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Today February 6, 2024 roll call please. Mayor Basker here counter Travis Lopez. 00:00:00
Councillor Dean. 00:00:06
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:09
We do have a quorum. 00:00:19
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:25
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:29
Mr. Mayor. 00:00:41
Mr. Romero will approve the consent agenda. 00:00:43
Moved and seconded. I just want to say that we have a couple of sick people. 00:00:48
That didn't make it to the meeting. 00:00:52
And. 00:00:54
Although you have a point. Yes, Sir, we're gonna, we're gonna remove that. 00:00:55
Vacation of the portion of South California St. 7B. I'm going to remove that from the agenda. 00:01:01
That's it 6. 00:01:08
06. 00:01:11
70. 00:01:12
If you could make it, if you somebody make a move motion to make that amendment. 00:01:15
Seconded with the amendment, all in favor. 00:01:21
Aye, aye. 00:01:24
Can I just ask? 00:01:27
Why I just? 00:01:28
Where are they making a motion to remove it? I just don't know. The administration is asking for it to be removed, and Miss Travis 00:01:30
Lopez is kind enough to allow that amendment. 00:01:35
OK. 00:01:40
The rest of the story is, is that the person who? 00:01:45
We're vacating to. 00:01:48
We had worked with them to try to get some exchange. 00:01:50
Didn't workout and at this point I don't think city property could. 00:01:54
Vacated just for free. 00:01:58
So that's I think, I think probably the City Council would agree with that, but that's why I didn't want to start into a big. 00:02:00
Just to answer your question. Thank you. 00:02:07
The OK, we have public forum. 00:02:10
We would have, we have everybody. How about starting from the front? But I remember I gave you 2 minutes. 00:02:14
So I know you've got a prepared statement. My name is John Walker. I was here too. 00:02:21
16th of last month. 00:02:29
For the meeting where I discuss. 00:02:33
Alternative of using the Smith Superstore site for Community Center and EMS and emergency shelter at this point in time. 00:02:36
Well, I expanded on that sense in. 00:02:47
Polar Linear Photo Cell. 00:02:52
Solar collection. 00:02:57
And and and came up with some numbers of how much power the facility. 00:02:59
Produce during winter, summer, and you know it's three 365 days. 00:03:06
And. 00:03:18
The whole point of this exercise is to show that this city has a whole has a big resource of solar power that can be expanded on 00:03:20
existing rooftops. You know, you look at Walmart, you look at other facilities where. 00:03:27
You know, solar power could be. 00:03:38
Spread into the grid could be. 00:03:42
You know, supplemental. 00:03:46
Local grid. 00:03:48
And I'm also talking about. 00:03:51
Items such as. 00:03:58
They're based on my original path where I use. Organic ranking cycle I use. 00:04:01
Water heating systems. 00:04:08
All based on this one hat and I I wrote. 00:04:10
April of 2021 that New York's patent that I have. I guess I'm out of time already. Well, not Mr. Walker. What I've recommended 00:04:15
earlier before the meeting was why don't you come? 00:04:21
If you can go to Wednesday at 11, I'll be here tomorrow. Yes, Sir. I'll be here tomorrow morning at 11:00. Let's meet and we can 00:04:27
discuss this. And I will tell you we did get a hold of the person who owns the Smith's building. 00:04:32
It's a cannabis company, Ultra and Mr. Duke Rodriguez and we've talked to him so I can give you more information and that way we 00:04:38
can bring a better. 00:04:42
More cohesive. 00:04:47
Explanation of your. 00:04:50
Projects. Now the main thing is to generate. 00:04:53
Resources is just computer, this community can be. 00:04:58
I'm with you also. So let's talk about it tomorrow. Yes, Sir. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you for coming again. Did you ride 00:05:03
your bicycle? 00:05:06
OK, good. Good. Good. I'm glad you didn't. 00:05:10
Who's next? Yes, Sir. Come on. 00:05:15
We got the forget me not. 00:05:17
Mayor Raster, Thanks for having me, esteemed council. My name is Don Medeiros along with Roxanne Scott. We've founded the Forget 00:05:21
Me Not Try Out of services, which is. 00:05:26
The Forgive Me Not Thrift Store, as well as the Forgive Me Not Veterans Park, where we now have six homes. 00:05:31
Church. 00:05:38
Child hall, laundry facility and so on. We propose to have 12 by the end of the year and be out of debt. 00:05:39
That's with no government funding. However, we also just recently opened the Forgive Me Not Veterans Center, which is here in the 00:05:46
middle of town. We have two recently have two employees that are veteran service officers. 00:05:52
Trained already. We have doctor Charlene Montoya. Anyways, where I'm going with this is not just what we're doing, but I came here 00:05:58
to thank Mayor Basker for this continued support, even though we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. 00:06:05
He's been like I like Toby. 00:06:13
There you go. There you go. That's a good thing. But you know what? You haven't lied to me. 00:06:16
Event up front and you've been there to be supportive. Couple things fell out, but you know what the van that the City Council and 00:06:22
the mayor have given us? 00:06:26
Has enabled us now because the VA no longer has transportation going through the VA. So with our van we actually can take, we're 00:06:32
going to be making two trips a week. It's a 10 passenger van. It runs beautifully. 00:06:38
And we couldn't do that. We couldn't transport these vets. We couldn't provide a service that so desperately needed. 00:06:45
That's just one part. That's why I started with our triad, but the donation of the van? 00:06:51
Is so tremendously appreciated that I wanted to come here in person and say. 00:06:57
Thank you for your support. Now with that, I did bring a couple of Willie. Oh my goodness. 00:07:03
So I just wanted to say thank you. 00:07:10
Thank you for those comments and you know I would recommend to. 00:07:14
That when the Budget Committee meets. 00:07:17
Yes Sir, I think you should. 00:07:19
The Thank you. 00:07:22
If you can, the Budget Committee meets, if you would put together some sort of a budget. We would like to support that financially 00:07:26
outstanding outreach social program, right. And I think Mr. Fleming is still the chairman of the Budget Committee, so and Ruby, I 00:07:31
think. 00:07:36
We should entertain. I mean within reason if you and you know you're not going to get 100%. But if we can start a program where we 00:07:42
continue to fund you and you've already shown that you can do this. I was always because of that, but you didn't back up. But you 00:07:49
should listen. You're ensuring you're doing it and I think we would be more than happy to try to do a routine financial infusion 00:07:56
through our city budget. Outstanding. I'd. I'd look forward to that. However, do you remember the first thing you said to me? 00:08:03
What it has to do if it has to Am I out of time? No, no, I'm just saying the office this when you. 00:08:11
I would prefer if it dealt with our entire homeless problem. 00:08:18
You know, I listen to that because you listen to me. 00:08:25
We actually had someone come forward and they're looking at donated another 160 acres. This veteran thing has not been working and 00:08:28
there's a chance we can expound, you know, in the near future. 00:08:33
To help with what you were talking about. 00:08:39
