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In. 00:00:04
All right. 00:00:06
This is the City of Sakura City Council meeting Tuesday December 5th 2023. Will call please Mayor Basker here Councillor Chavis 00:00:07
Lopez, Councillor Dean. 00:00:12
Councillor Fleming? Councillor Hicks. Yeah. Councillor Ocampo, Councillor Olguin here. Councillor Romero here. Councillor Silomi, 00:00:17
We have a quorum. We should all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:24
I. 00:00:34
Everybody's from Vajpayee's heart. 00:00:43
Well, everybody welcome. 00:00:49
And you're welcome to stay through the whole meeting if you'd like. 00:00:51
Joe. 00:00:56
Approval of the consent agenda. 00:01:02
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Chair, again I'll make a motion to approve the consent, consent agenda. Thank you, approved and seconded 00:01:05
discussion. 00:01:08
All in favor, aye. 00:01:12
And the regular agenda. 00:01:14
Public forum. 00:01:21
Anybody who is out there that is not on the agenda would like to make a. 00:01:23
Welcome to do. 00:01:28
Nobody wants to contest the elections. 00:01:33
No. 00:01:36
All right. I just checking to see I got to do my constitutional duty. We are going to go and do the proclamation and awards. I've 00:01:39
been asked which is which is important for all of us is a Small Business Saturday proclamation. 00:01:46
Where the City of Socorro and administration of the City of Socorro celebrates our local small businesses. 00:01:52
And the contribution to make to a local economy. Whereas according to US Small Business Administration, there are 33 million small 00:01:58
businesses in the United States, small businesses represent 99.7%. 00:02:04
Affirms with paid. 00:02:11
Small businesses are responsible for 62% of the net new jobs created in 1995 and employed 46% of the employees in the private 00:02:13
sector. 00:02:18
Whereas 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business stays in the local community, every dollar spent at small businesses 00:02:23
creates an additional $0.48. 00:02:28
And local business activity as a result of employees and local businesses purchasing local goods and services. 00:02:33
Where 72% of consumers report the small business, Saturday 2022 made them want to shop and dine a small independently owned 00:02:39
retailers and restaurants all year long. And whereas the City of Socorro supports our local businesses that create jobs, boost our 00:02:45
local economy and preserve our communities, whereas advocacy groups as well as public and private organizations across the country 00:02:51
have endorsed the Saturday, this was after Thanksgiving, a Small Business Saturday hiring bascomer the City of Sakura to hereby 00:02:57
will claim. 00:03:03
This was for November 25th, 2023. 00:03:09
We. 00:03:13
Swearing in of newly elected officials. 00:03:16
We shall start with Councillor Deborah Dean. 00:03:19
Judge. 00:03:29
Councillor. 00:03:32
Good. 00:03:46
Why? 00:03:52
Don't ever come and face the camera to you and get it on video so people can see it later on. 00:03:57
So. 00:04:03
Gotta buy what you're supposed to do. 00:04:04
Just to the camera, just so everybody can. 00:04:08
Good. 00:04:19
Well, congratulations. 00:04:20
Here. 00:04:24
Good. 00:04:27
OK. Hi, state your name. 00:04:28
Wings. 00:04:30
And I'm going to look into the office. 00:04:31
As a city Councilor. 00:04:35
That's according to Mexico. 00:04:39
You saw me swear that I You saw me swear that I will ever hold the Constitution of the United States, what we call the 00:04:42
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Law, This constitutional law for the state of New Mexico, the state of New 00:04:49
Mexico, and the laws in the Ordinances, and the laws in the Ordinances of the City of Sakura, And willfully and partially. 00:04:56
Will hopefully and impartially discharge the duties of set office discharge. 00:05:04
To do the set office discharge the duties of the office. 00:05:11
This is my ability. 00:05:14
I apologize, I should have had you. 00:05:19
You know, fifty of them, yes. Now the whole family kept the whole family. Char. 00:05:50
So get the whole camera up there. 00:05:56
You can do it afterwards Joe, if you want. 00:06:03
So if you have to be so I extension it, I don't need. 00:06:10
Having been elected to the office and elected to the office as a city councillor, so the City of Supreme and the city councillor 00:06:17
of the City of Sapporo. 00:06:21
Of supporting Mexico. Sakura, New Mexico. Do following us where do something swear that I will uphold the Constitution of the 00:06:26
United States? That I will uphold the Constitution of the United States? 00:06:31
The constitution involves the constitutional laws for the state of New Mexico and the state of New Mexico, and the laws and 00:06:38
ordinances and the laws and ornamentals of the city of Sakura, of the city of Sakura, and will faithfully and impartially. 00:06:45
And will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office, and discharge the duties of said office. The best my 00:06:52
ability to the best of my ability. 00:06:56
So. 00:07:02
Me too. 00:07:16
Gordon is trying to be polite, but not until next year. Fine. 00:07:22
I'm trying to give you the chair. 00:07:29
Thank you, Sir. 00:07:35
I. 00:07:59
That is generated to the office and directed to the numbers. 00:08:03
As a city councillor? As a City Council. 00:08:08
For the cities accord of the city of Sycamore of Sacroiliac, doing so in this world, that I do solemnly swear that I will uphold 00:08:11
the competition of the United States, will uphold the Constitution of the United States, the constitutional law, Constitution, and 00:08:19
laws of the State of Mexico, of the state of New Mexico. 00:08:28
