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Council meeting Tuesday, September 20. 00:00:01
Mayor Basket. 00:00:04
Councillor Chavez Lopez, Councillor Dean. 00:00:06
Councillor Fleming, Councillor Hicks. 00:00:09
Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:12
Councillor Oguin. 00:00:15
Councillor Romero here Councillor Saloman. 00:00:16
We have a quorum. 00:00:19
Device and budget. 00:00:21
Having young ladies hats. 00:00:23
The leader talking to performance. 00:00:25
Just one. 00:00:29
I graduated. 00:00:32
One day. 00:00:39
100. 00:00:40
And then the other thing is. 00:00:41
Pardon. 00:00:46
Mr. Mayor. 00:00:51
Well, we approve the 10th agenda. 00:00:53
You can. 00:00:55
Aye. 00:01:00
Alright. 00:01:01
We've got support County Fair royalty. 00:01:03
Here looking to introduce him. 00:01:06
So yes, but I'm going to introduce their. 00:01:09
Committee Mary Ellen's gone. Be honest. 00:01:13
She is awesome with the kids, she. 00:01:16
Help child get up. 00:01:20
To help train them. Congratulations. She was there every night helping all the kids. 00:01:22
And Anita Ritter was with the Fair. There's two different. 00:01:27
Categories. There's the rodeo and then there's the fair. 00:01:31
So Anita Ritter was the Committee for the Fair and Mary Allen was for. 00:01:35
The Rodeo. 00:01:41
And we wanted to introduce you to all the kids. They worked hard. 00:01:43
I mean, all of them are winners in our book. 00:01:47
So we can start off with our queen, the our fair queen. 00:01:49
You wanna come and introduce yourself and? 00:01:54
Yeah, right there. 00:01:58
Hi, I'm Melissa. Adam Rosas. I'm the 2023 Socorro County Fair. 00:02:00
And rodeo fair equine. 00:02:06
Congratulations. 00:02:08
Really. You wanna? You wanna induce the other ladies? 00:02:13
And speak out. 00:02:21
Mr. X. 00:02:24
Yeah, come up again and tell us what you did for your free time. 00:02:26
Oh, she was fair enough. Free time. 00:02:32
Um, so for my free time, I just practice my speech and? 00:02:35
Really practice on what I was going to say for my demonstration. My demonstration was about my show pigs, so. 00:02:40
I worked on them as well. 00:02:46
And I just focused on school and cheerleading and wrestling, and that's about it. Wrestling. Wow. 00:02:48
What's your horses name? 00:02:54
My horse's name is 2 Guns. 00:02:56
Two guns. 00:02:59
Two guns, two guns, 2 guns. 00:03:00
Great. Well, Congrats again. 00:03:03
And that's at the State Fair. 00:03:08
Greg well. 00:03:10
Thank you so much to you. Thank you. 00:03:12
And then you had other people that were involved. 00:03:14
Yeah. 00:03:17
Together. 00:03:18
To the second up. 00:03:19
Hi, I'm Julissa and I'm the 2023 Coral County Rodeo Princess. 00:03:23
You know, Councillor Hicks made a little step for them if they want to step up and pull that step out. 00:03:33
Come on. 00:03:43
I rode my horse almost every night. 00:03:50
And practice modeling and my speech. 00:03:53
Great. That's terrific. 00:03:57
The horse I rode he was borrowed, so his name was Newt, but my horses name is Bugsy. 00:04:01
And what's your What was your speech about? 00:04:07
My speech was about my horse Bugsy. Ohh great. 00:04:10
Very nice. 00:04:14
Come on ladies, step up and tell us where you are. 00:04:17
You can both come together if you want both of them. 00:04:20
Isn't there? 00:04:23
Rodeo Christmas. 00:04:24
Sweetheart, sorry. Hi. Hi. I'm Addison Travis Atlas and I ran for Socorro County Rodeo. 00:04:26
Sweetheart and. 00:04:36
Hello and. 00:04:38
And they wanted to say thank you, Mayor, for letting us borrow the rodeo enough for practice. That was great. 00:04:43
Glad you guys did that and you had a horse also. 00:04:49
Yeah. What was your horse's name? She was borrowed. Also, her name was Vanilla and but my horse, her name is Gwendy. 00:04:52
Great. Well, congratulations. Thank you. 00:05:03
Next we have Lexi. 00:05:10
Hello, my name is Lexie. I am the sweetheart runner up. 00:05:16
Yeah. 00:05:21
Destiny wait. Leslie. Leslie. Leslie, Leslie. Come back up there. 00:05:21
So. 00:05:26
What? What? Tell me what a sweetheart is. I I know what a sweetheart is. But what's a sweetheart in County Fair? 00:05:27
I did a demonstration about my guilt. 00:05:36
Ohh great God, congratulations. What's your name? Mine. God's name is Nanny. 00:05:38
Nanny. Nanny. Does he have four or five feet? 00:05:43
4. 00:05:47
Did you do any good writing? 00:05:51
No, no, no. OK, I'm mutton busting, whatever they call it. Yeah, mutton busting. 00:05:54
No, no, no. OK. Alright. Well, congratulations. Great. 00:05:59
Next we have Emmy. 00:06:06
Hi, my name is Emiliano. 00:06:15
My name is Mariana and I ran for Rodeo Sweetheart. 00:06:18
Congratulations. 00:06:25
Yeah, but yours is there, Jasper. 00:06:27
No, I borrowed them. 00:06:31
Good, good. Worse there. 00:06:33
And that's. 00:06:35
Traffic experience. You're gonna do it again next year. 00:06:36
Well. 00:06:39
Yeah. Good for you. Great. Thank you. 00:06:39
Next is Harley. 00:06:46
Ohh, hello and I'm Harley. You're very and eight years old and I did the Clark County Fair. 00:06:50
And my. 00:07:00
Demonstration was what I run for Rodeo. 00:07:01
My patterns for rodeo with my horse. 00:07:06
And my speech was about these and the importance of pollinating. Wow. 00:07:10
Lightning. 00:07:20
Going big horse? No, he's kind of like a medium size ohh. 00:07:24
How about that hat? Where does that hat come from? 00:07:30
That you had. 00:07:34
At your head. 00:07:36
Nice. 00:07:37
All right. 00:07:39
Good job. 00:07:41
Sometimes on the way back I just gets excited and starts to buzz. 00:07:42
For you. 00:07:49
Next we have Cody. 00:07:52
Hi, my name is Cody. 00:08:00
And I'm six years old. 00:08:03
And. 00:08:08
You ride a horse. 00:08:10
Also. 00:08:12
What kind is a quarter horse or? 00:08:13
What kind of horse do you ride? Is it? 00:08:16
Big horse, little horse, medium size. 00:08:18
OK. 00:08:23
Ohh wow. Congratulations. 00:08:24