I think the city. 00:08:42
When we got people like yourself, they're actually doing. 00:08:43
We'd be more than happy, I think that. 00:08:47
Jump in and financially help? Absolutely. 00:08:49
Thank you and I appreciate. Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:53
Thank you. 00:08:57
Mr. Williams. 00:08:59
Prepared statements. So first I would like to take this time. 00:09:08
For two separate announcements. 00:09:14
Personally, I would like to apologize to the mayor and the City Council. 00:09:17
For my post on social media. 00:09:20
I'm passionate and committed to my work. 00:09:23
Socorro Electric Cooperative and the Clock members I was hired. 00:09:26
Serve I have let my emotions. 00:09:30
Get the best of me while online. 00:09:34
And I look forward to the communications. 00:09:37
Or communicating Sec's perspective on the issues at hand in a professional manner moving forward. So I do apologize. Thank you, 00:09:40
Mayor, City Council. 00:09:45
2nd. 00:09:53
I'm here to announce that Sakura Electric Cooperative will be having a special board meeting with Guzman Energy and Socorro 00:09:55
Electric Cooperatives Board of Trustees on January 16th. 00:10:00
At 2:00 PM. 00:10:06
Outside Everywhere. Yes, February 16. 00:10:09
20/24 at 2:00 PM in our board, board. 00:10:13
At 310 Abeda Ave. All members, all Co-op members are welcome to attend. 00:10:17
Our board meetings period. 00:10:24
Doesn't matter when we hold them is if you want to come, you can and everybody's welcome to and invited. 00:10:26
And that that definitely means that each and everyone of you. Since you're all a member of Socorro Electric Cooperative, you're 00:10:35
more than welcome to attend and join this meeting also. 00:10:40
Thank you, thank you for coming and we want to invite all the councillors. We do want to know that if there's a quorum. 00:10:47
That we ad. 00:10:56
Just so that. 00:10:58
That's just the that's the rule, Right, Paul? Yes, Sir. Yeah. If you'd let us know and then we could we could advertise it. So the 00:11:00
so the 16th will be. 00:11:04
What is that? That's the Thursday. 00:11:09
Thursday, Friday, Friday, Friday. OK, so Friday. A week from this Friday. 00:11:13
At 2:00. 00:11:18
So if. 00:11:20
If they do or they don't come, you might just put that in the paper. Follow saying that. 00:11:22
City Council members will be. 00:11:27
At a meeting of the Saguaro Electric. 00:11:30
And there may or may not be a quorum, but we might as well just announce that there. 00:11:32
It might just be. 00:11:36
Mr. Fleming. 00:11:38
Do you have enough room in your boardroom? 00:11:41
If you have more. 00:11:44
40 people show up. 00:11:47
We have the necessary accommodation. If not we can we can set something up where we can stream or do something to The more the 00:11:51
merrier if we can't accommodate, is it was it gonna be on zoom? 00:11:59
No, because I won't be able to attend. I'm going to be in Santa Fe, but anyway. 00:12:09
No, I was just wondering if they didn't have the space, is there a space that then would be a little, I think we've got other 00:12:17
places. 00:12:20
OK. 00:12:25
But you do film it. I can probably watch it later on. 00:12:29
Yeah, you have it on your link. 00:12:33
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to tell you, I'm not going to be able to make it. 00:12:37
Because I've got. 00:12:43
The last day of the session is on the 16th actually. 00:12:45
Have to be up there. 00:12:48
Mr. Miller. 00:12:51
Mr. Mayor, Councillors, I'll cut to the chase. Obviously very busy tonight so I would like the city to consider stop using the use 00:12:58
of the firing range. 00:13:04
That the city operates north of the Florida. 00:13:10
It's located on county land and granted it's only subject to county ordinances then. 00:13:15
But for about a decade, I've been trying to figure out where the sound of gunfire has been coming from from around my house, and 00:13:21
I've been giving Dan Romero and Ek Crossbow and other people a pretty hard time thinking it was them only recently after. 00:13:29
An event I'll describe in a moment. 00:13:37
Did I find out that it was a city operated range? So I'd like the city not only to consider stop using the range outside, but I 00:13:40
think that we should consider a resolution to prohibit the use of city property for a gun range. 00:13:47
Due to environmental reasons and other liability reasons. 00:13:54
Now to expand on what's been going on. 00:13:58
Nowhere within our zoning regulations would it be possible to establish a gun range within the city limits without very special 00:14:03
review zoning, public notice. It's just not even mentioned or considered in any of our zoning. 00:14:10
Yeah, we operate when it's. 00:14:18
Outside of Scrooge city limits and my house is the closest house in all of Socorro through that gun range. 00:14:21
So it's. 00:14:28
It kind of doesn't make sense. It's kind of a sad irony that we're trying to enforce our own zoning regs, yet we operate something 00:14:30
that, within our city limits, would be way outside of our zoning rates. 00:14:35
So what happened was on the 26th of January a few Fridays ago I was working in in my office Friday morning at 6:30 AM. 00:14:41
Went absolutely pitch black outside and then there's a barrage of gunfire again it obviously. 00:14:52
Card practice. You know, I know the sounds of target practice. I've used the gun range South of Socorro for 39 years now. 00:14:59
So and then I couldn't figure it out. So again I got in touch with Van Romero at that point in time 'cause I was irate and he said 00:15:06
no, I got to figure out who this is because none of our guys. Then at 7:00, seven AM, it continued again. 00:15:13
Last year in the summertime after 10:00 at night, there was also an event where after dark there was there was fire going on at 00:15:23
the gun range. Doctor Romero since informed me that police training standards now require live fire training at dark periods and 00:15:29
light periods and so and with our expansion of the police force in Socorro due to grants and other activities, all positive 00:15:36
activities. 00:15:42
I've noticed in the past few years a market increase in the amount of gunfire that I hear. I can hear it everywhere in my house. 00:15:49
And so on the liability? 00:15:56
Every gun range generates fugitive lead dust. 00:16:00
Lead contaminated Soil and lead contaminated SED. 00:16:04
I made an inquiry to see if we. 00:16:09
Storm water pollution prevention plan for the firing range. It didn't find one, but it's over an acre and it does have the 00:16:12
potential to. 00:16:16
Cause some oxide contamination. I also think it's unwise for us to be generating lead fugitive, anything. 00:16:22
Directly next to a Superfund site that is being cleaned up for. 00:16:31
Such things it is possible for us to bias what's going on over there. It is possible for us to taint clean up sampling that may 00:16:36
take place in the future and we don't know if we're doing it. So hence the the liability issues. So again to summarize. 00:16:44
Totally supporting the police, totally supportive of police training. This is kind of a big issue. Maybe we I can come back at 00:16:53
another time and speak more on the topic or meet on the topic. But I really think that we need to stop using the gun range in 00:17:00
Florida because it has the same impacts on noise. There's no invisible wall there at the city line as if it was in the city 00:17:08