The laws and ordinances and laws and ordinances for the City of Sakura on the City of Sakura and will faithfully and impartially, 00:08:37
and will faithfully and impartially dischargement said discharge. The duties of the said office. Discharged duties set office to 00:08:44
invest my ability, to the best of my ability, to London. So helpful guidance. 00:08:52
Hello. 00:09:18
Last but not least, not such 1. 00:09:28
Thank. 00:09:38
Yeah. 00:09:47
Right hand. 00:09:47
I state your name. 00:09:48
Have you been elected to the office, having been elected to the office as a City Councilor and the City of Support as the City 00:09:50
Councilor and the City of? 00:09:54
Mexico do Solomon base work that I you, Solomon, swear that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States. It will uphold 00:10:01
the Constitution of the United States. The constitutional law, constitutional laws for the state of New Mexico, of the state of 00:10:07
New Mexico. The laws and the ordinances. The laws and the ordinances in the city of Sakura and the city of Sakura will faithfully 00:10:13
and impartially, and will faithfully and impartially. 00:10:19
Discharge the duty in the set office. Discharge the duties and set office. It's the best my ability, the best of my ability. 00:10:26
Thank you. 00:10:35
They. 00:10:50
Yeah. 00:11:04
I'm getting kind of. Also, I had to pull that judge through this. 00:11:13
Hi, Rodney Basker. I've been elected to the office of Mayor of the City of Coral. I've been elected to the office of the Mayor of 00:11:22
City of Solemnly Square. Solemnly Square That I will uphold the Constitution of the United States, and I will uphold the 00:11:29
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution and laws of the state of New Mexico, and the law of the state of New Mexico. 00:11:36
And the laws and ordinances of the city of Socorro. 00:11:44
And will faithfully and impartially. 00:11:49
Faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office. Discharge the duties of home. 00:11:51
To the best of my ability. To the best of my ability. So help you God, thank you. 00:11:57
You can see the this is this is on the Internet and you can download it. 00:12:25
This meeting and some of the things that you guys might want to see. That way you'll have it forever. 00:12:34
And if you don't know how to do a job. 00:12:40
Right and. 00:12:45
You're welcome to stay. You're welcome to leave, except for the workers. 00:12:48
But we'll have a quick we have a quick meeting if you want to. 00:12:52
Customer. 00:13:00
Let's do again. Make a motion we go on to public hearing for the liquor license for Sophia's Kitchen. 00:13:02
The public hearing is. 00:13:10
Have a liquor license at the Sophia's Kitchen. This is a beer and wine. 00:13:14
And not. 00:13:19
License. 00:13:21
Yeah. 00:13:24
That's a bear and wine license, right? It's a restaurant, a license. I believe they're able to sell a little bit more than just 00:13:26
not real completely possible because of a certain, OK, that's an the legislature. 00:13:32
Made that ruling now that restaurants if they if they. 00:13:39
If they serve. 00:13:42
Alcohol, mainly New Mexico is. 00:13:45
Liquor The hard liquor made in New Mexico. 00:13:48
Or is it anything that's a restaurant A which is beer and wine only? 00:13:51
That's what I thought I. 00:13:59
It's not a full record license, yeah, because I think some restaurants now for 10,000 can do. 00:14:01
Serve liquor that's made in New Mexico, but this is just. 00:14:08
Beer and wine. 00:14:11
Not hearing anything, we're going to go back in regular session. 00:14:14
So moved and seconded all in favor. 00:14:20
Council action. 00:14:23
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Again, I make a motion to approve the liquor license. 00:14:25
Move to secondary discuss. 00:14:30
All in favor, aye. 00:14:32
We do have a vehicle that we're going to give to the group, the veterans that are building the little house down South. We have 00:14:35
one and then we're trying to get that off for roll. So this is the distribution of that vehicle. 00:14:42
Yes, ma'am. Mr. Again, I'll make a motion. We passed resolution #23-12-05, disposition of vehicle, second move, the second 00:14:49
discussion. All in favor, aye. 00:14:55
As you know, we promised that we'd get you some information about the the cooperative and the industrial leg will be hopefully 00:15:03
bringing that to you at the next. 00:15:08
There, that said below, how much did they say that already had gotten done? Well, that was three or four weeks ago and they were 00:15:14
75% done. 00:15:18
They were. They were gonna try by the end of the year. So yeah, and I got in a little Facebook back and forth with the public 00:15:22
relations gentleman, Mr. 00:15:27
And offered to have, he said we're open, We want to discuss these things in public. We'll come to the table. I said, well, I'm 00:15:35
inviting you to come to City Council meeting, so hopefully next month. 00:15:40
The somebody from the Coop will come and we'll discuss some of the things that we've been talking about, something about the 00:15:47
rates, some of the things about what we think the Coop should have been doing. Like I said, we've been talking about this forever. 00:15:52
It's not the secret. But again, I'm hoping that they will come. So under new business, I'm hoping, and then this is an open 00:15:58
invitation to the Co-op to come to our City Council meeting next month, if possible. 00:16:03
Old business. 00:16:10
Mayor. 00:16:13
Since last meeting we talked a lot about. 00:16:14
Cleaning up the community, I just wanted to ask, don't we have a Socorro Beautiful committee? 00:16:19
We do. They made basically for beautification with landscaping. They don't really come for blight and burnt buildings and trailers 00:16:26