Are good for you. Well, you're you're. 00:08:27
Really brave just coming up here, but I know what you do at the Rodeo Arena. That's really brave. 00:08:30
Congratulations. Yeah. Great. 00:08:35
Thank you. 00:08:38
How about, how about a quick picture with all of the ladies and the council? Come on up here and we'll. 00:08:42
We'll get a nice. 00:08:47
Picture. 00:08:49
Will stand up and. 00:08:50
Maybe you can move over here, turn around for the camera there. 00:08:52
And. 00:08:56
You want to stage it? Let's like that, Mary. Come on. 00:08:58
Come on, Ohh, I'm not dressed. Well, we're not. 00:09:00
Marianne. 00:09:07
Little tighter. 00:09:08
Yeah. 00:09:11
And I brought our hat. 00:09:15
Yeah. 00:09:17
Well, thank you for sharing. 00:09:20
Mr. Mayor, I'd like to also thank you very much for letting us use the arena. 00:09:26
For these girls to practice, it made a big difference and. 00:09:31
Thank you guys for having us here and I think we're really proud of her arena, but the the big thing is the tradition that 00:09:35
hopefully. 00:09:38
These kids are gonna carry on with the rodeo and. 00:09:42
And and that outdoor life that they have and I think it made a difference because of how they come into the arena. 00:09:45
So they practiced every other day. 00:09:51
And it was nice. So when they not like a brand new thing for the horses or anything, they come in. But the kids really liked it 00:09:54
and I and I hope that they can. 00:09:58
She said some practices that you know during the the year for yourselves, you're welcome to use. That's what the arenas for. 00:10:03
I think that's something they really would be great. 00:10:10
Thank you. Great. Well, thank you. 00:10:12
But. 00:10:14
And you guys can go if you want. You don't have to stick with them. 00:10:19
You don't have to stay through the whole. 00:10:24
Meeting here. 00:10:26
But again, thanks for coming. 00:10:27
Thank you. 00:10:28
In. 00:10:32
No one. 00:10:34
Gordon. 00:10:37
When the green. 00:10:39
Ohh, she got she got it. 00:10:41
Then they put the microphone. 00:10:43
Donald. 00:10:48
He went to Mary Ellen. 00:10:49
Cool. 00:10:52
Anybody else that's not on the agenda would like to say something at the. 00:11:04
Public forum. 00:11:09
We have the new editor of the El Defensor Chieftain. You want to come in and push yourself to the Council that way. 00:11:12
Well, I'll know. 00:11:18
When you are in. 00:11:20
Hi everyone, my name is Jessica Carranza and I'm the new editor. I'm from Magdalena and so you guys are stuck with me one way or 00:11:23
another. 00:11:28
I apologize. So that's OK. I'm sure we're going to see more Magdalena news now and yeah. 00:11:35
I'm trying not to be biased. OK, so. 00:11:40
But you might see some Magdalena stuff and it's pleasure to be here. 00:11:43
Sorry, welcome. You're welcome. Thank you. 00:11:47
OK, Anyone else? I'm not on the agenda. 00:11:54
We've got discussion and deliberation Evergreen Area, Spring Street Grant agreement, we're finally coming around. 00:11:58
To getting sewers in the whole city. 00:12:06
This is the last leg. 00:12:09
So Donald, you want to tell us a little bit about it? I'll make the motion to approve. I'll make a motion to approve CWSRF. 00:12:11
Number 0129. 00:12:18
So moved and seconded down. Just a little synopsis and Mr. Mayor, yes, this is to. 00:12:22
Extend from. 00:12:27
From where we are West of by Pine St. around the loop and down back down back to Evergreen and reconnect after the loop out by the 00:12:29
Fire Academy. 00:12:33
We actually let this. 00:12:37
Contract previously. 00:12:39
To Denise Engineering. They were the only ones that bid on it, but we had some dates wrong on the contract, so the state sent it 00:12:41
back to us to reissue. 00:12:44
So moved and seconded. All in favor. Aye, opposed. 00:12:49
Disposition of the fixed assets Mr. Again, make a motion. We approve resolution #23-09-05A. 00:12:53
2nd. 00:13:01
Moved and seconded. Anything Donald you want, anybody want to point out or? 00:13:02
Yeah, that's that's one vehicle that. 00:13:07
Yeah, was destroyed by a fire, and the others are three pumps out at the. 00:13:10
They're just sitting there. 00:13:16
And. 00:13:17
Go, Melendres. 00:13:19
Kind of went around and. 00:13:20
People have been interested in other companies, so we're putting them. They kind of. 00:13:22
He kind of bit him out, so you need to get rid of him before he could do that. 00:13:27
Move to seconded All in favor aye IRP on the Senior Center Mayor Mr. Ogeen make a motion to approve resolution #23-09-05B. 00:13:33
Donald Yes Sir, This is, it's the same process as. 00:13:45
We did further city municipal ICP. However the Senior Center has its own separate IC IP, so we need a separate resolution to 00:13:49
approve that and we have the list of projects in the packets. 00:13:55
Mr. Mr. Rogan Yeah, though so just pretty much answered my question. It doesn't affect our current CIP. It's all separate. Yes, 00:14:01
Sir. 00:14:04
And I have to say, Linda Morris and the company over there are doing a great job, a little bit of a problem going out to Vegeta. 00:14:08
They're getting more and more. 00:14:15
Need out there. I'm hoping the county steps up perhaps a little bit. 00:14:17
But we're doing home deliveries out there in the in the 60 or 70 range. 00:14:20
That's a lot of work for them, so I just want to congratulate Linda for the job she's doing. 00:14:25
Moved and seconded all in favor. 00:14:31
And then there's a DFA Law Enforcement Fund grant. 00:14:34
Yes. 00:14:37
See you. 00:14:43
Nine second so moved and seconded the DFA. 00:14:46
Well, Angel. 00:14:51
Chief. 00:14:52
You want to tell us what's going on with the grant and what you've done so far with your people that you hired? 00:14:53
Yeah. 00:14:58
7 right? 00:15:02
Seven people under that grant. 00:15:04
We have one that has graduated from the Academy. 00:15:06
We hired one that was certified. 00:15:09
And I have four more going now in January. 00:15:11