limits. And a gun range would never be permitted in the city limits in Sakura. So I thank you for your time. 00:17:15
Happy to answer any questions. 00:17:23
It's not a discussion topic. This is for public comment. Thank you. Thank you for. 00:17:25
Anyone else that's not on the agenda would like to make a comment. 00:17:32
Hey, I am going to do a happy job here. 00:17:38
And present. 00:17:43
Let me give you a welcome for appreciation. 00:17:47
This is a plaque from the City of Socorro and the City Council. 00:17:53
Presented to Mario Amato, Captain, City of Sakura Fire Department in recognition of 25 years and one month. 00:17:57
Of dedicated service. Want to present that to you? 00:18:04
Fire Chief, I really appreciate it if you make a few comments for us and we'll take some pictures up here. 00:18:16
Here, Mayor, thank you City Councilman. Thank you. Appreciate it. It was a good. 00:18:22
25 years with the fire department. 00:18:29
All 25 minute N we're together. And he was. We came up together. He became chief. I was the captain, we got captain pretty close 00:18:32
to. 00:18:36
It was a good experience. I think I got to meet all these new guys coming in. It was it was great. I like it. Thank you guys for 00:18:41
everything and especially thanks to my family, my older kids, they, you know, they put up a lot with me being at work a lot of the 00:18:47
time and stuff, so. 00:18:53
I appreciate it. 00:18:59
Chief, congratulations. Thank you. I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of the fire department myself. Like you said we were. 00:19:01
We worked here, you know, our whole careers together, 25 years and one month. That's a that's a heck of a. 00:19:08
Your dedication and your hard work and your. 00:19:15
Knowledge is definitely so we just want to wish you luck and whatever it is that you're doing. 00:19:18
Good luck with your family. Get to spend time with your family now and enjoy it. 00:19:23
Guys, you want to come up? Yes. 00:19:28
Thank you. 00:19:41
Very much. 00:20:07
Well, congratulations. That's great. Thank you. 00:20:17
I've got three other. 00:20:24
Plaques, but everybody's I'll, so I'm going to wait for the next. 00:20:26
Next meetings to do this. 00:20:30
And if somebody still here? 00:20:34
OK. 00:20:39
We shall go on. 00:20:42
I. 00:20:47
To. 00:20:47
After the last. 00:20:50
Because we did say that we were going to think about doing an extension of the franchise. So the letter that you have here. 00:20:51
I sent to chairman. 00:20:59
Which outlined a few other questions that I asked so that we could have. 00:21:01
Answer for them on the franchise as to how that affects Socorro and and what the. 00:21:06
Good part of what the Co-op has been doing for the city of Socorro. So I'm hoping that they answer some of these questions then we 00:21:12
can move on to the. 00:21:16
Next step, which would be to produce a franchise that would be in compliance with something that is helpful to the city and to the 00:21:21
Co-op, and the council agrees with it. 00:21:27
In the meantime. 00:21:33
Moving on. I'm glad they're meeting with Guzman. We're still moving on. 00:21:35
With trying to get prices. 00:21:40
And hopefully by the middle of the OR at the next meeting we'll have. 00:21:43
Price that we we promised that will bring. 00:21:47
Again, it's a problem with. 00:21:52
How is about covad? There is a it? 00:21:54
Supply issue, but there are two substations going up that I pointed out to Finley. There's one over there across. 00:21:58
The airport that's a substation that P&M is putting up has a lot of equipment in it, and of course the solar one if you noticed. 00:22:07
All the lines are already up and running and they've got a plant there. So hopefully they can get in touch with the people who 00:22:15
bought equipment there and give us a ballpark on what the what the design that they've already put together is going to cost and 00:22:20
hoping that the next City Council meeting on the 16th. 00:22:24
No, on the 20th, on on February, on February 20th, I can bring you some information about those costs that we were talking about 00:22:30
and what the cost of the kilowatts going to be. 00:22:35
So if you have any questions about this letter, I hope. And it's pretty straightforward as to what we need to collect from them. 00:22:41
To put together a franchise agreement, and I know Mr. Aldean asked for a franchise agreement. Now I'm going to work on that, but I 00:22:48
need to get some information here to put that into the franchise agreement. 00:22:53
As to how much A/C? 00:22:58
What they've done with a $44 million loan, what their four year plan is for the city of Socorro. 00:23:00
And. 00:23:06
Some other technical stuff. 00:23:08
OK. Any questions? 00:23:11
OK, the Mr. again. 00:23:15
Motion We passed a resolution number 240206806 B. 00:23:19
This is a resolution to get the map project for Otero and we will do that all in favor. 00:23:26
Of the discussion on this brief overview of what that is. 00:23:33
So I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. 00:23:37
Buttero Street is is. 00:23:40
His break, his wizard Otero that we're doing. 00:23:43
It has been done once before, but the tremendous amount of traffic it gets going to John Brooks. 00:23:46
Towards the senior village. 00:23:53
Has really been pretty bad. So we're trying to get another doing a map project again to kind of get that cleaned. 00:23:57
But hopefully as you know. 00:24:05
At the cost, we just, we just did a bid opening. 00:24:08
Or man. 00:24:14
And the. 00:24:16
So if linear feet, we got. 00:24:20
Was really not even past Valver. 00:24:23
When we thought we could get into by the Interstate Bridge. 00:24:26
Luckily went to S. 00:24:30
We got an extra 400. 00:24:33
But on a $700,000 project? 00:24:35
It came in three of $386,000 short. 00:24:39
So we're hoping that the map project that. 00:24:44
Will take into account and will get more money and so. 00:24:47
Trying to do streets now has been really tough as far as how much it's costing. 00:24:51
That's kind of where. 00:24:58
All in favor, aye. 00:25:01
We've been speaking with Mr. Damien Banks. 00:25:04
Who is a really Exc? 00:25:07
He is a coach. 00:25:10
Egaming he works at the High. 00:25:13
He works with New Mexico. 00:25:16
And we have put together an agreement with. 00:25:19
It's not very very expensive, but. 00:25:23
It is about 20,000. 00:25:27
Is what we want to do is to support scholarships? 00:25:30
At the high school student. 00:25:34
To take his class. 00:25:36
And get a certificate in. 00:25:39
And New Mexico Tech is. 00:25:42
Start a program where they get a degree in gaming. 00:25:45
And so we're hoping that our high school students. 00:25:49
Another high school students. 00:25:52
And in law, he's a he's an award. 00:25:54
He is 1 gaming PRI. 00:25:57
He has really, and a very exciting and innovative guy, so we're wanting to. 00:26:00
Get his proposal and fund it and I think administratively we can afford to fund that. 00:26:09
Robot, what did I say? 00:26:15
Will be 20,000. 00:26:18
Or whether. 00:26:20
So basically it's going to be $250,250 per month per student. 00:26:23
And. 00:26:28
If he does hate students is 2000 a month. 00:26:30
And I'm hoping to get. 00:26:33
20,000 to really get him involved with trying to get students involved in gaming. He's already doing it at the high school level. 00:26:35
This will be like an extra. 00:26:43
Class that he'll do at Tech. 00:26:45