that are abandoned and things like that. 00:16:33
I don't do that specifically for that. 00:16:40
Chris has been working on it. 00:16:43
We're trying to get the people that are the. 00:16:46
Burn house. 00:16:49
A trailer that's abandoned over at the trailer park. 00:16:51
But we got to go through the courts. It's like it took us almost. What did it take us down about a year and a half percent. Yes, 00:16:55
Sir. I mean it it took, you know, to take somebody's property and and clean it up. 00:17:01
Now. 00:17:07
Vaughn apparently get them to do that. And Chris, you might come on up and it might, might want to see. 00:17:08
What your efforts has been is trying to get working with these people. There's a house, right, going to the state Fire Academy, 00:17:13
which doesn't really show well with people coming from out of town. I've been working with Chris, Tell us a little bit about that. 00:17:18
Yeah, so me and Scuba Lawrence, we've been kind of taking into our own hands. 00:17:23
You know the people that really don't have the. 00:17:29
The money and all that kind of. 00:17:32
Go out there and try to clean up for them, just to help them out working on some resolutions for some. 00:17:34
Abandoned properties. 00:17:41
But you know, but with that, that takes time. So in the meantime. 00:17:44
Trying to line up some people just you know real problems areas and. 00:17:51
We hit about two properties so far. 00:17:55
And on one of them I think we got like 17 tons out so. 00:17:59
There's two of us, but we're really trying to get after it. And. 00:18:04
Trying to take you into our own hands and get it done. 00:18:09
You know, they're burning back home the other day from the rodeo and and I mean they're working at it. It's just and the other 00:18:12
enforcement officer, we also haven't committed to Saraceno. 00:18:16
As a resource officer, so Chris is out there by himself. For Lawrence, Montana was out there by himself. 00:18:21
It's a it's a it's a tough situation. We try and split up our time on going the afternoon to the school and Lawrence will go in 00:18:27
the mornings and in the meantime you know. 00:18:32
We kind of work together and if I'm not there, he's there. 00:18:38
Vice versa. 00:18:42
I'm just wondering, we do. I thought we did it twice a year, but I understand what you do once a year where people can put things 00:18:44
at the curb. 00:18:48
And each each neighborhood has a day Monday twos or whatever. But I'm wondering if we can do that more often. I think so I think 00:18:52
we should. Well, let's, we'll put it on the agenda. We'll talk to waste management SOD waste and and Lloyds crew. It just it takes 00:18:59
personnel and it takes the people to put the stuff out and they will, they'll put it out and we'll get that done. 00:19:06
Yeah, we are. 00:19:14
Mr. Fleming, Mr. Mayor, and it's a good idea. I'm putting it out to the curb, But, you know, we have some senior citizens who 00:19:16
can't move some of the stuff. Is there a? 00:19:21
Legally, we can go on their property to help them out, yeah. And now we're working with. 00:19:27
I guess the law, but we're trying to get it to where we can go on there and. 00:19:35
And just liability wise, clean up their property and so far like I said, we've done two properties. 00:19:41
If you know anyone that really, really needs that help, have them contact you with me or Lawrence and we're willing to get out 00:19:48
there and help them out like that. 00:19:52
Mr. Woman, Mr. Mayor, the accessibility to roll off dumpsters. I think that maybe if we just tried a little experiment with 00:19:58
placing a dumpster in an area that of a neighborhood that needs clean up and say you know what, that dumpster is there available 00:20:06
for you. Leave the door open, haul your whatever you have that you want to get rid of. 00:20:14
On here and then just see what accumulates in that dumpster after a week. 00:20:23
We'll try that too. I mean, lots of ideas. What we need to do is we've done that in the past where we they've put a dumpster out 00:20:29
there and they've accumulated a lot of stuff and and that seemed to work. 00:20:36
With that done, we've got big trucks now, big dump trucks. We can fill those up. 00:20:43
So we'll work. We'll start working on that. I think that was one of the big things in the election people were talking about how. 00:20:49
Things need to be cleaned up. It's just again, it's. It's a process. 00:20:54
Letters, 3 letters take to court, come to a We've got one right now. I think Mr. Mandeville used to own. I think the City Council 00:21:00
has already condemned it. We're just trying to get our manpower over there to get it done and how we're going to do it because 00:21:04
he's got a semi there. 00:21:09
There's all kinds of stuff in there, right? Yeah, we definitely got to watch what we put in the landfill as well. 00:21:14
But we did. We got with Isaiah Quentin's a dump truck too. So that was a big out. The backhoe is a big out. Thank you to those 00:21:21
guys. We're willing to to keep keep doing it and getting in there. 00:21:27
You know, it helps us out too. It is a process to take. 00:21:34
The sweeper is it working not working. 00:21:40
Minimally twice a month, but it's working. 00:21:44
You know, I don't know if you knew, but Lonnie Zamora, who used to be one of our police officers and his house burned the other 00:21:49
day. 00:21:52
And so we're going to try to help him. The family wants to clean it up, but we were trying to make it easier for them to take it 00:21:56
to the landfill, maybe not charge them, you know, give them a discount because that's people want to do that for their own stuff. 00:22:02
We just have to be careful as to how we accept. 00:22:09
