the next budget committee meeting, you can try to put that in. 00:29:03
Mr. Chief, you said they came down to check our ISO rating. Well, they they did a pre inspection for the ISO rating that that that 00:29:11
actual inspections by not going to be for another few months, but they come down and do a pre inspection. 00:29:18
And kind of. 00:29:25
Give us a heads up as to what we need to work on. 00:29:26
And like I told you guys, we're only 9 1/2 points away for months. I sold three. We're out of four right now. So he basically gave 00:29:29
us some ways that he thinks that maybe we can get down to a three. 00:29:33
And we're working on that right now, so. 00:29:38
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Chief, Steve, anything. 00:29:42
New, but you know, I gotta congratulate you on all the events that you continue having. I and I see it when when Darrell Ross. 00:29:46
Puts up the pictures at the other rodeo events and. 00:29:54
And of course, all the cross country and soccer. It was so still going. 00:29:57
Yeah so Ohh. 00:30:02
Ohh, no, that's OK. I have Steve. 00:30:05
He he's he's he's what? He's worn out. He's doing it. He's done a good job. There's a lot of work out there and. 00:30:08
And your equipment is in good shape. 00:30:14
OK, go ahead. 00:30:16
Does he? 00:30:17
Any change? Anything new? 00:30:19
Yeah, so there's quite a few things happening on Saturday or this weekend, I should say. 00:30:24
The LA Open House is happening this weekend. 00:30:28
That'll be from 9:00 to 4:00. 00:30:32
We'll have the Trinity site opening. 00:30:34
That's eight to two and I believe Carlos is given rides on Saturday. 00:30:37
UM and also basketball patches having a. 00:30:43
Ted's slash adult event they'll have. 00:30:46
Believe face painting and. 00:30:49
This kids activities out there. 00:30:51
And in conjunction with that, we're also doing a tour. 00:30:53
Yeah. So we are setting up a tour of Fort Craig to where individuals will be able to go out to Fort Craig. They'll stay in the 00:30:57
parking lot and then Carlos as well. We'll take them from the Fort to the battlefield that is adjacent to the Fort. It's about 8 00:31:03
miles away. So he'll transport them from the parking lot over to the battlefield. They'll have a nice little presentation there 00:31:10
for them and just make a presentation so the staff at Fort Craig and us. 00:31:16
Because that really needs to be highlighted in that area. Yeah. Battle of the Valverde or whatever. Yeah. Yes, Sir. And so that 00:31:25
would be on this Friday. Yeah, Awesome. So you're busy. You're book. 00:31:30
And you? 00:31:36
You have a gun show coming up. 00:31:38
That's on Saturday. That's the Lifeline Club, I believe with us and Ted Kelly Kelly. It's all over Albuquerque. 00:31:41
The sponsor they have is doing a very good job of getting it out. 00:31:52
Yeah, how are the crazy 49ers? 00:31:57
Was it? 00:32:02
I mean worked. Everything worked well. 00:32:03
Yeah, the tent worked well. They got it down on Saturday. Floyd's crew. 00:32:06
But they, they used it on Friday. So the Light parade and the Light parade, Yeah, thank you. 00:32:11
I just wanted to say if any of you guys are interested in joining the tour there's a pre registration. I could get you guys the 00:32:18
link. 00:32:20
It's something really interesting. 00:32:24
I would love to have you so. 00:32:27
There's only 18 seats. I believe so. And we also announced this year's Electric Light Parade theme, So we're gonna go with a 00:32:28
gingerbread holiday this year. So keep an eye out for your parade applications. Let people know that that's what we're doing. 00:32:34
And so what's how are you working with the Festival of the Cranes? Do you do anything with them at all? So they're. 00:32:42
Basically what we're doing is we're hosting the light parade December 9th. 00:32:49
So it ends. 00:32:53
Just as the festival of the Cranes. 00:32:55
Or it starts just as the festival of the cranes ends so. 00:32:58
