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Do I call Peter? 00:00:01
Choose. 00:00:04
Baby pictures feet. 00:00:06
Getting ready. We don't know if it's time, you know? 00:00:13
We should be. 00:00:16
Because I think, I think we're gonna do it. 00:00:19
Take this killing. 00:00:22
Yeah. 00:00:25
Please please. 00:00:27
OK. 00:00:32
Yeah. 00:00:39
Thanks, I'm always well. 00:00:40
Hear me. 00:00:44
Yes. 00:00:45
OK. Yeah. 00:00:46
Over there. 00:01:00
Both all the way over, all by myself. 00:01:02
So we have. 00:01:08
Yeah, and. 00:01:11
Yeah. 00:01:13
Nick. 00:01:16
Then. 00:01:18
Yeah, yeah. 00:01:19
OK. 00:01:20
And then? 00:01:23
Resolution of arthritis. 00:01:27
Thanks. Yes, arranging the phone. 00:01:30
And your microphone so you can hear Earth. 00:01:34
Thank you. 00:01:38
Correct. 00:01:40
Is it on there? 00:01:41
Huh. 00:01:43
He's snacking. 00:01:45
Just leave me alone. 00:01:52
Barely hear you. 00:01:56
You sang one individually. 00:02:04
Science. 00:02:08
Is representative here. 00:02:10
Yes, Sir. 00:02:12
Yes. 00:02:13
We're finished. 00:02:16
Ohh ****. I'm sorry so. 00:02:18
Good. 00:02:23
You went out there? 00:02:24
I know. 00:02:26
Asking 20 different things. 00:02:27
Give me an and you're here. 00:02:29
Alright, so I guess we can start. 00:02:33
This is the City of Square City Council meeting Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. Will call please. 00:02:36
Councillor Chavez Lopez. 00:02:42
Councillor Dean, Councillor Fleming. 00:02:44
Councillor hits Councillor Ocampo here, Councillor Olguin. 00:02:47
Councillor Romero. 00:02:52
Hereby. 00:02:54
Councillor Salome. 00:02:55
We have a quorum. 00:02:59
The new chat chat bot All right, so the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:03:00
I felt like. 00:03:06
And. 00:03:08
For which it stands. 00:03:11
1/8. 00:03:13
Thanks. 00:03:14
Yeah. 00:03:15
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Wyatt, could we add an item to the agenda? Could be item 6F, a resolution authorizing the assignment of authorized 00:03:22
officers and agents. And it's. 00:03:27
Exactly the same as the one we signed for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 00:03:34
But as we switched and added a new project to this for the belt press. 00:03:38
They now have two separate. 00:03:43
Ohh. 00:03:47
Excuse me, Project number. So they would they requested a separate resolution. 00:03:48
Mr. Mayor. 00:03:53
Mr. Fleming. 00:03:54
EMOTION currently approve the agenda as presented with the correction for 6F. 00:03:55
I second moved and seconded. All in favor opposed. 00:04:02
Thank you, Mayor. Mr. 00:04:07
Again, I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:04:09
And 2nd. 00:04:12
Moved in seconded discussion. 00:04:13
On favor. 00:04:16
We have Connor out there in the audience for Connor. 00:04:18
5K results. 00:04:23
Honor. 00:04:25
Yeah. 00:04:34
Uh. 00:04:37
Gosh, that's hard. 00:04:39
Umm. 00:04:41
I was. I was just. 00:04:42
I was thinking you for you guys, the city for sponsoring my 5K. 00:04:46
Ohh, your money went towards. 00:04:53
Footballs and soccer balls to help. 00:04:55
I don't know. 00:04:59
Encourage kids to stay active and some extra snacks for. 00:05:01
Healthy snacks throughout English. 00:05:06
That's great. Tell us what that is for What? What is Connors 5K all about? The 5K was to raise money for stick fibrosis. 00:05:10
We had about 200 people show up, so it was a good turn up. 00:05:19
Well, you've done a good job. How are you feeling? Good. Good. Great. Great. Well, it's good to have you here giving us a report 00:05:24
on this. 00:05:28
And you're going to continue this now, hopefully? 00:05:31
For a long time, 200 is a lot of people in support to get anything done. So that's that's just terrific. 00:05:35
And they do. You got something in that bag? 00:05:42
Yeah, I have friends for years. 00:05:46
From there, let's just pan them out. 00:05:48
Yeah. 00:05:51
Well done. 00:05:54
Hospital thank you much every year. 00:05:55
General Hospital at least two or three weeks you get. 00:05:58
React and get born again. They run blood tests and they do all sorts of stuff to them and. 00:06:02
He doesn't let now that's slowing down. I mean he just going strong and. 00:06:08
Thanks. 00:06:13
Thank you. 00:06:14
Going forward? 00:06:15
Resume. 00:06:19
That's great. You better have one for everybody, Connor. 00:06:22
It's still here. 00:06:28
Anthony's in mind. We received ours at the event, so ohh, I'm well proud of that, yeah. 00:06:30
There you go. 00:06:40
Thank you. 00:06:47
For the city of Thank you. 00:06:50
You got your dad up. 00:06:53
Recognize that also out there has really been. 00:06:58
You guys are really great parents. Done well with him. 00:07:01
And thank you for coming. 00:07:05
Two questions. 00:07:12
Instant school system moving. 00:07:15
Good job. 00:07:19
Anyone else on the That's Not an agenda would like to move comment for public forum. 00:07:20
Yes, ma'am. 00:07:26
If you are dentify yourself and. 00:07:29
Tell us what your comment is. 00:07:31
Alright, my name is Marianne Keller. Some of you know who I am, but. 00:07:36
Um. 00:07:40
I have been volunteering to attend the Socorro Superfund. 00:07:41
Um. 00:07:46
Site meetings that they have every month. 00:07:47
And we would like to encourage City Council to please come to our meetings. 00:07:50
It's only usually myself and another lady. 00:07:56
That attend, but we have ETA there we have the state there we have. 00:07:59
All kinds of people that come that are on virtual. 00:08:04
And so we would like to really encourage City Council to please come and get involved. 00:08:07
In this so that you guys can come back and report to. 00:08:13
The community as to what's happening within our community. 00:08:16
So Super Fun has been going on since 2000 and. 00:08:20
19 or something like that. So it's been ongoing for a little while. 00:08:24
And there just is no. 00:08:28
Community attendance. 00:08:31
When is your next meeting? It's going to be next in June, 2nd week of the month? Second Thursday of the month. 00:08:32
From 6:30 until 8:00 at the Socorro Public Library. 00:08:41
And just to let you know, you may already know is that we're meeting with them on the 25th. 00:08:45
Of this month to look at solutions. 00:08:51
4. 00:08:54
Resolving the contamination. Ohh, OK, good. So that's on the 25th. 00:08:55
That's in real life, another is it? 00:09:01
On zoom. 00:09:04
I believe it's some real in person, Sir. Yeah. So, so we are going to be meeting with them just to give you an update. OK, we are, 00:09:06
we have been following it in the administration, but. 00:09:11
I think. 00:09:17
What happened was that they had these different solutions to the problem. 00:09:18
And now they're trying to decide which one will be the one that they're going to use, right, to start doing the work. So that's on 00:09:23
the 25th that we're going to be having that, OK, is that going to be here at City Council or it will be probably be a closed 00:09:29
meeting to begin with, but we will report out of it. 00:09:35
OK, definitely report out of it. OK, I will report that back to them, please. Yeah, I get home tonight, so and and this is a that 00:09:42
a Wednesday the 25th is a. 00:09:47
Thursday So. 00:09:52
I'll have information at the next City Council meeting. 00:09:54
OK, after we meet with them. 00:09:57
OK. 00:09:59
Alright, well, thank you for coming. Thank you reminding us. Yes, the work that you've done. Thank you. 00:10:00
Anyone else? 00:10:06
Great, we have a representative Potter meal. 00:10:09
Who is here to give us a report just for her maiden voice as a representative and? 00:10:13
We're certainly happy with the work she did for the city of Socorro, so she's going to give us more explanation about what's 00:10:18
happened at the legislature and. 00:10:21
What are the things you're going on? 00:10:25
Thank you for having me and and inviting me to this today I think. 00:10:28
You know, we should probably start with the committees I'm on, so I'm on Appropriations. 00:10:32
Interim. I'm on LFC. 00:10:38
And then I'm on Health and Human Services. 00:10:40
So through our work with appropriations HB2. 00:10:43
We were able to pass many meaningful bills we that will affect the community at large. 00:10:47
So it was a $9.7 billion budget with a little less than half going to school. 00:10:55
Uh. 00:11:02
To address community safety, we looked at crime prevention reduction in HB2. 00:11:03
With the General Appropriations act. 00:11:08
HB234 robbery and organized retail crime, which was Marian Matthews. 00:11:10
The bill that passed? 00:11:16
As well as the law enforcement workforce funding. 00:11:18
Um, that that came through and that was sponsored by GAIL Armstrong. 00:11:22
When we look at education and and the foundation for how we provide services to children, but also our future. 00:11:27
Um, workers in education? We did appropriate $4.8 billion. 00:11:33
In education. 00:11:39
Um, that also we increased teacher aides to 25,000 a year. We gave a 6% increase in all teachers in the state of New Mexico will 00:11:40
be making 5060 or $70,000 per year. 00:11:47
There was a huge. 00:11:55
Push to fund early education, which is early early pre-K which is 2 through the age of 5. 00:11:58
And that appropriation was 135 million. 00:12:07
Increase to the early childhood welfare system. 00:12:12
Higher education also had, so New Mexico now is any any student can attend. 00:12:16
A university at no cost. We also did free meals for all children within the school districts. 00:12:21
Healthcare was a little bit more concerning. We wanted to look at increasing Medicaid, which we did, but we also know that doctors 00:12:29
are leaving our community because they are not reimbursed at the rate that. 00:12:34
That they should be. 00:12:39
That bill did not pass, but it's a bill that we are going to continue to push forward so that we can receive. 00:12:41
Where we can support doctors within our community, I think it's rare that you have somebody like Doctor Bassler who comes to a 00:12:47
small community and decides to. 00:12:50
To stay here. 00:12:54
And our goal is to support physicians so they can come to our small communities and become a part of that community. 00:12:56
Of course, we all know that behavioral health is a huge issue within New Mexico. And how do we support that? 00:13:06
So there have been appropriations and funding to do that. 00:13:11
What I would like to see Sephora do is also request the funding similar to what? 00:13:15
Espanola did. The Espanola Valley actually is building a 35 bed facility for individuals with addiction or mental health issues. 00:13:20
So that may be something that's a Coral wants to consider. 00:13:29
Umm. 00:13:34