And hopefully we'll get them involved in that and these scholarships are going to be available to 6th through 12th grade. 00:26:49
Mr. Ocampo, I was reading through it earlier and. 00:26:58
I know it's open to. 00:27:03
To the it's open county wide. Are we are we like specifically sponsoring like kids in Socorro and the city of Socorro to do it? 00:27:05
And I still had our high school. 00:27:14
I think it was. It's countrywide. So you know, I think two things we can do with this. 00:27:18
One of them, again, as you know, the enrollment at Tech had been down and we're hoping to supplement that with our local students. 00:27:23
Hopefully, they'll get excited about this and go. And the other thing is to give them an opportunity to see what the New Horizons 00:27:28
are. 00:27:32
I see. Gaming stuff is crazy. It's still comfortable. That was my next question was, I know before COVID, he was really excited 00:27:37
and we had a bunch of. 00:27:42
E Gaming events planned here in the city to bring people from out of town to the city for these and they're all days multiple day 00:27:48
deals. A lot like wrestling, like bringing where people are staying the night. 00:27:54
And he was excited about it. We actually helped him on a couple and then covet hit and I haven't really heard much since then. Has 00:28:01
he talked about that. It kind of started up again and and we're hoping to. 00:28:06
To try to get an arena put together. 00:28:12
And if I can get it at the rodeo. 00:28:15
I mean, I'm excited about doing these drone. 00:28:18
Where they have these drone races, where they go through obstacles. So and we're going to conclude the arena and put some heat in 00:28:21
it. So this all kind of this is a very, very early stage. 00:28:26
But it's getting our feet wet with him. I think he's going to be kind of our leader on this and I think at Tech also I think 00:28:31
they're and asked him if you're going to stick around, he said he's got he's pretty popular throughout the the nation and I don't 00:28:37
know if you saw the article in the newspaper about you and him winning. 00:28:43
Award on some gaming tournament, but he's won some also. So I think we've got a good guy that that's going to be able to push 00:28:49
this. 00:28:53
So this is I mean I. 00:28:59
Would like your blessing with it. It's kind of an administrative decision out of our own budget that that we're going to spend 00:29:01
this money and it's going to be a scholarship, it's going to be specifically goal oriented. 00:29:06
And it'll be a deliverable that he'll have to give us that this kids actually getting the certificate in E gaming. 00:29:12
Do you want a motion? If you would. 00:29:21
Second moved and seconded to support the. 00:29:25
Eclipse. 00:29:27
Discussion. 00:29:29
All in favor, aye. 00:29:31
Very good new business. 00:29:34
Again, the weather is coming in. We don't have a snow plot where hopefully we'll get the the, the state Highway department to help 00:29:39
us. 00:29:42
We needed this year. We're in the process of trying to buy a snow plow. 00:29:46
I don't know how bad the snow is going to be here, but I understand this weekend things are going to get kind of worse, so. 00:29:51
That and then. 00:29:58
The road projects have been halted since till March. 00:29:59
I've been I hate to Jinx. 00:30:03
I've been to the legislature. 00:30:05
It looks like we're going to get some help with Finley quite a lot. We've got some help in trying to get that monument moved and 00:30:07
landscaping the. 00:30:11
Interstate. 00:30:17
Lieutenant Governor, we're hoping to get an ambulance. Hopefully that's going to be funded by the governor also and then we're 00:30:19
trying to get. 00:30:24
A grant that. 00:30:31
That the State Historical Preservation Officer Office. 00:30:33
Has put together to do the interpretive plan and it's a $250,000 grant to try to. 00:30:39
Put that museum together over there at the Convention Center so it looks looks good. I think we've got a good chance to get a lot 00:30:45
of this stuff. 00:30:49
We did not get. 00:30:54
To do the natural. 00:30:56
Feel that? 00:30:58
Division, we're still working on that. 00:31:00
We've gotten our three dump trucks that are natural gas still waiting for. 00:31:04
Garbage trucks that are natural gas, we're looking into an electric rear loader. 00:31:09
Garbage truck. Those are the things that we're doing right now in the city. 00:31:14
Any old? 00:31:20
OK. Executive. 00:31:23
We've got personnel matters, We've got anything else? 00:31:27
Job descriptions Whether there is a job? Where's the job description? 00:31:33
You want to read it? There's two job descriptions. 00:31:37
The evidence custodian? 00:31:42
And assistant director at the Water Parks and Streets. 00:31:44
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Again make a motion to approve the job descriptions. 00:31:53
Second discussion. 00:31:59
All in favor. 00:32:01
OK. Thank you. 00:32:04
The personnel matters. Alina Chave. 00:32:07
She has received her associate's degree, going to move to G61. Dustin Moreland. 00:32:10
Ashland AG. 00:32:16
And just in Pacheco and Thomas Padilla are the new. 00:32:18
EMT Firefighter. 00:32:24
And they all start at A50, except for Thomas Padilla, who goes to a 56. 00:32:27
He has basic certification. 00:32:34
Russell Recky. He is evidence custodian. Additional job duty is going to have 59 and Tonio Gonzalez. 00:32:37
This is a new concept that we've not had. He is not a police officer. 00:32:46
He is an ex police officer. 00:32:51
But he'll be working. 00:32:53
8:00. 00:32:55
Is Garcia is 8:00. 00:32:58
8:00 to 4:00 in the morning and his mission. 00:33:00
Is to check in. 00:33:07
Business on California. 00:33:10
And and. 00:33:14
The ones that are off California St. a little bit. 00:33:16
And make. 00:33:19
The problems that they're getting breaking. 00:33:21
Vending. 00:33:27
Harassing hotel and motel. 00:33:29
Holding them up. 00:33:32
Same thing with the McDonald's and. 00:33:34
So, his job? 00:33:38
Will be as a security officer to alert police officers, so he will be going literally. 00:33:39
Just back and forth from California St. 00:33:44
From the north to the South, little bit on Bullock. 00:33:48
And he That's just like I said. 00:33:51
Position and it's a police position. 00:33:55
And he's to check in to make sure that. 00:33:58
At least there's some, you know, the patrol officers got so much more to do during the night, so this is hopefully going to help 00:34:02
us. 00:34:05
That James Beasley St. New hire. 00:34:10
That's it. 00:34:14
Mr. 00:34:18
1st. 00:34:22
We've been seconded discussion. 00:34:23
Onto. 00:34:26
Then we have businesses. 00:34:28
We've got Daylight Electric of Las Lun. 00:34:31
Aaron Sol. 00:34:35
Michelle Heron, very behavioral health, Los Victor Mexican food. They're going into the. 00:34:37
Little Caesars. 00:34:44
Restaurant Guzman Construction. 00:34:46
That's they're the ones that are getting ready to, if you look over there at the high school. 00:34:49
There's dirt work being done now Where? 00:34:55
Softball Field. 00:34:58
And the mod. 00:35:00
They're clearing that already starting to build a new junior high school. 00:35:01
Extreme Control Magdalena, Miguel Castillo Pest Control. 00:35:06
Rosie's Burgers in Magdalena Food truck, An Advanced Tower Systems Cliff Arbian. 00:35:10
Mr. Romero approved the business, registration was read. 00:35:17
Moved and seconded discussion. 00:35:23
All in favour. 00:35:25
So the 20th of February will be another. 00:35:27
Not bad 632. 00:35:32