And that, Mister, I'm gonna just add to what we're trying to do. Like you said, we don't want to try to take people's property or 00:22:12
force them to do things to end up in court, but. 00:22:17
There are ordinances that we have to follow, So what we've come up with is Chris said. 00:22:23
As. 00:22:29
Got a form written by our attorney? It allows. 00:22:30
Residents, to sign off and say, yes, you can come into my property and take, you know, they're going to tag the different pieces 00:22:34
that they don't want there and we'll move them forward. So that'll help speed up the process. 00:22:39
Thank you, Chris. Thank you for doing that under all business. 00:22:46
I'm gonna bring something up, that is. 00:22:50
You're not. I don't think it's touchy, But you know, I just saw when they were talking about food trucks at the parking lot in New 00:22:53
Mexico Tech, that parking lot they've got, we've got food trucks up and down the street here. 00:22:58
Those food trucks are. 00:23:05
As opposed to, say, a restaurant that pays property tax, they have a building to maintain. 00:23:08
And the. 00:23:14
I I just, I'm, I'm going to present to the council that we need to work on perhaps doing a little more of a vendor fee for people 00:23:16
to just set up a food truck on somebody'd lot. 00:23:22
Really do business. Where are restaurants that are building based? 00:23:30
Have to do all this other stuff. 00:23:35
And not get the benefit of not having to pay property tax and not having to, you know, I don't even know how we follow the gross 00:23:37
receipts and accounting on those, but I'm just, I'm going to work on trying to bring an ordinance. 00:23:43
To the to the council to see if we can't have. 00:23:50
Accountability, I guess, is the word from the food trucks. I know it's the it's the thing to do have a food truck area and all 00:23:57
that, but it does take away from people who have restaurants. 00:24:03
That are actually building based pay property. 00:24:09
Are getting audited by state sometimes for their gross receip. 00:24:13
As compared to, say, an attenuant who just start sets up and then leaves and so that's one of the things that I think I really 00:24:18
want to approach. 00:24:22
You know, I'm not sure what the council thinks, Mr. Hicks. Mr. Mayor, I think that's an excellent idea. I was up in Denver, not or 00:24:27
Colorado not too long ago. 00:24:31
And they were parking in the same parking lot as the restaurants. 00:24:36
You know some of the towns they have. 00:24:40
A side street and they were parking in the side street in front of the restaurants. 00:24:44
I mean, she's got one right next door to Deborah, and I agree it's not really fair. 00:24:49
To the people that are paying that expensive overhead, have someone come in with a little bitty overhead, not paying everything 00:24:56
and have. 00:25:01
Get a cheaper rate, but they don't pass that on. I mean, I just, I think we need to protect our people. 00:25:06
And I understand a bunch of from town too. And they're great for the food is great, everything's fine. I'm just, I think there's 00:25:13
needs to be more accountability and the same thing for a vendor who just sets up and selling flags or carpets or whatever. I think 00:25:20
it's important to have accountability for them as far as there are the paying gross receipts. 00:25:27
And what's happening with the with the people that are that, the land that they're? 00:25:34
So I just want to throw it out. 00:25:40
Normally have an inspection done before they can get the license, that sort of thing. 00:25:44
But there are a lot of people that are advertising that they'll deliver, so you have to wonder where they're cooking. 00:25:49
So that's the. 00:25:54
Well, order and find out. 00:25:56
Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm headed at. I'm saying, you know, again, it's not to discourage entrepreneurship, it's not to 00:26:01
discourage the amount of money people put into these vans and trucks, which is tremendous. Their food is good. But I think on a 00:26:06
city point of view, I think we have to make sure that that everybody's held accountable. But that's that's part of old business. 00:26:12
But that's what I brought it up. 00:26:17
Executive. 00:26:22
And. 00:26:25
Mr. Fleming always helping me out. 00:26:27
A personnel. 00:26:30
We've got Desiree Smith Senior Center. Temporary part time to permanent 837 Ashley Lower Senior Center. Temporary to permanent De 00:26:32
La Costa resignation at the Senior Center. Audrey Romero resignation at the Senior Center. 00:26:41
There's a motion to do the personnel changes as presented. 00:26:49
Movement seconded on Phil Aye. We have WNM Communications, Enterprise Rd. Daniel Messler, Internet and Phone Service. 00:26:53
United Parcel Service, you know, I don't know if you've noticed that there used to just be three or four trucks or there's like 00:27:02
about 10-11 trucks, not UPS at South Airport frontage Rd. Rick Bishop package transportation and they don't take. 00:27:09
How do you get your UPS package to them? 00:27:16
I think. 00:27:19
If you have a label, you can take it to the tech post office. 00:27:22
The tech post office, not at the UPS center. 00:27:26
Yeah. 00:27:31
I may not be able to go to Hayes, but that's OK. Clocks and stuff. C2511 Park Philippe Relax Clocks in pictures and crafts. 00:27:33
OK. The business registration that's presented. 00:27:46
Discussion all in favor. 00:27:49
Well, there you go, Joe. We made it with almost 30 minutes. 00:27:53
We are adjourned till Tuesday, December ninet. 00:27:58
Hey, you still there to be on the 19th? 00:28:04
You're here. One more. 00:28:08
On the 19th, I'll still shake your hand. 00:28:10
Believe it has been an honor. 00:28:13
We're going to give you some. 00:28:15
Bring it down a lighting. 00:28:21
Start video at