To the Academy. 00:15:14
One in the Academy right now as well, but this is a $500,000 grant or? 00:15:16
This is. 00:15:21
This. 00:15:23
Yeah. 00:15:24
757 hundred $50,000 grant. 00:15:25
This year it's 225. 00:15:29
$1000. 00:15:31
Right. 00:15:33
And then next year I'll go down I think to like 120. 00:15:34
35 something like that. 00:15:37
Everybody's Any questions from the chief? 00:15:40
Thank you, Angel moved and seconded. All in favor. Opposed. 00:15:43
OK, Old business. 00:15:49
Mr. Romero. 00:15:54
What's this? The fanciful tale? The property as we were able to the city. Now we own that property. 00:15:56
Yeah, we've cleaned it up. 00:16:03
Somebody said put a bunch of sands on it and. 00:16:05
Make a little motel because the sign still up. 00:16:08
But that's what it is, yeah. 00:16:11
That's really hard to go this weekend. 00:16:12
I know Mr. Matthew. Is he here? 00:16:15
No. Well, give us an rundown on the County Fair and your. 00:16:17
Quilt show and all that. I think everybody would like to. 00:16:21
Now a little bit about it. 00:16:24
And what's coming up next? Yes, so the County Fair went great. 00:16:28
Both nights closed the capacity. I think Saturday we were at capacity. 00:16:33
Umm. 00:16:37
Great. So we had the bar open both nights as well. 00:16:38
We had the show, The favorite arts skilled in the Convention Center. 00:16:42
All week I believe they see about 300 people. 00:16:46
Um, maybe even more than that to. 00:16:50
Look at all that artwork. So yeah, there was a nice flow coming from old fairgrounds to the Convention Center and. 00:16:53
Down to the pro audio so. 00:17:01
You've got the power coming up. I don't know if you do that or Steve does, but so Steve is helping Mr. Frame. 00:17:03
Organize all that. But that is happening on Saturday, this weekend, this weekend, so. 00:17:09
The event is going from sun up to sundown is what the flyer says so. 00:17:15
That will be happening on Saturday and then the weekend after. 00:17:21
September 15th and 16th? That'll be Sakura Fest on the pizza so. 00:17:25
No, that's. 00:17:31
You're on. 00:17:37
Thank you. 00:17:39
On the 29th at 10:30. 00:17:40
And ask. 00:17:43
Gone is OK if we had him here in the meeting held here at City Hall. 00:17:44
He said what wasn't just yet, but also they won't go out. Look at the Rodeo arena. 00:17:49
So is there any way around noon we can I call you, maybe they could come over and look at it? 00:17:54
Yeah, so they want to stop at the chambers and then councillor who who? I didn't quite hear who that? Central council, government. 00:18:00
Ohh OK great. 00:18:04
The RPO, yeah, yeah. 00:18:08
Yeah. 00:18:10
And we've got the answer, the county administrators coming. 00:18:11
On the 29th. 00:18:15
Yes, yes. 00:18:16
So that they're they're gonna be down there. 00:18:18
And and then we have a big meeting with the school board. 00:18:20
Hospital and New Mexico Tech at the Convention Center on the 18th. 00:18:23
To give them an idea of how we're. 00:18:27
Rolling out the municipal electrical complex out there. 00:18:30
Are we invited to that and how we handling the You are invited, we've made a notice that the council may be there. 00:18:37
And so that a quorum may be there and so you're definitely invited. That would, I would hope the whole council comes and listens 00:18:44
to because we're going to have Luis Suarez. 00:18:48
Who is the Kit Carson manager? 00:18:54
He had a big article in the newspaper about a week and a half ago about how he's free of tri-state and how they did it. 00:18:56
We're gonna have a. 00:19:02
Jeff Hyde, who is the Guzman representative who provides the power. 00:19:04
We have thinly engineering, John Lester. 00:19:09
Who is the main person with that? And then we have a gentleman by the name of Sam Lipman who's doing the solar. 00:19:12
And did I miss anybody? Hopefully Nan will be there, a lawyer and they'd raise and address our financial. Mr. Campo. Yeah. What 00:19:18
time was that? A. 00:19:22
530 is when the school board meets. 00:19:27
So it actually will be on the school board agenda. 00:19:29
As as a presentation. 00:19:33
So they made it 530 and the advertisements mentioning that the poor might be present should come out this Thursday, next Thursday. 00:19:36
And we hopefully the public will come out. 00:19:43
It'll be a big. 00:19:46
Reveal of. 00:19:48
The credibility and the confidence we have in rolling this out. 00:19:50
And the principles will be there. 00:19:54
And these principles are also involved in Aztec NM. 00:19:56
That they're doing electrification. 00:20:00
And in Bloomfield, NM. 00:20:02
And so, and then they and another thing they've been. 00:20:04
Working with in the Colorado is La Plata Coop and they've been working with them. 00:20:08
And they'll make a point of. 00:20:14
Talking about the other coops. 00:20:16
Delta, Montrose and Southern Colorado. 00:20:18
Who left? tri-state. 00:20:21
And then the billion dollar company in Denver called United Power. 00:20:23
Just leaving tri-state. 00:20:26
And they'll give you a background on what's happening. 00:20:28
And what's what's in the future if we don't do something now? 00:20:30
Mr. Mayor, Mr. State. 00:20:35
Conference for the American missionary. They got up and talked to us about the punch, about the same thing. 00:20:38
Get Carson and lot of state or cities around. 00:20:44
About 30 something and they were just. 00:20:48
Shocked. 00:20:51
Anyway, ohh, there, there. I didn't know that, did you? Shocked at the score got tied in for 40 years? Yeah. 00:20:52
Yeah. 00:20:59
And and we should send our condolences to the Bill Richardson. 00:21:00
Family as the governor, he helped us a lot here in. 00:21:03
Socorro. 00:21:07
I guess the the services are on Thursday. 00:21:09
And so and and and and. 00:21:12
The Saint Francis Assisi Chapel in Santa Fe. 00:21:15
So I think it would be appropriate if we sent. 00:21:19
Our well wishes from the. 00:21:22