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Today February 6, 2024 roll call please. Mayor Basker here counter Travis Lopez. 00:00:00
Councillor Dean. 00:00:06
Councillor Fleming. 00:00:09
We do have a quorum. 00:00:19
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:25
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:29
Mr. Mayor. 00:00:41
Mr. Romero will approve the consent agenda. 00:00:43
Moved and seconded. I just want to say that we have a couple of sick people. 00:00:48
That didn't make it to the meeting. 00:00:52
And. 00:00:54
Although you have a point. Yes, Sir, we're gonna, we're gonna remove that. 00:00:55
Vacation of the portion of South California St. 7B. I'm going to remove that from the agenda. 00:01:01
That's it 6. 00:01:08
06. 00:01:11
70. 00:01:12
If you could make it, if you somebody make a move motion to make that amendment. 00:01:15
Seconded with the amendment, all in favor. 00:01:21
Aye, aye. 00:01:24
Can I just ask? 00:01:27
Why I just? 00:01:28
Where are they making a motion to remove it? I just don't know. The administration is asking for it to be removed, and Miss Travis 00:01:30
Lopez is kind enough to allow that amendment. 00:01:35
OK. 00:01:40
The rest of the story is, is that the person who? 00:01:45
We're vacating to. 00:01:48
We had worked with them to try to get some exchange. 00:01:50
Didn't workout and at this point I don't think city property could. 00:01:54
Vacated just for free. 00:01:58
So that's I think, I think probably the City Council would agree with that, but that's why I didn't want to start into a big. 00:02:00
Just to answer your question. Thank you. 00:02:07
The OK, we have public forum. 00:02:10
We would have, we have everybody. How about starting from the front? But I remember I gave you 2 minutes. 00:02:14
So I know you've got a prepared statement. My name is John Walker. I was here too. 00:02:21
16th of last month. 00:02:29
For the meeting where I discuss. 00:02:33
Alternative of using the Smith Superstore site for Community Center and EMS and emergency shelter at this point in time. 00:02:36
Well, I expanded on that sense in. 00:02:47
Polar Linear Photo Cell. 00:02:52
Solar collection. 00:02:57
And and and came up with some numbers of how much power the facility. 00:02:59
Produce during winter, summer, and you know it's three 365 days. 00:03:06
And. 00:03:18
The whole point of this exercise is to show that this city has a whole has a big resource of solar power that can be expanded on 00:03:20
existing rooftops. You know, you look at Walmart, you look at other facilities where. 00:03:27
You know, solar power could be. 00:03:38
Spread into the grid could be. 00:03:42
You know, supplemental. 00:03:46
Local grid. 00:03:48
And I'm also talking about. 00:03:51
Items such as. 00:03:58
They're based on my original path where I use. Organic ranking cycle I use. 00:04:01
Water heating systems. 00:04:08
All based on this one hat and I I wrote. 00:04:10
April of 2021 that New York's patent that I have. I guess I'm out of time already. Well, not Mr. Walker. What I've recommended 00:04:15
earlier before the meeting was why don't you come? 00:04:21
If you can go to Wednesday at 11, I'll be here tomorrow. Yes, Sir. I'll be here tomorrow morning at 11:00. Let's meet and we can 00:04:27
discuss this. And I will tell you we did get a hold of the person who owns the Smith's building. 00:04:32
It's a cannabis company, Ultra and Mr. Duke Rodriguez and we've talked to him so I can give you more information and that way we 00:04:38
can bring a better. 00:04:42
More cohesive. 00:04:47
Explanation of your. 00:04:50
Projects. Now the main thing is to generate. 00:04:53
Resources is just computer, this community can be. 00:04:58
I'm with you also. So let's talk about it tomorrow. Yes, Sir. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you for coming again. Did you ride 00:05:03
your bicycle? 00:05:06
OK, good. Good. Good. I'm glad you didn't. 00:05:10
Who's next? Yes, Sir. Come on. 00:05:15
We got the forget me not. 00:05:17
Mayor Raster, Thanks for having me, esteemed council. My name is Don Medeiros along with Roxanne Scott. We've founded the Forget 00:05:21
Me Not Try Out of services, which is. 00:05:26
The Forgive Me Not Thrift Store, as well as the Forgive Me Not Veterans Park, where we now have six homes. 00:05:31
Church. 00:05:38
Child hall, laundry facility and so on. We propose to have 12 by the end of the year and be out of debt. 00:05:39
That's with no government funding. However, we also just recently opened the Forgive Me Not Veterans Center, which is here in the 00:05:46
middle of town. We have two recently have two employees that are veteran service officers. 00:05:52
Trained already. We have doctor Charlene Montoya. Anyways, where I'm going with this is not just what we're doing, but I came here 00:05:58
to thank Mayor Basker for this continued support, even though we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. 00:06:05
He's been like I like Toby. 00:06:13
There you go. There you go. That's a good thing. But you know what? You haven't lied to me. 00:06:16
Event up front and you've been there to be supportive. Couple things fell out, but you know what the van that the City Council and 00:06:22
the mayor have given us? 00:06:26
Has enabled us now because the VA no longer has transportation going through the VA. So with our van we actually can take, we're 00:06:32
going to be making two trips a week. It's a 10 passenger van. It runs beautifully. 00:06:38
And we couldn't do that. We couldn't transport these vets. We couldn't provide a service that so desperately needed. 00:06:45
That's just one part. That's why I started with our triad, but the donation of the van? 00:06:51
Is so tremendously appreciated that I wanted to come here in person and say. 00:06:57
Thank you for your support. Now with that, I did bring a couple of Willie. Oh my goodness. 00:07:03
So I just wanted to say thank you. 00:07:10
Thank you for those comments and you know I would recommend to. 00:07:14
That when the Budget Committee meets. 00:07:17
Yes Sir, I think you should. 00:07:19
The Thank you. 00:07:22
If you can, the Budget Committee meets, if you would put together some sort of a budget. We would like to support that financially 00:07:26
outstanding outreach social program, right. And I think Mr. Fleming is still the chairman of the Budget Committee, so and Ruby, I 00:07:31
think. 00:07:36
We should entertain. I mean within reason if you and you know you're not going to get 100%. But if we can start a program where we 00:07:42
continue to fund you and you've already shown that you can do this. I was always because of that, but you didn't back up. But you 00:07:49
should listen. You're ensuring you're doing it and I think we would be more than happy to try to do a routine financial infusion 00:07:56
through our city budget. Outstanding. I'd. I'd look forward to that. However, do you remember the first thing you said to me? 00:08:03
What it has to do if it has to Am I out of time? No, no, I'm just saying the office this when you. 00:08:11
I would prefer if it dealt with our entire homeless problem. 00:08:18
You know, I listen to that because you listen to me. 00:08:25
We actually had someone come forward and they're looking at donated another 160 acres. This veteran thing has not been working and 00:08:28
there's a chance we can expound, you know, in the near future. 00:08:33
To help with what you were talking about. 00:08:39
I think the city. 00:08:42