Hopefully we'll get some of those birders we can. 00:33:01
Um. 00:33:03
Basketball Apache friends of the Boskey said that we could advertise our stuff that's happened on the puzzle with them so. 00:33:05
And that's kind of what we tried to do last year we'll try to do. 00:33:10
A little bit better job this year. 00:33:13
Yes, I'm sorry, yes. And Transportation will be providing rides for the birders too, so. 00:33:17
Yeah, we're gonna use the Opera House. Or are they gonna do, you know? Yeah, yeah, they're doing arts. Yeah. The Socorro County 00:33:24
Arts is gonna be hosting their Arts and Craft show in the Garcia Opera House again. 00:33:29
So. 00:33:35
All week. I think it's Thursday. 00:33:36
Friday Saturday. 00:33:38
So great. And of course as always we're having the look on to as well and Lawrence guys are putting together. 00:33:39
Someone contact. 00:33:45
Yeah, that'd be a lot happening. 00:33:46
Mr. You guys having anything on the 28th? 00:33:49
At the Plaza life for the Trunk and Treats. Ohh yeah, the Fall Fun Fest that's going to happen on Halloween night. Actually, she 00:33:52
is the one kind of spearheading that. 00:33:56
And so there will be. 00:34:01
Tons of activity. She sent an e-mail out to all the department heads, and we're all just kind of. 00:34:04
Joining in on. 00:34:08
What we can umm, so there will be different activities. There would be, I believe the libraries hosting the costume contest. 00:34:10
We'll be doing a Donuts on the string. 00:34:16
Activity. 00:34:18
There will be some trunk or treaters. 00:34:20
Every many other activities on the Halloween night though I believe on the 28th is the. 00:34:22
New Mexico Tech Monster Mash. 00:34:29
And that's happening on Campus Drive, so. 00:34:31
I'm I'm going to the public. I'm running the Don't think in the mirror. 00:34:35
Already volunteered to be the first one to get done. 00:34:39
That's like, you know, you guys have unbelievable stuff that you're doing and sharing and thank you for the Highway 60. 00:34:44
Thing that was that was done very well. I mean, it's just a lot of stuff going on. 00:34:50
Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. 00:34:54
Also add that this weekend they're having a big race across the river. Motorcycle race. We're good as hell, yeah. 00:34:57
This weekend. 00:35:04
Youngsters. 00:35:06
Start at 10 and they're true by 9. 00:35:07
And then the hill climbs that tree. 00:35:10
And then Sunday morning is the big race. 00:35:13
And it's about a 25 mile loop in the beginners do it one the novice doesn't 2 laps and the experts do it 4. 00:35:16
That's all said. He wants to come out and look at it. It's going to be fun. That'll be fun this weekend. 00:35:26
Sounds good. 00:35:32
The kids race Saturday at about 11:50. The hill climbs about 3 thereabouts. 00:35:37
And the big race starts out Sunday at 8:00. 00:35:44
Eight or nine, I think it's 9. 00:35:48
And then whoever goes up my hill the fastest, I sponsored it for $200. 00:35:50
Very nice, yes. A big race every year when they Yeah ohh, yeah, Ohh. 00:35:57
They camp out there. How did they work? 00:36:02
They camped many of the races stay out there, the grandparents and. 00:36:03
The families usually come into town and stay at the hotels. Great, because they don't want to leave their bikes out there. 00:36:08
Alright, alright, right. 00:36:11
Chris, thanks a lot of that money in town. Ohh, they do. That's a big risk. 00:36:15
How are you spending any time at the schools? 00:36:19
Yeah. 00:36:23
How's that going? It's going great. And which school? Tell us with the middle school? 00:36:24
Were there? 00:36:29
I do an hour. Scooby does an hour. He goes in the morning, I'm going the afternoon. 00:36:30
And so far so good. 00:36:35
Any specific things that happen or is just mostly this and that just isn't that smoking country crazy? 00:36:37
And the code enforcement, how are we doing? 00:36:44
So yeah, I'm working there. 00:36:47
Side of town now so. 00:36:50
Trying to get it cleaned up. 00:36:52
