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Some Christian Church. 00:00:00
And they did it. And then people change. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 00:00:01
Jeff, Jeff was going to, he said. He said the check when we saw in Drakes. 00:00:09
There was a controversy that was like people were people made one and they were making money off of it. 00:00:16
Opposed. 00:00:22
Huh. 00:00:23
602. 00:00:25
Ohh. 00:00:27
Kind of sickle 2602. Excuse me, here we go. 00:00:28
Now Are you ready? 00:00:32
Alright. 00:00:34
This is the City School City Council meeting June 20th. 00:00:35
2023 Roll call, please. 00:00:39
Councillor Travis Lopez. Yeah, Councillor Dean. 00:00:42
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:46
And. 00:00:47
Councillor Hicks here, Councillor Ocampo here. 00:00:48
Councillor again? 00:00:52
Councillor Romero. 00:00:53
And. 00:00:55
Councillor Salomi. 00:00:56
We have a quote. 00:00:59
I'll rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:01:00
Of the United States of America. 00:01:09
Staff. 00:01:12
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty meaning that too. 00:01:13
Mr. Mayor. 00:01:23
Mr. Hicks, make a motion. We approve the consent agenda. 00:01:25
Move to seconded discussion. 00:01:29
Author. 00:01:31
This. 00:01:33
Executive session to the. 00:01:36
Aren't right under public form. 00:01:38
You know. 00:01:40
Second One second. 00:01:42
Moved and seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:01:43
And we are at. 00:01:48
Public forum? No, it's after before the public forum. 00:01:52
Mr. 00:01:55
Anybody at the public forum would like to make a comment that's not on the agenda. 00:01:57
We'll be doing a hearing for the ICP later right down. 00:02:04
OK. 00:02:08
Stop. 00:02:09
Not hearing anything from the public forum. 00:02:10
We will. 00:02:13
Make a motion to go into executive session. 00:02:15
Mr. Robin Motion going Executive Session. 00:02:17
One second. 00:02:21
And roll call please. 00:02:22
Councillor Travis Lopez, yes. 00:02:26
Councillor Dean, Yes. 00:02:28
Councillor Fleming. 00:02:30
Councillor Hicks? Yes. Councillor Ocampo? Yes. Councillor Olguin. Yes, Councillor Romero. 00:02:32
Councillor Salomi. 00:02:40
It's the. It's the body that is. 00:02:43
Watching. Please excuse us. 00:02:46
Because we don't have any other place to have the executive session, we'll just have it here. 00:02:49
Happened in executive session. 00:02:53
Sorry, Mr. Mayor, the Council discussed one potential legal matter. No action was taken. 00:02:56
Thank you. And I should say that before we went to executive session. 00:03:01
We did not say what we were going in for. 00:03:06
My omission? 00:03:10
It was for legal matters. 00:03:11
Mr. 00:03:14
September 3rd, OK, we're at ordinance authorizing execution and delivery of loan agreement for the landfill cell. Let's make a 00:03:15
motion we pass ordinance #23-06-20 a second. 00:03:21
Moving and seconded discussion. 00:03:27
All in favor. 00:03:30
Well, let me see. I'm going to have to take A roll call. It's an ordinance. Sorry. 00:03:32
Councillor Travis Lopez, yes. 00:03:39
Councillor Dean. 00:03:41
Councillor Fleming. 00:03:43
Councillor Hicks? Yes. Councillor Ocampo? Yes. 00:03:45
Councillor login, yes. 00:03:49
Councillor Romero. 00:03:50
Councillor Salome. 00:03:53
We will go into public hearing for the I CIP. This is the second hearing. 00:03:57
Motion for public hearing for the IP #2. 00:04:03
OK. The seconded all in favor? 00:04:07
Sedano. 00:04:11
I understand you have a. 00:04:12
Comments for the ICP. 00:04:14
Yeah. 00:04:19
Council, women and Councilman. 00:04:19
Thanks for hearing me. 00:04:21
I'd like to thank the Street Department for the last few years for fixing Lopezville, where I live. 00:04:23
Um. 00:04:29
Well, I asked the question probably about 10 years ago. Hopeville was #5 and getting repaved or? 00:04:31
It's I live on the far end of Lopezville. 00:04:37
And a few years ago, they did pay part of Louisville, but not the far end. So I would like you all to consider moving Lopezville, 00:04:41
if it's still on the list, up a little higher. 00:04:45
To try to pave it, the county did some chip sealing. 00:04:50
On the very far North End. 00:04:55
So. 00:04:57
Need to say, but the county section looks a heck of a lot better than the city section. 00:04:59
But the. 00:05:03
City workers do come every year, few times and. 00:05:04
Patch potholes and also I do appreciate that, that's all. 00:05:08
Thank you Donald. Was that qualify for a map project? 00:05:13
That's a loaded question. It might. 00:05:19
Umm. 00:05:21
Just because of the waste of coral design, but I will look into that. 00:05:22
We will take that into account. 00:05:29
We'll put that through the council when we have recommendation for CIP projects to move it to #2. What's number one? 00:05:32
Currently. 00:05:42
Currently, it's still the Finley Gymnasium complex. 00:05:43
So let's but that's your suggestion. OK. Thank you. Appreciate it. 00:05:46
OK, keep up the good work and all the council people and the mirror. 00:05:50
And ministration. We found one that would help us. Just giving us angles here that won't help your case. 00:05:54
Thank you and Mr. Mayor, thank you for all the work you do. I apologize to the Council. I forgot to put the last year's list and 00:06:02
the ranking sheet in the packet that there on the desk. 00:06:07
This evening, if I could get those back by the second meeting in July, we'll vote on that in the first meeting in August. 00:06:12
Anyone else that's in the audience would like to make a comment. 00:06:18
Yeah, Hi, this is Amy Kimball. I was wondering what I CIP stands for and what did Lopez will just get moved in front of? 00:06:26
Noblesville has not been proved it was said yet. 00:06:33
I'm sorry, I said my name. Yes, Amy Kimball. 00:06:36
OK. I didn't get you, I apologize. You need it for the just to correct that. 00:06:38
There's a recommendation from Mr. Tadano to move it to the second. 00:06:44
That will be voted on by the Council as to whether we do that or not. Or it may be 6th or 7th or second depending on. 00:06:48
The other. 00:06:56
The things that the ICP, ICP stands for. 00:06:57
Infrastructure capital improvement plan. 00:07:01
It's kind of five year. It's longer than that because we have so many projects on it, but it's at least a five year plan on what 00:07:03
we are prioritizing. 00:07:07
It is used. 00:07:12
When they go to ask for money and grants. 00:07:14
They look at that to see if that was a priority that was designated by the City Council. 00:07:18
So when you go to the legislature and you ask for. 00:07:23
Capital outlay? 00:07:27
They will look at that and say, well, this is #9, how come you didn't ask for it? So that's how that works. 00:07:28
Great. Thank you. Thanks for the question. Anyone else? 00:07:34
Mr. Mayor Hicks. 00:07:38
Not seeing any other public. 00:07:41
And put a little bit, we're back to the regular session. 00:07:43
Thank you. 00:07:46
So moved to seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:07:47
There, there's a public hearing for disadvantaged business enterprise goals. 00:07:51
Yes, ma'am, Mr. Again, make a motion when the public hearing for the disadvantaged business enterprise goals for fiscal year 22 00:07:56
through 24. 00:07:59
As for City of Sakura, I'm a little lost or what. This is Donald, Mr. Mayor. This is the first time I've seen it myself was for 00:08:05
this meeting. But it's to try to steer projects to disadvantaged businesses or businesses that are registered to disadvantaged. 00:08:13
Women of minority owned military veterans, those type of things. So this is saying. 00:08:20
And as you can see in the the handout, there were no projects for fiscal year 2022. 00:08:26
And the snow removal building is the project for 2023. But why the City of Sequoia Municipal Airport? 00:08:31
This is for the airport project so that they get special. 00:08:40
For federal funding, has federal. 00:08:44
Is there anyone in the audience that has interest in this? 00:08:48
Not seeing anyone, that's true. Again, make a motion, we go back into regular session. 00:08:54
One second. 00:09:00
Move to seconded all in favor. 00:09:02
This is the bid award that was postponed at the last meeting. 00:09:06
For preliminary engineering design for electric utility substation. 00:09:09
And distribution system Mr. Mayor, Mr. Hicks makes a motion will be awarded work for SP 024023. 00:09:13
Mr. Warner, Mr. Romero seconds it. 00:09:26
Discussion. 00:09:30
That's my questions now or? 00:09:33
Ask them now. So with the new electricity that's coming around, you said it was going to be? 00:09:36
And the industrial park New Mexico tax. 00:09:43
And that's correct. 00:09:46
It will be the IT will be the whole area on Hwy. 60. 00:09:48
From the high school. 00:09:53
To the bridge. 00:09:55
Which includes the Jail Decca Pearl. 00:09:57
Includes a few of the marijuana plant people. 00:09:59
Includes the Convention Center. 00:10:03
Who's the hospital? Includes the high school. 00:10:06
So when do? 00:10:10
People like myself. 00:10:11
When can we tap into that? 00:10:14
This is, I think the Council wanted a step by step process. 00:10:16
And so this is the first process is about 10 megawatts. 00:10:19
The city uses about 3536 megawatts for the whole city. 00:10:23
This will be about 1/4 or a. 00:10:27
Quarter of the. 00:10:29
Load that the coop delivers to the city. 00:10:31
And so the next step. 00:10:34
In my opinion would be that the Co-op would then see. 00:10:37
The writing on the wall. 00:10:41
And allow us to take over the whole city even before their franchise is over once they see us progressing with this. 00:10:42
I know the coop has had. 00:10:50
We invited them to this meeting. I know the coop has, one by one, spoken to the city councillors and told them certain things that 00:10:52
I don't know about, but one of them was. 00:10:56
Well, they're saying that the city was going to be without electricity. 00:11:00
But the city took over the electrical grid. 00:11:04
Which is absolutely false. They're not allowed to do that. They have to provide utility services that have been provided. It will 00:11:06
be month to month. 00:11:10
But the PRC and FERC will not allow them to just abandon the city like that. 00:11:14
So there. But they wouldn't come to the city. 00:11:19
At the City Council meeting and put sunshine. 00:11:21
On the discussion that we would have back and forth. 00:11:24
They've never come to us. The meetings that I've had, I've asked them certain questions. 00:11:26
They never come back to me without answers of those, and one of the questions was. 00:11:31
How much does your electricity cost the city for? 00:11:36
Kilowatt. 00:11:39
I have figured it out to about $0.18. 00:11:41
A kilowatt. They have not returned that information to me. 00:11:44
We met with them a month ago. 00:11:48
We think we can provide electricity for this leg. 00:11:50
Anywhere between 10:00 and $0.13 per kilowatt. 00:11:53
But until we do this primary preliminary engineering report. 00:11:57
We won't know. We won't know that that cost. 00:12:02
Mr. 00:12:05
Like Councillor Millers, I mean Councillor Marianne Lopez Chavez is asking campus locus. 00:12:07
What time frame for the time that you OK tonight? Will it be until? 00:12:13
They are actually using synthesizers. City, or maybe besides the court, Metrocity. They're probably at least a year. 00:12:18
Because this preliminary engineering. 00:12:24
And then the other one that you're getting is what they call an interconnect because we still have to use tri-state lines. 00:12:27
To get the electricity to us. 00:12:33
We'll build our own lines out at the industrial park. 00:12:35
But we still have to use tri-state lines to what we call wheel to bring the electricity to us. 00:12:38
From Guzman. 00:12:44
And that will have to be done. 00:12:45