When we got people like yourself, they're actually doing. 00:08:43
We'd be more than happy, I think that. 00:08:47
Jump in and financially help? Absolutely. 00:08:49
Thank you and I appreciate. Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:53
Thank you. 00:08:57
Mr. Williams. 00:08:59
Prepared statements. So first I would like to take this time. 00:09:08
For two separate announcements. 00:09:14
Personally, I would like to apologize to the mayor and the City Council. 00:09:17
For my post on social media. 00:09:20
I'm passionate and committed to my work. 00:09:23
Socorro Electric Cooperative and the Clock members I was hired. 00:09:26
Serve I have let my emotions. 00:09:30
Get the best of me while online. 00:09:34
And I look forward to the communications. 00:09:37
Or communicating Sec's perspective on the issues at hand in a professional manner moving forward. So I do apologize. Thank you, 00:09:40
Mayor, City Council. 00:09:45
2nd. 00:09:53
I'm here to announce that Sakura Electric Cooperative will be having a special board meeting with Guzman Energy and Socorro 00:09:55
Electric Cooperatives Board of Trustees on January 16th. 00:10:00
At 2:00 PM. 00:10:06
Outside Everywhere. Yes, February 16. 00:10:09
20/24 at 2:00 PM in our board, board. 00:10:13
At 310 Abeda Ave. All members, all Co-op members are welcome to attend. 00:10:17
Our board meetings period. 00:10:24
Doesn't matter when we hold them is if you want to come, you can and everybody's welcome to and invited. 00:10:26
And that that definitely means that each and everyone of you. Since you're all a member of Socorro Electric Cooperative, you're 00:10:35
more than welcome to attend and join this meeting also. 00:10:40
Thank you, thank you for coming and we want to invite all the councillors. We do want to know that if there's a quorum. 00:10:47
That we ad. 00:10:56
Just so that. 00:10:58
That's just the that's the rule, Right, Paul? Yes, Sir. Yeah. If you'd let us know and then we could we could advertise it. So the 00:11:00
so the 16th will be. 00:11:04
What is that? That's the Thursday. 00:11:09
Thursday, Friday, Friday, Friday. OK, so Friday. A week from this Friday. 00:11:13
At 2:00. 00:11:18
So if. 00:11:20
If they do or they don't come, you might just put that in the paper. Follow saying that. 00:11:22
City Council members will be. 00:11:27
At a meeting of the Saguaro Electric. 00:11:30
And there may or may not be a quorum, but we might as well just announce that there. 00:11:32
It might just be. 00:11:36
Mr. Fleming. 00:11:38
Do you have enough room in your boardroom? 00:11:41
If you have more. 00:11:44
40 people show up. 00:11:47
We have the necessary accommodation. If not we can we can set something up where we can stream or do something to The more the 00:11:51
merrier if we can't accommodate, is it was it gonna be on zoom? 00:11:59
No, because I won't be able to attend. I'm going to be in Santa Fe, but anyway. 00:12:09
No, I was just wondering if they didn't have the space, is there a space that then would be a little, I think we've got other 00:12:17
places. 00:12:20
OK. 00:12:25
But you do film it. I can probably watch it later on. 00:12:29
Yeah, you have it on your link. 00:12:33
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to tell you, I'm not going to be able to make it. 00:12:37
Because I've got. 00:12:43
The last day of the session is on the 16th actually. 00:12:45
Have to be up there. 00:12:48
Mr. Miller. 00:12:51
Mr. Mayor, Councillors, I'll cut to the chase. Obviously very busy tonight so I would like the city to consider stop using the use 00:12:58
of the firing range. 00:13:04
That the city operates north of the Florida. 00:13:10
It's located on county land and granted it's only subject to county ordinances then. 00:13:15
But for about a decade, I've been trying to figure out where the sound of gunfire has been coming from from around my house, and 00:13:21
I've been giving Dan Romero and Ek Crossbow and other people a pretty hard time thinking it was them only recently after. 00:13:29
An event I'll describe in a moment. 00:13:37
Did I find out that it was a city operated range? So I'd like the city not only to consider stop using the range outside, but I 00:13:40
think that we should consider a resolution to prohibit the use of city property for a gun range. 00:13:47
Due to environmental reasons and other liability reasons. 00:13:54
Now to expand on what's been going on. 00:13:58
Nowhere within our zoning regulations would it be possible to establish a gun range within the city limits without very special 00:14:03
review zoning, public notice. It's just not even mentioned or considered in any of our zoning. 00:14:10
Yeah, we operate when it's. 00:14:18
Outside of Scrooge city limits and my house is the closest house in all of Socorro through that gun range. 00:14:21
So it's. 00:14:28
It kind of doesn't make sense. It's kind of a sad irony that we're trying to enforce our own zoning regs, yet we operate something 00:14:30
that, within our city limits, would be way outside of our zoning rates. 00:14:35
So what happened was on the 26th of January a few Fridays ago I was working in in my office Friday morning at 6:30 AM. 00:14:41
Went absolutely pitch black outside and then there's a barrage of gunfire again it obviously. 00:14:52
Card practice. You know, I know the sounds of target practice. I've used the gun range South of Socorro for 39 years now. 00:14:59
So and then I couldn't figure it out. So again I got in touch with Van Romero at that point in time 'cause I was irate and he said 00:15:06
no, I got to figure out who this is because none of our guys. Then at 7:00, seven AM, it continued again. 00:15:13
Last year in the summertime after 10:00 at night, there was also an event where after dark there was there was fire going on at 00:15:23
the gun range. Doctor Romero since informed me that police training standards now require live fire training at dark periods and 00:15:29
light periods and so and with our expansion of the police force in Socorro due to grants and other activities, all positive 00:15:36
activities. 00:15:42
I've noticed in the past few years a market increase in the amount of gunfire that I hear. I can hear it everywhere in my house. 00:15:49
And so on the liability? 00:15:56
Every gun range generates fugitive lead dust. 00:16:00
Lead contaminated Soil and lead contaminated SED. 00:16:04
I made an inquiry to see if we. 00:16:09
Storm water pollution prevention plan for the firing range. It didn't find one, but it's over an acre and it does have the 00:16:12
potential to. 00:16:16
Cause some oxide contamination. I also think it's unwise for us to be generating lead fugitive, anything. 00:16:22
Directly next to a Superfund site that is being cleaned up for. 00:16:31
Such things it is possible for us to bias what's going on over there. It is possible for us to taint clean up sampling that may 00:16:36
take place in the future and we don't know if we're doing it. So hence the the liability issues. So again to summarize. 00:16:44
Totally supporting the police, totally supportive of police training. This is kind of a big issue. Maybe we I can come back at 00:16:53
another time and speak more on the topic or meet on the topic. But I really think that we need to stop using the gun range in 00:17:00
Florida because it has the same impacts on noise. There's no invisible wall there at the city line as if it was in the city 00:17:08
limits. And a gun range would never be permitted in the city limits in Sakura. So I thank you for your time. 00:17:15