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In. 00:00:04
All right. 00:00:06
This is the City of Sakura City Council meeting Tuesday December 5th 2023. Will call please Mayor Basker here Councillor Chavis 00:00:07
Lopez, Councillor Dean. 00:00:12
Councillor Fleming? Councillor Hicks. Yeah. Councillor Ocampo, Councillor Olguin here. Councillor Romero here. Councillor Silomi, 00:00:17
We have a quorum. We should all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:24
I. 00:00:34
Everybody's from Vajpayee's heart. 00:00:43
Well, everybody welcome. 00:00:49
And you're welcome to stay through the whole meeting if you'd like. 00:00:51
Joe. 00:00:56
Approval of the consent agenda. 00:01:02
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Chair, again I'll make a motion to approve the consent, consent agenda. Thank you, approved and seconded 00:01:05
discussion. 00:01:08
All in favor, aye. 00:01:12
And the regular agenda. 00:01:14
Public forum. 00:01:21
Anybody who is out there that is not on the agenda would like to make a. 00:01:23
Welcome to do. 00:01:28
Nobody wants to contest the elections. 00:01:33
No. 00:01:36
All right. I just checking to see I got to do my constitutional duty. We are going to go and do the proclamation and awards. I've 00:01:39
been asked which is which is important for all of us is a Small Business Saturday proclamation. 00:01:46
Where the City of Socorro and administration of the City of Socorro celebrates our local small businesses. 00:01:52
And the contribution to make to a local economy. Whereas according to US Small Business Administration, there are 33 million small 00:01:58
businesses in the United States, small businesses represent 99.7%. 00:02:04
Affirms with paid. 00:02:11
Small businesses are responsible for 62% of the net new jobs created in 1995 and employed 46% of the employees in the private 00:02:13
sector. 00:02:18
Whereas 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business stays in the local community, every dollar spent at small businesses 00:02:23
creates an additional $0.48. 00:02:28
And local business activity as a result of employees and local businesses purchasing local goods and services. 00:02:33
Where 72% of consumers report the small business, Saturday 2022 made them want to shop and dine a small independently owned 00:02:39
retailers and restaurants all year long. And whereas the City of Socorro supports our local businesses that create jobs, boost our 00:02:45
local economy and preserve our communities, whereas advocacy groups as well as public and private organizations across the country 00:02:51
have endorsed the Saturday, this was after Thanksgiving, a Small Business Saturday hiring bascomer the City of Sakura to hereby 00:02:57
will claim. 00:03:03
This was for November 25th, 2023. 00:03:09
We. 00:03:13
Swearing in of newly elected officials. 00:03:16
We shall start with Councillor Deborah Dean. 00:03:19
Judge. 00:03:29
Councillor. 00:03:32
Good. 00:03:46
Why? 00:03:52
Don't ever come and face the camera to you and get it on video so people can see it later on. 00:03:57
So. 00:04:03
Gotta buy what you're supposed to do. 00:04:04
Just to the camera, just so everybody can. 00:04:08
Good. 00:04:19
Well, congratulations. 00:04:20
Here. 00:04:24
Good. 00:04:27
OK. Hi, state your name. 00:04:28
Wings. 00:04:30
And I'm going to look into the office. 00:04:31
As a city Councilor. 00:04:35
That's according to Mexico. 00:04:39
You saw me swear that I You saw me swear that I will ever hold the Constitution of the United States, what we call the 00:04:42
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Law, This constitutional law for the state of New Mexico, the state of New 00:04:49
Mexico, and the laws in the Ordinances, and the laws in the Ordinances of the City of Sakura, And willfully and partially. 00:04:56
Will hopefully and impartially discharge the duties of set office discharge. 00:05:04
To do the set office discharge the duties of the office. 00:05:11
This is my ability. 00:05:14
I apologize, I should have had you. 00:05:19
You know, fifty of them, yes. Now the whole family kept the whole family. Char. 00:05:50
So get the whole camera up there. 00:05:56
You can do it afterwards Joe, if you want. 00:06:03
So if you have to be so I extension it, I don't need. 00:06:10
Having been elected to the office and elected to the office as a city councillor, so the City of Supreme and the city councillor 00:06:17
of the City of Sapporo. 00:06:21
Of supporting Mexico. Sakura, New Mexico. Do following us where do something swear that I will uphold the Constitution of the 00:06:26
United States? That I will uphold the Constitution of the United States? 00:06:31
The constitution involves the constitutional laws for the state of New Mexico and the state of New Mexico, and the laws and 00:06:38
ordinances and the laws and ornamentals of the city of Sakura, of the city of Sakura, and will faithfully and impartially. 00:06:45
And will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office, and discharge the duties of said office. The best my 00:06:52
ability to the best of my ability. 00:06:56
So. 00:07:02
Me too. 00:07:16
Gordon is trying to be polite, but not until next year. Fine. 00:07:22
I'm trying to give you the chair. 00:07:29
Thank you, Sir. 00:07:35
I. 00:07:59
That is generated to the office and directed to the numbers. 00:08:03
As a city councillor? As a City Council. 00:08:08
For the cities accord of the city of Sycamore of Sacroiliac, doing so in this world, that I do solemnly swear that I will uphold 00:08:11
the competition of the United States, will uphold the Constitution of the United States, the constitutional law, Constitution, and 00:08:19
laws of the State of Mexico, of the state of New Mexico. 00:08:28