Now the tax bill. So we looked at the tax bill we felt like we sent. 00:13:35
A viable tax bill to. 00:13:39
The governor and we know that that that many items in that tax bill were vetoed. 00:13:41
So we were able to have the income tax credit for. 00:13:46
For all households. 00:13:53
And we were also able to give. 00:13:54
A child income tax credit which increased. 00:13:57
And what we were not able to get done. 00:14:01
Is um. 00:14:03
And I'll just read a list of them. 00:14:05
We have proposed high school graduation requirements, a difference in high school graduation requirements, and that was vetoed by 00:14:07
the governor. 00:14:10
And. 00:14:14
We wanted a public education study. 00:14:15
To see if all this money that we're coming into the schools, if we're having a return for that money that was vetoed. 00:14:18
Umm. 00:14:24
An office of entrepreneurship. 00:14:25
And what that was is to stimulate the economies in rural areas. 00:14:28
And this would fund and support individuals who are looking at entrepreneurship within their communities. 00:14:32
And I I have been told that that one will be presented in the 30 day session. 00:14:39
Umm. 00:14:44
Part of the tax bill that was cut was the geothermal center. 00:14:46
And funding. So there was a portion in there that would support individuals who had bought. 00:14:49
Electric cars and such, but that was that was vetoed. 00:14:54
Umm. 00:14:57
Another thing that would be toasty. I think many of you know that I worked with CYFD. 00:14:59
In children's welfare. 00:15:04
So those two bills were were. 00:15:05
It made it through the House, it made it through the Senate and and it didn't move forward. 00:15:09
So that is HP 11. 00:15:13
Which is the Office of Children's Advocacy through the Attorney General's Office. 00:15:15
So, Ronald Morris. 00:15:19
Also had a similar bill. 00:15:21
And that was vetoed. So he and I are going to continue to present that bill next. 00:15:24
Next session. 00:15:28
And there was also a bill, HP 173, that oftentimes children who are ranked and molested. 00:15:30
Have to testify many times. 00:15:38
This one would decrease the amount of time that they were had to do that and they would rely on a forensic interview. 00:15:40
So we are going to move forward with that as well. 00:15:47
When you look at capital outlay. 00:15:52
So for Socorro, each representative was given $2.8 million. I think everybody. 00:15:54
Knows that I guess, which is massive. 00:15:59
It is from Sephora all the way to Las Cruces are Donian economy and every area in between. 00:16:02
So what we were able, what I was able to get to the coral was. 00:16:08
1,095,000. 00:16:12
And I hope that that really supports your endeavour to. 00:16:14
Umm. 00:16:17
To finish family gym. 00:16:18
Umm. 00:16:20
There was a $100,000. 00:16:21
Capital outlay? 00:16:24
That was given to the deal part. She work on your baseball field. 00:16:25
I also gave. 00:16:29
One can't. 00:16:31
Was it 150,000 or 200,000? 00:16:33
It was. It's your money. 00:16:36
I didn't find that bill until this morning. So one thing that's not I I did. 00:16:39
Give them a summary of who gave what and what other entities into Coral County receive. 00:16:44
One thing that's not in on here is the junior bill money. So there was junior bill money that was given to us a $500,000. 00:16:48
So my goal was to finish funding the city or to give a large bulk to this ideal park bill that you have. 00:16:56
That was vetoed by the governor. 00:17:03
But I believe that the 75,000 requests for for vehicles for police officers. 00:17:05
Remained in that bill. Yes, that was great. 00:17:12
Yeah, yeah, preciated that. 00:17:15
San Antonio also received 130,000 for their water infrastructure. 00:17:17
And New Mexico Tech, we see $350,000 for some of their endeavors. 00:17:21
Does anybody have any questions? 00:17:27
Thank you, thank you, thank you and clearly the money for friendly gym is needed and. 00:17:30
Bigots in. And then your work, your work with the other representatives and the senator was also helpful in getting us monies. 00:17:36
For for roads, we got 600,000 for roads. 00:17:44
That we're gonna use and then of course the police cars at the $1,000,000 and. 00:17:48
The infrastructure money for the the water was fantastic. That just, you know, like I said, it was great to have that. It's 00:17:52
probably the most we've ever received. 00:17:56
Yeah, well, I think part of it was, you know, we've redistricted, so Sikora has lots of representatives and and a senator. 00:18:00
I think we have. 00:18:08
4. 00:18:10
For representatives and a senator. So at the time when they redistricted, of course we were concerned, you know, would we be 00:18:11
losing Gale? So Gale is not part of the city limits, but we did gain more representatives, so. 00:18:18
Part of that, many of those representatives are on the capital outlay or the LFC. So we're able to talk during committees and we 00:18:25
were able to negotiate everybody. 00:18:30
Basically did this large spreadsheet of what your needs are and then we filled in the blanks. 00:18:36
And I think you have some wonderful representation with with Greg Baca. Greg is a principal from Los Lunas High School. So he 00:18:41
really understands the education and I think that that's an asset to our community. Crystal Diamond is now going to be your 00:18:48
Senator in this area. She is running and I think that her and SaaS swapped before the election happened, but she also gave money 00:18:55
to your community of course GAIL Armstrong and Celia representative and. 00:19:02
Is there another one? 00:19:10
Yourself. 00:19:14
Therefore Harry Harry Garcia. So Harry Garcia primarily grants he does Alamo Navajo community. 00:19:16
But we got great help and you know, being on the State Appropriation Committee. 00:19:24
That's kind of a plum could be on that committee. That's great. It was a. 00:19:28
I know my I was the first freshman in a really long time to take that, but it was a lot of work and so I'm looking forward to the 00:19:33
LFC in the interim. So I will totally understand that budget when when we start in the 30 day session. 00:19:39
So I I want to thank all of you for your support. There were lots of text messages lots of look into this Bill help me with that 00:19:45
and that helps me keep centered and to be able to to really focus on the needs of our community and that's what I'm there for is 00:19:49
to. 00:19:54
Is to support this community. 00:19:59
So please keep those text messages going, Those emails, they're incredibly helpful, Mr. Fleming. 00:20:02
That's thank you, Mr. and. 00:20:07
Turn, we appreciate you. 00:20:09
It was a very steep learning curve. 00:20:12
And you learn how to tread water. 00:20:15
And we're very proud of you. Thank you. 00:20:19
Well, that's always wonderful coming from my teacher, so I thank you so much for that. 00:20:22
Still come? 00:20:27
Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you and thanks for the explanations. That was awesome. 00:20:29
No one understand that. Thank you. 00:20:33
Absolutely. 00:20:35
Thank you for everything you've done. You've done a wonderful job your first year, so it's. 00:20:37
Just keep going. 00:20:41
Thank you so much. Thank you. 00:20:43
You cannot make a comment, Mr. Hicks. 00:20:45
Thank you so much. 00:20:51
Do you talk to your head with the? 00:20:56
Chances are marijuana is city gets back. I do not. 00:20:59
I can find that for you, but I do not. 00:21:04
Maybe do you know? 00:21:06
Stage. 00:21:10
Thank you. 00:21:15
Just a minute, Mr. Mayor. I believe it started out at 12% and it has an escalation clause every year up to 18%. 00:21:18
And I believe, but I'm not absolutely sure, we get half of that. 00:21:24
I believe. 00:21:28
Very much. 00:21:33
The two things you brought up in medicine. 00:21:36
I think if you're going to keep doctors and keep them in the rural area. 00:21:39
There has to be something done with the reimbursement then? 00:21:44
You know, they're not only just not going to the rural area, they're not staying in New Mexico and. 00:21:47
I think that would be obvious and and as you know you saw the graph that said in 2017. 00:21:52
There were more physicians than they are now, so over six years. 00:21:57
It's been a total drain and you know the they're building a huge medical school over there, but it's just the question about 00:22:02
keeping them. 00:22:06
And I wonder if there would be a way to get A at least do a bill. 00:22:10
Says you have to serve two years in the rural area if you're going to get. 00:22:14
Education at our medical school. I think that's one of the things that. 00:22:19
At least we'll get them to come out and leave because I came out in the National Health Service and. 00:22:22
And you know and and they also have a big loan that they have to pay off so. 00:22:26
If they could think about doing that, I think it would be important. 00:22:30
And then you know that opiate money that came out. 00:22:33
And I think. 00:22:36
The hospitals I think looking into an addiction program and and it would be great to get an inpatient program here which. 00:22:37
Absolutely. And I think that you know, the educational reimbursement. 00:22:44
For physicians was vetoed and I think we were really surprised by that. We don't understand why that would happen and. 00:22:48
You know and I think you know the studies you showed from 2017 and then we've been screaming we're losing positions where you and 00:22:55
it's not just physicians, it's medical practitioners all over the place. And the hope was to increase Medicaid coverage so that we 00:23:02
could reimburse physicians, but it wasn't increased like we had anticipated it, it being increased. 00:23:09
And I know that there's a coalition that's meeting next week that I'm meeting with them to look at reimbursement costs and and how 00:23:16
to increase those reimbursements. But that's going to have to be another bill that moves through and hopefully that can move 00:23:21
through Health and Human Services. It needs to be vetted and and then through that it can receive more support on the on the 00:23:27
floor. 00:23:32
Thank you. Thank you again. Thank you for coming. Thank you. 00:23:39
Mr. Mr. Mr. Ocean, Thank you motion. We passed resolution number 0018 at preliminary preliminary budget for 2023-2024. 00:23:47
I second. 00:23:57
The moon. 00:23:59
The second on favor? 00:24:00
Mr. Mayor. 00:24:04
Here again. 00:24:05
I'll make a motion. We approve resolution #01C-001, the ambulance ride off for fiscal year 23. 00:24:06
2nd. 00:24:14
Moved and seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:24:15
Aye. 00:24:18
Mr. Hicks. 00:24:20
2305. 00:24:22
I. 00:24:26
2nd. 00:24:27
Move the second discussion. 00:24:28