Happy to answer any questions. 00:17:23
It's not a discussion topic. This is for public comment. Thank you. Thank you for. 00:17:25
Anyone else that's not on the agenda would like to make a comment. 00:17:32
Hey, I am going to do a happy job here. 00:17:38
And present. 00:17:43
Let me give you a welcome for appreciation. 00:17:47
This is a plaque from the City of Socorro and the City Council. 00:17:53
Presented to Mario Amato, Captain, City of Sakura Fire Department in recognition of 25 years and one month. 00:17:57
Of dedicated service. Want to present that to you? 00:18:04
Fire Chief, I really appreciate it if you make a few comments for us and we'll take some pictures up here. 00:18:16
Here, Mayor, thank you City Councilman. Thank you. Appreciate it. It was a good. 00:18:22
25 years with the fire department. 00:18:29
All 25 minute N we're together. And he was. We came up together. He became chief. I was the captain, we got captain pretty close 00:18:32
to. 00:18:36
It was a good experience. I think I got to meet all these new guys coming in. It was it was great. I like it. Thank you guys for 00:18:41
everything and especially thanks to my family, my older kids, they, you know, they put up a lot with me being at work a lot of the 00:18:47
time and stuff, so. 00:18:53
I appreciate it. 00:18:59
Chief, congratulations. Thank you. I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of the fire department myself. Like you said we were. 00:19:01
We worked here, you know, our whole careers together, 25 years and one month. That's a that's a heck of a. 00:19:08
Your dedication and your hard work and your. 00:19:15
Knowledge is definitely so we just want to wish you luck and whatever it is that you're doing. 00:19:18
Good luck with your family. Get to spend time with your family now and enjoy it. 00:19:23
Guys, you want to come up? Yes. 00:19:28
Thank you. 00:19:41
Very much. 00:20:07
Well, congratulations. That's great. Thank you. 00:20:17
I've got three other. 00:20:24
Plaques, but everybody's I'll, so I'm going to wait for the next. 00:20:26
Next meetings to do this. 00:20:30
And if somebody still here? 00:20:34
OK. 00:20:39
We shall go on. 00:20:42
I. 00:20:47
To. 00:20:47
After the last. 00:20:50
Because we did say that we were going to think about doing an extension of the franchise. So the letter that you have here. 00:20:51
I sent to chairman. 00:20:59
Which outlined a few other questions that I asked so that we could have. 00:21:01
Answer for them on the franchise as to how that affects Socorro and and what the. 00:21:06
Good part of what the Co-op has been doing for the city of Socorro. So I'm hoping that they answer some of these questions then we 00:21:12
can move on to the. 00:21:16
Next step, which would be to produce a franchise that would be in compliance with something that is helpful to the city and to the 00:21:21
Co-op, and the council agrees with it. 00:21:27
In the meantime. 00:21:33
Moving on. I'm glad they're meeting with Guzman. We're still moving on. 00:21:35
With trying to get prices. 00:21:40
And hopefully by the middle of the OR at the next meeting we'll have. 00:21:43
Price that we we promised that will bring. 00:21:47
Again, it's a problem with. 00:21:52
How is about covad? There is a it? 00:21:54
Supply issue, but there are two substations going up that I pointed out to Finley. There's one over there across. 00:21:58
The airport that's a substation that P&M is putting up has a lot of equipment in it, and of course the solar one if you noticed. 00:22:07
All the lines are already up and running and they've got a plant there. So hopefully they can get in touch with the people who 00:22:15
bought equipment there and give us a ballpark on what the what the design that they've already put together is going to cost and 00:22:20
hoping that the next City Council meeting on the 16th. 00:22:24
No, on the 20th, on on February, on February 20th, I can bring you some information about those costs that we were talking about 00:22:30
and what the cost of the kilowatts going to be. 00:22:35
So if you have any questions about this letter, I hope. And it's pretty straightforward as to what we need to collect from them. 00:22:41
To put together a franchise agreement, and I know Mr. Aldean asked for a franchise agreement. Now I'm going to work on that, but I 00:22:48
need to get some information here to put that into the franchise agreement. 00:22:53
As to how much A/C? 00:22:58
What they've done with a $44 million loan, what their four year plan is for the city of Socorro. 00:23:00
And. 00:23:06
Some other technical stuff. 00:23:08
OK. Any questions? 00:23:11
OK, the Mr. again. 00:23:15
Motion We passed a resolution number 240206806 B. 00:23:19
This is a resolution to get the map project for Otero and we will do that all in favor. 00:23:26
Of the discussion on this brief overview of what that is. 00:23:33
So I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. 00:23:37
Buttero Street is is. 00:23:40
His break, his wizard Otero that we're doing. 00:23:43
It has been done once before, but the tremendous amount of traffic it gets going to John Brooks. 00:23:46
Towards the senior village. 00:23:53
Has really been pretty bad. So we're trying to get another doing a map project again to kind of get that cleaned. 00:23:57
But hopefully as you know. 00:24:05
At the cost, we just, we just did a bid opening. 00:24:08
Or man. 00:24:14
And the. 00:24:16
So if linear feet, we got. 00:24:20
Was really not even past Valver. 00:24:23
When we thought we could get into by the Interstate Bridge. 00:24:26
Luckily went to S. 00:24:30
We got an extra 400. 00:24:33
But on a $700,000 project? 00:24:35
It came in three of $386,000 short. 00:24:39
So we're hoping that the map project that. 00:24:44
Will take into account and will get more money and so. 00:24:47
Trying to do streets now has been really tough as far as how much it's costing. 00:24:51
That's kind of where. 00:24:58
All in favor, aye. 00:25:01
We've been speaking with Mr. Damien Banks. 00:25:04
Who is a really Exc? 00:25:07
He is a coach. 00:25:10
Egaming he works at the High. 00:25:13
He works with New Mexico. 00:25:16
And we have put together an agreement with. 00:25:19
It's not very very expensive, but. 00:25:23
It is about 20,000. 00:25:27
Is what we want to do is to support scholarships? 00:25:30
At the high school student. 00:25:34
To take his class. 00:25:36
And get a certificate in. 00:25:39
And New Mexico Tech is. 00:25:42
Start a program where they get a degree in gaming. 00:25:45
And so we're hoping that our high school students. 00:25:49
Another high school students. 00:25:52
And in law, he's a he's an award. 00:25:54
He is 1 gaming PRI. 00:25:57
He has really, and a very exciting and innovative guy, so we're wanting to. 00:26:00
Get his proposal and fund it and I think administratively we can afford to fund that. 00:26:09
Robot, what did I say? 00:26:15
Will be 20,000. 00:26:18
Or whether. 00:26:20
So basically it's going to be $250,250 per month per student. 00:26:23
And. 00:26:28
If he does hate students is 2000 a month. 00:26:30
And I'm hoping to get. 00:26:33
20,000 to really get him involved with trying to get students involved in gaming. He's already doing it at the high school level. 00:26:35
This will be like an extra. 00:26:43
Class that he'll do at Tech. 00:26:45
And hopefully we'll get them involved in that and these scholarships are going to be available to 6th through 12th grade. 00:26:49