The laws and ordinances and laws and ordinances for the City of Sakura on the City of Sakura and will faithfully and impartially, 00:08:37
and will faithfully and impartially dischargement said discharge. The duties of the said office. Discharged duties set office to 00:08:44
invest my ability, to the best of my ability, to London. So helpful guidance. 00:08:52
Hello. 00:09:18
Last but not least, not such 1. 00:09:28
Thank. 00:09:38
Yeah. 00:09:47
Right hand. 00:09:47
I state your name. 00:09:48
Have you been elected to the office, having been elected to the office as a City Councilor and the City of Support as the City 00:09:50
Councilor and the City of? 00:09:54
Mexico do Solomon base work that I you, Solomon, swear that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States. It will uphold 00:10:01
the Constitution of the United States. The constitutional law, constitutional laws for the state of New Mexico, of the state of 00:10:07
New Mexico. The laws and the ordinances. The laws and the ordinances in the city of Sakura and the city of Sakura will faithfully 00:10:13
and impartially, and will faithfully and impartially. 00:10:19
Discharge the duty in the set office. Discharge the duties and set office. It's the best my ability, the best of my ability. 00:10:26
Thank you. 00:10:35
They. 00:10:50
Yeah. 00:11:04
I'm getting kind of. Also, I had to pull that judge through this. 00:11:13
Hi, Rodney Basker. I've been elected to the office of Mayor of the City of Coral. I've been elected to the office of the Mayor of 00:11:22
City of Solemnly Square. Solemnly Square That I will uphold the Constitution of the United States, and I will uphold the 00:11:29
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution and laws of the state of New Mexico, and the law of the state of New Mexico. 00:11:36
And the laws and ordinances of the city of Socorro. 00:11:44
And will faithfully and impartially. 00:11:49
Faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office. Discharge the duties of home. 00:11:51
To the best of my ability. To the best of my ability. So help you God, thank you. 00:11:57
You can see the this is this is on the Internet and you can download it. 00:12:25
This meeting and some of the things that you guys might want to see. That way you'll have it forever. 00:12:34
And if you don't know how to do a job. 00:12:40
Right and. 00:12:45
You're welcome to stay. You're welcome to leave, except for the workers. 00:12:48
But we'll have a quick we have a quick meeting if you want to. 00:12:52
Customer. 00:13:00
Let's do again. Make a motion we go on to public hearing for the liquor license for Sophia's Kitchen. 00:13:02
The public hearing is. 00:13:10
Have a liquor license at the Sophia's Kitchen. This is a beer and wine. 00:13:14
And not. 00:13:19
License. 00:13:21
Yeah. 00:13:24
That's a bear and wine license, right? It's a restaurant, a license. I believe they're able to sell a little bit more than just 00:13:26
not real completely possible because of a certain, OK, that's an the legislature. 00:13:32
Made that ruling now that restaurants if they if they. 00:13:39
If they serve. 00:13:42
Alcohol, mainly New Mexico is. 00:13:45
Liquor The hard liquor made in New Mexico. 00:13:48
Or is it anything that's a restaurant A which is beer and wine only? 00:13:51
That's what I thought I. 00:13:59
It's not a full record license, yeah, because I think some restaurants now for 10,000 can do. 00:14:01
Serve liquor that's made in New Mexico, but this is just. 00:14:08
Beer and wine. 00:14:11
Not hearing anything, we're going to go back in regular session. 00:14:14
So moved and seconded all in favor. 00:14:20
Council action. 00:14:23
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Again, I make a motion to approve the liquor license. 00:14:25
Move to secondary discuss. 00:14:30
All in favor, aye. 00:14:32
We do have a vehicle that we're going to give to the group, the veterans that are building the little house down South. We have 00:14:35
one and then we're trying to get that off for roll. So this is the distribution of that vehicle. 00:14:42
Yes, ma'am. Mr. Again, I'll make a motion. We passed resolution #23-12-05, disposition of vehicle, second move, the second 00:14:49
discussion. All in favor, aye. 00:14:55
As you know, we promised that we'd get you some information about the the cooperative and the industrial leg will be hopefully 00:15:03
bringing that to you at the next. 00:15:08
There, that said below, how much did they say that already had gotten done? Well, that was three or four weeks ago and they were 00:15:14
75% done. 00:15:18
They were. They were gonna try by the end of the year. So yeah, and I got in a little Facebook back and forth with the public 00:15:22
relations gentleman, Mr. 00:15:27
And offered to have, he said we're open, We want to discuss these things in public. We'll come to the table. I said, well, I'm 00:15:35
inviting you to come to City Council meeting, so hopefully next month. 00:15:40
The somebody from the Coop will come and we'll discuss some of the things that we've been talking about, something about the 00:15:47
rates, some of the things about what we think the Coop should have been doing. Like I said, we've been talking about this forever. 00:15:52
It's not the secret. But again, I'm hoping that they will come. So under new business, I'm hoping, and then this is an open 00:15:58
invitation to the Co-op to come to our City Council meeting next month, if possible. 00:16:03
Old business. 00:16:10
Mayor. 00:16:13
Since last meeting we talked a lot about. 00:16:14
Cleaning up the community, I just wanted to ask, don't we have a Socorro Beautiful committee? 00:16:19
We do. They made basically for beautification with landscaping. They don't really come for blight and burnt buildings and trailers 00:16:26