Council and the mayor. 00:21:24
Anyone else? 00:21:26
We're getting the three dump trucks that are CNG next week. 00:21:27
You might want to look into that where we get into the garbage trucks finally. It's a year late, but that's when we'll be getting 00:21:31
it. 00:21:34
Any other comments from the department directors? Thanks for coming. 00:21:38
Chelsea, who's leading the foot parade? 00:21:42
You know who's got the most steps? 00:21:46
Is it Michael Stereo? 00:21:50
Really already go like that? 00:21:53
How many have you got? 00:21:56
1015 thousand a day. 00:22:00
What are you doing? I never see you walking at the landfill. I know. Where are you walking? 00:22:03
He's walking at the fair. 00:22:08
Don't play anything from Animal Control or. 00:22:13
Here how's your dispatch? 00:22:16
The. 00:22:23
Delete. 00:22:26
So they transport them for $22.00. 00:22:27
So it's. 00:22:31
Bringing up a little bit, but not very long. And then at this point we're just having one of the AC's prepared in the back. 00:22:32
And other than that, we just have the one personality that we're waiting on. 00:22:40
Play. 00:22:45
Yeah. 00:22:47
Anyone else? 00:22:48
OK, I know everybody in a hurry to go, but let's. 00:22:50
Let's do personnel matters. 00:22:53
Mr. Fleming. 00:22:56
Going to help me out. 00:22:58
There's a bunch of. 00:23:01
What's going on here? 00:23:04
Lot of salary adjustments. 00:23:07
I want to read them all. 00:23:09
OK, Raul Contreras temporary department really grounds a 38. 00:23:11
Caitlin Garza Police Administrative Assistant New Hire. Justin Aldrich of Fire Lieutenant. Salary adjustment. 00:23:16
Mario. Mario. Far Captain. 00:23:24
Charlie just went Jedi Angel, Fire Lieutenants and Judgment. Lawrence Barker. 00:23:26
Lawrence Backup, our chief salary adjustment. You make more than $15.00 an hour, don't you? 00:23:31
You're getting a salary. Just one, too. 00:23:36
Simon Costello, Costello. 00:23:39
Osteo. 00:23:41
Fire. So I was just with Steven on salary adjustment. Berto Lucero salary adjustment. 00:23:42
Antonio Munoz Salary adjustment. 00:23:47
Yeah, particular fire. McMichael, Padilla fire. Thomas, Padilla, fire. We're we're, we've been. 00:23:50
We are. 00:23:56
In a competition with the rest of the state. 00:23:57
Of fire and police and everybody else including sewer. 00:24:00
So we are trying to make sure that everybody is making a minimum. 00:24:05
And that's something we did in the cities $15.00 an hour and some of these salaries just once served for that. 00:24:09
Plus some of the other stuff. Leo Patterson. 00:24:15
Fireworks are just from Gabriel, so Silverado salary just went Hobbs. Straus salary just from Clara Reyes. 00:24:18
Administrative ASHEAR Temporary to permanent mailing Alonzo. 00:24:25
Are available promotion to office manager. 00:24:30
Maria Hamill. 00:24:32
Administration. 00:24:34
Promotion to account payable clerk Jeanette Lukash. Natural position change. 00:24:35
Your idea dispatched completion of the Academy. Andrew Garcia video. 00:24:40
Completion at the Academy and Jeanette Architec completing Academy just for dispatch. Congratulations, there are two groups of 00:24:44
getting these guys done. 00:24:48
And then I got your pen, Is a resignation at the administration? 00:24:52
And that's it. 00:24:57
Huh. 00:25:00
Mr. Salami. 00:25:01
Oh. 00:25:02
Death. 00:25:05
Mr. Mayor, Cloudiness seconded discussion all in favor. 00:25:06
Now we've got a Smokehouse Smoke Local LLC that Mister Barlow. 00:25:11
You are. 00:25:16
Dimensionally, you'd skip the job descriptions. 00:25:17
Ohh OK. 00:25:23
Not my fault. 00:25:24
The job description. 00:25:26
For the. 00:25:27
You know, you could tell me about it since you brought it up. It's a Fire Chief, is that right? All these job descriptions. 00:25:30
They're just kept in far enough, yeah, they're just just to fit into their range with those salary adjustments, it was showing 00:25:39
that director of any known. 00:25:44
What is 7 job descriptions are that's that was the basis for the changes yeah fire department if if. 00:25:50
If you. 00:25:58
Pardon my admission, would like for you to agree the. 00:26:00
The. 00:26:06
Job description changes. 00:26:07
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Stallone, I'll make a motion to approve those second moved and seconded discussion. 00:26:09
On favor, I I apologize for that. 00:26:15
OK. Business. 00:26:18
The. 00:26:20
Patricia Padilla. 00:26:21
Out of town transient member Agua Frescas. 00:26:23
And Smokehouse Smoke Local. 00:26:26
Here we go. 00:26:29
Jake Peters, Is this a new one? 00:26:31
One just closed and another one open. 00:26:34
For which one host? 00:26:36
Goldberg Stop. 00:26:38
Ohh, they closed the shortstop and this guy is the same as it moved into there. 00:26:40
No, he's at the gas station at Spring in California. 00:26:45
They're about to open. Used to be Larrys. Well, when you're saying when you're saying smokehouse, you're not eating BBQ. 00:26:50
No. 00:26:57
And and I mean, I mean wish you were, but I mean, I mean gummies and gummies and. 00:27:00
And the whatever that stuff is called Motown. 00:27:05
Well, you know what's strange? They don't say they say cannabis, but everybody knows it as marijuana. I've never seen a sign of 00:27:09
any of these seven scores that are up there, says marijuana and everybody knew it. 00:27:15
Marijuana. 00:27:21
That's kind of it's OK. It's kind of. 00:27:23
Well this is this is another one so I guess. 00:27:25
I I mean, the council will have to maybe sometime think about how many can come into town, but for now. 00:27:31
Those are the two businesses. 00:27:38
Mr. Better. 00:27:40
Make a motion move the business registration. Mr. Hicks moved and seconded. 00:27:43
Discussion. 00:27:49
All in favor, aye, opposed. 00:27:50
Thank you very much. Have a good one. 00:27:53
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Yeah. 00:27:56
And. 00:27:58
28 1/2 minutes Mr. login. 00:27:59