Mr. Ocampo, I was reading through it earlier and. 00:26:58
I know it's open to. 00:27:03
To the it's open county wide. Are we are we like specifically sponsoring like kids in Socorro and the city of Socorro to do it? 00:27:05
And I still had our high school. 00:27:14
I think it was. It's countrywide. So you know, I think two things we can do with this. 00:27:18
One of them, again, as you know, the enrollment at Tech had been down and we're hoping to supplement that with our local students. 00:27:23
Hopefully, they'll get excited about this and go. And the other thing is to give them an opportunity to see what the New Horizons 00:27:28
are. 00:27:32
I see. Gaming stuff is crazy. It's still comfortable. That was my next question was, I know before COVID, he was really excited 00:27:37
and we had a bunch of. 00:27:42
E Gaming events planned here in the city to bring people from out of town to the city for these and they're all days multiple day 00:27:48
deals. A lot like wrestling, like bringing where people are staying the night. 00:27:54
And he was excited about it. We actually helped him on a couple and then covet hit and I haven't really heard much since then. Has 00:28:01
he talked about that. It kind of started up again and and we're hoping to. 00:28:06
To try to get an arena put together. 00:28:12
And if I can get it at the rodeo. 00:28:15
I mean, I'm excited about doing these drone. 00:28:18
Where they have these drone races, where they go through obstacles. So and we're going to conclude the arena and put some heat in 00:28:21
it. So this all kind of this is a very, very early stage. 00:28:26
But it's getting our feet wet with him. I think he's going to be kind of our leader on this and I think at Tech also I think 00:28:31
they're and asked him if you're going to stick around, he said he's got he's pretty popular throughout the the nation and I don't 00:28:37
know if you saw the article in the newspaper about you and him winning. 00:28:43
Award on some gaming tournament, but he's won some also. So I think we've got a good guy that that's going to be able to push 00:28:49
this. 00:28:53
So this is I mean I. 00:28:59
Would like your blessing with it. It's kind of an administrative decision out of our own budget that that we're going to spend 00:29:01
this money and it's going to be a scholarship, it's going to be specifically goal oriented. 00:29:06
And it'll be a deliverable that he'll have to give us that this kids actually getting the certificate in E gaming. 00:29:12
Do you want a motion? If you would. 00:29:21
Second moved and seconded to support the. 00:29:25
Eclipse. 00:29:27
Discussion. 00:29:29
All in favor, aye. 00:29:31
Very good new business. 00:29:34
Again, the weather is coming in. We don't have a snow plot where hopefully we'll get the the, the state Highway department to help 00:29:39
us. 00:29:42
We needed this year. We're in the process of trying to buy a snow plow. 00:29:46
I don't know how bad the snow is going to be here, but I understand this weekend things are going to get kind of worse, so. 00:29:51
That and then. 00:29:58
The road projects have been halted since till March. 00:29:59
I've been I hate to Jinx. 00:30:03
I've been to the legislature. 00:30:05
It looks like we're going to get some help with Finley quite a lot. We've got some help in trying to get that monument moved and 00:30:07
landscaping the. 00:30:11
Interstate. 00:30:17
Lieutenant Governor, we're hoping to get an ambulance. Hopefully that's going to be funded by the governor also and then we're 00:30:19
trying to get. 00:30:24
A grant that. 00:30:31
That the State Historical Preservation Officer Office. 00:30:33
Has put together to do the interpretive plan and it's a $250,000 grant to try to. 00:30:39
Put that museum together over there at the Convention Center so it looks looks good. I think we've got a good chance to get a lot 00:30:45
of this stuff. 00:30:49
We did not get. 00:30:54
To do the natural. 00:30:56
Feel that? 00:30:58
Division, we're still working on that. 00:31:00
We've gotten our three dump trucks that are natural gas still waiting for. 00:31:04
Garbage trucks that are natural gas, we're looking into an electric rear loader. 00:31:09
Garbage truck. Those are the things that we're doing right now in the city. 00:31:14
Any old? 00:31:20
OK. Executive. 00:31:23
We've got personnel matters, We've got anything else? 00:31:27
Job descriptions Whether there is a job? Where's the job description? 00:31:33
You want to read it? There's two job descriptions. 00:31:37
The evidence custodian? 00:31:42
And assistant director at the Water Parks and Streets. 00:31:44
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Again make a motion to approve the job descriptions. 00:31:53
Second discussion. 00:31:59
All in favor. 00:32:01
OK. Thank you. 00:32:04
The personnel matters. Alina Chave. 00:32:07
She has received her associate's degree, going to move to G61. Dustin Moreland. 00:32:10
Ashland AG. 00:32:16
And just in Pacheco and Thomas Padilla are the new. 00:32:18
EMT Firefighter. 00:32:24
And they all start at A50, except for Thomas Padilla, who goes to a 56. 00:32:27
He has basic certification. 00:32:34
Russell Recky. He is evidence custodian. Additional job duty is going to have 59 and Tonio Gonzalez. 00:32:37
This is a new concept that we've not had. He is not a police officer. 00:32:46
He is an ex police officer. 00:32:51
But he'll be working. 00:32:53
8:00. 00:32:55
Is Garcia is 8:00. 00:32:58
8:00 to 4:00 in the morning and his mission. 00:33:00
Is to check in. 00:33:07
Business on California. 00:33:10
And and. 00:33:14
The ones that are off California St. a little bit. 00:33:16
And make. 00:33:19
The problems that they're getting breaking. 00:33:21
Vending. 00:33:27
Harassing hotel and motel. 00:33:29
Holding them up. 00:33:32
Same thing with the McDonald's and. 00:33:34
So, his job? 00:33:38
Will be as a security officer to alert police officers, so he will be going literally. 00:33:39
Just back and forth from California St. 00:33:44
From the north to the South, little bit on Bullock. 00:33:48
And he That's just like I said. 00:33:51
Position and it's a police position. 00:33:55
And he's to check in to make sure that. 00:33:58
At least there's some, you know, the patrol officers got so much more to do during the night, so this is hopefully going to help 00:34:02
us. 00:34:05
That James Beasley St. New hire. 00:34:10
That's it. 00:34:14
Mr. 00:34:18
1st. 00:34:22
We've been seconded discussion. 00:34:23
Onto. 00:34:26
Then we have businesses. 00:34:28
We've got Daylight Electric of Las Lun. 00:34:31
Aaron Sol. 00:34:35
Michelle Heron, very behavioral health, Los Victor Mexican food. They're going into the. 00:34:37
Little Caesars. 00:34:44
Restaurant Guzman Construction. 00:34:46
That's they're the ones that are getting ready to, if you look over there at the high school. 00:34:49
There's dirt work being done now Where? 00:34:55
Softball Field. 00:34:58
And the mod. 00:35:00
They're clearing that already starting to build a new junior high school. 00:35:01
Extreme Control Magdalena, Miguel Castillo Pest Control. 00:35:06
Rosie's Burgers in Magdalena Food truck, An Advanced Tower Systems Cliff Arbian. 00:35:10
Mr. Romero approved the business, registration was read. 00:35:17
Moved and seconded discussion. 00:35:23
All in favour. 00:35:25
So the 20th of February will be another. 00:35:27
Not bad 632. 00:35:32
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