that are abandoned and things like that. 00:16:33
I don't do that specifically for that. 00:16:40
Chris has been working on it. 00:16:43
We're trying to get the people that are the. 00:16:46
Burn house. 00:16:49
A trailer that's abandoned over at the trailer park. 00:16:51
But we got to go through the courts. It's like it took us almost. What did it take us down about a year and a half percent. Yes, 00:16:55
Sir. I mean it it took, you know, to take somebody's property and and clean it up. 00:17:01
Now. 00:17:07
Vaughn apparently get them to do that. And Chris, you might come on up and it might, might want to see. 00:17:08
What your efforts has been is trying to get working with these people. There's a house, right, going to the state Fire Academy, 00:17:13
which doesn't really show well with people coming from out of town. I've been working with Chris, Tell us a little bit about that. 00:17:18
Yeah, so me and Scuba Lawrence, we've been kind of taking into our own hands. 00:17:23
You know the people that really don't have the. 00:17:29
The money and all that kind of. 00:17:32
Go out there and try to clean up for them, just to help them out working on some resolutions for some. 00:17:34
Abandoned properties. 00:17:41
But you know, but with that, that takes time. So in the meantime. 00:17:44
Trying to line up some people just you know real problems areas and. 00:17:51
We hit about two properties so far. 00:17:55
And on one of them I think we got like 17 tons out so. 00:17:59
There's two of us, but we're really trying to get after it. And. 00:18:04
Trying to take you into our own hands and get it done. 00:18:09
You know, they're burning back home the other day from the rodeo and and I mean they're working at it. It's just and the other 00:18:12
enforcement officer, we also haven't committed to Saraceno. 00:18:16
As a resource officer, so Chris is out there by himself. For Lawrence, Montana was out there by himself. 00:18:21
It's a it's a it's a tough situation. We try and split up our time on going the afternoon to the school and Lawrence will go in 00:18:27
the mornings and in the meantime you know. 00:18:32
We kind of work together and if I'm not there, he's there. 00:18:38
Vice versa. 00:18:42
I'm just wondering, we do. I thought we did it twice a year, but I understand what you do once a year where people can put things 00:18:44
at the curb. 00:18:48
And each each neighborhood has a day Monday twos or whatever. But I'm wondering if we can do that more often. I think so I think 00:18:52
we should. Well, let's, we'll put it on the agenda. We'll talk to waste management SOD waste and and Lloyds crew. It just it takes 00:18:59
personnel and it takes the people to put the stuff out and they will, they'll put it out and we'll get that done. 00:19:06
Yeah, we are. 00:19:14
Mr. Fleming, Mr. Mayor, and it's a good idea. I'm putting it out to the curb, But, you know, we have some senior citizens who 00:19:16
can't move some of the stuff. Is there a? 00:19:21
Legally, we can go on their property to help them out, yeah. And now we're working with. 00:19:27
I guess the law, but we're trying to get it to where we can go on there and. 00:19:35
And just liability wise, clean up their property and so far like I said, we've done two properties. 00:19:41
If you know anyone that really, really needs that help, have them contact you with me or Lawrence and we're willing to get out 00:19:48
there and help them out like that. 00:19:52
Mr. Woman, Mr. Mayor, the accessibility to roll off dumpsters. I think that maybe if we just tried a little experiment with 00:19:58
placing a dumpster in an area that of a neighborhood that needs clean up and say you know what, that dumpster is there available 00:20:06
for you. Leave the door open, haul your whatever you have that you want to get rid of. 00:20:14
On here and then just see what accumulates in that dumpster after a week. 00:20:23
We'll try that too. I mean, lots of ideas. What we need to do is we've done that in the past where we they've put a dumpster out 00:20:29
there and they've accumulated a lot of stuff and and that seemed to work. 00:20:36
With that done, we've got big trucks now, big dump trucks. We can fill those up. 00:20:43
So we'll work. We'll start working on that. I think that was one of the big things in the election people were talking about how. 00:20:49
Things need to be cleaned up. It's just again, it's. It's a process. 00:20:54
Letters, 3 letters take to court, come to a We've got one right now. I think Mr. Mandeville used to own. I think the City Council 00:21:00
has already condemned it. We're just trying to get our manpower over there to get it done and how we're going to do it because 00:21:04
he's got a semi there. 00:21:09
There's all kinds of stuff in there, right? Yeah, we definitely got to watch what we put in the landfill as well. 00:21:14
But we did. We got with Isaiah Quentin's a dump truck too. So that was a big out. The backhoe is a big out. Thank you to those 00:21:21
guys. We're willing to to keep keep doing it and getting in there. 00:21:27
You know, it helps us out too. It is a process to take. 00:21:34
The sweeper is it working not working. 00:21:40
Minimally twice a month, but it's working. 00:21:44
You know, I don't know if you knew, but Lonnie Zamora, who used to be one of our police officers and his house burned the other 00:21:49
day. 00:21:52
And so we're going to try to help him. The family wants to clean it up, but we were trying to make it easier for them to take it 00:21:56
to the landfill, maybe not charge them, you know, give them a discount because that's people want to do that for their own stuff. 00:22:02
We just have to be careful as to how we accept. 00:22:09