And tri-state by law. 00:12:48
Has to allow us to do that. 00:12:51
They will have to put a price on that. 00:12:54
Which we think would be anywhere from 2:00 to 3:00 cents a kilowatt. 00:12:56
Which will add to the cost. 00:13:00
But. 00:13:02
That's what we'll have to get. That's how we get the electricity to our grid. 00:13:03
We will then provide the greater to go ahead and. 00:13:09
Distributed to the industrial park and New Mexico tent. 00:13:12
So, well, that's so well the customer be able to use just like CenturyLink and TDs, will they be allowed to choose the coop or the 00:13:16
city or is it just going to be the city, the city because the coop is using our property to put their poles on to deliver that 00:13:22
electricity? 00:13:29
And we are not renewing their franchise agreement as of May 2024. 00:13:35
They will not be using they if they want to put it on someplace else and be competitive. 00:13:41
Be our guest. 00:13:46
But that's not what's going to happen. They're not going to be able to use our property because they've been using it for 25 00:13:47
years. 00:13:51
And and. 00:13:55
That's where that is. 00:13:56
Hello. Hello. 00:14:03
You're sleeping. 00:14:07
Peter, was that you or Anthony won't strike up? 00:14:09
I will get back on. 00:14:12
Who was it? 00:14:15
Go ahead who? Who wants the floor? 00:14:17
Anthony, did you want the floor? 00:14:22
Stop. 00:14:25
Peter, do you want the floor? 00:14:26
OK. 00:14:31
He just lost. 00:14:33
If you have any comments. 00:14:35
Uh. 00:14:41
OK and. 00:14:44
Indeed. 00:14:46
Take. 00:14:48
Side. 00:14:49
Yeah. 00:14:50
May 3. 00:14:50
They lose their franchise in May 2024. 00:14:56
What time? 00:15:00
Where they will lose their franchise May 2024. We will carry the franchise on month to month. 00:15:02
If they're duty bound to continue. 00:15:10
And once we are ready to. 00:15:12
Flip the switch. 00:15:14
Which I think will be at least it will take a year for us to build this out depending on, you know, some of the problems with the. 00:15:15
Where they call that? 00:15:22
Supply. 00:15:23
Television. 00:15:24
Transformers and that thing then once we get get this line in. 00:15:27
Then we will disengage from the court. 00:15:31
But that's if a new mayor doesn't come in, right? Or if when you're the mayor, you're going to keep doing this. 00:15:34
JC I don't know. JC didn't say he was going to do it, but but yeah, that yeah, but. 00:15:41
But if you set it in motion now, which is what you're supposed to do, and not take the can down the road, you already have done an 00:15:46
ordinance. 00:15:50
You know, we're making, we're making decisions here like I tell people that are generational, we're making at the City Council. 00:15:54
We put in a new sewer system. 00:16:02
We're getting broadband. 00:16:03
You know, we've we've got a Convention Center on the rodeo. We're working on a new road on Hwy. 60. We're doing generational 00:16:05
things here that affects support for 25 years. 00:16:10
If we want to continue to live under the yoke of the crop for 25 years again. 00:16:16
Then we can renew the franchise and we can go on and do and they're going to be increasing the rates. 00:16:21
I understand the next century, next month, they're going to be interested in increasing rates. 00:16:25
So that's what we're doing. 00:16:30
So right now we're just trying to trying to do we're doing generation with Miss Dean. 00:16:31
So it's my understanding the industrial park is going to cost us about $8,000,000 to build. 00:16:37
And we're hoping that it's going to be supported by the revenue generated. 00:16:44
And then down the road. 00:16:50
After the franchise agreement expires, we are hoping. 00:16:52
Hoping. 00:16:56
To acquire the coop. 00:16:57
To the tune of another $30 million. 00:16:59
So I guess that's what I'm struggling with and that. 00:17:03
That's that's I hope. 00:17:07
So it's like there's no guarantee on any of this, but we can do the one, the first part because we're. 00:17:09
Prepared and we're. 00:17:16
And I'm well set up to do that and that would take care of part of the community. 00:17:17
So I just want to say that. 00:17:23
More people have come to me and said please just drop it and I don't know the reasons exactly, they all had different reasons. 00:17:25
Then I had people come to me and say this is a great idea. What you guys are doing is fantastic, so I just want to put that out 00:17:32
there. 00:17:36
Umm, let me ask you a couple of your questions. 00:17:40
The clock, if you look at their finances. 00:17:44
They all $40 million right now. 00:17:47
To the USDA. 00:17:51
And the Cobank? 00:17:53
They're paying $4 million. 00:17:55
A year on their debt service. 00:17:57
That that service. 00:18:02
When they're. When they're creditors, look at what's happening, which is basically the USDA and Cobank, which is a. 00:18:05
National. 00:18:12
Long authority that works with the USDA. 00:18:13
They're going to look at their franchise agreement and they're going to say your franchise agreement is under duress. 00:18:16
You need to either. 00:18:22
Make good on your debt. 00:18:24
Or you need to turn it over to the city. 00:18:26
So that debt is already there. 00:18:29
And. 00:18:32
They haven't changed out any of our polls. 00:18:33
They haven't done anything to improve the city services with that debt. 00:18:37
And we're saying that. 00:18:41
We're going to acquire, just like Raton, Aztec. 00:18:44
Bloomfield is in the process. 00:18:49
Here she has her municipal electric grid. 00:18:51
And the money that's being generated is going directly to Colorado. It's not being a benefit to even New Mexico. 00:18:54
The money for the electricity that's being generated. 00:19:01
We're saying we're going to try to keep some of that money here. 00:19:04
And we're going to try to make sure that the consumer is. 00:19:07
Has protected against any kind of gouging. 00:19:11
Which I mean about. 00:19:14
Going to have to take your lease and your warranty deed down to the. 00:19:16
Co-op have to start an account, whereas at PNM in Albuquerque you can just go on the Internet. 00:19:20
Set up your account. Those kinds of things are so archaic right now with the Co-op that. 00:19:25
They they offered to get the franchise agreement, but they never offered any of this. 00:19:31
Maybe they did to the individual counselor, but they never came here and said, you know, Rabbi. 00:19:36
Don't do this. This is what we're going to do. They never said that. 00:19:41
So that's what I have to say to people to say, well, leave it alone, well. 00:19:45
You don't make generational changes by leaving things alone that are already killing the city in my opinion at $0.18 a kilowatt, 00:19:48
whereas PNM which is a profit making organization, they get 11 cents a kilowatt. 00:19:54
Facebook. 00:20:00
They demanded. 00:20:01
57 Electricity at Los Lunas and they wanted it all solar. 00:20:02
So I'm just saying if we're going to do any kind of economic development or move ahead in the city or people that are poor. 00:20:10
Are on fixed incomes are just getting unbelievable electric bills. So that's that's my spiel on that. 00:20:16
Mr. Hicks due to claw bar and $1,000,000 shopping last year and they borrowed 25. They borrowed $25 million. 00:20:23
Forward in the next 5 to 6 years to. 00:20:32
Fix the Magdalena line. 00:20:34
And will are going to have to end up paying for USDA, actually. 00:20:36
You should tell Taurus is the one who's touting how she gave the money to the coop, but she gave $25 million. 00:20:39
Our USDA money for that, for five, not a one year thing. It's like a five year expansion. 00:20:45
They haven't, I don't think this and they're coming up for another increase in their rates. That's coming up pretty soon and least 00:20:52
at 6%. 00:20:56
And then, you know, you know, I don't see that in the paper or see that public they're raising their rates. Nobody said anything 00:21:01
about it. 00:21:04
We did win a case, however, when they said they were going to raise their race and we took up the court with Tech. 00:21:07
And the city won. And tech one. 00:21:13
OK. Also on admit on the million. 00:21:16
Yeah. 00:21:19
If we get it passed to start with the text. 00:21:20
Industrial park in that area and there there's grants and stuff available for that, Is that correct? 00:21:24
We have people already on the line and I know Mary Ann Jarvis who was knows about these people and in Colorado. 00:21:30
Mr. Malhotra and those people that are willing to help us with solar. 00:21:37
And USDA grants. 00:21:42
To get the electricity going. 00:21:44
So I did go to the court just. 00:21:47
You see the other side of it and. 00:21:50
I've got some. 00:21:53
Two good answers. 00:21:54
You want to share those with us? 00:22:00
What? 00:22:04
Folks, let's strip politician. 00:22:08
They talk around the picture for never answer. 00:22:10
Ohh. 00:22:15
Asked exactly how much you know prices went from. 00:22:18
Didn't seem to. 00:22:22
One time with Afghan at 2.6. 00:22:24
So you pay it half cent just for the electricity, so I know that. 00:22:29
And then umm. 00:22:34
They formatted if. 00:22:36
Push through if the city does. 00:22:39
Do something with this. 00:22:42
That uh. 00:22:44
Holes and the wires are theirs, so they would be taking them down. 00:22:45
And I said you mean. 00:22:51
Just gonna go in there, take him down, and that's city property. 00:22:53
The proposal stuff belong to us. 00:22:56
And I finally got him to say well. 00:22:59
Yeah, we will take him down eventually, but we will. 00:23:01
Raymond there. Until something goes on, but they're creditors will not allow them to do that. 00:23:04
Is they're going to have to generate revenue to pay the loans that they have. 00:23:10
And and and. 00:23:14
900% but my lawyers and our finance people say. 00:23:16
When they get into that situation, they're going to have to sell. 00:23:20
Their hardware. 00:23:23
At a great cost, because. 00:23:24
They can't. Creditors are not going to let them. 00:23:27
Have more business that generates revenue. 00:23:31
And allow that to happen. I just, I just that's just not going to happen. Well see that's what they were telling me. They said 00:23:34
that they cannot sell any equipment. 00:23:38
And this they get 60% of the total members. 00:23:43
28,000 and to get. 00:23:48
60% of that and it won't happen. 00:23:50
Now they said that themselves, that they would never, they could never do that, but they're not. They can't sell their stuff. But 00:23:53
that, that, that's their, that's their part. Our part is you lost your franchise. 00:23:58
You know your last release on this building. 00:24:04
If you have people that. 00:24:08
Have. 00:24:10
Have have stock in your. 00:24:11
Business and you've lost the lease. 00:24:13
It's not that at least the person who owns the building is not going to say, well, I want to vote on the stock people whether you 00:24:16
can be going to get out or not. 00:24:20
They don't have a choice. That's not their choice. 00:24:23
How long have you been working on this franchise with them? 00:24:27
About 1215 years. 00:24:31
I can remember a long time ago trying to get them to set up for 2400. Got here. 00:24:34
And we went to court. 00:24:41
21 They've made it to the judge, made a decision. 00:24:43
That's where the franchise will sense it. 00:24:47
May 2024. 00:24:49
The judge made that decision in that court case, which have another question. 00:24:51
And Guzman. 00:24:55
And let's say a transformer goes out, they have the equipment they can get us back on. 00:24:57
Right away. Ohh, yeah. I mean, they're not there. They serve Kit Carson, which is twice as big as ours. 00:25:03
Chris Monsters kick Carson next this service Aztec. 00:25:10
Which is about. It's probably a little bit bigger than ours, but it's about the same. 00:25:14
You know, they they service a lot of people. They service. 00:25:18