On the movie, how? What percentage was that? 00:24:31
Just put the record on. 00:24:34
The bill. 00:24:37
Hmm. 00:24:39
How much? 00:24:40
I said 1%. 00:24:41
Answer. 00:24:44
And then resolution 23/05/16 B? 00:24:45
Mr. Hicks. 00:24:51
30563. 00:24:53
Every program. 00:24:57
Second moved and seconded just to give a comment that Lena Donald Ruby. 00:25:00
They've all been working and Miss Mattis at the Senior Center. 00:25:05
Getting the senior program put together, making sure the budget is good. 00:25:09
Our policies are good and. 00:25:13
Then once July comes about, then we'll have a full year. 00:25:15
But this is we're just getting this started and getting it done now. 00:25:19
And Mr. Mayor, we spoke with the aging and long term services today. 00:25:22
To try to find some emergency capital outlay to fix the carpet in some of the electrical items that the. 00:25:26
Inspector found so. 00:25:32
I will be working on that tomorrow and this modest is going to a summit in Bland Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 00:25:34
And Mistress who will be going on Thursday so. 00:25:40
We are working together to try to figure all this out. 00:25:43
You'll be seniors. 00:25:45
Yourself by the time I'm getting there quicker with this. 00:25:47
On favor, aye. 00:25:52
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Ogan, make a motion. We pass the new item added to the agenda Resolution #23-05-16. 00:25:53
Then seconded discussion. 00:26:03
On favor, alright. 00:26:05
New business. 00:26:10
I will just tell you from although the mayors report is coming up, we've been meeting with the Co-op. 00:26:13
And we met yesterday with a Co-op, Mr. Anaya, Mr. Burnett, who took over from Miss Dara, who was the chairman of before, and we 00:26:20
also had Joseph Herrera. 00:26:26
So we are in discussions with them. 00:26:33
And on top of that, we're gonna be meeting with Guzman tomorrow. That's the. 00:26:36
Electric provider the electric. 00:26:40
Also OHH seller. 00:26:45
Full sailor. 00:26:47
Who actually provides electricity for Kit Carson and Taos? 00:26:48
So we're moving ahead. 00:26:52
With on a parallel course and trying to come to terms with the coop. 00:26:54
But also trying to come to terms with. 00:26:59
What the Co-op, in our opinion over the past seven years with multiple. 00:27:01
Letters to them. 00:27:07
Need to come to terms with the public and the city of Socorro, so and that includes rates, it includes. 00:27:10
You know the the service part of it. 00:27:17
And economic development type. 00:27:20
Issues. So just to let you know, we're doing that, just so that you're on. 00:27:24
Speed with what we're trying to do, Mr. Ocampo. Yeah, Mr. Mayor. 00:27:29
It was the like a solar field brought up at all. I know we had talked to Samsung a little bit. 00:27:33
Alternative energy sources was brought up. 00:27:38
And. 00:27:42
We are. 00:27:43
When we're dealing with an entity such as tri-state. 00:27:44
Who is really the? 00:27:48
Person who dictates policy to 12 co-ops. 00:27:50
In the state that they sell energy to. 00:27:53
So they're duty bound here to accept what tri-state sends. 00:27:57
And tri-state had just in the last year and a half because of the governor and the energy policy have started talking about 00:28:01
alternative energy but. 00:28:04
There's also has a solar field, you know, I used to live in Gaza 50 years ago, but and they're building a huge one here between 00:28:09
Belen and Los Lunas. 00:28:13
And so we thought we talked about that with a, with a, with a. 00:28:18
It's kind of a new Commission for the coop. 00:28:22
Has it been a big turnaround? 00:28:25
And so the we brought that up. 00:28:27
Their hands are kind of tied as to what. 00:28:31
They can do it because tri-state kind of tells them what kind of energy they're going to sell them. 00:28:34
And tries Mr. Panetta with their with their contract through tri-state there they can only produce 5% of their energy. 00:28:39
Through renewables so that their hands are pretty much tied with the tri-state contract. That's what that was the biggest reason. 00:28:49
Take Carson left tri-state. 00:28:53
And and if. 00:28:59
We have. I can probably send them to you, but their manager, Luis Reyes, why don't you do that? They're going to be 100% renewable 00:29:00
soon. 00:29:04
And. 00:29:09
They blocked their rates. 00:29:11
And. 00:29:13
They're about the same. They're lower than Socorro, but. 00:29:15
A lot of their savings. 00:29:18
They're putting into. 00:29:20
New development of solar that's that's getting them to that level of 100%, Kit Carson is a model of. 00:29:23
How we feel in the state the energy solution has. 00:29:31
And we got just recently we spoke with Mr. Reyes, who is the manager out there and he sent us. 00:29:34
All the information that they're doing and we'll share that with you on the e-mail, we'll send that to you, but. 00:29:40
And we shared that with the coop. 00:29:46
And we told them. 00:29:48
They said, well, why can't you just sign up new franchise until everything is? 00:29:50
Clear, I said. I can't do that. That's my only leverage. 00:29:53
But. 00:29:57
We can do a franchise. 00:29:58
That puts all these things in about alternative energy and all that. 00:30:00
And and. 00:30:04
Consumer protection and things of that nature and we put a franchise agreement together and get them to get for another 25 years. 00:30:05
But we don't want to be again in the behind the 8 ball again like we have been for the past 10 years. And so that's where we're 00:30:13
working. But we want solar, we want wind. You know, natural gas prices went up because they're using natural gas to deliver 00:30:20
electricity since the coal generated plants are going down. So all that is that we should discuss that yesterday. 00:30:28
It was a very good meeting, open meeting about, you know, how we can come to terms with the community also for the ranches that 00:30:35
Mister Burnett represents. 00:30:40
So. 00:30:45
Just to let the council know we're working on it. I know we haven't spoken about it for many, many years, but we're working on it. 00:30:46
Yeah, I did have. 00:30:53
I spoke to a lot of business owners personally in town. 00:30:55
And um, and also. 00:30:59
You know our residents who decide to put us over on their buildings. 00:31:01
And the the lack of of. 00:31:05
Of money that we actually get reimbursed that that where the the citizens in town it's it's really a joke and then the. 00:31:09
The the business owners who choose to do that to put solar up. 00:31:17
I believe. 00:31:22
Maybe Terry, you might be able to speak of Representative, I don't even think. 00:31:25
They reimburse for extra energy going into the grid, which is absolutely. 00:31:29
I mean energy, yeah. And and, and if there's an overage that's being made, they're not being compensated for that, which to me is 00:31:34
pretty much robbing energy and little. 00:31:39
They don't reimburse at what they charge, yeah, but that's less than one. 00:31:47
They used to. They used to reimburse. 00:31:52
At almost 8 to 9 cents a kilowatt. 00:31:55
And that it kept going down, down, down to now maybe a penny maybe. 00:31:58
Is reimbursement and you know when you when you spend and then it actually. 00:32:02
You know, I don't even know if you pay bills anymore. It does help the public when they go solar. 00:32:07
So you know but but the. 00:32:16
And now? 00:32:20
And then you have. 00:32:21
It's not even worth. 00:32:22
The ones that. 00:32:23
But for business owners, I believe they're not even reimbursing they're there's nothing is, is what I understand. 00:32:27
And the reason I bring that up is. 00:32:32
Maybe. 00:32:34
Get that from new franchises, you know, comes available allowing the public to kind of voice their opinion. I mean, I'm still on 00:32:35
two parallel tracks. One of them is to get the coop to get a franchise that we can all agree on. But the other one is that we go 00:32:40
ahead and do this ourselves. 00:32:46
And you know that that's important to the businesses, is important to people who live on Bagley and live on the Tech Hill. 00:32:51
To get their rates down there you know we could we could go out for a bond issue and just like we give water just put solar on 00:32:59
everybody's house and every business and and you know and and and just bill them for the amortization of the the solar panels but 00:33:04
there's a lot of. 00:33:10
Inventive things you can do, but we're stuck in this. 00:33:16
This paradigm that the Co-op has from 1950. 00:33:19
And so. 00:33:24
You're absolutely right. I mean they we gotta have tech. Tech is dying when New Mexico tech is dying to have solar. 00:33:25
You know and, and so is. 00:33:31
For all of us, we're paying and we're also trying to clarify. 00:33:34
Apples to apples as to what one kilowatt of energy costs. 00:33:38
And. 00:33:43
Trying to get that information out. 00:33:44
They'll tell you, well, what's the energy cost? 00:33:47
Or they'll tell you. 00:33:50
Whether it's. 00:33:51
Uh. 00:33:53
And it was that out there. 00:33:54
I'm a little, I'm a little paranoid about stuff. I'm sorry, but we're we're trying to we're trying to get. 00:33:57
Trying to get that. 00:34:03
Together, but I just want to get the council and the council may eventually we'll have to get involved with it, but we want to get 00:34:05
just and and I think the the commissioners agreed. We want to try to understand that we're on the same page. 00:34:11
And that we made very clear to them. 00:34:19
As to what we thought was the same page the cost of electricity. 00:34:21
Alternative energy and consumer. 00:34:25
Protection for the public. When they go and say, you know, I want to put up a new service, well that poll is going to charge you 00:34:28
7000 bucks to put that poll up and everything back in place. 00:34:33
Then everything would should be fact based, yes. 00:34:38
Yeah, so, so, but anyway, so that's that's where we're at. It's A and as we've said, you know now that the colloquial motive is 00:34:43
coming down the track for the coop. 00:34:46
They're becoming more because it's made to 2024 is when this thing is franchised over. 00:34:51
So but anyway that that's a long winded what what's up, what the discussions have been kind of like that? 00:34:57
And Mr. Fleming's mayor, is there any more information on the Internet problem for Sakura? 00:35:06
Over there I had a cut line and that was a nightmare. That was a medical nightmare. 00:35:15
It was emergency services nightmare and it was just a personal and public nightmare because you couldn't get on Facebook. 00:35:20
Tick tock I guess with the kids were but it was a pet line that Verizon had but they serve. 00:35:28
Not it's. It's Lumen. Now it's called Lumen. 00:35:34
And so. 00:35:37