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Council meeting Tuesday, September 20. 00:00:01
Mayor Basket. 00:00:04
Councillor Chavez Lopez, Councillor Dean. 00:00:06
Councillor Fleming, Councillor Hicks. 00:00:09
Councillor Ocampo. 00:00:12
Councillor Oguin. 00:00:15
Councillor Romero here Councillor Saloman. 00:00:16
We have a quorum. 00:00:19
Device and budget. 00:00:21
Having young ladies hats. 00:00:23
The leader talking to performance. 00:00:25
Just one. 00:00:29
I graduated. 00:00:32
One day. 00:00:39
100. 00:00:40
And then the other thing is. 00:00:41
Pardon. 00:00:46
Mr. Mayor. 00:00:51
Well, we approve the 10th agenda. 00:00:53
You can. 00:00:55
Aye. 00:01:00
Alright. 00:01:01
We've got support County Fair royalty. 00:01:03
Here looking to introduce him. 00:01:06
So yes, but I'm going to introduce their. 00:01:09
Committee Mary Ellen's gone. Be honest. 00:01:13
She is awesome with the kids, she. 00:01:16
Help child get up. 00:01:20
To help train them. Congratulations. She was there every night helping all the kids. 00:01:22
And Anita Ritter was with the Fair. There's two different. 00:01:27
Categories. There's the rodeo and then there's the fair. 00:01:31
So Anita Ritter was the Committee for the Fair and Mary Allen was for. 00:01:35
The Rodeo. 00:01:41
And we wanted to introduce you to all the kids. They worked hard. 00:01:43
I mean, all of them are winners in our book. 00:01:47
So we can start off with our queen, the our fair queen. 00:01:49
You wanna come and introduce yourself and? 00:01:54
Yeah, right there. 00:01:58
Hi, I'm Melissa. Adam Rosas. I'm the 2023 Socorro County Fair. 00:02:00
And rodeo fair equine. 00:02:06
Congratulations. 00:02:08
Really. You wanna? You wanna induce the other ladies? 00:02:13
And speak out. 00:02:21
Mr. X. 00:02:24
Yeah, come up again and tell us what you did for your free time. 00:02:26
Oh, she was fair enough. Free time. 00:02:32
Um, so for my free time, I just practice my speech and? 00:02:35
Really practice on what I was going to say for my demonstration. My demonstration was about my show pigs, so. 00:02:40
I worked on them as well. 00:02:46
And I just focused on school and cheerleading and wrestling, and that's about it. Wrestling. Wow. 00:02:48
What's your horses name? 00:02:54
My horse's name is 2 Guns. 00:02:56
Two guns. 00:02:59
Two guns, two guns, 2 guns. 00:03:00
Great. Well, Congrats again. 00:03:03
And that's at the State Fair. 00:03:08
Greg well. 00:03:10
Thank you so much to you. Thank you. 00:03:12
And then you had other people that were involved. 00:03:14
Yeah. 00:03:17
Together. 00:03:18
To the second up. 00:03:19
Hi, I'm Julissa and I'm the 2023 Coral County Rodeo Princess. 00:03:23
You know, Councillor Hicks made a little step for them if they want to step up and pull that step out. 00:03:33
Come on. 00:03:43
I rode my horse almost every night. 00:03:50
And practice modeling and my speech. 00:03:53
Great. That's terrific. 00:03:57
The horse I rode he was borrowed, so his name was Newt, but my horses name is Bugsy. 00:04:01
And what's your What was your speech about? 00:04:07
My speech was about my horse Bugsy. Ohh great. 00:04:10
Very nice. 00:04:14
Come on ladies, step up and tell us where you are. 00:04:17
You can both come together if you want both of them. 00:04:20
Isn't there? 00:04:23
Rodeo Christmas. 00:04:24
Sweetheart, sorry. Hi. Hi. I'm Addison Travis Atlas and I ran for Socorro County Rodeo. 00:04:26
Sweetheart and. 00:04:36
Hello and. 00:04:38
And they wanted to say thank you, Mayor, for letting us borrow the rodeo enough for practice. That was great. 00:04:43
Glad you guys did that and you had a horse also. 00:04:49
Yeah. What was your horse's name? She was borrowed. Also, her name was Vanilla and but my horse, her name is Gwendy. 00:04:52
Great. Well, congratulations. Thank you. 00:05:03
Next we have Lexi. 00:05:10
Hello, my name is Lexie. I am the sweetheart runner up. 00:05:16
Yeah. 00:05:21
Destiny wait. Leslie. Leslie. Leslie, Leslie. Come back up there. 00:05:21
So. 00:05:26
What? What? Tell me what a sweetheart is. I I know what a sweetheart is. But what's a sweetheart in County Fair? 00:05:27
I did a demonstration about my guilt. 00:05:36
Ohh great God, congratulations. What's your name? Mine. God's name is Nanny. 00:05:38
Nanny. Nanny. Does he have four or five feet? 00:05:43
4. 00:05:47
Did you do any good writing? 00:05:51
No, no, no. OK, I'm mutton busting, whatever they call it. Yeah, mutton busting. 00:05:54
No, no, no. OK. Alright. Well, congratulations. Great. 00:05:59
Next we have Emmy. 00:06:06
Hi, my name is Emiliano. 00:06:15
My name is Mariana and I ran for Rodeo Sweetheart. 00:06:18
Congratulations. 00:06:25
Yeah, but yours is there, Jasper. 00:06:27
No, I borrowed them. 00:06:31
Good, good. Worse there. 00:06:33
And that's. 00:06:35
Traffic experience. You're gonna do it again next year. 00:06:36
Well. 00:06:39
Yeah. Good for you. Great. Thank you. 00:06:39
Next is Harley. 00:06:46
Ohh, hello and I'm Harley. You're very and eight years old and I did the Clark County Fair. 00:06:50
And my. 00:07:00
Demonstration was what I run for Rodeo. 00:07:01
My patterns for rodeo with my horse. 00:07:06
And my speech was about these and the importance of pollinating. Wow. 00:07:10
Lightning. 00:07:20
Going big horse? No, he's kind of like a medium size ohh. 00:07:24
How about that hat? Where does that hat come from? 00:07:30
That you had. 00:07:34
At your head. 00:07:36
Nice. 00:07:37
All right. 00:07:39
Good job. 00:07:41
Sometimes on the way back I just gets excited and starts to buzz. 00:07:42
For you. 00:07:49
Next we have Cody. 00:07:52
Hi, my name is Cody. 00:08:00
And I'm six years old. 00:08:03
And. 00:08:08
You ride a horse. 00:08:10
Also. 00:08:12
What kind is a quarter horse or? 00:08:13
What kind of horse do you ride? Is it? 00:08:16
Big horse, little horse, medium size. 00:08:18
OK. 00:08:23
Ohh wow. Congratulations. 00:08:24
Are good for you. Well, you're you're. 00:08:27