And that, Mister, I'm gonna just add to what we're trying to do. Like you said, we don't want to try to take people's property or 00:22:12
force them to do things to end up in court, but. 00:22:17
There are ordinances that we have to follow, So what we've come up with is Chris said. 00:22:23
As. 00:22:29
Got a form written by our attorney? It allows. 00:22:30
Residents, to sign off and say, yes, you can come into my property and take, you know, they're going to tag the different pieces 00:22:34
that they don't want there and we'll move them forward. So that'll help speed up the process. 00:22:39
Thank you, Chris. Thank you for doing that under all business. 00:22:46
I'm gonna bring something up, that is. 00:22:50
You're not. I don't think it's touchy, But you know, I just saw when they were talking about food trucks at the parking lot in New 00:22:53
Mexico Tech, that parking lot they've got, we've got food trucks up and down the street here. 00:22:58
Those food trucks are. 00:23:05
As opposed to, say, a restaurant that pays property tax, they have a building to maintain. 00:23:08
And the. 00:23:14
I I just, I'm, I'm going to present to the council that we need to work on perhaps doing a little more of a vendor fee for people 00:23:16
to just set up a food truck on somebody'd lot. 00:23:22
Really do business. Where are restaurants that are building based? 00:23:30
Have to do all this other stuff. 00:23:35
And not get the benefit of not having to pay property tax and not having to, you know, I don't even know how we follow the gross 00:23:37
receipts and accounting on those, but I'm just, I'm going to work on trying to bring an ordinance. 00:23:43
To the to the council to see if we can't have. 00:23:50
Accountability, I guess, is the word from the food trucks. I know it's the it's the thing to do have a food truck area and all 00:23:57
that, but it does take away from people who have restaurants. 00:24:03
That are actually building based pay property. 00:24:09
Are getting audited by state sometimes for their gross receip. 00:24:13
As compared to, say, an attenuant who just start sets up and then leaves and so that's one of the things that I think I really 00:24:18
want to approach. 00:24:22
You know, I'm not sure what the council thinks, Mr. Hicks. Mr. Mayor, I think that's an excellent idea. I was up in Denver, not or 00:24:27
Colorado not too long ago. 00:24:31
And they were parking in the same parking lot as the restaurants. 00:24:36
You know some of the towns they have. 00:24:40
A side street and they were parking in the side street in front of the restaurants. 00:24:44
I mean, she's got one right next door to Deborah, and I agree it's not really fair. 00:24:49
To the people that are paying that expensive overhead, have someone come in with a little bitty overhead, not paying everything 00:24:56
and have. 00:25:01
Get a cheaper rate, but they don't pass that on. I mean, I just, I think we need to protect our people. 00:25:06
And I understand a bunch of from town too. And they're great for the food is great, everything's fine. I'm just, I think there's 00:25:13
needs to be more accountability and the same thing for a vendor who just sets up and selling flags or carpets or whatever. I think 00:25:20
it's important to have accountability for them as far as there are the paying gross receipts. 00:25:27
And what's happening with the with the people that are that, the land that they're? 00:25:34
So I just want to throw it out. 00:25:40
Normally have an inspection done before they can get the license, that sort of thing. 00:25:44
But there are a lot of people that are advertising that they'll deliver, so you have to wonder where they're cooking. 00:25:49
So that's the. 00:25:54
Well, order and find out. 00:25:56
Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm headed at. I'm saying, you know, again, it's not to discourage entrepreneurship, it's not to 00:26:01
discourage the amount of money people put into these vans and trucks, which is tremendous. Their food is good. But I think on a 00:26:06
city point of view, I think we have to make sure that that everybody's held accountable. But that's that's part of old business. 00:26:12
But that's what I brought it up. 00:26:17
Executive. 00:26:22
And. 00:26:25
Mr. Fleming always helping me out. 00:26:27
A personnel. 00:26:30
We've got Desiree Smith Senior Center. Temporary part time to permanent 837 Ashley Lower Senior Center. Temporary to permanent De 00:26:32
La Costa resignation at the Senior Center. Audrey Romero resignation at the Senior Center. 00:26:41
There's a motion to do the personnel changes as presented. 00:26:49
Movement seconded on Phil Aye. We have WNM Communications, Enterprise Rd. Daniel Messler, Internet and Phone Service. 00:26:53
United Parcel Service, you know, I don't know if you've noticed that there used to just be three or four trucks or there's like 00:27:02
about 10-11 trucks, not UPS at South Airport frontage Rd. Rick Bishop package transportation and they don't take. 00:27:09
How do you get your UPS package to them? 00:27:16
I think. 00:27:19
If you have a label, you can take it to the tech post office. 00:27:22
The tech post office, not at the UPS center. 00:27:26
Yeah. 00:27:31
I may not be able to go to Hayes, but that's OK. Clocks and stuff. C2511 Park Philippe Relax Clocks in pictures and crafts. 00:27:33
OK. The business registration that's presented. 00:27:46
Discussion all in favor. 00:27:49
Well, there you go, Joe. We made it with almost 30 minutes. 00:27:53
We are adjourned till Tuesday, December ninet. 00:27:58
Hey, you still there to be on the 19th? 00:28:04
You're here. One more. 00:28:08
On the 19th, I'll still shake your hand. 00:28:10
Believe it has been an honor. 00:28:13
We're going to give you some. 00:28:15
Bring it down a lighting. 00:28:21
scroll up