That that was cut line and then I think another line got cut, but they fixed that one quicker. 00:35:39
But it was it was a bad situation. 00:35:44
I had calls from patients who said, you know, I'm trying to call 911, I can't get in. 00:35:46
And that was a problem we had a police chief and Fire Chief were all on. 00:35:51
Alert as far as that's concerned. We talked to dispatch about it, but it was a line that was cut. It was not the people working 00:35:58
here. 00:36:01
You know, what I found out today was the first line that was cut was Wednesday I believe. 00:36:05
Was cut by Kelly Cable and that they were doing work for central banks, so they cut their own line. 00:36:10
And then the the second one that lasted a long time was. 00:36:17
In Berlin where the fiber, I guess they had to dig up a whole intersection where the fiber. 00:36:21
Was so brittle it just tore up. So that's what that was the wrong one and then the the Hour 1 yesterday. 00:36:28
Was a. 00:36:34
In most crises it was cards in. 00:36:36
So. 00:36:39
Computer. 00:36:41
Cards. Yeah, let's just be honest. So make sure you think how much we depend. 00:36:42
Yes, and how ham radio. I just had a thing with the charter school with ham radio kids, but I mean that. 00:36:46
Miss Chambers Lopez, did you have a comment? 00:36:52
So that and the CC, they've got a contract. 00:36:57
With the person who's done work here in the city before on utility cuts. 00:37:01
To fix all the. 00:37:06
Negative speed bumps that they have. 00:37:08
You know, and I've got three of them in my street. 00:37:11
So that's getting fixed. Sidewalks that they're ripped up need to get fixed. 00:37:13
But that's kind of the price you're paying to get fiber in town and that's that's a big, big project. 00:37:18
But it's it's. 00:37:23
Happening. Uh, I think. 00:37:24
Follow Have you been the middle manager for some of that? 00:37:27
So people have problems to get ahold of Paul. 00:37:29
How much longer are they going to be? September, October. 00:37:32
They're doing splicing. I mean, they're doing, I guess, going to have a big thing on the Plaza. 00:37:36
For sign up. 00:37:40
Right. The the, the, the person that's doing commercial hookups, she'll be in town on the 30th. 00:37:41
And she told me that. Um. 00:37:48
They will start connecting people. 00:37:50
Probably the end of June, early July, and then there's going to be a an event. They want to hold three events in the Plaza to to 00:37:53
try to get people signed up and questions and answers as so. 00:37:58
I'll, I'll let you know the dates once I get signed up. Yeah, because everybody reached out to us. Ohh, that's great. That's 00:38:04
great. Mr. Fleming. Yeah. Mr. Mayor. 00:38:09
And talking to the people that were going door to door. 00:38:15
He is close to 200 customers in Socorro that are still. 00:38:19
TBS. 00:38:25
But the new TBS that's coming in does not own. 00:38:27
That company and that TV provider. 00:38:32
So if they want to the door to door salesman for the new TS availability. 00:38:36
Hannah. Steve. 00:38:43
To the ones who have the TDs. 00:38:46
ServiceNow here in Sakura. 00:38:50
It's a real strange hookup. 00:38:52
I wonder if he asked if they're not present TDs coming in. 00:38:55
Mr. Holland, Mr. Manon Polo and I have a contact phone number for a young lady in Alamogordo that works off Commission, so she's 00:39:01
happy to get phone calls. 00:39:05
So if you need anybody that needs a contact person to sign up, just let us know and we'll send them a phone number. 00:39:09
I also have one for businesses too. 00:39:17
Uh. 00:39:22
All business. 00:39:23
Desiree, can you give us a little bit of a report on the? 00:39:26
The use of the rodeo and the Convention Center, just what the events have been, just so the public and the City Council knows 00:39:30
about some of the uses that it's been and. 00:39:35
Hi everyone how are you so? 00:39:41
Just recently in the Convention Center, we had the high school prom. 00:39:45
Umm. 00:39:48
That was a big success. I heard from a lot of the students that they liked the space. 00:39:49
Um, we've tomorrow. We're actually holding the Head Start graduation. 00:39:54
And the Convention Center. 00:39:58
So far we have about 3 graduation parties. 00:40:00
Um, booked for that space. 00:40:03
Off the top of my head, New Mexico Tech, you know, have their graduation and you can see it on YouTube. Yeah, it's up for the 00:40:08
rodeo in New Mexico Tech had their graduation. 00:40:12
The high schools having their graduation there on Friday. 00:40:16
Saving the big wrestling tournament, the ramen. 00:40:19
Wrestling tournament at brought in. 00:40:23
Couple 1000 people last year. 00:40:25
And so that's going to be happening the week after high school graduation. 00:40:27
Disney. 00:40:32
Thank you. Thursday was in there. 00:40:34
* 00:40:37
about a week and. 00:40:39
It was jam packed in there. They used it for catering and for. 00:40:40
And the school for the extras. 00:40:45
Um, and basically home base. So they really like the space. I hope they come back. 00:40:47
Did you meet each mayor? I I was standing really close to him, but I didn't meet him. And I was standing really close to Eva, too. 00:40:52
Ohh. You see Ohh. But I I couldn't walk up to them, obviously. That's exciting. Yeah. 00:40:59
Yeah, so that's about it for. 00:41:05
That only I can think of right now, but there's a couple more radios I know happening. 00:41:08
Um, this summer. And then obviously we're kicking off the busy. 00:41:13
Rodeo season with Tommy Fair and then back-to-back to back after that. 00:41:17
I know, I know, soccer is over. But those fields? 00:41:22
Just look fabulous. They just really look great. 00:41:26
And Steve? 00:41:30
Matthews. 00:41:31
His crew has been. 00:41:32
The ones who are doing this first really tripping. 00:41:33
Thank you for holding everything together, Mr. Mitchell. 00:41:36
That's where the where the extras paid. 00:41:39
I believe they were, but I don't know how much. 00:41:42
Were you, were you in? Were you in there? Can you check it? What are you talking about, more economic development? 00:41:45
Yeah. 00:41:51
Miss Dean. 00:41:52
I just went fast. Are we selling? 00:41:54
Are we selling alcohol at most of these events or? 00:41:56
So upon request, how we doing that? Yeah, it's upon request. 00:42:00
Her event manager. So. 00:42:03
We're hosting the space, but if we if they want us to use our liquor license, then we will. 00:42:06
Well suggest it. 00:42:11
And the liquor license covers the Convention Center as well, so. 00:42:14
Except for the high school problem. 00:42:17
Do it even if they're requesting. 00:42:22
Can I add to that? But we won't allow a picnic license to come in and use ours our facility. No, we can't because that means that 00:42:24
we have to have to. 00:42:29
Put a timeout on our license, basically so. 00:42:33
Yeah. 00:42:37
Thank you. Any questions from the directors? No, Thank you. 00:42:38
Any questions you have about code enforcement or we have a new website at not sure if it's being hosted yet. 00:42:43
They're supposed to be community. 00:42:51
They get. 00:42:54
So currently we have the symptoms. 00:42:56
Thank you. 00:43:00
Yeah. 00:43:02
It's now what do we need to get Mr. We're sending the letter. 00:43:07
The. 00:43:12
We will have an app that the community can have as an icon. 00:43:13
That can report. 00:43:17
Are holes or junk in the neighbors yard or? 00:43:19
Yeah, that'll that'll that's coming. So that people know that. 00:43:25
That will have that. 00:43:28
OK. 00:43:32
We have. 00:43:34
Personnel matters. Legal matters. Executive session. 00:43:35
There's no changes. Russell Raki Police Officer change through evidence Custodian 1 Vegeta. 00:43:39
Completed. 00:43:46
Probation. We're getting a lot of police officers on board. 00:43:47
Simone Ramirez completed probation and Juan Johnson completed probation. 00:43:50
At the Police Department, Jeanette Archibeque dispatch the probation seraphine, Ortiz dispatcher, new hire. 00:43:56
And Cameron Seger completed the. 00:44:05
State 911 Academy. 00:44:08
Smith. 00:44:12
To approve the personnel list as presented, OK. 00:44:14
Seconded all in favor, aye? 00:44:18
And Chelsea's nomination. 00:44:21
Do we have to have the Council approve that number? 00:44:25
Believe right now it's just that it's just that the nomination stage. But she gets past that, you know she would be appointed. 00:44:28
So then maybe at that point we could accept the appointment. 00:44:35
OK, so. 00:44:39
So cool. 00:44:41
That worked for you, Chelsea? 00:44:42
Healthcare, right? 00:44:44
Tell us you don't see what it is for. 00:44:45
Chelsea's got all kinds of different hats. I swear she's doing everything. 00:44:52
So I was nominated to be on the New Mexico Humanities Council and so it would be at the Governor's office. It would be a 00:44:56
three-year term. 00:45:00
And and it's just a volunteer position. We approve grants and accept policy changes for humanity programs in the state. 00:45:04
So that's. 00:45:13
It would be, you know. 00:45:15
Just a regular meeting. I'm guessing you know, once a month. 00:45:17
So. 00:45:21
That's all right. If I accept the nomination, I'm not sure I'll be appointed. I this is a second time, so we'll see. 00:45:23
Congratulations. And just an FYI, the libraries Internet was up all through the outage. So we were, yeah. 00:45:29
Because ours is through the E rate funding, so all of our Internet comes through Silver City Line. 00:45:37
And so we, I worked on Saturday and we had over like 200 people coming in just to stay, you know, with their, their personal 00:45:42
businesses or schools. 00:45:46
It is hooked to the test Internet. 00:45:51
With. 00:45:54
Yeah. So that was nice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. 00:45:55
The and just an update on Finley. Hopefully it'll be open in June. 00:46:00
With the representatives of money we're going to do other things and we'll bring that to the council as to what the new stuff will 00:46:06
be. 00:46:08
Dan will hopefully have it finished. 00:46:12
We're also going to talk to the neighbors as to what is going to get done, and I know the representative is one of the neighbors. 00:46:14
But we're going to end the your neighbor and we'll let them know and have their input as to what we're going to do. 00:46:20
So all that is in the works with with that money we've received. 00:46:26
OK man, we shall be meeting again on Tuesday the. 00:46:31
6th of June. 00:46:35
I need all the councillors to sign before they do. 00:46:39
What polo? I need all the counselor to sign for the resignation. 00:46:42
I think they did sign a lot of stuff. 00:46:47
Again, it's for the budget. 00:46:50
For the budget. 00:46:52