Really brave just coming up here, but I know what you do at the Rodeo Arena. That's really brave. 00:08:30
Congratulations. Yeah. Great. 00:08:35
Thank you. 00:08:38
How about, how about a quick picture with all of the ladies and the council? Come on up here and we'll. 00:08:42
We'll get a nice. 00:08:47
Picture. 00:08:49
Will stand up and. 00:08:50
Maybe you can move over here, turn around for the camera there. 00:08:52
And. 00:08:56
You want to stage it? Let's like that, Mary. Come on. 00:08:58
Come on, Ohh, I'm not dressed. Well, we're not. 00:09:00
Marianne. 00:09:07
Little tighter. 00:09:08
Yeah. 00:09:11
And I brought our hat. 00:09:15
Yeah. 00:09:17
Well, thank you for sharing. 00:09:20
Mr. Mayor, I'd like to also thank you very much for letting us use the arena. 00:09:26
For these girls to practice, it made a big difference and. 00:09:31
Thank you guys for having us here and I think we're really proud of her arena, but the the big thing is the tradition that 00:09:35
hopefully. 00:09:38
These kids are gonna carry on with the rodeo and. 00:09:42
And and that outdoor life that they have and I think it made a difference because of how they come into the arena. 00:09:45
So they practiced every other day. 00:09:51
And it was nice. So when they not like a brand new thing for the horses or anything, they come in. But the kids really liked it 00:09:54
and I and I hope that they can. 00:09:58
She said some practices that you know during the the year for yourselves, you're welcome to use. That's what the arenas for. 00:10:03
I think that's something they really would be great. 00:10:10
Thank you. Great. Well, thank you. 00:10:12
But. 00:10:14
And you guys can go if you want. You don't have to stick with them. 00:10:19
You don't have to stay through the whole. 00:10:24
Meeting here. 00:10:26
But again, thanks for coming. 00:10:27
Thank you. 00:10:28
In. 00:10:32
No one. 00:10:34
Gordon. 00:10:37
When the green. 00:10:39
Ohh, she got she got it. 00:10:41
Then they put the microphone. 00:10:43
Donald. 00:10:48
He went to Mary Ellen. 00:10:49
Cool. 00:10:52
Anybody else that's not on the agenda would like to say something at the. 00:11:04
Public forum. 00:11:09
We have the new editor of the El Defensor Chieftain. You want to come in and push yourself to the Council that way. 00:11:12
Well, I'll know. 00:11:18
When you are in. 00:11:20
Hi everyone, my name is Jessica Carranza and I'm the new editor. I'm from Magdalena and so you guys are stuck with me one way or 00:11:23
another. 00:11:28
I apologize. So that's OK. I'm sure we're going to see more Magdalena news now and yeah. 00:11:35
I'm trying not to be biased. OK, so. 00:11:40
But you might see some Magdalena stuff and it's pleasure to be here. 00:11:43
Sorry, welcome. You're welcome. Thank you. 00:11:47
OK, Anyone else? I'm not on the agenda. 00:11:54
We've got discussion and deliberation Evergreen Area, Spring Street Grant agreement, we're finally coming around. 00:11:58
To getting sewers in the whole city. 00:12:06
This is the last leg. 00:12:09
So Donald, you want to tell us a little bit about it? I'll make the motion to approve. I'll make a motion to approve CWSRF. 00:12:11
Number 0129. 00:12:18
So moved and seconded down. Just a little synopsis and Mr. Mayor, yes, this is to. 00:12:22
Extend from. 00:12:27
From where we are West of by Pine St. around the loop and down back down back to Evergreen and reconnect after the loop out by the 00:12:29
Fire Academy. 00:12:33
We actually let this. 00:12:37
Contract previously. 00:12:39
To Denise Engineering. They were the only ones that bid on it, but we had some dates wrong on the contract, so the state sent it 00:12:41
back to us to reissue. 00:12:44
So moved and seconded. All in favor. Aye, opposed. 00:12:49
Disposition of the fixed assets Mr. Again, make a motion. We approve resolution #23-09-05A. 00:12:53
2nd. 00:13:01
Moved and seconded. Anything Donald you want, anybody want to point out or? 00:13:02
Yeah, that's that's one vehicle that. 00:13:07
Yeah, was destroyed by a fire, and the others are three pumps out at the. 00:13:10
They're just sitting there. 00:13:16
And. 00:13:17
Go, Melendres. 00:13:19
Kind of went around and. 00:13:20
People have been interested in other companies, so we're putting them. They kind of. 00:13:22
He kind of bit him out, so you need to get rid of him before he could do that. 00:13:27
Move to seconded All in favor aye IRP on the Senior Center Mayor Mr. Ogeen make a motion to approve resolution #23-09-05B. 00:13:33
Donald Yes Sir, This is, it's the same process as. 00:13:45
We did further city municipal ICP. However the Senior Center has its own separate IC IP, so we need a separate resolution to 00:13:49
approve that and we have the list of projects in the packets. 00:13:55
Mr. Mr. Rogan Yeah, though so just pretty much answered my question. It doesn't affect our current CIP. It's all separate. Yes, 00:14:01
Sir. 00:14:04
And I have to say, Linda Morris and the company over there are doing a great job, a little bit of a problem going out to Vegeta. 00:14:08
They're getting more and more. 00:14:15
Need out there. I'm hoping the county steps up perhaps a little bit. 00:14:17
But we're doing home deliveries out there in the in the 60 or 70 range. 00:14:20
That's a lot of work for them, so I just want to congratulate Linda for the job she's doing. 00:14:25
Moved and seconded all in favor. 00:14:31
And then there's a DFA Law Enforcement Fund grant. 00:14:34
Yes. 00:14:37
See you. 00:14:43
Nine second so moved and seconded the DFA. 00:14:46
Well, Angel. 00:14:51
Chief. 00:14:52
You want to tell us what's going on with the grant and what you've done so far with your people that you hired? 00:14:53
Yeah. 00:14:58
7 right? 00:15:02
Seven people under that grant. 00:15:04
We have one that has graduated from the Academy. 00:15:06
We hired one that was certified. 00:15:09
And I have four more going now in January. 00:15:11
To the Academy. 00:15:14