This service Southern Colorado, they service Delta Montrose. 00:25:22
And so they service that right now they're gonna be in negotiation with Denver. 00:25:26
You know there are billion dollar buyer of. 00:25:31
Of of I don't know if you got any of you read all the information we sent. 00:25:34
OK. 00:25:38
But. 00:25:38
They're they're going, they're going away from tri-state. 00:25:39
And this is this is their biggest buyer. 00:25:43
Office. 00:25:47
Usually being a stickler and calling about your procedure, but I'm going to make a motion to pass this resolution so we can have 00:25:49
discussion because really, you're not supposed to. 00:25:54
That's right. Well, I mean, we're gonna take the bullet. We'll take a vote. 00:26:00
Against. 00:26:04
Mr. Mr. 00:26:05
Who's that? 00:26:07
Ken told Mr. Ogan I had recognized him. Can you let him speak first, please? 00:26:09
Yeah, have a seating written down. 00:26:15
First, I want to start by clarifying some things based on the last meeting. I'm not kahoots with the Co-op. I'm not speaking for 00:26:17
the Co-op. I'm not protecting the Co-op. I feel I'm speaking for and protecting my constituents who instilled their trust in me 00:26:23
when they elected me. I just want to make that clear. Yes, I have an open line of communication with the Co-op manager and the 00:26:29
Co-op board chair at that. I have also had this open line of communication with passport charges as well. 00:26:36
I feel they listen to me and I and I listen to them that you may information I asked for so I can form my own opinion on moving 00:26:43
forward with me. With municipal electricity, I have information from both sides which helps helps me feel confident in my vote in 00:26:47
favor or against. 00:26:52
Unfortunately, I'm not the type of person to just quote, UN quote, take the mayor's word for it. It's a very big and expensive 00:26:57
endeavor that's not only going to affect people's support, but people around us. 00:27:02
I'm not saying it's a bad idea by any means. 00:27:07
You may It may be that in fact, we could one day benefit from municipal electricity. 00:27:09
However, however, all this started in 2014 on the difference of opinion between the city and the court that led to the UM study in 00:27:14
2015. 00:27:18
In 2016, we passed a resolution allowing the city to have a municipal owned electric utility as well as approving the funds to do 00:27:22
a feasibility study. 00:27:26
The feasibility study was completed in June of 2017, which was six years ago. 00:27:30
Within that feasibility study, in my opinion, all the stars had to be aligned for this to work at that time. 00:27:35
There's a lot of data presented within this study. That data is 6 years old. 00:27:41
From post pandemic world will post pandemic issues. 00:27:45
It is Is it the administration's opinion that nothing has changed within that feasibility study since then? 00:27:48
There are so many what ifs within this study as well. 00:27:53
For example, the study concluded that. 00:27:56
That, and I quote in the near term, the city may need to read to keep the rates for residential uses the same as those currently 00:27:59
within the SEC, because the city likely cannot apply new, lower electric rates. 00:28:05
To some residential users within or immediately adjacent to the park, and nor the residential users outside of the industrial 00:28:11
park, rates of residents served by the new city infrastructure may have may have to remain similar to the SEC rates at the time of 00:28:16
commencement. 00:28:21
Of service by the new city utility to the park. 00:28:26
Ultimately, the city's goal is to bring about reduced rates for all city residents. 00:28:29
My question is, how long will it take before the residents conceive the supposed lower rates? 00:28:34
In the argument has been the electricity is preventing any new businesses from coming into oral, when in fact we have many new 00:28:38
businesses that have come into town since then. 00:28:42
One industry in particular, marijuana cultivation. 00:28:46
There are three new grow houses that have just signed up with the Co-op, on top of two that are already here. 00:28:49
For example, in Boulder County, Colorado in 2016, the average grow house uses 41,808 kilowatt hours per month. 00:28:54
The average household uses 630 cup kilowatt hours per month. 00:29:01
It's a lot of electricity. 00:29:05
The electric rates through these businesses for coming to coral. 00:29:06
Obviously not. 00:29:09
They will be. They will be producing a product shipping out. 00:29:11
Bringing one in and providing jobs so the idea that the business will never want, that businesses will never want to locate in 00:29:15
support of is a facade. 00:29:18
My opinion, there are bigger issues within Socorro. 00:29:23
That is hindering economic growth, not electricity. 00:29:25
According to the information provided us today. 00:29:29
The last major action taken regarding electricity was taken in 2020 for the gross receipts. 00:29:31
Increase funding effect on July 1st, 2020. 00:29:37
Within the minutes provided from one of the meetings, I asked the mayor. 00:29:39
How long will we be using the funds raised from this tax increase? 00:29:42
The electric utility. 00:29:46
He said two years. 00:29:47
Where it won't be on the two years is the money still being used for electricity? 00:29:49
Why has it taken three years to get to this point to? 00:29:53
But just to this point, to approve a bid to proceed with the substation. 00:29:55
Why is it now something that we have to do today? 00:29:59
Do we need to do? 00:30:02
A new, updated feasibility study. 00:30:03
Again, I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I'm presenting the fact that at this time. 00:30:06
There are way too many unknowns for me, and I do feel I do. I do not feel comfortable at all supporting this endeavor at this 00:30:09
time. 00:30:12
I believe that there's still some collaboration working together between the two entities to come to a common ground agreement. 00:30:16
We will all win in that situation. 00:30:22
The franchise agreement terminates in less than a year, but still that is plenty of time to continue to collaborate. 00:30:24
With the corruption you utilize, what is already in place for the time being is equal. Perfect, no? 00:30:29
Are there things that the clock could do better on the CC's eyes and the community's eyes? Absolutely. 00:30:35
But I'm confident those issues could be resolved with better communication from both sides. 00:30:39
There's a time. 00:30:43
Where in fact we have an accurate data. 00:30:44
All sides have presented their case. 00:30:46
And the city is in a position to provide. 00:30:48
Electricity to our residents might be 100% for it. 00:30:52
Is comfortable right now. Thank you. 00:30:55
Mr. Salami. 00:30:58
Restart. 00:31:01
See. 00:31:02
Cinema stability and the mayors of the election and who the mayor is or who the mayor might be, but I I think that. 00:31:04
The city government and the municipal governing body being the the solidified in the council. 00:31:14
You know because if we run four year terms, so for two years over those four year comes the council members are there, may or may 00:31:24
not be there. 00:31:29
And some other counselors may not be there, but the council is designed to run in a way where there is previous institutional 00:31:34
knowledge to carry forward through the election process for those two years. So I think. 00:31:42
You know, for it to be dependent on on the mayor who's running, I don't think that's it at all. I think. I think the decisions and 00:31:50
and the theme of. 00:31:55
These big projects go on and are designed for the betterment of our residents is solidified in the council itself. 00:32:00
I just wanted to say that. 00:32:11
Thank you. Thank you any other comments. 00:32:13
Mr. Ocampo, thank you. 00:32:18
You know, I met with the Co-op as well. 00:32:20
And. 00:32:23
You know all all I got from from them was that. 00:32:25
Rates are going to continue going up. 00:32:28
Umm. 00:32:31
The reasoning why I really didn't quite totally understand because I got like two or three different reasons. 00:32:33
Umm. 00:32:39
And I know if nothing changes, nothing's going to change. We played, we pay more electricity and everybody else around us and I 00:32:41
don't get that. 00:32:43
And I don't get why we continue doing that and. 00:32:47
I don't. 00:32:50
The miss mismanagement, who's who's in charge of this, that or whatever, I'm not sure. I know that I got an agreement put in front 00:32:51
of me and I was told by the Co-op that this agreement. 00:32:57
This. 00:33:03
This author basically is to allow us to use City Landed right away. 00:33:04
And that they were totally 100% expecting us to go forward. 00:33:10
Although they thought we would fail. 00:33:15
As a city utility. So to me it seems like they've already. 00:33:17
They've already. 00:33:25
Totally. They're already totally expecting us to move forward. 00:33:26
And I believe that the studies are the next steps to see. 00:33:30
What? 00:33:34
The feasibility is now. 00:33:35
Like. 00:33:37
For us just to walk away from it. 00:33:38
When we had, when we could have something better for our constituents on the horizon. 00:33:40
I think would be foolish. Not only that. 00:33:45
But. 00:33:48
You sign something, and then you lose all your bargaining power. 00:33:50
You sign something and then it's like. 00:33:53
OK, now we're at the mercy again. 00:33:55
And and I know we pay more. 00:33:58
I know we pay more than people around us. 00:34:00
And why is that? 00:34:02
So it's Mister Man. 00:34:03
Councillor Campbell the the the reason why we're even here today was because of the. 00:34:06
Recognize you before you start rebutting something. 00:34:11
I think Mr. Ocampo is right. 00:34:16
I'm disappointed that. 00:34:19
All the things that Mister Olguin said. 00:34:21
I wanted to hear that from Mr. Herrera or Leroy and Naya sitting out there. 00:34:24
Not somebody else. 00:34:30
Saying something that. 00:34:32
Is third party. 00:34:35
And. 00:34:37
That's my biggest disappointment that they've never come through the. 00:34:39
City Council meetings every time we bring the subject up and saying, you know. 00:34:42
Mayor Council. 00:34:47
We're gonna. 00:34:49
Help the community. We're gonna be cooperative. We're gonna get better broadband, We're not gonna keep TDs from hanging wire on 00:34:50
their poles. 00:34:54
We're not going to have them going underground and. 00:34:59
Breaking into our shorelines and water lines, you know we're going to fix these poles over here so that they're high enough. 00:35:01
That we can hang that broadband on there. 00:35:09
And we're not going to charge TDs a million eight. 00:35:12
To do that. 00:35:16
And yet, and their franchise agreement, if you saw it, is, they're gonna do broadband. 00:35:17
Which is is beyond me. 00:35:23
Mr. O'Neill. 00:35:26
Honestly I was just saying comment on Councillor Campos saying that the reason we did do the feasibility studies, we're not. I 00:35:27
mean these are going to, these are just on top of the feasibility studies to get started feasibility study was to get us to the 00:35:32
point that to allow us to. 00:35:37
The Council would be confident enough to even do the. 00:35:42
Substation. 00:35:45
So yeah, there's going to be more studies. There's going to be more stuff within those. But that's why we're here is because that 00:35:46
feasibility study. 00:35:49
Umm. 00:35:52
So I'm sorry, I just, I just want to add that and Mr. Ogan referred to it way back UNM Business School. 00:35:54
Dennis Study. 00:36:02
As to whether it's costing Socorro? 00:36:04
To be used several electric coop. 00:36:07
And it was a negative study as far as how much? 00:36:10
They were taking away from the city. 00:36:14
So your comment about are we gonna get anywhere, we're gonna move anywhere. 00:36:17