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Do I call Peter? 00:00:01
Choose. 00:00:04
Baby pictures feet. 00:00:06
Getting ready. We don't know if it's time, you know? 00:00:13
We should be. 00:00:16
Because I think, I think we're gonna do it. 00:00:19
Take this killing. 00:00:22
Yeah. 00:00:25
Please please. 00:00:27
OK. 00:00:32
Yeah. 00:00:39
Thanks, I'm always well. 00:00:40
Hear me. 00:00:44
Yes. 00:00:45
OK. Yeah. 00:00:46
Over there. 00:01:00
Both all the way over, all by myself. 00:01:02
So we have. 00:01:08
Yeah, and. 00:01:11
Yeah. 00:01:13
Nick. 00:01:16
Then. 00:01:18
Yeah, yeah. 00:01:19
OK. 00:01:20
And then? 00:01:23
Resolution of arthritis. 00:01:27
Thanks. Yes, arranging the phone. 00:01:30
And your microphone so you can hear Earth. 00:01:34
Thank you. 00:01:38
Correct. 00:01:40
Is it on there? 00:01:41
Huh. 00:01:43
He's snacking. 00:01:45
Just leave me alone. 00:01:52
Barely hear you. 00:01:56
You sang one individually. 00:02:04
Science. 00:02:08
Is representative here. 00:02:10
Yes, Sir. 00:02:12
Yes. 00:02:13
We're finished. 00:02:16
Ohh ****. I'm sorry so. 00:02:18
Good. 00:02:23
You went out there? 00:02:24
I know. 00:02:26
Asking 20 different things. 00:02:27
Give me an and you're here. 00:02:29
Alright, so I guess we can start. 00:02:33
This is the City of Square City Council meeting Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. Will call please. 00:02:36
Councillor Chavez Lopez. 00:02:42
Councillor Dean, Councillor Fleming. 00:02:44
Councillor hits Councillor Ocampo here, Councillor Olguin. 00:02:47
Councillor Romero. 00:02:52
Hereby. 00:02:54
Councillor Salome. 00:02:55
We have a quorum. 00:02:59
The new chat chat bot All right, so the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:03:00
I felt like. 00:03:06
And. 00:03:08
For which it stands. 00:03:11
1/8. 00:03:13
Thanks. 00:03:14
Yeah. 00:03:15
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Wyatt, could we add an item to the agenda? Could be item 6F, a resolution authorizing the assignment of authorized 00:03:22
officers and agents. And it's. 00:03:27
Exactly the same as the one we signed for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 00:03:34
But as we switched and added a new project to this for the belt press. 00:03:38
They now have two separate. 00:03:43
Ohh. 00:03:47
Excuse me, Project number. So they would they requested a separate resolution. 00:03:48
Mr. Mayor. 00:03:53
Mr. Fleming. 00:03:54
EMOTION currently approve the agenda as presented with the correction for 6F. 00:03:55
I second moved and seconded. All in favor opposed. 00:04:02
Thank you, Mayor. Mr. 00:04:07
Again, I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda. 00:04:09
And 2nd. 00:04:12
Moved in seconded discussion. 00:04:13
On favor. 00:04:16
We have Connor out there in the audience for Connor. 00:04:18
5K results. 00:04:23
Honor. 00:04:25
Yeah. 00:04:34
Uh. 00:04:37
Gosh, that's hard. 00:04:39
Umm. 00:04:41
I was. I was just. 00:04:42
I was thinking you for you guys, the city for sponsoring my 5K. 00:04:46
Ohh, your money went towards. 00:04:53
Footballs and soccer balls to help. 00:04:55
I don't know. 00:04:59
Encourage kids to stay active and some extra snacks for. 00:05:01
Healthy snacks throughout English. 00:05:06
That's great. Tell us what that is for What? What is Connors 5K all about? The 5K was to raise money for stick fibrosis. 00:05:10
We had about 200 people show up, so it was a good turn up. 00:05:19
Well, you've done a good job. How are you feeling? Good. Good. Great. Great. Well, it's good to have you here giving us a report 00:05:24
on this. 00:05:28
And you're going to continue this now, hopefully? 00:05:31
For a long time, 200 is a lot of people in support to get anything done. So that's that's just terrific. 00:05:35
And they do. You got something in that bag? 00:05:42
Yeah, I have friends for years. 00:05:46
From there, let's just pan them out. 00:05:48
Yeah. 00:05:51
Well done. 00:05:54
Hospital thank you much every year. 00:05:55
General Hospital at least two or three weeks you get. 00:05:58
React and get born again. They run blood tests and they do all sorts of stuff to them and. 00:06:02
He doesn't let now that's slowing down. I mean he just going strong and. 00:06:08
Thanks. 00:06:13
Thank you. 00:06:14
Going forward? 00:06:15
Resume. 00:06:19
That's great. You better have one for everybody, Connor. 00:06:22
It's still here. 00:06:28
Anthony's in mind. We received ours at the event, so ohh, I'm well proud of that, yeah. 00:06:30
There you go. 00:06:40
Thank you. 00:06:47
For the city of Thank you. 00:06:50
You got your dad up. 00:06:53
Recognize that also out there has really been. 00:06:58
You guys are really great parents. Done well with him. 00:07:01
And thank you for coming. 00:07:05
Two questions. 00:07:12
Instant school system moving. 00:07:15
Good job. 00:07:19
Anyone else on the That's Not an agenda would like to move comment for public forum. 00:07:20
Yes, ma'am. 00:07:26
If you are dentify yourself and. 00:07:29
Tell us what your comment is. 00:07:31
Alright, my name is Marianne Keller. Some of you know who I am, but. 00:07:36
Um. 00:07:40
I have been volunteering to attend the Socorro Superfund. 00:07:41
Um. 00:07:46
Site meetings that they have every month. 00:07:47
And we would like to encourage City Council to please come to our meetings. 00:07:50
It's only usually myself and another lady. 00:07:56
That attend, but we have ETA there we have the state there we have. 00:07:59
All kinds of people that come that are on virtual. 00:08:04
And so we would like to really encourage City Council to please come and get involved. 00:08:07
In this so that you guys can come back and report to. 00:08:13
The community as to what's happening within our community. 00:08:16
So Super Fun has been going on since 2000 and. 00:08:20
19 or something like that. So it's been ongoing for a little while. 00:08:24
And there just is no. 00:08:28
Community attendance. 00:08:31
When is your next meeting? It's going to be next in June, 2nd week of the month? Second Thursday of the month. 00:08:32
From 6:30 until 8:00 at the Socorro Public Library. 00:08:41
And just to let you know, you may already know is that we're meeting with them on the 25th. 00:08:45
Of this month to look at solutions. 00:08:51
4. 00:08:54
Resolving the contamination. Ohh, OK, good. So that's on the 25th. 00:08:55
That's in real life, another is it? 00:09:01
On zoom. 00:09:04
I believe it's some real in person, Sir. Yeah. So, so we are going to be meeting with them just to give you an update. OK, we are, 00:09:06
we have been following it in the administration, but. 00:09:11
I think. 00:09:17
What happened was that they had these different solutions to the problem. 00:09:18
And now they're trying to decide which one will be the one that they're going to use, right, to start doing the work. So that's on 00:09:23
the 25th that we're going to be having that, OK, is that going to be here at City Council or it will be probably be a closed 00:09:29
meeting to begin with, but we will report out of it. 00:09:35
OK, definitely report out of it. OK, I will report that back to them, please. Yeah, I get home tonight, so and and this is a that 00:09:42
a Wednesday the 25th is a. 00:09:47
Thursday So. 00:09:52
I'll have information at the next City Council meeting. 00:09:54
OK, after we meet with them. 00:09:57
OK. 00:09:59
Alright, well, thank you for coming. Thank you reminding us. Yes, the work that you've done. Thank you. 00:10:00
Anyone else? 00:10:06
Great, we have a representative Potter meal. 00:10:09
Who is here to give us a report just for her maiden voice as a representative and? 00:10:13
We're certainly happy with the work she did for the city of Socorro, so she's going to give us more explanation about what's 00:10:18
happened at the legislature and. 00:10:21
What are the things you're going on? 00:10:25
Thank you for having me and and inviting me to this today I think. 00:10:28
You know, we should probably start with the committees I'm on, so I'm on Appropriations. 00:10:32
Interim. I'm on LFC. 00:10:38
And then I'm on Health and Human Services. 00:10:40
So through our work with appropriations HB2. 00:10:43
We were able to pass many meaningful bills we that will affect the community at large. 00:10:47
So it was a $9.7 billion budget with a little less than half going to school. 00:10:55
Uh. 00:11:02
To address community safety, we looked at crime prevention reduction in HB2. 00:11:03
With the General Appropriations act. 00:11:08
HB234 robbery and organized retail crime, which was Marian Matthews. 00:11:10
The bill that passed? 00:11:16
As well as the law enforcement workforce funding. 00:11:18
Um, that that came through and that was sponsored by GAIL Armstrong. 00:11:22
When we look at education and and the foundation for how we provide services to children, but also our future. 00:11:27
Um, workers in education? We did appropriate $4.8 billion. 00:11:33
In education. 00:11:39
Um, that also we increased teacher aides to 25,000 a year. We gave a 6% increase in all teachers in the state of New Mexico will 00:11:40
be making 5060 or $70,000 per year. 00:11:47
There was a huge. 00:11:55
Push to fund early education, which is early early pre-K which is 2 through the age of 5. 00:11:58
And that appropriation was 135 million. 00:12:07
Increase to the early childhood welfare system. 00:12:12
Higher education also had, so New Mexico now is any any student can attend. 00:12:16
A university at no cost. We also did free meals for all children within the school districts. 00:12:21
Healthcare was a little bit more concerning. We wanted to look at increasing Medicaid, which we did, but we also know that doctors 00:12:29
are leaving our community because they are not reimbursed at the rate that. 00:12:34
That they should be. 00:12:39
That bill did not pass, but it's a bill that we are going to continue to push forward so that we can receive. 00:12:41
Where we can support doctors within our community, I think it's rare that you have somebody like Doctor Bassler who comes to a 00:12:47
small community and decides to. 00:12:50
To stay here. 00:12:54
And our goal is to support physicians so they can come to our small communities and become a part of that community. 00:12:56
Of course, we all know that behavioral health is a huge issue within New Mexico. And how do we support that? 00:13:06
So there have been appropriations and funding to do that. 00:13:11
What I would like to see Sephora do is also request the funding similar to what? 00:13:15
Espanola did. The Espanola Valley actually is building a 35 bed facility for individuals with addiction or mental health issues. 00:13:20
So that may be something that's a Coral wants to consider. 00:13:29
Umm. 00:13:34