One in the Academy right now as well, but this is a $500,000 grant or? 00:15:16
This is. 00:15:21
This. 00:15:23
Yeah. 00:15:24
757 hundred $50,000 grant. 00:15:25
This year it's 225. 00:15:29
$1000. 00:15:31
Right. 00:15:33
And then next year I'll go down I think to like 120. 00:15:34
35 something like that. 00:15:37
Everybody's Any questions from the chief? 00:15:40
Thank you, Angel moved and seconded. All in favor. Opposed. 00:15:43
OK, Old business. 00:15:49
Mr. Romero. 00:15:54
What's this? The fanciful tale? The property as we were able to the city. Now we own that property. 00:15:56
Yeah, we've cleaned it up. 00:16:03
Somebody said put a bunch of sands on it and. 00:16:05
Make a little motel because the sign still up. 00:16:08
But that's what it is, yeah. 00:16:11
That's really hard to go this weekend. 00:16:12
I know Mr. Matthew. Is he here? 00:16:15
No. Well, give us an rundown on the County Fair and your. 00:16:17
Quilt show and all that. I think everybody would like to. 00:16:21
Now a little bit about it. 00:16:24
And what's coming up next? Yes, so the County Fair went great. 00:16:28
Both nights closed the capacity. I think Saturday we were at capacity. 00:16:33
Umm. 00:16:37
Great. So we had the bar open both nights as well. 00:16:38
We had the show, The favorite arts skilled in the Convention Center. 00:16:42
All week I believe they see about 300 people. 00:16:46
Um, maybe even more than that to. 00:16:50
Look at all that artwork. So yeah, there was a nice flow coming from old fairgrounds to the Convention Center and. 00:16:53
Down to the pro audio so. 00:17:01
You've got the power coming up. I don't know if you do that or Steve does, but so Steve is helping Mr. Frame. 00:17:03
Organize all that. But that is happening on Saturday, this weekend, this weekend, so. 00:17:09
The event is going from sun up to sundown is what the flyer says so. 00:17:15
That will be happening on Saturday and then the weekend after. 00:17:21
September 15th and 16th? That'll be Sakura Fest on the pizza so. 00:17:25
No, that's. 00:17:31
You're on. 00:17:37
Thank you. 00:17:39
On the 29th at 10:30. 00:17:40
And ask. 00:17:43
Gone is OK if we had him here in the meeting held here at City Hall. 00:17:44
He said what wasn't just yet, but also they won't go out. Look at the Rodeo arena. 00:17:49
So is there any way around noon we can I call you, maybe they could come over and look at it? 00:17:54
Yeah, so they want to stop at the chambers and then councillor who who? I didn't quite hear who that? Central council, government. 00:18:00
Ohh OK great. 00:18:04
The RPO, yeah, yeah. 00:18:08
Yeah. 00:18:10
And we've got the answer, the county administrators coming. 00:18:11
On the 29th. 00:18:15
Yes, yes. 00:18:16
So that they're they're gonna be down there. 00:18:18
And and then we have a big meeting with the school board. 00:18:20
Hospital and New Mexico Tech at the Convention Center on the 18th. 00:18:23
To give them an idea of how we're. 00:18:27
Rolling out the municipal electrical complex out there. 00:18:30
Are we invited to that and how we handling the You are invited, we've made a notice that the council may be there. 00:18:37
And so that a quorum may be there and so you're definitely invited. That would, I would hope the whole council comes and listens 00:18:44
to because we're going to have Luis Suarez. 00:18:48
Who is the Kit Carson manager? 00:18:54
He had a big article in the newspaper about a week and a half ago about how he's free of tri-state and how they did it. 00:18:56
We're gonna have a. 00:19:02
Jeff Hyde, who is the Guzman representative who provides the power. 00:19:04
We have thinly engineering, John Lester. 00:19:09
Who is the main person with that? And then we have a gentleman by the name of Sam Lipman who's doing the solar. 00:19:12
And did I miss anybody? Hopefully Nan will be there, a lawyer and they'd raise and address our financial. Mr. Campo. Yeah. What 00:19:18
time was that? A. 00:19:22
530 is when the school board meets. 00:19:27
So it actually will be on the school board agenda. 00:19:29
As as a presentation. 00:19:33
So they made it 530 and the advertisements mentioning that the poor might be present should come out this Thursday, next Thursday. 00:19:36
And we hopefully the public will come out. 00:19:43
It'll be a big. 00:19:46
Reveal of. 00:19:48
The credibility and the confidence we have in rolling this out. 00:19:50
And the principles will be there. 00:19:54
And these principles are also involved in Aztec NM. 00:19:56
That they're doing electrification. 00:20:00
And in Bloomfield, NM. 00:20:02
And so, and then they and another thing they've been. 00:20:04
Working with in the Colorado is La Plata Coop and they've been working with them. 00:20:08
And they'll make a point of. 00:20:14
Talking about the other coops. 00:20:16
Delta, Montrose and Southern Colorado. 00:20:18
Who left? tri-state. 00:20:21
And then the billion dollar company in Denver called United Power. 00:20:23
Just leaving tri-state. 00:20:26
And they'll give you a background on what's happening. 00:20:28
And what's what's in the future if we don't do something now? 00:20:30
Mr. Mayor, Mr. State. 00:20:35
Conference for the American missionary. They got up and talked to us about the punch, about the same thing. 00:20:38
Get Carson and lot of state or cities around. 00:20:44
About 30 something and they were just. 00:20:48
Shocked. 00:20:51
Anyway, ohh, there, there. I didn't know that, did you? Shocked at the score got tied in for 40 years? Yeah. 00:20:52
Yeah. 00:20:59
And and we should send our condolences to the Bill Richardson. 00:21:00
Family as the governor, he helped us a lot here in. 00:21:03
Socorro. 00:21:07
I guess the the services are on Thursday. 00:21:09
And so and and and and. 00:21:12
The Saint Francis Assisi Chapel in Santa Fe. 00:21:15
So I think it would be appropriate if we sent. 00:21:19
Our well wishes from the. 00:21:22
Council and the mayor. 00:21:24
Anyone else? 00:21:26