And the connection and the timing of these studies were slowly moving towards it. 00:36:21
Most welcome. 00:36:25
Well, I I did bring up like whether it's. 00:36:26
10% of renewables or something. Is there a way that the city and the club can work together? Is there any way that in this world, 00:36:29
whatever it looks like now to bring the rates down? Like is there anything that can happen? And then the option to do 50%, like to 00:36:35
get 50% of your energy somewhere else. And I understand there's a buyout involved, but they throw that away. They never did it. 00:36:42
They didn't do it. But I did ask him, I said, well then how could we, like no one understand? 00:36:49
Signing this, knowing that the rates are going to go up further and people are hurting, how can we? 00:36:56
Like feel comfortable going forward, like why would we go forward? And all I was told is you've been doing it for 75 years, but 00:37:01
take a look at their their model. 00:37:06
Everybody who put up solar panels and representative parameter was. 00:37:12
One of those that put it under her building. 00:37:16
And. 00:37:19
Talk about alternative energy. 00:37:21
What they did was they took away the incentive of people putting solar panels because they kept decreasing the amount of money 00:37:22
they were giving them. 00:37:26
For putting that. 00:37:30
Electricity back into the grid from. 00:37:31
Nine cents, eight cents. Five cents, four cents, one cent. 00:37:33
And so. 00:37:37
She didn't have a bill but in order to put more electricity and they weren't going to pay anything so. 00:37:38
The incentive from tri-state basically they. 00:37:44
Price State dictates. 00:37:47
What and how much solar you can have when they sell it? 00:37:49
They're at 5%. 00:37:53
We have a proposal and I don't know if I said that, you said. 00:37:55
Across that 5% renewables. 00:37:59
Price State had a rule that they were only going to have 5% renewables. 00:38:01
That I have information saying that it's 34%. Next it's going to be 50. 00:38:06
So you're telling me that the coop is getting 34% of their electricity through solar? 00:38:11
From Christ. 00:38:16
Well, what do you mean natural gas? What is minerals? What whatever encompassed over there is your reference on that? 00:38:19
I mean, once, I mean, Joe Herrera have references, yes. Who was that? I mean, what's the reference? And we looked that up 00:38:26
somewhere that I can provide that information in the council, OK, but but the alternative we have? 00:38:33
A proposal to get 2 megawatts out of those 10 megawatts that we're going to be providing at the industrial to put in a solar. 00:38:39
Array, we already have somebody that actually. 00:38:46
From the people that you've dealt with in Denver and he's going to try to get us a grant to do that. 00:38:49
And they do that for he's doing it for Aztec. He's right now. 00:38:54
So that's 20% minimum right now. 00:38:57
If it we're ready for the question, I'll be more than happy to discuss more if you'd like, Mr. Hicks. 00:39:01
Umm. 00:39:07
Well, I was talking to. 00:39:08
Mr. Mayor Leroy and I, we we were getting along and that is one of the questions I asked him. I said, well, are you out to find 00:39:10
more? 00:39:14
Solar panel. 00:39:18
Are you going to offer the people more money? 00:39:20
For them, putting on the solar panel and their money, I mean into their houses. 00:39:23
And then actually buy it back. And he says, well, we don't buy it back, we give him credit. 00:39:27
So when it's out and it's going to be out a whole bunch of night time, they can't use your solar, so they have to use us. 00:39:31
And that's why we can't buy it from them, but we're just give them credit for for for the amount that they use at night, the 00:39:38
soldiers not working. 00:39:42
Um. 00:39:46
I meant to bring the. 00:39:48
Franchise he. 00:39:51
Did he show you his franchise that he wanted for the? 00:39:52
The manager that he wanted for the city to sign for. 00:39:56
It was in the packets. 00:40:01
As we get less. 00:40:03
Who was the car lot? Right? This is what I want to buy that car for. 00:40:05
Mr. Mayor, Councillor Hickson only respect, That's what. That's why you negotiate. 00:40:10
Yes, and I'm happy you said that, because that's what I was asking them. Why can't we get something done? 00:40:15
Why can't you work with the city? 00:40:22
And get something in the middle. I'm I'm where we're going in the middle. I think that's great I think if. 00:40:25
If if it's, it's fixed. 00:40:32
Excuse me, it's one. 00:40:35
Wanting to give. 00:40:38
And everyone not wanting to give. 00:40:41
I do believe the city. 00:40:43
Would give. 00:40:46
It's the corporate gift. 00:40:47
And his answer was. 00:40:49
No one ever asked me anything. 00:40:51
I says. 00:40:53
You've been brought in on this. 00:40:54
I know we've talked to you about this. Well, how about this? How about that? We'll give him if you give him. 00:40:56
And your answer is I'm not giving anything. 00:41:01
Thanks man. 00:41:05
Still answering my question was answered when I asked if if based on that feasibility study. 00:41:06
If everything is still the same six years later. 00:41:12
I'm sorry, I'm just looking at renewables from price state, which is? 00:41:19
The number PA is 5%. 00:41:23
27% natural gas and oil, 15% of the contract, 53% coal. 00:41:26
I don't know where you got your information from, but anyway this I'm seeing that again, I didn't know. I said I just I don't 00:41:34
think my my question was answered when I asked you based on that feasibility that was done six years ago. Is that all that 00:41:38
information still accurate and still the same? 00:41:42
The information is accurate except for the cost of energy. That cost of energy has gone up a little bit from four and a half cents 00:41:48
up a little bit in the I think it's gone up to 4.74 point, eight cents. That's the only thing different. 00:41:54
The feasibility study and, and you know, I would implore the Council to invest in this. 00:42:01
Preliminary engineering result report. 00:42:07
So that you can again vote on whether we need to move forward. This is step by step. I'm not asking you to eat the whole 00:42:10
enchilada. I missed my so that that the cost for that preliminary gene studies $100,000, correct? 00:42:17
100 and it's it's yeah. So I think it's 152. 00:42:24
152,000 and so we're going to spend another 152,000 and. 00:42:29
I mean, I don't even know how much fun have you spent on attorney fees and everything else before that. So we keep spending money 00:42:33
to. Yeah. So we keep spending money. I mean. 00:42:37
But again, again, I'm not. I want to. I want to. I want to emphasize I don't think it's a bad idea. 00:42:41
I just think that all this stuff, I mean you you say, I think, I think it's gonna be, I think it's gonna be, we keep proceeding, 00:42:47
we're spending $100,000. We proceed on that. OK. Well, I think that then I think it's still going to work. But I mean it's just 00:42:51
there's too many things. And again, if I feel confident, if I have all the information, if I have all the data, if I have 00:42:56
everything in front of me and I believe in it and I believe it's going to work, it's going to benefit the city, yes, 100%, I'm all 00:43:01
for it. 00:43:06
But there's just way too many what ifs and. 00:43:11
I mean if it's if that's what I say delay, I don't, I don't care about the after the mayors race, I don't care about after the 00:43:14
council race. I mean it's still going to be there. The issue is still going to be there. 00:43:18
But as long as we. 00:43:23
Give it a full effort. Like I said, negotiate. 00:43:24
If we don't negotiate, I mean we don't know what what, what they told you. We don't know what's been said. I mean could there be a 00:43:27
public public meeting or you can you can debate Joseph and you guys can compare data, you guys can go back and forth. It's public, 00:43:32
it's on. 00:43:36
It's on TV. Or bring this to the issue to the voters. Let the voters decide if they want to have a city running electric utility. 00:43:41
I mean, I just don't think that us eight people based on the data that we have is enough information for us to move forward with 00:43:46
this. I think that. 00:43:51
I mean again it's it's just too much up in the air right now and again it's going to affect. 00:43:56
Not only, I mean could be good for support, it could be bad, but it's also going to affect people from outside around us and. 00:44:01
I mean, we got to be able to. 00:44:07
Talk to our neighbors around us and say This is why we did it. 00:44:09
I mean and then the quote has to deal with their fate if we do move it in that direction. But I think that if there is some, the 00:44:12
ability to negotiate whether it's adding stuff to the franchise agreement that you want that the council agrees to. I don't, I 00:44:17
just don't see, I mean some of the stuff, but yeah, yeah, you can't guarantee lower rates. We can't guarantee lower natural gas 00:44:22
rates. I mean there's it's, it's, it's. 00:44:28
Just like in the temporary, you can't predict that you can lock them in, yes. 00:44:33
But we what are we locking him in at? I mean, we're going to spend this money again, move forward. I mean, we just don't know. 00:44:37
Go go ahead. 00:44:47
You know, ever since we've been working on this, which we've been working on it for a very long time. 00:44:50
And the council every time has voted 100%. 00:44:55
To go do some more looking. 00:44:59
To look into it a little bit further. 00:45:02
Uh. 00:45:05
So I see it as the council is behind it enough to spend what they did 100% of the vote. 00:45:07
Are you still behind it on what is? 00:45:14
That's, you know, if you're going to respond every time that somebody says something, I guess what you what you feel. 00:45:18
I can't have that. 00:45:23
Finishing up Mr. Hicks. 00:45:26
Mr. Mayor. 00:45:28
This is Nick. 00:45:30
Mr. Fleming. 00:45:32
I don't know. 00:45:34
I have an. 00:45:36
And pinion that. 00:45:38
For approximately the last. 00:45:39
10. 00:45:42
To 11 years. 00:45:44
We have been asking. 00:45:46
The Co-op to come meet. 00:45:48
With the administration or even. 00:45:52
Comcast City Council. 00:45:55
As far as I, my recollection is. 00:45:59
They have never taken. 00:46:04
Any advantage of our offers during that 11 year time span? 00:46:06
Is that correct? That's true? 00:46:12
So, you know, I mean, it's up to the council Again, I say this is a generational decision. I'm not timid about it. 00:46:18
I think there's something we can do to make sequel a better place to live, be more inviting. 00:46:25
At least get on this. We're not going to get better. We're just going to be on the same plane as Los Lunas and Berlin and. 00:46:32
People that have PNM services. 00:46:37
That's all we're trying to do. 00:46:40
And then at this point I think. 00:46:42
I'm ready to get a mismatch with the question. I just want one more thing. Well, I just was gonna ask what were the offers that 00:46:45
were made over the last 15 years, but. 00:46:49
Um. 00:46:53
Yeah. So I'll just ask that question. So Councillor Fleming for to you, what were what were those offers that been offered? What's 00:46:55
the city? 00:46:58
Specifically want from the court besides cheaper rate. 00:47:02
Donald. 00:47:09
Yes, You don't have the letter I sent Joseph about. 00:47:10
Three years ago as to what the city wanted after we were talking with so many people coming to City Council complaining about the 00:47:15
cop, we said. 00:47:19
We we we asked for and I and I said it again to them. 00:47:23
Directly to them. I don't know if you shared that letter with you. 00:47:27
But. 00:47:31
Lower rates. 00:47:32
Better consumer relations. 00:47:34
Easier economic and easier business. 00:47:37
Response. 00:47:42
The the PRC told them to do economic rates. 00:47:43
In that lawsuit that they lost. 00:47:46