You know, we're we're trying to pick together. 00:36:54
Where the onus of cleaning up is not on the person. 00:36:57
If we can get them to sign off. 00:37:01
On things that are out there that we think are not shouldn't be out there and we can tag them. 00:37:03
And they signed up the thing and I think he's gonna get with a lawyer. 00:37:08
To make sure it was done right and then we'll just come in and help clean it all out. 00:37:12
It may just end up being that way instead of taking them to court. 00:37:17
It sounds just. 00:37:20
Sign off and we'll go together and and pick the things that we need to clean up and we can tag them. 00:37:21
And then they sign off on that list. 00:37:27
And I'm hoping that that's a legal way to do it, but then the city just comes in and cleans it. 00:37:29
I think we may end up having to do that because it's just it's been very difficult for these guys. 00:37:35
To go through that process through the courts. 00:37:41
So Mr. Mona and Mr. Mayor, a couple weeks ago when you first brought up, citing more often and more frequent and sooner. 00:37:43
I reviewed all of our ordinances in our code and I think there's some conflicting information between the weeds. 00:37:51
The debris and the cars, because they all have different. 00:37:57
Terms you have to follow, so it's pretty inconsistent. 00:38:00
But then one of the previous. 00:38:03
Statements in the code says. 00:38:06
That they find any violations in the code, they can cite them. So I think there's some contradictions. I need to get what they're 00:38:08
turning on also. 00:38:12
Would be better if we just didn't have to litigate it. We just. 00:38:16
Got them to agree on what we can do and then we'll just have a day where we. 00:38:19
Do a whole bunch of places at one time, might be easier. 00:38:24
Yeah. 00:38:27
Expecting that every time and then they just think the city will just come, well, well, but that's the way it is. People just, I 00:38:30
mean. 00:38:33
They're hoarders. I mean, there's people that did hoard stuff on there. 00:38:36
On their yard and just gets out of hand and I don't know if they can even handle cleaning it up. 00:38:40
And you're right about that, Mister Romero, are there any properties in litigation now or or just have 3? 00:38:45
Mr. Mr. Hicks. 00:38:54
Umm. 00:38:56
The cars, I know it's going to be hard. 00:38:57
To get them out of there. But if you contact most of the junk yards or anybody's got a wrecker and willing to pick them up. 00:39:00
For the vehicle now I can't do that. 00:39:06
But if you call some of the other because I'm going out of business. 00:39:10
Sally Well, like Barca and Risberg. 00:39:14
No, but as I'm gonna go out there and and and and probably taken 2, OK? 00:39:17
Ohh, he's done. He's not. Yeah, that's what I heard. He's not a business. 00:39:21
So Mr. There's some instances where some illegal dumping on property, right? So it's no fault of the owner, but it finds an 00:39:26
opportunity to throw. 00:39:31
6 or 8 tires there and. 00:39:37
Over time, that the. 00:39:39
No, I don't. I mean, it is. 00:39:41
Ohh well we're trying to figure out some way to. 00:39:43
To help, you know, clean up the city. Thank you. 00:39:45
Did I miss anybody else? Everybody but Ruby, You have to say something. 00:39:50
Here. 00:39:58
Chassis here. 00:39:59
The mayor signed a contract from October 1st to November to March 31st, so we're going to see all compare the bills and see what 00:40:00
we're hedged at, like 5.72. 00:40:05
And we'll see how the bills come. But hopefully, if you're gonna be a hedge fund, we're gonna make billions, no? 00:40:10
Are those Williams? No. No, that's not true. Better not lose any straight you know, That way it doesn't. 00:40:16
It doesn't happen what happened last year so. 00:40:22
That's we're working on. We're still working on collections and. 00:40:24
So after I think November 15th, we can't quote, we can't shut off gas. So we're kind of working on that right now. 00:40:26