Now the tax bill. So we looked at the tax bill we felt like we sent. 00:13:35
A viable tax bill to. 00:13:39
The governor and we know that that that many items in that tax bill were vetoed. 00:13:41
So we were able to have the income tax credit for. 00:13:46
For all households. 00:13:53
And we were also able to give. 00:13:54
A child income tax credit which increased. 00:13:57
And what we were not able to get done. 00:14:01
Is um. 00:14:03
And I'll just read a list of them. 00:14:05
We have proposed high school graduation requirements, a difference in high school graduation requirements, and that was vetoed by 00:14:07
the governor. 00:14:10
And. 00:14:14
We wanted a public education study. 00:14:15
To see if all this money that we're coming into the schools, if we're having a return for that money that was vetoed. 00:14:18
Umm. 00:14:24
An office of entrepreneurship. 00:14:25
And what that was is to stimulate the economies in rural areas. 00:14:28
And this would fund and support individuals who are looking at entrepreneurship within their communities. 00:14:32
And I I have been told that that one will be presented in the 30 day session. 00:14:39
Umm. 00:14:44
Part of the tax bill that was cut was the geothermal center. 00:14:46
And funding. So there was a portion in there that would support individuals who had bought. 00:14:49
Electric cars and such, but that was that was vetoed. 00:14:54
Umm. 00:14:57
Another thing that would be toasty. I think many of you know that I worked with CYFD. 00:14:59
In children's welfare. 00:15:04
So those two bills were were. 00:15:05
It made it through the House, it made it through the Senate and and it didn't move forward. 00:15:09
So that is HP 11. 00:15:13
Which is the Office of Children's Advocacy through the Attorney General's Office. 00:15:15
So, Ronald Morris. 00:15:19
Also had a similar bill. 00:15:21
And that was vetoed. So he and I are going to continue to present that bill next. 00:15:24
Next session. 00:15:28
And there was also a bill, HP 173, that oftentimes children who are ranked and molested. 00:15:30
Have to testify many times. 00:15:38
This one would decrease the amount of time that they were had to do that and they would rely on a forensic interview. 00:15:40
So we are going to move forward with that as well. 00:15:47
When you look at capital outlay. 00:15:52
So for Socorro, each representative was given $2.8 million. I think everybody. 00:15:54
Knows that I guess, which is massive. 00:15:59
It is from Sephora all the way to Las Cruces are Donian economy and every area in between. 00:16:02
So what we were able, what I was able to get to the coral was. 00:16:08
1,095,000. 00:16:12
And I hope that that really supports your endeavour to. 00:16:14
Umm. 00:16:17
To finish family gym. 00:16:18
Umm. 00:16:20
There was a $100,000. 00:16:21
Capital outlay? 00:16:24
That was given to the deal part. She work on your baseball field. 00:16:25
I also gave. 00:16:29
One can't. 00:16:31
Was it 150,000 or 200,000? 00:16:33
It was. It's your money. 00:16:36
I didn't find that bill until this morning. So one thing that's not I I did. 00:16:39
Give them a summary of who gave what and what other entities into Coral County receive. 00:16:44
One thing that's not in on here is the junior bill money. So there was junior bill money that was given to us a $500,000. 00:16:48
So my goal was to finish funding the city or to give a large bulk to this ideal park bill that you have. 00:16:56
That was vetoed by the governor. 00:17:03
But I believe that the 75,000 requests for for vehicles for police officers. 00:17:05
Remained in that bill. Yes, that was great. 00:17:12
Yeah, yeah, preciated that. 00:17:15
San Antonio also received 130,000 for their water infrastructure. 00:17:17
And New Mexico Tech, we see $350,000 for some of their endeavors. 00:17:21
Does anybody have any questions? 00:17:27
Thank you, thank you, thank you and clearly the money for friendly gym is needed and. 00:17:30
Bigots in. And then your work, your work with the other representatives and the senator was also helpful in getting us monies. 00:17:36
For for roads, we got 600,000 for roads. 00:17:44
That we're gonna use and then of course the police cars at the $1,000,000 and. 00:17:48
The infrastructure money for the the water was fantastic. That just, you know, like I said, it was great to have that. It's 00:17:52
probably the most we've ever received. 00:17:56
Yeah, well, I think part of it was, you know, we've redistricted, so Sikora has lots of representatives and and a senator. 00:18:00
I think we have. 00:18:08
4. 00:18:10
For representatives and a senator. So at the time when they redistricted, of course we were concerned, you know, would we be 00:18:11
losing Gale? So Gale is not part of the city limits, but we did gain more representatives, so. 00:18:18
Part of that, many of those representatives are on the capital outlay or the LFC. So we're able to talk during committees and we 00:18:25
were able to negotiate everybody. 00:18:30
Basically did this large spreadsheet of what your needs are and then we filled in the blanks. 00:18:36
And I think you have some wonderful representation with with Greg Baca. Greg is a principal from Los Lunas High School. So he 00:18:41
really understands the education and I think that that's an asset to our community. Crystal Diamond is now going to be your 00:18:48
Senator in this area. She is running and I think that her and SaaS swapped before the election happened, but she also gave money 00:18:55
to your community of course GAIL Armstrong and Celia representative and. 00:19:02
Is there another one? 00:19:10
Yourself. 00:19:14
Therefore Harry Harry Garcia. So Harry Garcia primarily grants he does Alamo Navajo community. 00:19:16
But we got great help and you know, being on the State Appropriation Committee. 00:19:24
That's kind of a plum could be on that committee. That's great. It was a. 00:19:28
I know my I was the first freshman in a really long time to take that, but it was a lot of work and so I'm looking forward to the 00:19:33
LFC in the interim. So I will totally understand that budget when when we start in the 30 day session. 00:19:39
So I I want to thank all of you for your support. There were lots of text messages lots of look into this Bill help me with that 00:19:45
and that helps me keep centered and to be able to to really focus on the needs of our community and that's what I'm there for is 00:19:49
to. 00:19:54
Is to support this community. 00:19:59
So please keep those text messages going, Those emails, they're incredibly helpful, Mr. Fleming. 00:20:02
That's thank you, Mr. and. 00:20:07
Turn, we appreciate you. 00:20:09
It was a very steep learning curve. 00:20:12
And you learn how to tread water. 00:20:15
And we're very proud of you. Thank you. 00:20:19
Well, that's always wonderful coming from my teacher, so I thank you so much for that. 00:20:22
Still come? 00:20:27
Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you and thanks for the explanations. That was awesome. 00:20:29
No one understand that. Thank you. 00:20:33
Absolutely. 00:20:35
Thank you for everything you've done. You've done a wonderful job your first year, so it's. 00:20:37
Just keep going. 00:20:41
Thank you so much. Thank you. 00:20:43
You cannot make a comment, Mr. Hicks. 00:20:45
Thank you so much. 00:20:51
Do you talk to your head with the? 00:20:56
Chances are marijuana is city gets back. I do not. 00:20:59
I can find that for you, but I do not. 00:21:04
Maybe do you know? 00:21:06
Stage. 00:21:10
Thank you. 00:21:15
Just a minute, Mr. Mayor. I believe it started out at 12% and it has an escalation clause every year up to 18%. 00:21:18
And I believe, but I'm not absolutely sure, we get half of that. 00:21:24
I believe. 00:21:28
Very much. 00:21:33
The two things you brought up in medicine. 00:21:36
I think if you're going to keep doctors and keep them in the rural area. 00:21:39
There has to be something done with the reimbursement then? 00:21:44
You know, they're not only just not going to the rural area, they're not staying in New Mexico and. 00:21:47
I think that would be obvious and and as you know you saw the graph that said in 2017. 00:21:52
There were more physicians than they are now, so over six years. 00:21:57
It's been a total drain and you know the they're building a huge medical school over there, but it's just the question about 00:22:02
keeping them. 00:22:06
And I wonder if there would be a way to get A at least do a bill. 00:22:10
Says you have to serve two years in the rural area if you're going to get. 00:22:14
Education at our medical school. I think that's one of the things that. 00:22:19
At least we'll get them to come out and leave because I came out in the National Health Service and. 00:22:22
And you know and and they also have a big loan that they have to pay off so. 00:22:26
If they could think about doing that, I think it would be important. 00:22:30
And then you know that opiate money that came out. 00:22:33
And I think. 00:22:36
The hospitals I think looking into an addiction program and and it would be great to get an inpatient program here which. 00:22:37
Absolutely. And I think that you know, the educational reimbursement. 00:22:44
For physicians was vetoed and I think we were really surprised by that. We don't understand why that would happen and. 00:22:48
You know and I think you know the studies you showed from 2017 and then we've been screaming we're losing positions where you and 00:22:55
it's not just physicians, it's medical practitioners all over the place. And the hope was to increase Medicaid coverage so that we 00:23:02
could reimburse physicians, but it wasn't increased like we had anticipated it, it being increased. 00:23:09
And I know that there's a coalition that's meeting next week that I'm meeting with them to look at reimbursement costs and and how 00:23:16
to increase those reimbursements. But that's going to have to be another bill that moves through and hopefully that can move 00:23:21
through Health and Human Services. It needs to be vetted and and then through that it can receive more support on the on the 00:23:27
floor. 00:23:32
Thank you. Thank you again. Thank you for coming. Thank you. 00:23:39
Mr. Mr. Mr. Ocean, Thank you motion. We passed resolution number 0018 at preliminary preliminary budget for 2023-2024. 00:23:47
I second. 00:23:57
The moon. 00:23:59
The second on favor? 00:24:00
Mr. Mayor. 00:24:04
Here again. 00:24:05
I'll make a motion. We approve resolution #01C-001, the ambulance ride off for fiscal year 23. 00:24:06
2nd. 00:24:14
Moved and seconded discussion, all in favor. 00:24:15
Aye. 00:24:18
Mr. Hicks. 00:24:20
2305. 00:24:22
I. 00:24:26
2nd. 00:24:27
Move the second discussion. 00:24:28
On the movie, how? What percentage was that? 00:24:31