Have they put any economic, Mr. Burnett, Have they done any economic rates? 00:47:49
Not to my knowledge, Mr. Mayor, and it's also my understanding that. 00:47:53
Economic development rates from the Co-op cannot go to existing businesses, they can only go to new businesses. So there's not 00:47:58
only I was out of the cannabis Mr. Dean talked about with the economic development they didn't offer them and the other thing is 00:48:02
that they were. 00:48:06
Sorry. 00:48:13
On the border of someone else. Floors down here. You got free for all for the coop, Mr. August. Give me a break here. Polo did. 00:48:15
That they were going to send me their rates. 00:48:22
That we put down California St. yes we we did get LED rates when we when we were at the PRC we. 00:48:25
We were kind of under the impression and. 00:48:32
That when a light burns out, they were going to replace it with LED, but they found a loophole in that so. 00:48:36
So that light has to be probably, I guess, shot out or? 00:48:41
Or can't work so. 00:48:44
Yeah, they do have. We do have LED rates like California streets since we put our own LED lights. We still paid them our old rate. 00:48:48
They won't recognize that as one of their LED lights when the state. 00:48:56
So those LED lights should put down California and the entrances exits are the same as the the hype intensity where they call them 00:49:01
pay high sodium rates, so high, so, so. 00:49:06
So that that's the kind of trouble, that's the kind of problems, you know, you asked the question about what it is that we wanted 00:49:12
from the coop. 00:49:15
What the PRC wanted from the Co-op Talk about expending money. They took it to the Supreme Court. 00:49:18
That ruling that peer seed made against them. 00:49:23
Supreme Court bounced it back. Talk about legal fees, which you ended up in. The original filing is still in this. 00:49:26
The Supreme Court. 00:49:35
Practice to death. That's too bad. They're not here to talk for themselves. 00:49:37
But that's unfortunate, especially when. 00:49:41
Regarding Councillor Dean, Councillor Dean's concerns about knowing what the future holds, that was what was approved at the last 00:49:44
meeting and the pro forma financial statements. Once we get those built, that will give you a clear picture of what's estimated as 00:49:49
revenue expense. The whole nine was. 00:49:55
Mr. Mayor. 00:50:02
Yeah. 00:50:04
Is that so? 00:50:05
Wouldn't you think that we would do the that first before doing the preliminary design and and all that if we can that way we know 00:50:07
for sure that. 00:50:11
We can sustain it. 00:50:16
We've had conversations about that and we've had some assurances from consultants that it's going to work in at the 12 and a half 00:50:17
cents or whatever we can sell it at, which includes money to replace. 00:50:23
But you can't. But you can't. 00:50:29
The proforma. 00:50:31
Financial has to work in concert with what the PR is going to tell us it's going to cost. You can't have one or the other. These 00:50:33
two, both things are going in parallel, just like the interconnect thing that these are all going in parallel trying to get this 00:50:37
thing up. 00:50:42
And I guess that was another question that I when I talked earlier is that, I mean I understand the franchise agreement is coming 00:50:50
up super soon, I get that, but. 00:50:54
I mean, the last major decision was in 2020 and here we are three years later. 00:50:58
In June of 2023. 00:51:02
And. 00:51:05
Now we have to absorb all this information and and what's what? 00:51:07
And what took so long? How come we didn't start doing? Why didn't we do the preliminary study last year? 00:51:13
Or the two years, like after you say we're only going to use it for two years. Like, why don't we what? What's what's the 00:51:18
reasoning that we have to do this today? 00:51:22
Because it was a slow absorption of information. 00:51:27
And making very careful. 00:51:31
Statements and moves. 00:51:33
To get to this point. 00:51:35
With no response from the coop. 00:51:36
They could have stopped us at any time, if they'd come with any kind of. 00:51:39
Positive responses other than the last minute having meetings with individual councillors and not coming to City Council meetings. 00:51:43
You know, as I said. 00:51:51
We're making a generational change here. 00:51:53
Depends on what your feelings are, if you feel that you want to. 00:51:57
Kick it down the road until the next election or January of 2024. That's just another. 00:52:01
Another deal that gets closer to May 2024, but. 00:52:07
At this point I think. 00:52:10
It's prudent to spend this money. 00:52:12
To get the engineering study. 00:52:14
Get the interconnect. 00:52:16
Get our financial performance and then we'll come back to the council. 00:52:18
You still haven't crossed the Rubicon here. You still are halfway. 00:52:21
If you think we should just stand still while the water rushes by us. 00:52:26
Or you think we should go back and wait for the new mayor? Or do we think we just keep plotting across and trying to get through 00:52:29
the other side, which is what we're trying to do right now? We're not through the other side. 00:52:35
You haven't approved everything. We may have spent 152,000 for nothing, but I don't think so, but. 00:52:40
But you still have a chance to turn it down saying, well, you know, it doesn't look like it's going to work. 00:52:46
So that we're moving step by step by step to that point, Mr. Mayor, you've already guaranteed your your win next to, I mean during 00:52:51
this election anyway, so it's not going to go anywhere. So I mean because I'm gonna win anyway. So either way I mean it's still 00:52:56
going to be here. This is still this is still going to be here. And I mean why can't we have if you if you're guaranteeing that 00:53:02
win and you're going to be here next May, why can't we get all the information and get all the accurate data? At least I could 00:53:07
feel something. 00:53:12
But it's gonna, you know, man is gonna go on with it. I mean, she, you know, JC will have to get all that pressure, you know? 00:53:19
We do our businesses, we do our business and that's look for. 00:53:28
You know, these like Congress does. You kick it down the road, you know, we just, I mean we don't do that. If you want to vote no, 00:53:33
I I am. 00:53:36
I am. 00:53:39
All in favor of of your. 00:53:40
Of your arguments, and if you can get everybody else to vote, live with that and live with that. That's not a problem. 00:53:42
Mr. Hicks. 00:53:49
Can we go on somewhere? OK, It was asked to watch. 00:53:50
Nothing. 00:53:55
It was asked earlier about. 00:53:55
No businesses coming here. 00:53:58
Because electricity being so high. 00:54:00
Didn't bother anybody. 00:54:04
These are two. 00:54:06
Businesses. 00:54:08
That I know of for fact. 00:54:09
One number is. 00:54:12
Perlite place. 00:54:15
They couldn't afford electricity. 00:54:16
And make the profit line they wanted to do it pop into perlite with electricity. 00:54:20
They came to the city and switched over to gas. It pops it better and it's a whole lot cheaper. 00:54:26
I ask. 00:54:33
The gentleman that owned the solar panel out there. 00:54:34
I said, why are you leaving? I mean, you're set up, everything's doing good. We're. 00:54:38
What do we do? Well, why are you leaving? 00:54:43
This is electricity bills too high. 00:54:45
She'll put a pencil to it, said we can't do IT support. Let's do it someplace else. That's Ohh, man. 00:54:49
May I know? 00:54:56
When I had my Body Shop. 00:54:57
It was very high. 00:54:59
Given high as it is now but. 00:55:01
There is. 00:55:04
Look at this. Look at the Circle K and just moved in. 00:55:06
Wow, that's used in a bunch of electricity. 00:55:09
And you're absolutely right, the the growers for this marijuana stuff. 00:55:13
That's what Leroy pointed out to me is they're using a bunch of electricity. 00:55:18
Yeah, a lot higher rate than they should have to be paying too. 00:55:23
Miss. Dean, I call for the question one last one last so so. 00:55:28
I mean, then we can. This is a good debate. I like this, but. 00:55:34
So how many You say people can't survive based on electricity, but how many businesses have struggled within Sapporo because of 00:55:38
the workforce? 00:55:42
How many businesses have suffered because of other issues, not just electricity. There's other issues that we're facing right now 00:55:47
with sectoral. 00:55:50
That my opinion don't know about the other council, but in my opinion I think we should start tackling first or we dive into 00:55:54
something so exuberant. 00:55:59
OK. 00:56:06
Today we're talking about the electricity. We're not understand that there's been a call for the question on 2nd and 2nd call for 00:56:07
the question. 00:56:12
I'll have to ask for a second. 00:56:17
Man on for sale. 00:56:20
OK. Would you do a roll call for this question, Mr. 00:56:23
Panetta, so you can go down in history as whatever. 00:56:27
Councillor Travis Lopez, yes. 00:56:31
Councillor Dean. 00:56:34
This is the motion is to accept the. 00:56:36
Sorry, let me read this again. I've forgotten about it. It's the authorizing. 00:56:39
Authorizing bid award for the preliminary engineering design. 00:56:45
To the company. 00:56:49
OK, Chavez. Lopez, yes. 00:56:51
Answer Dan. 00:56:53
Councillor Fleming. 00:56:57
Yes. 00:56:59
Councillor Hicks, yes. 00:57:01
Councillor Ocampo, Yes. 00:57:04
Councillor O'quinn No. 00:57:08
Councillor Romero. 00:57:11
Councillor Saloni. 00:57:13
Motion passes through, was it? 00:57:18
Well, no, but I mean, again, as I the caveat is. 00:57:20
There's a come back to you. 00:57:24
Whether to move forward once we get all our stuff together, but it's going to have to get. 00:57:26
We have to do this all one step at a time. It's not going to be something that. 00:57:30
We're just going to keep going on with it if you feel that we're going to fail with the information we bring you at the next 00:57:33
meetings when we have these done. 00:57:37
Then we will. Then you'll have another vote. 00:57:41
I mean so and maybe the cookbook step up and. 00:57:44
See that we're doing something that they're going to work with us with some reasonable amounts such as the 5050 deal that they 00:57:48
could have done with where they could have gotten their energy 50% from somewhere else and 50% from tri-state and they never 00:57:52
looked at that. 00:57:57
But anyway, I'm sorry, Chicken would let time on it. 00:58:02
This is the execution. 00:58:05
That's another. 00:58:07
For the compactor. 00:58:09
Miss Thrill again make a motion. We pass Resolution #23-06-20 second. 00:58:11
Move to seconded all in favor. 00:58:16
This is. 00:58:20
This is a resolution for the investigation of the tri-state interconnect that I was telling you about that the that the tri-state 00:58:21
is going to be the one that carries the power to us. 00:58:25
And in order to do that, you have to literally interconnect with the tri-state lines. 00:58:30
So this is just an investigation into it. 00:58:35
To see what it's going to cost us, that'll bring together all the cost of this project. 00:58:37
Mr. Hicks, Meghan Motion Doing the Budget resolution. 00:58:43
Question. There's 12-06. 00:58:47
There's two old being. 00:58:50
Consideration of Detroit State. 00:58:52
Second ****. 00:58:56
More than seconded. 00:58:57
Discussion Mr. Logan. Is there cost associated with this? 00:59:00
Hi. 00:59:04
I think not. I mean I think there are consultant Mr. Lewis is the one who's going to you're probably will bill us but we're 00:59:05
talking about. 00:59:09
Less than 1000 I I don't this is not a you have to put in an application to try, yeah. 00:59:14
You have to. 00:59:20
There is a cost associated, but it's not not enough $100,000 that range. I just want to clarify that because the information I got 00:59:21
said that it's about $100,000 to do this with tri-state. 00:59:27