And just working on grounds and I don't know if Mayor, if you have anything to say about COVID or anything, you know it's back and 00:40:32
you know we're testing and we have a little money to. 00:40:36
Paying for testing, but we've been still honoring the. 00:40:41
Holiday or vacation? Holiday. Vacation. 00:40:45
Please. 00:40:48
That people say, but you have to get a positive test that we have documented so. 00:40:49
His back is not as severe. 00:40:54
But it's back. I mean, it's COVID is back and it's not as bad. 00:40:56
Not as bad, I mean, you know, but some people have, some people have it pretty bad. 00:41:00
It's overall it's not as bad. 00:41:06
And also we have open enrollment for health insurance, our health insurance premiums talking about 10%. 00:41:08
But it is open. That's the bad news. 00:41:13
I did budget 10%, so yeah. 00:41:16
Well that's not the good. Don't don't even tell him that. It's just you know Christine gonna go to a meeting and you are think 00:41:19
about 13th or whatever. But yeah I mean it's it's it's they say it was flat for a while and then they go up and that's surprise. 00:41:28
OK. 00:41:38
Thank you. 00:41:39
Arnos had his speech, no problems. Nothing else. 00:41:41
OK. And again, thank you for everybody for coming. 00:41:46
We will do the What shall we do with the planning? 00:41:49
Do the. 00:41:54
Let's do the executive session. Probably not. 00:41:55
Not yet. 00:41:59
Next. 00:42:00
There's no changes, Michaela to go on fire, recruit new hire Jacob Raleigh. 00:42:02
By recruiting new hire Kyle Julian. 00:42:08
New hire. This is at $20.00 an hour. 00:42:11
Christine Tierney, fire recruit since 2125 because they have the basic EMT certified. 00:42:16
And Valen, who's doing a great job, got her associate degree she's at. 00:42:23
848. 00:42:27
Yeah. 00:42:29
They're Romero. 00:42:30
Move to approve the personnel changes as read. I was looking at Mr. Mayor. 00:42:31
Moved and seconded on to hi. 00:42:35
Now we've got businesses. US Old Highway 85, Vance Duggar, DBA Cushy Retail Cannabis. 00:42:39
There we go again. 00:42:46
JKL Associates, Billing, Montana, Alan Hisana Utility contractor Carmen Medina Insurance. 00:42:48
Carmen Medina 200 Manzanares Hydro Resources out of town, Las Cruces. 00:42:56
Water well drilling contractor. 00:43:01
Emotionally give the business ministrations as presented second. 00:43:06
Move the seconded discussion all in favor, aye? 00:43:09
Shall we cancel the next meeting? Yes, it's on the day of the election and I just think maybe would be nice. I don't know if we're 00:43:13
gonna have. 00:43:17
Any problems with the? Any vouchers or? 00:43:21
Check. 00:43:25
Huh. 00:43:29
You can have a. 00:43:31
For the CNG trucks. 00:43:33
Sure I can send it through on the 2nd. 00:43:38
Meeting in November followed. 00:43:41
I'm sure it should be OK. 00:43:44
But we have to kill those energy trucks and we have to kill those dump trucks. I don't wanna come upset to the meeting. I don't 00:43:46
wanna have that meeting. 00:43:49
Happening within. 00:43:54
That was Lopez. 00:43:56
Will be either way we'll be excited or depressed. OK, so let's so let's just we'll cancel that meeting that's excited either way. 00:43:57
Ohh well you. 00:44:05
OK, I remember that. 00:44:07
But but we're gonna be testing. We'll cancel it, right? 00:44:09
OK, so we'll have to get the 21st with the 10 days he's active in session, I mean, we have to meet within 10 days of election 00:44:13
anyway. So isn't this stuff there? Yes, Sir. If anybody, if we have any new positions, they'll take office on January 1st. Yeah, 00:44:19
this is a little different setup because the March 1 used to just turn over right away. 00:44:25
This one you wait till January, OK? 00:44:32
That's fine. 00:44:35
So November 21st will be our next meeting. 00:44:37
Unless you wanna have a emergency sometime I meeting. 00:44:40
Hey. 00:44:45
Thank you. 00:44:46
Yep. 00:44:50
Thank you, Goldie. 00:44:51
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