Just put the record on. 00:24:34
The bill. 00:24:37
Hmm. 00:24:39
How much? 00:24:40
I said 1%. 00:24:41
Answer. 00:24:44
And then resolution 23/05/16 B? 00:24:45
Mr. Hicks. 00:24:51
30563. 00:24:53
Every program. 00:24:57
Second moved and seconded just to give a comment that Lena Donald Ruby. 00:25:00
They've all been working and Miss Mattis at the Senior Center. 00:25:05
Getting the senior program put together, making sure the budget is good. 00:25:09
Our policies are good and. 00:25:13
Then once July comes about, then we'll have a full year. 00:25:15
But this is we're just getting this started and getting it done now. 00:25:19
And Mr. Mayor, we spoke with the aging and long term services today. 00:25:22
To try to find some emergency capital outlay to fix the carpet in some of the electrical items that the. 00:25:26
Inspector found so. 00:25:32
I will be working on that tomorrow and this modest is going to a summit in Bland Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 00:25:34
And Mistress who will be going on Thursday so. 00:25:40
We are working together to try to figure all this out. 00:25:43
You'll be seniors. 00:25:45
Yourself by the time I'm getting there quicker with this. 00:25:47
On favor, aye. 00:25:52
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Ogan, make a motion. We pass the new item added to the agenda Resolution #23-05-16. 00:25:53
Then seconded discussion. 00:26:03
On favor, alright. 00:26:05
New business. 00:26:10
I will just tell you from although the mayors report is coming up, we've been meeting with the Co-op. 00:26:13
And we met yesterday with a Co-op, Mr. Anaya, Mr. Burnett, who took over from Miss Dara, who was the chairman of before, and we 00:26:20
also had Joseph Herrera. 00:26:26
So we are in discussions with them. 00:26:33
And on top of that, we're gonna be meeting with Guzman tomorrow. That's the. 00:26:36
Electric provider the electric. 00:26:40
Also OHH seller. 00:26:45
Full sailor. 00:26:47
Who actually provides electricity for Kit Carson and Taos? 00:26:48
So we're moving ahead. 00:26:52
With on a parallel course and trying to come to terms with the coop. 00:26:54
But also trying to come to terms with. 00:26:59
What the Co-op, in our opinion over the past seven years with multiple. 00:27:01
Letters to them. 00:27:07
Need to come to terms with the public and the city of Socorro, so and that includes rates, it includes. 00:27:10
You know the the service part of it. 00:27:17
And economic development type. 00:27:20
Issues. So just to let you know, we're doing that, just so that you're on. 00:27:24
Speed with what we're trying to do, Mr. Ocampo. Yeah, Mr. Mayor. 00:27:29
It was the like a solar field brought up at all. I know we had talked to Samsung a little bit. 00:27:33
Alternative energy sources was brought up. 00:27:38
And. 00:27:42
We are. 00:27:43
When we're dealing with an entity such as tri-state. 00:27:44
Who is really the? 00:27:48
Person who dictates policy to 12 co-ops. 00:27:50
In the state that they sell energy to. 00:27:53
So they're duty bound here to accept what tri-state sends. 00:27:57
And tri-state had just in the last year and a half because of the governor and the energy policy have started talking about 00:28:01
alternative energy but. 00:28:04
There's also has a solar field, you know, I used to live in Gaza 50 years ago, but and they're building a huge one here between 00:28:09
Belen and Los Lunas. 00:28:13
And so we thought we talked about that with a, with a, with a. 00:28:18
It's kind of a new Commission for the coop. 00:28:22
Has it been a big turnaround? 00:28:25
And so the we brought that up. 00:28:27
Their hands are kind of tied as to what. 00:28:31
They can do it because tri-state kind of tells them what kind of energy they're going to sell them. 00:28:34
And tries Mr. Panetta with their with their contract through tri-state there they can only produce 5% of their energy. 00:28:39
Through renewables so that their hands are pretty much tied with the tri-state contract. That's what that was the biggest reason. 00:28:49
Take Carson left tri-state. 00:28:53
And and if. 00:28:59
We have. I can probably send them to you, but their manager, Luis Reyes, why don't you do that? They're going to be 100% renewable 00:29:00
soon. 00:29:04
And. 00:29:09
They blocked their rates. 00:29:11
And. 00:29:13
They're about the same. They're lower than Socorro, but. 00:29:15
A lot of their savings. 00:29:18
They're putting into. 00:29:20
New development of solar that's that's getting them to that level of 100%, Kit Carson is a model of. 00:29:23
How we feel in the state the energy solution has. 00:29:31
And we got just recently we spoke with Mr. Reyes, who is the manager out there and he sent us. 00:29:34
All the information that they're doing and we'll share that with you on the e-mail, we'll send that to you, but. 00:29:40
And we shared that with the coop. 00:29:46
And we told them. 00:29:48
They said, well, why can't you just sign up new franchise until everything is? 00:29:50
Clear, I said. I can't do that. That's my only leverage. 00:29:53
But. 00:29:57
We can do a franchise. 00:29:58
That puts all these things in about alternative energy and all that. 00:30:00
And and. 00:30:04
Consumer protection and things of that nature and we put a franchise agreement together and get them to get for another 25 years. 00:30:05
But we don't want to be again in the behind the 8 ball again like we have been for the past 10 years. And so that's where we're 00:30:13
working. But we want solar, we want wind. You know, natural gas prices went up because they're using natural gas to deliver 00:30:20
electricity since the coal generated plants are going down. So all that is that we should discuss that yesterday. 00:30:28
It was a very good meeting, open meeting about, you know, how we can come to terms with the community also for the ranches that 00:30:35
Mister Burnett represents. 00:30:40
So. 00:30:45
Just to let the council know we're working on it. I know we haven't spoken about it for many, many years, but we're working on it. 00:30:46
Yeah, I did have. 00:30:53
I spoke to a lot of business owners personally in town. 00:30:55
And um, and also. 00:30:59
You know our residents who decide to put us over on their buildings. 00:31:01
And the the lack of of. 00:31:05
Of money that we actually get reimbursed that that where the the citizens in town it's it's really a joke and then the. 00:31:09
The the business owners who choose to do that to put solar up. 00:31:17
I believe. 00:31:22
Maybe Terry, you might be able to speak of Representative, I don't even think. 00:31:25
They reimburse for extra energy going into the grid, which is absolutely. 00:31:29
I mean energy, yeah. And and, and if there's an overage that's being made, they're not being compensated for that, which to me is 00:31:34
pretty much robbing energy and little. 00:31:39
They don't reimburse at what they charge, yeah, but that's less than one. 00:31:47
They used to. They used to reimburse. 00:31:52
At almost 8 to 9 cents a kilowatt. 00:31:55
And that it kept going down, down, down to now maybe a penny maybe. 00:31:58
Is reimbursement and you know when you when you spend and then it actually. 00:32:02
You know, I don't even know if you pay bills anymore. It does help the public when they go solar. 00:32:07
So you know but but the. 00:32:16
And now? 00:32:20
And then you have. 00:32:21
It's not even worth. 00:32:22
The ones that. 00:32:23
But for business owners, I believe they're not even reimbursing they're there's nothing is, is what I understand. 00:32:27
And the reason I bring that up is. 00:32:32
Maybe. 00:32:34
Get that from new franchises, you know, comes available allowing the public to kind of voice their opinion. I mean, I'm still on 00:32:35
two parallel tracks. One of them is to get the coop to get a franchise that we can all agree on. But the other one is that we go 00:32:40
ahead and do this ourselves. 00:32:46
And you know that that's important to the businesses, is important to people who live on Bagley and live on the Tech Hill. 00:32:51
To get their rates down there you know we could we could go out for a bond issue and just like we give water just put solar on 00:32:59
everybody's house and every business and and you know and and and just bill them for the amortization of the the solar panels but 00:33:04
there's a lot of. 00:33:10
Inventive things you can do, but we're stuck in this. 00:33:16
This paradigm that the Co-op has from 1950. 00:33:19
And so. 00:33:24
You're absolutely right. I mean they we gotta have tech. Tech is dying when New Mexico tech is dying to have solar. 00:33:25
You know and, and so is. 00:33:31
For all of us, we're paying and we're also trying to clarify. 00:33:34
Apples to apples as to what one kilowatt of energy costs. 00:33:38
And. 00:33:43
Trying to get that information out. 00:33:44
They'll tell you, well, what's the energy cost? 00:33:47
Or they'll tell you. 00:33:50
Whether it's. 00:33:51
Uh. 00:33:53
And it was that out there. 00:33:54
I'm a little, I'm a little paranoid about stuff. I'm sorry, but we're we're trying to we're trying to get. 00:33:57
Trying to get that. 00:34:03
Together, but I just want to get the council and the council may eventually we'll have to get involved with it, but we want to get 00:34:05
just and and I think the the commissioners agreed. We want to try to understand that we're on the same page. 00:34:11
And that we made very clear to them. 00:34:19
As to what we thought was the same page the cost of electricity. 00:34:21
Alternative energy and consumer. 00:34:25
Protection for the public. When they go and say, you know, I want to put up a new service, well that poll is going to charge you 00:34:28
7000 bucks to put that poll up and everything back in place. 00:34:33
Then everything would should be fact based, yes. 00:34:38
Yeah, so, so, but anyway, so that's that's where we're at. It's A and as we've said, you know now that the colloquial motive is 00:34:43
coming down the track for the coop. 00:34:46
They're becoming more because it's made to 2024 is when this thing is franchised over. 00:34:51
So but anyway that that's a long winded what what's up, what the discussions have been kind of like that? 00:34:57
And Mr. Fleming's mayor, is there any more information on the Internet problem for Sakura? 00:35:06
Over there I had a cut line and that was a nightmare. That was a medical nightmare. 00:35:15
It was emergency services nightmare and it was just a personal and public nightmare because you couldn't get on Facebook. 00:35:20
Tick tock I guess with the kids were but it was a pet line that Verizon had but they serve. 00:35:28
Not it's. It's Lumen. Now it's called Lumen. 00:35:34
And so. 00:35:37