Is that right? 00:59:34
Well, I'll bring you the cost. 00:59:36
I'll bring you the posture once application is done then. 00:59:38
Then there'll be cost. Of course there's going to be cost to do it because it's just, it just says investigate. I'll bring you the 00:59:41
cost. Yeah, that'll be all rolled into. 00:59:45
Developing healthy, we're just asking you asking us to allow us to investigate it and and actually put in the application. 00:59:49
And so once it's applications and what's the time frame on that, we'll get the information back. 00:59:57
Ohh, not the application. We're going to bring you the cost of putting in the application, but so the cost of putting the 01:00:03
application and then. 01:00:07
They do Their tri-state, does their stuff. How long will that take? 01:00:11
But there's two costs. There's one cost is investigating, which is not going to be very expensive. 01:00:15
The next class would be put in the application end. 01:00:21
And if that takes for lawyers and for lawyers, have to now be. 01:00:24
Washington DC based and not. 01:00:28
State based. 01:00:30
And so that can, that can run into money, but we'll bring you the estimate of the cost, yeah, for for Samsung when they. 01:00:32
Through the application for the interconnect it took I think 180 days. 01:00:40
To find out that tri-state was going to really charge them way too much. 01:00:45
Not just going to be. 01:00:49
One of the, did you see something about the cost? Yeah, it was in the millions to do it so. 01:00:51
Application. Yeah, but that that interconnects a little bit different than what this this was. This was the 100 Meg field. 01:00:57
That Samsung, the big Samsung company, was going to put out here. 01:01:05
And they needed to interconnect to tri-state to put that energy into the grid. 01:01:09
And the price stayed really hung them out to dry and they left the project. Mr. Mr. Maxwell again. So. So we approved this. 01:01:13
There's no cost by us approving this, is that correct? 01:01:18
Paulo, we approve this. We're not paying anything. 01:01:24
Our consultant will will be doing it. So there will be a repeater consultant. You'll have to, you have to say that the cost is 01:01:27
less than 25,000. It's not, I mean I'm giving a bigger number but it's it's not, it's not a million or something to be close to 01:01:32
that. 01:01:36
We'll bring you back because I don't know what the cost is. We need to ask you that. 01:01:41
Mr. Hitler like an estimate. 01:01:46
They'll tell us question. This is the one with the yeah, this is an outline of what they'll have to do and what it's going to cost 01:01:48
and they'll give us the. 01:01:52
They'll give us the cost estimate as they. 01:01:56
Put out the outline. 01:01:58
It was a bit of a bid. 01:02:00
The way it's written there, I'm making this like they're just giving an estimate of what it's going to cost. 01:02:03
Or postpone it. That's fine with me. 01:02:10
If you wanna get a get across, I mean whatever. 01:02:13
Motion with the sponsor the next meeting. 01:02:16
There was already a motion to approve. 01:02:19
He can. He can. 01:02:23
Not just withdraw your motion. 01:02:25
But the medium and the main motion. 01:02:27
And you can't make them up. You can't postpone the motion. That's with the motion that's already been made to pass. 01:02:30
You can just. 01:02:36
This withdrawing a motion. 01:02:38
Well. 01:02:42
With someone can withdraw the motion. 01:02:43
Anyone vote for it. This is not. 01:02:47
If it's excessive, I'll bring you. I will stop it. 01:02:50
I'll give you all the information at the next meeting and I will not move forward. If you approve it, I promise not to move 01:02:55
forward with it until they give me an estimate. 01:02:59
But I have to have the ability to talk to them about it. That's why we're bringing it to you. 01:03:05
To our consultants. 01:03:10
And this was everybody will review and Mr. Mayor, this would also be part of the information needed to fill out the pro forma. 01:03:16
So one big packaging. 01:03:23
So, so I'll just say all in favor. 01:03:25
Umm. 01:03:28
No. 01:03:29
No. Well, let me, I'm going to question, I'll say against. 01:03:30
The next thing I'll say is for all the favor and I'll say again, that's what I usually say. 01:03:33
So I'll say. 01:03:38
You wanna do a roll call on this too? What the heck? 01:03:39
Listening. 01:03:42
Discuss what we're what we're voting on. And did we get a second voting on allowing the administration to investigate an 01:03:43
interconnect? 01:03:47
Between trash state and our new. 01:03:51
Play. 01:03:53
OK, so that's. 01:03:54
Us. 01:03:55
It's. 01:03:56
Mr. 01:03:57
Panetta. 01:03:58
Councillor Marianne Chavez. 01:04:00
Councillor Dean. 01:04:03
Councillor Fleming. 01:04:04
Counter hits? Yes. Councillor Ocampo, Yes. 01:04:07
Councillor again? No. 01:04:10
Councillor Romero. 01:04:12
Councillor Salomi. 01:04:15
Thank you. 01:04:20
And I promise to bring you the cost before I move on with this. 01:04:21
And if it's, if it's exorbitant, we will then. 01:04:25
There's no Mr. Who? 01:04:30
OK. Thanks. 01:04:32
No. 01:04:34
Wanna do the better work for creating Rio Grande Trail Infrastructure Plan for the secure area? 01:04:38
Make the motion. Ohh, I said. Mr. Hitch, OK. 01:04:45
Yeah, didn't didn't work for IFD 0709233 Red Trail. 01:04:48
2nd. 01:04:58
The move seconded discussion. 01:04:59
What's this going to cost us? 01:05:01
Actually, Mr. Mayor, we're approached by the state as we were nearing the end of the fiscal year that they had some more 01:05:03
recreation funds and Mr. Robb Selena has been to two of our meetings with our connection in between. 01:05:09
And it's a $50,000 grant with 5000 of that. 01:05:15
Coming to administration. 01:05:20
Wonderful Honor Favor. 01:05:22
Poland OK, Chelsea. 01:05:25
What is going on at the library? 01:05:28
Are you having a lot of misconduct? 01:05:32
OK. Good evening. 01:05:37
So actually this is going to generate some funding for our library board of trustees. And our last meeting we discussed how a lot 01:05:39
of libraries are introducing coffee stations to their libraries. So with a closed lid, they bring in their own reusable coffee 01:05:44
mugs, they can put in a donation and we'll have a passive fundraiser. 01:05:50
Um, or they can purchase cuts with the win. So I had to update our rules of conduct that would allow that in the library building. 01:05:56
So that's the only change to rule 1. 01:06:01
Positive things. 01:06:07
Make motion We passed the Patreon Rules of Conduct for the library. 01:06:09
Seconded all in favor, aye? 01:06:14
And Chelsea is doing great with our Wellness program too. That's another one she's taken on, so that's great. 01:06:17
Mr. Again, make a motion We passed the 2023 drug policy for the Transportation Department. 01:06:23
Moved. Seconded Carlos. 01:06:30
It's something new. 01:06:32
That's their biggest problem here. 01:06:38
We've got recreational marijuana. 01:06:42
The federal government does not recognize recreational marijuana. 01:06:44
The Department of Transportation where we get our money from. 01:06:49
Is a federal project. 01:06:54
It doesn't allow anybody who works. 01:06:57
Four or on. 01:07:00
The vehicles. 01:07:02
It. 01:07:04
Put this put us in a bind. 01:07:06
You know, because we have recreational marijuana. 01:07:08
I don't have a way to age how much and when you used it. 01:07:11
So that's that's going to be a bigger and bigger. The state just dumped that on us and we don't have any. 01:07:15
Personnel policies to deal with this. 01:07:21
But as long as there's a federal violation, then that's what it is. 01:07:25
So all in favor, Aye, opposed. 01:07:30
Thank you, Carlos. 01:07:33
New business just for Mr. Logan. 01:07:34
Can we explore the possibility of of counselors that aren't physically in attendance that we don't do on? 01:07:37
Collins anymore. I think we're kind of past that if councillors can't make. 01:07:45
The meeting in person, I think that they can be. 01:07:49
Donald, what's the rule for? 01:07:53
Post COVID. Mr. Mayor, I don't think they have changed the Open Meetings Act since COVID, but once COVID hit as long as you're 01:07:56
able to. 01:08:00
Recognizes the individual voice. 01:08:04
They can call in or do video, but I will research that tomorrow again. 01:08:07
See if it's changed. 01:08:12
OK, so we also have Rules of Procedure that we can edit, and so let's look into that. 01:08:14
I'm not here to be meeting Mr. Mayor either, but if I'm not here. 01:08:21
I'm not here. 01:08:24
Right. 01:08:25
Any other new business? 01:08:26
And then there's old business. 01:08:30
No. 01:08:35
And then there's the executive session, which has gone by the wayside. 01:08:36
We've got marriage report to Mexico Humanities Council of course, is Chelsea Jones. 01:08:40
Is the Lady of the Day. It's warm, but we skipped the skip one. 01:08:47
If the personnel. 01:08:52
But that was a personal matters. 01:08:55
For executive session. 01:08:57
So would everybody like to appoint Chelsea to another position? 01:09:01
I still move. I can't. 01:09:05
Seconded. Congratulations, all in favor, aye. 01:09:07
Mr. Where there's also an oath of office in your packet. 01:09:11
If we could do that as well. 01:09:14
Right now. 01:09:16
Now, OK. Pleasure. 01:09:18
Oh. 01:09:22
No. 01:09:25
We're done. 01:09:26
Thank you. 01:09:29
OK, so I am going to appoint some committees. 01:09:31
The Finley Gymnasium Complex Committee. 01:09:34
We have received $1,000,000 thanks to Representative Artemio. 01:09:37
Would like to put the. 01:09:41
Councillor Dean and Councillor Romero. 01:09:43
And if there's another person I would like to go on that, that's too, Mr. Ogeen. 01:09:46
I would like to put them on that committee. 01:09:50
To design and look at seeing what we're going to spend that $1,000,000 of. 01:09:53
I would like for you to meet with the architect and Lloyd Martinez. 01:09:59
And and they're going because the money will be received in August. 01:10:04
Yes, Sir, we should get the grant agreement by the end of July. 01:10:09
So look forward to that, but you guys maybe with any NM? 01:10:13
And what? 01:10:20
And see here. 01:10:21
They are the architects. 01:10:23
And the Recreation Committee, thanks to. 01:10:26
Councillor Ocampo, we did get 100,000. 01:10:29
For the studio park remodel. 01:10:32
And if anybody, we were trying to get a landscape engineer or somebody who deals with that kind of stuff. 01:10:35
Would like to have Mr. Ocampo and who else would like to be on Mr. Odean and. 01:10:40
Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I thought we already had a recognition of community. 01:10:46
Well, yeah, but I'm. 01:10:50
I'm telling you I'm changing it, no. 01:10:52
Not this channel is Lopez. 01:10:55
Mr. But I'm just assigning you that task. 01:10:57
Of getting well. 01:11:01
Donald and Polo to put the ad out for a request for proposals. 01:11:03
For a. 01:11:07
Architect, landscape, whatever kind of, you know, sites, sites, Southwest is doing the. 01:11:09
Escondido. 01:11:15
Link. 01:11:17
That big landscape company to I'm just saying it, we need to get a hold of some company. 01:11:18
That will help us with Studio Park. 01:11:23
So that was perfect. 01:11:26
Marriott and I asked, How's that committee as far as looking? 01:11:28
Side by sides on the streets. 01:11:32
Haven't done anything right, Donald. 01:11:34
What haven't done anything yet for? 01:11:37
Time. 01:11:40
For the TV show. 01:11:41
Hello. 01:11:42
Up with it or just leave it livable? 01:11:44
Mr. Mayor. 01:11:47
Let's do it again. I make a motion to approve the job descriptions 123 and four. We're the one that held up the meeting right now. 01:11:48
OK. 01:11:56
Any seconds. 01:11:58
2nd so moved and seconded. All in favor aye? 01:12:00
Nor is that acceptable there. 01:12:04
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Logan, hold on. Can we pass the personnel changes? 01:12:07