We're getting the three dump trucks that are CNG next week. 00:21:27
You might want to look into that where we get into the garbage trucks finally. It's a year late, but that's when we'll be getting 00:21:31
it. 00:21:34
Any other comments from the department directors? Thanks for coming. 00:21:38
Chelsea, who's leading the foot parade? 00:21:42
You know who's got the most steps? 00:21:46
Is it Michael Stereo? 00:21:50
Really already go like that? 00:21:53
How many have you got? 00:21:56
1015 thousand a day. 00:22:00
What are you doing? I never see you walking at the landfill. I know. Where are you walking? 00:22:03
He's walking at the fair. 00:22:08
Don't play anything from Animal Control or. 00:22:13
Here how's your dispatch? 00:22:16
The. 00:22:23
Delete. 00:22:26
So they transport them for $22.00. 00:22:27
So it's. 00:22:31
Bringing up a little bit, but not very long. And then at this point we're just having one of the AC's prepared in the back. 00:22:32
And other than that, we just have the one personality that we're waiting on. 00:22:40
Play. 00:22:45
Yeah. 00:22:47
Anyone else? 00:22:48
OK, I know everybody in a hurry to go, but let's. 00:22:50
Let's do personnel matters. 00:22:53
Mr. Fleming. 00:22:56
Going to help me out. 00:22:58
There's a bunch of. 00:23:01
What's going on here? 00:23:04
Lot of salary adjustments. 00:23:07
I want to read them all. 00:23:09
OK, Raul Contreras temporary department really grounds a 38. 00:23:11
Caitlin Garza Police Administrative Assistant New Hire. Justin Aldrich of Fire Lieutenant. Salary adjustment. 00:23:16
Mario. Mario. Far Captain. 00:23:24
Charlie just went Jedi Angel, Fire Lieutenants and Judgment. Lawrence Barker. 00:23:26
Lawrence Backup, our chief salary adjustment. You make more than $15.00 an hour, don't you? 00:23:31
You're getting a salary. Just one, too. 00:23:36
Simon Costello, Costello. 00:23:39
Osteo. 00:23:41
Fire. So I was just with Steven on salary adjustment. Berto Lucero salary adjustment. 00:23:42
Antonio Munoz Salary adjustment. 00:23:47
Yeah, particular fire. McMichael, Padilla fire. Thomas, Padilla, fire. We're we're, we've been. 00:23:50
We are. 00:23:56
In a competition with the rest of the state. 00:23:57
Of fire and police and everybody else including sewer. 00:24:00
So we are trying to make sure that everybody is making a minimum. 00:24:05
And that's something we did in the cities $15.00 an hour and some of these salaries just once served for that. 00:24:09
Plus some of the other stuff. Leo Patterson. 00:24:15
Fireworks are just from Gabriel, so Silverado salary just went Hobbs. Straus salary just from Clara Reyes. 00:24:18
Administrative ASHEAR Temporary to permanent mailing Alonzo. 00:24:25
Are available promotion to office manager. 00:24:30
Maria Hamill. 00:24:32
Administration. 00:24:34
Promotion to account payable clerk Jeanette Lukash. Natural position change. 00:24:35
Your idea dispatched completion of the Academy. Andrew Garcia video. 00:24:40
Completion at the Academy and Jeanette Architec completing Academy just for dispatch. Congratulations, there are two groups of 00:24:44
getting these guys done. 00:24:48
And then I got your pen, Is a resignation at the administration? 00:24:52
And that's it. 00:24:57
Huh. 00:25:00
Mr. Salami. 00:25:01
Oh. 00:25:02
Death. 00:25:05
Mr. Mayor, Cloudiness seconded discussion all in favor. 00:25:06
Now we've got a Smokehouse Smoke Local LLC that Mister Barlow. 00:25:11
You are. 00:25:16
Dimensionally, you'd skip the job descriptions. 00:25:17
Ohh OK. 00:25:23
Not my fault. 00:25:24
The job description. 00:25:26
For the. 00:25:27
You know, you could tell me about it since you brought it up. It's a Fire Chief, is that right? All these job descriptions. 00:25:30
They're just kept in far enough, yeah, they're just just to fit into their range with those salary adjustments, it was showing 00:25:39
that director of any known. 00:25:44
What is 7 job descriptions are that's that was the basis for the changes yeah fire department if if. 00:25:50
If you. 00:25:58
Pardon my admission, would like for you to agree the. 00:26:00
The. 00:26:06
Job description changes. 00:26:07
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Stallone, I'll make a motion to approve those second moved and seconded discussion. 00:26:09
On favor, I I apologize for that. 00:26:15
OK. Business. 00:26:18
The. 00:26:20
Patricia Padilla. 00:26:21
Out of town transient member Agua Frescas. 00:26:23
And Smokehouse Smoke Local. 00:26:26
Here we go. 00:26:29
Jake Peters, Is this a new one? 00:26:31
One just closed and another one open. 00:26:34
For which one host? 00:26:36
Goldberg Stop. 00:26:38
Ohh, they closed the shortstop and this guy is the same as it moved into there. 00:26:40
No, he's at the gas station at Spring in California. 00:26:45
They're about to open. Used to be Larrys. Well, when you're saying when you're saying smokehouse, you're not eating BBQ. 00:26:50
No. 00:26:57
And and I mean, I mean wish you were, but I mean, I mean gummies and gummies and. 00:27:00
And the whatever that stuff is called Motown. 00:27:05
Well, you know what's strange? They don't say they say cannabis, but everybody knows it as marijuana. I've never seen a sign of 00:27:09
any of these seven scores that are up there, says marijuana and everybody knew it. 00:27:15
Marijuana. 00:27:21
That's kind of it's OK. It's kind of. 00:27:23
Well this is this is another one so I guess. 00:27:25
I I mean, the council will have to maybe sometime think about how many can come into town, but for now. 00:27:31
Those are the two businesses. 00:27:38
Mr. Better. 00:27:40
Make a motion move the business registration. Mr. Hicks moved and seconded. 00:27:43
Discussion. 00:27:49
All in favor, aye, opposed. 00:27:50
Thank you very much. Have a good one. 00:27:53
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Yeah. 00:27:56
And. 00:27:58
28 1/2 minutes Mr. login. 00:27:59
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