That that was cut line and then I think another line got cut, but they fixed that one quicker. 00:35:39
But it was it was a bad situation. 00:35:44
I had calls from patients who said, you know, I'm trying to call 911, I can't get in. 00:35:46
And that was a problem we had a police chief and Fire Chief were all on. 00:35:51
Alert as far as that's concerned. We talked to dispatch about it, but it was a line that was cut. It was not the people working 00:35:58
here. 00:36:01
You know, what I found out today was the first line that was cut was Wednesday I believe. 00:36:05
Was cut by Kelly Cable and that they were doing work for central banks, so they cut their own line. 00:36:10
And then the the second one that lasted a long time was. 00:36:17
In Berlin where the fiber, I guess they had to dig up a whole intersection where the fiber. 00:36:21
Was so brittle it just tore up. So that's what that was the wrong one and then the the Hour 1 yesterday. 00:36:28
Was a. 00:36:34
In most crises it was cards in. 00:36:36
So. 00:36:39
Computer. 00:36:41
Cards. Yeah, let's just be honest. So make sure you think how much we depend. 00:36:42
Yes, and how ham radio. I just had a thing with the charter school with ham radio kids, but I mean that. 00:36:46
Miss Chambers Lopez, did you have a comment? 00:36:52
So that and the CC, they've got a contract. 00:36:57
With the person who's done work here in the city before on utility cuts. 00:37:01
To fix all the. 00:37:06
Negative speed bumps that they have. 00:37:08
You know, and I've got three of them in my street. 00:37:11
So that's getting fixed. Sidewalks that they're ripped up need to get fixed. 00:37:13
But that's kind of the price you're paying to get fiber in town and that's that's a big, big project. 00:37:18
But it's it's. 00:37:23
Happening. Uh, I think. 00:37:24
Follow Have you been the middle manager for some of that? 00:37:27
So people have problems to get ahold of Paul. 00:37:29
How much longer are they going to be? September, October. 00:37:32
They're doing splicing. I mean, they're doing, I guess, going to have a big thing on the Plaza. 00:37:36
For sign up. 00:37:40
Right. The the, the, the person that's doing commercial hookups, she'll be in town on the 30th. 00:37:41
And she told me that. Um. 00:37:48
They will start connecting people. 00:37:50
Probably the end of June, early July, and then there's going to be a an event. They want to hold three events in the Plaza to to 00:37:53
try to get people signed up and questions and answers as so. 00:37:58
I'll, I'll let you know the dates once I get signed up. Yeah, because everybody reached out to us. Ohh, that's great. That's 00:38:04
great. Mr. Fleming. Yeah. Mr. Mayor. 00:38:09
And talking to the people that were going door to door. 00:38:15
He is close to 200 customers in Socorro that are still. 00:38:19
TBS. 00:38:25
But the new TBS that's coming in does not own. 00:38:27
That company and that TV provider. 00:38:32
So if they want to the door to door salesman for the new TS availability. 00:38:36
Hannah. Steve. 00:38:43
To the ones who have the TDs. 00:38:46
ServiceNow here in Sakura. 00:38:50
It's a real strange hookup. 00:38:52
I wonder if he asked if they're not present TDs coming in. 00:38:55
Mr. Holland, Mr. Manon Polo and I have a contact phone number for a young lady in Alamogordo that works off Commission, so she's 00:39:01
happy to get phone calls. 00:39:05
So if you need anybody that needs a contact person to sign up, just let us know and we'll send them a phone number. 00:39:09
I also have one for businesses too. 00:39:17
Uh. 00:39:22
All business. 00:39:23
Desiree, can you give us a little bit of a report on the? 00:39:26
The use of the rodeo and the Convention Center, just what the events have been, just so the public and the City Council knows 00:39:30
about some of the uses that it's been and. 00:39:35
Hi everyone how are you so? 00:39:41
Just recently in the Convention Center, we had the high school prom. 00:39:45
Umm. 00:39:48
That was a big success. I heard from a lot of the students that they liked the space. 00:39:49
Um, we've tomorrow. We're actually holding the Head Start graduation. 00:39:54
And the Convention Center. 00:39:58
So far we have about 3 graduation parties. 00:40:00
Um, booked for that space. 00:40:03
Off the top of my head, New Mexico Tech, you know, have their graduation and you can see it on YouTube. Yeah, it's up for the 00:40:08
rodeo in New Mexico Tech had their graduation. 00:40:12
The high schools having their graduation there on Friday. 00:40:16
Saving the big wrestling tournament, the ramen. 00:40:19
Wrestling tournament at brought in. 00:40:23
Couple 1000 people last year. 00:40:25
And so that's going to be happening the week after high school graduation. 00:40:27
Disney. 00:40:32
Thank you. Thursday was in there. 00:40:34
* 00:40:37
about a week and. 00:40:39
It was jam packed in there. They used it for catering and for. 00:40:40
And the school for the extras. 00:40:45
Um, and basically home base. So they really like the space. I hope they come back. 00:40:47
Did you meet each mayor? I I was standing really close to him, but I didn't meet him. And I was standing really close to Eva, too. 00:40:52
Ohh. You see Ohh. But I I couldn't walk up to them, obviously. That's exciting. Yeah. 00:40:59
Yeah, so that's about it for. 00:41:05
That only I can think of right now, but there's a couple more radios I know happening. 00:41:08
Um, this summer. And then obviously we're kicking off the busy. 00:41:13
Rodeo season with Tommy Fair and then back-to-back to back after that. 00:41:17
I know, I know, soccer is over. But those fields? 00:41:22
Just look fabulous. They just really look great. 00:41:26
And Steve? 00:41:30
Matthews. 00:41:31
His crew has been. 00:41:32
The ones who are doing this first really tripping. 00:41:33
Thank you for holding everything together, Mr. Mitchell. 00:41:36
That's where the where the extras paid. 00:41:39
I believe they were, but I don't know how much. 00:41:42
Were you, were you in? Were you in there? Can you check it? What are you talking about, more economic development? 00:41:45
Yeah. 00:41:51
Miss Dean. 00:41:52
I just went fast. Are we selling? 00:41:54
Are we selling alcohol at most of these events or? 00:41:56
So upon request, how we doing that? Yeah, it's upon request. 00:42:00
Her event manager. So. 00:42:03
We're hosting the space, but if we if they want us to use our liquor license, then we will. 00:42:06
Well suggest it. 00:42:11
And the liquor license covers the Convention Center as well, so. 00:42:14
Except for the high school problem. 00:42:17
Do it even if they're requesting. 00:42:22
Can I add to that? But we won't allow a picnic license to come in and use ours our facility. No, we can't because that means that 00:42:24
we have to have to. 00:42:29
Put a timeout on our license, basically so. 00:42:33
Yeah. 00:42:37
Thank you. Any questions from the directors? No, Thank you. 00:42:38
Any questions you have about code enforcement or we have a new website at not sure if it's being hosted yet. 00:42:43
They're supposed to be community. 00:42:51
They get. 00:42:54
So currently we have the symptoms. 00:42:56
Thank you. 00:43:00
Yeah. 00:43:02
It's now what do we need to get Mr. We're sending the letter. 00:43:07
The. 00:43:12
We will have an app that the community can have as an icon. 00:43:13
That can report. 00:43:17
Are holes or junk in the neighbors yard or? 00:43:19
Yeah, that'll that'll that's coming. So that people know that. 00:43:25
That will have that. 00:43:28
OK. 00:43:32
We have. 00:43:34
Personnel matters. Legal matters. Executive session. 00:43:35
There's no changes. Russell Raki Police Officer change through evidence Custodian 1 Vegeta. 00:43:39
Completed. 00:43:46
Probation. We're getting a lot of police officers on board. 00:43:47
Simone Ramirez completed probation and Juan Johnson completed probation. 00:43:50
At the Police Department, Jeanette Archibeque dispatch the probation seraphine, Ortiz dispatcher, new hire. 00:43:56
And Cameron Seger completed the. 00:44:05
State 911 Academy. 00:44:08
Smith. 00:44:12
To approve the personnel list as presented, OK. 00:44:14
Seconded all in favor, aye? 00:44:18
And Chelsea's nomination. 00:44:21
Do we have to have the Council approve that number? 00:44:25
Believe right now it's just that it's just that the nomination stage. But she gets past that, you know she would be appointed. 00:44:28
So then maybe at that point we could accept the appointment. 00:44:35
OK, so. 00:44:39
So cool. 00:44:41
That worked for you, Chelsea? 00:44:42
Healthcare, right? 00:44:44
Tell us you don't see what it is for. 00:44:45
Chelsea's got all kinds of different hats. I swear she's doing everything. 00:44:52
So I was nominated to be on the New Mexico Humanities Council and so it would be at the Governor's office. It would be a 00:44:56
three-year term. 00:45:00
And and it's just a volunteer position. We approve grants and accept policy changes for humanity programs in the state. 00:45:04
So that's. 00:45:13
It would be, you know. 00:45:15
Just a regular meeting. I'm guessing you know, once a month. 00:45:17
So. 00:45:21
That's all right. If I accept the nomination, I'm not sure I'll be appointed. I this is a second time, so we'll see. 00:45:23
Congratulations. And just an FYI, the libraries Internet was up all through the outage. So we were, yeah. 00:45:29
Because ours is through the E rate funding, so all of our Internet comes through Silver City Line. 00:45:37
And so we, I worked on Saturday and we had over like 200 people coming in just to stay, you know, with their, their personal 00:45:42
businesses or schools. 00:45:46
It is hooked to the test Internet. 00:45:51
With. 00:45:54
Yeah. So that was nice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. 00:45:55
The and just an update on Finley. Hopefully it'll be open in June. 00:46:00
With the representatives of money we're going to do other things and we'll bring that to the council as to what the new stuff will 00:46:06
be. 00:46:08
Dan will hopefully have it finished. 00:46:12
We're also going to talk to the neighbors as to what is going to get done, and I know the representative is one of the neighbors. 00:46:14
But we're going to end the your neighbor and we'll let them know and have their input as to what we're going to do. 00:46:20
So all that is in the works with with that money we've received. 00:46:26
OK man, we shall be meeting again on Tuesday the. 00:46:31
6th of June. 00:46:35
I need all the councillors to sign before they do. 00:46:39
What polo? I need all the counselor to sign for the resignation. 00:46:42
I think they did sign a lot of stuff. 00:46:47
Again, it's for the budget. 00:46:50
For the budget. 00:46:52
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