There's a bunch of them. 01:12:14
What's going on here? You don't want me to read them all? 01:12:16
All right. There's like. 01:12:19
2 pages? No. Everybody's happy with this. 01:12:21
Everybody, you know we we ask everybody to be making at least 15 bucks and so we're almost there. The temporaries kind of started 01:12:25
14. So all in favor for the personnel changes opposed. 01:12:31
Just a man, yes. Both do business registrations as the center. 01:12:37
Economic presentation. I've done this one. 01:12:42
This is a 5 star cannabis out of town. 01:12:45
Watsky Folk. 01:12:49
Cannabis cultivation access. Telecom Canada. 01:12:50
Stable tablets and phones, BMG utilities. 01:12:54
Directional board. 01:12:57
***** equipment installation. 01:13:01
Richard Bustamante, refrigeration McDowell transient vendor. 01:13:03
Maggie Delia Rojas. 01:13:07
Boy, shut up. 01:13:10
Automotive supplies and kind of electric supply. 01:13:12
Electric services. 01:13:16
Now, Mr. Nixon. 01:13:18
Christmas. 01:13:21
Because not ideal, I make that motion. 01:13:23
Ohh favor. OK July 5th this time. 01:13:27
Right after July 4th. 01:13:31
Huh. 01:13:35
Yeah, two days Monday, I guess. Are we closing on Monday? 01:13:36
On the 4th. 01:13:41
OK. 01:13:45
We're not closed Monday. 01:13:47
And my target to myself now. 01:13:49
So we're not closed Monday. 01:13:53
OK. All right. 01:13:55
OK. Thank you for everybody. 01:13:58
We even got Mr. 01:14:01
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Some Christian Church. 00:00:00
And they did it. And then people change. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 00:00:01
Jeff, Jeff was going to, he said. He said the check when we saw in Drakes. 00:00:09
There was a controversy that was like people were people made one and they were making money off of it. 00:00:16
Opposed. 00:00:22
Huh. 00:00:23
602. 00:00:25
Ohh. 00:00:27
Kind of sickle 2602. Excuse me, here we go. 00:00:28
Now Are you ready? 00:00:32
Alright. 00:00:34
This is the City School City Council meeting June 20th. 00:00:35
2023 Roll call, please. 00:00:39
Councillor Travis Lopez. Yeah, Councillor Dean. 00:00:42
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:46
And. 00:00:47
Councillor Hicks here, Councillor Ocampo here. 00:00:48
Councillor again? 00:00:52
Councillor Romero. 00:00:53
And. 00:00:55
Councillor Salomi. 00:00:56
We have a quote. 00:00:59
I'll rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:01:00
Of the United States of America. 00:01:09
Staff. 00:01:12
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty meaning that too. 00:01:13
Mr. Mayor. 00:01:23
Mr. Hicks, make a motion. We approve the consent agenda. 00:01:25
Move to seconded discussion. 00:01:29
Author. 00:01:31
This. 00:01:33
Executive session to the. 00:01:36
Aren't right under public form. 00:01:38
You know. 00:01:40
Second One second. 00:01:42
Moved and seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:01:43
And we are at. 00:01:48
Public forum? No, it's after before the public forum. 00:01:52
Mr. 00:01:55
Anybody at the public forum would like to make a comment that's not on the agenda. 00:01:57
We'll be doing a hearing for the ICP later right down. 00:02:04
OK. 00:02:08
Stop. 00:02:09
Not hearing anything from the public forum. 00:02:10
We will. 00:02:13
Make a motion to go into executive session. 00:02:15
Mr. Robin Motion going Executive Session. 00:02:17
One second. 00:02:21
And roll call please. 00:02:22
Councillor Travis Lopez, yes. 00:02:26
Councillor Dean, Yes. 00:02:28
Councillor Fleming. 00:02:30
Councillor Hicks? Yes. Councillor Ocampo? Yes. Councillor Olguin. Yes, Councillor Romero. 00:02:32
Councillor Salomi. 00:02:40
It's the. It's the body that is. 00:02:43
Watching. Please excuse us. 00:02:46
Because we don't have any other place to have the executive session, we'll just have it here. 00:02:49
Happened in executive session. 00:02:53
Sorry, Mr. Mayor, the Council discussed one potential legal matter. No action was taken. 00:02:56
Thank you. And I should say that before we went to executive session. 00:03:01
We did not say what we were going in for. 00:03:06
My omission? 00:03:10
It was for legal matters. 00:03:11
Mr. 00:03:14
September 3rd, OK, we're at ordinance authorizing execution and delivery of loan agreement for the landfill cell. Let's make a 00:03:15
motion we pass ordinance #23-06-20 a second. 00:03:21
Moving and seconded discussion. 00:03:27
All in favor. 00:03:30
Well, let me see. I'm going to have to take A roll call. It's an ordinance. Sorry. 00:03:32
Councillor Travis Lopez, yes. 00:03:39
Councillor Dean. 00:03:41
Councillor Fleming. 00:03:43
Councillor Hicks? Yes. Councillor Ocampo? Yes. 00:03:45
Councillor login, yes. 00:03:49
Councillor Romero. 00:03:50
Councillor Salome. 00:03:53
We will go into public hearing for the I CIP. This is the second hearing. 00:03:57
Motion for public hearing for the IP #2. 00:04:03
OK. The seconded all in favor? 00:04:07
Sedano. 00:04:11
I understand you have a. 00:04:12
Comments for the ICP. 00:04:14
Yeah. 00:04:19
Council, women and Councilman. 00:04:19
Thanks for hearing me. 00:04:21
I'd like to thank the Street Department for the last few years for fixing Lopezville, where I live. 00:04:23
Um. 00:04:29
Well, I asked the question probably about 10 years ago. Hopeville was #5 and getting repaved or? 00:04:31
It's I live on the far end of Lopezville. 00:04:37
And a few years ago, they did pay part of Louisville, but not the far end. So I would like you all to consider moving Lopezville, 00:04:41
if it's still on the list, up a little higher. 00:04:45
To try to pave it, the county did some chip sealing. 00:04:50
On the very far North End. 00:04:55
So. 00:04:57
Need to say, but the county section looks a heck of a lot better than the city section. 00:04:59
But the. 00:05:03
City workers do come every year, few times and. 00:05:04
Patch potholes and also I do appreciate that, that's all. 00:05:08
Thank you Donald. Was that qualify for a map project? 00:05:13
That's a loaded question. It might. 00:05:19
Umm. 00:05:21
Just because of the waste of coral design, but I will look into that. 00:05:22
We will take that into account. 00:05:29
We'll put that through the council when we have recommendation for CIP projects to move it to #2. What's number one? 00:05:32
Currently. 00:05:42
Currently, it's still the Finley Gymnasium complex. 00:05:43
So let's but that's your suggestion. OK. Thank you. Appreciate it. 00:05:46
OK, keep up the good work and all the council people and the mirror. 00:05:50
And ministration. We found one that would help us. Just giving us angles here that won't help your case. 00:05:54
Thank you and Mr. Mayor, thank you for all the work you do. I apologize to the Council. I forgot to put the last year's list and 00:06:02
the ranking sheet in the packet that there on the desk. 00:06:07
This evening, if I could get those back by the second meeting in July, we'll vote on that in the first meeting in August. 00:06:12
Anyone else that's in the audience would like to make a comment. 00:06:18
Yeah, Hi, this is Amy Kimball. I was wondering what I CIP stands for and what did Lopez will just get moved in front of? 00:06:26
Noblesville has not been proved it was said yet. 00:06:33
I'm sorry, I said my name. Yes, Amy Kimball. 00:06:36
OK. I didn't get you, I apologize. You need it for the just to correct that. 00:06:38
There's a recommendation from Mr. Tadano to move it to the second. 00:06:44
That will be voted on by the Council as to whether we do that or not. Or it may be 6th or 7th or second depending on. 00:06:48
The other. 00:06:56
The things that the ICP, ICP stands for. 00:06:57
Infrastructure capital improvement plan. 00:07:01
It's kind of five year. It's longer than that because we have so many projects on it, but it's at least a five year plan on what 00:07:03
we are prioritizing. 00:07:07
It is used. 00:07:12
When they go to ask for money and grants. 00:07:14
They look at that to see if that was a priority that was designated by the City Council. 00:07:18
So when you go to the legislature and you ask for. 00:07:23
Capital outlay? 00:07:27
They will look at that and say, well, this is #9, how come you didn't ask for it? So that's how that works. 00:07:28
Great. Thank you. Thanks for the question. Anyone else? 00:07:34
Mr. Mayor Hicks. 00:07:38
Not seeing any other public. 00:07:41
And put a little bit, we're back to the regular session. 00:07:43
Thank you. 00:07:46
So moved to seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:07:47
There, there's a public hearing for disadvantaged business enterprise goals. 00:07:51
Yes, ma'am, Mr. Again, make a motion when the public hearing for the disadvantaged business enterprise goals for fiscal year 22 00:07:56
through 24. 00:07:59
As for City of Sakura, I'm a little lost or what. This is Donald, Mr. Mayor. This is the first time I've seen it myself was for 00:08:05
this meeting. But it's to try to steer projects to disadvantaged businesses or businesses that are registered to disadvantaged. 00:08:13
Women of minority owned military veterans, those type of things. So this is saying. 00:08:20
And as you can see in the the handout, there were no projects for fiscal year 2022. 00:08:26
And the snow removal building is the project for 2023. But why the City of Sequoia Municipal Airport? 00:08:31
This is for the airport project so that they get special. 00:08:40
For federal funding, has federal. 00:08:44
Is there anyone in the audience that has interest in this? 00:08:48
Not seeing anyone, that's true. Again, make a motion, we go back into regular session. 00:08:54
One second. 00:09:00
Move to seconded all in favor. 00:09:02
This is the bid award that was postponed at the last meeting. 00:09:06
For preliminary engineering design for electric utility substation. 00:09:09
And distribution system Mr. Mayor, Mr. Hicks makes a motion will be awarded work for SP 024023. 00:09:13
Mr. Warner, Mr. Romero seconds it. 00:09:26
Discussion. 00:09:30
That's my questions now or? 00:09:33
Ask them now. So with the new electricity that's coming around, you said it was going to be? 00:09:36
And the industrial park New Mexico tax. 00:09:43
And that's correct. 00:09:46
It will be the IT will be the whole area on Hwy. 60. 00:09:48
From the high school. 00:09:53
To the bridge. 00:09:55
Which includes the Jail Decca Pearl. 00:09:57
Includes a few of the marijuana plant people. 00:09:59
Includes the Convention Center. 00:10:03
Who's the hospital? Includes the high school. 00:10:06
So when do? 00:10:10
People like myself. 00:10:11
When can we tap into that? 00:10:14
This is, I think the Council wanted a step by step process. 00:10:16
And so this is the first process is about 10 megawatts. 00:10:19
The city uses about 3536 megawatts for the whole city. 00:10:23
This will be about 1/4 or a. 00:10:27
Quarter of the. 00:10:29
Load that the coop delivers to the city. 00:10:31
And so the next step. 00:10:34
In my opinion would be that the Co-op would then see. 00:10:37
The writing on the wall. 00:10:41
And allow us to take over the whole city even before their franchise is over once they see us progressing with this. 00:10:42
I know the coop has had. 00:10:50
We invited them to this meeting. I know the coop has, one by one, spoken to the city councillors and told them certain things that 00:10:52
I don't know about, but one of them was. 00:10:56
Well, they're saying that the city was going to be without electricity. 00:11:00
But the city took over the electrical grid. 00:11:04
Which is absolutely false. They're not allowed to do that. They have to provide utility services that have been provided. It will 00:11:06
be month to month. 00:11:10
But the PRC and FERC will not allow them to just abandon the city like that. 00:11:14
So there. But they wouldn't come to the city. 00:11:19
At the City Council meeting and put sunshine. 00:11:21
On the discussion that we would have back and forth. 00:11:24
They've never come to us. The meetings that I've had, I've asked them certain questions. 00:11:26
They never come back to me without answers of those, and one of the questions was. 00:11:31
How much does your electricity cost the city for? 00:11:36
Kilowatt. 00:11:39
I have figured it out to about $0.18. 00:11:41
A kilowatt. They have not returned that information to me. 00:11:44
We met with them a month ago. 00:11:48
We think we can provide electricity for this leg. 00:11:50
Anywhere between 10:00 and $0.13 per kilowatt. 00:11:53
But until we do this primary preliminary engineering report. 00:11:57
We won't know. We won't know that that cost. 00:12:02
Mr. 00:12:05
Like Councillor Millers, I mean Councillor Marianne Lopez Chavez is asking campus locus. 00:12:07
What time frame for the time that you OK tonight? Will it be until? 00:12:13
They are actually using synthesizers. City, or maybe besides the court, Metrocity. They're probably at least a year. 00:12:18
Because this preliminary engineering. 00:12:24
And then the other one that you're getting is what they call an interconnect because we still have to use tri-state lines. 00:12:27
To get the electricity to us. 00:12:33
We'll build our own lines out at the industrial park. 00:12:35
But we still have to use tri-state lines to what we call wheel to bring the electricity to us. 00:12:38
From Guzman. 00:12:44
And that will have to be done. 00:12:45
And tri-state by law. 00:12:48
Has to allow us to do that. 00:12:51
They will have to put a price on that. 00:12:54
Which we think would be anywhere from 2:00 to 3:00 cents a kilowatt. 00:12:56
Which will add to the cost. 00:13:00
But. 00:13:02
That's what we'll have to get. That's how we get the electricity to our grid. 00:13:03
We will then provide the greater to go ahead and. 00:13:09
Distributed to the industrial park and New Mexico tent. 00:13:12
So, well, that's so well the customer be able to use just like CenturyLink and TDs, will they be allowed to choose the coop or the 00:13:16
city or is it just going to be the city, the city because the coop is using our property to put their poles on to deliver that 00:13:22
electricity? 00:13:29
And we are not renewing their franchise agreement as of May 2024. 00:13:35
They will not be using they if they want to put it on someplace else and be competitive. 00:13:41
Be our guest. 00:13:46
But that's not what's going to happen. They're not going to be able to use our property because they've been using it for 25 00:13:47
years. 00:13:51
And and. 00:13:55
That's where that is. 00:13:56
Hello. Hello. 00:14:03
You're sleeping. 00:14:07
Peter, was that you or Anthony won't strike up? 00:14:09
I will get back on. 00:14:12
Who was it? 00:14:15
Go ahead who? Who wants the floor? 00:14:17
Anthony, did you want the floor? 00:14:22
Stop. 00:14:25
Peter, do you want the floor? 00:14:26
OK. 00:14:31
He just lost. 00:14:33
If you have any comments. 00:14:35
Uh. 00:14:41
OK and. 00:14:44
Indeed. 00:14:46
Take. 00:14:48
Side. 00:14:49
Yeah. 00:14:50
May 3. 00:14:50
They lose their franchise in May 2024. 00:14:56
What time? 00:15:00
Where they will lose their franchise May 2024. We will carry the franchise on month to month. 00:15:02
If they're duty bound to continue. 00:15:10
And once we are ready to. 00:15:12
Flip the switch. 00:15:14
Which I think will be at least it will take a year for us to build this out depending on, you know, some of the problems with the. 00:15:15
Where they call that? 00:15:22
Supply. 00:15:23
Television. 00:15:24
Transformers and that thing then once we get get this line in. 00:15:27
Then we will disengage from the court. 00:15:31
But that's if a new mayor doesn't come in, right? Or if when you're the mayor, you're going to keep doing this. 00:15:34
JC I don't know. JC didn't say he was going to do it, but but yeah, that yeah, but. 00:15:41
But if you set it in motion now, which is what you're supposed to do, and not take the can down the road, you already have done an 00:15:46
ordinance. 00:15:50
You know, we're making, we're making decisions here like I tell people that are generational, we're making at the City Council. 00:15:54
We put in a new sewer system. 00:16:02
We're getting broadband. 00:16:03
You know, we've we've got a Convention Center on the rodeo. We're working on a new road on Hwy. 60. We're doing generational 00:16:05
things here that affects support for 25 years. 00:16:10
If we want to continue to live under the yoke of the crop for 25 years again. 00:16:16
Then we can renew the franchise and we can go on and do and they're going to be increasing the rates. 00:16:21
I understand the next century, next month, they're going to be interested in increasing rates. 00:16:25
So that's what we're doing. 00:16:30
So right now we're just trying to trying to do we're doing generation with Miss Dean. 00:16:31
So it's my understanding the industrial park is going to cost us about $8,000,000 to build. 00:16:37
And we're hoping that it's going to be supported by the revenue generated. 00:16:44
And then down the road. 00:16:50
After the franchise agreement expires, we are hoping. 00:16:52
Hoping. 00:16:56
To acquire the coop. 00:16:57
To the tune of another $30 million. 00:16:59
So I guess that's what I'm struggling with and that. 00:17:03
That's that's I hope. 00:17:07
So it's like there's no guarantee on any of this, but we can do the one, the first part because we're. 00:17:09
Prepared and we're. 00:17:16
And I'm well set up to do that and that would take care of part of the community. 00:17:17
So I just want to say that. 00:17:23
More people have come to me and said please just drop it and I don't know the reasons exactly, they all had different reasons. 00:17:25
Then I had people come to me and say this is a great idea. What you guys are doing is fantastic, so I just want to put that out 00:17:32
there. 00:17:36
Umm, let me ask you a couple of your questions. 00:17:40
The clock, if you look at their finances. 00:17:44
They all $40 million right now. 00:17:47
To the USDA. 00:17:51
And the Cobank? 00:17:53
They're paying $4 million. 00:17:55
A year on their debt service. 00:17:57
That that service. 00:18:02
When they're. When they're creditors, look at what's happening, which is basically the USDA and Cobank, which is a. 00:18:05
National. 00:18:12
Long authority that works with the USDA. 00:18:13
They're going to look at their franchise agreement and they're going to say your franchise agreement is under duress. 00:18:16
You need to either. 00:18:22
Make good on your debt. 00:18:24
Or you need to turn it over to the city. 00:18:26
So that debt is already there. 00:18:29
And. 00:18:32
They haven't changed out any of our polls. 00:18:33
They haven't done anything to improve the city services with that debt. 00:18:37
And we're saying that. 00:18:41
We're going to acquire, just like Raton, Aztec. 00:18:44
Bloomfield is in the process. 00:18:49
Here she has her municipal electric grid. 00:18:51
And the money that's being generated is going directly to Colorado. It's not being a benefit to even New Mexico. 00:18:54
The money for the electricity that's being generated. 00:19:01
We're saying we're going to try to keep some of that money here. 00:19:04
And we're going to try to make sure that the consumer is. 00:19:07
Has protected against any kind of gouging. 00:19:11
Which I mean about. 00:19:14
Going to have to take your lease and your warranty deed down to the. 00:19:16
Co-op have to start an account, whereas at PNM in Albuquerque you can just go on the Internet. 00:19:20
Set up your account. Those kinds of things are so archaic right now with the Co-op that. 00:19:25
They they offered to get the franchise agreement, but they never offered any of this. 00:19:31
Maybe they did to the individual counselor, but they never came here and said, you know, Rabbi. 00:19:36
Don't do this. This is what we're going to do. They never said that. 00:19:41
So that's what I have to say to people to say, well, leave it alone, well. 00:19:45
You don't make generational changes by leaving things alone that are already killing the city in my opinion at $0.18 a kilowatt, 00:19:48
whereas PNM which is a profit making organization, they get 11 cents a kilowatt. 00:19:54
Facebook. 00:20:00
They demanded. 00:20:01
57 Electricity at Los Lunas and they wanted it all solar. 00:20:02
So I'm just saying if we're going to do any kind of economic development or move ahead in the city or people that are poor. 00:20:10
Are on fixed incomes are just getting unbelievable electric bills. So that's that's my spiel on that. 00:20:16
Mr. Hicks due to claw bar and $1,000,000 shopping last year and they borrowed 25. They borrowed $25 million. 00:20:23
Forward in the next 5 to 6 years to. 00:20:32
Fix the Magdalena line. 00:20:34
And will are going to have to end up paying for USDA, actually. 00:20:36
You should tell Taurus is the one who's touting how she gave the money to the coop, but she gave $25 million. 00:20:39
Our USDA money for that, for five, not a one year thing. It's like a five year expansion. 00:20:45
They haven't, I don't think this and they're coming up for another increase in their rates. That's coming up pretty soon and least 00:20:52
at 6%. 00:20:56
And then, you know, you know, I don't see that in the paper or see that public they're raising their rates. Nobody said anything 00:21:01
about it. 00:21:04
We did win a case, however, when they said they were going to raise their race and we took up the court with Tech. 00:21:07
And the city won. And tech one. 00:21:13
OK. Also on admit on the million. 00:21:16
Yeah. 00:21:19
If we get it passed to start with the text. 00:21:20
Industrial park in that area and there there's grants and stuff available for that, Is that correct? 00:21:24
We have people already on the line and I know Mary Ann Jarvis who was knows about these people and in Colorado. 00:21:30
Mr. Malhotra and those people that are willing to help us with solar. 00:21:37
And USDA grants. 00:21:42
To get the electricity going. 00:21:44
So I did go to the court just. 00:21:47
You see the other side of it and. 00:21:50
I've got some. 00:21:53
Two good answers. 00:21:54
You want to share those with us? 00:22:00
What? 00:22:04
Folks, let's strip politician. 00:22:08
They talk around the picture for never answer. 00:22:10
Ohh. 00:22:15
Asked exactly how much you know prices went from. 00:22:18
Didn't seem to. 00:22:22
One time with Afghan at 2.6. 00:22:24
So you pay it half cent just for the electricity, so I know that. 00:22:29
And then umm. 00:22:34
They formatted if. 00:22:36
Push through if the city does. 00:22:39
Do something with this. 00:22:42
That uh. 00:22:44
Holes and the wires are theirs, so they would be taking them down. 00:22:45
And I said you mean. 00:22:51
Just gonna go in there, take him down, and that's city property. 00:22:53
The proposal stuff belong to us. 00:22:56
And I finally got him to say well. 00:22:59
Yeah, we will take him down eventually, but we will. 00:23:01
Raymond there. Until something goes on, but they're creditors will not allow them to do that. 00:23:04
Is they're going to have to generate revenue to pay the loans that they have. 00:23:10
And and and. 00:23:14
900% but my lawyers and our finance people say. 00:23:16
When they get into that situation, they're going to have to sell. 00:23:20
Their hardware. 00:23:23
At a great cost, because. 00:23:24
They can't. Creditors are not going to let them. 00:23:27
Have more business that generates revenue. 00:23:31
And allow that to happen. I just, I just that's just not going to happen. Well see that's what they were telling me. They said 00:23:34
that they cannot sell any equipment. 00:23:38
And this they get 60% of the total members. 00:23:43
28,000 and to get. 00:23:48
60% of that and it won't happen. 00:23:50
Now they said that themselves, that they would neve